
Does gender matter? Considering gender of service in the airline industry

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Airline firms prioritize service features on the basis of customers' demand. While prioritizing these service features, successful positioning strategies are expected to focus on gender specific concerns. Given the fact that previous literature relies heavily on gender neutral strategies in airline industry, this study particularly addresses critical service features prioritized by female and male passengers by ranking airlines based on a multi-criteria decision-making method. Comfortable chair, seat space and leg room, and flexibility in reservation change were discovered as the three most impactful service features for female passengers. Availability of non-stop flight, frequency of flights, and airfare appeared as the other three most impactful service features among male passengers.

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... Sadly, the airline industry in many African developing economies has failed to meet businesswomen passengers' needs and expectations due to its gender-neutral service delivery. Interestingly, studies have indicated that gender influences expectations in terms of price, cabin characteristics, and in-flight activities and services, and that women as key decision-makers in terms of travel plans should be taken into account in airline service delivery (Aksoy, Akinci & Atilgan 2003;Kurtulmusoglu et al., 2018;Bond, 2019). From these studies, cabin feature was ranked highly as a key influencer of female passengers' airline choice. ...
... As mentioned in the introduction section, the decision to use an airline is conceptualized in this study as 'enplanement intention'. Kurtulmusoglu et al. (2018) discovered that female travelers choose their airline based on three primary parameters-Cabin features, Cabin crew responsiveness and Cabin comfort. Some influential aspects of cabin features and responsiveness were employee competency, booking & reservation, and in-flight services. ...
... Considering Model 2, which was free of outliers, only legroom and restroom location had a significant effect on intention, with legroom having a larger effect. This finding supports that of Kurtulmusoglu et al. (2018), which showed that legroom was one of the most significant sub-criteria female passengers looked out for when choosing an airline based on its design. This is not to downplay the effect of restroom location and food on enplanement decisions, as projected from the survey by Han (2013). ...
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The future of medical tourism in Africa is tied to travel and aviation plays a key role in propelling tourism across borders. This study examined the influence of cabin design on the enplanement intentions of female medical tourists in Africa. Data were obtained using an online semi-structured bi-lingual questionnaire. The survey data were analysed with R software. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis and Sobel, Aroian, and Goodman tests for mediation showed that three elements of seat design (backrest, seat pitch and legroom) had both direct and indirect effects on enplanement intention. This calls for diligent attention and efforts by airlines to remodel aircraft and redefine their services as regards cabin comfort for female medical tourists. This would give the airline an edge over competitors. As a multidisciplinary study, it sets the path towards the revival of the future of travel and tourism in Africa, post-pandemic.
... (Kwok, Jusoh & Khalifah, 2016), (Hoffman & Bateson, 2011;Hoyer & Maclnnis, 2010 as cited in Kwok et al., 2016). Interestingly, studies show that expectations regarding price, cabin features and inflight activities and services were influenced by gender and that women as key decision-makers in terms of travel plans should be considered in airline service delivery (Aksoy, Atilgan & Akinci 2003;Bond, 2019;Kurtulmusoglu, Feryal, Pakdil, & Tolon, 2018). From these studies, this paper sets out to examine the influence of cabin design on the enplanement intentions of female medical tourists in developing economies. ...
... (Hall et al., 2013). Kurtulmusoglu et al. (2018) showed that three main criteria drove the airline choice for female passengers. They include cabin features and responsiveness; employee competency and booking & reservation and in-flight services, though there were other factors the aforementioned resonates with female passengers amiably. ...
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... Table 5 provides a list of top three research frameworks adopted in the journal articles. While several studies did not provide the specific framework, the majority appeared to be primarily basing the extended literature review of multiple journal articles on their research focus and questions (e.g., Kurtulmusoglu et al., 2018). ...
Air transport service quality has been a popular research topic in the last decade. A systematic literature review on this topic was conducted on the articles published in quality transport, tourism, and consumer service journals. We present the statistics on study locations, leading authors and affiliations, citations, and research frameworks and data collection methods. We show that there is an increasing use of online survey tools for data collection. Most of the articles have explicitly or implicitly used the SERVQUAL model or its variations such as AIRQUAL to examine the air transport service attributes. Several research areas are identified to bring the SERVQUAL model and the air transport service quality research up to date: the digital and technology-enabled service dimensions, the privacy and cybersecurity consideration, the corporate social responsibility dimension, and the hygiene requirement. We also call for in-depth studies into some individual service dimensions such as services for special needs passengers.
... This is consistent with Jiang and Zhang's (2016) studies pointing out that female passengers are more conscious of services related to comfort, convenience, and pleasure, scoring consistently higher on airport service improvements, susceptible of being enhanced by means of technology application. Kurtulmuşoglu et al. (2018) indicate the need to enhance gender-focused strategies in airlines. Their study points out that female passengers value seat comfort, legroom, and flexibility in changing reservations in a higher degree than male passengers. ...
... The results of this modeling research revealed that customers are dissatisfied with the ticket price and the extra charges. In some studies, even the gender factor has been studied, the impact of gender of passengers on the airline industry was studied by Kurtulmuşoglu et al. (2018). The study addressed important service factors prioritized by female and male passengers by rating the airlines based on the proposed method in a linguistic framework. ...
Receiving customer opinions on products and services provided by companies is one of the main needs of company managers to improve products and services. Today, it is common to use social networks, messengers, and review websites to receive data from customer opinions. But analyzing the data received from these sources due to their huge volume requires an efficient tool. In this study, textual data obtained from the reviews of passengers of the top 10 airlines in the Middle East region have been analyzed and evaluated. First, we identified the main topics that are hidden in the customers' reviews by topic modeling method. In the next step, we evaluated the level of passenger satisfaction based on the topics identified in the modeling stage, by using sentiment analysis on passenger reviews to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of the airlines in providing various services to customers. In the end, management solutions and recommendations are provided to airline managers. The proposed method is a new approach for evaluating customer satisfaction and can be used as a guide for airlines to develop marketing strategies to attract new customers and increase their market share.
... Also, the way of conveying feelings and reacting to a specific situation is not the same. Prior researches highlighted the direct impact of gender on service quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and fairness perception (Valaei et al., 2016;Shapoval et al., 2018;Kurtulmuşoğlu et al., 2018). In many situations, both genders depict different behaviors in response to staff attitude, teacher strictness or friendliness, friends gathering, study environment. ...
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Private universities are growing in the present era. The enrollment ratio is also getting high, and universities are putting efforts to attract more students. Hence, it is essential to provide students with the best quality services as it spreads positive word-of-mouth. Therefore, the present article is designed to study the impact of front-desk staff service quality on word-of-mouth through the mediating effect of students’ affective commitment and students’ trust. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan. This study used the partial least square method to run structural equation modeling analysis. The findings revealed that all paths show a positive and significant relationship except front-desk staff service quality and word-of-mouth. Moreover, students’ affective commitment and trust mediate the relationship between front-desk staff service quality and word-of-mouth. Results also illustrate that gender exerts a significant moderating role on front-desk staff service quality, students’ affective commitment, and word-of-mouth. The study provides practical implications for policymakers, private university management, and educational institutions. Firstly, it is crucial to provide effective communication training to the front-desk staff to learn the basic etiquette of greetings and humbleness. Secondly, there must be experienced personnel who can assist students promptly.
... Mahdiraji et al. [73] identified, ordered, and assessed the ecological sustainability factors of sustainable architecture through triangular fuzzy COPRAS and Best Worst Method (BWM) approaches. Kurtulmuşoglu et al. [74] ranked the service feature critical to evaluate the airline industry by employing the fuzzy COPRAS method. Barak and Dahooei [75] suggested a hybrid fuzzy method by combining COPRAS and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) techniques and applied to assess the airlines. ...
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The selection of sustainable supplier is an extremely important for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). The assessment process of sustainable supplier selection is a complicated task for decision experts due to involvement of several qualitative and quantitative criteria. As the uncertainty is commonly occurred in sustainable supplier selection problem and hesitant fuzzy set (HFS), an improvement of Fuzzy Set (FS), has been proved as one of the efficient and superior ways to express the uncertain information arisen in practical problems. The present study proposes a novel framework based on COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method and SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) approach to evaluate and select the desirable sustainable supplier within the HFSs context. In the proposed method, an extended SWARA method is employed for determining the criteria weights based on experts' preferences. Next, to illustrate the efficiency and practicability of the proposed methodology, an empirical case study of sustainable supplier selection problem is taken under Hesitant Fuzzy (HF) environment. Further, sensitivity analysis is performed to check the stability of the presented methodology. At last, a comparison with existing methods is conducted to verify the strength of the obtained result. The final outcomes confirm that the developed framework is more consistent and powerful than other existing approaches.
... The results of the proposed framework demonstrated that acceptance and willingness were important for the selection of strategic alliance partners. Kurtulmuşoğlu et al. [106] evaluate the airline industry based the critical service features; therefore, that study employed the fuzzy COPRAS method to determine the best alternatives. The results of that article demonstrated that, the most important features for male passengers were reservation flexibility, seat space, chair comfortably, and leg room and the significant features for woman passengers were flight availability and frequency, and airfare. ...
In the context of medical decision making, the Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) pharmacological therapy selection problem involves several medications that can be stipulated to manage the blood glucose level of patients. The extensive range of hyperglycemia lowering agents with varying outcomes and several side effects makes the decision quite complicated and uncertain. Pythagorean Fuzzy Sets (PFSs) are proven as one of the valuable tools to handle ambiguous and ill-defined problems. This paper introduces an innovative Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) to solve the T2D medication selection problem under the Pythagorean fuzzy environment. In this methodology, a new formula based on entropy measure and score function is introduced to evaluate the unknown criteria weights. To doing so, the new entropy measure and score function are developed under the PFSs context. Further, an illustrative case study of the T2D pharmacological therapy selection problem is taken to express the feasibility and usefulness of the proposed method in real-world decision-making problems. Finally, the obtained result is compared with some existing methods, which confirms the strength and stability of the proposed COPRAS method.
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Purpose Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques are decision support systems that provide systematic approaches to solve hospitality and tourism (H&T) problems while minimizing the risk of failure. However, less is known about the application of MCDM techniques in H&T research. This study aims to systematically assess the use of MCDM techniques in H&T research to classify its current application and determine its application potential for H&T research. Design/methodology/approach This study used bibliometric analysis to examine all published MCDM studies focused on H&T industries, since 1997. In addition, topic modelling was used to discover key concepts. Finally, top cited studies in terms of total citations per year and total citations were qualitatively reviewed for more insights. Findings The findings revealed an ongoing interest in applying MCDM techniques in H&T research. Specifically, the extension of fuzzy theory in MCDM techniques is burgeoning among H&T researchers. However, a certain number of MCDM techniques seem to be ignored in this field with a repetitive application of MCDM techniques in particular areas. Research limitations/implications The data for the current research was solely retrieved from Scopus and other databases were not included. Therefore, future research is called for to re-examine the study by considering data from various databases. Originality/value This study contributes to extant H&T literature by identifying the most prolific and influential countries, journals, publications and trends by applying MCDM techniques in H&T research, and elucidating the implications and characteristics of MCDM techniques in H&T research.
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Purpose Although a vast amount of research has been started to gauge customer satisfaction using surveys, the influence of COVID-19 on passengers' satisfaction has not received enough attention. Hence, the primary purpose of this research is to determine the dominant themes that emerged from airline travelers' online reviews and to determine attributes that are pertinent to the satisfaction of passengers flying with low-cost carriers (LCC) during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, this study investigates whether the salient themes of passengers' overall experiences vary by traveler origin, which may give more insight into airline sector market segmentation. Design/methodology/approach Leximancer software was used to construct concepts from words, followed by themes in the data analysis. Findings The analyses revealed eight themes in descriptions of “travel experiences” for airline passengers. These are “flights,” “staff,” “service,” “hygiene,” “cancellations,” “legroom,” “COVID-19” and “test”. Negative reviews associated with “cancellations,” “refund,” “waiting” and “baggage” (handling) concepts. Originality/value The findings provide important information about airline passengers' overall experiences. Limited studies have comprehensively considered various satisfaction categories of airline travelers using online reviews.
Aviation 4.0 is related to the design of cyber-physical systems which can support humans by aviation information systems and by helping them to make decisions and to complete tasks autonomously. Within aviation 4.0 context, robotics, augmented reality, radio frequency identification, and internet of things are some components of fundamental concepts and aviation 4.0 employs information technology systems and sensors. These connected systems can interact with each other using standard internet protocols and analyze data to predict failures, configure themselves, and adapt to changes. For this aim, intelligent systems are used to interact with human users in changing and dynamic physical and social environments. An intelligent system is a machine with an embedded, internet-connected computer that can gather and analyze data and communicate with other systems. This chapter presents a literature review on the intelligent systems used in aviation 4.0 through tabular and graphical analyses.
Several studies have examined biases towards gender and ethnic minorities in professional settings, such as medical practices, academia, and aviation. Our research aims to understand consumers' attitudes towards ethnic minorities and female pilots. A better understanding of the impact of customers' perceptions on these minority groups could improve commercial flight operations and support increasing air travel demands. Specifically, this study investigated consumer perceptions of gender and ethnic bias towards commercial airline pilots and flight students in the United States. In a two-experiment design, participants in Study 1 viewed pictures of current female and male commercial pilots of various races. Participants then rated their opinions on the quality of the pilot (e.g. professionalism, flight safety, smoothness of flight, and their confidence in the pilot). In Study 2, participants viewed pictures of student pilots and rated the individual's likeliness to succeed in flight training. The results indicated that participants favored White male pilots in all conditions and that female and ethnic pilots were generally viewed as less favorable. These findings suggest that overt biases are present towards pilots with implications demonstrating that biases influence the hiring processes for female and minority pilots.
This study aims to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) to upgrade from economy to premium economy class by six types of services and to identify the socioeconomic and travel characteristics of international travelers affecting the WTP using the Tobit model assumed to be censored at zero. The results confirm that the travelers' WTP for the premium economy class in the long-haul travel is higher than those in the medium and the short-haul travels. However, the ratio of additional WTP to the economy class fare in the long-haul route is slightly lower than that in the medium-haul route. The results also present that international travelers have the highest WTP for increased seat width in the premium economy class service attribute, followed by increased seat pitch and upgraded in-flight meal service. Finally, the results indicate that the WTP to upgrade to premium economy class are proportional to the age or the income level of travelers. Furthermore, international travel frequency and the experience of premium economy class have a positive impact as well. This research can be a useful resource for analyzing international travelers’ WTP concerning the type of service and this information will be useful to policy makers in their efforts to determine their fare policies and the target audience for marketing premium economy class.
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Bearing in mind that making decisions in the aviation industry is usually related to the huge investment, it is evident that a small saving of a few percent is not negligible. Decisions usually need to be made while considering different, very often opposing criteria that could be both quantitative and qualitative. Therefore, decision makers need to apply multi-criteria decision making methods which will help them in the decision making process. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to identify and classify the problems in the aviation industry that are solved by using multi-criteria decision making. In this research, 166 papers published in the period from 2000 to 2018 are reviewed. The papers are divided according to the application area in four groups: airlines, airports, air traffic management, and others. Each group refers to specific stakeholder in aviation, and it is further divided by selected theme dealt with in papers reviewed, into evaluation, selection, ranking, improving and other. Moreover, the application areas have been systematically analysed and the results are presented in the paper. Finally, the results of this research indicate that: a) multi-criteria decision making methods are mostly used in airlines; b) evaluation is the most commonly present theme; c) fuzziness is incorporated in 50% of papers; d) Analytic Hierarchy Process (including fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) is applied in approximately 40% of reviewed papers; e) Taiwan ranks first as both authors’ affiliation country and presented case studies country.
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selection decision based on contingency theory. Previous work has focused on main effects without eploring the significance of interaction or individual heterogeneity effects. Contingency theory suggests contextual and individual factors are important in enhancing model predictions. Using conjoint and ordered probit analyses, we find that including interaction and individual specific intercepts alters the impacts of main effect variables. Furthermore, accounting for interaction and individual heterogeneity increases the predictive ability of the preference model for airline travelers.
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Secondary analyses of Revised NEO Personality Inventory data from 26 cultures (N = 23,031) suggest that gender differences are small relative to individual variation within genders; differences are replicated across cultures for both college-age and adult samples, and differences are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes: Women reported themselves to be higher in Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Warmth, and Openness to Feelings, whereas men were higher in Assertiveness and Openness to Ideas. Contrary to predictions from evolutionary theory, the magnitude of gender differences varied across cultures. Contrary to predictions from the social role model, gender differences were most pronounced in European and American cultures in which traditional sex roles are minimized. Possible explanations for this surprising finding are discussed, including the attribution of masculine and feminine behaviors to roles rather than traits in traditional cultures.
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Critical infrastructures play a significant role in countries because of the essentiality of nation security, public safety, socioeconomic security, and way of life. According to the importance of infrastructures, it is a necessity to analyze the potential risks to do not allow these risks be converted into events. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a developed framework with the aim to overcome limitations of the classical approach to build a more secure, safer, and more resilient critical infrastructures in order to develop, implement, control. The proposed framework extends conventional RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection) through introducing new parameters the effects on risk value. According to the complexity of problem and the inherent uncertainty, this research adopts the fuzzy COPRAS (COPRAS-F) as a fuzzy multi criteria decision making technique to determine the weights of each criterion and the importance of alternatives with respect to criteria. Case analysis is implemented to illustrate the capability and effectiveness of the model for ranking the risk of critical infrastructures. The proposed model demonstrates a significant improvement in comparison with conventional RAMCAP.
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It is imperative for airport operators and airlines to have a clear understanding of the factors which influence the passenger’s decision with regard to which airport/airline combination to use in a multi-airport scenario. Interactions between demographic variables, such as gender and purpose of travel, and the choice attributes in the decision-making process exist. The extent to which specific attributes influence the passenger’s decision could be invaluable to service providers (airport operators and airlines) in allocating and employing limited resources. The purpose of this article is to investigate the extent of the interactions between passenger demographics and attribute evaluation by taking into account the ordinal nature of the measurement scale.
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The choices made by departing air transportation passengers from multiple airport regions impact on the strategies of competing airlines, airport operators and planners and local authorities. For these stakeholders it is important to understand which determinants influence passenger decision-making. The purpose of this article is to determine the main factors which influence airport choice decisions at a regional airport in the Greater Johannesburg area in South Africa.
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Globalization of business and competitiveness in manufacturing has forced companies to improve their manufacturing facilities to respond to market requirements. Machine tool evaluation involves an essential decision using imprecise and vague information, and plays a major role to improve the productivity and flexibility in manufacturing. The aim of this study is to present an integrated approach for decision-making in machine tool selection. This paper is focused on the integration of a consistent fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and a fuzzy COmplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS) for multi-attribute decision-making in selecting the most suitable machine tool. In this method, the fuzzy linguistic reference relation is integrated into AHP to handle the imprecise and vague information, and to simplify the data collection for the pair-wise comparison matrix of the AHP which determines the weights of attributes. The output of the fuzzy AHP is imported into the fuzzy COPRAS method for ranking alternatives through the closeness coefficient. Presentation of the proposed model application is provided by a numerical example based on the collection of data by questionnaire and from the literature. The results highlight the integration of the improved fuzzy AHP and the fuzzy COPRAS as a precise tool and provide effective multi-attribute decision-making for evaluating the machine tool in the uncertain environment.
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Today global warming is on the rise and the natural resources are getting consumed at a faster rate. Power consumption has increased many folds to cater the human need. Thus renewable energy resources are the only option available at this juncture. Wind energy is one of the renewable energy. Location selection for wind farm takes an important role on power generation. However, the location selection is a complex multicriteria problem due to the criteria factors which are conflicting in nature as well as uncertain. The process becomes more complex when a group of decision makers are involved in decision making. In the present study, a COPRAS (COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) based multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology is done under fuzzy environment with the help of multiple decision makers. More specifically, this study is aimed to focus the applicability of COPRAS-F as a strategic decision making tools to handle the group decision-making problems.
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Wind farms are designed to supply power to the consumers at a minimal price. The cost of wind power production directly or indirectly depends on proper selection of vendors. The present paper highlights a model for selection and ranking of vendors for a wind farm based on fuzzy set theory to determine criteria weights and an additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method to analysis criteria values. The objective of the paper is to establish the ARAS method as an effective method for Vendor selection. A case study is shown to ascertain the proposed method especially when the criteria are interdependent and conflicting in nature. The result is validated with another popular MCDM technique, COPRAS, which shows that the models are effective and applicable, and provide decision makers with better solutions for decision making.
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Financial performance evaluation is very important in a highly competitive business environment. Accordingly, an accurate and appropriate performance evaluation is critical. Financial performance indicators reflect the competitiveness of a company and they must be carefully identified in the evaluation process. Generally, accounting measures are used for performance evaluation. However, these measures are not sufficient for performance evaluation in the today’s competitive economy. Therefore, value based measures have recently been introduced to express the company value. In this study, a hybrid approach is proposed for financial performance evaluation of automotive companies of Tehran stock exchange (TSE). For this purpose, a hierarchical financial performance evaluation model is structured based on the accounting measures and economic value measures. In this approach Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is applied to determine weights of criteria. Then the companies are ranked by using Fuzzy VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (in Serbian), Fuzzy Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS-F) and Fuzzy Complex Proportional Assessment (Fuzzy COPRAS), simultaneously. Also results of three outranking methods are combined by using the mean ranks. The results represented the highest importance of economic value measures than accounting measures in financial performance evaluation of companies. Six companies were ranked applying the proposed approach.
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Decision making is a process common to human beings. The uncertainty and fuzziness of problems demand the use of the fuzzy linguistic approach to model qualitative aspects of problems related to decision. The recent proposal of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets supports the elicitation of comparative linguistic expressions in hesitant situations when experts hesitate among different linguistic terms to provide their assessments. The use of linguistic intervals whose results lose their initial fuzzy representation was introduced to facilitate the computing processes in which such expressions are used. The aim of this paper is to present a new representation of the hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets by means of a fuzzy envelope to carry out the computing with words processes. This new fuzzy envelope can be directly applied to fuzzy multicriteria decision making models. An illustrative example of its application to a supplier selection problem through the use of fuzzy TOPSIS is presented.
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Multi-criteria decision making is an implicational field that concerns with selecting or designing the best scenarios among a finite set of scenarios based on a finite set of criteria. Different methods and techniques for handling this issue have been proposed. Complex proportional assessment is an analytical tool for solving multi-criteria decision making problems. Originally, the COPRAS method has been developed for decision making under a deterministic environment. Since uncertainty is an unavoidable property of decision making due to a lack of knowledge, this paper suggests an extended form of the COPRAS method used for group decision making problems in an uncertain environment where such uncertainty is captured through a generalized form of fuzzy sets - the so called interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. An algorithmic scheme for the COPRAS-IVIF method has been introduced thus examining its application with reference to two numerical examples. It seems that the recommended framework of COPRAS-IVIF can be satisfactorily implemented in decision making problems under ambiguous and ill-defined conditions.
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This study is on choice decision-making of the Nigerian domestic air transport industry. It is aimed at determining the factors that influences air travellers' choice of airlines to fly within Nigeria. In doing this, data was collected from air travellers using questionnaires following Likert scale of ranking. This enabled us to obtain the socio-economic characteristics and the airline attributes that helped influenced the air travellers in making their choice of airlines at the selected airports. The data collected were analysed using correlation matrix to check for multi-collinearity problems among the socio-economic characteristics of air travellers and airline attributes. It was discovered that there exist no multi-collinearity problem. Furthermore, a stepwise regression analysis was carried out to determine the factors/attributes that were significantly influencing air travellers in airline choice decision making. To further verify the result of the regression analysis, a discrete choice-modelling analysis was done using NLOGIT. The both results showed that sex, age, marital status, income, comfort, on-board services, frequency, crew behaviour, fare and power of monopoly were significant variables and therefore influence the choice of airline by air travellers. Recommendations amongst others include airlines should use target marketing to attract more patronage from the different age groups, improve comfort and on-board services, increase frequency on major routes, charge competitive fares and apply the power of monopoly by either serving undeveloped routes or make their products distinct from others in the market and airlines should avail their air travellers more opportunities of purchasing tickets before getting to the airport.
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This study empirically investigates the notion of being comfortable with social interaction in a foreign country (interaction comfort) and its impact on how service quality is evaluated. In addition, two of the antecedents of this interaction comfort are also investigated. The results indicate that the home country social class of the respondents is positively associated with interaction comfort. In addition, similarities or differences between one's home and one's host country during travel also influences this cross cultural interaction comfort. Surprisingly, the length of stay in the host country, especially short ones pertaining to most visitors, even when the visitor has an opportunity to interact with people other than task-specific public, does not have a strong influence on cross cultural interaction comfort. The results also indicate that visitors high on interaction comfort are more satisfied with the service offered the host country and are willing to advocate it to others back home. Apart from some interesting research implications, the findings have several managerial ones, especially in the context of services aimed at the international market.
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Asset management, as a systematic process of operating, maintaining, and upgrading physical assets, is an important element of decision-making in heavy equipment management and operation. Maintenance strategy selection plays a significant role in mining design. However, the nature of maintenance strategy selection is a complex multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem including both tangible and intangible parameters which are often in conflicting with each other. As well as when decision makers are uncertain in determining and defining the ratings and the weights of alternatives and criteria respectively, fuzzy theory provides an appropriate tool to handle the existing uncertainties. In this paper, a new fuzzy MCDM method based on the concepts of COPRAS (COmplex PRoportional ASsessment) and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) was proposed to evaluate the feasible maintenance strategy. The linguistic terms are employed to assess the ratings and weights. Fuzzy AHP is utilized to calculate the weights of the evaluation criteria; then, the rankings of alternatives are computed based on fuzzy sets theory and COPRAS. A real world case study is presented to illustrate a potential application of the proposed model. Santrauka Turto valdymas, kaip sistemingas veiklos procesas materialiajam turtui palaikyti ir atnaujinti, yra svarbus sprendimų priėmimo sandas, reikalingas sunkiajai įrangai valdyti ir naudoti. Pasirinkti priežiūros strategiją yra ypač svarbu projektuojant kasybą. Tačiau techninės priežiūros strategijos parinkimo pobūdis yra sudėtingas daugiatikslio sprendimų priėmimo (MCDM) uždavinys, apimantis tiek materialius, tiek nematerialius aspektus, tarpusavyje dažnai prieštaraujančius. Kai sprendimų priėmėjui kyla neaiškumų nustatant ir apibrėžiant rodiklių vertes ir svorius, neraiškiųjų aibių teorija yra tinkama priemonė esamam neapibrėžtumui aprašyti. Straipsnyje pateikiamas naujas neraiškusis MCDM būdas, pagrįstas COPRAS (kompleksinio proporcingo projektų įvertinimo) ir AHP (analitinio hierarchijų proceso) metodais, tikslingoms nekilnojamojo turto palaikymo strategijoms įvertinti. Rodiklių vertės ir svoriai yra apibrėžti lingvistinėmis sąvokomis. Neraiškusis AHP taikomas vertinimo rodiklių svoriams apskaičiuoti. Paskui alternatyvų rangai nustatyti taikant neraiškiųjų aibių teoriją ir COPRAS metodą. Naujai pasiūlytas modelis pritaikytas realiam uždaviniui spręsti.
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Selection of the working strategy is a critical problem and it plays a significant role in the success of organization development. On the other hand, selecting the most appropriate working strategy among a pool of alternatives is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. Since every working strategy has its benefits and costs and may bring a company different opportunities and risks, which kind of working strategy is the most appropriate for a company to accomplish is a sophisticated and complex decision with a high degree of uncertainty. Therefore, the current paper proposed an integrated evaluation model based on the analytic network process (ANP) and the complex proportional assessment (COPRAS), to help the decision makers or managers with the selection of proper working strategy in a fuzzy environment where the fuzziness and uncertainties are handled with linguistic terms parameterized by triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs). In this paper fuzzy ANP (FANP) is utilized to take into account interdependence and dependencies and determine the importance weights of benefit, opportunities, cost and risk (BOCR) factors, and fuzzy COPRAS is applied to rank the alternatives. To show the potential application of the proposed model, a real world application is conducted to illustrate the use of the proposed model for the working strategy selection problem. The results show the capability and effectiveness of the proposed model.
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This study finds that factors relevant to service quality are better conceived as its antecedents rather than its components and that customer satisfaction strongly mediates the effect of service quality on behavioral intentions. The article discusses the application of this chronological framework in understanding and predicting service quality and its consequences. The study also finds that perceptions and measured disconfirmation offer several advantages over computed disconfirmation (i.e., difference scores), and that a cross-sectional measurement design for service quality is preferred to a longitudinal design. The article discusses the implications of these findings for practitioners and for future research on service quality.
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In recent years, quantitative multicriteria methods have been widely used for comparative evaluation of complicated technological and social-economic processes, as well as for determining the best alternative among the available options and ranking the alternatives based on their significance for a particular purpose. Professor of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University E.K. Zavadskas was the first to use these methods in Lithuania in the mid-eighties of the last century for evaluation, substantiation and choosing of optimal technological solutions at various stages of construction (Завадскас 1987). In this period, new multicriteria evaluation methods were being developed and widely used in the world in various scientific and practical areas. Later, numerous disciples and colleagues of prof. Zavadskas as well representatives of various scientific schools extensively used the considered methods in Lithuania. The main concept behind the quantitative evaluation methods is integration of the values of the criteria describing a particular process and their weights (significances) into a single magnitude, i.e. the criterion of the method. For some particular (maximizing) criteria the largest value is the best, while for others (minimizing criteria) the smallest value is the best. The units of criteria measurement are also different. The alternatives compared are ranked according to the calculated values of the criterion of the method. Great numbers of multicriteria evaluation methods, based on different logical principles and having different complexity levels and the inherent features, have been created in the world. There is hardly any 'best' multicriteria evaluation method. Therefore, a parallel use of several multicriteria evaluation methods as well as the analysis of the spread of estimates and averaging of the values obtained may be recommended for evaluating complicated multifaceted objects and processes. The method SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) is one of the simplest, natural and most widely used multicriteria evaluation methods. It clearly demonstrates the idea of integrating the values and weights of criteria into a single estimating value – the criterion of the method. However, SAW uses only maximizing evaluation criteria, while minimizing evaluation criteria should be converted into the maximizing ones by the respective formulas prior to their application. This limitation is eliminated in the method COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment). The authors of the method, E.K. Zavadskas and his disciple A.Kaklauskas suggested that the influence of maximizing and minimizing evaluation criteria should be assessed separately. In this case, the component, taking into account the effect of maximizing criteria, matches the estimate yielded by the method SAW. Despite the fact that the method COPRAS is most commonly used in Lithuania, its main characteristics and properties have not been clearly defined and demonstrated. However, the awareness of these properties allows us to show the benefits of the method's application, to predict the influence of minimizing criteria values on the final result (estimate), to check the calculations and to take into account possible instability of estimates yielded by the method due to the specific character of the actual data. The paper describes the main features of multicriteria evaluation methods SAW and COPRAS and their common and diverse characteristics, as well as defining and demonstrating the properties of the method COPRAS, which are of great theoretical and practical value. All theoretical statements are illustrated by numerous examples and calculations.
We investigate the factors that affect passenger decisions regarding airline choice. Three Multivariate Probit (MP) models are developed to analyze data for a sample of 853 respondents. This methodology allows for modeling the simultaneous, yet separate, consideration of airline choice determinants. Fare, safety and reliability, and friendly-and-helpful staff during flight are the most important determinants of airline choice. In-flight entertainment and frequent flyer program are considered to be less important. Results clearly depict differences in the significance of these factors among passengers with different socio-demographic and trip characteristics.
Understanding what factors passengers consider when selecting an airline is critical, as airlines can utilize this information in market segmentation and marketing strategies. However, few studies have explored how passenger demographics and the nationality/type of carrier (full service or low-cost; regional or international) affect the choice factors of passengers when selecting airlines. The main objective of this study was to explore the airline choice factors considered by passengers, compare the choices of passengers with different demographics, and analyze which factors are emphasized by passengers from Taiwan and China when selecting airlines. We conducted a questionnaire survey of outgoing passengers at Kaohsiung International Airport in relation to 22 factors underlying their choice of airline. Using factor analysis, we identified the five factors: ground services, convenience, in-flight services, price, and travel availability. We then utilized cluster analysis to identify four groups, each concerned with price, comfort, convenience, and ground services, respectively. Nationality, age, income, flying frequency, and purpose of travel lead to differences in deciding which factors were considered by cross-strait passengers. Passengers of different nationalities concerned with different factors when selecting airlines. Our findings can add to the completeness of existing research as well as provide airlines with reference in developing marketing strategies for different customer groups.
Service quality has become an important area for competition among Chinese carriers. This paper focuses on studying the relationship between customer satisfaction measured by customer complaints and their expectation of the on-time performance of Chinese carriers. By using a monthly balanced panel data set covering nine large and medium carriers, the empirical results show that an increase in actual on-time performance reduces customer complaints. However, an increase in expected on-time performance significantly raises customer complaints. In addition, although customer complaints are negatively related to the deviations between actual and expected on-time performance, our Wald tests do not support the model of the deviations between actual and expected on-time performance. Listed carriers receive significantly lower customer complaints compared with non-listed carriers. Furthermore, poor weather also affects customer complaints as an increase in rainfall or a decrease in temperature raises customer complaints.
Recent research is recognizing that multiple criteria analysis should take account of the concepts of uncertainty and risk. In some cases, precise determination of the exact value of alternatives and weights of criteria is difficult. Consequently, to deal with these potential problems, their values are regarded as fuzzy and intervals. This paper proposes an interval-valued fuzzy multiple criteria complex proportional assessment (IVF-COPRAS) method that can reflect both a subjective judgment and objective information in real-life situations. In this method, the performance rating values versus selected criteria as well as the weights of conflicting criteria are linguistic variables represented by interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers. Moreover, performances of alternatives against subjective criteria are described via linguistic variables and then transformed into interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers. Finally, an application example for the robot selection problem is given in this paper to show this decision-making steps and the effectiveness of the proposed method in manufacturing companies.
Some concerns why is it important to satisfy customers are discussed. A three-phase approach to increasing customer satisfaction is developed which has important implications. Different actions are required to raise the satisfaction of customers of a family of products or services whose level of satisfaction differs. The company that will survive and flourish over the long term is the one that continually works to understand the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty for each of its customers, for each of its business units, and for each of the industries in which its competes.
Supplier selection is one of the most critical activities of purchasing management in a supply chain because of the key role of supplier’s performance in achieving the objectives of a supply chain. Supplier selection problem requires a trade-off between multiple criteria exhibiting vagueness and imprecision with the involvement of a group of experts. This paper presents a multiple criteria group decision-making approach for supplier selection problem in the context of interval type-2 fuzzy sets. A new method for ranking interval type-2 fuzzy numbers, based on the centroid of fuzzy sets, is proposed and compared with some methods. The proposed ranking method is used for extending complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) method for group decision-making with interval type-2 fuzzy numbers. The developed method uses a stepwise procedure for ranking and evaluating the alternatives, in terms of significance and utility degree, and selects the best solution considering both the positive-ideal and the negative-ideal solutions. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach in supplier selection problems, an illustrative example is presented and the results are analyzed.
As the service sector of the U.S. economy continues to grow dramatically, so does the need for increased attention to advertising strategies for the service sector. The author examines print advertising strategy for services by testing whether the presence of a visual tangible cue (a physical representation) and the use of verbal tangible cues (informational cues related to tangible dimensions of the service) influence the effectiveness of the advertisement. Results indicate that for a hotel (a service high in experience qualities), verbal tangible cues are related to more positive attitudes toward the ad and service, higher patronage intentions and higher levels of recall. For an auto service (high in credence qualities), verbal tangible cues are related positively to attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the service, and recall, but not patronage intention. The presence of the physical representation did not affect any of the four dependent variables.
The Likert method is commonly used as a standard psychometric scale to measure responses. This measurement scale has a procedure that facilitates survey construction and administration, and data coding and analysis. However, there are some drawbacks in the Likert scaling. This paper addresses the information distortion and information lost arising from the closed-form scaling and the ordinal nature of this measurement method. To overcome these problems, a novel fuzzy Likert scale developed based on the fuzzy sets theory has been proposed. The major contribution of the fuzzy Likert approach is that it permits partial agreement of a scale point. By incorporating this capability into the measurement process, the new scale can capture the lost information and regulate the distorted information. A quantitative analysis based on the concept Consensus has proven that the new scale can provide a more accurate measurement. The implementation feasibility and the improved measurement performance of the fuzzy Likert scale have been demonstrated via a simulation study on a low birth weight analysis.
There are many opportunities and challenges in area of Indian technical education due to liberalization and globalization of economy. One of these challenges is how to assess performance of technical institutions based on multiple criteria. This paper is focused on performance evaluation and ranking of seven Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) in respect to stakeholders’ preference using an integrated model consisting of fuzzy AHP and COPRAS. Findings based on 2007–2008 data show that performance of two IITs need considerable improvement. To the best of our knowledge it is one of few studies that evaluates performance of technical institutions in India.
Perceived service quality (PSQ) has been shown to influence satisfaction, loyalty, and other important outcomes, specifically in a competitive environment and is also one of the foremost reasons for choosing an airline. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the difference in PSQ between full service carriers (FSCs) and low cost carriers (LCCs) in the South Korean domestic airline market, which has become more competitive due to the emergence of multiple LCCs. The results showed that PSQ of LCCs is lower than FSCs in terms of the rank of dimension although the trend was surprisingly similar. Moreover, the relationships between service quality dimensions and demographic factors were significantly different between the two types of carriers. These results suggest that new entrants in South Korea should have their own distinguishable service strategy from the FSC.
This paper investigates air passengers’ perceptions of 11 factors that may influence their buying behaviour namely, in-flight service, reservation-related service, airport service, reliability, employee service, flight availability, perceived price, passenger satisfaction, perceived value, airline image, and overall service quality. Analysis of variance and an independent sample t-test are applied to data collected from Korean and Australian international air passengers. The results reveal that passenger perceptions are significantly different across airlines, seat classes, and usage frequencies.
Based on a survey of 1014 passengers of five European airlines, this paper reveals differences between passengers on the Turkish domestic airline and those on four foreign airlines on the same flight destinations with respect to demographic profiles, behavioral characteristics, understanding of airline service dimensions, and satisfaction levels. Differences between the two passenger groups are highlighted in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, sector affiliation, location of domicile, travel purpose, travel frequency, service expectations, and satisfaction levels. It is concluded that the differences in consumer profiles and expectations are valuable clues for domestic and foreign airline firms in understanding their consumers and in designing their marketing strategies.
This study applies a modified VIKOR method to improve service quality among domestic airlines in Taiwan. Our model allows decision-makers to understand the gaps between alternatives and aspired-levels in practice. A large sample is used to establish a complete service quality evaluation framework for reducing the gaps to achieve the aspired-level. We then applied the modified VIKOR method to establish the gaps in priorities between alternatives and aspired-levels. Finally, based on these gaps in priorities, we provide managerial implications to improve different carriers for satisfying the customers’ needs to achieve the aspired-level.
This article investigates how in-flight service, reservation and ticketing, airport service, reliability, employee service, flight availability, passenger satisfaction, pricing (value), and airline image determine passengers' future behavioural intentions. For this testing, structural equation modelling was applied to data collected from Australian domestic air passengers. It was found that there were significant relationships between the variables, except in four paths. In-flight service and employee service were found as significant drivers of passenger satisfaction, which was directly related to pricing (value), airline image, and passengers' future behavioural intentions.
Addresses the role national loyalty plays in determining international air carrier selection. Based on the literatures in country of origin, consumer ethnocentrism and social identity theory, develops a theoretical model which links social self-identity with national loyalty and consumer ethnocentrism. Assesses respondent carrier preferences using an ordered probit analysis of a sample of 427 travellers at a large Canadian airport in 1994. The results indicate that national loyalty ranks next to price in terms of influencing the selection of air carrier among the sample of travellers.
Role theory concerns one of the most important features of social life, characteristic behavior patterns or roles. It explains roles by presuming that persons are members of social positions and hold expectations for their own behaviors and those of other persons. Its vocabulary and concerns are popular among social scientists and practitioners, and role concepts have generated a lot of research. At least five perspectives may be discriminated in recent work within the field: functional, symbolic interactionist, structural, organizational, and cognitive role theory. Much of role research reflects practical concerns and derived concepts, and research on four such concepts is reviewed: consensus, conformity, role conflict, and role taking. Recent developments suggest both centrifugal and integrative forces within the role field. The former reflect differing perspectival commitments of scholars, confusions and disagreements over use of role concepts, and the fact that role theory is used to analyze various f...
In view of its importance in successful marketing, understanding what determines customer satisfaction and knowing what variables and/or factors relate to it is an on-going preoccupation of researchers and practitioners alike. What is investigated in this paper is whether demographic variables influence customer satisfaction with services in the airline industry the way they influence several other aspects of consumer behavior. Findings of the empirical research that was carried out revealed that, while age and household income had no apparent influence on satisfaction, gender, occupation, education, and marital status tend to exert significant influence on customer satisfaction with airline services. Managerial implications of this result are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.
outline some of the most penetrating insights to be gained from adopting the perspective of evolutionary social psychology missing theoretical foundation of mainstream social psychology / some evolutionary tools indispensable for social psychology / nature of social psychological mechanisms: modular adapted design / centrality of social context: why "evolved" does not mean inevitable, inflexible, or intractable / testing evolutionary hypotheses and the issue of falsifiability / sex and mating: an illustration / evolution of important phenomena in social psychology / self-presentation and impression management / social sex differences and socialized gender roles / social psychology in the 21st century / limitations of evolutionary psychology (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This study identifies the antecedents of airline user loyalty. A survey is administered to users of three airlines operating Barcelona-London flights The results show that the principal antecedent of collative loyalty is affective loyalty. The main antecedents of affective loyalty are satisfaction and trust, the latter being revealed as a key variable for guaranteeing the success of relationships between the airline and its users, and also for understanding long term purchasing behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Fuzzy SERVQUAL Analysis in Airline Services This study is aimed at measuring and summarizing the perceived and expected service quality of passengers of an international airline and to provide the passengers' opinions to the decision makers employing fuzzy logic. The appropriate fuzzification procedure was determined to be the trapezoidal membership function. Using SERVQUAL methodology, the optimal fuzzy interval of the gap scores was determined for each item. The interpretations of these fuzzy intervals were categorized into three areas - optimistic, neutral and pessimistic passenger views - to assist the decision makers in identifying which items of services are satisfactory and which are in need of improvement.
Informativeness and entertainment are regarded as two types of advertising value that can influence consumers’ attitudes toward Web advertising. Despite of many studies on these two factors, there are two research gaps in extant literature. First, the effects of informativeness and entertainment on attitude are considered separately, yet their interaction effect is neglected. Second, the role of individual characteristics (e.g., gender) in the advertising evaluation process is far from clear. To address these two issues, a laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the interaction effect between informativeness and entertainment, and also the moderating role of gender. The results indicate that informativeness can help form a more positive attitude for males than for females, and entertainment can lead to a more positive attitude for females than for males. It is also found that there is a three-way interaction among informativeness, entertainment, and gender. More specifically, the interaction effect between informativeness and entertainment is significant for females, but insignificant for males. Results, research contributions, and limitations are discussed, and implications for future studies are suggested.
This study applies the fuzzy set theory to evaluate the service quality of airline. Service quality is a composite of various attributes, among them many intangible attributes are difficult to measure. This characteristic introduces the obstacles for respondent in replying to the survey. In order to overcome the issue, we invite fuzzy set theory into the measurement of performance. By applying AHP in obtaining criteria weight and TOPSIS in ranking, we found the most concerned aspects of service quality are tangible and the least is empathy. The most concerned attribute is courtesy, safety and comfort.
Today's airlines are competing for an increased share of the lucrative business travel market by means of product enhancement, innovation and concentration on a consumer-orientated approach. This article suggests, however, that the airline industry is failing to effectively cater for businesswomen — the fastest growing segment of the business travel market. Based on telephone interviews, in-depth interviews and focus groups, it argues that although the number of women business travellers has increased dramatically in the 1990s, their needs are not being adequately met by an airline industry which regards the airline experience as a gender-neutral product. Arguing that gender-neutral marketing is framed by the dominant male perspective, the paper's substantive contribution to the tourism gender literature is its exploration of the perceived needs of UK male and female business airline travellers; in particular, it discusses women's concerns over the inadequacy of levels of comfort and safety and of sexist staff attitudes. The article concludes that despite some isolated moves to appeal to the female business market, the airline industry as a whole needs to address its currently male-oriented service attitudes and facility provision if it is to more effectively cater for businesswomen.
The location selection of distribution center (DC) is one of the most important decision issues for logistics managers. Owing to vague concept frequently represented in decision data, a new multiple criteria decision-making method is proposed to solve the distribution center location selection problem under fuzzy environment. In the proposed method, the ratings of each alternative and the weight of each criterion are described by linguistic variables which can be expressed in triangular fuzzy numbers. The final evaluation value of each DC location is also expressed in a triangular fuzzy number. By calculating the difference of final evaluation value between each pair of DC locations, a fuzzy preference relation matrix is constructed to represent the intensity of the preferences of one plant location over another. And then, a stepwise ranking procedure is proposed to determine the ranking order of all candidate locations. Finally, a numerical example is solved to illustrate the procedure of the proposed method at the end of this paper.
The airline service quality is an important issue in the international air travel transportation industry. Although a number of studies focus on the subject of airline service quality evaluation in the past, most of these studies applied the SERVQUAL method to evaluate the airline service quality. But only few have attempted to evaluate the airline service quality using the weighted SERVQUAL method. Furthermore, human judgments are often vague and it is not easy for passengers to express the weights of evaluation criteria and the satisfaction of airline service quality using an exact numerical value. It is more realistic to use linguistic terms to describe the expectation value, perception value and important weight of evaluation criteria. Due to this type of existing fuzziness in the airline service quality evaluation, fuzzy set theory is an appropriate method for dealing with uncertainty. The subjective evaluation data can be more adequately expressed in linguistic variables. Thus this article attempts to fill this gap in the current literature by establishing a fuzzy weighted SERVQUAL model for evaluating the airline service quality. A case study of Taiwanese airline is conduced to demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuzzy weighted SERVQUAL model. Finally, some interesting conclusions and useful suggestions are given to airlines to improve the service quality.
Direct competition between full service airlines and no-frills carriers is intensifying across the world. US and European full service airlines have lost a significant proportion of their passengers to low cost carriers, the experience now being repeated in the domestic markets of Asia. This paper attempts to provide answers to a number of critical questions: What are the key drivers of each type of airline's business model? Is there a difference in passengers’ perceptions between low cost carriers and full service incumbents in a mature European market and in a rapidly developing Asian economy? What are the principle reasons why a passenger chooses a particular airline model? How could a legacy carrier encourage passengers to return and so regain their domestic market share? These questions are addressed using information obtained in passenger surveys that were recently conducted in Europe and Asia.