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Lestari, et al, 2018
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 9(2), 92-101
A Review: The Emerging Nutraceutical Potential of
Pumpkin Seeds
Beni Lestari, Edy Meiyanto*
Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
rich unsaturated fatty acids, phytoestrogens and vitamins E in their seeds that have
potential pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical properties. Information
regarding their nutritional components and therapeutic properties of pumpkin seeds
seedsare rich in vitaminEcontentsasanemergingfreeradical scavenger,anti-aging
thatpatents eld for theinnovation product of pumpkinseeds holds promise forthe
Keywords : pumpkin seeds, estrogenic, anticancer, antioxidant, nutraceutical
Submitted: June 11, 2018
Revised: June 30, 2018
Accepted: June 30, 2018
*Corresponding author:
Pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) is a fruit vegetable,
native to the Western Hemisphere and easily
cultivated in Tropical Asia countries such as
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines (Tindall,
1983). There are many varieties of pumpkin such
as Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita
moschata, Cucurbita cifolia, and Cucurbita
turbaniformis in which Cucurbita moschata exhibits
the widest variation in Indonesia, showed in Fig. 1
(Gemrot, et al., 2006). Although the pumpkin itself
has various benets, the pumpkin seeds have been
the focus of interest in the last few years in the eld
of diet and disease research due to the emerging
various active components.
Research on pumpkin increases progressively
during the last decade, especially focusing on
its health benets. Pubmed recorded more than
200 papers within 2007-2018 of pumpkin and its
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, June 2018
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
seeds covering on the eld of chemistry, biology,
pharmacology, and health. Among those of the
researches, pumpkin seeds become the focus of
interest due to its complexity of the chemical
ingredient as well as the health benets. Pumpkin
seeds are highly nutritional and rich nutraceutical
components such as unsaturated fatty acids especially
palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid
(Stevenson, et al., 2007). Those essential fatty acids
are belonging to the w-6 and w-3 family which exert
amazing nutritional functions and play important
role in many metabolic pathways (Miura, 2013).
Phytoestrogen supplementation with pumpkin
seeds extract has been reported to increase uterine
weight, mammary gland, bone density, and prevent
hyperlipidemia, the indication of estrogen-like
activities in ovariectomized female Sprague dawley
rats (Gossell-Williams, et al., 2008). Pumpkin seeds
oil contains rich vitamin E such as a-tocopherol and
g-tocopherol that exhibited positive health effects
(Rabrenovic, et al., 2014).
The researchers have so far focused particularly
on the three major components of fatty acids,
phytoestrogens, and tocopherol in pumpkin seeds oil
because they gained attention due to the several health
benets such as antioxidant, anti-inammation,
antidiabetic, anticancer, anti-cardiovascular, anti-
hyperlipidemia, and estrogenic-like effect (Table
2). Thus, in this review, we explained more detail
about the three major bioactive compounds of
pumpkin seeds such as fatty acids, phytoestrogens,
Figure 1. The pumpkin fruit (left) and its seeds
(right) commonly cultivated in Indonesia known
as Cucurbita moschata.
and tocopherols as well as to highlight the
immense potential effects in the form of roasted,
oil and/or extract of pumpkin seeds as the excellent
nutraceuticals in the future.
The different species of pumpkin seeds exerts
the different components and biological activities
(Caili, et al., 2006). Many researchers studied the
bioactive compositions of pumpkin seeds oil that
grown in the different areas of the world. Due to
the differences among the species and/or varieties
of Cucurbita spp., the yield of fatty acids, sterols or
phytoestrogens and tocopherols was quite similar
to those of each other and belong to the three major
components of pumpkin seeds that have been focused
by many studies. However, the minor components
of pumpkin seeds such as protein, mineral, terpenic
alcohol, and ber also could not be ignored, because
they have played role in the synergistic positive
effects of pumpkin seeds (Fu, et al., 2006). Some
technologies are applied to isolate the higher yield
of oil from crude pumpkin seeds. Although several
studies reported that crude pumpkin seeds extract
itself exhibited the broad-spectrum pharmacological
effects through in vitro, in vivo and human trial.
Cucurbita pepo L. is the most popular pumpkin
species to be a focus of interest of researches in the
world. Recent studies have shown that Cucurbita
pepo species is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such
as palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic
acid, vitamin E like α-tocopherols, γ-tocopherols and
carotenoid, phytoestrogens and phytosterols such
as daidzein, genistein, secoisolariciresinol, and the
trace components. Among those of total percentage
of ingredients in pumpkin seeds, unsaturated fatty
acids showed the hugest components ranging up
to 80%. This value is relatively higher than those
reported for peanut seeds oil and soybean seeds oil
(Cerny, et al., 1971; Sanders, 1980). The nutrient
component in pumpkin seeds is presented in Table 1.
Lestari, et al, 2018
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 9(2), 92-101
(a) Fatty acids
(i) Linoleic acids (ii) Oleic acids
(iii) Palmitic acids (iv) Stearic acids
(b) Phytoestrogens
(i) Secoisolariciresinol (ii) Lariciresinol
(c) Vitamins
(i) α-tocopherol (ii) γ-tocopherol
Figure 2. Structures of the major compounds isolated from pumpkin seeds.
The second popular pumpkin species is
Cucurbita maxima which is cultivated in many areas
in the world. Rezig, et al. (2012) determined the
chemical components of pumpkin seeds and the oil
properties from the seeds of Cucurbita maxima from
Tunisia. They reported that the abundant composition
was fatty acids and tocopherol. Another researcher
also studied nutritional component of different
varieties of Curcubita maxima L. var. Berrettina and
found that the major fatty acids were oleic acids and
the highest components was sterols (Montesano, et
al., 2018). Due to the different components among
the varieties of Cucurbita grown in the different
areas of the world, all studies agreed that pumpkin
seeds are a good source of many nutrients.
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, June 2018
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
Cucurbita pepo L.
Cucurbita pepo
Subsp. pepo Var.
Cucurbita maxima
Cucurbita maxima ,
var. Berrettina
Palmitic acid 9.5-14.5% 10.86% 15.97% Unquantified
Stearic acid 3.1-7.4% 8.67% Unquantified Unquantified
Oleic acid 21.0-46.9% 38.42% 44.11% 41.40%
Linoleic acid 35.6-60.8% 39.84% 34.77% 37.00%
Other fatty acids <0.5% Unquantified Unquantified Unquantified
α-tocopherols n.d-91 mg/Kg Unquantified
γ-tocopherols 41-620 mg/Kg Unquantified
Daidzein 5.6-15.3 ng/g Unquantified
Genistein 5.6-15.3 ng/g Unquantified
Secoisolaricires inol 210 μg/g Unquantified
Phytosterol 1.6–1.9 % 1.86% 39.60% 63.20%
Protein 25.2–37% 25.40% 33.92% 1.28%
Carotenoid Unquantified Unquantified Unquantified 2.5 mg/L
Concentration in seve ral varieties
882.65 mg/Kg 42.27%
Identified as
polyphenol: 66.27
Identified as
polyphenol: 79.6
Table 1. Nutritional components of pumpkin seeds.
*)Murkovic,et al.,1996;Murkovic,et al.,2004;Phillips,et al.,2005;Applequist,et al.,2006;Glew,et al.,
2006;Sabudak,2007;Ryan, et al.,2007;Stevenson,et al.,2007
**)Ardabili,et al.,2011
***)Rezig,et al.,2012
****)Montesano,et al.,2018
In general, pumpkin seeds are an extraordinarily
rich source of nutraceutical, pharmaceutical,
and cosmeceutical properties that exhibit many
pharmacological effects and health benets. In
recent years, in vitro, in vivo, and pre-clinical studies
have proven that pumpkin seeds oil has a wide
spectrum of amazing biological activities (Table
2.). Moreover, the presence of high percentage of
unsaturated fatty acids, sterols and tocopherol make
it an excellent product which could prevent against
some diseases (Patel, 2013). The widespread usage
of pumpkin seed gains positive acceptance not only
as edible oil but also nutraceutical. Not only the
therapeutic uses of pumpkin seeds were explored,
the safeties of pumpkin seeds against some organs
were also tested using several methods. For example,
Schiebel-Schlosser and Friederich (1998) found
that there were no side effects of Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia (BPH) patients under the treatment
of capsules containing 500 mg of a pumpkin seed
Lestari, et al, 2018
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 9(2), 92-101
Activity References
Therapy for arthritis Fahim, et al ., 1995
Antitumor effect Thompson, et al ., 1996
Therapy for irritable bladder Leung and Foster, 1996
Retarded the progression of hypertension Al-Zuhair, Abdel-Fattah, and Abdel Latif, 1997
Reduced hypercholesterolemia Makni, et al ., 2008
Free radical scavengers in the heart and kidney -
Therapy for colon cancer Awad, von Holtz, Cone, Fink, and Chen, 1998
Possessed estrogenic, antiestrogenic, antioxidative,
antiviral, antibacterial, insecticidal or fungistatic Mazur and Adlercreutz, 1998
Reduced serum cholesterol Jones, et al ., 2000
Treatment of heterophyiasis Mahmoud, et al ., 2002
Immunoregulatory potential Winkler, et al ., 2005
Antiperoxidative properties Nkosi, et al. , 2006
Alleviated diabetes, reliefed of abdominal cramps,
and distension due to intestinal worms Caili, et al. , 2006
Therapy for bladderstone disease Caili, Huan, and Quanhong, 2006
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Kühn, Chaitidis, Roffeis, and Walther, 2007
Therapy for benign prostate hyperplasia
Friederich, et al ., 2000; Gossell-Williams, et al .,
2006; Fruhwirth and Hermetter, 2007; Hong, et
al. , 2009; Jiang, et al ., 2012; Medjakovic, et al. ,
Prevented changes in plasma lipids and blood
pressure Gossell-Williams, et al ., 2008
Radical Scavenger and inhibit lipoxygenase Xanthopoulou, et al ., 2009
Preventing diabetic complications Makni, et al ., 2010
Increased of reproductive potential Abd El-Ghany, et al ., 2010
Breast cancer prevention and/or treatment Richter, et al ., 2014
Antigenotoxic Elfiky, et al ., 2012; Yasir, et al ., 2016
Table 2. Some biological activities of pumpkin seeds.
extract. Those research ndings have accumulated
in the recent years that endorse the wide range of
therapeutic values of pumpkin seeds. More clinical
trials are required to optimally utilize the nutritional
potential of pumpkin seeds.
As we know that estrogen hormones play
a ke
y role in the menstrual cycle, reproduction,
modulation of bone density, and cholesterol
transport in the body (Rosano, et al., 2007).
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, June 2018
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
Phytoestrogen is a polyphenol compound from
plant that exerts mammalian estrogenic-like effect
due to the binding ability with estrogen receptor.
The oil of pumpkin seeds has proved to contain
high percentage of phytoestrogens and sterols such
as secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol (Patel, et al.,
2012). Sicilia, et al. (2003) reported that pumpkin
seeds contain secoisolariciresinol approximately 21
mg/100 g of dry weight and Philips, et al. (2005)
found 265 mg of phytoestrogens/100 g of seeds.
Supplementation of pumpkin seeds to rats showed
anti-atherogenic and hepato-protective effect in
hypercholesterolemic rats (Mazur and Adlercreutz,
1998; Makni, et al., 2008). Further study revealed
that pumpkin seeds exhibited estrogenic-like
effects such as regulating lipid metabolism, bone
remodeling, mammary gland and uterus epithelial
cells development. Phytoestrogen components were
the key role in inhibiting cardiovascular outcomes
and balancing the plasma lipids level such as total
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-
density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride (Gossell-
Williams, et al., 2008; Jones, et al., 2000; Zeb and
Ahmad, 2017). In conclusion, phytoestrogens and
tocopherols presented in pumpkin seeds contribute
to their estrogenic-like effects.
The previous studies reported that
phytoestrogen compounds in pumpkin seeds also
exerted an anticancer effect. Some reports showed
that pumpkin seeds are a good candidate for cancer
prevention and/or cancer treatment. As described in
the previous sentences, phytoestrogen compounds are
related to estrogen hormones. Thus, several studies
explored the association of the effect on estrogen
hormone-dependent malignancies, mainly breast
cancer. Richter, et al., (2013) conducted research
about the anticancer effect of pumpkin seeds extract
using human breast cancer cells (MCF7), human
chorionic carcinoma cell lines (Jeg3 and BeWo),
the results showed a cytotoxic effect on those
cancer cells and elevated the estradiol production
in a concentration-dependent manner. Interestingly,
this phenomenon looks to be a contradiction
because usually estrogenic-like effect promotes
cell proliferation. One of the explanations for this
phenomenon is that pumpkin seeds exert a biphasic
effect, estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities
through different pathways. This phenomenon also
found in several phytoestrogen compounds such as
genistein and daidzein (Guo, et al., 2004). Another
in vitro result was reported by Medjakovic, et al.
(2016), they found that hydroalcoholic pumpkin seed
extract inhibited not only cancer cells proliferation
but also hyperplastic cells, while weaker effects
on non-hyperplastic cells. They concluded that the
anticancer effect of pumpkin seeds was not mediated
through sex steroid hormone receptors. The previous
research also claimed that phytoestrogen like
isoavones are considered to exert estrogenic-like
effects but possess nonhormonal properties that
also may contribute to their effects (Messina and
Loprinzi, 2001). Cytotoxic effect of pumpkin seeds
ethanolic and aqueous extracts in prostate cancer in
vitro was conducted by Rathinavelu, et al. (2013) and
conrmed that the cytotoxic effects of both extracts
of pumpkin seeds was mediated through oxidative
stress, mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis
Jiang, et al. (2012) reported that there was
an inhibition of prostate cancer in vitro and in
vivo experiments in the group treated by pumpkin
seeds as a dietary supplement. The animal study
using Sprague dawley rats showed that the oil
from pumpkin seeds inhibited testosterone-induced
hyperplasia that would be useful in the management
of benign prostatic hyperplasia (Gossell-William,
et al., 2006). The clinical trial of benign prostate
cancer (BPH) patients has proved that after 3-months
treatment with pumpkin seed oil, the symptoms
were reduced especially in the early stage of cancer
(Friederich, et al., 2000; Hong, et al., 2009). In
the same study of human trial, a whole extract of
Stryrian oil pumpkin seeds was correlated to reduce
Lestari, et al, 2018
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 9(2), 92-101
benign prostate hyperplasia-related symptoms
(Fruhwirth and Hermetter, 2007). Many reports also
claimed that the components such as cucurbitacins
and moschatin were found in pumpkin seeds and
in charge for anticancer activities. Cucurbitacins
have been isolated from several species of pumpkin
seeds and have been reported to induce apoptosis
through JAK/STAT, PARP, MAPK pathways
(Rios, et al., 2012). Moreover, Xia, et al. (2003)
reported that moschatin from the mature seeds
of pumpkin (Curcurbita moschata) inhibited the
growth of targeted melanoma cells M21. In general,
the molecular mechanism of anticancer effect of
pumpkin seeds should be claried further based on
particular concentrations and several types of cancer
Pumpkin seeds oil has been proven to
ain high antioxidant vitamins like tocopherol
and carotenoid by several studies along with
sufcient oxidative stability (Xanthopoulou, et al.,
2009; Seif, 2014; Hernández-Santos, et al., 2016).
In vivo experiment was conducted by Bardaa, et
al., (2016) using the cutaneous wound healing rats
and revealed that oil from pumpkin seeds extracted
by cold pressure was better in macroscopic,
morphometric and histological data of rat skin than
the untreated group. The potent antioxidant effect
and protective activity against genotoxic chemicals
of pumpkin seeds has performed by Elky, et al.,
(2012). Those ndings have been consistently and
strongly demonstrated that pumpkin seeds oil was
accepted as antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
Fahim, et al. (1995) observed that treatment with
pumpkin seeds oil decreased free radicals and was
helpful for arthritis. In addition, Yasir, et al. (2016)
reported that extract of pumpkin seeds exhibited
antioxidant and genoprotective effects. Overall, the
high amount of tocopherol present in the pumpkin
seeds might be considered as playing a protective
role against toxic substances and free radicals.
In the recent years, pumpkin seeds have a large
range of application as a food or herbal medicine.
Those waste streams are valuable and can be utilized
for food products and/or nutraceutical products.
They can be consumed as a snack, salads or breakfast
cereal in the roasted form (salted or not). In addition,
they could be used in baking as the excellent
ingredients of bread or cakes. Moreover, their oil
is excellent and could gain acceptance as edible oil
and additive component in food, pharmaceutical
and cosmetic industries. Pumpkin seeds oil is useful
for frying, cooking, baking and salad dressing.
Supplement from pumpkin seeds could be developed
in the form of a soft capsule. In cosmetic industries,
they usually use for skin care products such as anti-
aging, free-radical scavenging, skin protection and
hair care products such as hair growth stimulants
and emollients. The consumption of pumpkin seeds
in the oil form or roasted pumpkin seeds is proved to
exhibit several positive health effects.
The general conclusion of this literature study
is that pumpkin seeds have emerging bioactive
compositions that promote health and human
life. All of these ndings bring us to the new
idea in developing and innovating nutraceuticals,
pharmaceuticals, and cosmeceuticals products from
pumpkin seeds for the large range application.
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