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Testing the Key Performance of Mobile Flood Protection System

Advances in Civil Engineering

Abstract and Figures

Mobile flood protection systems provide a standardized flood protection method with high reliability. A comprehensive test site for mobile flood wall was established with the support of real applications, which provided opportunities to perform various tests. The anchor plate installation, seepage characteristics, and stress behavior of mobile flood protection systems were investigated through a process test, a water impounding test, and a post loading/unloading test. Test results indicated that installing anchor plates either by direct fixing or by preopened slots and eyes satisfy the construction and normal work requirements. However, the former is preferable over the latter. The mobile flood protection wall leaks when filled with water, and the leakage changes exponentially with the level. The leakage accelerates when the water level exceeds 1.5 m, thus registering 300 L/h at the 1.7 m level. In the post loading test (0–100 kN), concrete plastic deformation was first observed. Then, residual displacement was developed in the posts. The stressing process indicated that the failure process in the post, anchor plate, and base concrete system propagates from the concrete on both sides of the anchor plates toward the water side.
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Research Article
Testing the Key Performance of Mobile Flood Protection System
Shoukai Chen,
Huimin Li ,
Lei Guo,
Lunyan Wang,
and Yongchao Cao
School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
Academician Workstation of Water Environment Governance and Ecological Restoration, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China
Henan Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation and Treatment, Zhengzhou 450045, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Protection Engineering, Zhengzhou,
Henan 450045, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Huimin Li;
Received 24 March 2018; Accepted 20 May 2018; Published 2 July 2018
Academic Editor: Flavio Stochino
Copyright ©2018 Shoukai Chen et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Mobile flood protection systems provide a standardized flood protection method with high reliability. A comprehensive test site
for mobile flood wall was established with the support of real applications, which provided opportunities to perform various tests.
e anchor plate installation, seepage characteristics, and stress behavior of mobile flood protection systems were investigated
through a process test, a water impounding test, and a post loading/unloading test. Test results indicated that installing anchor
plates either by direct fixing or by preopened slots and eyes satisfy the construction and normal work requirements. However, the
former is preferable over the latter. e mobile flood protection wall leaks when filled with water, and the leakage changes
exponentially with the level. e leakage accelerates when the water level exceeds 1.5 m, thus registering 300L/h at the 1.7 m level.
In the post loading test (0–100 kN), concrete plastic deformation was first observed. en, residual displacement was developed in
the posts. e stressing process indicated that the failure process in the post, anchor plate, and base concrete system propagates
from the concrete on both sides of the anchor plates toward the water side.
1. Introduction
Today, there are more than 400 cities worldwide with one
million or more population [1]. More than half of the world’s
population lives in cities which provide job opportunities
and quality life. Historically, major cities are located along
rivers and coastal areas. is makes them and their pop-
ulations vulnerable to natural disasters such as flood. Fur-
thermore, natural disasters and weather-related disasters
have been occurring at an increased frequency during the
last decade [2].
is upward trend in losses has been mainly attributed to
socioeconomic developments, such as economic and pop-
ulation growth in disaster-prone areas, which have increased the
exposure of properties that can be damaged by natural hazards
over time [3, 4]. Moreover, future natural disaster losses are
expected to increase in many regions around the world [5, 6].
e high-level urban flood control system is the basic
guarantee for the sustainable development of modern
cities, and the beautiful water environment and river
landscape are the important symbols of modern cities. e
need of protection is increasing with rising population
density and concentration of valuables in low-lying coastal
and river areas in the last decades [7]. Nevertheless, a fact
frequently overlooked is that small local events cause ap-
proximately 50% of total flood damage [8]. For example,
the flooding caused by the hurricane can be assumed as the
flooding with the highest economical losses for more than
$81 billions at the US coast [9]. Tropical Storm Irene and
spring flooding in 2011 exposed the vulnerabilities of
mobile home parks in Vermont when 154 mobile homes in
parks were destroyed [10].
Beneath dykes and floodwalls, mobile constructions are
a solution for flood protection especially in densely popu-
lated areas where no space for permanent structures is
available. In addition, permanent structures may obstruct
heavily the view onto the water body. In these cases, mobile
flood protection measures may be a solution to fit both
Advances in Civil Engineering
Volume 2018, Article ID 5641385, 11 pages
requirements: protection in case of flooding and open access
to the floodplain over the remaining time. Furthermore,
mobile protective systems can be used as an emergency tool
against flooding in unprotected low-lying areas and for
heightening of permanent flood protection structures in
extreme events [11].
Greening flood protection (GFP) is increasingly recog-
nized as an adaptive and flexible approach to water man-
agement that is well suited to addressing uncertain futures
associated with climate change. In the last decade, GFP
knowledge and policies have developed rapidly, but
implementation has been less successful and has run into
numerous barriers [12].
erefore, the demand for technical protection measures
is growing. It means that the construction of flood control
projects should not only meet the requirements of urban
construction, but also meet the requirements of water and
shore two-way landscape viewing and residents’ and tourists’
visiting [13]. Recently, more and more mobile protection
schemes are on the market promising to fit both re-
quirements: protection in case of flooding and open access to
the floodplain in the remaining time. With the severe sit-
uation of urban flood protection in China [14], mobile flood
protection systems can satisfy the different quality of life and
safety requirements for the urban residents. e mobile
flood protection method has been successfully applied in
many American and European countries [15]. For example,
in 1984, Cologne City, first installed the mobile flood
protection baffle to protect against river flood. In 2005,
Czech built a 17.2 km long and 6.0 m high mobile flood
protection system, which is one of the largest urban flood
protection systems in the world. After the flood protection
exercise, 310 fire protection volunteers completed the in-
stallation of the entire system in 11 hours. Grein City in
Austria also introduced flood protection equipment which
successfully resisted the maximum rainfall record in the area
in June, 2013. In recent years, mobile flood protection
systems have been implemented by important flood pro-
tection cities in Heilongjiang province and Zhejiang prov-
ince in China. However, these flood protection systems have
not met the flood.
Mobile floodwalls can be installed at river dams, large-
size port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of
expressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and
urban large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters.
Compared with the traditional flood protection method,
mobile floodwalls have the advantages of low-labor intensity,
high-work efficiency, and small seepage over traditional
flood protection methods [15]. Mobile floodwalls improve
the standard of urban flood protection and can effectively
prevent flood disasters under the requirement of preserving
the urban landscape [16]. Mobile floodwalls usually com-
prise posts (including center post and end posts), dam
beams, ground seal, bolts, pressing tool, and anchor plate
[17–19]. For mobile floodwalls, reinforced concrete plinths
embedded with anchor plates are constructed in advance at
the site of floodwalls. e posts should be installed on the
anchor plates before flooding occurs, and the dam beams
and ground seal should be installed among the posts to form
a closed wall to prevent flooding. When flooding occurs,
water enters the vacuum dam beams through the contact
parts of the dam beams and the vertical posts. en, the self-
weight and stability of floodwalls are improved. After the
flood recedes, all components are reversely removed and
orderly stored in a warehouse.
During a flood, several causes of failure may occur re-
lated to the flood protection system. Failure types can be
distinguished into five general situations: (1) sliding/rolling,
(2) seepage, (3) leakage, (4) tilting, and (5) collapse. Every
flood protection system has the possibility of failure.
erefore, it is important to design the system in a way that
minimizes the possibility to meet one or several failure types.
Wind, floating elements, bad design, vandalism, and human
failure are all factors that may cause failure of the flood
protection system [16]. Obviously, it is important to try
avoiding the mentioned failure types. During the design
phase of a flood protection system, the engineers should
consider the risk of failure and put it up against properties
that the system should hold. For instance, large and heavy
systems provide stability and robustness, but on the con-
trary, they will be more difficult and expensive to produce,
store, and transport. erefore, it is important to consider
which strengths the flood protection system should get and
which to neglect [20].
Two problems should be considered for such a combined
flood protection system. e first one is the installation
precision of anchor plates as the key control components for
the assembly and force transmission of floodwalls in which
the anchor plates are embedded in reinforced concrete
plinths for connecting fixed columns. Ensuring the in-
stallation precision of anchor plates without deviation
during concrete pouring is crucial because the control
precision of concrete pouring is in millimeter accuracy, and
the installation precision of anchor plates should be con-
trolled in centimeter accuracy. e second problem is the
seepage and safety of flood protection systems, which is
the primary concern of practical and research [7]. However,
the seepage and safety of flood protection systems have not
been studied in the literature. Considering the two problems,
this study used the mobile flood wall from IBS company
through the construction of experimental bases and in-
vestigated the installation technology of anchor plates, the
leakage characteristics of mobile flood protection systems,
and the stress conditions of posts and anchor plate bases to
provide a reference for the application and promotion of
mobile floodwalls in China.
2. Test Scheme of Mobile Floodwalls
2.1. Product Characteristics. e mobile flood wall used in
this study is obtained from IBS Company, Germany, and has
been applied in Germany, Austria, UK, and China. e
installation effect is shown in Figure 1. e posts (including
center posts and end posts) and dam beams of the system are
made of aluminum alloy (with a tensile strength of
200 N/mm
and yield strength of 165 N/mm
). e pressure
tools and anchor plates are made of stainless steel (with
a tensile strength of 500 N/mm
and yield strength of
2Advances in Civil Engineering
190 N/mm
). e type and materials of their components are
shown in Table 1, and the main structure parts are shown in
Figure 2. In this research, the single span and the height of
maximum water level for the system are 3.0 m and 1.8 m,
2.2. Test Design. Figure 3 shows the layout of mobile
floodwalls at the test site. e test site is divided into three
areas: water storage, post damage destructive, and standby
areas. e test site is 10.4 m long and 10.0 m wide. ree
spans, two end posts, two center posts with an anchor plate,
and three-span dam beams (27 dam beams) were designed
for the floodwalls in the prototype test area. e destructive
test area comprises a center post and its anchor plates.
e base plate in the test site was 30 cm thick, and
a layer of V18 reinforcing mesh with a spacing of 20 cm was
installed inside. e reservoir wall was a standard rein-
forced concrete U-shaped shear wall, which was 250 mm
thick and 2.4 m high. e base of the anchor plates for the
center posts was 10.4 m (length) ×1.2 m (width) ×1.0 m
(height), and the reinforced concrete posts of the anchor
plates for the end posts were 0.8 m (length) ×0.8 m
(width) ×1.8 m (height). When water is impounded to the
designed height of 1.8 m, the volume of the impounding
reservoir is 55.341 m
e test site was built using C25 reinforced concrete and
completed in two layers. e first layer comprised the base
plate and the base of the anchor plates, and the second layer
comprised the reservoir walls.
2.3. Test Procedures and Method. After the test site is con-
ducted according to the design, the following are performed:
(1) e installation methods for the test of anchor plates:
two methods are adopted for the installation of
anchor plates. e first one is the direct installation
method; that is, the anchor plates are installed and
fixed. en, concrete is poured after the steel bars are
assembled. e second one is the reserved slot
method; that is, the anchor plates are installed, and
slots are reserved on the base after the poured
concrete reaches a certain age.
(2) After the anchor plates are installed, the steel bar
meters and the strain meters are arranged as shown
in Figure 4. R1–R5 are steel bar meter number, and
S1–S3 are strain gauge number. e steel bar and
strain meters are obtained from Geokon Instruments
Co., Ltd. Full-automatic wireless collection devices
are used for real-time collection, and they recorded
data once every 3 mins.
(3) Concrete is poured and cured for 28 d. Subsequently,
reaction frames, the waterproof impounding reser-
voir, water inlet and outlet pipelines, and the ceiling
are installed and erected. en, the construction of
Table 1: Main structure parts and materials of mobile floodwalls.
Class Model Material
Center post MS100K-T05-1865 Aluminum alloy
EN AW 6005
End post E100K-T01-1865 Aluminum alloy
EN AW 6005
Dam beam DBAL100 ×200–2.5
(width: 3000 mm)
Aluminum alloy
EN AW 6063 T66
seal BD100K (width: 3000 mm) PE/PU
tool VS 100K Stainless steel
Anchor plate AP 100K-T05 Stainless steel
Center post
Dam beam
Anchor plate
Figure 2: Structure of main parts.
Figure 1: Mobile flood wall.
Advances in Civil Engineering 3
the test site is completed such that the ceiling can
prevent the influence of sunlight or rainfall during
the leakage test.
(4) Water storage and post loading tests are performed.
3. Installation Technology of Anchor Plates
3.1. Installation Precision of Anchor Plates. e precision of
anchor plates’ installation depends on the designed water
level. Considering the water retaining height of 1.8 m as
an example, the tolerances of all directions are shown in
Figure 5. e control tolerances in the axis direction of the
anchor plates are ±5 mm and ±10 mm in the vertical di-
rection, 3°of the horizontal angle, 0.15% of the vertical
angle, ±3 mm of the interval errors for the contiguous an-
chor plates, and ±5 mm interval errors for the interval
anchor plates, perspective.
3.2. Installation Technology of Anchor Plates. Two in-
stallation methods, namely, the direct installation method
and reserved slot method, are used for anchor plate’s in-
stallation for this test. For the direct installation method,
U-shaped steel bars are arranged firstly at the installation
position (Figure 6), and the anchor plates and U-shaped steel
bars are welded. e foundation steel bars are assembled,
and concrete is poured all at once. e advantage of the
direct installation method is the integrity of the anchor
plates, steel bars, and base concrete. However, the in-
stallation precision of anchor plates cannot be easily con-
trolled because the anchor plates easily deviate when
concrete is poured. And their surrounding concrete cannot
be easily vibrated and compacted.
For the reserved slot method, concrete should be poured
one time at the lifting elevation of the foundation and slots
should be reserved in the concrete foundation according to
10,400 mm
3800 mm
C25 reinforced concrete wall
Center postEnd post Dam beam
250 mm
800 mm
800 mm 3000 mm
Direct installation of
anchor plate
Reserved slot installation of
anchor plate
Figure 3: Test site layout.
16Φ12 @ 100
10Φ12 @ 100
8Φ10 @ 150 R5
R1 R4
20Φ14 @ 100
360.5 mm
245.5 mm
258.5 mm
S2 R2
45 mm
495 mm
Central axis
318.5 mm
4Φ16 @ 150
3Φ12 @ 150
Figure 4: Layout of reinforcing steel bars, steel bar meters, and strain meters. R1–R5 are steel bar meter number, and S1S3 are strain gauge
number. e same as in Figure 4(b). 3Φ12 @150 refers to three steel bars with diameter 12 mm and spacing 150mm, the same as in Figure 4(a).
4Advances in Civil Engineering
the requirement and water level of the flood period during
construction. e steel bars around the anchor plates cannot be
arranged in advance. However, U-shaped steel bars are welded
with the anchor plates completely in advance (Figure 7(a)).
en, the second-stage concrete is poured after the anchor
plates are fixed by an adjusting device (Figure 7(b)). In the
reserved slot method, the base concrete can be constructed
firstly, and thus, the installation is convenient and precision can
be easily controlled. However, the periphery of slots is pro-
cessed as construction joints, and leakage channels can be easily
formed at the joints.
e two methods have been applied on-site for this
4. Analysis of Test Results
4.1. Water Storage Test. After civil engineering is completed,
the mobile floodwalls are installed for the water storage test,
as shown in Figure 8. e measured values of steel bar meters
of the two installation methods are shown in Table 2. e
strain gauge measured values of two installing methods are
shown in Table 3. e layout of the steel bar and strain
meters of the base is shown in Figure 4.
e stresses on all parts are changed after water storage
with water pressure, water weight, and deadweight of the
flood protection system. e stress condition of the direct
installation method is as follows: maximum tensile stress
appears at R1 and R4 positions where a tensile stress of
0.9 MPa was recorded; moreover, R3 and R5 positions are
compressed, reaching a compression stress of 5.8 MPa.
Compared with the direct installation method, the stress
characteristics of R1, R3, and R4 positions are consistent.
At the same time, the stress features of concrete under the
two installation methods are consistent, but the strain
generated by the latter is higher; for instance, S2 generates
tension strains 5.45 με (direct installation method) and
1.39 με (reserved slot method). e analysis indicates that
the integrity of anchor plates installed via the reserved slot
positioning line
System axis
Deviation ± 10 mm Deviation ± 10 mm Gradient 0.15%
Deviation ± 5 mm
±3 mm ±3 mm
±5 mm
Figure 5: Installation tolerances of anchor plates.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Direct installation method. (a) Anchor plate fixation. (b) Reinforced bar assembly.
Advances in Civil Engineering 5
method is low, which just like anchor plates and slot concrete
form a member that is embedded into the base. en, the stress
state of the reserved slot method is clearly different from the
direct installation method. So, the direct installation method is
apparently safer than the reserved slot method. e actual
stress values of impounding of the two installation methods
are lower than the allowable values of reinforced concrete
4.2. Leakage Test. e seepage test was performed when the
level of stored water reached 1.78 m. After 3 h, the water level
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Reserved slot installation method. (a) Reinforced bar arrangement. (b) Adjusting device and anchor plate fixation.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8: Water storage testing of mobile flood wall storage. (a) Overall view. (b) Pool (not storage). (c) Pool (stored water at 1.8 m).
Table 2: Measured values of steel bar meters of the two installation methods (unit: MPa).
Number of steel bar meter Time of measurement Direct installation method Reserved slot method
Actual measured value Variation value Actual measured value Variation value
R1 (V14) Before storage 4.32 0.90 2.83 1.04
Storage to 1.8 m 5.22 1.79
R2 (V12) Before storage 15.96 0.49
Storage to 1.8 m 15.47
R3 (V12) Before storage 14.35 5.71 22.93 5.64
Storage to 1.8 m 8.64 17.29
R4 (V16) Before storage 3.44 0.87 6.25 1.39
Storage to 1.8 m 4.31 7.64
R5 (V16) Before storage 22.87 5.92 6.38 0.82
Storage to 1.8 m 16.95 7.20
6Advances in Civil Engineering
decreased to 1.75 m. Given 1.75 m as time 0, the observation
frequency was measured every 6–2 h, until 150 h was
reached. en, the water level was 1.37 m at 300 h. e
observation times and corresponding observation levels are
shown in Tables 2 and 3. e variation in the actual mea-
sured level with time did not exhibit a linear correlation. e
following regression formula was obtained by origin re-
gression analysis:
H0.202et/18.79 +0.217et/182.02 +1.327,(1)
where His the water level (m) and tis the time (h), when
t0 and H1.75 m.
Fitting testing was conducted via (1). e correlation
coefficient was 0.995, and the fitting effect was good. For-
ward and backward predictions were performed to verify the
accuracy of the relation formula. e calculation results
indicated that the Hvalue was 1.784 m (the actual measured
value was 1.78 m) when the time was moved back by 3 h
(t3 h in the calculation), and the calculation value was
1.369 m (the actual measured value was 1.37 m) when the
time was moved forward to 300 h. us, the consistency of
the result was good. e decrease of water level is caused by
the leakage in the mobile floodwalls, and the critical water
level is 1.327 m.
e seepage rule for mobile floodwalls has not been from
the literature. Generally, seepage only occurs at contact
positions, which are the positions between dam beams and
posts, the positions between the bottom dam beams and the
foundation, and the positions among dam beams. Consid-
ering the current test condition, the leakage amount of all
parts cannot be obtained through the test. Under the re-
quirement of ignoring the influence of water evaporation at
the reservoir surface, the leakage amount of mobile flood-
walls is calculated according to the following formula:
q1000 Av 1000 AdH
dt ,(2)
where qis the leakage amount (L/h) and Ais the reservoir
area (m
). For the test conducted, A30.745 m
and vis the
seepage velocity (m/h), vdH/dt.
After the derivation of (1), the seepage velocity is
obtained. e variation rule for the average leakage
amount at different water levels is obtained after sub-
stitution in (2). en, the average leakage amounts are
compared with the average leakage amount after the
conversion of the actual measured water level (Figure 10).
Figures 9 and 10 show that the range of water level var-
iation becomes fast and the seepage rate becomes large,
which is more than 50 L/h, when the water level exceeds
1.7 m, and the seepage rate can exceed 300 L/h when the
water level exceeds 1.5 m. Seepage quantity is an important
aspect to consider when floodwalls increase the flood
protection height.
4.3. Post Loading Test. Section 4.2 indicates that under the
normal hydrostatic pressure, the base of the mobile flood
wall is slightly stressed and generally cannot damage the
concrete. However, the hydrodynamic action or the impact
of foreign objects should be considered during the process of
flood resistance. At this time, the post, anchor plate, and base
system ensure the safety of flood protection.
Table 3: Strain gauge measured values of two installing methods (unit: με).
Number of steel bar meter Time of measurement Direct installation method Reserved slot method
Actual measured value Variation value Actual measured value Variation value
S1 Before storage 41.31 8.68
Storage to 1.8 m 49.99
S2 Before storage 79.97 5.45 4.75 11.95
Storage to 1.8 m 85.42 16.70
S3 Before storage 63.32 25.84 12.33 26.32
Storage to 1.8 m 37.48 13.90
45 95 145 195 245 295 345 395 445 495
Water level (H/m)
Measure time (t/h)
H= 0.202e
+ 0.217e
+ 1.327
= 0.995
Measured values-1 Measured values-2
Fitted values Predicted values
Figure 9: Variation rule of water level with time.
1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75
Leakage (q/L/h)
Water level (H/m)
q= 330.52e(–t/18.79) + 36.65e(–t/182.02)
R2 = 0.951
Measured water level conversion values
Calculated values
Figure 10: Leakage variation rule with the change of water level.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7
e post loading test site, layout of its loading
devices, displacement meters, and strain plates are shown in
Figures 11 and 12. And the layout of the base steel bar and
strain meters is shown in Figure 4. In Figure 12, strain meters
C1 and C2 are arranged at the side of the posts, which is
1.02 m away from the base surface, to observe the self-
deformation of the posts. Displacement meters A1, A2,
and A3 are arranged at the downstream surface of the posts,
which are 0.25, 1.02, and 1.57 m away from the base surface,
respectively, to measure the overall displacement of the posts.
e steel bar and strain meters are arranged in the same way
as that in Section 4.1. e test adopted the hydraulic jack
continuous loading mode, the set load limit was 100 kN, and
all measurement equipment was measured once at 0, 25, 50,
75, and 97 kN. e loading and unloading process lines of all
monitoring devices are shown in Figures 1316.
e oblique strains (C1 and C2) of the post show a linear
variation with the load during the loading process. e
loading and unloading curves are basically consistent, and
the directions and values of C1 and C2 are opposite and
similar, respectively. Under loading of 50 and 97 kN, the
strain values are approximately 500 and 1000 με, re-
spectively, which indicate that the posts are consistently in
the elastic phase during the loading process. e overall
radial displacement of the posts shows that one of the upper
parts is higher than that of the lower part, and the maximum
value appears at the upper parts of the posts. For instance,
the displacement meter A3 is 9.8 mm when the load is 50 kN,
and displacement meter A3 is 17.1 mm when it is 97 kN. e
radial displacement of the posts shows a nonlinear variation
with the load variation, and the actual measured residual
displacements of A1, A2, and A3 are 0.17, 0.36, and 0.50mm,
respectively, after unloading. e values are in linear re-
lationship with the heights where the displacement meters
are located (as showing in Figure 17); that is, the posts are
also at the elastic stage. us, residual displacement shall be
generated by the reinforced concrete plinth of the anchor
Considering the concrete load-strain curve, concrete
enters the plastic stage from the elastic stage when the load is
approximately 25 kN. For example, S1 and S2 reach 97.34
and 389.47 με when loaded to 7 kN. At this time, S1 is close
to the ultimate tensile deformation value of concrete, and the
residual strains are 6.50 and 26.39 με, respectively, after
unloading. is condition can also be observed from the
load-stress curve of steel bar meters. Stress shows a linear
variation with the load when the load does not exceed 25 kN,
which indicates that the steel bars and concrete are in the
elastic stage of coordinative deformation at this time. Stress
shows a nonlinear variation with the load when it is loaded
continuously, and residual stresses are found, which are
0.39 MPa (R1), 0.20 MPa (R2), 0.16 MPa (R3), and 0.10 MPa
(R4), after unloading. Unfortunately, R5 was broken, so the
record cannot be gotten. e stress of the loaded steel bar is
lower than the yield condition because the test uses HRB335
steel bars. us, the residual stresses displayed by steel bar
meters are caused by the plastic deformation of concrete. In
addition, the strain rule of steel bar meters is
R2 >R1 >R4 >R3. For example, when the loading is up to
97 kN, the actual maximum measured stress values of R1 to
R4 are 8.50, 12.50, 2.70, and 3.63 MPa, respectively, which
indicates that the side surface of the anchor plates is in
maximum stress. us, crack starts from the two sides of the
anchor plates and then develops to the positive side of the
water gradually if damage occurs.
5. Conclusions
Mobile floodwalls can be installed at river dams, large-size
port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of ex-
pressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and urban
large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters. Mobile
floodwalls improve the standard of urban flood protection
and can effectively prevent flood disasters under the re-
quirement of preserving the urban landscape. In order to
investigate the safety of mobile flood wall, the anchor plate
installation, seepage characteristics, and stress behavior of
mobile flood protection systems were investigated through
a process test, a water impounding test, and a post
loading/unloading test. Test results indicated the following:
(1) e installation precision of anchor plates ensures
the rapid assembly and normal operation of mobile
flood protection systems. Combined with engi-
neering characteristics, the technologies of the direct
installation and reserved slot methods are studied.
e two methods are assumed capable of satisfying
the construction requirements after technical testing.
However, the integrity of the former is better than
the latter. e impounding test also proved that the
two methods can satisfy the requirements of normal
operation. However, the stress condition of the direct
installation method is better than that of the reserved
slot method. So, direct installation method is rec-
ommended for the actual project.
Figure 11: Post loading test.
8Advances in Civil Engineering
–1500 –1250 –1000 –750 –500 –250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Load (kN)
Strain (με)
C1 loading curve
C2 loading curve
Unloading curve
Figure 13: Relationship between post oblique strain and load.
Figure 12: Layout of displacement meter, strain meter, and loading.
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820
Load (kN)
Displacement (mm)
A1 loading curve
A2 loading curve
A3 loading curve
Unloading curve
Figure 14: Relationship between displacement and load.
–400 –350 –300 –250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100
Load (kN)
Strain (με)
S1 loading curve
S2 loading curve
Unloading curve
Figure 15: Relationship between concrete strain and load.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9
(2) e leakage characteristic of the mobile flood pro-
tection system should be considered during flood
prevention. e impounding test for the reservoir of
three-span mobile flood protection system indicated
the actual measured water level and time, and the
leakage amount and water level are in the index
variation relationship. e leakage amount, which is
higher than 50 L/h, will rapidly increase when the
water level is higher than 1.5 m. For example, the
leakage amount can be 300 L/h when water level is
1.7 m, which indicates that the leakage should be
solved when the water retaining height of the mobile
flood protection system increases.
(3) In the entire mobile flood protection system, the
post-anchor plate-reinforced concrete plinth system
ensures the safety of flood protection. e post
loading and unloading tests (the limited load is
100 kN at this time) indicate that the plastic de-
formation of concrete around the anchor plates
occurs when the load is up to 25 kN. When the load is
reaching 97 kN, the concrete would be close to ul-
timate tensile deformation. However, the posts and
steel bars are all in the elastic stage during the en-
tire loading process. e actual measured residual
displacements of posts and residual stress of steel
bars are caused by the plastic deformation of con-
crete after unloading. In addition, the stress analysis
of the loading and unloading processes shows that
the damage of the post-anchor plate-foundation
system will start from the concrete around the an-
chor plate and gradually develop toward the surface
of the water surface until the whole is destroyed.
erefore, the mobile flood control system engi-
neering should pay full attention to the construction
quality of concrete around the anchor plate.
Data Availability
e data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
is research was financially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 51309101 and
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Advances in Civil Engineering 11
... Unlike traditional ones, these structures are movable and can be deployed or erected only in flooding times. Removable floodwall systems can be applied to individual buildings, smaller areas, or a large scale of the infrastructure such as dams, large-size port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of expressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and urban large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters [5]. Compared with traditional flood protection methods, the removable floodwall takes advantage of the low labor intensity, high work efficiency, and small seepage [6]. ...
... Step 5: In the preconstruction phase, first of all, quality control was carried out from the aspect of raw materials, and quality inspection was carried out on the incoming modules to ensure that the incoming modules met the corresponding quality standards and met the installation requirements, such as the size problem in the manufacture of large steel structures [5]. The prefabricated components, including embedded parts and fabricated modules, were inspected and calibrated according to the specifications and manuals. ...
... Prefabricated parts' inspection and calibration: The removable flood wall used in this study was obtained from IBS Company, Germany, and has been applied in Germany, Austria, the UK, and China [5]. Table 1 shows the main components and materials. ...
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Quality control is essential to a successful modular construction project and should be enhanced throughout the project from design to construction and installation. The current methods for analyzing the assembly quality of a removable floodwall heavily rely on manual inspection and contact-type measurements, which are time-consuming and costly. This study presents a systematic and practical approach to improve quality control of the prefabricated modular construction projects by integrating building information modeling (BIM) with three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning technology. The study starts with a thorough literature review of current quality control methods in modular construction. Firstly, the critical quality control procedure for the modular construction structure and components should be identified. Secondly, the dimensions of the structure and components in a BIM model is considered as quality tolerance control benchmarking. Thirdly, the point cloud data is captured with 3D laser scanning, which is used to create the as-built model for the constructed structure. Fourthly, data analysis and field validation are carried out by matching the point cloud data with the as-built model and the BIM model. Finally, the study employs the data of a removable floodwall project to validate the level of technical feasibility and accuracy of the presented methods. This method improved the efficiency and accuracy of modular construction quality control. It established a preliminary foundation for using BIM and laser scanning to conduct quality control in removable floodwall installation. The results indicated that the proposed integration of BIM and 3D laser scanning has great potential to improve the quality control of a modular construction project.
... Completely mobile systems are commonly applied as emergency system without prior planning (Koppe and Brinkmann, 2010; Chen et al., 2018). There are several types of lightweight completely mobile system, i.e. container, mobile flaps, plates, trestle and dam systems. ...
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Flooding remains a persistent and ongoing challenge in Malaysia, posing continuous difficulties and hardships; therefore, combating flood risk has become a main priority for sustainable development in this country. The application of sophisticated engineering in hard structure approaches and flood control systems are often incongruous to the public. Therefore, there is a need to integrate soft engineering approaches and best practices of flood management to mitigate flood risk. There is also a need to integrate the concept of sustainable development into its planning policies towards flood hazard reduction. Mobile flood protection measures are useful as an alternative solution in flood protection and mitigation purposes. Mobile protective systems serve as a temporary solution to enhance the height of permanent flood defence structures during extreme events. They can also be deployed as emergency measures to mitigate flooding in vulnerable low-lying regions. As the available mobile systems differ in the type of material, method of installation and available protection height, a description of their features, and potential application are examined including their respective opportunities and drawbacks. This paper presents a review on different types of lightweight mobile flood wall barrier (MFWB) that were implemented to cope with floods in Malaysia with examples of application in other countries such as United Kingdom, Slovakia, and Netherlands. The MFWB products are reviewed and compared to each other according to the types, characteristics, mechanisms, drawbacks, and how these measures are integrated into spatial planning. Based on the findings, several recommendations are provided regarding enhancing flood risk management in areas prone to flooding and the way forward for Malaysia.
... They are typically lower in cost than levees or traditional floodwalls. Removable floodwall systems can be applied to individual buildings, smaller areas, or a large scale of the infrastructure such as dams, largesize port piers, railway tunnel portals, culvert openings of expressways, openings of civil air defense structures, and urban large-scale communities to prevent flood disasters (Chen et al., 2018). Compared with traditional flood protection methods, the removable floodwall takes advantage of the low labor intensity, high work efficiency, and small seepage (Kádár, 2015). ...
Conference Paper
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Integrating and storing digital data through Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D Laser Scanning is of most importance in terms of visualizing project information. In this respect, this study presents a systematic and practical approach for detecting the assembly quality of anchor plates for a removable floodwall through the integration of BIM and 3D laser scanning. The current methods for analyzing the assembly quality of anchor plates heavily rely on manual inspection and contact-type measurements, which are time-consuming and costly. Therefore, this paper examines a semi-automated method integrating the use of BIM and 3D laser scanning technology for rapid analysis of the assembly quality of anchor plates. In this context, the paper introduces the framework of an automatic dimensional and surface quality assessment method. The following sections describe the project flowchart, data collection, and quality inspection methodology. The study employs the data of a real project located in Heihe, China, to validate the level of technical feasibility and accuracy of the presented methods. The results indicated that the proposed integration of BIM and 3D laser scanning has the potential to produce a semiautomated and reliable method to control the assembly quality of anchor plates.
Climate change have led to extreme weather events such as higher rainfall frequency that can cause severe flooding. In Malaysia, there is an increasing trend on extreme rainfall events and short temporal rainfall, particularly during the inter-monsoon season. In order to protect private properties and public premises from flooding, Mobile Flood Wall Barrier (MFWB) has been found to be more suitable as it is less costly, easier to deploy and does not require large space. Buildings such as factories and commercial shops that have larger entrances, they would require heavy-duty type of MFWB as compared to those for residential buildings. Heavy-duty MFWB has a better ability to withstand higher hydrostatic pressure from floodwater, hence suitable for public premises and buildings in industrial and commercial areas. In this paper, various types of heavy-duty MFWB and their application will be presented and discussed. The standards for testing MFWB products presented in this paper are summarised. Some existing testing requirements are also presented. Based on the review, the mobility characteristic indicated that the heavy MFWB can be installed temporarily to prevent flooding and be removed easily to ensure no interruption to the daily activities after flood events. There are many potential advantages for flood protection, in particular, it serves as the way forward for Malaysia.
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Kuching city and its surrounding urban areas frequently experience extreme high annual maximum daily rainfall (AMDR), resulting in flash floods. This study aims to carry out statistical and trend analysis of extreme AMDR events for Kuching Airport rainfall station from 1975 to 2017. From the analysis, the AMDR records a high variability with a value of 36.9% while January has the highest occurrence of AMDR with 53.5% of the total data. Findings from the linear regression plot have shown that the AMDR has a slight decreasing trend over the past four decades though the trend was insignificant. Based on the drainage design capacity of Kuching city, AMDR of magnitude 180 mm was identified as a threshold. The frequency analysis results showed that the return period of flooding events with daily rainfall exceeding 180 mm was 2.69 years. The occurrence probability of the flood event at least once in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years was 0.37, 0.60, 0.75, 0.84 and 0.90, respectively. This study contributed to understanding the magnitude and frequency of extreme high AMDR which could lead to flooding events in Kuching city.
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Determining the flood-limited water level is the focus of the contradiction between flood control and profit-making. The dynamic control of the flood-limited water level of the reservoir is an effective way to ensure flood control safety and realize flood resource utilization. Based on the analysis of the availability of forecast information, this paper conducts a study on the dynamic control of the flood-limited water level in Panjiakou Reservoir. The dynamic control area of Panjiakou Reservoir is determined by the “predischarge capacity constraint method.” On the premise of satisfying the flood control safety of the reservoir, the “prestorage and predischarge method” is adopted according to the real-time forecast information, the water conditions, work conditions, disaster conditions, etc. to develop a dynamic control plan for the flood-limited water level in the main flood season of the reservoir. Finally, based on the improved first-order second moment method (AFOSM), the dispatch risk model of the dynamic control of the flood-limited water level of the reservoir is constructed, and the risk analysis of the flood forecasting system is carried out. The results show that (1) the flood forecast accuracy of Panjiakou Reservoir conforms to the standard of the B-level forecasting scheme, and the results can be applied under the condition of considering the forecast error; (2) it is suggested that the maximum water level of the Panjiakou Reservoir in the main flood season is dynamically controlled to be 218 m. In the case of water supply guarantee rate P = 75 % , compared with the current situation of the flood-limited water level of 216 m, the water supply is increased by 40 million m3, and the flow of electricity is increased by 30 million. The flood control risk rate under the rain leakage error is lower than 0.1, which is the minimum risk level, which is acceptable. However, when the net rain leakage error is greater than 25 mm, there may be insufficient leakage or excessive leakage, which will cause inconvenience to downstream flood control.
With the rapid development of urban underground space, flood control measures based on sandbags can no longer meet its flood control requirements. This paper studies a new mobile flood control wall based on the entrance and exit of urban underground space. The mobile flood control wall is composed of baffles, bottom plates, and struts of aluminum alloy. The working principle is as follows: increasing the friction between the bottom plate and the ground by using the vertical component of the upstream water pressure. This paper first carries out the size design, then carries on the typical analysis based on the hydrological data of a certain subway station, then uses the material mechanics method to verify the material strength, and finally verifies the model’s safety and anti-leakage ability through model tests. Through the material mechanics method, the safety factor k = 1.14 > 1, the strength meets the requirements; the impermeability is verified by the model test through the model test, and the anti-sliding stability safety factor k = 2.36 > 1.10 is calculated from the data to ensure the stability and safety of the flood control wall. By verifying the feasibility of the new mobile flood control wall, it has a positive reference significance for urban underground space flood control.
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Significant climate change has been, leading to heavy rainfall and flood flow rate increasing the last twenty years. At the same time, natural factors, such as sediment accumulation and bottom elevations, channel clogging, and anthropogenic factors: intensive floodplain construction leads to floodplain narrowing and increased flood levels. European cities have been increasingly used mobile flood protection systems as one of the elements of flood protection. The peculiarity of the mountain rivers flood in Ukraine is their short duration: 3-5 days and a significant rate of water uplift, which requires a rapid and simple installation of temporary barriers. The aim of the review is to determine the optimal mobile structures for flood protection of urban areas in conditions of intense mountain floods. The existing mobile systems and the experience of their use in the EU countries were analyzed. The cost of mobile systems significantly exceeds the cost of embankment and has no economic benefits if there is enough area for embankment construction. But in dense urban conditions, the use of mobile flood protection systems become an economically viable alternative to permanent protective structures, because they do not require additional permanent space and do not block access to the river. Flood area mapping with precise identification of the protected area should be developed and automated information and measurement system for early forecasting and notification of the relevant authorities about the floods threat should be implemented, because barriers erection is required time of average 1 hour per 100m, excluding delivery time from the storage area. The installation of mobile systems requires the involvement of human resources, which must have periodically train. The equipment must be delivered quickly to the destination, which requires the involvement of transportation equipment and additional storage area for materials. So, the main requirements for mobile flood systems: light weight, simplicity and speed of installation, its reliability, storage areas and periodic training. The systems with a pre-installed foundation of segment-type, flip walls, segment walls with high foundation and mobile tubes were analyzed. The segment walls with pre-installed foundation (underground or in the form of a parapet) satisfy all above-stated requirements in dense urban condition.
With global climate change, a growing number of countries and regions will have large flood disasters. Therefore, an effective and environmental protection waterproof system is essential. The mobile flood protection wall not only has the flood control capacity comparable to the traditional flood control system but also has a better landscape effect that can meet the needs of residents. However, the mobile flood protection wall presently lacks the basis of practical application and theoretical calculation. Therefore, this paper provides a theoretical calculation method for strains and stresses on a mobile flood protection wall and carries out a real test to verify the reliability of the theoretical calculation. A test pool was built to obtain the data of the strain of the mobile flood protection experiments and reflections on the risk wall during the impoundment process by strain gauge and data acquisition instrument. Through the theoretical calculation method provided in this paper, the actual test conditions are calculated, and the results obtained in the test are mutually validated. The test validates that the mobile flood protection wall is reliable in practical engineering, and the proposed calculation method can be applied to the mobile flood protection wall.
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Economic losses as a result of natural hazards have been rising over the past few decades due to socio-economic development and perhaps climate change. This upwards trend is projected to continue, highlighting the need for adequate adaptation strategies. This raises the question of how to determine which adaptation strategies are preferred to cope with uncertain climate change impacts. This study shows how a multi-disciplinary cascade of hazard modelling, risk modelling, and a cost-benefit analysis can be applied to provide a first indicator of economically efficient adaptation strategies. We apply this approach to an analysis of flood risk and the desirability of flood protection in the state of Tabasco in Mexico, which faces severe flooding on an almost yearly basis. The results show that expected annual damage caused by coastal flooding is expected to increase from 0.53 billion USD today up to 4.12 billion USD in 2080 due to socio-economic development and climate change. For river floods, expected annual damages are estimated to increase from 1.79 billion USD up to 10.6 billion USD in 2080 if no adaptation measures are taken. Based on the estimated risk and cost-benefit analysis of installing flood protection infrastructure, we determined the economically optimal protection standards for both river and coastal floods as at least 100 years, if we take into account climate change. Our main conclusions are robust to key uncertainties about climate change impacts on flood risks, indirect damage caused by floods, the width of the protected floodplains, and the adopted social discount rate. We discuss how our multi-disciplinary approach can assist policy-makers in decisions about flood risk management, and how future research can extend our method to more refined local analyses which are needed to guide local adaptation planning.
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Greening flood protection (GFP) is increasingly recognized as an adaptive and flexible approach to water management that is well suited to addressing uncertain futures associated with climate change. In the last decade, GFP knowledge and policies have developed rapidly, but implementation has been less successful and has run into numerous barriers. In this paper, we address the challenge of realizing green flood protection goals by specifically considering knowledge in the decision-making of a Dutch flood protection project in Lake Markermeer. In this project, an ecological knowledge arrangement and a traditional flood protection knowledge arrangement are compared and their interactions analysed. The analysis provides insight into the specific difficulties of implementing GFP measures and identifies ways to realize GFP goals. The primary challenge is twofold: First, a self-reinforcing cycle of knowledge production and decision-making in the flood protection domain inhibits the introduction of innovative and multifunctional approaches such as GFP; second, the distribution of power is severely unbalanced in terms of ecological enhancement and flood protection, favouring the latter. Implementation of GFP requires structural change and the integration of ecological and flood protection knowledge and policy. Potentially rewarding routes towards this integration are the exploration of shared interests in GFP and the creation of mutual dependency between knowledge arrangements. The case study and the insights it provides show that GFP is far from mainstream practice and that implementation requires serious effort and courage to break with historical practices.
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Flooding is a burning issue in Hungary because of its geographical conditions. The topic of this article is to describe the mobile flood protection methods, which are able to accomplish the criteria of environment and sustainability. Mobile flood wall is a new solution in flood protection which is used in populated area. The design of mobile flood walls must focus on surveying water levels, determination of loads and limitation of leaking water. The main types of loads on the structure are hydrostatic, hydrodynamic and impact loads. The DIN 1055 German standard is used to determine the loads.
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The International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) is a biennial conference held under the auspices of the Coastal Engineering Research Council of the COPRI (Coasts, Oceans, Ports, Rivers Institute) of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Proceedings of the ICCE are provided here, with papers covering a wide range of topics including coastal waves, nearshore currents, coastal structures, sediment transport, coastal morphology, beach nourishment, and coastal management. To access the most recent issue, click on the "Current" link above. To access previous Proceedings, click on the "Archives" link. Quick Links to Individual Tables of Contents: 2014 - 2012 - 2010 - 2008 - 2006 - 2004 - 2002 - 2000 - 1998 - 1996 - 1994 - 1992 - 1990 - 1988 - 1986 - 1984 - 1982 - 1980 - 1978 - 1976 - 1974 - 1972 - 1970 - 1968 - 1966 - 1964 - 1962 - 1960 - 1957 - 1954 - 1953 - 1952 - 1951 - 1950
Urban flooding is a gradually increasing problem as the urban population expands into floodplains. In urban environments, flood vulnerability is significantly increased as a more concentrated population and assets makes flooding costly and challenging, in terms of impact estimation. This work focuses on mapping and classifying impacts after the catastrophic 2014 flood in Athens, Greece. The study proposes a method for classifying flood effects into four categories including: the natural and built environment, mobile objects and human population, organized in five classes of increasing severity, i.e. minor, weak, moderate, strong and extreme. Flood effects are grouped based on the qualitative nature of the recorded effects, allowing the development of an impact-severity map. Mapping of the 2014 flood effects indicated specific locations where the severity of impacts was distinctively higher than others, providing a holistic overview of the flood’s effects and highlighting the usefulness of the approach in future flood protection planning.
Research efforts were made to study several major issues in formulating the flood prevention plan of China's seven large river basins. The planning activity was organized by the Ministry of Water Resources. Our research recommendations were adopted during the course of the plan formulation. For example, we propose using the severe floods submerge areas of the 20th century as benchmarks for the identification of future flood prevention areas. Our viewpoint is that the most important consideration in the flood risk management is to actively circumvent risks and respond to risks. The core of circumvention risk is to restrict those unreasonable social economic activities of humankind, and thus reducing the flood risk. The design standard of a flood prevention area needs to be verified using a two-dimensional probability distribution method when the area is potentially threatened by two kinds of flood risks. Rationally upgrading the flood prevention standard is the priority in urban flood control. It is essential to better coordinate urban flood control and development, and to make full use of the urban damping effect on rainwater including retention of necessary water areas and utilization of rainwater. We should have well-balanced consideration to both options of storing and draining rainwater, rather than overemphasizing on the drainage option alone. We recommend that comparison and selection of safe development scheme for a flood retention area should comprehensively consider the risk zone that is divided using the integrated flood risk factor based upon the duration, frequency and depth of inundation, as well as the area natural and geographic conditions.
Conference Paper
In Europe, many urban regions are strongly affected by flooding of rivers. To avoid the unpleasant appearance of high walls and levees along riversides, mobile flood-protection-systems have been designed. These systems are set up any time a flood is forecasted. Since risk assessment indicated possible danger to human beings caused by the propagating flood wave in case of a failure, it seemed to be reasonable to set restrictions on the dimensions of the wall elements. Therefore, at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (IWW) at Aachen University of Technology, experiments were carried out to obtain water levels and velocities within the propagating flood wave. In comparison to a dam break initial flow conditions, water levels and the amount of water passing the broken protection wall are varying. Due to the differences a modification of the main flow direction of the wave caused by the parallel main stream of the river and velocity profiles depending on the discharge of the river were noticed. By analyzing the obtained data with respect to the acting forces within the propagating wave as well as water levels, a required area of evacuation around the flood protection walls was derived depending on the dimensions of the wall elements.
This paper provides information on mobile flood protection systems in general and on water-filled tube systems for flood control in particular. Results of field tests and laboratory tests of prototypes developed in the research project HWS-MOBILE are described and recommendations for the use of water-filled tube systems are given.
Tropical Storm Irene and spring flooding in 2011 exposed the vulnerabilities of mobile home parks in Vermont when 154 mobile homes in parks were destroyed. The question of mobile home parks’ relationship to floodplains was a pressing concern to state officials as displaced households sought to resettle. Little analysis had been done about the extent to which Vermont’s mobile home parks were exposed to flooding and the data to do this analysis had not been assessed or assembled. A spatial overlay analysis largely using multiple sources of existing data revealed that nearly 32% of all mobile home parks in the state have some of their land in floodplains, and more than 20% of all mobile home parks have at least one house in the floodplain. Statewide, nearly 12% of mobile homes in parks are in floodplains. A key element in this assessment was an existing geographic information system (GIS) data set showing the location and E911 addresses of residences, an outcome of Vermont’s decision to geolocate all dwellings in the state and make that data set publically available. Similar data are available in most states but have not been made public. The research demonstrates the benefits to policy makers and emergency planners of creating and making available accurate GIS databases of residences. The utility of this rapid assessment in planning for mobile home park communities is discussed.
A warmer climate would increase the risk of floods. So far, only a few studies have projected changes in floods on a global scale. None of these studies relied on multiple climate models. A few global studies have started to estimate the exposure to flooding (population in potential inundation areas) as a proxy of risk, but none of them has estimated it in a warmer future climate. Here we present global flood risk for the end of this century based on the outputs of 11 climate models. A state-of-the-art global river routing model with an inundation scheme was employed to compute river discharge and inundation area. An ensemble of projections under a new high-concentration scenario demonstrates a large increase in flood frequency in Southeast Asia, Peninsular India, eastern Africa and the northern half of the Andes, with small uncertainty in the direction of change. In certain areas of the world, however, flood frequency is projected to decrease. Another larger ensemble of projections under four new concentration scenarios reveals that the global exposure to floods would increase depending on the degree of warming, but interannual variability of the exposure may imply the necessity of adaptation before significant warming.