
Types of conceptual organization of word combinations with a color component in modern business English

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The article deals with the types of conceptual organization of phrases that include color component and verbalize the concepts of modern business English. The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the fact that in the era of globalization in the rapprochement and mutual penetration of many languages and cultures, there is a need to find adequate language means for the accurate transmission of information. Color, as a universal concept, presented in all languages and having a dual nature both mental and linguistic, can serve as a necessary tool for this purpose. The authors study the semantics of multicomponent concepts from an anthropocentric point of view. It is emphasized that word-color component contributes to understanding the meaning of the word combination. It is demonstrated that “colorful phrases” can have a psychological, biological effect on the recipient, and thus have a greater cognitive potential than other synonymous combinations of words which give them an advantage for use in the language of international cooperation. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved.

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... In the international context, we can find some studies on business language, language in management or intercultural aspects of language, for example, Abregova et al. (2018), Novikova et al. (2017), Tareva et al. (2017. ...
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The intercultural dimension in teaching students of economics and business is strongly supported by promoting foreign languages learning. Mastering a foreign language enables users to communicate and to better understand the culture of business partners or customers on the increasingly globalised markets. In this paper, we therefore focus on the needs of the students at the University of Economics in Bratislava – the largest university in Slovakia providing education in economics and business – with respect to teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Based on a questionnaire survey among students, we assessed the relevance of mastering Spanish for the overall study as well as with regard to their expected careers after completing their studies, the relevance of specific topics in the syllabus, the desired learning outcomes and competencies as well as the evaluation of the acquired knowledge and competencies with the aim to improve the teaching process in Spanish lessons. We conclude that teaching Spanish should focus more on oral communication and intercultural competencies.
... In the international context, we can find some studies on business language, language in management or intercultural aspects of language, for example, Abregova et al. (2018), Novikova et al. (2017), Tareva et al. (2017. ...
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The paper focuses on education in the field of foreign languages, particularly Spanish, in the framework of university study of economic and managerial orientation in Slovakia in order to find out what the labour market requirements are for graduates in the field of foreign language skills. In our research, we focus on Spanish, as no similar relevant research has been done to date in this foreign language. Current research shows that the graduates of economics and management fields lack the link between the content of education and the requirements of the labour market, as well as preparation in the field of foreign language skills. This calls for a better understanding of the real needs of employers and graduates. This paper is based on a questionnaire survey among potential employers of graduates of the University of Economics in Bratislava who require foreign language skills, mainly Spanish, as well as of graduates of the University of Economics in Bratislava who use foreign languages, in particular Spanish in their employment. The paper provides an overview of the specific language competencies and knowledge that are needed in the labour market. The ambition of research is to contribute to improving the link between higher education content and the real needs of the labour market, and thus to boosting the employability of graduates in the labour market.
In the conditions of development and improvement of management systems in organizations of the service sector, the requirements to the quality of labor and the qualification of personnel are increasing, which is an essential condition for achieving competitive advantages. The relevance of the research of the features of innovative personnel management in the service sector is determined by the growing role of this industry in the modern economy. Based on the use of theoretical and empirical methods, conditions and mechanisms for the formation of an innovative system of training/development of personnel at service enterprises were identified. The paper substantiates the priority tasks of personnel management in the context of the basic concepts of organizational change. As a result of the study, a program to improve the skills and trainings for employees of service enterprises, taking into account the characteristics of their work activities, was developed. An author's two-component model for estimating investment in human capital is proposed, which reflects the personal development of employees.
The influence of action intentions on visual selection processes was investigated in a visual search paradigm. A predefined target object with a certain orientation and color was presented among distractors, and subjects had to either look and point at the target or look at and grasp the target. Target selection processes prior to the first saccadic eye movement were modulated by the different action intentions. Specifically, fewer saccades to objects with the wrong orientation were made in the grasping condition than in the pointing condition, whereas the number of saccades to an object with the wrong color was the same in the two conditions. Saccadic latencies were similar under the different task conditions, so the results cannot be explained by a speed-accuracy trade-off. The results suggest that a specific action intention, such as grasping, can enhance visual processing of action-relevant features, such as orientation. Together, the findings support the view that visual attention can be best understood as a selection-for-action mechanism.
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PhD. Department of General Linguistics and Russian Language Kabardino-Balkarian State University 173 Chernyshevsky Str. 360004. Nalchik Russia dissovet2012@mail
  • Assoc
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Assoc. Prof. Tatyana A. Cheprakova, PhD. Department of General Linguistics and Russian Language Kabardino-Balkarian State University 173 Chernyshevsky Str. 360004. Nalchik Russia
Senior Researcher Sector of the Kabardian-Circassian language Institute of Humanitarian Studies, branch of the federal budgetary scientific institution Federal Research Center Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Balkarov Str. 360002 Nalchik Russia kbncran@mail
  • Nina G Sheriyeva
Nina G. Sheriyeva, Senior Researcher Sector of the Kabardian-Circassian language Institute of Humanitarian Studies, branch of the federal budgetary scientific institution Federal Research Center Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Balkarov Str. 360002 Nalchik Russia