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Cash incentives versus defaults for HIV testing: A randomized clinical trial


Abstract and Figures

Background Tools from behavioral economics have been shown to improve health-related behaviors, but the relative efficacy and additive effects of different types of interventions are not well established. We tested the influence of small cash incentives, defaults, and both in combination on increasing patient HIV test acceptance. Methods and findings We conducted a randomized clinical trial among patients aged 13–64 receiving care in an urban emergency department. Patients were cross-randomized to 0, 1, 5,and5, and 10 incentives, and to opt-in, active-choice, and opt-out test defaults. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who accepted an HIV test. 4,831 of 8,715 patients accepted an HIV test (55.4%). Those offered no monetary incentive accepted 51.6% of test offers. The 1treatmentdidnotincreasetestacceptance(increase11 treatment did not increase test acceptance (increase 1%; 95% confidence interval [CI] -2.0 to 3.9); the 5 and $10 treatments increased test acceptance rates by 10.5 and 15 percentage points, respectively (95% CI 7.5 to 13.4 and 11.8 to 18.1). Compared to opt-in testing, active-choice testing increased test acceptance by 11.5% (95% CI 9.0 to 14.0), and opt-out testing increased acceptance by 23.9 percentage points (95% CI 21.4 to 26.4). Conclusions Small incentives and defaults can both increase patient HIV test acceptance, though when used in combination their effects were less than additive. These tools from behavioral economics should be considered by clinicians and policymakers. How patient groups respond to monetary incentives and/or defaults deserves further investigation for this and other health behaviors.
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Cash incentives versus defaults for HIV
testing: A randomized clinical trial
Juan Carlos C. Montoy
*, William H. Dow
, Beth C. Kaplan
1Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States of America, 2Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health University of
California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States of America
Tools from behavioral economics have been shown to improve health-related behaviors,
but the relative efficacy and additive effects of different types of interventions are not well
established. We tested the influence of small cash incentives, defaults, and both in combina-
tion on increasing patient HIV test acceptance.
Methods and findings
We conducted a randomized clinical trial among patients aged 13–64 receiving care in an
urban emergency department. Patients were cross-randomized to $0, $1, $5, and $10
incentives, and to opt-in, active-choice, and opt-out test defaults. The primary outcome was
the proportion of patients who accepted an HIV test. 4,831 of 8,715 patients accepted an
HIV test (55.4%). Those offered no monetary incentive accepted 51.6% of test offers. The
$1 treatment did not increase test acceptance (increase 1%; 95% confidence interval [CI]
-2.0 to 3.9); the $5 and $10 treatments increased test acceptance rates by 10.5 and 15 per-
centage points, respectively (95% CI 7.5 to 13.4 and 11.8 to 18.1). Compared to opt-in test-
ing, active-choice testing increased test acceptance by 11.5% (95% CI 9.0 to 14.0), and opt-
out testing increased acceptance by 23.9 percentage points (95% CI 21.4 to 26.4).
Small incentives and defaults can both increase patient HIV test acceptance, though when
used in combination their effects were less than additive. These tools from behavioral eco-
nomics should be considered by clinicians and policymakers. How patient groups respond
to monetary incentives and/or defaults deserves further investigation for this and other
health behaviors.
PLOS ONE | July 6, 2018 1 / 10
Citation: Montoy JCC, Dow WH, Kaplan BC (2018)
Cash incentives versus defaults for HIV testing: A
randomized clinical trial. PLoS ONE 13(7):
Editor: Marcel Yotebieng, The Ohio State
Received: December 27, 2017
Accepted: June 14, 2018
Published: July 6, 2018
Copyright: ©2018 Montoy et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All anonymized data
underlying the study are within the paper and its
Supporting Information files.
Funding: The project described was supported by
Award Number RC4AG039078 from the National
Institute On Aging to WHD. The funder had no role
in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript. The content is solely the responsibility
of the authors and does not necessarily represent
the official views of the National Institute On Aging
or the National Institutes of Health.
Clinical Trials NCT01377857.
Behavioral economics approaches such as defaults and incentives for changing patient behav-
ior have been implemented across a wide range of clinical settings. Monetary incentives have
been employed as a means to modify health-related behaviors in substance abuse treatment
[1], smoking cessation [2], weight loss [3], risky sexual behavior [4,5], and some one-time or
infrequent behaviors such as immunization [6] and HIV screening [7]. Defaults have likewise
been shown to be effective at influencing behaviors; for example, the prescribing of generics
over brand-name medications [8,9], end-of-life decisions in advance directives [10], and par-
ticipation in diabetes care [11]. Because both incentives and defaults have proven effective, fur-
ther research is needed to develop our understanding regarding which types of interventions
are more effective at changing specific types of behaviors–a question best answered through
at-scale head-to-head experimentation [12].
This paper analyzes a head-head randomized trial of approaches to increase HIV testing
among emergency department patients. Identifying HIV infections remains a top priority in
addressing the ongoing HIV epidemic [1315], but despite widespread agreement that univer-
sal opt-out screening should be adopted [1619], failure to screen is the norm across all hospi-
tal types [20,21]. A previous publication using a subset of data from this trial (arms with no
monetary incentives) found that changing defaults for HIV testing yielded clinically significant
differences in HIV testing [22]. Here we estimate the extent to which various cash incentives
increase HIV test acceptance, compare this effect head-to-head with the effect of defaults, and
analyze whether incentives and defaults can be used together to optimize test acceptance.
We conducted a randomized clinical trial in the emergency department of an urban teaching hos-
pital and regional trauma center. Between June 18, 2011, and June 30, 2013, non-clinical staff
approached patients in the emergency department: once to offer a rapid HIV test and once for a
questionnaire. Patients were identified and approached by study staff during times not interfering
with their clinical care. Accepted tests were completed as part of their care in the department. The
ten-minute self-administered questionnaires were described generically as improving emergency
department care. After both the test and questionnaire responses were recorded, patients were fully
debriefed and written consent was obtained. Per state and federal law, and with the approval of the
institutional review board (IRB), minors were able to consent to the study. The study received IRB
approval from the University of California, San Francisco, was conducted and reported in accor-
dance with CONSORT guidelines, and was registered as study NCT01377857.
The protocol has been described previously and presented in greater detail in S1 Text [22].
Monetary incentives were assigned at the zone-day level: all patients in each of the four ED
zones on a given day received the same treatment assignment. Incentives were assigned to
each zone using a random-number generator, independent from the other zone assignments.
A random number generator was used to create default wording (opt-in, active-choice, and
opt-out) treatment assignments, randomized at the patient level, each with equal probability.
Patients were also randomly assigned to be offered the questionnaire either before or after the
HIV test offer. No incentive was offered for questionnaire completion. The incentive, default,
and questionnaire timing treatment assignments were cross-randomized in a factorial design.
Study staff began each shift in one of four emergency department zones and approached all
eligible patients in that zone prior to moving to the next zone. The starting zone was determined
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Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
at the day level using a random-number generator, in which each zone had a 25% chance of
being the starting zone any given day. Staff were not blinded to treatment assignments.
Study inclusion criteria were: age 13–64, able to consent to HIV testing and study inclusion,
and English- or Spanish-speaking. Patients were excluded if known HIV-positive, had tested
for HIV in past three months, pregnant, in police custody, or had participated in this study in
the previous three months.
Using a standardized script, study staff informed patients that the emergency department was
offering rapid screening HIV tests. Patients were told that the testing was non-targeted and
routine, and used a rapid assay with results available during their ED visit, approximately 1–2
hours. The test offer followed: opt-in “You can let me, your nurse, or your doctor know if
you’d like a test today,” active-choice “Would you like a test today?” or opt-out “You will be
tested unless you decline.” Finally, if the patient was assigned to a positive monetary incentive,
they were informed, “To encourage testing today we are offering a $1 cash incentive” (substi-
tuting $5 or $10 as relevant). No mention of monetary incentives was made to patients who
were assigned to the $0 treatment.
Study staff notified clinicians of patients accepting HIV tests. No pre-test counseling was
performed. Patients were informed of negative test results by their nurse or clinician. Positive
test results were disclosed by the patient’s clinician in accordance with the protocol established
by the hospital’s HIV Rapid Testing and Referral Program.
The primary outcome was test acceptance percentage. Treatment effects were estimated with
univariate and multivariable ordinary least squares regression. Tables report raw linear regres-
sion coefficients, which are directly interpretable as the difference in the proportion of subjects
who accept an HIV test; interaction effects are similarly straightforward to interpret [23].
We also examined effects across HIV risk subgroups, per approximated Denver HIV Risk
Score (S1 Table) [24,25]. Scores depend on demographics (age, gender, race/ethnicity), risk
behaviors (sex with a male, vaginal intercourse, receptive anal intercourse, IV drug use), and
past HIV testing. We classified patients as low risk (score under 20), intermediate risk (scores
20–39), and high risk (scores 40 or higher). For patients who did not complete the questionnaire,
the risk score was estimated using available data only. While analysis by risk level was a planned
analysis, the Denver HIV Risk Score was published and validated during our data collection, so
these risk definitions were not pre-specified. Because patient responses within the same zone
and on the same day could be correlated, we clustered standard errors by day and emergency
department zone (zone-day level). Sensitivity analyses, including different model specifications
using ordinary least squares and multivariable logistic regression, are presented in the Support-
ing Information. Randomization and all analyses were performed using STATA 13.1.
Planned sample size was sufficient to detect a 5 percentage point difference in test accep-
tance between treatment arms with 80% power at a 5% significance level between the no incen-
tive treatment assignment and one of the positively-valued incentive assignments within one
of the default assignments. This 5 percentage point effect size was the minimum difference we
deemed to be clinically important. We assumed a baseline test acceptance percentage of 50%.
This predicted a sample size of 2,349 for the no incentive group and 1,175 for each of the
incentive groups (no incentive was designed to have a greater quantity than each of the
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positively-valued incentive arms). These sample sizes yield a total of 5,874 patients within each
default group, for a total of 17,622 patients in the study. Our actual enrolled sample size was
smaller than originally planned due to enrollment difficulties.
Participation and randomization
Research assistants approached 10,463 patients to offer HIV tests and questionnaires. 8,715
(82.3%) of patients consented to inclusion in the study. Randomization yielded no significant
differences in demographic groups across monetary incentive treatment assignments
(Table 1); demographics according to default assignment are presented in S2 Table. The distri-
butions of demographics and chief complaints did not vary by assignment to monetary incen-
tive. Fig 1 shows the flow of patients through treatment assignments, with consent rates for
each incentive-default combination.
Treatment effects
HIV tests were accepted by 4,831 patients (55.4%). Those offered no monetary incentive accepted
51.6% of test offers; those offered $1, $5, and $10 accepted 52.6%, 62.1%, and 66.6% of tests,
respectively. These unadjusted differences showin in Table 2, Column 1 and Fig 2 reflect an abso-
lute difference between the $1 treatment and no incentive treatment of 1% (95% confidence
interval -2.0 to 3.9); the $5 and $10 treatments increased test acceptance rates by 10.5 and 15 per-
centage points, respectively (95% CI 7.5 to 13.4 and 11.8 to 18.1). Patients in the opt-in scheme
accepted 43.8% of test offers, unadjusted for incentives. Patients in the active-choice scheme
were 11.5 percentage points more likely to accept test offers (95% CI 9.0 to 14.0); those in the
opt-out scheme were 23.9 percentage points more likely to accept testing (95% CI 21.4 to 26.4).
Incentives and defaults are considered jointly under a model without interaction terms and
a model with them (Table 2, Columns 3 and 4, respectively). The estimates of the effects of
monetary incentives and of defaults are similar in the multivariable model without interactions
(Table 2, Column 3) to the estimates from each of the univariate models. When the effects of
incentives are measured separately for each default (Table 2, Column 4), each of the cash
incentives have the largest effect within the opt-in group. The $1 incentive was associated with
a 6.2 percentage point increase in test acceptance (95% CI 1.4 to 11.0); it did not increase test
acceptance among the active-choice or the opt-in group. The effects of the $5 and $10 incen-
tives were attenuated in the opt-out group.
Risk of infection
The sample of patients enrolled in the study was comprised of 40.3% low-risk, 50.4% interme-
diate-risk, and 9.3% high-risk patients. Univariate analysis shows that intermediate-risk
patients were 7.1, and high risk were 9.1 percentage points more likely to test than low-risk
patients (95% CI 5.0 to 9.3 and 5.3 to 12.8, respectively).
When the effect of incentives is calculated separately for each group, the estimates show a
similar pattern to the results from the univariate model: the $1 incentive has no effect on testing,
and the $5 and $10 each increase test acceptance. None of the interaction terms is significantly
different from 0, suggesting that the monetary incentives affected behavior equally across risk
groups. Sensitivity analyses are presented in the supplementary material: risk-specific interac-
tion terms (S3 Table), estimation with a logistic regression (S4 Table), and a back-of-the-enve-
lope calculations to account for differential study participation rates (S5 and S6 Tables).
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Fig 3 presents results from a model that estimates the effects of incentives on test uptake sep-
arately for each default within patients from each risk category: coefficients were estimated for
incentives, defaults, and risk level, and each two-way and three-way interaction between them.
This study tested two types of behavioral economics interventions–monetary incentives and
defaults–and found evidence that each can be effective in increasing HIV test uptake. This is to
Table 1. Demographics.
All subjects
No incentive
Male 5192 (59.6) 2887 (60.1) 811 (59.5) 798 (58.4) 696 (58.6)
Age 40 (30–52) 32 (40–53) 41 (30–53) 41 (29–51) 42 (29–52)
American Indian / Alaska Native 105 (1.2) 59 (1.2) 14 (1.0) 15 (1.1) 17 (1.4)
Asian 817 (9.4) 451 (9.4) 132 (9.7) 130 (9.5) 104 (8.8)
Black 2256 (25.9) 1249 (26.0) 346 (25.4) 341 (25.0) 320 (27.0)
Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 259 (3.0) 140 (2.9) 33 (2.4) 41 (3.0) 45 (3.8)
White 4894 (56.2) 2676 (55.7) 785 (57.6) 777 (56.9) 656 (55.3)
Unreported 585 (6.7) 330 (6.9) 84 (6.2) 90 (6.6) 81 (6.8)
2152 (24.7) 1163 (24.2) 338 (24.9) 355 (26.0) 295 (24.9)
Spanish 1048 (12.0) 572 (11.9) 176 (12.9) 170 (12.4) 130 (11.0)
High school completion 5256 (60.3) 2844 (59.3) 846 (62.1) 827 (60.5) 739 (62.3)
LGBT 1028 (11.8) 589 (12.3) 164 (12.0) 149 (10.9) 126 (10.6)
Chief complaint Abdominal 1775 (20.4) 979 (20.4) 296 (21.7) 265 (19.4) 235 (19.8)
Cardiovascular 1020 (11.7) 544 (11.3) 176 (12.9) 167 (12.2) 133 (11.2)
Endocrine 107 (1.2) 61 (1.3) 16 (1.2) 12 (0.9) 18 (1.5)
General / other 572 (6.6) 288 (6.0) 88 (6.5) 106 (7.8) 87 (7.3)
GU / renal 509 (5.8) 302 (6.3) 69 (5.1) 71 (5.2) 67 (5.6)
Musculoskeletal 1388 (15.9) 763 (15.9) 210 (15.4) 212 (15.5) 203 (17.1)
Stroke 30 (0.3) 18 (0.4) 2 (0.1) 5 (0.4) 5 (0.4)
Neurologic non-stroke 523 (6.0) 296 (6.2) 64 (4.7) 82 (6.0) 81 (6.8)
Oral / dental 129 (1.5) 69 (1.4) 21 (1.5) 17 (1.2) 22 (1.9)
Psychiatric 87 (1.0) 52 (1.1) 13 (1.0) 12 (0.9) 10 (0.8)
Respiratory 660 (7.6) 372 (7.8) 111 (8.1) 94 (6.9) 83 (7.0)
Skin 651 (7.5) 386 (8.0) 76 (5.6) 106 (7.8) 83 (7.0)
Substance use 196 (2.2) 92 (1.9) 46 (3.4) 33 (2.4) 25 (2.1)
Trauma 799 (9.2) 422 (8.8) 132 (9.7) 140 (10.2) 105 (8.8)
Did not complete questionnaire 1689 (19.4) 940 (19.6) 268 (19.7) 238 (17.4) 243 (20.5)
Risk Category
3510 (40.3) 1943 (40.5) 537 (39.4) 554 (40.6) 576 (48.5)
Intermediate 4394 (50.4) 2388 (49.8) 695 (51.0) 697 (51.0) 614 (51.7)
High 811 (9.3) 469 (9.8) 130 (9.5) 115 (8.4) 97 (8.2)
Previously tested for HIV 7049 (80.9) 3880 (80.8) 1105 (81.1) 1114 (81.6) 950 (80.0)
Observations 8,715 4,800 1,362 1,366 1,187
Each cell contains number (percentage); age is median and (25–75% interquartile range)
LGBT = self-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender
Race adds to greater than 100% because each respondent could report multiple races.
Latino is categorized as an ethnicity, separate from race.
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our knowledge the first study to directly compare two types of behavioral economics interven-
tions in any health behavior context. Recent research has evaluated how to target a single type
of intervention, but has not yet compared different types of interventions [26]. In large part
this literature has explored repeated behaviors or behavior over time, such as medication
adherence and weight loss [27,28].
Fig 1. Flow diagram. Of 10,463 patients approached for inclusion in study, 8,715 consented. Because patientswere retrospectively consented, no
patients were excluded after being consented for inclusion.
Table 2. OLS raw differences.
Incentives and defaults
Incentives, defaults, and interactions
$1 0.01 (0.016) 0.012 (0.016) 0.062 (0.025)
$5 0.105 (0.017) 0.106 (0.016) 0.142 (0.029)
$10 0.150 (0.016) 0.147 (0.016) 0.182 (0.027)
Active-choice 0.115 (0.013) 0.117 (0.013) 0.133 (0.018)
Opt-out 0.239 (0.013) 0.239 (0.013) 0.279 (0.017)
Incentives x Defaults
$1 x Active-choice -0.071 (0.035)
$1 x Opt-out -0.083 (0.036)
$5 x Active-choice -0.023 (0.037)
$5 x Opt-out -0.086 (0.040)
$10 x Active-choice -0.006 (0.038)
$10 x Opt-out -0.095 (0.036)
Constant 0.516 (0.008) 0.437 (0.010) 0.399 (0.011) 0.380 (0.013)
Observations 8,715 8,715 8,715 8,715
Dependent variable = acceptance of HIV test. Each column shows percentage point difference in HIV test acceptance estimated from an ordinary least squares
regression (standard error). Omitted categories for incentives, defaults, and risk groups: no incentive, opt-in, and low risk, respectively.
Standard errors are clustered at zone-day level.
 p<0.01,
 p<0.05,
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The interventions were tested both separately and in combination with each other with a
rigorous design that included random assignment to small monetary incentives and patient-
level randomization to a one-sentence variation in test offer, with all else held constant. The
effects were persistent across all model specifications and levels of patient risk of infection,
though the effects were somewhat attenuated when defaults and incentives were used together:
the $1 incentive increased test acceptance in the opt-in but not the other default settings, and
the $5 and $10 incentives were less effective under the opt-out default than the other default
settings. In general, higher-risk patients tested at higher rates than lower-risk patients and had
smaller responses to treatments. Among all treatment assignments, opt-out had the largest
effect, followed by the $10 incentive.
Compared to previously published work from this study, which demonstrated that defaults
significantly affect patient behavior, this study places two classes of behavioral economics nudges
in direct comparison with nearly double the sample size. We again confirmed that active-choice
is a category distinct from opt-in, both providing policymakers with clearer guidance on how to
implement policies and also bringing this field in closer alignment with the existing literature in
psychology and economics [29,30]. Despite being universally present in health care, defaults
have been understudied in medicine and this topic deserves further attention.
The proportion of patients accepting testing may vary in other settings and with other pop-
ulations as compared to those within this single-center study. However, patients with a wide
Fig 2. HIV consent by treatment assignment. Proportion of patients accepting an HIV test according to treatment assignment: 2a monetary incentives, 2b
defaults, and 2c incentive x default combinations.
Fig 3. HIV consent by incentive-default treatment assignment and risk of infection. Proportion of patients accepting an HIV test according to incentive-
default treatment assignment, stratified by risk group. Risk of infection was estimated by the Denver HIV Risk Score: <20 low risk, 20–39 intermediate risk,
40 high risk.
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range of demographics, chief complaints, and risk factors for HIV were included in the study.
Although the particular percentages may be quite different, the patterned responses to small
monetary incentives and also to op-in, active-choice, and opt-out test offers may be expected
for HIV testing in other settings as well as for decisions about other medical tests.
By blinding patients to the study itself and also to its components, the retrospective
informed consent design has the advantage of minimizing or even eliminating many potential
sources of bias but introduces the risk of bias from post-randomization withdrawal. We see
evidence of this: the proportion of approached patients who participated in the study increases
monotonically with monetary incentives. However, the difference in participation rates is
small and did not drive the results here; sensitivity analysis did not change the primary results.
The three monetary incentive values used in this study are somewhat arbitrary but are on a
scale that might reasonably be chosen by a hospital or health system. The $1 serves to test if, as
previously found [7], whether a monetary incentive is offered is more important than the value
of the incentive–a finding we did not replicate. We chose immediate cash incentives in order to
maximize the response under the prediction from behavioral economics that equivalent pay-
ments such as a check given immediately or cash given later would likely yield smaller increases
in test acceptance rates, as would a deduction of the same dollar amount from one’s hospital bill.
Our ED population had few barriers to testing: there was no travel time, scheduling, written
consent, or, in most cases, additional blood draws. But, even under the $10, opt-out treatment
assignment, test uptake did not approach 100%. This result is cause for pessimism about the
potential for small incentives, defaults, or both to achieve the target of universal screening.
This suggests that some patients truly believe the test is not worthwhile, and for others the psy-
chological costs of learning one’s HIV status are too high. This poses a challenging question of
how to achieve universal testing and identify all existing cases of HIV infection. Nevertheless,
among high-risk patients the combination of incentives and defaults raised test acceptance
from 48% in the $0 opt-in arm to 80% in the $10 opt-out arm.
This study directly compares two behavioral economics interventions and adds to the exist-
ing evidence that small interventions can have significant effects in directing patients toward
more optimal health-related behaviors. Our results have the potential to help inform how to
structure HIV test offers for other emergency departments as well as other health care settings.
The finding that, on average, moving from opt-in to opt-out testing influenced behavior more
than even the largest incentive reinforces the notions that the medicine is not just a transac-
tion, and what we say to patients matters. This field is still relatively new, and much remains to
be learned about how and in what settings to use behavioral economics approaches to improv-
ing health-related behavior. How patients respond to monetary incentives and defaults
deserves further investigation for this and other health problems.
Supporting information
S1 Text. Protocol.
S1 Table. Denver risk score components.
S2 Table. Demographics.
S3 Table. Risk-specific results.
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S4 Table. Alternate models.
S5 Table. Sensitivity analysis.
S6 Table. Sensitivity analysis.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Juan Carlos C. Montoy, William H. Dow, Beth C. Kaplan.
Data curation: Juan Carlos C. Montoy.
Formal analysis: Juan Carlos C. Montoy, William H. Dow.
Funding acquisition: Juan Carlos C. Montoy, William H. Dow, Beth C. Kaplan.
Investigation: Juan Carlos C. Montoy.
Methodology: Juan Carlos C. Montoy.
Project administration: Juan Carlos C. Montoy, Beth C. Kaplan.
Resources: Beth C. Kaplan.
Software: Juan Carlos C. Montoy.
Supervision: William H. Dow.
Writing original draft: Juan Carlos C. Montoy.
Writing review & editing: Juan Carlos C. Montoy, William H. Dow.
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HIV testing behavioral economics
PLOS ONE | July 6, 2018 10 / 10
... Based on the type of study pursuant to the MMAT tool [16], the selected sample was composed of 2 qualitative studies [17,18], 9 randomised clinical trials [3,4,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25], 3 non-randomised quantitative studies [7,9,26], and 15 descriptive quantitative studies [2,5,6,8,[27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...
... Source: Own preparation. for Substance Use and Sexual Behaviour (TLFB-SB), an assisted structured interview whose aim is to evaluate the retrospective use of alcohol consumption and sexual behaviour in the previous 30 days [23]; the Denver HIV Risk Score, a tool to detect people with a risk of having HIV [24], and the HIV Knowledge and Attitudes Survey (HKAS), a survey that evaluates the sociodemographic characteristics, educational level, knowledge of and attitude towards HIV [35]. The creation of new specific questionnaires for the diagnosis of people with HIV risk, such as the AUDIT test [23], should also be pointed out. ...
... One of the screening characteristics that has the greatest impact on test feasibility, utility, and acceptability is that it is an opt-out test. The opt-out screening is based on the exclusion principle, that is, everybody is tested unless someone explicitly refuses so, this being suggested as follows "The test will be conducted unless refused", while in the opt-in screening, which is based on the inclusion criterion, the test is offered to the entire population and conducted on those who expressly accept being tested, being offered as follows "Could you tell me if you would like to be tested today?" [2,24,36]. ...
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Aim: To evaluate HIV screening of people attending emergency services. Design: Systematic review. Data sources: CINAHL Complete, Cochrane Library, Cuiden Plus, PubMed, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Review methods: The search was carried out between December 2020 and March 2021 following the recommendations set forth in the PRISMA declaration. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to evaluate the methodological quality of studies. For data extraction, a protocol was prepared. A qualitative synthesis of the main findings was carried out. Results: The final sample consisted of 29 articles. There are several aspects that influence the performance of HIV screening in the emergency department, such as: adequacy of place, attitude towards screening, sociodemo-graphic characteristics, risky sexual behaviour, incidence of area, and detection tools or method employed, in addition to other factors such as the stigma associated with the disease. Conclusions: Emergency services are relevant in screening the human immunodeficiency virus. Further research aimed at creating new interventions allowing early detection and adherence to treatment in this population is still a need, particularly in a first-line service like emergency services.
... The search identified 441 studies which were reduced to 276 after de-duplication. Primary screening resulted in the exclusion of 259 and forward and backward citation searching of the remaining 17 studies identified an additional 5 studies, resulting in 22 studies that underwent secondary screening, Any report of adverse effects in intervention arms after which 7 were excluded (see Online Appendix 4), leaving 15 for synthesis [8][9][10][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] (Fig. 1). ...
... Studies covered a wide age range (≥ 12 years), however, only three included adolescents. [9,23,27]. Five studies included only males [10,22,26]; while two only included females [8,24]; the rest included both sexes. A total of eight types of interventions were tested with the most frequent being lottery incentives (Table 4). ...
... One study evaluated the effects of different default settings on HIV testing uptake [23]. This study was conducted in an emergency department of a regional trauma centre in the USA and included a total of 10,463 male and female participants aged 13-64 (median age 40 years). ...
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Failure to meet international targets set for the human immunodeficiency virus HIV pandemic suggests that more effective public health strategies are needed. New strategies informed by behavioural economics are now increasingly being tested, with promising results. However, the evidence base is diverse and challenging for policymakers to interpret. This paper aims to synthesise existing evidence by reporting results from a systematic review of behavioural economics-based interventions for addressing HIV prevention, testing and treatment. The reported study was a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. The search was conducted in four electronic medical literature databases, six trial registries, four grey literature sources and was not restricted to any country or region. Bias was assessed using criteria outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews; quality of evidence was assessed using GRADE methodology. Fifteen full text articles were included in the final analysis. The synthesis of these studies revealed that strategies involving opt-out defaults, active-choice defaults, and lottery incentives can potentially increase uptake of HIV testing. Lottery incentives also showed signs of effectiveness in improving HIV prevention, ART adherence and initiation. Despite the promising findings, the overall evidence was judged to be of moderate to very low quality. Behavioural economics-based interventions are promising behavioural change strategies, although more well-designed studies are needed to strengthen the evidence base.
... Furthermore, literature shows that incentivizing HIV/STI testing increases screening rates, especially when tailored to the specific population being screened. [13][14][15][16] Patients were offered a choice between a $25 Target or Walmart gift card. Funding for a 30-day pilot was provided by Partnership Healthplan of California, the primary Medicaid insurer for Yolo County. ...
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Background: This study aimed to increase syphilis screening rates amongst unhoused residents of Yolo County, California, through the implementation of plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles. Yolo County has a strategic goal to eliminate congenital syphilis cases. Homelessness is a known risk factor for syphilis. Methods: The primary researcher was embedded in a street medicine team. Using quality improvement tools like stakeholder interviews, workflow diagrams, and best practices from literature, we outlined the team's workflow for syphilis screening and developed ideas to improve uptake and expand capacity. The most effective cycle implemented gift card incentives for syphilis screening. During the patient intake we offered the option to receive a syphilis test, informing the patient of the gift card incentive. Results: Prior to gift card incentives, the team screened 1.6 patients on average per clinic for a total of 30 patients screened in April to June of 2022. After the gift card incentive was implemented, the team screened 3.0 patients on average per clinic, screening a total of 223 patients from July 2022 to May 2023. The intervention produced an 87.5% increase in screening rates (P=0.0094). The data showed a significant increase in syphilis testing upon implementing the gift card incentive program. Conclusion: These findings contribute to evidence supporting the use of patient incentives for public health prevention measures. This model could be applied to other populations to increase health screening participation. More research is needed on the effect of gift card incentives on confirmatory testing and treatment rates for syphilis.
... 11,12 Successful approaches for overcoming HIV screening barriers include using an opt-out testing approach, expanding testing to diverse settings including emergency departments, family planning clinics, and correctional facilities, providing incentives to patients or clinicians and incorporating passive and active clinical decision support tools into electronic health records (EHRs). [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] New and sustainable strategies are needed to implement evidence-based approaches in real-world settings, particularly those prioritized by EHE and serving highly impacted groups. ...
... However, the sustainability of financial incentives to patients is questionable. In their randomized clinical trial, Montoy, et al. [71] concluded that the use of opt-out HIV screening increased patient testing acceptability by 23.9% compared to an increase in acceptability of 1%, 10.5%, and 15.0% when offered cash incentives of USD1, USD5, and USD10, respectively. ...
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone between 13-64 years be tested for HIV at least once as a routine procedure. Routine HIV screening is reimbursable by Medicare, Medicaid, expanded Medicaid, and most commercial insurance plans. Yet, scaling-up HIV routine screening remains a challenge. We conducted a scoping review for studies on financial benefits and barriers associated with HIV screening in clinical settings in the U.S. to inform an evidence based strategy to scale-up routine HIV screening. We searched Ovid MEDLINE ® , Cochrane, and Scopus for studies published between 2006-2020 in English. The search identified 383 Citations; we screened 220 and excluded 163 (outside the time limit, irrelevant, or outside the U.S.). Of the 220 screened articles, we included 35 and disqualified 155 (did not meet the eligibility criteria). We organized eligible articles under two themes: financial benefits/barriers of routine HIV screening in healthcare settings (9 articles); and Cost-effectiveness of routine screening in healthcare settings (26 articles). The review concluded drawing recommendations in three areas: (1) Finance: Incentivize healthcare providers/systems for implementing HIV routine screening and/or separate its reimbursement from bundle payments; (2) Personnel: Encourage nurse-initiated HIV screening programs in primary care settings and educate providers on CDC recommendations; and (3) Approach: Use opt-out approach.
Background Incentives have shown mixed results in increasing HIV testing rates in low-resource settings. We investigated the effectiveness of offering additional self-tests (HIVSTs) as an incentive to increase testing among partners receiving assisted partner services. Setting Western Kenya Methods We conducted a single-crossover study nested within a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Twenty-four facilities were randomized 1:1 to 1) control: provider-delivered testing, or 2) intervention: offered one HIVST or provider-delivered testing for six months (pre-implementation), then switched to offering two HIVSTs for six months (post-implementation). A difference-in-differences approach using generalized linear mixed models, accounting for facility clustering and adjusting for age, sex, and income, was used to estimate the effect of the incentive on HIV testing and first-time testing among partners in APS. Results March 2021-June 2022, 1127 index clients received APS and named 8155 partners, among whom 2333 reported a prior HIV diagnosis and were excluded from analyses, resulting in 5822 remaining partners: 3646 (62.6%) and 2176 (37.4%) in the pre- and post-implementation periods respectively. Overall, 944/2176 (43%) partners were offered a second HIVST during post-implementation, of whom 34.3% picked up two kits, of whom 71.7% reported that the second kit encouraged HIV testing. Comparing partners offered one vs. two HIVSTs showed no difference in HIV testing (relative risk[RR]:1.01, 95%Confidence Interval[CI]:0.951-1.07) or HIV testing for the first time (RR:1.23, 95%CI:0.671-2.24). Conclusions Offering a second HIVST as an incentive within APS did not significantly impact HIV testing or first-time testing, although those opting for two kits reported it incentivized them to test.
Introduction: While it is widely acknowledged that family relationships can influence health outcomes, their impact on the uptake of individual health interventions is unclear. In this study, we quantified how the efficacy of a randomized health intervention is shaped by its pattern of distribution in the family network. Methods: The "Home-Based Intervention to Test and Start" (HITS) was a 2×2 factorial community-randomized controlled trial in Umkhanyakude, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, embedded in the Africa Health Research Institute's population-based demographic and HIV surveillance platform ( # NCT03757104). The study investigated the impact of two interventions: a financial micro-incentive and a male-targeted HIV-specific decision support programme. The surveillance area was divided into 45 community clusters. Individuals aged ≥15 years in 16 randomly selected communities were offered a micro-incentive (R50 [$3] food voucher) for rapid HIV testing (intervention arm). Those living in the remaining 29 communities were offered testing only (control arm). Study data were collected between February and November 2018. Using routinely collected data on parents, conjugal partners, and co-residents, a socio-centric family network was constructed among HITS-eligible individuals. Nodes in this network represent individuals and ties represent family relationships. We estimated the effect of offering the incentive to people with and without family members who also received the offer on the uptake of HIV testing. We fitted a linear probability model with robust standard errors, accounting for clustering at the community level. Results: Overall, 15,675 people participated in the HITS trial. Among those with no family members who received the offer, the incentive's efficacy was a 6.5 percentage point increase (95% CI: 5.3-7.7). The efficacy was higher among those with at least one family member who received the offer (21.1 percentage point increase (95% CI: 19.9-22.3). The difference in efficacy was statistically significant (21.1-6.5 = 14.6%; 95% CI: 9.3-19.9). Conclusions: Micro-incentives appear to have synergistic effects when distributed within family networks. These effects support family network-based approaches for the design of health interventions.
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Background HIV testing services (HTS) are the first steps in reaching the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals to achieve and maintain low HIV incidence. Evaluating the effectiveness of different demand creation interventions to increase uptake of efficient and effective HTS is useful to prioritize limited programmatic resources. This review was undertaken to inform World Health Organization (WHO) 2019 HIV testing guidelines and assessed the research question, “Which demand creation strategies are effective for enhancing uptake of HTS?” focused on populations globally. Methods and findings The following electronic databases were searched through September 28, 2021: PubMed, PsycInfo, Cochrane CENTRAL, CINAHL Complete, Web of Science Core Collection, EMBASE, and Global Health Database; we searched IAS and AIDS conferences. We systematically searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared any demand creation intervention (incentives, mobilization, counseling, tailoring, and digital interventions) to either a control or other demand creation intervention and reported HTS uptake. We pooled trials to evaluate categories of demand creation interventions using random-effects models for meta-analysis and assessed study quality with Cochrane’s risk of bias 1 tool. This study was funded by the WHO and registered in Prospero with ID CRD42022296947. We screened 10,583 records and 507 conference abstracts, reviewed 952 full texts, and included 124 RCTs for data extraction. The majority of studies were from the African (N = 53) and Americas (N = 54) regions. We found that mobilization (relative risk [RR]: 2.01, 95% confidence interval [CI]: [1.30, 3.09], p < 0.05; risk difference [RD]: 0.29, 95% CI [0.16, 0.43], p < 0.05, N = 4 RCTs), couple-oriented counseling (RR: 1.98, 95% CI [1.02, 3.86], p < 0.05; RD: 0.12, 95% CI [0.03, 0.21], p < 0.05, N = 4 RCTs), peer-led interventions (RR: 1.57, 95% CI [1.15, 2.15], p < 0.05; RD: 0.18, 95% CI [0.06, 0.31], p < 0.05, N = 10 RCTs), motivation-oriented counseling (RR: 1.53, 95% CI [1.07, 2.20], p < 0.05; RD: 0.17, 95% CI [0.00, 0.34], p < 0.05, N = 4 RCTs), short message service (SMS) (RR: 1.53, 95% CI [1.09, 2.16], p < 0.05; RD: 0.11, 95% CI [0.03, 0.19], p < 0.05, N = 5 RCTs), and conditional fixed value incentives (RR: 1.52, 95% CI [1.21, 1.91], p < 0.05; RD: 0.15, 95% CI [0.07, 0.22], p < 0.05, N = 11 RCTs) all significantly and importantly (≥50% relative increase) increased HTS uptake and had medium risk of bias. Lottery-based incentives and audio-based interventions less importantly (25% to 49% increase) but not significantly increased HTS uptake (medium risk of bias). Personal invitation letters and personalized message content significantly but not importantly (<25% increase) increased HTS uptake (medium risk of bias). Reduced duration counseling had comparable performance to standard duration counseling (low risk of bias) and video-based interventions were comparable or better than in-person counseling (medium risk of bias). Heterogeneity of effect among pooled studies was high. This study was limited in that we restricted to randomized trials, which may be systematically less readily available for key populations; additionally, we compare only pooled estimates for interventions with multiple studies rather than single study estimates, and there was evidence of publication bias for several interventions. Conclusions Mobilization, couple- and motivation-oriented counseling, peer-led interventions, conditional fixed value incentives, and SMS are high-impact demand creation interventions and should be prioritized for programmatic consideration. Reduced duration counseling and video-based interventions are an efficient and effective alternative to address staffing shortages. Investment in demand creation activities should prioritize those with undiagnosed HIV or ongoing HIV exposure. Selection of demand creation interventions must consider risks and benefits, context-specific factors, feasibility and sustainability, country ownership, and universal health coverage across disease areas.
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Study question What is the effect of default test offers—opt-in, opt-out, and active choice—on the likelihood of acceptance of an HIV test among patients receiving care in an emergency department? Methods This was a randomized clinical trial conducted in the emergency department of an urban teaching hospital and regional trauma center. Patients aged 13-64 years were randomized to opt-in, opt-out, and active choice HIV test offers. The primary outcome was HIV test acceptance percentage. The Denver Risk Score was used to categorize patients as being at low, intermediate, or high risk of HIV infection. Study answer and limitations 38.0% (611/1607) of patients in the opt-in testing group accepted an HIV test, compared with 51.3% (815/1628) in the active choice arm (difference 13.3%, 95% confidence interval 9.8% to 16.7%) and 65.9% (1031/1565) in the opt-out arm (difference 27.9%, 24.4% to 31.3%). Compared with active choice testing, opt-out testing led to a 14.6 (11.1 to 18.1) percentage point increase in test acceptance. Patients identified as being at intermediate and high risk were more likely to accept testing than were those at low risk in all arms (difference 6.4% (3.4% to 9.3%) for intermediate and 8.3% (3.3% to 13.4%) for high risk). The opt-out effect was significantly smaller among those reporting high risk behaviors, but the active choice effect did not significantly vary by level of reported risk behavior. Patients consented to inclusion in the study after being offered an HIV test, and inclusion varied slightly by treatment assignment. The study took place at a single county hospital in a city that is somewhat unique with respect to HIV testing; although the test acceptance percentages themselves might vary, a different pattern for opt-in versus active choice versus opt-out test schemes would not be expected. What this paper adds Active choice is a distinct test regimen, with test acceptance patterns that may best approximate patients’ true preferences. Opt-out regimens can substantially increase HIV testing, and opt-in schemes may reduce testing, compared with active choice testing. Funding, competing interests, data sharing This study was supported by grant NIA 1RC4AG039078 from the National Institute on Aging. The full dataset is available from the corresponding author. Consent for data sharing was not obtained, but the data are anonymized and risk of identification is low. Trial registration Clinical trials NCT01377857.
Purpose: To examine the effect of an opt-out default recruitment strategy compared to a conventional opt-in strategy on enrollment and adherence to a behavioral intervention for poorly controlled diabetic patients. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Setting: University of Pennsylvania primary care practices. Participants: Participants of this trial included those with (1) age 18 to 80 years; (2) diabetes diagnosis; and (3) a measured hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) greater than 8% in the past 12 months. Intervention: We randomized eligible patients into opt-in and opt-out arms prior to enrollment. Those in the opt-out arm received a letter stating that they were enrolled into a diabetes research study with the option to opt out, and those in the opt-in arm received a standard recruitment letter. Measures: Main end points include enrollment rate, defined as the proportion of participants who attended the baseline visit, and adherence to daily glycemic monitoring. Analysis: We powered our study to detect a 20% difference in adherence to device usage between arms and account for a 10% attrition rate. Results: Of the 569 eligible participants who received a recruitment letter, 496 were randomized to the opt-in arm and 73 to the opt-out arm. Enrollment rates were 38% in the opt-out arm and 13% in the opt-in arm ( P < .001). Conclusions: Opt-out defaults, where clinically appropriate, could be a useful approach for increasing the generalizability of low-risk trials testing behavioral interventions in clinical settings.
There is an ongoing US HIV epidemic, with 1.2 million persons living with HIV/AIDS.¹ An estimated 14% of infected individuals are unaware of their HIV infection.² In 2009, there were 45 000 new transmissions.³ Although new HIV infections are declining, there is an increase among young men who have sex with men.² Preventing HIV in high-risk groups requires outreach using social and sexual network methods and new prevention interventions.²,4 Screening for HIV in health care settings, however, remains important for identifying patients who are unaware of their HIV infection.
This study examines prescription data from the University of Pennsylvania Health System outpatient clinics to compare generic medication prescription rates before and after a redesign of the electronic health record display defaults.The growing adoption of the electronic health record (EHR) brings new opportunities to improve physician decision making toward higher-value care.1 Default options, or the conditions that are set into place unless an alternative is actively chosen, have been shown to influence decisions in many contexts.2 However, the effectiveness of different ways of implementing defaults has not been systematically examined in health care, and many people may assume that changing defaults is a one size fits all intervention that will always have the same effect.2 In prior work, changing the design of EHR medication display defaults for internal medicine physicians increased generic prescribing rates by 5.4 percentage points.3 In that intervention, the process of searching for a brand-name medication changed from displaying a list of brand-name options followed by their generic equivalents to displaying only generic-equivalent options. To view brand names, a physician had to click on another tab. In November 2014, the University of Pennsylvania Health System implemented a different change in EHR defaults among all specialties across the entire health system. Instead of changing EHR display defaults, an opt-out checkbox labeled “dispense as written” was added to the prescription screen, and if left unchecked the generic-equivalent medication was prescribed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of this intervention on physician prescribing behaviors.
These recommendations for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing are intended for all health-care providers in the public and private sectors, including those working in hospital emergency departments, urgent care clinics, inpatient services, substance abuse treatment clinics, public health clinics, community clinics, correctional health-care facilities, and primary care settings. The recommendations address HIV testing in health-care settings only. They do not modify existing guidelines concerning HIV counseling, testing, and referral for persons at high risk for HIV who seek or receive HIV testing in nonclinical settings (e.g., community-based organizations, outreach settings, or mobile vans). The objectives of these recommendations are to increase HIV screening of patients, including pregnant women, in health-care settings; foster earlier detection of HIV infection; identify and counsel persons with unrecognized HIV infection and link them to clinical and prevention services; and further reduce perinatal transmission of HIV in the United States. These revised recommendations update previous recommendations for HIV testing in health-care settings and for screening of pregnant women (CDC. Recommendations for HIV testing services for inpatients and outpatients in acute-care hospital settings. MMWR 1993;42[No. RR-2]:1-10; CDC. Revised guidelines for HIV counseling, testing, and referral. MMWR 2001;50[No. RR-19]:1-62; and CDC. Revised recommendations for HIV screening of pregnant women. MMWR 2001;50[No. RR-19]:63-85). Major revisions from previously published guidelines are as follows: For patients in all health-care settings HIV screening is recommended for patients in all health-care settings after the patient is notified that testing will be performed unless the patient declines (opt-out screening). Persons at high risk for HIV infection should be screened for HIV at least annually. Separate written consent for HIV testing should not be required; general consent for medical care should be considered sufficient to encompass consent for HIV testing. Prevention counseling should not be required with HIV diagnostic testing or as part of HIV screening programs in health-care settings. For pregnant women HIV screening should be included in the routine panel of prenatal screening tests for all pregnant women. HIV screening is recommended after the patient is notified that testing will be performed unless the patient declines (opt-out screening). Separate written consent for HIV testing should not be required; general consent for medical care should be considered sufficient to encompass consent for HIV testing. Repeat screening in the third trimester is recommended in certain jurisdictions with elevated rates of HIV infection among pregnant women.
Importance Financial incentives to physicians or patients are increasingly used, but their effectiveness is not well established.Objective To determine whether physician financial incentives, patient incentives, or shared physician and patient incentives are more effective than control in reducing levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) among patients with high cardiovascular risk.Design, Setting, and Participants Four-group, multicenter, cluster randomized clinical trial with a 12-month intervention conducted from 2011 to 2014 in 3 primary care practices in the northeastern United States. Three hundred forty eligible primary care physicians (PCPs) were enrolled from a pool of 421. Of 25 627 potentially eligible patients of those PCPs, 1503 enrolled. Patients aged 18 to 80 years were eligible if they had a 10-year Framingham Risk Score (FRS) of 20% or greater, had coronary artery disease equivalents with LDL-C levels of 120 mg/dL or greater, or had an FRS of 10% to 20% with LDL-C levels of 140 mg/dL or greater. Investigators were blinded to study group, but participants were not.Interventions Primary care physicians were randomly assigned to control, physician incentives, patient incentives, or shared physician-patient incentives. Physicians in the physician incentives group were eligible to receive up to 1024perenrolledpatientmeetingLDLCgoals.Patientsinthepatientincentivesgroupwereeligibleforthesameamount,distributedthroughdailylotteriestiedtomedicationadherence.Physiciansandpatientsinthesharedincentivesgroupsharedtheseincentives.Physiciansandpatientsinthecontrolgroupreceivednoincentivestiedtooutcomes,butallpatientparticipantsreceivedupto1024 per enrolled patient meeting LDL-C goals. Patients in the patient incentives group were eligible for the same amount, distributed through daily lotteries tied to medication adherence. Physicians and patients in the shared incentives group shared these incentives. Physicians and patients in the control group received no incentives tied to outcomes, but all patient participants received up to 355 each for trial participation.Main Outcomes and Measures Change in LDL-C level at 12 months.Results Patients in the shared physician-patient incentives group achieved a mean reduction in LDL-C of 33.6 mg/dL (95% CI, 30.1-37.1; baseline, 160.1 mg/dL; 12 months, 126.4 mg/dL); those in physician incentives achieved a mean reduction of 27.9 mg/dL (95% CI, 24.9-31.0; baseline, 159.9 mg/dL; 12 months, 132.0 mg/dL); those in patient incentives achieved a mean reduction of 25.1 mg/dL (95% CI, 21.6-28.5; baseline, 160.6 mg/dL; 12 months, 135.5 mg/dL); and those in the control group achieved a mean reduction of 25.1 mg/dL (95% CI, 21.7-28.5; baseline, 161.5 mg/dL; 12 months, 136.4 mg/dL; P < .001 for comparison of all 4 groups). Only patients in the shared physician-patient incentives group achieved reductions in LDL-C levels statistically different from those in the control group (8.5 mg/dL; 95% CI, 3.8-13.3; P = .002).Conclusions and Relevance In primary care practices, shared financial incentives for physicians and patients, but not incentives to physicians or patients alone, resulted in a statistically significant difference in reduction of LDL-C levels at 12 months. This reduction was modest, however, and further information is needed to understand whether this approach represents good value.Trial Registration Identifier:NCT01346189
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission risk is primarily dependent on behavior (sexual and injection drug use) and HIV viral load. National goals emphasize maximizing coverage along the HIV care continuum, but the effect on HIV prevention is unknown. To estimate the rate and number of HIV transmissions attributable to persons at each of the following 5 HIV care continuum steps: HIV infected but undiagnosed, HIV diagnosed but not retained in medical care, retained in care but not prescribed antiretroviral therapy, prescribed antiretroviral therapy but not virally suppressed, and virally suppressed. A multistep, static, deterministic model that combined population denominator data from the National HIV Surveillance System with detailed clinical and behavioral data from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System and the Medical Monitoring Project to estimate the rate and number of transmissions along the care continuum. This analysis was conducted January 2013 to June 2014. The findings reflect the HIV-infected population in the United States in 2009. Estimated rate and number of HIV transmissions. Of the estimated 1 148 200 persons living with HIV in 2009, there were 207 600 (18.1%) who were undiagnosed, 519 414 (45.2%) were aware of their infection but not retained in care, 47 453 (4.1%) were retained in care but not prescribed ART, 82 809 (7.2%) were prescribed ART but not virally suppressed, and 290 924 (25.3%) were virally suppressed. Persons who are HIV infected but undiagnosed (18.1% of the total HIV-infected population) and persons who are HIV diagnosed but not retained in medical care (45.2% of the population) were responsible for 91.5% (30.2% and 61.3%, respectively) of the estimated 45 000 HIV transmissions in 2009. Compared with persons who are HIV infected but undiagnosed (6.6 transmissions per 100 person-years), persons who were HIV diagnosed and not retained in medical care were 19.0% (5.3 transmissions per 100 person-years) less likely to transmit HIV, and persons who were virally suppressed were 94.0% (0.4 transmissions per 100 person-years) less likely to transmit HIV. Men, those who acquired HIV via male-to-male sexual contact, and persons 35 to 44 years old were responsible for the most HIV transmissions by sex, HIV acquisition risk category, and age group, respectively. Sequential steps along the HIV care continuum were associated with reduced HIV transmission rates. Improvements in HIV diagnosis and retention in care, as well as reductions in sexual and drug use risk behavior, primarily for persons undiagnosed and not receiving antiretroviral therapy, would have a substantial effect on HIV transmission in the United States.
Routine screening is recommended for HIV detection. HIV risk estimation remains important. Our goal was to validate the Denver HIV Risk Score (DHRS) using a national cohort from the CDC. Patients ≥13 years of age were included, 4,830,941 HIV tests were performed, and 0.6% newly-diagnosed infections were identified. Of all visits, 9% were very low risk (HIV prevalence = 0.20%); 27% low risk (HIV prevalence = 0.17%); 41% moderate risk (HIV prevalence = 0.39%); 17% high risk (HIV prevalence = 1.19%); and 6% very high risk (HIV prevalence = 3.57%). The DHRS accurately categorized patients into different HIV risk groups.
Background: Low-value services, such as prescribing brand-name medications that have existing generic equivalents, contribute to unnecessary health care spending. Objective: To evaluate the association of an intervention by using the electronic health record with provider prescription of generic-equivalent medications. Design: Quasi-experimental study. Setting: General internal medicine (IM) (n = 2) and family medicine (FM) (n = 2) clinics at the University of Pennsylvania from June 2011 to September 2012. Participants: Attending physicians (IM, n = 38; FM, n = 17) and residents (IM, n = 166; FM, n = 34). Intervention: In January 2012, the default in the electronic health record was changed for IM providers from displaying brand and generic medications to displaying initially only generics, with the ability to opt out. Measurements: Monthly prescriptions of brand-name and generic-equivalent β-blockers, statins, and proton-pump inhibitors. Results: During the preintervention period, FM providers had slightly higher rates of generic medication prescribing (range, 80.8% to 85.5%) than did IM providers (range, 75.4% to 79.6%), but both groups had similar trends. In the postintervention period relative to the preintervention period, IM providers had an increase in generic prescribing compared with FM providers for all 3 medications combined (5.4 percentage points [95% CI, 2.2 to 8.7 percentage points]; P < 0.001), β-blockers (10.5 percentage points [CI, 5.8 to 15.2 percentage points]; P < 0.001), and statins (4.0 percentage points [CI, 0.4 to 7.6 percentage points]; P = 0.002). Results for proton-pump inhibitors (2.1 percentage points [CI, -3.7 to 8.0 percentage points]; P = 0.47) were not significant. Subset analyses revealed similar findings for attending physicians. Among residents, however, results were imprecise, with wide CIs. Limitation: Observational single-center evaluation, comparison groups that represented different specialties, and a small subset of medication classes studied. Conclusion: The use of default options was an effective method to increase the odds of prescribing generic medication equivalents for β-blockers and statins. Primary funding source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.