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Abstract and Figures

Agricultural intensification over the past decades has led to a generalised decline in farmland biodiversity. Farmland birds are particularly exposed to rapid changes in habitat and reduced food resources or availability. Understanding how farmland specialists can be preserved and their populations enhanced are major challenges for this century. Based on a long‐term (19‐year) study of a Eurasian Stone‐curlew Burhinus oedicnemus population, we estimated the demographic parameters, including clutch size, egg volume, hatching success, survival rate and apparent population size. Demographic rates found for this French population were, on average, comparable to those found elsewhere in Europe. However, all demographic parameters showed negative trends, including a dramatic decline in the local population (26% decline over 14 years) and a 10% decline in adult survival rate over 11 years. Such a long‐term decline, despite on‐going conservation efforts, questions the overall sustainability of arable Stone‐curlew populations. We infer some of the possible causes of this decline, in particular food‐shortage, and discuss how this pattern could be reversed through conservation measures applicable at very large spatial scales. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Long-term decline despite conservation efforts
questions Eurasian Stone-curlew population viability
in intensive farmlands
Centre dEtudes Biologiques de Chiz
e, UMR 7372, CNRS and Universit
e de La Rochelle, 79360 Beauvoir sur Niort,
Tour du Valat, Institut de recherche pour la conservation des zones humides M
eennes, 13200 Le Sambuc
Arles, France
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Centre dEcologie et des Sciences de la Conservation-CESCO - UMR 7204
MNHN-CNRS-UPMC, 43 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
GeolinkX, P-A C^
ote Rousse, 180 rue du Genevois, 73000 Chamb
ery, France
INRA, Biostatistics & Spatial Processes (BioSP), Domaine Saint-Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon, France
LTSER Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de S
evre, CNRS, 79360 Beauvoir sur Niort, France
Agricultural intensication over the past decades has led to a generalized decline in farm-
land biodiversity. Farmland birds are particularly exposed to rapid changes in habitat and
reduced food resources or availability. Understanding how farmland specialists can be
preserved and their populations enhanced are major challenges for this century. Based
on a long-term (19-year) study of a Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus popula-
tion, we estimated the demographic parameters, including clutch size, egg volume,
hatching success, survival rate and apparent population size. Demographic rates found
for this French population were, on average, comparable to those found elsewhere in
Europe. However, all demographic parameters showed negative trends, including a dra-
matic decline in the local population (26% decline over 14 years) and a 10% decline in
adult survival rate over 11 years. Such a long-term decline, despite on-going conservation
efforts, calls into question the overall sustainability of arable Stone-curlew populations.
We infer some of the possible causes of this decline, in particular food shortage, and dis-
cuss how this pattern could be reversed through conservation measures applicable at
very large spatial scales.
Keywords: breeding, Burhinus oedicnemus, demographic rate, farmland birds, population
dynamics, population monitoring, protection status.
Agricultural expansion over the last 10 000 years
has created a complex mosaic of landscapes which
replaced primeval forests and steppe habitats
(Kaplan et al. 2009). Extensive farming allowed
the colonization of these new habitats by numer-
ous species of birds, usually of steppe origin
(OConnor & Shrubb 1986). However, over the
past century, intensive agriculture has replaced tra-
ditional farming, a trend that has been accelerated
by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in
Western Europe since 1962. CAP-induced changes
in agricultural practices are a major cause of farm-
land biodiversity loss, especially birds (Krebs et al.
1999, Donald et al. 2001). Farmland specialist
birds have been extensively studied to understand
the multifactorial causes of decline linked to inten-
sive farming practices (Aebischer & Ewald 2012,
Kentie et al. 2013, Chiron et al. 2014, Barr
eet al.
2018). However, the breeding ecology of several
farmland birds, including some threatened species,
and the detailed mechanisms by which they are
*Corresponding author.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Ibis (2018) doi: 10.1111/ibi.12646
affected by intensive farming practices, still remain
to be elucidated in many cases (Fuller et al. 1995,
Chamberlain et al. 2000, Heldbjerg et al. 2017,
Stanton et al. 2018).
The Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus
(Charadriiformes, Burhinidae; hereafter Stone-
curlew) is a steppic Palaearctic bird occurring in
European farmlands and pseudo-steppes (Vaughan
& Vaughan-Jennings 2005). The species suffered a
rapid and important population decline over the
second half of the last century (Cramp & Simmons
1983). However, despite the scarcity and impreci-
sion of national trend data, its European conserva-
tion status has remained in the least concern
category, with an estimated 53 40088 200 pairs
in the EU (BirdLife International 2017). Indeed,
the population trend is unknown for 46% of Euro-
pean countries, shows positive trends for only
14%, is stable or uctuating for 21% and is nega-
tive for 18% (BirdLife International, 2017). Apart
from countries where the species is highly local-
ized (e.g. in the UK), trends should probably be
best considered tentative. A decrease in geographi-
cal range and breeding population was reported in
France over the second half of the 20th century
(Yeatman-Berthelot & Jarry 1994), with an esti-
mated breeding population of 50009000 pairs
between 1980 and 1993 (Malvaud 1996), with
most recent estimates for the French population
size of c. 19 00028 000 breeding pairs (Issa &
Muller 2015). In the UK, the situation in the
1980s was almost desperate, but over the last
three decades, owing to a major conservation
effort of the RSPB (Evans & Green 2007), the
population reached c. 400 breeding pairs (Eaton
et al. 2011).
Stone-curlew population monitoring data are
scarce because there are very few long-term eld
studies that could provide accurate trends, partly
because of the elusive behaviour, shyness and
excellent camouage of the species. In addition,
Stone-curlew breeding habitat choice is surpris-
ingly exible: any kind of habitat with drained
soils, low vegetation height and density, and stones
on the ground to optimize anti-predation strategies
for this cryptic species, seems to full its habitat
requirements (Green et al. 2000). Breeding habitat
includes heathlands, semi-natural grasslands,
pseudo-steppes, gravel riverbeds, vineyards, orch-
ards, spring-sown crops and brownelds (Vaughan
& Vaughan-Jennings 2005). Conservation success
in the UK relied to a large extent on detailed
breeding biology and habitat selection studies
(Gibbons et al. 1996) which helped shape Agri-
Environmental Scheme (AES) implementation
(Grice et al. 2007). The latter mainly consisted of
nesting plots in an uncultivated area within spring-
sown crops of 12 ha, away from eld boundaries
and near pastureland (Evans & Green 2007).
However, implementing this AES elsewhere in
Europe requires extended knowledge of the breed-
ing biology of the species, either in arable crops or
in more natural steppic or pseudo-steppe habitats.
France, with 21% of the European population,
represents the second largest European breeding
population after Spain (BirdLife International
2017). In France, farmland landscapes are the
major breeding habitat, with over 60% of breeding
pairs being located in arable crops of the central-
western region (Malvaud 1996, Issa & Muller
2015). In such habitat, however, the species is
threatened by nest destruction though agricultural
work (Berg et al. 2002, Whittingham & Evans
2004), and chick survival as well as adult tness
are potentially threatened by a decrease in food
resources, which is known adversely to affect farm-
land specialists (Donald et al. 2001). The aim of
this study was to assess the status and trends (over
19 years) of demographic parameters of a Stone-
curlew population breeding in an intensive farm-
land landscape and beneting indirectly from agri-
environmental conservation measures.
Study area and conservation measures
The Long Term Social-Ecological Research site
(LTSER) Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de S
(, Bretagnolle
et al. 2018) is located within an intensively man-
aged farmland area in the Poitou-Charentes
Region, Deux-S
evres district, central-western
France (Fig. 1). The site covers 450 km²of farm-
land, where crops are dominated by winter annuals
(cereals c. 40% and rapeseed c. 15% of the arable
surface), followed by spring crops (sunower 15%
and maize 10%) and perennial covers (10%; Bre-
tagnolle et al. 2018). The plain lies upon a Jurassic
sedimentary basin, with well-drained and poor soil,
typical of a rendzina (INRA 1998).
Half of the LTSER was designated as a Special
Protected Area (SPA Natura2000, FR5412007,
207.6 km²) in 2004 due to the presence of 17
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
2E. Gaget et al.
species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive.
Some AES have been implemented on the LTSER
since 1999, but since 2004, AES have been imple-
mented more strongly within the framework of
the CAP (Bretagnolle et al. 2011, Berthet et al.
2012). AES have been mainly targeted toward the
conservation of Little Bustards Tetrax tetrax and
consist of increasing grassland cover and fodder
crops, decreasing mowing frequency in alfalfa and
permanent grasslands from May to August in order
to limit nest destruction and the killing of incubat-
ing females, and banning pesticides to increase
food resources for the chicks (Bretagnolle et al.
2011). Up to 10 000 ha of contracts have been
established (Bretagnolle et al. 2011, Caro et al.
2016). These measures have increased the overall
amount of preserved nesting habitat as well as
food resources for many farmlands birds (Bretag-
nolle et al. 2011, Brodier et al. 2014). Stone-cur-
lews breeding on the LTSER have thus probably
beneted from habitats that were on average of
higher quality regarding food resources. In addi-
tion, since the beginning of monitoring in 1998,
the species has beneted from an awareness pro-
gramme aimed at farmers on a sub-site of 4300 ha
(the one where all breeding parameters were col-
lected for this study, see VA sub-site below): nests
found following intensive searches were reported
to farmers, and nest locations were marked in the
eld, to avoid destruction during agricultural work.
Overall, measures to improve food availability as
well as nest protection were expected to maintain,
if not increase, reproductive investment (clutch
size, egg volume and hatching rate) and hence
population size on the VA sub-site.
Stone-curlew breeding biology
Breeders were monitored in a delimited sub-site
of the LTSER of c. 4300 ha (hereafter, VA), over
19 consecutive years (19982016). Each year,
from March to June, all elds with favourable
vegetation height (<15 cm) were monitored on a
weekly basis (approximately 200400 elds cover-
ing 5001200 ha). Nests were located from dis-
tant vantage points by using a telescope
(20 960 mm) and subsequently visited to deter-
mine breeding stage precisely. The rst visit usu-
ally occurred before hatching, when egg biometric
measurements allowed the determination of laying
and hatching dates with the use of a calibration
density curve (Hoyt 1979, V. Bretagnolle unpubl.
data, Fig. S1). Egg weight, length and width were
recorded (precision of 0.1 g and 0.1 mm, respec-
tively; Table S1). Egg density (mass/volume),
which decreases during incubation (Green & Grif-
ths 1994), was used to estimate egg laying date
at a precision of 1.52 days (V. Bretagnolle
unpubl. data, Fig. S1). Pairs were then re-checked
at least once a week to ensure they were still pre-
sent and incubating. The nests were re-visited if
pairs were not observed for two consecutive days,
or around the hatching date, to determine the
fate of the clutch (hatching, destruction by agri-
cultural work, desertion/predation). Because it
was not possible to determine with certainty
whether an empty nest had been deserted before
eggs were removed by a predator, we used a sin-
gle category desertion/predation. If at the rst
nest visit, eggs had already hatched and chicks
were still close to the nest, the laying date was
retrospectively calculated with reference to the
incubation period of 26 days (Vaughan &
Vaughan-Jennings 2005) and the chicksage (esti-
mated with a precision of 2.6 days with the use
of a wing measure calibration curve, V. Bretag-
nolle unpubl. data; Fig. S2).
Figure 1. Map of the study area, the Long-term Social-Ecolo-
gical Research Site (LTSER) Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de
evre. The grey polygons correspond to the four sub-sites
used for the survey of the Stone-curlew population, of which
VAin light grey corresponds to the monitoring sub-site. The
dotted lines delimit the Special Protected Area (SPA Natu-
ra2000, FR5412007).
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Stone-curlew decline in intensive farmlands 3
For each nest, laying date was thus obtained
(for two-egg clutches, the mean laying date) and
expressed in Julian calendar days, starting from 1
March. Clutches from July to early September
(<3% of recorded breeding events) were discarded
from the analyses because observation pressure
during those months varied over time. Stone-cur-
lews are able to lay replacement clutches after nest
failure, as well as true second clutches (Vaughan
& Vaughan-Jennings 2005). To estimate the num-
ber of breeding attempts per pair, we used a mix-
ture distribution method (log-normal, Bealey et al.
1999) using the observed distribution of the laying
dates (R package mixdist, Macdonald & Du
2012). We parameterized the model with the lay-
ing date of nests with ringed breeding birds
(n=130) and then tted it on the complete data-
set (n=513). This analysis is a combination of the
Newton-type method and the estimate mean algo-
rithm (ONeil 1971). The unconstrained model
nds a set of overlapping distributions of laying
dates (we used three log-normal distributions,
accounting for the possibility of three successive
clutches for a given pair) that provides the best t
to grouped data. The quality of the model (com-
parison between observed data and estimated dis-
tributions) was tested with a Chi-square goodness-
of-t test (Macdonald & Du 2012).
Temporal trends in breeding parameters were
then evaluated successively in different models.
Trends in laying date, clutch size and egg volume
were investigated using a generalized linear model
(GLM) with either a Gaussian error distribution
(laying date and egg volume) or a binomial error
distribution (clutch size, modelling the probability
of a one- or two-egg clutch). For the laying date,
we tested the temporal trend over years on two
subsets: over the breeding season (from March to
June) and over the rst half of the rst breeding
attempts, which does not include replacement
clutches (from March to 27 April). For egg vol-
ume and clutch size, we considered the effect of
laying date and its interaction with year (Christians
2002). Nest fate was investigated using the May-
eld model based on a maximum likelihood
approach. Compared with the initial Mayeld
model (Mayeld 1975), no assumption about
when the failure occurs is required, and covariates
can be easily incorporated (Rotella 2014). We
used a multi-state model to include directly the
two identied causes of failure, i.e. destroyed by
agricultural workor deserted/predated(Darrah
et al. 2018). We tested whether nest survival and
causes of failure changed according to year, laying
date and clutch size considering linear relation-
ships. Additionally, we tested the effect of the
interaction between laying date and year. Nest sur-
vival from laying until hatching was calculated by
raising the daily survival rate to the power of 26
(i.e. the incubation period) and the corresponding
variance was estimated by the delta method (Pow-
ell 2007). Nest fate model building and parameter
estimates were obtained using E-SURGE v.1.8.5
(Choquet et al. 2009a). For all these models inves-
tigating the breeding parameters and their tempo-
ral trend, we used a model selection inference
with corrected Akaike information criterion
(AICc). The ability of two models to describe the
data was assumed to be identical if the difference
in their AICc was <2. However, in particular
cases where models within the two units of the
best model have only one more parameter, the lar-
ger model is not necessarily supported or competi-
tive. A closer examination considering the
deviance is required to see whether the t is really
improved, or whether the model is closein terms
of AICc because it adds only one parameter (Burn-
ham & Anderson 2002). In the latter case, we
selected the most parsimonious model (i.e. that
with the lowest number of parameters).
Trend in apparent population size
To evaluate the trend in population size, two dif-
ferent methods were used. First, counts were per-
formed every year on four different sub-sites from
2003 to 2016, totalling 16 000 ha including the
monitoring VA sub-site (Fig. 1). All ploughed
elds (an area of c. 3000 ha), i.e. those sown with
sunower or maize (vegetation height under
15 cm), were systematically inspected for 15 min
according to eld size and topography. Observa-
tions were carried out at the beginning of May
over 815 days (the precise dates varied from year
to year according to spring crop growth). As the
LTSER is very varied in topography and cropping
systems, there were substantial differences
between the four sub-sites. Observations were
always performed in good sighting conditions (no
heavy rainfall or heat haze), usually at 07:00
11:00 h and 16:0020:00 h. As detection proba-
bility was not accounted for, we measured appar-
ent population size rather than true population
size. We used a GLM with a Poisson error-
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
4E. Gaget et al.
distribution (and log link) with a hypothesis testing
approach (i.e. based on P-value with a=0.05) to
test for the temporal trend in abundance, number
of pairs detected (simply dened as two birds seen
together in the same eld) and number of elds
occupied by one or more birds. Explanatory vari-
ables included: sub-site identity (a factor with four
levels), year (as a continuous variable) as well as
their interaction. In addition, the surface of the
surveyed area and the number of elds surveyed,
which varied between years and sub-sites, were
entered as offsets after log-transformation. Because
75% of the observers were involved for only
1 year, and only 5% for more than 3 years, we did
not include observer identity in a mixed effect
modelling framework. We investigated whether
residuals displayed spatial autocorrelation thanks
to a spatial variogram (R package spatial, Ven-
ables & Ripley 2002). The exponential growth rate
of the abundance was extracted from the year
The second monitoring survey relied on the
breeding biology monitoring scheme (see above)
and concerned only the VA sub-site, where a thor-
ough nest search was carried out every year from
March to June. The long-term trend in number of
nests was tested using a generalized additive model
with a smoothed term on the year (GAM, Gaus-
sian error distribution) and a hypothesis testing
approach (based on P-value with a=0.05). How-
ever, as the monitored period differed slightly
between years, we tabulated the number of pairs
for the extended period (15 March30 June) and
for reduced, better standardized periods: 15
March30 May and 1 April10 May.
Survival rates
Stone-curlews were captured in the monitored
breeding sub-site VA from 2005 between March
and September. Birds were ringed with a metal
ring (National Museum of Natural History,
MNHN, Paris, France) and a combination of two
or four colour rings (
89). Chicks were ringed only if older than 10 days.
Between 2005 and 2015, 93 adults and 68 chicks/
edglings were ringed, resulting in a total of 254
re-sightings. Adult bodyweight (g) and wing length
(mm) were measured for captures (n=57) and
recaptures (n=6). Body condition was estimated
using the scale mass index (SMI) that explicitly
accounts for the allometrical relations (Peig &
Green 2009). Body mass was standardized for a
given size using the following equation:
Where c
Miis the predicted body mass for individual
iwhen the body measure is standardized to L
arbitrary value of L.M
and L
are the body mass
and the body measurement of individual I, respec-
tively; b
is the scaling exponent estimated.
Survival estimates were obtained by capturere-
capture analysis using a CormackJollySeber
model. Parameters directly estimated by the model
were /, the apparent survival probability, and p, the
re-sighting probability. To avoid over-parameteriza-
tion, we used a two-step model selection procedure.
First, we selected the best model structure based on
a full general model with an AICc-based model
selection. Secondly, we assessed the presence of a
trend over the study period on juvenile and adult
survival, and tested the possible effect of body con-
dition at capture year ton adult survival in year
t+1. In our general model, survival probability was
age- and sex-dependent. For the effect of age, we
distinguished two classes, juvenile (rst year) and
adult (>1 year; Green et al. 1997). Re-sighting
probability was time- and sex-specic because
brooding is mainly performed during the day by the
female (preventing rings from being read), and the
male is predominantly in the spotterposition
(V. Bretagnolle pers. obs.). We considered only an
additive effect of time for re-sighting probability
because an interactive effect with sex leads to an
over-parameterized model. Thus our general model
was /
where juvenile is denoted by
juv, adult by ad, additive effect by +and interac-
tive effect by .. To assess the effect of body condi-
tion on survival, we included in the best model the
logistic regression: logit(/)=b0+b19x
, where
/is the survival probability the year following the
rst capture, b0 is an intercept parameter, b1isa
slope parameter, and x
is the body condition of
individual iat rst capture time. Model building,
model selection (AICc, Burnham & Anderson
2002) and parameter estimates were obtained using
E-SURGE (v.1.8.5, Choquet et al. 2009a). The
model selection method was identical to that pre-
sented above (see section on breeding biology). Fol-
lowing Grosbois et al. (2008), we used a likelihood
ratio test (LRT, hypothesis testing approach,
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Stone-curlew decline in intensive farmlands 5
a=0.05) to estimate the signicance of a trend in
survival, because residual survival variation is null
after integrating. We performed goodness-of-t
(GOF) tests using the program U-CARE (v.2.3.2,
Choquet et al. 2009b). Finally, the temporal trend
in body condition index was tested under a
hypothesis testing approach (a=0.05) with a lin-
ear mixed effect model (LMM), with year and
date of capture as xed effects and individual as a
random effect.
All statistical analyses were run in R 3.2.0 (R
Development Core Team 2015). For GLM and
LMM, residuals of the models were checked using
graphic methods to verify the assumptions of nor-
mality, non-overdispersion and homoscedasticity.
Means are presented sd unless stated otherwise.
Breeding biology
Over the 19 survey years, 566 nests were found,
of which 513 provided an estimated laying date.
Nests with at least one ringed bird (n=130)
allowed us to conrm the existence of true second
clutches after a successful attempt (i.e. double
brooding, n=5) and even that of pairs having
three successive breeding attempts (n=2). After
successful edging (at the age of 50 days, Green
et al. 1997) or a breeding failure, a new reproduc-
tive attempt was started on average
13.5 4.2 days later (range 1020 days, n=5).
The rst peak of laying dates was around 18 April
(Fig. 2, median of the log-normal distribution
around 27 April 17 days), with the earliest
clutch being laid on 15 March. The second peak
of laying dates was around 22 May (Fig. 2, median
of the log-normal distribution around 25
May 11 days). A few late clutches were laid by
the end of June (Fig. 2). Some laying occurred up
to mid-September, although these were not
included in the analysis for protocol consistency
(<3% of nests). The mixture distribution model
provided an estimate of 1.17 0.11 breeding
attempts per pair (v²
=5.66, P=0.34). Most
clutches (85.0%, n=533) were two-egg clutches
(mean 1.85 0.36 eggs), although some one-egg
clutches may have been two-egg clutches subject
to accidental loss or partial predation. On average,
two- and one-egg clutches were visited respec-
tively 9.9 6.9 and 13.0 7.7 days after the lay-
ing date. In addition, the rst visit occurred in the
rst 3 days after laying for 24% and 14% of the
two- and one-egg clutches, respectively.
On average, raw hatching success was 53 15%,
which was reduced to 32 3% after correction
using the Mayeld method (n=441). Desertion/
predation accounted for 85 3% of clutch failures,
and direct destruction caused by mechanical agricul-
tural work caused 15 3% of failures. Once nests
were discovered, however, they were marked and
farmers were immediately informed and asked to
avoid them during farm work. The proportion of
nests lost due to agricultural activity is expected to
be higher during the period between egg-laying and
nest detection, and therefore nest destruction from
sowing or hoeing was probably underestimated.
There was no strong evidence that clutch size had an
effect on nest survival or on the cause of failure (i.e.
each Akaike information criterion size had
DAICc >2, Tables 1 and S2).
Long-term and seasonal trends in
breeding parameters
Model selections provided support for a temporal
trend for all breeding parameters, except laying
date (Table 1). We found that nest survival and
Figure 2. Distribution of laying dates (histogram, n=513,
19982016), of the tted log-normal distributions (dotted lines,
see Methods) and of the total tted laying date (thick line). The
x-axis represents the laying date in Julian days since 1 March
(31 =1 April, 61 =1 May, 92 =1 June). The laying peaks are
around 18 April and 22 May, and the medians (triangles on
the x-axis) are around 27 April and 25 May.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
6E. Gaget et al.
egg volume had declined over the study duration
by 80% and 2%, respectively (Fig. 3). Decrease in
nest survival over the years was the consequence
of increasing desertion/predation rate, which var-
ied from 30 9% at the beginning of the study
period (1998) to 80 4% during the last years
(2014-2016, Fig. S3). Over the same period,
destruction rate was relatively stable at around
11 4% (Fig. S3). Results suggested an increase
in clutch size over time, but evidence for this
trend was weak, as the constant model was also
in the best model set (DAICc =0.8). Within
years, we found clear support for a seasonal trend
in all breeding parameters, except clutch size
(Tables 1 and S2). Nest survival and egg volume
decreased over the breeding season (Table 1).
The cause of failure also changed, with the high-
est proportion of nests lost due to desertion/pre-
dation for late clutches (Table 1, Fig. S4). Finally,
the results provided moderate support for a posi-
tive interaction between laying date and year on
nest survival and egg volume (DAICc =2 and 1,
respectively), suggesting that the negative seasonal
trend previously described has been attenuated
over the study duration (Table 1). An interaction
between laying date and year was not supported
as the cause of failure and clutch size (Tables 1
and S2).
Trends in apparent population size
Using data from the four sub-sites, we found that
abundance decreased signicantly over the
14 years (Fig. 3, GLM, b=0.03, z=3.1,
P=0.002) with an exponential growth rate of
r=0.979, 95% CI: 0.9580.989. The same results
were veried for the number of pairs detected
(GLM, b=0.03, z=2.0, P=0.05) and for
the number of occupied elds (GLM, b=0.03,
z=2.9, P=0.004). The sub-site effect was sig-
nicant as well as its interaction with year for the
three investigated variables (total abundance, num-
ber of pairs and number of occupied elds,
P<0.0001). In the VA sub-site, the values were
signicantly higher and trends were more negative
(P<0.0001). The PR sub-site, outside of the
SPA, was not signicantly different from the FO
and SB sub-sites in mean or interaction effects
(P>0.4). No signicant linear or polynomial
trends were detected for the number of nests
Table 1. Results from model selection testing for a linear effect of time (period 19982016) on laying date (LD), nest survival, nest
desertion/predation probability given failure, clutch size and egg volume.
Model k DEV AICc DAICc Slope 1 Slope 2 Interaction
Laying date (MarchJune)
Constant model 1 4492.6 4496.7 0.0
Year 2 4491.8 4497.8 1.1 0.21 0.14
Laying date (March27 April)
Constant model 1 1702.2 1706.2 0.0
Year 2 1701.2 1707.2 1.0 0.10 0.10
Nest survival
Year +LD +Year:LD 10 1245.0 1265.0 0.0 0.95 0.27 0.42 0.16 0.53 0.27
Year +LD 9 1249.0 1267.0 2.0 0.44 0.08 0.15 0.08
Nest desertion/predation probability given failure
Year +LD 10 1245.0 1265.0 0.0 0.79 0.25 0.85 0.25
Year +LD +Year:LD 11 1244.7 1266.8 1.8 0.39 0.79 0.63 0.47 0.49 0.92
Clutch size
Year 2 399.3 403.4 0.0 0.22 0.13
Constant model 1 402.2 404.2 0.8
Year +LD 3 398.9 404.9 1.5 0.22 0.13 0.09 0.13
Egg volume
Year +LD +Year:LD 4 4052.2 4062.3 0.0 0.23 0.10 0.57 0.10 0.19 0.09
Year +LD 3 4055.2 4063.2 1.0 0.22 0.10 0.57 0.10
Tested variables include the laying date (LD) for all breeding parameters, excluding the laying date, and clutch size for nest survival
and nest desertion/predation probability given failure. For each model, results include the number of parameters (k), deviance (DEV),
AIC value corrected for small sample size (AICc), difference between current model and the best model within each sub-set of model
(DAICc) and the estimated slope and intercept se of the highest ranked model. +indicates an additive effect and :an interaction.
All covariates were standardized. Only the highest ranked models (DAICc 2) are shown. Details of other models are given in
Table S2.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Stone-curlew decline in intensive farmlands 7
found at the VA sub-site, irrespective of the sur-
vey period retained (GAM, P>0.05; Fig. S5).
Survival rates
Goodness of t tests (v
=52.7, P=0.60) pro-
vided no indication of lack of t. The rst step of
model selection suggested that resighting probabil-
ity was time- and sex-specic (Table 2). As
expected, males had an average resighting proba-
bility higher than that for females (males 0.76,
95% CI: 0.620.86; females 0.53, 95% CI: 0.38
0.67). We did not nd any evidence for sex-speci-
c survival rates, but there was strong support for
different apparent survival rates between juveniles
and adults (Table 2, M5 vs. M8 DAICc =14.92).
Juvenile survival was 0.55 (95% CI: 0.410.69)
and adult survival was 0.88 (95% CI: 0.830.91).
For the second step of the model selection, LRT
supported a linear trend in adult survival over the
study period (F
=8.11, P=0.004;
Table S3), with an average decrease in apparent
survival of 2.3% per year (Fig. 3). Finally, adult
body condition index (average mass =490.0
38.6 g) decreased, but not signicantly, over the
study period (LMM, b=2.00, t
P=0.23). We found a positive relationship
between body condition and female adult survival
(Table S3).
Our study provides detailed information on the
breeding biology and population trends of the
Stone-curlew using one of the longest time-series
available, and the only available one for France. In
addition, the study was located in one of the
strongholds of the species, the Poitou-Charentes
region, which harbours c.1321% of the French
population (Issa & Muller 2015). Our results indi-
cate a long-term decline in this population. Such a
decline, despite on-going conservation efforts, calls
Figure 3. Trends in (a) population size (four sub-sites: cross for VA, triangle for PR, circle for FO and square for SB), (b) adult
apparent survival rate se, (c) egg volume se and (d) nest survival se. The predicted values were extracted from the corre-
sponding GLMs (see Methods) and shown with their 95% CI. All trends are signicant.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
8E. Gaget et al.
into question the overall sustainability of arable
Stone-curlew populations.
Breeding success and survival rate in an
intensive farmland landscape
Within a European context, the observed nest sur-
vival rate and survival of individuals in this study
are comparable to those obtained for the UK,
Spain and Italy (Table S4). Nest destruction due
to agricultural work was responsible for 11% of
nest failures in our study, mainly occurring at a
very early stage of incubation, i.e. before signalling
the presence of the nest to the farmers, and which
is underestimated. The rate of nest destruction
without protection was estimated at 33% in 2001
and nearly 50% in 2012 (V. Bretagnolle unpubl.
data), thus constituting the major threat encoun-
tered by the species in such farmland habitat.
Additionally, predation has been reported as the
main cause of nest failure (Solis & Lope 1995,
Bealey et al. 1999) and probably accounts for most
of the desertion/predation events reported in this
study, even if the effect of crop growth was not
estimated. Some one-egg clutches could also have
resulted from partial egg predation before the rst
nest visit. The increase in desertion/predation over
time could result either from a reduction in nest
protection, given that parents in weak body condi-
tion cannot ensure proper parental care such as
nest defence or nest attendance after predator
encounters (Winkler 1992), or by an increase in
the predator populations.
The long-term decline of the
Stone-curlew in intensive farmlands
All investigated demographic parameters displayed
negative trends over time. Although apparent
rather than true survival rate was estimated, which
may not exclude permanent emigration from the
study area (an unlikely scenario given the species
is known to be highly philopatric; Green 1990), a
decrease in adult survival is of concern for popula-
tion stability, as population growth rate is highly
sensitive to adult mortality in long-lived species
(Sæther & Bakke 2000). Although this study took
place at a relatively small spatial scale (c.
4300 ha), which may limit the generality of the
conclusions, this population benetted from AES
dedicated to the preservation of trophic resources
for farmland birds (Bretagnolle et al. 2011) and
from active nest protection from agricultural work.
Consequently, the decrease in breeding success
and survival which resulted in a rapid population
decline (26% in 14 years) occurred in what could
be described as the best current possible conditions
for the species in intensive French agricultural
Which factors, affecting both survival and
breeding process, may have caused the population
decline? As suggested, nest destruction during sow-
ing or mechanical weeding is a well-known major
factor, but with limited impact in our case thanks
to the nest awareness programme. In addition, we
suggest that food limitation may play an important
but often overlooked role. Of particular interest in
this respect is the decrease in egg volume (2% in
19 years), despite AES implementation since the
rst years of monitoring, enhancing overall habitat
quality (Bretagnolle et al. 2011). Within a given
season, a decrease in egg volume is found in many
bird species, as in our population, due to early
breeders being of higher quality than late breeders
(Christians 2002, Verhulst & Nilsson 2008). How-
ever, food availability can also affect egg volume
(Robb et al. 2008). Agricultural intensication is
considered a key factor which adversely impacts
the diversity and abundance of insects (Donald
et al. 2001, Johnson 2007, Geiger et al. 2010).
Table 2. Survival (/) and resighting (p) modelling as a func-
tion of age and sex between 2005 and 2015.
No. Model k DEV AICc DAICc
22 797.43 844.02 0
10 826.31 846.85 2.84
21 802.57 846.93 2.91
9 831.31 849.76 5.74
Survival: sex effect
20 798.07 840.21 0
21 797.76 842.11 1.90
21 797.80 842.16 1.95
22 797.43 844.02 4.78
Survival: age effect
20 798.07 840.21 0
19 815.20 855.13 14.92
Results of model selection include: number of mathematical
parameters (k), the deviance (DEV), AIC value corrected for
small sample size (AICc) and difference between the current
model and the best model within each sub-set of models
(DAICc). The nal selected model is in bold type. For model
notation, juvindicates juvenile, adindicates adult, cstindi-
cates a constant parameter, +indicates an additive effect and
.indicates an interactive effect.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Stone-curlew decline in intensive farmlands 9
Recent studies have demonstrated a relationship
between widespread application of pesticides,
neonicotinoids in particular, with concomitant
declines in insect and plant communities, and
decreases in insectivorous or granivorous birds
(Mineau & Whiteside 2013, Hallmann et al. 2014,
Gilburn et al. 2015). The diet of the Stone-curlew
is based on earthworms and beetles (Amat 1986,
Green et al. 2000). Even though a detailed analysis
of food availability and diet may be lacking in our
study, it is perhaps relevant to note that Poecilus
cupreus, the most abundant carabid species in our
study site (Marrec et al. 2015), has shown an aver-
age 80% decline in 20 years (V. Bretagnolle un-
publ. data). A further mechanism which may be
involved in the decrease in adult survival is that of
carry-over effects in wintering areas (Harrison
et al. 2011). Preliminary data from GPS tracking
of our breeding population has indicated a fairly
high diversity of wintering sites (France, Portugal
and Morocco, V. Bretagnolle & Groupe Ornitholo-
gique des Deux-S
evres unpubl. data).
Implications for conservation
The French Stone-curlew population has been
claimed to have increased in the period 2001
2011 (BirdLife 2017). We question this conclu-
sion, especially given the absence of standardized
and dedicated protocols to monitor Stone-curlews
in France, and the cryptic nature of the species.
We suggest these positive trends actually result
from an increase in survey quality, i.e. a better
knowledge of the species habitat, and better data
transfer from observers (Issa & Muller 2015).
Based on our results, we suggest that Stone-cur-
lews breeding in farmland habitats may be cur-
rently in decline. Indeed, many farmland birds,
especially the largest species, are currently highly
threatened. For some, a dedicated AES framework
has proved useful (e.g. Verhulst et al. 2007, Bre-
tagnolle et al. 2011), despite AES having been
much criticized in the early years of its implemen-
tation (Kleijn & Sutherland 2003). AES schemes
dedicated to Stone-curlews are non-existent in
France, whereas in the UK, such AES schemes
consist of fallow plots providing suitable breeding
and foraging areas (Natural England 2010). In our
study area, however, we expected the species to
have potentially beneted from AES dedicated to
the Little Bustard. Such practices may provide
suitable habitat for the Stone-curlew and improve
food availability (Bretagnolle et al. 2011, Caro
et al. 2016). However, despite the fact that up to
10 000 ha of AES were established within the
LTSER (43 000 ha), Stone-curlew demographic
parameters have been declining. AES at a eld
scale may not be appropriate because this species
forages over large areas (Green et al. 2000). Nev-
ertheless, AES for Stone-curlews can work, as the
RSPB Stone-curlew programme has successfully
demonstrated (Evans & Green 2007). However,
the success of this latter programme required a
strong investment in eldworkers, applied
research, networking and funds for some hundreds
of breeding pairs.
In our case, there are possible efcient conser-
vation measures that could be implemented at a
far larger spatial scale. Given the current restricted
knowledge of this species, there is a clear and
urgent need to evaluate accurately whether this
decline is general (at the nationwide scale) or
restricted to some specic agricultural areas.
Implementing long-term monitoring of demogra-
phy and breeding parameters in this and other
French populations is therefore needed to assess
the potentially widespread and generic decline of
the species, not only in arable farmland landscapes,
but also in all semi-natural or articial habitats.
This would require an assessment of: (1) the spa-
tial distribution and population size at the country
scale; (2) local/regional population trends in sev-
eral habitats; (3) diet in and outside the breeding
season; (4) the effects of predation and human dis-
turbance; (5) exposure to pesticides; and (6)
migratory strategies.
The creation of safe habitats to reduce brood
destruction and promote food availability, based on
the UK experience (Thompson et al. 2004), should
be explored. If similar patterns of population
decline were to be conrmed in other parts of
France, such conservation plots should be estab-
lished over hundreds of thousands of hectares to be
efcient, given the very large breeding distribution
of Stone-curlew. It should be also adapted to a
range crops (e.g. maize, sunower, grasslands, vine-
yard). This would be challenging, as it would
require either pro-active campaigns targeting farm-
ers to adopt voluntary practices, or a consistent
funding scheme to compensate for the potential
yield loss to farmers at very large scales (Evans &
Green 2007), in a context of budgetary restriction
in agricultural subsidies. Alternatively, we may tar-
get the species environment and habitat rather than
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
10 E. Gaget et al.
the species itself. For instance, to improve food
availability, a reduction or ban of inputs may be
targeted. Some AES, organic farming or the recent
complete ban of neonicotinoids in France may
help. An increase of perennial crops, such as grass-
lands, and the enhancement of more extensive
practices should be strongly promoted as they sup-
port higher prey resources (Bretagnolle et al. 2011,
Badenhausser & Cordeau 2012, Caro et al. 2016) .
We would like to thank C. Atti
e, V. Rocheteau, M.
Liaigre, R. Bonnet, A. Millon, A. Desternes as well as all
eldworkers who have helped to collect these data over
the years and spent much time in the eld, and L. Inch-
board for improving the English text. Partial funding
was allocated by DREAL Poitou-Charentes and Fonda-
tion LISEA to V.B. We also thank the reviewers for
their very helpful comments and suggestions.
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Oiseaux nicheurs de France. 1985-1989. Paris: Soci
Ornithologique de France.
Received 29 May 2017;
revision accepted 24 June 2018.
Associate Editor: Niall Burton.
Additional supporting information may be found
online in the Supporting Information section at
the end of the article.
Table S1. Egg biometrics of the two-egg (smallest
and largest egg) and one-egg clutches (single egg).
Table S2. Details of the model selection on laying
date (LD), nest survival, nest desertion/predation
probability given failure, clutch size and egg volume.
Table S3. Testing for decreasing juvenile and adult
survival from 2005 to 2015 and body condition
effect on adult survival.
Table S4. Demographic parameters of Stone-cur-
lew populations in the European context.
Figure S1. Calibration density curve for eggs, to
determine the laying date with the egg biometric mea-
surements (data collected in captivity or directly in the
eld, V. Bretagnolle, unpubl. data; Augiron 2007).
Figure S2. Calibration wing length curve for
chicks, to determine the hatching date (data collected
in captivity or directly in the eld, V. Bretagnolle,
unpubl. data; Augiron 2007).
Figure S3. Desertion/predation and destruction
rate over the study duration.
Figure S4. Proportion of nest failure due to deser-
tion or predation as a function of laying date (in com-
parison to the nest failure due to destruction by
agricultural work).
Figure S5. Trendinnumberofnestsduringthe
three breeding period subsets in VA.
© 2018 British OrnithologistsUnion
Stone-curlew decline in intensive farmlands 13
... b) Forte diminution : la survie adulte diminue à 0.70 et la productivité diminue à 0.50. Ces deux valeurs correspondent aux moyennes estimées dans les mauvaises années dans la population des Deux-Sèvres (Gaget et al. 2018). ...
... dans les populations européennes (Supp Info Gaget et al. 2018). Le succès de nid de la population du Grand Lyon est comparable au succès dans la population des Deux-Sèvres au début des années 2000 (Gaget et al. 2018). ...
... dans les populations européennes (Supp Info Gaget et al. 2018). Le succès de nid de la population du Grand Lyon est comparable au succès dans la population des Deux-Sèvres au début des années 2000 (Gaget et al. 2018). Green et al. 1997 ont estimé que pour être stable, leur population devait produire environ 0,6 jeunes par couples, seuil qui a été repris dans différentes études. ...
... At the same time, fallows create valuable habitats for farmland birds and specifically for steppe birds, as they provide food resources and undisturbed foraging and nesting sites (Sanz-Pérez et al., 2019;Traba and Morales, 2019). The disappearance of fallows has been directly associated with the declining trends of steppe bird populations (Keller et al., 2020;Traba and Morales, 2019), which have not ceased despite all measures implemented for their conservation (Buisson and Dutoit, 2006;Gaget et al., 2019;Gameiro et al., 2020;Princé et al., 2012). ...
... Eurasian Stone-curlew was the species most affected by vegetation structure variables, showing a preference for fallows with lower vegetation cover and height. Eurasian Stone-curlew can breed in a wide variety of habitats (including semi-natural grasslands, fallows, vineyards, or orchards (Gaget et al., 2019), but is always dependent on a low vegetation that allows good visibility (Green et al., 2000;Sanz-Pérez et al., 2019). Low vegetation, but not cover, was preferred by male Little Bustards, probably due to a trade-off between good visibility for the display and food availability (Morales et al., 2008;Sanz-Pérez et al., 2019). ...
The steep decrease of fallow area in the last years has been directly related to steppe bird population declines in Europe, as fallow lands are a crucial habitat for shelter, food, and nesting resources. However, the potential of fallows to foster steppe bird populations may vary greatly depending on factors at both the landscape and field scale, which may also interact differently depending on the species. This study uses data from more than 3000 ha of fallow land in north-eastern Spain specifically managed for steppe bird conservation to explore which are the characteristics that maximize their conservation value for steppe bird species. We used variance partitioning methods to separate the effects of fallow management (e.g., vegetation height or fallow age) from field characteristics (e.g., field size) and landscape context (e.g., amount of surrounding shrubland area) on the occurrence and abundance of target steppe bird species. Even if fallow management was optimized to meet the requirements of steppe birds, field characteristics and landscape context had important effects (i.e., explained high part of the variance) in maximizing occurrence and abundance. All studied species consistently preferred bigger and dominant fallows (i.e., those at a higher relative elevation). Conservation measures promoting fallows for the conservation of steppe birds should consider mechanisms to optimize the selection of fields. Integrating optimal field selection might be too specific and challenging for agri-environment-climate measures (AECM), however it could be a cost-effective measure when implemented in local or targeted conservation plans, such as those applied within priority areas, protected areas, or compensatory measures.
... Therefore, studying breeding performance and identifying the main causes of breeding failure are key to understand the drivers of declines and population viability [16][17][18][19][20]. However, research on the reproductive biology of steppe birds has been hindered by the difficulty of detecting and monitoring nests due to their groundnesting habits, cryptic plumage, elusive behaviour, and sensitivity to human disturbances [21][22][23][24]. Challenges associated with monitoring the breeding of these species can make fieldwork time consuming, expensive, and inefficient. ...
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Background Modern biologging technologies allow researchers to gain a better understanding of animal movements, offering opportunities to measure survival and remotely study the breeding success of wild birds, i.e., by locating nests. This is particularly useful for species whose nests are difficult to find or access, or when disturbances can impact the breeding outcome. We developed and validated, with field data, a framework to detect nesting events by two sandgrouse species, the black-bellied (Pterocles orientalis) and pin-tailed sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata), using GPS and Overall Dynamic Body Acceleration (ODBA) data. Sandgrouses are ground-nesting, cryptic, and elusive birds with biparental incubation efforts. Because both sexes take turns to incubate, a novel framework considering when tagged individuals are on incubation duty or not needs to be designed to detect nests. Results We tagged 52 birds with high-resolution GPS devices to monitor their breeding during 2021–24. Using remote tracking and field data from the first 2 years (2021–22), we first determined sex-specific time windows for incubation to maximise differentiation between incubation and non-incubation behaviours. We then used a threshold-based classification to identify incubation days and inferred the minimum number of successive incubation days needed to correctly identify a nesting event. We show how ODBA and GPS data can be used to successfully detect nests incubated for only 2 or 3 days. GPS-only data or combined GPS-ODBA data had a success rate of around 95%, whereas ODBA-only data had a success rate of 100%. Cross-validation using data from 2023 to 2024 confirmed the model’s performance, showing an overall success > 90% for GPS-only and ODBA-only data and of 85% for combined GPS–ODBA data. Conclusions By accurately identifying nesting events, our framework offers new opportunities to study the breeding of conservation-dependent species. Besides its applicability to ground-nesting species with biparental care and sex-specific incubation schedules, the framework can be adapted to other bird species sensitive to disturbances or with inaccessible nesting sites. By doing so, it reduces the need for nest visits and associated disturbances, as well as the carbon footprint and expenses associated with fieldwork.
... These conditions are likely to disrupt bird physiology, habitat selection, nesting conditions, and predation pressure [18,19]. Additionally, these factors are already affecting species viability due to the combined impact of climate stress on nestlings and the earlier harvesting of crops: the early harvest reduces breeding success, both directly through nest destruction during harvest and indirectly by decreasing resource availability for broods [20,21]. ...
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Grassland bird populations in the Mediterranean lowlands have declined dramatically over the past few decades. This decline is due to a combination of factors, including changes in land use and farming practices as well as the impacts of climate change. In particular, more intensive agricultural methods have played a significant role in this reduction. However, in the higher-altitude uplands of the region, traditional practices like pastoralism and rotational low-intensity farming are still common, and these areas continue to support substantial populations of several threatened grassland bird species. In this viewpoint, we discuss the challenges that the uplands are facing and suggest rethinking regional development to be er balance the needs of people and nature.
... In temporarily abandoned fields or in systems that were set aside, Skylarks had a reproductive success rate of 44 %, which is much higher than the reported 11 % in cereal fields that are under intensive management (Geiger et al., 2013). In France, Eurasian Stone-curlew populations (Burhinidae: Burhinus oedicnemus) decreased by more than 20 %, and the nest survival rate decreased by 80 % over 14 years of monitoring due to resource scarcity (Gaget et al., 2018). In Switzerland, monitoring the effects of landscape structure on Barn Owl (Tytonidae: Tyto alba) reproductive performance showed no significant associations, indicating little variability between habitats due to landscape homogenization (Frey et al., 2011). ...
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Intensive agriculture has had a negative impact on biodiversity and human health across the world. Specifically, bird populations have declined for many years due to soil degradation and agrochemical pollution. This review, which draws on 890 sources, including research articles and literature reviews, examines the interaction between birds and intensive agriculture to better understand its effects and conservation implications. Intensive agricultural activities have resulted in significant population declines among insectivorous and carnivorous birds, while generalist bird populations have increased. The heavy use of pesticides in intensive agriculture affects food availability for birds by reducing invertebrate and vertebrate populations as well as natural vegetation cover, which has a significant impact on bird diversity. Additionally, the accumulation of toxic compounds reduces bird reproductive success. In general, intensive agroecosystems have consistently had lower avian diversity than forest habitats and even lower-impact agricultural systems. However, some agroecosystems, such as rice fields, agricultural drainages, and canal systems, create alternative habitats that can benefit waterfowl. Future work should consider strategies such as restoring and enhancing vegetation edges, preserving natural vegetation, implementing organic farming practices, maintaining water bodies, and providing economic incentives for landowners to conserve biodiversity on their land to promote bird diversity conservation.
... Les pontes de remplacement sont observées chez de nombreuses espèces monogames (Sandercock et al. 1999). Chez l'OEdicnème criard, une espèce monogame, les pontes de remplacement sont courantes (Vaughan & Vaughan-Jennings 2005, Gaget et al. 2019, mais leur identification dans la nature reste généralement, difficile. Dans cette étude, nous avons pu enregistrer trois couples nicheurs qui ont entrepris une ponte de remplacement, environ trois semaines (18 ± 5 jours), après l'échec de la première couvée. ...
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Monitoring the nesting of the Eurasian Stone-Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus: contributions of video recording. Video recording and tagged adults have been used to monitor nests of the Eurasian Stone-Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus, during 2021 and 2022 breeding seasons, in the Souss-Massa region (Morocco). Our study provides data on pair fidelity, nest predators and clutch replacement.
... Linear and quadratic models tested for variation in DSR that might be related to seasonal changes in vegetative cover, number of active nests, or predator activity. To explore annual variation and long-term trends in nest survival (Gaget et al., 2019), we built a model considering year as a categorical group and one that considered a linear effect of year over the 13-year study. To test for habitat-specific variation in DSR (Dinsmore et al., 2002), we included habitat as a categorical covariate with four levels for grassland, saltmarsh, salt-extraction and semidesert habitats. ...
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Tropical islands harbour a disproportionally high number of endemic species, which face increasing threats due to habitat loss, disturbance and introduced alien predators. Long-term demographic studies are needed to understand how such threats may impact on population productivity. We report an investigation of a key demographic parameter, nest survival, over a 13-year period in a small ground-nesting shorebird on the island of Maio (Cabo Verde). Similar to many tropical islands, Maio is expected to face increased tourism, disturbance, and potential loss of nesting habitats. We monitored over 700 nests of the largest, year-round resident breeding population of Kentish plover in the Atlantic Ocean archipelago. Our work produced three important findings. First, we show that nest survival differed among the major habitats of the main breeding site, the Salinas do Porto Inglês, because nests in the salt-extraction area had higher daily survival rates DSR = 0.9654 ± 0.0076 SE than nests in grasslands DSR = 0.9557 ± 0.0038 SE. The salt-extraction is a dynamic habitat that is naturally regulated by rainfall and sea water inflow and managed with traditional methods for salt-extraction. Kentish plovers breed on small islets surrounded by salty water where mammalian predators may have restricted access. Second, we found that breeding densities of plovers decreased from 0.11 nests/ha to 0.03 nests/ha over 13 years. Last, we show that nest survival declined from 0.9784 ± 0.0107 in 2007 to 0.8967 ± 0.0401 in 2019. We suggest that the declining breeding density and nest survival may be driven by a combination of ecological factors including predation by native and introduced species, and by increased human disturbance. To help maintain sustainable levels of nest survival and to ensure long-term persistence of this Kentish plover population, we propose to incorporate traditional Salinas management into direct conservation actions, to reduce human disturbance and manage nest predators to help nest survival on tropical islands.
... The species is of European conservation concern (Bird-Life International 2021) but information on the status of its populations is limited (Gaget et al. 2019). Available information suggests that the migratory behaviour of the Stonecurlew should be rather variable at intra-and inter-population level throughout its range (Cramp and Simmons 1983;Green et al. 1997;Vaughan and Vaughan-Jennings 2005;Giunchi et al. 2015), but relatively little is known about its movements. ...
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Migratory behaviour in birds shows a remarkable variability at species, population and individual levels. Short-distance migrants often adopt a partial migratory strategy and tend to have a flexible migration schedule that allows a more effective response to extreme environmental variations. Weather seasonality and environmental heterogeneity have been reported as significant factors in the diversification of migratory behaviour for Mediterranean migrants, but relatively few studies investigated the migration patterns of non-passerine birds migrating within the Mediterranean basin. In this study, we investigated the migratory strategy of 40 Eurasian Stone-curlews Burhinus oedicnemus tagged with geolocators and GPS-GSM tags and belonging to continental and Mediterranean populations of the Italian peninsula. The proportion of migrants was higher in continental populations, but we observed a significant variability also within Mediterranean populations. All birds spent the winter within the Mediterranean basin. Continental Stone-curlews departed earlier in spring and later in autumn and covered longer distances than those from Mediterranean areas. The speed of migration did not change between seasons for continental birds, while Mediterranean individuals migrated faster in spring. The likelihood of departure for autumn migration of GPS-tagged birds increased when temperatures were near or below 0 °C suggesting that Stone-curlews tend to delay departure until weather conditions worsen abruptly. As a consequence of global warming in the Mediterranean, the frequency of migratory birds in the considered populations might decrease in the near future. This could affect the distribution of species throughout the year and should be taken into account when targeting conservation measures.
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This report was researched and written between April and December 2021 by researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), with support from partners at the University of Reading (UK), De Vlinderstichting (Netherlands), and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France). The report consists of a review of existing 'citizen science’ approaches to monitoring biodiversity on farmland, in which we introduce a typology of five different types of approach, and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these. This forms part of the project “SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity” (SHOWCASE). SHOWCASE aims to encourage the widespread uptake of biodiversity-friendly farming practices across Europe, both through identifying effective incentives for farmers, and gathering further evidence of the ecosystem services provided by increased levels of biodiversity. The project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.862480. In particular, this report fulfils Deliverable 3.8 within SHOWCASE: “A review of existing citizen science approaches to monitoring farmland biodiversity, including an overview of the different statistical approaches to handling citizen science data”. We at SLU are grateful to all SHOWCASE partners for their contributions.
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Steppe lands in Europe are critically affected by habitat loss and fragmentation, and hold over 50% of IUCN Red List bird species in Europe. Dupont’s Lark is a threatened steppe-specialist passerine whose European geographic range is restricted to Spain, with less than 2000 pairs and an annual population decline of − 3.9%. Its strongly fragmented habitat leads to a metapopulation structure in the Iberian Peninsula that includes 24 populations and 100 subpopulations. We present an updated Population Viability Analysis based on the latest scientific knowledge regarding distribution, population trends, breeding biology and connectivity. Our results predict metapopulation extinction in 2–3 decades, through a centripetal contraction process from the periphery to the core. The probability of extinction in 20 years was 84.2%, which supports its relisting to Endangered in Spain following IUCN criteria. We carried out a sensitivity analysis showing that some parameters, especially productivity and survival of adults and juveniles, help to increase metapopulation viability. Simulation of management scenarios showed that habitat restoration in a subset of key subpopulations had a positive effect on the overall metapopulation persistence. Translocations of a limited number of individuals from source to recipient locations may help to rescue the most endangered subpopulations without reducing the global time to extinction of the metapopulation. In addition, we identified the most critical areas for action, where local populations of the species are prone to extinction. This work suggests that the viability of the Dupont’s Lark metapopulation could be improved and its risk of extinction reduced if urgent and localized conservation measures are applied. In the short-term, habitat loss and fragmentation due to ploughing, reforestation and infrastructures implementation in Dupont’s Lark habitat must be avoided. Habitat restoration and translocations could help to avoid imminent extinction of critical subpopulations. Restoration of extensive grazing is recommended as the most effective way to achieve the long-term conservation of Dupont’s Lark in Spain.
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Avian biologists routinely estimate sampling variance for parameter estimates such as daily nest survival, fecundity, annual survival, and density. However, many biologists are not certain of methods to derive sampling variance for parameters when survival rates change temporal scales. Similar methods are needed to obtain sampling variance when biologists combine parameter estimates to calculate an indirect demographic parameter, such as population growth rate. The delta method is a useful technique for approximating sampling variance when the desired demographic parameter is a function of at least one other demographic parameter. However, the delta method is rarely taught in most graduate-level biology or ecology courses, and application of this method may be discouraged by seemingly daunting formulas in reference books. Here, I provide five examples of sampling variance approximations for common situations encountered by avian ecologists, with step-by-step explanations of the equations involved.
Agriculture is currently facing unprecedented challenges: ensuring food, fiber and energy production in the face of global change, maintaining the economic performance of farmers and preserving natural resources such as biodiversity and associated key ecosystem services for sustainable agriculture. Addressing these challenges requires innovative landscape scale farming systems that account for changing economic and environmental targets. These novel agricultural systems need to be recognized, accepted and promoted by all stakeholders, including local residents, and supported by public policies. Agroecosystems should be considered as socio-ecological systems and alternative farming systems should be based on ecological principles while taking societal needs into account. This requires an in-depth knowledge of the multiple interactions between sociological and ecological dynamics. Long Term Socio-Ecological Research platforms (LTSER) are ideal for acquiring this knowledge as they (i) are not constrained by traditional disciplinary boundaries, (ii) operate at a large spatial scale involving all stakeholders, and (iii) use systemic approaches to investigate biodiversity and ecosystem services. This study presents the socio-ecological research strategy from the LTSER "Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre" (ZA PVS), a large study area where data has been sampled since 1994. Its global aim is to identify effective solutions for agricultural development and the conservation of biodiversity in farmlands. Three main objectives are targeted by the ZAPVS. The first objective is intensive monitoring of landscape features, the main taxa present and agricultural practices. The second objective is the experimental investigation, in real fields with local farmers, of important ecosystem functions and services, in relation to pesticide use, crop production and farming socio-economic value. The third aim is to involve stakeholders through participatory research, citizen science and the dissemination of scientific results. This paper underlines the relevance of LTSERs for addressing agricultural challenges, while acknowledging that there are some yet unsolved key challenges.
Globally, agriculture has intensified during the past 50 years due to increased mechanization, changes in the timing of farming operations, grassland conversion to cropland, and increased agrochemical inputs. Birds associated with farmlands and grasslands in North America have experienced severe declines over the last several decades, prompting the need for a comprehensive review of the drivers, mechanisms and magnitude of effects on bird populations. Here we evaluated changes in North American farmland bird populations over time and conducted a systematic review and analysis of the published literature to identify the major causes. Based on North American Breeding Bird Survey data, populations of 57 of 77 (74%) farmland-associated species decreased from 1966 to 2013. Multiple species exhibited highly congruent declines during the 1960s-1980s − a period with rapid changes in farming practices to low tillage systems, heavy pesticide use and widespread conversion of grassland habitat to cropland. The most severe declines occurred in aerial insectivorous birds (average change of −39.5% from 1966 to 2013), followed by grassland (‐20.8%) and shrubland (‐16.5%) bird species. Direct agricultural drivers impacting bird abundance, survival, and reproduction include loss of natural habitats, interference from farming equipment, and direct mortality or sublethal effects from pesticide exposure. Subtle interference with behaviour or physiology are reported through indirect drivers such as reduced food supplies, sublethal pesticide toxicity, habitat fragmentation and alteration, and disturbance. Indirect effects are likely significant for many species, particularly aerial insectivores, but detailed mechanistic studies are lacking. Our review of 122 studies found that pesticides (42% of all studies), followed by habitat loss or alterations (27%), were most predominant in negatively affecting farmland birds, with pesticides (93% negative) and mowing/harvesting (81% negative) having the most consistently negative effects. Modifications to farmland management such as reducing pesticide inputs through integrated pest management and maintaining or restoring uncultivated field margins and native habitat could positively influence farmland birds without significantly reducing agricultural crop yields.
Understanding causes of nest loss is critical for the management of endangered bird populations. Available methods for estimating nest loss probabilities to competing sources do not allow for random effects and covariation among sources, and there are few data simulation methods or goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests for such models. We developed a Bayesian multinomial extension of the widely-used logistic exposure (LE) nest survival model which can incorporate multiple random effects and fixed-effect covariates for each nest loss category. We investigated the performance of this model and the accompanying GOF test by analyzing simulated nest fate datasets with and without age-biased discovery probability, and by comparing the estimates to those of traditional fixed-effects estimators. We then exemplify the use of the multinomial LE model and GOF test by analyzing Piping Plover Charadrius melodus nest fate data (n = 443) to explore the effects of wire cages (exclosures) constructed around nests, which are used to protect nests from predation but can lead to increased nest abandonment rates. Mean parameter estimates of the random-effects multinomial LE model were all within 1 SD of the true values used to simulate the datasets. Age-biased discovery probability did not result in biased parameter estimates. Traditional fixed-effects models provided estimates biased high by up to 43% with a mean of 71% smaller standard deviations. The GOF test identified models that were a poor fit to the simulated data. For the Piping Plover dataset, the fixed-effects model was less well-supported than the random-effects model and underestimated the risk of exclosure use by 16%. The random-effects model estimated a range of 1–6% probability of abandonment for nests not protected by exclosures across sites, and 5–41% probability of abandonment for nests with exclosures, suggesting that the magnitude of exclosure-related abandonment is site-specific. Our results demonstrate that unmodeled heterogeneity can result in biased estimates potentially leading to incorrect management recommendations. The Bayesian multinomial LE model offers a flexible method of incorporating random effects into an analysis of nest failure and is robust to age-biased nest discovery probability. This model can be generalized to other staggered-entry, time-to-hazard situations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The 2020 EU biodiversity strategy aims to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, but this requires effective monitoring to determine whether these aims are achieved. Common bird monitoring continuously assesses changes in the avian community, providing a powerful tool for monitoring temporal changes in the abundance and distribution of these upper trophic level consumers. Two-thirds of Denmark’s land area is intensively farmed, so agricultural habitats make a major contribution to Danish biodiversity. We looked for changes in abundance amongst farmland birds in Denmark during 1987–2014 to test for reductions in declines and to predict whether the 2020-target can be expected to be achieved. Sixteen specialist farmland species were those showing the most rapid declines amongst 102 common breeding species in Denmark. Of these, those species nesting on the ground showed significant long-term declines, which was not the case for those that nest elsewhere, i.e. in hedgerows, trees and buildings. There was no evidence to suggest that these trends were attributable to widespread declines in long-distance migrant species (as reported elsewhere), which may be affected by conditions at other times in the annual cycle. We therefore conclude that continued declines in specialist farmland breeding bird species are due to contemporary agricultural changes within Denmark and urge habitat- and species-specific analysis to identify the core causes of these changes and halt the declines.
A guide to using S environments to perform statistical analyses providing both an introduction to the use of S and a course in modern statistical methods. The emphasis is on presenting practical problems and full analyses of real data sets.