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published: 02 July 2018
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01028
Frontiers in Psychology | 1July 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 1028
Edited by:
Michela Balsamo,
Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio
Chieti e Pescara, Italy
Reviewed by:
Claudio Imperatori,
Università Europea di Roma, Italy
Patrizio E. Tressoldi,
Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
Daiana Colledani,
Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
Timo T. Schmidt
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Quantitative Psychology and
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 07 April 2018
Accepted: 31 May 2018
Published: 02 July 2018
Schmidt TT and Berkemeyer H (2018)
The Altered States Database:
Psychometric Data of Altered States
of Consciousness.
Front. Psychol. 9:1028.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01028
The Altered States Database:
Psychometric Data of Altered States
of Consciousness
Timo T. Schmidt 1,2
*and Hendrik Berkemeyer 2
1Neurocomputation and Neuroimaging Unit, Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, 2Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany
Keywords: altered states of consciousness, questionnaires, psychometrics, consciousness, drug effects,
The experimental induction of altered states of consciousness (ASC) constitutes a research
opportunity to relate changes in phenomenological states to underlying biophysical mechanisms.
A variety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods were reported to induce
consciousness alterations in humans, ranging from the consumption of psychoactive drugs
to special breathing techniques or sensory deprivation. Within psychological experiments, the
subjective experiences of ASCs are typically quantified with retrospective questionnaires. Here,
we introduce a database, termed the Altered States Database (ASDB), comprised of questionnaire
data extracted from original research articles. The database contains data from articles published
in MEDLINE-listed journals from experimentally induced altered states that were assessed with
a specified set of standardized questionnaires. The dataset at hand will allow direct comparisons
of the psychological effects of different induction methods as well as meta-analyses to establish
induction method specific dose-response relationships.
Scientific interest in altered states of consciousness is as old as the origins of modern psychology.
ASCs have caught the attention of psychologists, philosophers of mind, psychiatrists, and lately
neuroscientists. One reason for this interest is to address the question what should be considered
“normal mental functioning” in a philosophical, as well as in a medical sense and public health
considerations. Particularly, the treatment of psychiatric diseases in which conscious functioning
is pathologically impaired puts strong demands on research to elucidate underlying mechanisms
which could be targeted by new therapies. In this line of research, neuroscientist started to
utilize the experimental induction of ASCs in combination with recordings of brain activity to
elucidate neuronal mechanisms underlying alterations in consciousness. Neuroimaging studies on
hallucinogens such as LSD or psilocybin recently gained significant public attention (Carhart-
Harris et al., 2012, 2016; Muthukumaraswamy et al., 2013; Schmid et al., 2015). But also non-
pharmacological induction methods of ASCs such as meditation, sensory deprivation, or breathing
techniques are moving into the research focus (Corlett et al., 2009).
One intriguing question for current studies is how the phenomenology of ASC experiences
compares between different induction methods, between individuals and how they relate to
pathologic situations such as the phenomenology of schizophrenia or depression. The gold-
standard in quantitative experimental research to measure ASC experiences is the retrospect
assessment with standardized and validated questionnaires (Cardeña et al., 2000; Passie, 2007;
Schmidt and Maji´
c, 2016). Multiple questionnaires have been developed to quantify different
aspects of ASC phenomena. Importantly, it has been emphasized that an ASC is not a mere
quantitative change in a single cognitive function (e.g., elevated arousal). Instead, it is a
multidimensional phenomenon (Tart, 1972; Farthing, 1991; Metzner, 2005; Schmidt and Maji´
2016), meaning that not only one aspect of consciousness is affected, but the relative intensity
Schmidt and Berkemeyer The Altered States Database
of multiple consciousness aspects changes. Such
“phenomenological patterns” can be operationalized as the
factor structure of the applied psychometric assessment, i.e.,
the individual ratings, or factor scores, of a questionnaire.
Such psychometric measures allow direct comparisons between
induction methods, individual’s responses, averaged group
responses, and different experimental settings.
Based on these measures, multiple researchers have attempted
to develop taxonomies for different types of ASC experiences
to infer common underlying mechanisms of their emergence
(Dittrich, 1985; Pekala, 1991; Vaitl et al., 2005; Corlett et al.,
2009). However, such attempts have been limited by a lack
of a comprehensive collection of psychometric data. By now,
the results of these measures can only be found in individual
publications where they are often reported in different formats.
The lack of a central collection of these data has prevented direct
comparisons and meta-analyses.
Here we present the Altered States Database (ASDB), as a
collection of the currently available psychometric data on ASC
experiences from diverse induction methods. The ASDB will
allow meta-analyses to establish dose-response relationships and
direct comparisons of existing data with newly generated data. It
further fosters common standards in the assessment of ASCs for
future research.
Data Sources
The ASDB contains data extracted from scientific articles. To
assure high quality of the research reports only data from articles
published with peer-review in MEDLINE-listed journals are
Data from the quantitative assessment of ASC experiences
with standardized questionnaires constitute the data in the
ASDB. Based on previous work, considering validity and
reliability measures as well as questionnaire’s prevalence in
the literature, the ASDB has been limited to data from four
different questionnaires, which can be considered as the standard
tools in ASC research (Passie, 2007; Schmidt and Maji´
c, 2016).
Data from three developmental states of the Altered States of
Consciousness Rating Scale are included due to its high literature
prevalence, summing to six different questionnaires in total.
Table 1 summarizes the factor structure of the six questionnaires.
Data has been included starting from the initial publication of
the individual questionnaires (see Table 1) until end of 2017.
Literature Search
We conducted a systematic literature search to identify all articles
that contain psychometric data derived from the six standardized
questionnaires of interest. First, we used Google Scholar ©
to identify forward citations of the original publications of
the questionnaires and their methodological refinements and
translations (references used in the literature research are
provided in Table 1). Secondly, we discarded review articles
and articles that were not published in MEDLINE-listed peer-
reviewed journals. Next, we manually screened titles and
abstracts to identify articles reporting human research with
FIGURE 1 | Data model for the ASDB. The general data model to store the
psychometric data with comprised entities and relations (simplified).
primary data on the experimental induction of ASCs. Finally,
original articles were accessed, wherever possible, and Methods
and Results sections, as well as supplementary materials, were
screened for psychometric data that were derived from a
described experimental induction of an ASC.
After obtaining a list of induction methods from this search
procedure, we used corresponding search terms together with
search terms of common knowledge to conduct a MEDLINE
search for any mentioning of these induction methods in title,
abstract, or keywords. The list of resulting articles was screened
as described above to include articles which might contain
suitable data while failing to include a reference to the applied
Extraction of Data
The identified articles reported psychometric data in variable
styles, e.g., in tables, in graphs, or as in-line text. Wherever
numeric values were available, these were directly entered into
the database. Data from figures were extracted manually. Data
reported with standard error were transformed into standard
deviation and rounded to two digits. A second person double-
checked all extracted data.
Several research articles contained non-standardized
measures (e.g., reporting absolute scores instead of mean
responses), which were rescaled/standardized after confirmation
by the authors of the article, where possible. If rescaling was
not possible, data were excluded from the database. Any data
adjustments, as well as reasons for exclusion, are documented
and accessible together with the overall dataset.
Data Model
The database is implemented in MySQL. The collected
questionnaires with corresponding factor/scale structure formed
the basis for the database model. A simplified model is
displayed in Figure 1, which accounts for different induction
Frontiers in Psychology | 2July 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 1028
Schmidt and Berkemeyer The Altered States Database
TABLE 1 | Questionnaires and their factor/scale-structure from which data is included.
Questionnaire Versions Scales/Factors Original publication Psychometric properties
Altered States of Consciousness
Rating Scale
APZ (1) Oceanic Boundlessness, (2) Dread of Ego
Dissolution, (3) Visionary Restructuralization Dittrich, 1975, 1985 Dittrich, 1985
5D-ASC (1) Oceanic Boundlessness, (2) Dread of Ego
Dissolution, (3) Visionary Restructuralization, (4)
Auditory Alterations, (5) Vigilance Reduction
Bodmer et al., 1994; Dittrich
et al., 2006
Dittrich et al., 2010
11D-ASC (1) Experience of Unity, (2) Spiritual Experience,
(3) Blissful State, (4) Insightfulness, (5)
Disembodiment, (6) Impaired Control and
Cognition, (7) Anxiety, (8) Complex Imagery, (9)
Elementary Imagery, (10) Audio-Visual
Synesthesia, (11) Changed Meaning of
Studerus et al., 2010 Studerus et al., 2010
Phenomenology of Consciousness
PCI (1) Positive Affect, (a.) Joy, (b.) Sexual
Excitement, (c.) Love, (2) Negative Affect (a.)
Anger, (b.) Sadness, (c.) Fear, (3) Altered
Experience, (a.) Altered Body Image, (b.)
Altered Time Sense, (c.) Altered Perception, (d.)
Altered Meaning, (4) Visual Imagery, (a.)
Amount, (b.) Vividness, (5) Attention, (a.)
Direction, (b.) Absorption, (6) Self Awareness,
(7) Altered State of Awareness, (8) Internal
Dialogue, (9) Rationality, (10) Volitional Control,
(11) Memory, (12) Arousal
Pekala, 1991 Pekala, 1991, 1995;
German version: Rux, 2002
Hallucinogen Rating Scale HRS (1) Somaesthesia (2) Affect (3) Perception (4)
Cognition (5) Volition (6) Intensity Strassman et al., 1994 Strassman et al., 1994; Riba
et al., 2001; Bouso et al.,
Mystical Experience Questionnaire MEQ30 (1) Mystical, (2) Positive Mood (3)
Transcendence of time and space (4) Ineffability Pahnke, 1963, 1966;
MacLean et al., 2012
MacLean et al., 2012;
Barrett et al., 2015; Spanish
version:Bouso et al., 2016;
Portugese version:
Schenberg et al., 2017
Each questionnaire has a specific structure of factors/scales (and subscales in the case of the PCI), for which research articles typically report group summary data, i.e., mean ±
variability. Data on the questionnaires psychometric properties, as well as validation and reliability measures can be obtained from the provided references. The literature research to
identify relevant research data was primarily based on forward-citations of the questionnaires original reports and reports on methodological refinements and translations.
methods linked to possible modes of administration (e.g.,
“i.v.,” “capsule(oral)” etc.) and dosage (e.g., “0.5 mg”). The
database has been designed to represent questionnaire data
mainly in the format of group mean ±standard deviation.
The data model is also prepared to capture raw data of
individual participants on the item-level, which unfortunately is
by now not made available by research groups. An individual
dataset (experiment) was defined as any unique combination of
experimental conditions and questionnaire to capture that one
research article can contain multiple datasets (e.g., applications
of different induction methods and/or dosages result in different
datasets). The model further contains the following data
attributes: PUBMED_ID, DOI, language the questionnaire was
applied in, sample size, T/F-identifier if the dataset stems from
a control condition (e.g., “Placebo administration”), the time the
questionnaire was applied after the application of the induction
Limitations and Updates
The database is supposedly complete for the data published
until the end of 2017 but limited by human error within the
literature screening. The scope of the database is limited by the
available data, is, however, assumed to stimulate the collection
of new data for missing combinations of induction methods,
dosages, and questionnaires. Depending on future publications
and developments in the quantification of ASCs, the database
will be regularly updated with (1) newly published datasets (2)
data from additional and newly developed questionnaires, as
soon as questionnaires reach a substantial prevalence in the
literature to allow study-overarching comparisons. Ultimately,
the ASDB shall be supplemented with data on physiological
measures such as neuroimaging data, to allow meta-analyses
on the relationships between phenomenology and physiological
processes [i.e., as suggested in the study of neurophenomenology
(Varela, 1996)].
Frontiers in Psychology | 3July 2018 | Volume 9 | Article 1028
Schmidt and Berkemeyer The Altered States Database
Updates will be made available (with date and version
number) in the same format as the original publication (see Data
Records) assuring full open access to the data and transparency
about data inclusion/exclusion allowing to correct potential
human errors. Updates will be performed by the database
administrators and not by users to assure data quality.
The database can be accessed in two ways: (1) Database queries
can be posed and results visualized via a web interface on Output graphs have mouse-over functionality
to display the original data and provide full access without
any database skills. (2) Data in table-format containing all
original data can be obtained from the Open Science Framework
repository Schmidt (2018).
All data points have been extracted by humans and have
been double-checked for accuracy by a second person.
Inclusion/Exclusion as well as any adjustments and
normalization of data has been documented and can be
obtained together with the overall dataset.
The given search procedure makes it likely to contain all
relevant data. However, a failure to cite the original references
of the questionnaire can lead to missing articles. If articles
were overseen, please contact the corresponding author, and
suitable data will be included in the database with the next
The database currently (01/2018) contains data from
N=6,861 reports of ASC experiences which were reported in
N=315 datasets (defined as a unique combination of induction
method/experimental conditions and questionnaire) that were
extracted as 2,168 total data points (constituted of mean and
standard deviation, if available). Data were extracted from
the following amounts of articles per questionnaire: N=11
APZ; N=43 5D-ASC; N=15 11D-ASC; N=3 PCI; N=32
HRS; N=3 MEQ30; and comprise N=52 different induction
Meta-Analyses should consider that information on
dependencies of the datasets (e.g., information on repeated
measures designs) are currently not provided in the database.
TS wrote the manuscript and HB substantially contributed to the
manuscript. TS initiated and superintended the ASDB project.
TS and HB designed the database. HB implemented the database
structure and data upload. TS superintended the data extraction,
performed quality control, and is responsible for the long-term
We would like to thank Eelke de Vries, Artur Czeszumski,
Philipp Kuhnke, Ahmad Dawud, Auss Abbood, Lorenzo
Semeia, Natalia Esther Bradwayn, Mohammadreza Baghery,
Mina Bakharzi, Ashima Keshava, Kristina Baumgart, Lesley-
Ann Mathis, Anastasia Mukhina, Alexa-Nicole Sibly, Paola
Suarez, Felix Blind, Öykü Bulca for contributions to literature
research, data extraction, and double-checking of data; Renato
Garita Figueiredo, Artur Czeszumski for contributions to the
database design; Hristofor Lukanov for contributions to the
website visualization; Axel Kohler for contributions to project
TS was supported by the Fellowprogram Open Knowledge by
the Wikimedia foundation.
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was
conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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