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Vitamin D Content of Australian Native Food Plants and Australian-Grown Edible Seaweed



Vitamin D has previously been quantified in some plants and algae, particularly in leaves of the Solanaceae family. We measured the vitamin D content of Australian native food plants and Australian-grown edible seaweed. Using liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, 13 samples (including leaf, fruit, and seed) were analyzed in duplicate for vitamin D₂, vitamin D₃, 25-hydroxyvitamin D₂, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D₃. Five samples contained vitamin D₂: raw wattleseed (Acacia victoriae) (0.03 µg/100 g dry weight (DW)); fresh and dried lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) leaves (0.03 and 0.24 µg/100 g DW, respectively); and dried leaves and berries of Tasmanian mountain pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) (0.67 and 0.05 µg/100 g DW, respectively). Fresh kombu (Lessonia corrugata) contained vitamin D₃ (0.01 µg/100 g DW). Detected amounts were low; however, it is possible that exposure to ultraviolet radiation may increase the vitamin D content of plants and algae if vitamin D precursors are present.
Vitamin D Content of Australian Native Food Plants
and Australian-Grown Edible Seaweed
Laura J. Hughes 1, Lucinda J. Black 1, Jill L. Sherriff 1ID , Eleanor Dunlop 1ID , Norbert Strobel 2,
Robyn M. Lucas 3,4 ID and Janet F. Bornman 5,*
1School of Public Health, Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102, Australia; (L.J.H.); (L.J.B.); (J.L.S.); (E.D.)
2National Measurement Institute, 1/153 Bertie Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207, Australia;
3National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Research School of Population Health,
The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia;
4Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, University of Western Australia, Perth WA 6009, Australia
5School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150, Australia
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +61-478-473-439
Received: 24 May 2018; Accepted: 3 July 2018; Published: 6 July 2018
Abstract: Vitamin D has previously been quantified in some plants and algae, particularly in leaves
of the Solanaceae family. We measured the vitamin D content of Australian native food plants
and Australian-grown edible seaweed. Using liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole mass
spectrometry, 13 samples (including leaf, fruit, and seed) were analyzed in duplicate for vitamin D
vitamin D
, 25-hydroxyvitamin D
, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
. Five samples contained vitamin D
raw wattleseed (Acacia victoriae) (0.03
g/100 g dry weight (DW)); fresh and dried lemon myrtle
(Backhousia citriodora) leaves (0.03 and 0.24
g/100 g DW, respectively); and dried leaves and berries
of Tasmanian mountain pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) (0.67 and 0.05
g/100 g DW, respectively).
Fresh kombu (Lessonia corrugata) contained vitamin D
g/100 g DW). Detected amounts were
low; however, it is possible that exposure to ultraviolet radiation may increase the vitamin D content
of plants and algae if vitamin D precursors are present.
liquid chromatography with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-QQQ); liquid
chromatography; triple quadrupole; vitamin D; serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D); plants; algae
1. Introduction
Approximately a quarter of Australian adults are deficient in vitamin D (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
D (25(OH)D) < 50 nmol/L) [
]. There is seasonal variation in the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency,
with 14% of the adult population deficient in summer and 36% in winter [
]. Certain population groups,
such as people with dark skin, those wearing covering for religious or cultural reasons, and people
living largely indoors, are at greater risk of deficiency due to inadequate sun exposure, particularly in
winter months [
]. Although the major source of vitamin D for humans is cutaneous synthesis of
vitamin D
following exposure of the skin to solar radiation [
], when sun exposure is inadequate to
maintain vitamin D status, dietary sources make a small but useful contribution [4].
In the Australian food supply, fish, meat, eggs, dairy, and fortified margarine are known sources
of vitamin D
, while mushrooms are mainly a source of vitamin D
and small amounts of vitamins D
and D
]. Vitamin D
has been found in shiitake mushrooms, a few algae, and several species of
Angiosperms (flowering plants) [
] belonging to the plant families of Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae,
Nutrients 2018,10, 876; doi:10.3390/nu10070876
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 2 of 9
and Solanaceae (Table 1). However, although D
is found in several plants, previous results have come
mostly from non-edible leaves rather than the edible portions of the different species, such as fruits
or seeds. The hydroxylated metabolite of vitamin D
, 25(OH)D
, is found in animal products [
and likely has a greater biological activity than vitamin D
itself [
]. There is some evidence that
vitamin D3taken orally is more effective than vitamin D2at increasing levels of 25(OH)D [13,14].
Vitamin D regulates and maintains critical levels of calcium and phosphates in the skeleton of
vertebrates by promoting absorption of these nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract. Rickets, the
softening of bones in children (or osteomalacia in adults) due to vitamin D deficiency, has been
increasing globally [
]. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to a number of other
health conditions besides bone health, including reduced muscle function, autoimmune disease,
cardiovascular disease, and some cancers [1719].
The anti-rachitic properties of plants were originally discovered by animal feeding studies [
although the active compound in these early studies was later identified as vitamin D
produced from
fungal contamination, rather than endogenous to the plants. More recently, high-performance liquid
chromatography–ultraviolet (HPLC–UV) with mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography–tandem
mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) have been used to measure vitamin D metabolites directly in the
plant matrix [2325].
Table 1.
Content of vitamin D
, vitamin D
, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
in plants, microalgae, and
macroalgae derived from previously published literature.
Common Name
(Botanical Name) Plant part Vitamin D2
(µg/100 g)
Vitamin D3
(µg/100 g)
(µg/100 g)
Tomato Leaf Not tested 78 (DW) a2 (DW) a
(Lycopersicon esculentum) Leaf Not tested 110 (FW) b1.5 (FW) b
Leaf Not tested 0.17 (DW) cn/d c
Waxy leaf nightshade Leaf Not tested 0.32 (DW) c0.08 (DW) c
(Solanum glaucophyllum)
Cell culture derived from leaf material
Not tested 220.00 (FW) d100.00 (FW) d
Potato Leaf Not tested 15 (FW) bn/d b
(Solanum tuberosum)
Bell pepper Leaf Not tested n/d cn/d c
(Capsicum annuum)
Day blooming jasmine Leaf Not tested 10 (DW) e10 (DW) e
(Cestrum diurnum)
Zucchini Leaf Not tested 23 (FW) bNot tested
(Cucurbita pepo)
Alfalfa/Lucerne Leaf 4.8 DW) f0.06 (DW) fNot tested
(Medicago sativa)
(Dacrydium cupressinum)Fruit 70 (DW) g11.5 (DW) gNot tested
Phytoplankton Whole algae 1.9–4.3 (DW) h2.2–14.7 (DW) hNot tested
5.3 (DW) i80.4 (DW) iNot tested
72.4 (DW) i271.7 (DW) iNot tested
(Pavlova lutheri) Whole algae 3900 (DW) jNot tested Not tested
(Tetraselmis suecica) Whole algae 1400 (DW) jNot tested Not tested
Marine centric diatom
(Skeletonema costatum)Whole algae 1100 (DW) jNot tested Not tested
(Isochrysis galbana) Whole algae 500 (DW) jNot tested Not tested
(Chaetoceros calcitrans) Whole algae n/d jNot tested Not tested
Japanese Wireweed
(Sargassum muticum)Not specified 90 (DW) jNot tested Not tested
Decimal places are reported as per the original reference. n/d, not detected; DW: dry weight; FW: fresh weight
This paper focuses on some of the Australian native foods in an effort to detect possible new
sources of vitamin D in plants and seaweed. The commercial production of native foods across
Australia is estimated to have a gross value of more than 15 million Australian dollars [
]. In a recent
stocktake of the Australian native plant industry, it was found that production of lemon myrtle and
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 3 of 9
mountain pepper dominated over other native species, with cultivated supplies of most species [
A majority of native food production is used as raw material for value-added products [33].
Given the emerging interest in Australian native food plants for local consumption and export [
we measured vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25-hydroxyvitamin D
), and 25(OH)D
in a selection
of Australian native food plants and Australian-grown edible seaweed. Because the metabolisms
of calcium and vitamin D are closely linked in animals and there is a potential link between
calcium and vitamin D metabolism in plants [
], we selected plants and seaweed with known
high calcium (Ca) content. These included Acacia victoriae (wattleseed; 434 mg Ca/100 g, seeds [
Tasmannia lanceolata (Tasmanian mountain pepper; 495 and 148 mg Ca/100 g, dried leaves and berries,
respectively [
]), Backhousia citriodora (lemon myrtle; 1583 mg Ca/100 g, dried leaves [
]), and the
seaweeds, Lessonia corrugata (kombu; 706 mg Ca/100 g, dried [
]) and Undaria pinnatifida (wakame;
1100–3000 and 150 mg Ca/100 g, dried and fresh, respectively [36,37]).
Relatively little detailed research has been carried out on Australian native foods, although the
existing studies have shown many of the traditional foods to have high nutrient content. For example,
the edible seed of the wattleseed tree (from the family Leguminosae) has a strong nutty or coffee-like
flavor and has been included in sweet dishes or as a coffee substitute [
]. It is also a good source of
calcium, magnesium, and zinc [
]. The lemon myrtle tree, family Myrtaceae, produces leaves with
an intense lemon/lemongrass flavor. These leaves are used fresh or dried as a culinary herb, as a
tea, or for use in cosmetics and food flavoring agents in the form of extracted oil [
]. The lemon
myrtle leaves are high in calcium, vitamin E, and antioxidants [
]. Mountain pepper (from the
family Winteraceae), a shrub native to Tasmania, is a versatile plant with both the berries and leaves
being used as a food source [
]. The fresh and dried berries are used as an alternative to traditional
pepper, and fresh and dried leaves are used as a culinary herb [
]. Both the leaves and berries have
been used as therapeutic agents and as a preservative [
]. The plant is high in vitamin E, folate,
and antioxidants with moderate levels of calcium [
]. Finally, two types of kelp seaweeds were
selected: kombu (family Lessoniaceae), a native of Tasmania [
]; and wakame (family Alariaceae),
an introduced kelp species [
], hand-harvested in the wild, mostly in Tasmania. Both kombu and
wakame are high in calcium [36,37].
With this initial study, we highlight the possibility of using the selected plants and algae as a
natural and additional source of vitamin D for reducing the incidence of vitamin D deficiency in
vulnerable population groups. For the vitamin D analyses of the selected species, we used liquid
chromatography with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-QQQ), which has been validated for
the detection of low levels of vitamin D metabolites in biological samples [
], modified to suit the
complex matrices of plants and algae.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample Acquisition
Samples of Australian native food plants (wattleseed (Acacia victoriae), lemon myrtle (Backhousia
citriodora), and Tasmanian mountain pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata)) and Australian-grown edible
seaweeds (wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) and kombu (Lessonia corrugata)) were sourced from commercial
growers or wild harvesters. The selected plants were identified as commonly consumed and
commercially available in the Australian food supply [33,35].
The samples were shipped directly from the growers and harvesters to the National Measurement
Institute of Australia (NMI), Port Melbourne, Victoria, for preparation and analysis. To maintain their
integrity, fresh samples were shipped in an insulated box containing cooler bricks. The details of
quantity and source of samples, along with any processing by the growers and harvesters, are outlined
in the Supplementary Materials (Table S1).
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 4 of 9
2.2. Sample Preparation
Upon arrival at NMI, dried samples were stored at room temperature, and fresh samples were
stored at <5
C. Dried and freeze-dried samples were homogenized. Fresh samples were prepared as
follows: the leaves were cut to 1 cm squares, and fresh fruit was blended; the weight was recorded; the
samples were frozen overnight at
C and then freeze dried for 48 h to
C and <10 mTorr; the
weight was recorded again; and the freeze-dried factor was determined. Each dried and fresh sample
yielded one analytical sample. The prepared samples were stored between
C and
C until
extraction and analysis.
2.3. Sample Analysis
The instrumentation used was similar to that of Jäpelt et al. [
]. Extraction procedures were
derived from published methodology [
]. An equivalent deuterated internal standard was added
for each vitamin D analogue under investigation: 100
L of a mixed internal standard solution
was added to each sample. This contained 100 ng/mL each of vitamin D
], vitamin D
25(OH)D3[2H3], and 25(OH)D2[2H3] (Iso Sciences/PM Separations).
The samples were homogenized with 1 g ascorbic acid, 10 mL deionized water, 30 mL absolute
ethanol, 2 g potassium hydroxide pellets, and 100
L of 100 ng/mL deuterated internal standard mix
and made to 50 mL with deionized water. The headspace was flushed with nitrogen gas, capped, and
placed in a shaker for saponification overnight. The samples underwent centrifugation and 10 mL
of the ethanol layer was extracted onto diatomaceous earth Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges
(ChemElute Agilent). The organic soluble compounds were washed off with two 30 mL aliquots
of petroleum spirits. The washes were collected into 80 mL glass EPA vials and then evaporated
to dryness under high purity nitrogen gas. The residue was reconstituted into 400
L heptane and
transferred to a LC vial containing a 400
L glass insert. The prepared extracts were stored at
The reagent, PTAD (4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione) reacts non-specifically with dienes under
a reaction mechanism called the Diels–Alder Reaction. While in theory, excess PTAD is added
to derivatize the vitamin D analogues, samples with high diene content may limit the amount
of PTAD available for derivatization. Therefore, where samples were determined to have high
diene content, extract clean-up via normal phase chromatography fraction collection was performed.
The extracts were inspected for cold precipitate: if present, the liquid extract was transferred to a
fresh 400
L glass insert. Of the remaining liquid extract, 200
L were injected onto a normal phase
chromatographic system with a silica column, 1 mL/min 2% isopropyl alcohol in heptane mobile
phase, and a photodiode array detector set to 265 nm. Vitamin D and 25(OH)D fractions were collected.
Fractions of vitamin D and 25(OH)D were combined and evaporated under high purity nitrogen
gas. The dry material was reconstituted in 200
L of dry acetonitrile containing 1 mg/mL of
4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazole-3,5-dione (PTAD) and transferred to a fresh LC vial. Two hours were allowed to
complete derivatization. The sample was evaporated under high purity nitrogen gas. The dry material
was reconstituted in 100
L of methanol and water (70:30), transferred to a fresh 400
L glass insert,
and placed into an LC vial. A limit of quantitation was conservatively set at 0.05
g/100g, which is
half of the ‘spiked’ recovery level of 0.1 µg/100g.
The recoveries were determined for each sample analyzed. The recoveries at the 0.1
g/100 g ‘spiked’
recovery level were as follows: vitamin D
, 86–104%; vitamin D
, 76–105%; 25(OH)D
, 85–114%; and
, 90–114%. The recovery for 25-hydroxyvitamin D
in wattleseed (roasted/milled/ground
seed) could not be determined due to a matrix interference.
The samples were analyzed for vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25(OH)D
, and 25(OH)D
LC-QQQ (Agilent, San Jose, CA, USA). The calibration samples of vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25(OH)D
and 25(OH)D
were prepared. The calibration concentrations (in ng/mL) were 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15,
25, 50, 75, and 100. Each calibration sample also contained 10 ng/mL of deuterated internal standard
for each vitamer (vitamin D analogue) tested. The calibrations and samples were analyzed using
1290 Infinity Series LC System/6460 Triple Quad liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 5 of 9
(LC–MS/MS; Agilent Technologies Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia) fitted with a Jet Stream ESI source in
positive ion mode using a Supelco Ascentis Express C18 10 cm
2.1 mm, 2.7
m LC chromatographic
column (Sigma-Aldrich, Sydney Australia).
For each vitamer analyzed, each sample was tested in duplicate, and duplicate values were
averaged to obtain one mean value for each sample. A third sample, spiked with the same vitamer,
was analyzed for each sample tested to provide quality control data. The mean percentage recovery
and mean relative percentage difference were calculated for each vitamer. At the time of writing,
the expected limit of detection, post validation study, is expected to be 0.05
g/100 g (N. Strobel,
email communication, 10 October 2017).
The mean recovery percentage across all samples for vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25(OH)D
and 25(OH)D
was 96%, 98%, 101%, and 94%, respectively. Across all samples, the mean relative
percentage difference between duplicate samples for vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25(OH)D
, and 25(OH)D
was 71%, 15%, 50%, and 56%, respectively.
3. Results
Of the 13 samples tested, three contained quantifiable vitamin D metabolites. Vitamin D
found in dried lemon myrtle leaves (0.24
g/100 g) and the dried leaves and berries of Tasmanian
mountain pepper (0.67 and 0.05
g/100 g, respectively). In addition, three samples contained detectable
vitamin D metabolites at levels below the limit of quantitation. Approximate levels are provided for
indicative purposes only. Vitamin D
was detected in raw wattle seed (
g/100 g) and fresh
lemon myrtle leaves (
g/100 g). Vitamin D
was detected in fresh kombu (
g/100 g).
There were no detectable vitamin D metabolites in the other samples (Table 2).
Table 2.
New data on the content (dry weight) of vitamin D
, vitamin D
, 25-hydroxyvitamin D
and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3in Australian native food plants and edible seaweed.
Common name
(Botanical name)Food Type Part Tested Vitamin D2
(µg/100 g)
Vitamin D3
25(OH)D D2
(µg/100 g)
25(OH)D D3
(µg/100 g)
Wattleseed Plant Leaf <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
(Acacia victoriae) Raw seed 0.03 * <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Roasted, milled seed <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Tasmanian mountain
pepper Plant Fresh leaf <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
(Tasmannia lanceolata) Dried leaf 0.67 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Fresh berries <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Dried berries 0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Lemon myrtle Plant Fresh leaf 0.03* <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
(Backhousia citriodora) Dried Leaf 0.24 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Wakame Algae Fresh upper leaf and
central stem <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
(Undaria pinnatifida)Dried upper leaf and
central stem <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Kombu Algae Fresh leaf <0.05 0.01* <0.05 <0.05
(Lessonia corrugata) Dried leaf <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
* This result is below the limit of quantitation and is provided for indicative purposes only.
4. Discussion
We detected low levels of vitamin D
in raw wattleseed, dried leaves and fruit of Tasmanian
mountain pepper, and fresh and dried lemon myrtle leaves. Although fungal infection was not
tested for in our study, the vitamin D
content found in the plants may have been due to fungal
contamination [
]. Vitamin D
is considered a marker for fungal contamination in some crops, such as
ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and hops (Humulus lupulus L.) [
]. Vitamin D
and, in some cases,
have previously been detected in the leaves of tomato [
], waxy leaf nightshade [
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 6 of 9
potato [
], day blooming jasmine [
], zucchini [
], and alfafa [
]; however, we did not detect these
metabolites in our samples of native Australian plants and detected only very low levels in seaweed.
Recently, the fruit of the rimu tree (Dacrydium cupressinum), a podocarp native to New Zealand,
was found to contain substantial amounts of both vitamin D
and D
]. Measured by isocratic
reversed-phase HPLC, the average vitamin D
and D
contents of rimu berries were reported as
g/100g and 11.5
g/100g, respectively, although no quality control data were provided. In another
study, the precursors of vitamin D
and D
(ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, respectively) were
detected in plant oils [
]. Other studies have found that the vitamin D
and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
content of leaves and cell cultures of certain plants increases after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation [
For example, exposure to UV radiation increased the vitamin D
content of tomato (Solanum
lycopersicum L.) leaves by almost 60 times to 100 ng/g, compared with 1.7 ng/g in non-UV-exposed
leaves [
]. Future investigations into other potential plant sources of vitamin D and the effect of
exposure to UV radiation appear warranted by the finding that consumption of plant oils, particularly
UV B-irradiated wheat germ oil, increased 25(OH)D plasma concentration in mice [45].
Sargassum, an edible macroalgae [
], was first discovered to have anti-rachitic properties when
the lipid fractions of the algae were fed to rats with induced rickets [
]. Since then, vitamin D
and vitamin D
have been found in microalgae and macroalgae using high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) in much larger quantities than were found in our study [
]. Vitamin D
metabolites were largely undetected in macroalgae in our study, with the exception of vitamin D
kombu (Lessonia corrugata) measured at 0.01
g/100 g. In other studies, Japanese wireweed (Sargassum
muticum) was found to contain 90
g/100 g, while vitamin D
and D
contents in microalgae ranged
from not detected to 3900
g/100 g and 2.2–271.7
g/100 g, respectively [
]. Ergosterol and
7-dehydrocholesterol have also been found in microalgae [
]. As with plants, it has been suggested
that the significant vitamin D content of algae is dependent on exposure to UV radiation [
The role of UV radiation has been implicated by the finding that microalgae harvested in summer
have a higher vitamin D
and D
content than those harvested in autumn and winter [
]. Although
we detected only low levels of vitamin D
in kombu and no vitamin D
or vitamin D
in wakame,
the algae tested in our study were harvested in the winter months and were not sundried or exposed
to UV radiation after harvest.
Plant and algal matrices present challenges for the quantification of vitamin D
, vitamin D
, and 25(OH)D
, due in part to the presence of interfering compounds such as chlorophyll
and lipophilic pigments [
]. Therefore, any method used must be highly sensitive and selective [
When compared to single mass spectrometry (MS), LC-QQQ has higher sensitivity and selectivity
when applied to the detection of pesticides in water and soil samples [
]. To our knowledge, this
method has not been used previously to detect vitamin D metabolites in complex plant and algal
matrices and is a major strength of our study due to the low detection limits of the instrumentation.
The mean recovery from all spiked samples in our study was high, indicating that LC-QQQ is highly
accurate in detecting low levels of vitamin D in plant and algal matrices. All samples were measured
in duplicate, and where possible, we tested the edible portion in addition to the leaf material. However,
we tested only a few species of Australian native food plants and Australian-grown edible seaweed.
Although regional and seasonal variation have been shown to influence the vitamin D content of
plants [
], we analyzed only single samples sourced from single locations and during months of
relatively low UV radiation levels.
In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the high sensitivity of LC-QQQ methodology, which
will be used in future studies in search of natural dietary sources of vitamin D. Our results show that
the selected Australian native plants and algae have very low levels of vitamin D. However, given that
the vitamin D precursors, ergosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol, have previously been found in both
plants and algae, testing the effect of exposure to UV radiation on the vitamin D content of Australian
native food plants and Australian-grown edible seaweed is warranted. Also, a larger sample size across
a greater number of plant species and habitats will increase the likelihood of identifying nutritionally
Nutrients 2018,10, 876 7 of 9
relevant amounts of vitamin D. An important factor in future studies will be taking the seasonal effect
of vitamin D into account in natural ecosystems, because this will relate back to the levels of solar UV
radiation for potentially increasing vitamin D levels.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at,
Table S1: Description of plant and algae samples included in the current study.
Author Contributions:
J.F.B., R.M.L., J.L.S., and L.J.B. conceived of and designed the study; L.J.H. sourced the
samples and wrote the paper; N.S. conducted laboratory analyses; L.J.B., J.L.S., J.F.B., R.M.L., E.D., and N.S.
provided critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors are in agreement, and
this material has not been published elsewhere.
This work was supported by the School of Public Health, Curtin University. RML is supported by a
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia Senior Research Fellowship.
The authors would like to thank the following growers, producers, and wild harvesters for
supplying samples for testing: Australian Rainforest Products, Diemen Pepper Supplies, Kai Ho/Ocean Treasure,
and Mootooroo.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... On most occasions, vitamin biosynthesis of marine algae mainly depends on the light intensity thus seaweeds grown in places where bright light availability is higher contain a higher content of ascorbate (Smith et al., 2007). Seaweeds are ideal sources for a variety of water-soluble vitamins like Sri Lankan Journal of Biology 8 (2) June 2023 vitamin C, vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-12, and fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin E (Hughes et al., 2018). Moreover, algae grown on the surface of marine water contain a high amount of vitamin C compared to the algae grown at the bottom of the sea at about 9 to 18 m depth. ...
... Moreover, algae grown on the surface of marine water contain a high amount of vitamin C compared to the algae grown at the bottom of the sea at about 9 to 18 m depth. Almost all seaweeds contain higher amounts of carotene or provitamin A ranging from 20 to 17 ppm (Hughes et al., 2018). Apart from that, they are enriched with vitamin C where content ranges from 500 to 3000 ppm are found and they are investigated as a good source of vitamin B-12 or cobalamin as well (El-moselhy, 2004). ...
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Marine biotechnology is a broad field with a profound and global sociological footprint. Within that sociological macrocosm, marine algae act as an emerging field of research that is exemplified by the superabundance of natural sources to harvest bioactive compounds. Algae synthesize a comprehensive array of bioactive compounds including polysaccharides, polyphenols, sterols, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, proteins, essential fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins, and carotenoids. Many of these bioactive compounds are composed of significant biological properties such as antioxidant, ultra-violet protective, antiinflammatory, anti-wrinkling, skin-whitening, anti-microbial, anti-thrombotic, and anti-cancer activities. With the discovery of novel bioactive compounds from marine algae, it as a collective performs the role of a conveyer belt of ingredients for industrial applications, namely the pharmaceutical industry, cosmeceutical industry, nutraceutical industry, energy industry, and functional food industry, etc. New generations have now focused their attention towards natural, safe, and highly available bioproducts as it downplays the risks linked to consumption while providing benefits. Considering the rising demand for natural bioproducts globally, marine algae turn into biological factories with vast economic potential. Therefore, this mini-review mainly focuses on the impact of algal research and its potential for industrial applications.
... Vitamin D primarily maintains critical calcium and phosphate levels in vertebrates' skeletal structures by absorbing nutrients from the digestive system. Rickets, a softening disease of the bones in children caused by lack of vitamin D, has been linked to several other health conditions besides bone health, including immune disorders, heart disease, and some types of cancer (Hughes et al. 2018). Pigments and antioxidants have been extracted from microalgae recently by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), which is one of the most necessary replacements for conventional organic solvent-based extraction techniques (Chronopoulou et al. 2019). ...
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Microalgae and seaweed have been consumed as food for several decades to combat starvation and food shortages worldwide. The most famous edible microalgae species are Nostoc , Spirulina , and Aphanizomenon , in addition to seaweeds, which are used in traditional medicine and food, such as Nori, which is one of the most popular foods containing Pyropia alga as a major ingredient. Recently, many applications use algae-derived polysaccharides such as agar, alginate, carrageenan, cellulose, fucoidan, mannan, laminarin, ulvan, and xylan as gelling agents in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics industries. Moreover, pigments (carotenoids particularly astaxanthins, chlorophylls, and phycobilins), minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, peptides, proteins, polyphenols, and diterpenes compounds are accumulated under specific cultivation and stress conditions in the algal cells to be harvested and their biomass used as a feedstock for the relevant industries and applications. No less critical is the use of algae in bioremediation, thus contributing significantly to environmental sustainability. This review will explore and discuss the various applications of microalgae and seaweeds, emphasising their role in bioremediation, recent products with algal added-value compounds that are now on the market, and novel under-developing applications such as bioplastics and nanoparticle production. Nonetheless, special attention is also drawn towards the limitations of these applications and the technologies applied, and how they may be overcome.
Pulmonary infections have a profound influence on global mortality rates. Medicinal plants offer a promising approach to address this challenge, providing nontoxic alternatives with higher levels of public acceptance and compliance, particularly in regions where access to conventional medications or diagnostic resources may be limited. Understanding the pathophysiology of viruses and bacteria enables researchers to identify biomarkers essential for triggering diseases. This knowledge allows the discovery of biological molecules capable of either preventing or alleviating symptoms associated with these infections. In this review, medicinal plants that have an effect on COVID‐19, influenza A, bacterial and viral pneumonia, and tuberculosis are discussed. Drug delivery has been briefly discussed as well. It examines the effect of bioactive constituents of these plants and synthesizes findings from in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies conducted over the past decade. In conclusion, many medicinal plants can be used to treat pulmonary infections, but further in‐depth studies are needed as most of the current studies are only at preliminary stages. Extensive investigation and clinical studies are warranted to fully elucidate their mechanisms of action and optimize their use in clinical practice.
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Vitamin D deficiency has become a global problem contributed by the limited sun exposure for a large portion of the world population. Hence dietary intake of vitamin D becomes very essential for every age group. However, dietary recommendations for vitamin D are dif icult to meet because of the limited dietary sources of natural vitamin D. Further advanced research has proven that vitamin-D3 is more necessary in human physiological functions and vitamin-D2 has to convert to D3 for it to be utilized by the body. This revelation has made it more dif icult for the vegetarian, vegan, and population with compromised health conditions, who are denied to consume meat to a level that can ful ill their daily need for vitamin-D. Hence exploring other alternative sources for catering to the need of vitamin-D in the ever-growing population and food trends (veganism) has gained popularity in recent days. Though microbial production or extract preparations (from animal sources) are performing promisingly in this era, as the world is heading towards a sustainable ecosystem, these methods will not it with the principles of a sustainable future. Traditionally, animal products have been considered as the only source of vitamin D3, but today we know that vitamin D3 and its metabolites are present in certain plants also. However our knowledge about these plants is still limited in terms of their numbers, effectiveness, and production mechanisms. Hence this review is an attempt to imply that plants can be an alternative source of vitamin-D production, through the results of the studies conducted on the quanti ication of vitamin-D (D2 &D3) and its metabolites in plants.
With the growing demand for nutraceuticals, there is renewed interest in tapping different resources, preferably from non-animal sources. This review discusses two major nutraceuticals, vitamin D and essential fatty acids that have documented health-promoting and disease-preventing benefits. The focus here is on the plant sources of two lipid-based nutraceuticals – vitamin D and stearidonic acid. To this end, the biochemical mechanisms have been discussed for the biosynthesis of these nutrients in plants, and compared with their other sources for potential targeting, using biotechnological and metabolic engineering approaches towards large scale production of these nutraceuticals. Minimizing the dependence on animal sources of nutraceuticals and reducing the extensive organic solvent based extraction procedures, are proposed towards environmentally friendly food production and sustainable scale up.
In recent studies, marine macroalgae (seaweeds) have been highlighted as excellent sources of acquiring many bioactive polymers and metabolites with vast chemical and biological values, which has attracted increasing research interests in seaweeds. Among a diversity of seaweed-derived bioactive constituents, polysaccharides have been affirmed to possess an extensive array of bioactivities, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, immune-enhancing and anti-inflammatory activities. Due to the exhibition of these bioactivities, seaweed polysaccharides have been promised great application potential in food, feed, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. As discovered, these bioactivities were mainly contributed by the complex polymeric structural features and chemical compositions of seaweed-derived polysaccharides and were highly associated with the extraction methods. This study has comprehensively reviewed the current and prospective applications of seaweeds and their polysaccharides from nutritional and bioactive perspectives, with further shedding light on the insight into the structure-bioactivity relationship of seaweed-derived polysaccharides.
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The Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) is one of three Panels of experts that inform the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. The EEAP focuses on the effects of UV radiation on human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, air quality, and materials, as well as on the interactive effects of UV radiation and global climate change. When considering the effects of climate change, it has become clear that processes resulting in changes in stratospheric ozone are more complex than previously held. Because of the Montreal Protocol, there are now indications of the beginnings of a recovery of stratospheric ozone, although the time required to reach levels like those before the 1960s is still uncertain, particularly as the effects of stratospheric ozone on climate change and vice versa, are not yet fully understood. Some regions will likely receive enhanced levels of UV radiation, while other areas will likely experience a reduction in UV radiation as ozone- and climate-driven changes affect the amounts of UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Like the other Panels, the EEAP produces detailed Quadrennial Reports every four years; the most recent was published as a series of seven papers in 2015 (Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2015, 14, 1–184). In the years in between, the EEAP produces less detailed and shorter Update Reports of recent and relevant scientific findings. The most recent of these was for 2016 (Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2017, 16, 107–145). The present 2017 Update Report assesses some of the highlights and new insights about the interactive nature of the direct and indirect effects of UV radiation, atmospheric processes, and climate change. A full 2018 Quadrennial Assessment, will be made available in 2018/2019.
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Dietary vitamin D may compensate for inadequate sun exposure; however, there have been few investigations into the vitamin D content of Australian foods. We measured vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) in four species of white fish (barramundi, basa, hoki and king dory), and chicken eggs (cage and free-range), purchased from five Australian cities. Samples included local, imported and wild-caught fish, and eggs of varying size from producers with a range of hen stocking densities. Raw and cooked samples were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array. Limits of reporting were 0.2 and 0.1 μg/100 g for vitamin D3 and 25(OH)D3, respectively. The vitamin D3 content of cooked white fish ranged from <0.1 to 2.3 μg/100 g, and the 25(OH)D3 content ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 μg/100 g. The vitamin D3 content of cooked cage eggs ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 μg/100 g, and the 25(OH)D3 content ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 μg/100 g. The vitamin D3 content of cooked free-range eggs ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 μg/100 g, and the 25(OH)D3 content ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 μg/100 g. If, as has been suggested, 25(OH)D3 has five times greater bioactivity than vitamin D3, one cooked serve (100 g) of white fish, and one cooked serve of cage or free-range eggs (120 g) may provide 50% or 100%, respectively, of the current guidelines for the adequate intake of vitamin D (5 µg) for Australians aged 1–50 years.
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Purpose of review: Nutritional rickets and osteomalacia are common in dark-skinned and migrant populations. Their global incidence is rising due to changing population demographics, failing prevention policies and missing implementation strategies. The calcium deprivation spectrum has hypocalcaemic (seizures, tetany and dilated cardiomyopathy) and late hypophosphataemic (rickets, osteomalacia and muscle weakness) complications. This article reviews sustainable prevention strategies and identifies areas for future research. Recent findings: The global rickets consensus recognises the equal contribution of vitamin D and dietary calcium in the causation of calcium deprivation and provides a three stage categorisation for sufficiency, insufficiency and deficiency. For rickets prevention, 400 IU daily is recommended for all infants from birth and 600 IU in pregnancy, alongside monitoring in antenatal and child health surveillance programmes. High-risk populations require lifelong supplementation and food fortification with vitamin D or calcium. Future research should identify the true prevalence of rickets and osteomalacia, their role in bone fragility and infant mortality, and best screening and public health prevention tools.
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Vitamin D deficiency is a global concern. Much research has concentrated on the endogenous synthesis of vitamin D in human skin following exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–315 nm). In many regions of the world there is insufficient UV-B radiation during winter months for adequate vitamin D production, and even when there is sufficient UV-B radiation, lifestyles and concerns about the risks of sun exposure may lead to insufficient exposure and to vitamin D deficiency. In these situations, dietary intake of vitamin D from foods or supplements is important for maintaining optimal vitamin D status. Some foods, such as fatty fish and fish liver oils, certain meats, eggs, mushrooms, dairy, and fortified foods, can provide significant amounts of vitamin D when considered cumulatively across the diet. However, little research has focussed on assessing edible plant foods for potential vitamin D content. The biosynthesis of vitamin D in animals, fungi and yeasts is well established; it is less well known that vitamin D is also biosynthesised in plants. Research dates back to the early 1900s, beginning with in vivo experiments showing the anti-rachitic activity of plants consumed by animals with induced rickets, and in vitro experiments using analytical methods with limited sensitivity. The most sensitive, specific and reliable method for measuring vitamin D and its metabolites is by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). These assays have only recently been customised to allow measurement in foods, including plant materials. This commentary focuses on the current knowledge and research gaps around vitamin D in plants, and the potential of edible plants as an additional source of vitamin D for humans.
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To combat vitamin D insufficiency in a population, reliable diet sources of vitamin D are required. The recommendations to consume more oily fish and the use of UVB-treated yeast are already applied strategies to address vitamin D insufficiency. This study aimed to elucidate the suitability of plant oils as an alternative vitamin D source. Therefore, plant oils that are commonly used in human nutrition were first analyzed for their content of vitamin D precursors and metabolites. Second, selected oils were exposed to a short-term UVB irradiation to stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D. Finally, to elucidate the efficacy of plant-derived vitamin D to improve the vitamin D status, we fed UVB-exposed wheat germ oil (WGO) for 4 weeks to mice and compared them with mice that received non-exposed or vitamin D3 supplemented WGO. Sterol analysis revealed that the selected plant oils contained high amounts of not only ergosterol but also 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), with the highest concentrations found in WGO. Exposure to UVB irradiation resulted in a partial conversion of ergosterol and 7-DHC to vitamin D2 and D3 in these oils. Mice fed the UVB-exposed WGO were able to improve their vitamin D status as shown by the rise in the plasma concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and the liver content of vitamin D compared with mice fed the non-exposed oil. However, the plasma concentration of 25(OH)D of mice fed the UVB-treated oil did not reach the values observed in the group fed the D3 supplemented oil. It was striking that the intake of the UVB-exposed oil resulted in distinct accumulation of vitamin D2 in the livers of these mice. In conclusion, plant oils, in particular WGO, contain considerable amounts of vitamin D precursors which can be converted to vitamin D via UVB exposure. However, the UVB-exposed WGO was less effective to improve the 25(OH)D plasma concentration than a supplementation with vitamin D3.
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Commercial mushroom production can expose mushrooms post-harvest to UV light for purposes of vitamin D2 enrichment by converting the naturally occurring provitamin D2 (ergosterol). The objectives of the present study were to artificially simulate solar UV-B doses occurring naturally in Central Europe and to investigate vitamin D2 and vitamin D4 production in sliced Agaricus bisporus (button mushrooms) and to analyse and compare the agaritine content of naturally and artificially UV-irradiated mushrooms. Agaritine was measured for safety aspects even though there is no rationale for a link between UV light exposure and agaritine content. The artificial UV-B dose of 0.53 J/cm(2) raised the vitamin D2 content to significantly (P < 0.001) higher levels of 67.1 ± 9.9 μg/g dry weight (DW) than sun exposure (3.9 ± 0.8 μg/g dry DW). We observed a positive correlation between vitamin D4 and vitamin D2 production (r(2) = 0.96, P < 0.001) after artificial UV irradiation, with vitamin D4 levels ranging from 0 to 20.9 μg/g DW. The agaritine content varied widely but remained within normal ranges in all samples. Irrespective of the irradiation source, agaritine dropped dramatically in conjunction with all UV-B doses both artificial and natural solar, probably due to its known instability. The biological action of vitamin D from UV-exposed mushrooms reflects the activity of these two major vitamin D analogues (D2, D4). Vitamin D4 should be analysed and agaritine disregarded in future studies of UV-exposed mushrooms.
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Vitamin D is well known to exert multiple functions in bone biology, autoimmune diseases, cell growth, inflammation or neuromuscular and other immune functions. It is a fat-soluble vitamin present in many foods. It can be endogenously produced by ultraviolet rays from sunlight when the skin is exposed to initiate vitamin D synthesis. However, since vitamin D is biologically inert when obtained from sun exposure or diet, it must first be activated in human beings before functioning. The kidney and the liver play here a crucial role by hydroxylation of vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the liver and to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in the kidney. In the past decades, it has been proven that vitamin D deficiency is involved in many diseases. Due to vitamin D's central role in the musculoskeletal system and consequently the strong negative impact on bone health in cases of vitamin D deficiency, our aim was to underline its importance in bone physiology by summarizing recent findings on the correlation of vitamin D status and rickets, osteomalacia, osteopenia, primary and secondary osteoporosis as well as sarcopenia and musculoskeletal pain. While these diseases all positively correlate with a vitamin D deficiency, there is a great controversy regarding the appropriate vitamin D supplementation as both positive and negative effects on bone mineral density, musculoskeletal pain and incidence of falls are reported.
Cestrum diurnum (day-blooming jessamine) has been proposed to cause calcinosis in horses and cattle in Florida. The present studies investigated some physiological properties of the plant, using the chick as the experimental animal. The inclusion of dried leaf powder in a rechitogenic diet restored intestinal calcium-binding protein synthesis (CaBP) and increased calcium absorption in the cholecalciferol-deficient chick. The estimated level of cholecalciferol-equivalents in the dried leaf was about 30,000 to 35,000 IU/kg. Most of the activity was extractable with methanol:chloroform (2:1), indicating that the major cholecalciferol-like component in C. diurnum was different from the water soluble factor(s) in Solanum malacoxylon. The time course of effect of C. diurnum extract in rachitic chicks was similar to that of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol but the former had a longer lag time. The strontium fed chick, in which the kidney 25-hydroxycholecalciferol-1α-hydroxylase is inhibited, responded to C. diurnum extract, confirming the 1α, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol-like character of the Cestrum factor. The extract also appeared to interact with the intestinal 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol cytosol receptor although this observation is preliminary. These findings indicate that the 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol-like principle in C. diurnum may cause excessive calcium and phosphate absorption leading to calcinosis.
There is a need for food-based solutions for preventing vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D 3 (D 3 ) is mainly used in fortified food products, although the production of vitamin D 2 (D 2 ) is more cost-effective, and thus may hold opportunities. We investigated the bioavailability of D 2 from UV-irradiated yeast present in bread in an 8-week randomised-controlled trial in healthy 20–37-year-old women ( n 33) in Helsinki (60°N) during winter (February–April) 2014. Four study groups were given different study products (placebo pill and regular bread=0 µg D 2 or D 3 /d; D 2 supplement and regular bread=25 µg D 2 /d; D 3 supplement and regular bread=25 µg D 3 /d; and placebo pill and D 2 -biofortified bread=25 µg D 2 /d). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 2 (S-25(OH)D 2 ) and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 (S-25(OH)D 3 ) concentrations were measured at baseline, midpoint and end point. The mean baseline total serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25(OH)D=S-25(OH)D 2 +S-25(OH)D 3 ) concentration was 65·1 nmol/l. In repeated-measures ANCOVA (adjusted for baseline S-25(OH)D as total/D 2 /D 3 ), D 2 -bread did not affect total S-25(OH)D ( P =0·707) or S-25(OH)D 3 ( P =0·490), but increased S-25(OH)D 2 compared with placebo ( P <0·001). However, the D 2 supplement was more effective than bread in increasing S-25(OH)D 2 ( P <0·001). Both D 2 and D 3 supplementation increased total S-25(OH)D compared with placebo ( P =0·030 and P =0·001, respectively), but D 2 supplementation resulted in lower S-25(OH)D 3 ( P <0·001). Thus, D 2 from UV-irradiated yeast in bread was not bioavailable in humans. Our results support the evidence that D 2 is less potent in increasing total S-25(OH)D concentrations than D 3 , also indicating a decrease in the percentage contribution of S-25(OH)D 3 to the total vitamin D pool.