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Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor used and current flavors used by 20,836 adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA

  • Centre for Substance Use Research Ltd.

Abstract and Figures

Background: Understanding the role that flavors play in the population's use of e-cigarettes and the impact that flavored e-cigarette products have on the population's use of more harmful tobacco products, like conventional cigarettes, has been identified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a public health research priority. The purpose of the study was to assess the first e-cigarette flavor and current e-cigarette flavors used by a large non-probabilistic sample of adult frequent users of e-cigarettes in the USA and assess how flavor preferences vary by cigarette smoking status and time since first e-cigarette purchase. Methods: An online survey assessed the first e-cigarette flavor and current e-cigarette flavors used by a non-probabilistic sample of 20,836 adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA. Differences in e-cigarette flavor preferences between current smokers, former smokers, and never-smokers and trends in the first flavor used across time of e-cigarette use initiation were assessed. Results: The majority (n = 15,807; 76.4%) of sampled frequent e-cigarette users had completely substituted e-cigarettes for conventional cigarettes-"switchers"-and were currently using rechargeable, refillable vaping devices. Among them, the proportion of first e-cigarette purchases that were fruit-flavored increased from 17.8% of first purchases made before 2011 to 33.5% of first purchases made between June 2015 and June 2016. Tobacco-flavored first purchases almost halved during this time (46.0% pre-2011 to 24.0% between 2015 and 2016). Fruit/fruit beverage (73.9 to 82.9% of sampled users), dessert/pastry (63.5 to 68.5% of sampled users), and candy, chocolate, or sweets (48.7 to 53.4% of sampled users) were the most popular currently used e-cigarette flavors. Tobacco and menthol flavors, the two most popular flavors for initiating e-cigarette use prior to 2013, now rank as the 5th and 6th most popular currently used e-cigarette flavors, respectively. Conclusions: Adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA who have completely switched from smoking cigarettes to using e-cigarettes are increasingly likely to have initiated e-cigarette use with non-tobacco flavors and to have transitioned from tobacco to non-tobacco flavors over time. Restricting access to non-tobacco e-cigarette flavors may discourage smokers from attempting to switch to e-cigarettes.
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R E S E A R C H Open Access
Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor
used and current flavors used by 20,836
adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA
Christopher Russell
, Neil McKeganey
, Tiffany Dickson
and Mitchell Nides
Background: Understanding the role that flavors play in the populations use of e-cigarettes and the impact that
flavored e-cigarette products have on the populations use of more harmful tobacco products, like conventional
cigarettes, has been identified by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a public health research priority.
The purpose of the study was to assess the first e-cigarette flavor and current e-cigarette flavors used by a large
non-probabilistic sample of adult frequent users of e-cigarettes in the USA and assess how flavor preferences vary
by cigarette smoking status and time since first e-cigarette purchase.
Methods: An online survey assessed the first e-cigarette flavor and current e-cigarette flavors used by a non-probabilistic
sample of 20,836 adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA. Differences in e-cigarette flavor preferences between current
smokers, former smokers, and never-smokers and trends in the first flavor used across time of e-cigarette use initiation
were assessed.
Results: The majority (n= 15,807; 76.4%) of sampled frequent e-cigarette users had completely substituted e-cigarettes
for conventional cigarettes—“switchers”—and were currently using rechargeable, refillable vaping devices. Among them,
the proportion of first e-cigarette purchases that were fruit-flavored increased from 17.8% of first purchases made before
2011 to 33.5% of first purchases made between June 2015 and June 2016. Tobacco-flavored first purchases almost
halved during this time (46.0% pre-2011 to 24.0% between 2015 and 2016). Fruit/fruit beverage (73.9 to 82.9% of
sampled users), dessert/pastry (63.5 to 68.5% of sampled users), and candy, chocolate, or sweets (48.7 to 53.4% of
sampled users) were the most popular currently used e-cigarette flavors. Tobacco and menthol flavors, the two most
popular flavors for initiating e-cigarette use prior to 2013, now rank as the 5th and 6th most popular currently used
e-cigarette flavors, respectively.
Conclusions: Adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA who have completely switched from smoking cigarettes to
using e-cigarettes are increasingly likely to have initiated e-cigarette use with non-tobacco flavors and to have
transitioned from tobacco to non-tobacco flavors over time. Restricting access to non-tobacco e-cigarette flavors may
discourage smokers from attempting to switch to e-cigarettes.
Keywords: E-cigarettes, Flavors, E-liquids, Tobacco, Smoking, Cigarettes, Harm reduction, Vapers, Vaping
* Correspondence:
Centre for Substance Use Research, 4.04 West of Scotland Science Park,
Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow G20 0SP, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33
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Tobacco harm reduction (THR) products and policies
aim to prevent or reduce harm by promoting substitu-
tion of combustible tobacco with less hazardous
non-combustible sources of nicotine to smokers who
are unable or unwilling to quit smoking in response
to conventional tobacco control measures [1]. Elec-
tronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)hand-held devices that
use battery power to heat a solution of propylene gly-
col, glycerol and often flavorings and nicotine, to pro-
duce an aerosol that the user inhaleshave, in several
countries, rapidly grown in popularity among adults
as an alternative to smoking conventional cigarettes
[26]. E-cigarettes are now the most popular assisted
method of quitting smoking in the USA, used in 35%
of smokersmost recent quit attempts. [7]Bycom-
parison, nicotine patches or gums were used in 25%
of most recent quit attempts.
The ability to inhale e-cigarette vapor aerosol in a vast
and growing variety of characterizing flavors”—a distin-
guishable taste or aroma, other than the taste or aroma
of tobaccois thought to be a major feature accounting
for the appeal of e-cigarettes to adult smokers as an
alternative to continuing to smoke cigarettes. An esti-
mated 7700 unique e-liquid flavors were available for
purchase in 2014, comprising an assortment of fruit,
sweet, candy, dessert, food, and drink flavors. [8] Under
the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) final deem-
ing rule, decisions as to whether authorizing marketing
orders for flavored e-cigarette products would be appro-
priate for the protection of the public health must be
based on a weighing of the risks and benefits to both
users and non-users of tobacco products. FDA Commis-
sioner, Scott Gottlieb, has stated it possible for flavors
to do both harm and goodOn this issue, we see two
sides on the one hand, we need to know the role that
flavors, including menthol, play in attracting youth to
initiate tobacco use. But on the other hand, we also need
to know whethercertain flavors may help adult
cigarette smokers switch to potentially less harmful
forms of nicotine delivery such as e-cigarettes[9].
To this end, on March 21, 2018, FDA issued an ad-
vance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) to
obtain information related to the role that flavors play
in the populations use of tobacco products. This
ANPRM is seeking data, research results, comments,
and other information about, among other things, the
extent to which certain flavors may attract youth to
initiate use of a tobacco product and the extent to
which certain flavors may help adult cigarette
smokers quit or reduce cigarette use and switch to
potentially less harmful products. FDA is seeking this
information to inform regulatory actions that FDA
might take with respect to flavored tobacco products
under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
(FD&C Act), as amended by the Tobacco Control
Evidence from cross-sectional surveys of nationally
representative samples of US adults and
non-probabilistic surveys of dedicated e-cigarette users
suggests that smokers tend to initiate e-cigarette use
with tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes but transition to ex-
clusive or predominant use of non-tobacco flavored
productsparticularly fruit, sweet, and dessert flavors
with increased frequency and duration of e-cigarette use
[10,11]. Data from the Population Assessment of To-
bacco and Health (PATH) Study shows that the majority
of daily e-cigarette users were currently using
non-tobacco flavors and were significantly more likely
than moderate and infrequent e-cigarette users to have
initiated e-cigarette use with a non-tobacco flavor [10].
At the same time, daily e-cigarette use was associated
with higher odds of being a former smoker. Another
study found that most former smoking e-cigarette users
initiated e-cigarette use with non-tobacco flavors, while
initiation with tobacco flavors was more common for
dual users [11]. These data may indicate that smokers
who initiate e-cigarette use with a non-tobacco-flavored
e-cigarette are more likely to become daily e-cigarette
users, and in turn, more likely to quit smoking.
A separate analysis of PATH data found that young
adult (aged 1834) cigarette smokers at wave 1 (2013/
14) who were using one non-tobacco/menthol flavor or
multiple non-tobacco/menthol flavors in an e-cigarette
at wave 2 (2014/15) were 2.5 and 3 times more likely to
have quit or reduced smoking in the past year, respect-
ively, compared to non-e-cigarette users [12]. Dedicated
e-cigarette users who are also former smokers report
that switching between flavors within the same day is
common and that regular use of multiple e-liquid flavors
was associated with significantly higher odds of having
quit smoking [13]. E-cigarette flavor preferences also
appear to vary by age and smoking status. In a nationally
representative survey, young US adult (1829 years)
and older US adult (30 years) former smokers who
had become exclusive e-cigarette users were signifi-
cantly more likely than dual users of conventional
cigarettes and e-cigarettes to have initiated e-cigarette
use with a non-tobacco flavor (65.7 vs. 47.3%) [11]. Both
former-smoking exclusive e-cigarette users and dual
users reported significantly higher rates of current use of
a non-tobacco-flavor72.5 and 72.9%, respectively
compared to initiation, suggesting adult e-cigarette users
gravitate towards the use of non-tobacco flavors as
e-cigarette use continues, with only around one in
ten adult current e-cigarette users using tobacco fla-
vored e-cigarettes. Younger adults were significantly
more likely to be currently using fruit (74%) and
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 2 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
candy and dessert (50%) flavors than were older
adults (47 and 27%, respectively). Older adults were
significantly more likely than younger adults to be using
tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes (13 vs. 1%). Additionally,
exclusive e-cigarette users were more likely than dual
users to endorse liking of flavorsas a reason for current
e-cigarette use (69.8 vs. 48.9%), suggesting the use of
non-tobacco flavors may be positively associated with
smokerslikelihood of transitioning to exclusive
e-cigarette use.
Despite evidence of a potential role of non-tobacco
e-cigarette flavors in helping adults to quit or reduce
cigarette smoking, the same concerns that led the US
Congress to ban the sale of cigarettes with characterizing
flavors in 2009 now exist for e-cigarettes. In particular,
concerns have been raised that fruit and sweet e-liquid
flavors will attract youth and non-smokers to e-cigarette
use, that use of flavored e-cigarettes will habituate youth
to the effects of nicotine, and in turn, youth who would
otherwise not have smoked in the absence of flavored
e-cigarettes will graduateto use of more harmful to-
bacco products, such as cigarettes, that deliver nicotine
more efficiently [14]. These concerns are borne from
data that show the majority of youth and young adults
who have ever tried an e-cigarette started their use with
fruit or sweet flavors rather than a tobacco flavor and
that rates of use of flavored tobacco products are higher
among youth and young adults than among older adults
[1518]. Other research suggests adolescentsintentions
to try using e-cigarettes are linked to the availability of
non-tobacco flavors [19,20]. Concerns have also been
raised about the long-term health effects of inhalation of
e-cigarette flavorings [13].
While the Tobacco Control Act does not ban the sale
of flavored e-cigarette products, it does not pre-empt
state and local governments from restricting or banning
the sale of these products. The city of Chicago, for ex-
ample, in 2013 adopted an ordinance that prohibited the
sale of flavored tobacco products, including menthol cig-
arettes and e-cigarettes, within 500 ft of schools [21]. In
June 2017, the city of San Francisco became the first US
city to sign into law an ordinance prohibiting the sale of
all flavored tobacco products, including all flavors of
e-liquid except tobacco flavor [22]. This ordinance came
into effect in April 2018, though the fate of the ordin-
ance will be decided by San Francisco voters after a peti-
tion drive by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company gained
enough signatures to put the ordinance on a ballot in
San Francisco County on June 5, 2018 [23]. Both the
Chicago and San Francisco ordinances were adopted as
precautionary measures in the absence of an established
scientific basis for estimating that restricting the use and
availability of e-cigarettes in characterizing flavors would
be appropriate for the benefit and protection of the
public health. The ANPRM recently announced by FDA
represents the first steps to establishing a scientific basis
for the regulation of flavors in tobacco products, includ-
ing e-cigarettes, that weighs the risks and benefits of
flavored e-cigarettes to the population as a whole, in-
cluding their appeal to, use by, and effect of the tobacco
use behaviors of current users, former users, and
non-users of tobacco products.
The present study sought to obtain information on the
flavor preferences of frequent e-cigarette users for two
main reasons. First, frequent e-cigarette users should be
at greater risk of being harmed by and addicted to
e-cigarettes compared to infrequent users and former
users. Understanding the extent to which different fla-
vors are used by this sub-group, and the effect that fre-
quent use of different flavors has on cigarette smoking,
is therefore of great importance to assessing the likeli-
hood that frequent use of different e-cigarette flavors is
likely to add or reduce risk of harm to users. Second,
much of what is known about the flavor preferences of
e-cigarette users is based on surveys of nationally repre-
sentative samples that are largely comprised of infre-
quent e-cigarette users. The extent to which the flavor
preferences of infrequent e-cigarette users apply to fre-
quent e-cigarette users is unclear.
Assessing the first use and current use of flavored
e-cigarettes and e-liquids among current smokers,
former smokers, and never smokers who currently use
e-cigarettes on a frequent basis can therefore help in-
form the potential population health impact of these
products. The purpose of the present study was to assess
the first e-cigarette flavor and current e-cigarette flavors
used by a large non-probabilistic sample of adult fre-
quent users of e-cigarettes in the USA.
Recruitment materials
A study invitation called for individuals aged 18 years or
older, living in the USA, who have ever used an
e-cigarette, even a single puff, to complete a 20-min on-
line survey about their current and past use of
e-cigarettes and conventional tobacco cigarettes.
E-cigarette usewas defined as use of any cigalike,
pre-filled device, eGo-style vaping device, Mod-style
vaping device, or advanced personal vaporizer.The
study invitation clarified that people who smoke ciga-
rettes, used to smoke cigarettes, or have never smoked
cigarettes were equally welcome to complete the survey.
The invitation contained a web-link to the survey home-
page. Data collection ran from May 1 to June 30 2016.
No financial or other incentive was offered in exchange
for participation. A favorable ethical opinion of this study
was given by the University of Strathclyde Research
Ethics Committee.
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 3 of 14
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Recruitment strategies
The population of interest in this study was adults
(aged 18 years and older) living in the USA who were
frequent users of an e-cigarette or personal vaporizer,
with frequent usedefined as use on at least 20 of
the past 30 days. It was hypothesized that frequent
e-cigarette use would be the predominant use fre-
quency among adults who are actively engaged in dis-
cussion, advocacy, and events related to vaping and
vapor products. Participant recruitment was therefore
conducted in two ways.
First, a survey invitation was emailed to members of
four US-based organizations with large memberships of
e-cigarette/vapor product users: Consumer Advocates
for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA),
Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA),
the American Vaping Association (AVA), and Not Blow-
ing Smoke (NBS). According to their websites, the broad
mission of these organizations is to raise public aware-
ness and education around tobacco harm reduction,
provide smokers and non-smokers with scientific infor-
mation about the relative risks associated with use of
different tobacco and nicotine-containing products,
and advocate for adults who want to use vapor prod-
ucts as an alternative to continuing to use combust-
ible tobacco products. The study investigators did not
request, have sight of, or have access to any organizations
membership list. Reminder emails were sent after 7 and
14 days.
Second, the survey invitation was posted by account
administrators to the social media accounts (e.g., Face-
book, Twitter, Instagram) belonging to CASAA, SFATA,
AVA, and NBS and to a number of social media plat-
forms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram) and
e-cigarette discussion forums (e.g. E-Cigarette Forum,
Planet of the Vapes) that are dedicated to vaping-related
Survey procedure
Clicking the link in the study advertisement routed
the individual to the study information page, which
described the purpose of the survey, the names and
contact details of the study investigators, information
about who is eligible to take part and how survey
data will be used, assurances of participant anonymity
and confidentiality, and the source of funding for this
study. Individuals who satisfied eligibility criteria and
gave informed consent to participate began the sur-
vey. Participants were asked to answer the survey as
fully as possible but informed that they were free to
skip any questions they did not wish to answer. Du-
plicate survey entries were identified as either those
with the same e-mail address or those with the same
IP address, state, gender, and age.
Survey measures
Chronology of initiation, cessation, and re-initiation of
cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use
Questions assessed the prevalence of ever use, current
use, and frequent use of combustible cigarettes and
e-cigarettes, and the chronological order in which partic-
ipants had started, stopped, and re-started use of com-
bustible cigarettes and e-cigarettes. On the basis of
responses to these questions, participants were first clas-
sified as either (i) a frequent e-cigarette userused an
e-cigarette on 20 of the past 30 daysor (ii) an infre-
quent e-cigarette userused an e-cigarette on 019 of
the past 30 days.
Frequent e-cigarette users were then further classified
as one of the six types of cigarette smoker. These six
classifications, referred to as Tobacco Use Pathway
Groups (TUPs), represent all the transitions an individ-
ual may conceivably make between cigarette smoking
and frequent e-cigarette use and the chronological order
in which these transitions occur. The criteria used to
classify frequent e-cigarette users into each TUP are
shown in Table 1.
Demographic characteristics
Questions assessed participantsage, gender, census re-
gion, educational attainment, and employment status.
First and current device, flavor, and nicotine
Participants were asked the format, flavor, and nicotine
concentration of the first e-cigarette/e-liquid they pur-
chased for personal use, the format of the device used
most often now, currently used e-cigarette/e-liquid fla-
vors, and the nicotine concentration of e-cigarettes/
e-liquids used most often now. Participants reported the
approximate time of their first e-cigarette purchase; for
the analysis, data were categorized as 5 years ago
(coded as 1), 3 to 5 years ago(coded as 2), 1 to 3 years
ago(coded as 3), and less than 12 months ago(coded
as 4). Questions also assessed weekly consumption of
disposable e-cigarettes, pre-filled cartridges, or volume
(mLs) of e-liquid, depending on the format of the device
currently used most often. Current users of rechargeable
devices with a refillable tank were also asked the coil
resistance and typical wattage at which they used their
current device, if applicable.
Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed in four exclusive smoking
status groups (switchers, dual users, former smoker
e-cigarette users, and never smoker e-cigarette user);
two groups (former smokers-turned-dual users and
never smokers-turned-dual users) were excluded from
analyses due to extremely low cell sizes. Descriptive
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 4 of 14
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statisticsmean (SD) or number (%)are reported
for demographic variables. Chi-square (χ
) tests com-
pared the prevalence of first e-cigarette flavor pur-
chased, separately for each time period of first
e-cigarette purchase. Cross-tabulations and chi-square
tests compared the prevalence of first e-cigarette pur-
chases that were flavored to taste like tobaccover-
sus fruit/fruit beveragebetween different TUP
groups. Logistic regression analyses were conducted
to evaluate the association between the first
e-cigarette purchases that were flavored to taste like
tobaccoversus fruit/fruit beverageand TUPs and
time period of first e-cigarette purchase. Similar ana-
lyses were conducted for current use of tobacco and
fruit/fruit beverage flavored e-cigarettes. The analyses
were adjusted for age and gender, and the time period
of first e-cigarette purchase was entered in the model
as an ordinal scale variable to estimate the change in
odds of tobacco and fruit/fruit beverage flavored first
e-cigarette purchases associated with each change in
time period from 5 years (reference group: coded as
1) to less than 12 months ago (coded as 4). A pvalue
< 0.05 was considered statistically significant, and all
analyses were conducted in SPSS v24.
After removal of 286 duplicate entries, 758 entries from
individuals not living in the USA (Canada n=289; UK
n= 291; country of residence not specified n= 178),
and 396 entries from individuals who did not indicate
where they found out about the survey, a sample of
22,411 US-based, adult (18 years), ever-users of
e-cigarettes was retained for preliminary analysis.
Within this sample, 20,836 (92.9%) respondents were
frequent e-cigarette users at the time of survey. The
distribution of these 20,836 respondents across the six
TUPs is shown in Table 2. Demographic characteristics
of the frequent e-cigarette users, stratified by Tobacco
Use Pathway Group, are summarized in Table 3. Demo-
graphic characteristics are not reported for former
smokers-turned-dual users or never smokers-turned-dual
users due to low cell sizes. Thus, the analyses of flavor
preferences were confined to 20,676 participants.
E-cigarette device format currently used
The majority of frequent e-cigarette users in each
TUP group reported current main use of a recharge-
able e-cigarette device with a refillable tank/reservoir
Table 1 Criteria for classification of frequent e-cigarette users into six Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP) groups
Num. TUP group label TUP group definition
1 Switchers A lifetime smoker (100 cigarettes smoked) who smoked cigarettes regularly prior to initiating e-cigarette use
and had quit smoking completely (no smoking in the past 30 days) at the time of survey and was a frequent
e-cigarette user at the time of survey.
2 Dual users of cigarettes and
A lifetime smoker (100 cigarettes smoked) who smoked cigarettes regularly prior to initiating e-cigarette use
and was a current smoker (smoked in the past 30 days) and a frequent e-cigarette user at the time of survey.
3 Former smoker-turned-dual
A lifetime smoker (100 cigarettes smoked) who had quit smoking completely prior to initiating e-cigarette
use and was a current smoker (smoked in the past 30 days) and a frequent e-cigarette user at the time of
4 Former-smoker e-cigarette
A lifetime smoker (100 cigarettes smoked) who had quit smoking completely prior to initiating e-cigarette
use and has not re-initiated regular smoking since initiating e-cigarette use and was a frequent e-cigarette user
at the time of survey.
5 Never-smoker-turned-dual
A lifetime never-smoker (< 100 cigarettes smoked) who was not smoking at the point of his/her first use of an
e-cigarette and was a current smoker and a frequent e-cigarette user at the time of survey.
6 Never-smoker e-cigarette
A lifetime never-smoker (< 100 cigarettes smoked) who was not smoking at the point of his/her first use of an
e-cigarette and was not a current smoker at the time of survey and was a frequent e-cigarette user at the time
of survey.
Table 2 Classification of 20,836 US adult frequent e-cigarette users into six Tobacco Use Pathway Groups (TUPs)
Num. TUP group N% of total sample % of frequent EC users
1 Switchers 15,807 70.5 75.9
2 Dual users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes 1330 5.9 6.4
3 Former smoker-turned-dual users 129 0.6 0.6
4 Former-smoker e-cigarette users 2483 11.1 11.9
5 Never-smoker-turned-dual users 31 0.1 0.1
6 Never-smoker e-cigarette users 1056 4.7 5.1
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 5 of 14
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Table 3 Demographic characteristics of 20,676 US adult frequent e-cigarette users classified into four Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP)
(n= 15,807)
Dual users
(n= 1330)
Former smoker
e-cigarette users
(n= 2483)
Never smoker
e-cigarette users
(n= 1056)
(n= 20,676)
Variable N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%)
Age group
1825 1714 (10.8) 264 (19.8) 587 (23.6) 579 (54.8) 3144 (15.2)
2635 4165 (26.4) 378 (28.4) 784 (31.6) 199 (18.8) 5526 (26.7)
3645 4382 (27.7) 305 (22.9) 543 (21.9) 118 (11.2) 5348 (25.9)
4655 3193 (20.2) 237 (17.8) 336 (13.5) 92 (8.7) 3858 (18.7)
5665 1910 (12.1) 124 (9.3) 192 (7.7) 58 (5.5) 2284 (11.0)
6675 421 (2.7) 19 (1.4) 41 (1.7) 9 (0.9) 490 (2.4)
75+ 19 (0.1) 3 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.1) 23 (0.1)
Total 15,804 (100.0) 1330 (100.0) 2483 (100.0) 1056 (100.0) 20,673 (100.0)
Male 11,173 (71.0) 904 (68.1) 1866 (75.5) 806 (76.9) 14,749 (71.6)
Female 4513 (28.7) 420 (31.6) 594 (24.0) 234 (22.3) 5761 (28.0)
Transgender 51 (0.3) 4 (0.3) 12 (0.5) 8 (0.8) 75 (0.4)
Total 15,737 (100.0) 1328 (100.0) 2472 (100.0) 1048 (100.0) 20,585 (100.0)
Census region-division
Northeast 2511 (15.8) 228 (17.1) 470 (18.9) 163 (15.5) 3372 (16.3)
New England 686 (4.3) 51 (3.8) 109 (4.4) 43 (4.1) 889 (4.3)
Middle Atlantic 1825 (11.5) 177 (13.3) 361 (14.5) 120 (11.4) 2483 (12.0)
Midwest 3710 (23.5) 355 (26.7) 547 (22.0) 250 (23.7) 4862 (23.6)
East North Central 2547 (16.1) 254 (19.1) 408 (16.4) 174 (16.5) 3383 (16.4)
West North Central 1163 (7.4) 101 (7.6) 139 (5.6) 76 (7.2) 1479 (7.2)
South 6161 (39.0) 469 (26.7) 857 (34.5) 337 (31.8) 7824 (37.8)
South Atlantic 3074 (19.4) 250 (18.8) 451 (18.2) 162 (15.3) 3937 (19.0)
East South Central 1241 (7.9) 95 (7.1) 162 (6.5) 71 (6.7) 1569 (7.6)
West South Central 1846 (11.7) 124 (9.3) 244 (9.8) 104 (9.8) 2318 (11.2)
West 3085 (21.8) 251 (18.9) 522 (21.1) 259 (24.6) 4117 (19.9)
Mountain 1195 (7.6) 100 (7.5) 200 (8.1) 83 (7.9) 1578 (7.6)
Pacific 1890 (12.0) 151 (11.4) 322 (13.0) 176 (16.7) 2539 (12.3)
No answer 340 (2.2) 27 (2.0) 87 (3.5) 47 (4.5) 501 (2.4)
Total 15,807 (100.0) 1330 (100.0) 2483 (100.0) 1056 (100.0) 20,676 (100.0)
Employment (hours paid work pw)
35+ hours 11,014 (69.9) 824 (62.1) 1718 (69.5) 549 (52.2) 14,105 (68.5)
1535 h 1320 (8.4) 142 (10.7) 263 (10.6) 231 (22.0) 1956 (9.5)
015 h 320 (2.0) 47 (3.5) 55 (2.2) 50 (4.8) 472 (2.3)
0 h 3092 (19.6) 313 (23.6) 435 (17.6) 221 (21.0) 4061 (19.7)
Total 15,746 (100.0) 1326 (100.0) 2471 (100.0) 1051 (100.0) 20,594 (100.0)
Highest education level
Less than high school 77 (0.5) 11 (0.8) 17 (0.7) 5 (0.5) 110 (0.5)
Some high school, no diploma 380 (2.4) 50 (3.8) 81 (3.3) 44 (4.2) 555 (2.7)
GED 1019 (6.5) 107 (8.1) 160 (6.5) 26 (2.5) 1312 (6.4)
High school graduate, diploma 2944 (18.6) 270 (20.3) 619 (25.0) 347 (32.9) 4180 (20.2)
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 6 of 14
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(switchers = 85.7%; dual users = 87.9%; former smoker
e-cigarette users = 81.6%; and never smoker e-cigarette
users = 79.8%). Current main use of an e-cigarette kit
(rechargeable with pre-filled cartridges) was less than 1%
in all TUP groups, and current main use of disposable
e-cigarettes was essentially zero in all TUP groups.
First e-liquid flavor purchased
The lengths of time since participants made their first
e-cigarette are summarised in Table 4. Chi-square tests
indicated statistically significant differences in the preva-
lence of first e-cigarette flavor purchased at all time
points of e-cigarette use initiation (p< 0.001 for all).
Tobacco flavor was the most popular first flavor pur-
chased by those who initiated e-cigarette use 5 years
ago and between 3 and 5 years ago but declined among
those who initiated e-cigarette use 13 years ago and in
the past 12 months (Fig. 1). First e-liquid purchases that
were menthol/mint-flavored had also steadily declined,
from being ranked second most common first flavor prior
to 2011 to being ranked fourth in the past 12 months.
Since 2013, fruit-flavored e-liquids have replaced
tobacco-flavored e-liquids as the most popular flavors
with which participants had initiated e-cigarette use. The
proportion of first e-cigarette purchases that were des-
sert/pastry-flavored had also increased consistently, from
being ranked fifth most common first flavor prior to 2011
to being ranked third in the past 12 months (Table 4).
Figures 2and 3show that, in each of the four TUP
groups, the proportion of first e-liquid purchases
that were tobacco-flavored had declined over time,
while the proportion of first e-liquid purchases that
were fruit-flavored had increased over time. The
lowest prevalence of tobacco-flavored first e-cigarette
purchases was observed among former smoker
e-cigarette users and never smoker e-cigarette users
(Fig. 2). Since 2011, the highest rate of fruit-flavored
first e-cigarette purchases has consistently been
among never smoker e-cigarette users.
Chi-square tests indicated a statistically significant
difference in the prevalence of tobacco flavor initiation
between TUP groups overall (p< 0.001) and statistically
significant differences between TUP groups within each
time period of e-cigarette use initiation (all ps < 0.001).
The proportions of switchers and dual users who initi-
ated e-cigarette use with a tobacco-flavored product
were similar in all four time periods. For fruit/fruit bev-
erage flavors, statistically significant differences were
observed overall (p< 0.001) and for each time point
of e-cigarette use initiation (p= 0.006 for > 5 years,
p< 0.001 for all other time points). The proportions
of switchers and dual users who initiated e-cigarette
use with a fruit-flavored e-cigarette were similar except
among those who initiated e-cigarette use 5 or more
years ago.
Logistic regression analysis (Table 5) showed that odds
of a tobacco-flavored first e-cigarette purchase reduced
with the recency of the first e-cigarette purchase, from
> 5 years agoto in the past 12 months.Additionally,
switchers and dual users were each four times more
likely than never smoker e-cigarette users to have initi-
ated e-cigarette use with a tobacco-flavored product;
Table 3 Demographic characteristics of 20,676 US adult frequent e-cigarette users classified into four Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP)
groups (Continued)
(n= 15,807)
Dual users
(n= 1330)
Former smoker
e-cigarette users
(n= 2483)
Never smoker
e-cigarette users
(n= 1056)
(n= 20,676)
Variable N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%)
Some college, no degree 5496 (34.8) 462 (34.8) 812 (32.8) 336 (31.9) 7106 (34.4)
Associate degreevoc./occup. 1736 (11.0) 119 (9.0) 269 (10.9) 83 (7.9) 2207 (10.7)
Associate degreeacademic 1070 (6.8) 78 (5.9) 149 (6.0) 63 (6.0) 1360 (6.6)
Bachelors degree 2325 (14.7) 178 (13.4) 287 (11.6) 105 (10.0) 2895 (14.0)
Masters degree 513 (3.2) 37 (2.8) 64 (2.4) 35 (3.3) 649 (3.1)
Professional school degree 131 (0.8) 9 (0.7) 10 (0.4) 7 (0.7) 157 (0.8)
Doctorate degree 95 (0.6) 8 (0.6) 11 (0.4) 3 (0.3) 117 (0.6)
Total 15,786 (100.0) 1329 (100.0) 2479 (100.0) 1054 (100.0) 20,648 (100.0)
Vape advocacy group membership
CASAA 10,442 (66.1) 694 (52.2) 1620 (65.2) 500 (47.3) 13,256 (64.1)
SFATA 1512 (9.6) 60 (4.5) 313 (12.6) 107 (10.1) 1992 (9.6)
NBS 3126 (19.8) 221 (16.6) 640 (25.8) 302 (28.6) 4289 (20.7)
AVA 1432 (9.1) 108 (8.1) 307 (12.4) 117 (11.1) 1964 (9.5)
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 7 of 14
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former smoker e-cigarette users were 2.3 times more
likely than never smoker e-cigarette users to have initi-
ated e-cigarette use with a tobacco-flavored product.
Conversely, the odds of initiating e-cigarette use with
fruit-flavored product increased with the recency of the
first e-cigarette purchase. Switchers, dual users, and
former smoker e-cigarette users were all significantly less
likely than never smoker e-cigarette users to have initi-
ated e-cigarette use with fruit-flavored products.
Currently used e-liquid flavors
The most popular currently used e-cigarette flavors
within each TUP group were fruit/fruit beverage
followed by dessert/pastry and candy/chocolate/sweets
(Fig. 4). Approximately 4 in 10 participants were cur-
rently using e-cigarettes containing a blend of two or
more flavors. Rates of current use of tobacco-flavored
e-liquids were low in all four groups. Once the most
popular flavors at the point of first purchase of an
e-cigarette, tobacco and menthol/mint-flavored e-liquids
were the fifth and sixth most popular currently used fla-
vors by switchers and dual users.
The highest rate of current use of tobacco-flavored
e-liquid was reported by those who initiated e-cigarette
use 5 years ago; the lowest rate of current use of
tobacco flavor was reported by those who initiated
e-cigarette use in the past 12 months (Fig. 5). The high-
est rate of current use of fruit/fruit beverage flavors was
among those who initiated e-cigarette use in the past
12 months; the lowest rate of current use of fruit/fruit
beverage flavors was among those who initiated
e-cigarette use 5 years ago. A similar effect of time since
first e-cigarette purchase was found for current use of des-
sert/pastry flavors and for candy/chocolate/sweets flavors.
Logistic regression analysis (Table 6) showed that,
compared to first purchases made > 5 years ago, odds of
current use of tobacco-flavored e-liquid decreased with
recency of first e-cigarette purchase, with the lowest rate
of current use of tobacco-flavored e-liquid observed
among those who purchased their first e-cigarette in the
past 12 months. As was observed for tobacco-flavored
first e-cigarette purchases, switchers, dual users, and
former smoker e-cigarette users all had significantly
higher odds of current use of tobacco-flavored e-liquid
compared to never smoker e-cigarette users, though
these odds for current use of tobacco-flavored products
were considerably smaller than the odds for initiating
use with a tobacco-flavored product. Conversely, odds of
current use of fruit/fruit beverage flavors were observed
to increase with the recency of a participants first
Fig. 1 Flavor of first e-cigarette purchased by time since first e-cigarette purchase: frequent e-cigarette users (n= 20,641/20,676)
Table 4 Time since first e-cigarette purchase, stratified by Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP) group
TUP group Time since first e-cigarette purchase
5 years 35 years 13 years < 12 months Total
N(%) N(%) N(%) N(%) N
Switchers 2576 (16.3) 5567 (35.3) 5230 (33.1) 2406 (15.2) 15,779
Dual users 142 (10.7) 334 (25.1) 483 (36.3) 370 (27.8) 1329
Former smoker e-cigarette users 281 (11.3) 788 (31.8) 901 (36.3) 510 (20.6) 2480
Never smoker e-cigarette users 55 (5.2) 225 (21.4) 405 (38.4) 368 (34.9) 1053
Time since first e-cigarette purchase recorded in June 2016
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 8 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
e-cigarette purchase, with the highest odds of current
use of fruit-flavored product observed among those
who purchased their first e-cigarette in the past
12 months. Though the odds of current use of a
fruit-flavored product had increased over time in all
groups, switchers, dual users, and former smoker
e-cigarette users were significantly less likely than
never smoker e-cigarette users to be current users of
fruit-flavored products.
This study assessed first and current use of tobacco and
non-tobacco e-cigarette flavors by a non-probabilistic
sample of 20,836 adults in the USA who were using
e-cigarettes on a frequent basis, of whom 15,807 (75.9%)
had completely switched from smoking cigarettes to
using e-cigarettes. Results indicated that adults who have
completely switched from smoking cigarettes to using
e-cigarettes in the past 5 years are increasingly likely to
have initiated e-cigarette use with vapor products not
flavored to taste like tobacco. E-cigarette flavors that are
not available through cigarettesparticularly fruit, des-
sert, and pastry flavorswere found to have increasingly
replaced tobacco and menthol as the preferred flavors
with which adult smokers, former smokers, and never
smokers have initiated e-cigarette use.
Fig. 2 Proportion of e-cigarette first purchases that were flavored to taste like tobacco stratified by time since first e-cigarette purchase and
Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP) group
Fig. 3 Proportion of first e-cigarette purchases that were flavored to taste like fruit/fruit beverage stratified by time since first e-cigarette purchase
and Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP) group
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 9 of 14
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Table 5 Logistic regression analysis of the association between first e-cigarette purchases that were tobacco-flavored and fruit/fruit
beverage-flavored and Tobacco Use Pathway Group and time of first e-cigarette purchase
Variable BOR 95% CI p
Tobacco-flavored FEP
TUP group
Never smoker e-cigarette users (referent)
Switchers 1.39 4.03 3.264.97 < 0.001
Dual users 1.42 4.14 3.265.26 < 0.001
Former smoker e-cigarette users 0.85 2.33 1.852.93 < 0.001
Time of FEP
> 5 years (referent)
< 12 months 1.04 0.35 0.320.40 < 0.001
13 years 0.80 0.45 0.410.49 < 0.001
35 years 0.46 0.63 0.580.69 < 0.001
Fruit/fruit beverage-flavored FEP
TUP group
Never smoker e-cigarette users (referent)
Switchers 0.85 0.43 0.380.49 < 0.001
Dual users 0.90 0.41 0.340.48 < 0.001
Former smoker e-cigarette users 0.55 0.58 0.500.67 < 0.001
Time of FEP
> 5 years (referent)
< 12 months 0.89 2.43 2.162.72 < 0.001
13 years 0.79 2.21 1.992.46 < 0.001
35 years 0.57 1.76 1.591.96 < 0.001
TUP Tobacco Use Pathway, FEP First E-cigarette purchase
Fig. 4 E-cigarette/e-liquid flavors currently used by 20,676 US adult frequent e-cigarette users stratified by Tobacco Use Pathway (TUP) group
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 10 of 14
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Between 2011 and 2016, the proportion of first
e-cigarette purchases that were flavored to taste like a
fruit had almost doubled, while tobacco-flavored first
e-cigarette purchases had almost halved. These data
suggest a transition in flavor preference at e-cigarette use
initiation over time, from tobacco to non-tobacco flavors,
which is consistent with data from a US nationally repre-
sentative survey that found both former-smoking exclu-
sive e-cigarette users and dual users reported significantly
higher rates of current use of a non-tobacco-flavor72.5
and 72.9%, respectivelycompared to initiation [11]. The
proportions of switchers and dual users who initiated
e-cigarette use with fruit flavors did not significantly differ
among those who initiated e-cigarette use after 2011. This
finding contrasts with the data from a US nationally repre-
sentative survey that showed former smokers who had
become exclusive e-cigarette users were significantly more
likely than dual users of conventional cigarettes and
e-cigarettes to have initiated e-cigarette use with a
non-tobacco flavor (65.7 vs. 47.3%) [11]. One potential
explanation for these contrasting findings is the different
frequencies of e-cigarette use in the samples analyzed; the
majority of individuals in the US nationally representative
sample were likely to have been infrequent e-cigarette
usersi.e., used an e-cigarette on less than 20 of the past
30 dayswhereas the present study included only
frequent users. The present findings therefore indicate
that switchers and dual users were equally likely to have
initiated e-cigarette use with fruit-flavored e-cigarettes at
any time after 2011, but both have been increasingly likely
to have initiated e-cigarette use with a fruit-flavored
Current e-cigarette use among participants was domi-
nated by use of non-tobacco flavors, mainly fruit/fruit
beverage, dessert/pastry, and/or candy/chocolate/sweets
flavors. Once the most popular first flavors purchased by
switchers and dual users, tobacco and menthol/mint
currently rank as the 5th and 6th most commonly used
flavors. Comparable odds of current use of fruit/fruit
beverage flavor were observed in switchers, dual users,
and never smoker e-cigarette users. These findings
suggest both that non-tobacco flavors are comparably
attractive to smokers who may or may not intend to quit
smoking as they are to non-smokers and that
non-tobacco flavors are not more strongly associated
with dual use (i.e., continuing to smoke) than they are
with quitting smoking. Given that the taste of increas-
ingly preferred e-cigarette flavors such as fruits, desserts,
and pastries are very different from the taste of a con-
ventional cigarette, the increasing likelihood that adults
will initiate e-cigarette use and currently use an
e-cigarette use with a non-tobacco flavor could have the
Table 6 Logistic regression analysis of the association between current use of tobacco-flavored e-liquids and fruit/fruit beverage-
flavored e-liquids and Tobacco Use Pathway Group and time of first e-cigarette purchase
Variable BOR 95% CI p
Current use of tobacco flavor
Never smoker e-cigarette users (referent)
Switchers 0.78 2.18 1.692.81 < 0.001
Dual users 0.97 2.63 1.973.51 < 0.001
Former smoker e-cigarette users 0.43 1.54 1.162.03 < 0.001
Time of FEP
> 5 years (referent)
< 12 months 0.84 0.43 0.380.50 < 0.001
13 years 0.82 0.44 0.390.49 < 0.001
35 years 0.39 0.68 0.610.76 < 0.001
Current use of fruit-fruit beverage flavor
Never smoker e-cigarette users (referent)
Switchers 0.45 0.64 0.540.75 < 0.001
Dual users 0.36 0.70 0.570.86 < 0.001
Former smoker e-cigarette users 0.35 0.70 0.590.85 < 0.001
Time of FEP
> 5 years (referent)
< 12 months 0.49 1.62 1.461.81 < 0.001
13 years 0.47 1.61 1.461.77 < 0.001
35 years 0.28 1.32 1.201.45 < 0.001
TUP Tobacco Use Pathway, FEP First E-cigarette purchase
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 11 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
beneficial effects of discouraging a return to smoking
among adults who switch to e-cigarettes and discour-
aging non-smoking e-cigarette users from initiating
cigarette use.
The positive association observed between the use of
fruit flavor and time of first e-cigarette purchase sug-
gests it is likely that future frequent e-cigarette use will
be increasingly initiated with the use of non-tobacco
flavors, regardless of the individuals smoking history.
Judgements on whether authorizing marketing of fla-
vored e-cigarettes would be appropriate for the benefit
and protection of the public health should account for
the possibility that adults who have switched completely
from smoking cigarettes to using e-cigarettes in
non-tobacco flavors may not have attempted to switch
to e-cigarettes, or perceived themselves as able to switch,
had e-cigarettes only been available in the flavors that
are available through conventional cigarettes. A tobacco
regulatory policy that maintains adult smokersaccess to
the existing market of non-tobacco flavors, and enables
manufacturers to innovate existing flavors, could in-
crease the popularity and effectiveness of e-cigarettes as
a substitute for cigarette smoking.
A low rate of first use of an e-cigarette that was
tobacco-flavored by those who had quit smoking com-
pletely prior to their first use of an e-cigarette was ob-
served. A possible explanation for this is that these
individuals, having already quit smoking completely,
wished to resume using nicotine by inhalation but did
not wish to taste a tobacco flavor that has, for them,
historically functioned as a conditioned stimulus for
smoking thoughts and memories, and in turn, cravings.
To the extent that this explains part of these former
smokersreasons for initiating e-cigarette use with
non-tobacco flavored e-cigarettes/e-liquids, then restrict-
ing access to non-tobacco flavors may remove a method
that many former smokers have found effective for
attenuating nicotine cravings and preventing relapse to
smoking, and so in turn, increase the likelihood that
former smokers will resume cigarette smoking to satisfy
nicotine cravings.
This study also identified rapid changes in patterns of
e-cigarette use over time that highlight the need for
policymakers and researchers to continually update their
understanding of smokerschanging preferences for
using e-cigarettes of different styles, formats, and per-
formance capabilities. There is also a need for research
to better understand smokersobjections and barriers to
switching to e-cigarettes and other proven and poten-
tially less harmful sources of nicotine, and to respond
with policies that are more likely to rationalize a switch
away from conventional cigarettes, both among those
who are open to giving up smoking if offered an appeal-
ing alternative to cigarettes and to those who appear to
be hardened against ever stopping smoking.
Above all, there is a need to continually study the
effect on adult and youth smoking rates of legislation
and regulatory frameworks that either maintain or re-
strict access to a diverse variety of e-cigarette products
that reflect usersheterogeneity of preferences in terms
of esthetic appeal (the look and feel of the device),
sensory appeal (the taste and smell of vapor), and
pharmacological appeal (the speed and efficiency of
nicotine delivery).
Study limitations
The conclusions of this study are limited in several ways.
First, the sample is not representative of the general US
adult population nor was the study designed or intended
to estimate the prevalence or frequency of e-cigarette
use and cigarette smoking in the general US adult popu-
lation. The study aimed to elicit data on patterns of use
Fig. 5 E-cigarette/e-liquid flavors currently used by 20,611 US adult frequent e-cigarette users stratified by time since first e-cigarette purchase
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 12 of 14
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by a specific sub-group of US adult e-cigarette user
those who are using e-cigarettes on a daily or near-daily
basis. The recruitment methods were therefore biased
towards outlets where such sub-group of e-cigarette user
was most likely to be found, and so conclusions there-
fore do not represent the flavor preferences or patterns
of e-cigarette use of US adults who are using e-cigarettes
only experimentally or infrequently, patterns which to-
gether account for approximately 79% of all e-cigarette
use in the USA [24]The flavor preferences and patterns
of e-cigarette use reported by the present sample of
frequent e-cigarette users may more closely represent
those of the 21.3% of current e-cigarette users in the
USA who use e-cigarettes daily [24]. Conclusions about
changing flavor preferences are also unlikely to be
applicable to US adults who do not frequently use
rechargeable, refillable devices, as there is evidence that
preferences for tobacco and menthol flavors vary be-
tween users of closed-system and open system devices.
A consumer representative survey of 2000 US
e-cigarette users, for example, found that 84% of users
of advanced tanks (refilled with open liquid) currently
used non-tobacco flavors compared to 54% of users of
rechargeable cigalikes (reloaded with prefilled cartridges)
[25]. Users of advanced tanks were significantly less
likely than users of rechargeable cigalikesto be using
tobacco (16 vs 46%) or menthol (18 vs. 25%) flavors and
significantly more likely to be using fruit (36 vs. 15%)
and sweet (11 vs. 4%) flavors. These self-reported
device-specific data closely approximate distributor
shipment to retail data for February 2016 [26], which
show tobacco and menthol flavors accounted for 67% of
the total volume of cartridges shipped to retail in 2016
compared to 50% of the total volume of liquids shipped
to retail. Lastly, the study conclusions may not apply to
frequent e-cigarette users who do not engage with
e-cigarette advocacy groups and online forums.
Another limitation is the studys reliance on accurate
self-reporting of the nature and timing of behaviors that
may have occurred up to several years ago. Additionally,
the cross-sectional design and non-probabilistic sam-
pling method prevent conclusions about the relative
effectiveness of tobacco versus non-tobacco flavored
e-cigarettes for producing smoking cessation. Finally,
participants in this study were not asked to identify the
flavors they were using at the point at which they
stopped smoking and so were not asked how frequently
they were using each flavor at the point at which they
stopped smoking.
This study identified an increasing popularity of
non-tobacco flavors and declining popularity of tobacco
flavors by over 15,000 adult frequent e-cigarette users
who formerly smoked cigarettes. The findings suggest
that access to a variety of non-tobacco flavored e-liquid
may be important for encouraging and assisting adults
to use e-cigarettes in place of conventional cigarettes.
Restricting the availability of non-tobacco flavors could
reduce adult smokersinterest in switching to
e-cigarettes or rationalize a return to cigarette smoking
among frequent e-cigarette users whose journey towards
smoking abstinence started with, progressed to, and is
being sustained by frequent use of e-cigarettes contain-
ing non-tobacco flavors. A tobacco products regulatory
framework that balances adult smokersincreasingly
common preference to try to quit smoking by using
e-cigarettes that do not taste like cigarettes, with mea-
sures that reduce the appeal and use of e-cigarettes by
non-smokers and youth, may accelerate the US progress
towards the end of the tobacco smoking epidemic that
causes the premature death of approximately 480,000
Americans each year [27].
ANPRM: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making; AVA: American Vaping
Association; CASAA: Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives
Association; FD&C: Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; FDA: US Food and Drug
Administration; FEP: First E-cigarette purchase; NBS: Not Blowing Smoke;
PATH: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health; SFATA: Smoke Free
Alternatives Trade Association; THR: Tobacco harm reduction; TUP: Tobacco
Use Pathway; US: United States
The authors are grateful to Julie Woessner and Alex Clark (Consumer
Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association), Stefan Didak and Danielle
Bloss (Not Blowing Smoke), Gregory Conley (American Vaping Association),
Cynthia Cabrera (Cating Group), and the Board of the Smoke-Free Alterna-
tives Trade Association, without whose assistance this study would not have
been possible. Above all, the authors wish to thank the 22,411 individuals
who participated in this studytheir time and contributions are greatly
Fontem Ventures, a company that makes e-cigarettes, and a wholly owned
subsidiary of Imperial Brands PLC (formerly Imperial Tobacco) provided
funding for this study. Fontem Ventures had no input or control over the
study design, implementation, data analysis, interpretation, or reporting of
findings. The authors alone are responsible for the contents, production, and
decision to submit this manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets analyzed in the current study are available from the
corresponding author on reasonable request.
CR and NM conceived of the study. CR, NM, and MN developed the
questionnaire. CR and TD performed the statistical analysis. CR, NM, TD, and
MN helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
Ethics approval and consent to participate
A favorable ethical opinion of this study was given by the University of
Strathclyde Research Ethics Committee. Participants were presented with an
Informed Consent Form and gave consent to participate online.
Competing interests
In the past 3 years, the employer of CR, NM, and TD, the Centre for
Substance Use Research, has received funding from several e-cigarette
Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 13 of 14
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
manufacturers to conduct research on tobacco harm reduction, specifically,
on factors that encourage and discourage smokers from switching to using
e-cigarettes. In the past 3 years, MN has received funding from several
e-cigarette manufacturers to conduct pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic
studies of their products with smokers and vapers, as well as biomarker
studies on smokers who switch to vaping.
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
Centre for Substance Use Research, 4.04 West of Scotland Science Park,
Kelvin Walkway, Glasgow G20 0SP, UK.
Los Angeles Clinical Trials, 4116 W.
Magnolia Blvd, Suite 100, Burbank, CA 91505, USA.
Received: 18 April 2018 Accepted: 31 May 2018
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Russell et al. Harm Reduction Journal (2018) 15:33 Page 14 of 14
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... Unlike most NRT products, ENDS are available with a broad range of e-liquid flavors and nicotine concentrations, giving smokers a range of choices to potentially substitute cigarettes [5][6][7][8] . Smokers who try ENDS have the option to change nicotine concentrations and flavors over time 7,9,10 . ...
... When smokers switch to ENDS, observational data suggests that they tend to initially choose tobacco flavors, but long-term users are likely to report choosing fruity flavors 7,9,10 . The flavor preferences may change over time and users may use different flavors concurrently [10][11][12] . ...
... Flavor variety may even help ex-smokers remain abstinent 9,10 , as some studies reported that limiting flavors may drive them back to smoking cigarettes or dissuade smokers from switching to ENDS 9,13,14 . ENDS users who use e-liquids with nicotine, quit smoking more successfully than those who use e-liquids without nicotine [15][16][17] . ...
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INTRODUCTION Many tobacco smokers try to quit with electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS or e-cigarettes). We aimed to describe e-liquid flavors and nicotine concentration use over 6 months in a prospective cohort of smokers willing to quit with ENDS. METHODS We included 622 participants from the intervention group of the Efficacy, Safety and Toxicology of ENDS randomized controlled trial. Participants were adult smokers smoking at least five cigarettes a day. They received free ENDS and a choice of 6 e-liquid flavors in 4 nicotine concentrations and smoking cessation counseling. We tracked flavor choice and nicotine concentration at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks, and at 6 months, after the target quit date, comparing participants who reported only vaping (exclusive e-cigarette users) to those who vaped and smoked (dual users) over the last 7 days. We applied multivariable regression models to compute adjusted risk ratios (ARR). RESULTS At Week 1, 66% (n=409) were exclusive e-cigarette users, and 21% (n=129) were dual users. At Month 6, 43% (n=266) were exclusive e-cigarette users, and 16% (n=102) were dual users. While flavor choices were similar at Week 1, at 6 months, exclusive e-cigarette users reported using more fruity flavors than dual users (31% vs 22%, ARR=2.10; 95% CI: 1.21–3.66). The nicotine concentration used initially was similar in both groups and diminished over time. At 6 months, exclusive e-cigarette users used a lower mean nicotine concentration than dual users (6.3 vs 8.2 mg/mL, difference= -1.55; 95% CI: -2.84 – -0.25 mg/mL). CONCLUSIONS After 6 months, exclusive e-cigarette users used more fruity-flavored e-liquids and chose a lower mean nicotine concentration than dual users.
... Merke Epidemiologische Arbeiten zeigen eine aromenbedingte gesteigerte Attraktivität für E-Zigaretten [27] und einen Trend weg vom Tabakgeschmack hin zu fruchtigen und süßen Aromen [28], wobei geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bestehen. ...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Fast alle E-Zigaretten enthalten Aromastoffe, die das Produkt attraktiver machen. Bei der Bewertung von E-Zigaretten in Bezug auf die Gesundheit spielten Aromen bisher eine untergeordnete Rolle. Methode Selektive Literaturrecherche in PubMed, ergänzt durch rechtliche Bestimmungen zur Nutzung von Aromen in E-Zigaretten. Ergebnisse Aromen erleichtern den Einstieg in den E-Zigarettenkonsum und haben eine konsumfördernde Wirkung. Durch tieferes Inhalieren werden die Nikotinaufnahme und die Aufnahme toxischer Substanzen aus dem E-Zigaretten-Liquid gesteigert. Für einige Aromen wurden pathologische Wirkungen, additiv zu anderen toxischen Bestandteilen der E-Zigarette, nachgewiesen. Für die große Mehrzahl der in E-Zigaretten enthaltenen Aromen liegen bisher keine toxikologischen Analysen vor. Schlussfolgerungen Die nachgewiesene konsumfördernde Wirkung und die aus präklinischen Daten extrapolierbaren Gesundheitsrisiken sind bedeutsam für die politische Diskussion eines Verbots von Aromen auch für E-Zigaretten, analog zu dem bereits geltenden Verbot von Aromen in Tabakerzeugnissen.
... This massive volume of interactions has made it an important resource for investigating public perceptions and discussions on various topics, including health and lifestyle behaviors like vaping. For instance, researchers analyzed thousands of tweets to investigate attitudes toward e-cigarette flavors and found that preferences for certain flavors, such as fruit/fruit beverage, dessert/pastry, and candy, chocolate, or sweets, might be associated with continued e-cigarette use [23]. Twitter has also been employed to study the perceived health impacts of vaping [24]. ...
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Amid a potential menthol ban, electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) companies are incorporating synthetic cooling agents like WS-3 and WS-23 to replicate menthol/mint sensations. This study examines public views on synthetic cooling agents in e-cigarettes via Twitter data. From May 2021 to March 2023, we used Twitter Streaming Application Programming Interface (API), to collect tweets related to synthetic cooling agents with keywords such as ‘WS-23,’ ’ice,’ and ’frozen.’ The deep learning RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT-Pretraining Approach) model that can be optimized for contextual language understanding was used to classify attitudes expressed in tweets about synthetic cooling agents and identify e-cigarette users. The BERTopic (a topic modeling technique that leverages Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) deep-learning model, specializing in extracting and clustering topics from large texts, identified major topics of positive and negative tweets. Two proportion Z-tests were used to compare the proportions of positive and negative attitudes between e-cigarette users (vapers) and non-e-cigarette-users (non-vapers). Of 6,940,065 e-cigarettes-related tweets, 5,788 were non-commercial tweets related to synthetic cooling agents. The longitudinal trend analysis showed a clear upward trend in discussions. Vapers posted most of the tweets (73.05%, 4,228/5,788). Nearly half (47.87%, 2,771/5,788) held a positive attitude toward synthetic cooling agents, which is significantly higher than those with a negative attitude (19.92%,1,153/5,788) with a P-value < 0.0001. The likelihood of vapers expressing positive attitudes (60.17%, 2,544/4,228) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than that of non-vapers (14.55%, 227/1,560). Conversely, negative attitudes from non-vapers (30%, 468/1,560) were significantly (P < 0.0001) higher than vapers (16.2%, 685/4,228). Prevalent topics from positive tweets included “enjoyment of specific vape flavors,” “preference for lush ice vapes,” and “liking of minty/icy feelings.” Major topics from negative tweets included “disliking certain vape flavors” and “dislike of others vaping around them.” On Twitter, vapers are more likely to have a positive attitude toward synthetic cooling agents than non-vapers. Our study provides important insights into how the public perceives synthetic cooling agents in e-cigarettes. These insights are crucial for shaping future U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations aimed at safeguarding public health.
... Merke Epidemiologische Arbeiten zeigen eine aromenbedingte gesteigerte Attraktivität für E-Zigaretten [27] und einen Trend weg vom Tabakgeschmack hin zu fruchtigen und süßen Aromen [28], wobei geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bestehen. ...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Fast alle E-Zigaretten enthalten Aromastoffe, die das Produkt attraktiver machen. Bei der Bewertung von E-Zigaretten in Bezug auf die Gesundheit spielten Aromen bisher eine untergeordnete Rolle. Methode Selektive Literaturrecherche in PubMed, ergänzt durch rechtliche Bestimmungen zur Nutzung von Aromen in E-Zigaretten. Ergebnisse Aromen erleichtern den Einstieg in den E-Zigarettenkonsum und haben eine konsumfördernde Wirkung. Durch tieferes Inhalieren werden die Nikotinaufnahme und die Aufnahme toxischer Substanzen aus dem E-Zigaretten-Liquid gesteigert. Für einige Aromen wurden pathologische Wirkungen, additiv zu anderen toxischen Bestandteilen der E-Zigarette, nachgewiesen. Für die große Mehrzahl der in E-Zigaretten enthaltenen Aromen liegen bisher keine toxikologischen Analysen vor. Schlussfolgerungen Die nachgewiesene konsumfördernde Wirkung und die aus präklinischen Daten extrapolierbaren Gesundheitsrisiken sind bedeutsam für die politische Diskussion eines Verbots von Aromen auch für E-Zigaretten, analog zu dem bereits geltenden Verbot von Aromen in Tabakerzeugnissen.
... This approach allows participants to tailor their own gratifying "nicotine experience" by selecting the C-F NA that aligns with their preferences. By doing so, we anticipate not only fostering a transition to the latest technology but also facilitating the reduction of cigarette smoking and bolstering long-term prevention of relapse [38][39][40][41][42]. It is worth highlighting that this aspect of personal choice is notably absent in studies of harm reduction. ...
Background Although the detrimental effects of conventional combustible cigarettes on oral health and dental esthetics are well known, there is limited information about the long-term impact of combustion-free nicotine alternatives (C-F NA) such as e-cigarettes or heated tobacco products. Objective This multicenter, prospective, 3-parallel-arm randomized controlled trial will investigate whether switching from combustible cigarettes to C-F NA will lead to measurable improvements in oral health parameters and dental esthetics over 18 months in adult smokers with limited gum disease. Methods Regular smokers not intending to quit and without clinical signs of periodontitis will be randomly assigned (1:4 ratio) to either standard of care with brief cessation advice (control group; arm A) or C-F NA use (intervention group; arm B). The study will also include a reference group of never smokers (reference group; arm C). The primary end point is the change in the Modified Gingival Index (MGI) score from baseline between the control arm (arm A) and the intervention arm (arm B) at the 18-month follow-up. In addition, the study will analyze the within- and between-group (arms A, B, and C) changes in MGI assessment, plaque imaging, dental shade quantitation, tooth stain scores, and oral health–related quality of life questionnaires measured at each study time point. All participants will attend a total of 7 clinic visits: screening, enrollment, and randomization (visit 0); baseline visit—day 14 (visit 1); day 90 (visit 2); day 180 (visit 3); day 360 (visit 4); and day 540 (visit 5). This multicenter study will be conducted in 4 dental clinics in 4 countries. The statistical analysis will involve descriptive statistics for continuous and categorical data. Primary end points will undergo tests for normality and, based on distribution, either a 2-sided t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Linear mixed model with random factors center and study arms by center will also be applied. Secondary end points, including MGI assessment and quality of life, will be subjected to similar tests and comparisons. Only if one value of the parameter MGI is missing after day 1, the last available observation will be carried forward. The analysis will be performed on the substituted data. Secondary parameters will not have missing value replacement. Results Participant recruitment began in October 2021, and enrollment was completed in June 2023. Results will be reported in 2025. Conclusions This will be the first study to provide key insights into oral health benefits or risks associated with using C-F NA in smokers who are seeking alternatives to cigarette smoking. Trial Registration NCT04649645; International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/53222
... 6 Flavours increase product appeal, 6 e-cigarette initiation and regular use 7 and facilitate the transition from combustible cigarettes to e-cigarettes. 8 Flavours also pose potential risks, as they mask the harshness of the tobacco taste 9 and reduce perceptions of the harm of e-cigarettes. 10 Moreover, some disposable flavoured e-cigarettes, such as 'milk tea cups' and 'coke cups' that imitate the taste and packaging of milk tea and Coca-Cola, have gained popularity among Chinese youth. ...
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Background China has banned all flavoured e-cigarettes to reduce e-cigarette use among young people, but little is known about the views and reactions of people who use e-cigarettes. This study explored the perceptions of, and responses by, young adults who use e-cigarettes to the flavour ban. Methods Semistructured interviews were conducted with 25 Chinese young adults aged 18–25 years who had used e-cigarettes daily in the past 3 months. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. Findings Four themes were identified from the data: (1) understanding of the public health benefits, (2) resistance to and misperceptions of the flavour ban, (3) circumvention of the flavour ban and (4) acceptance of the flavour ban. Some participants expressed support for the ban due to perceived public health benefits, while others who resisted the ban emphasised their right to choose preferred flavours and questioned the rationale behind the policy. Participants responded to the flavour ban by utilising a variety of adaptive strategies, including purchasing flavoured e-cigarettes through illegal channels or exploring alternative ways to obtain flavours. Those who complied with the ban responded with different strategies, including switching back to combustible cigarettes, using tobacco-flavoured e-cigarettes, or quitting vaping. Conclusions The findings suggest the need for comprehensive regulatory measures, including stringent enforcement measures, transparent health communication and vigilant monitoring of e-cigarette manufacturers’ tactics, to reduce e-cigarette use among young adults.
... There has been considerable debate regarding the role of ENDS flavors in facilitating switching away from cigarettes (Farsalinos et al., 2013;Ward-Peterson & Maziak, 2019). Some observational studies suggest that participants using ENDS in nontobacco flavors are more likely to switch than those using tobacco flavors (Chen, 2018;Friedman & Xu, 2020;Gendall & Hoek, 2021;Glasser et al., 2020;Gravely et al., 2020;Jones et al., 2019;Li et al., 2021;Mok et al., 2023), and that adults who smoke cigarettes often transition from tobacco to nontobacco flavors as they switch (Du et al., 2020;Russell et al., 2018), whereas other studies have not found significant associations between use of flavored ENDS and switching or quit attempts (Kasza, Edwards, Gravely, et al., 2021;Liber et al., 2023;Lindson et al., 2023;Schneller et al., 2019). U.S. adults who smoke and purchased JUUL products predominantly used nontobacco flavors, but evidence on the association of flavors and switching is mixed Russell et al., 2019aRussell et al., , 2019b. ...
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Observational studies show high rates of switching away from cigarettes among adult purchasers of JUUL-brand electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS); data are needed to evaluate switching with JUUL in randomized general population trials. The association of ENDS flavor availability and switching is pertinent. This study assessed switch rates and smoking reduction among participants randomized to use JUUL in a choice of flavors or tobacco-only, compared to a condition provided smoking-cessation materials. U.S. adults who smoke cigarettes (N = 837; Mage [SD] = 45.99 years [11.48]; 18.76 cigarettes/day [SD = 7.86]; 50.2% female) from an address-based representative panel were randomized to receive JUUL for 6 months (5.0% nicotine; only Virginia Tobacco [N = 285] or choice of flavors [N = 281]), or smoking-cessation materials (quit advice [QA]; N = 271). Self-reported past 30-day smoking and cigarette consumption were assessed at 1, 3, and 6 months. Repeated-measure regressions assessed differences in smoking outcomes between groups. Only 2% of participants were planning to quit smoking within 30 days. Across the 6-month intervention, participants randomized to JUUL (vs. QA) had 6.57-fold greater odds of reporting past 30-day switching (95% CI [3.72−11.63]). Participants in the JUUL (vs. QA) group smoked 27% fewer cigarettes/day versus baseline (Rate Ratio [95% CI] = 0.73 [0.68−0.77]). Over half (51.8%) of the Virginia Tobacco group used other flavors (36.7% nontobacco flavors), contaminating randomized flavor-conditions. JUUL flavor groups did not differ in smoking outcomes (p > .48). Use of JUUL products may support complete switching away from cigarettes, including among those not ready to quit smoking. Results suggest a preference for nontobacco-flavored ENDS among adults who smoke, although smoking outcomes did not differ by flavor.
... Evidence suggested that vaping flavours with or without nicotine might appeal to youth, but flavours also appealed to adult smokers and might help them switch. Some evidence suggested that the vast majority of smokers who successfully switched completely from smoking combustible products to vaping did so-often after weeks, months, or even years of dual use-by transitioning from tobacco-flavoured or menthol-flavoured liquids, to other flavours and often to lower nicotine concentrations, or even to no nicotine in order to reduce the triggers that reminded them of their prior combustible smoking product (Abrams et al., 2018;Hajek et al., 2019b;McNeill et al., 2018;Russell et al., 2018). ...
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Although e-cigarettes arrived on the American market in 2006, they remained unregulated at the federal level until 2022, when the Food and Drug Administration issued an order that JUUL, which once commanded some 75 per cent of the vaping market be removed from the American market. The period between introduction of e-cigarettes and FDA regulation was marked by fierce debate as states and cities sought to fill the regulatory void. Proponents of e-cigarettes embraced a harm reduction perspective, seeing in the new products a safer albeit not safe alternative to combustible cigarettes. Yet virtually the entire American public health establishment asserted that e-cigarettes threatened the 40-year effort to bring smoking to an end. In the battles over evidence and ethics, adolescents and non-vaping bystanders, as opposed to smokers, emerged as focus of concern.
Introduction: Menthol cigarettes and menthol-flavored electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) are a current focus of US regulatory policy considerations. Informed policy requires understanding how ENDS flavor may influence smoking behavior, and whether this association varies by preferred cigarette flavor. Materials and methods: The analytic sample included 8,428 US adults who smoked cigarettes (AWS) in the Adult JUUL Switching and Smoking Trajectories Study and used tobacco- or menthol-flavored JUUL products. Repeated-measures logistic regressions assessed the time-varying association between primary JUUL flavor (menthol vs. tobacco) and switching (no past-30-day smoking) across four follow-ups in year 2 of the study, adjusting for sociodemographics and baseline smoking history. Analyses also examined interactions with cigarette flavor preference (menthol vs. non-menthol). Results: AWS smoking menthol cigarettes predominantly used menthol-flavored JUUL (∼70% of follow-ups) and had significantly higher switch rates (aOR[95%CI] = 1.30[1.09-1.55]). AWS primarily using menthol-flavored (vs. tobacco-flavored) JUUL had higher odds of switching (aOR = 1.24[1.08-1.43]). The association varied by preferred cigarette flavor: AWS who smoked non-menthol cigarettes had higher odds of switching when using menthol- (vs. tobacco-flavored) JUUL aOR = 1.21[1.05-1.40]). Among AWS who smoked menthol cigarettes, the difference in switching was not significant, but trended in the opposite direction (aOR = 0.94[0.79-1.11] for menthol- vs. tobacco-flavored JUUL). More generally, AWS who used cigarette-incongruent JUUL flavors (especially non-menthol cigarettes and Menthol-flavored JUUL) had higher odds of switching (aOR = 1.16[1.04-1.29]). Discussion: Some menthol-flavored ENDS may promote complete switching beyond that facilitated by tobacco-flavored ENDS. Cigarette-incongruent ENDS flavors, especially menthol-flavored ENDS among people who smoke non-menthol cigarettes, may facilitate increased switching.
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Background Reddit’s (Reddit Inc) large user base, diverse communities, and anonymity make it a useful platform for substance use research. Despite a growing body of literature on substance use on Reddit, challenges and limitations must be carefully considered. However, no systematic scoping review has been conducted on the use of Reddit as a data source for substance use research. Objective This review aims to investigate the use of Reddit for studying substance use by examining previous studies’ objectives, reasons, limitations, and methods for using Reddit. In addition, we discuss the implications and contributions of previous studies and identify gaps in the literature that require further attention. Methods A total of 7 databases were searched using keyword combinations including Reddit and substance-related keywords in April 2022. The initial search resulted in 456 articles, and 227 articles remained after removing duplicates. All included studies were peer reviewed, empirical, available in full text, and pertinent to Reddit and substance use, and they were all written in English. After screening, 60 articles met the eligibility criteria for the review, with 57 articles identified from the initial database search and 3 from the ancestry search. A codebook was developed, and qualitative content analysis was performed to extract relevant evidence related to the research questions. Results The use of Reddit for studying substance use has grown steadily since 2015, with a sharp increase in 2021. The primary objective was to identify tendencies and patterns in various types of substance use discussions (52/60, 87%). Reddit was also used to explore unique user experiences, propose methodologies, investigate user interactions, and develop interventions. A total of 9 reasons for using Reddit to study substance use were identified, such as the platform’s anonymity, its widespread popularity, and the explicit topics of subreddits. However, 7 limitations were noted, including the platform’s low representativeness of the general population with substance use and the lack of demographic information. Most studies use application programming interfaces for data collection and quantitative approaches for analysis, with few using qualitative approaches. Machine learning algorithms are commonly used for natural language processing tasks. The theoretical, methodological, and practical implications and contributions of the included articles are summarized and discussed. The most prevalent practical implications are investigating prevailing topics in Reddit discussions, providing recommendations for clinical practices and policies, and comparing Reddit discussions on substance use across various sources. Conclusions This systematic scoping review provides an overview of Reddit’s use as a data source for substance use research. Although the limitations of Reddit data must be considered, analyzing them can be useful for understanding patterns and user experiences related to substance use. Our review also highlights gaps in the literature and suggests avenues for future research.
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Background Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use in the USA is increasing. As such, it is critical to understand who uses e-cigarettes, how e-cigarettes are used and what types of products are prevalent. This study assesses patterns of current e-cigarette use among daily and non-daily adult users in the 2013–2014 Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Methods We examined the proportion of current adult e-cigarette users (n=3642) reporting infrequent use (use on ‘some days’ and use on 0–2 of the past 30 days), moderate use (use on ‘some days’ and use on >2 of the past 30 days) and daily use. We examined demographic characteristics, use of other tobacco products and e-cigarette product characteristics overall and by use category. Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) were calculated using Poisson regression to assess correlates of daily e-cigarette use. Results Among the 5.5% of adult current e-cigarette users in the PATH Study, 42.2% reported infrequent use, 36.5% reported moderate use and 21.3% reported daily use. Cigarette smokers who quit in the past year were more likely to report daily e-cigarette use, compared with current smokers (aPR=3.21, 95% CI=2.75 to 3.76). Those who reported using rechargeable or refillable devices were more likely to report daily use compared with those who did not use these devices (aPR=1.95, 95% CI=1.44 to 2.65 and aPR=2.10, 95% CI=1.75 to 2.52, respectively). Conclusions The majority of e-cigarette users in this study reported less than daily use. Compared with non-daily use, daily use was associated with being a former smoker; however, cross-sectional data limits our ability to establish the temporality or directionality of such associations.
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To quantify the prevalence of 10 quit methods commonly used by adult cigarette smokers, we used data from a nationally representative longitudinal (2014–2016) online survey of US adult cigarette smokers (n = 15,943). Overall, 74.7% of adult current cigarette smokers used multiple quit methods during their most recent quit attempt. Giving up cigarettes all at once (65.3%) and reducing the number of cigarettes smoked (62.0%) were the most prevalent methods. Substituting some cigarettes with e-cigarettes was used by a greater percentage of smokers than the nicotine patch, nicotine gum, or other cessation aids approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Further research into the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a cessation aid is warranted.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate how the use of flavored e-cigarettes varies between youth (12–17years old), young adults (18–29years old), and older adults (30+ years old). Cross-sectional surveys of school-going youth (n=3907) and young adult college students (n=5482) in Texas, and young adults and older adults (n=6051) nationwide were administered in 2014–2015. Proportions and 95% confidence intervals were used to describe the percentage of e-cigarette use at initiation and in the past 30days that was flavored, among current e-cigarette users. Chi-square tests were applied to examine differences by combustible tobacco product use and demographic factors. Most e-cigarette users said their first and “usual” e-cigarettes were flavored. At initiation, the majority of Texas school-going youth (98%), Texas young adult college students (95%), and young adults (71.2%) nationwide said their first e-cigarettes were flavored to taste like something other than tobacco, compared to 44.1% of older adults nationwide. Fruit and candy flavors predominated for all groups; and, for youth, flavors were an especially salient reason to use e-cigarettes. Among adults, the use of tobacco flavor at initiation was common among dual users (e-cigarettes+combustible tobacco), while other flavors were more common among former cigarette smokers (P=0.03). Restricting the range of e-cigarette flavors (e.g., eliminating sweet flavors, like fruit and candy) may benefit youth and young adult prevention efforts. However, it is unclear what impact this change would have on adult smoking cessation.
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Background There are concerns that the marketing of e-cigarettes may increase the appeal of tobacco smoking in children. We examined this concern by assessing the impact on appeal of tobacco smoking after exposure to advertisements for e-cigarettes with and without candy-like flavours, such as, bubble gum and milk chocolate. Methods We assigned 598 English school children (aged 11–16 years) to 1 of 3 different conditions corresponding to the adverts to which they were exposed: adverts for flavoured e-cigarettes, adverts for non-flavoured e-cigarettes or a control condition in which no adverts were shown. The primary endpoint was appeal of tobacco smoking. Secondary endpoints were: appeal of using e-cigarettes, susceptibility to tobacco smoking, perceived harm of tobacco, appeal of e-cigarette adverts and interest in buying and trying e-cigarettes. Results Tobacco smokers and e-cigarette users were excluded from analyses (final sample=471). Exposure to either set of adverts did not increase the appeal of tobacco smoking, the appeal of using e-cigarettes, or susceptibility to tobacco smoking. Also, it did not reduce the perceived harm of tobacco smoking, which was high. Flavoured e-cigarette adverts were, however, more appealing than adverts for non-flavoured e-cigarettes and elicited greater interest in buying and trying e-cigarettes. Conclusions Exposure to adverts for e-cigarettes does not seem to increase the appeal of tobacco smoking in children. Flavoured, compared with non-flavoured, e-cigarette adverts did, however, elicit greater appeal and interest in buying and trying e-cigarettes. Further studies extending the current research are needed to elucidate the impact of flavoured and non-flavoured e-cigarette adverts.
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Introduction: Amid increasing rates of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use in the United States, there is an urgent need to monitor patterns of use at the population level in order to inform practice, policy and regulation. This article examines how patterns of e-cigarette use among adults differ between users and nonusers of cigarettes using the most current national data.
Background: E-cigarette use prevalence has increased drastically among young adult cigarette smokers in recent years. Objectives: This study seeks to understand which e-cigarette flavors-sweet and fruity or tobacco and menthol/mint-are more likely to be associated with smoking reduction and cessation among young adults. Methods: Longitudinal data (waves 1 and 2) of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study from young adult (aged 18-34) cigarette smokers (n = 4,645) at wave 1 and current e-cigarette users (n = 844) at wave 2 were used. Univariate and multivariate regressions were conducted to examine the associations between past-year smoking reduction and cessation and current e-cigarette flavor use at wave 2. Results: At wave 2, 25.9% of respondents either reduced or quit smoking, and 6.7%, 5.2%, and 6.3% of them reported currently using e-cigarettes with tobacco/menthol (TM) flavors, one non-tobacco/non-menthol (NTM) flavor, and multiple NTM flavors, respectively. E-cigarette users with one (AOR = 2.5, p < 0.001) and multiple NTM flavors (AOR = 3.0, p < 0.001) were more likely to have reduced or quit smoking over the past year compared to non-e-cigarette users. NTM flavor use was positively associated with e-cigarette use of a higher frequency and larger amount. Conclusions: The positive association between past-year smoking reduction and cessation and current NTM flavored e-cigarette use may be explained by young adults' escalated e-cigarette use with NTM flavors. Public health professionals should prevent and reduce multiple tobacco use through enhanced education about the harm of vaping NTM flavors and by advising young adult smokers to quit tobacco altogether using evidence-based methods.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Flavored electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are not prohibited in the United States, and e-cigarette flavors proliferate on the market. This study sought to examine flavored e-cigarette use and its association with smoking among youth. METHODS: Estimates of flavored e-cigarette use from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey were investigated. A logistic regression model was used to assess whether flavored e-cigarette use was associated with (1) intention to initiate cigarette use among never-smoking youth ( n = 16 471), (2) intention to quit tobacco use among current-smoking youth ( n = 1338), and (3) perception of tobacco’s danger among all respondents ( n = 21 491). RESULTS: A total of 2017 respondents reported using e-cigarettes in the last 30 days, of whom 1228 (60.9%) reported using flavored e-cigarettes. Among never-smoking youth, 55.6% (288) of current e-cigarette users reported using flavored e-cigarettes. Among current smokers, 68.4% (495) of current e-cigarette users reported using flavored e-cigarettes. Compared with not using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days, using flavored e-cigarettes was associated with higher odds of intention to initiate cigarette use among never-smoking youth (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 5.7; P < .0001), lower odds of intention to quit tobacco use among current-smoking youth (aOR = 0.6; P = .006), and a lower prevalence of perception of tobacco’s danger among all respondents (aOR = 0.5; P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Flavored e-cigarette use is associated with increased risks of smoking among youth. Comprehensive tobacco control and prevention strategies that address flavored e-cigarette products are critically needed to reduce tobacco use among youth.
Background More US adolescents use e-cigarettes than smoke cigarettes. Research suggests flavoured e-cigarettes appeal to youth, but little is known about perceptions of and reasons for attraction to specific flavours. Methods A national sample of adolescents (n=1125) ages 13–17 participated in a phone survey from November 2014 to June 2015. We randomly assigned adolescents to respond to survey items about 1 of 5 e-cigarette flavours (tobacco, alcohol, menthol, candy or fruit) and used regression analysis to examine the impact of flavour on interest in trying e-cigarettes and harm beliefs. Results Adolescents were more likely to report interest in trying an e-cigarette offered by a friend if it were flavoured like menthol (OR=4.00, 95% CI 1.46 to 10.97), candy (OR=4.53, 95% CI 1.67 to 12.31) or fruit (OR=6.49, 95% CI 2.48 to 17.01) compared with tobacco. Adolescents believed that fruit-flavoured e-cigarettes were less harmful to health than tobacco-flavoured e-cigarettes (p<0.05). Perceived harm mediated the relationship between some flavours and interest in trying e-cigarettes. A minority of adolescents believed that e-cigarettes did not have nicotine (14.6%) or did not know whether they had nicotine (3.6%); these beliefs did not vary by flavour. Discussion Candy-flavoured, fruit-flavoured and menthol-flavoured e-cigarettes appeal to adolescents more than tobacco-flavoured or alcohol-flavoured e-cigarettes. This appeal is only partially explained by beliefs about reduced harm. Given adolescents' interest in trying e-cigarettes with certain flavours, policymakers should consider restricting advertisements promoting flavoured products in media that reach large numbers of young people. Future research should examine other reasons for the appeal of individual flavours, such as novelty and perceived luxury.
The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) first began collecting data about e-cigarette use in 2014. The estimates presented in this report provide a foundation for understanding who is using e-cigarettes and for monitoring changes in e-cigarette use among U.S. adults over time. In 2014, men were more likely than women to have ever tried e-cigarettes but were not more likely to be current users. Younger adults were more likely than older adults to have tried e-cigarettes and to currently use e-cigarettes. Both non-Hispanic AIAN and non-Hispanic white adults were more likely than non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic Asian, and Hispanic adults to have ever tried e-cigarettes and to be current e-cigarette users. When examined in the context of conventional cigarette smoking, use of e-cigarettes was highest among current and recent former cigarette smokers, and among current smokers who had made a quit attempt in the past year. Although fewer than 4% of adults who had never smoked conventional cigarettes had ever tried an e-cigarette, nearly 1 in 10 never-smokers aged 18–24 had tried an e-cigarette at least once. All material appearing in this report is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated.
What is already known on this topic? Retail sales data suggest that U.S. consumption of flavored tobacco products, including flavored cigars and flavored e-cigarettes, has increased in recent years. There is growing concern that widely marketed varieties of new and existing flavored tobacco products might appeal to youths and could be contributing to recent increases in the use of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and hookah, among youths. What is added by this report? In 2014, among middle and high school students, 1.58 million e-cigarette users, 1.02 million hookah users, 910,000 cigar smokers used flavored varieties of these products during the preceding 30 days. Among current tobacco users, 70.0% reported using at least one flavored tobacco product in the past 30 days, including 63.5% of cigar smokers, 63.3% of e-cigarette users, and 60.6% of hookah users. What are the implications for public health practice? In 2014, millions of youths were exposed, through inhalation or oral absorption, to nicotine and harmful constituents from tobacco products. Sustained efforts to implement proven tobacco control policies and strategies (e.g., increasing the price of tobacco products, adopting comprehensive smoke-free laws, implementing advertising and promotion restrictions and national public education media campaigns, and raising the minimum age of purchase for all tobacco products to age 21 years) are needed to prevent all forms of tobacco use, including flavored tobacco products, among U.S. youths. © 2015, Department of Health and Human Services. All rights reserved.