ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Disclosure of Same-Sex Behaviors to Health-care Providers and Uptake of HIV Testing for Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review

SAGE Publications Inc
American Journal of Men's Health

Abstract and Figures

To promote HIV-testing and offer optimal care for men who have sex with men (MSM), health-care providers (HCPs) must first be aware of their patients’ sexual behaviors. Otherwise, HCPs may overlook MSM’s risks for HIV infection and their special health-care needs. For MSM, reporting their same-sex behaviors to HCPs (disclosure to HCPs) may promote their linkage to HIV prevention and treatment cascade and improve their health outcomes. No literature review has been conducted to examine the relationship between disclosure to HCPs and uptake of HIV-testing among MSM. The current study reviewed and synthesized findings from 29 empirical studies published in English by 2016. We summarized the rates of MSM’s disclosure to HCPs, investigated the association between disclosure and HIV-testing among MSM, identified potential facilitators and barriers for disclosure, and discussed the implications of our findings in research and clinical practices. The disclosure rates varied across subgroups and study settings, ranging from 16% to 90% with a median of 61%. Disclosure to HCPs was positively associated with uptake of HIV-testing. African American MSM were less likely to disclose to HCPs. MSM who lived in urban settings with higher education attainment and higher income were more likely to disclose. MSM tended to perceive younger or gay-friendly doctors as safer targets of disclosure. Clinics with LGBT-friendly signs were viewed as safer contexts for disclosure. Having previous communications about substance use, sex, and HIV with HCPs could also facilitate disclosure. The main reasons for nondisclosure included lack of probing from HCPs, concerns on confidentiality breach and stigma, and perceived irrelevance with services. Providing appropriate trainings for HCPs and creating gay-friendly clinical settings can be effective strategies to facilitate disclosures of same-sex behaviors among MSM and meet their specific medical needs. Interventions to promote disclosure should give priorities to MSM from the most marginalized subgroups (e.g., MSM in rural areas, MSM of ethnic minorities).
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American Journal of Men’s Health
2018, Vol. 12(5) 1197 –1214
© The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1557988318784149
Special section-HIV/AIDS/STIs
Since HIV and AIDS was first described in men who have
sex with men (MSM) in Los Angeles in 1981 (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 1981), high HIV
prevalence and incidence rates have continuously been
reported among MSM in most countries (Beyrer et al.,
2012). In low-and middle-income countries including
many in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, MSM have the
highest rates of HIV infection among all at-risk groups
(Beyrer et al., 2012). In several high-income countries, for
example, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom,
and the United States, HIV infections have been on the
increase among MSM since early 2000s although the
overall trends of HIV infections in these countries are in
decline (Beyrer et al., 2013). In the United States, MSM
account for 56% of the 1.1 million people living with HIV
784149JMHXXX10.1177/1557988318784149American Journal of Men’s HealthQiao et al.
1Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior & South
Carolina SmartState Center for Healthcare Quality (CHQ), University
of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health, Columbia, SC, USA
2School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and Beijing Key
Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, Peking University, Beijing,
Corresponding Author:
Guangyu Zhou, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
and Beijing Key Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, Peking
University, 05 Yiheyuan Street, Beijing, 100871, China.
Disclosure of Same-Sex Behaviors to
Health-care Providers and Uptake of
HIV Testing for Men Who Have Sex
With Men: A Systematic Review
Shan Qiao1, Guangyu Zhou1,2 , and Xiaoming Li1
To promote HIV-testing and offer optimal care for men who have sex with men (MSM), health-care providers (HCPs)
must first be aware of their patients’ sexual behaviors. Otherwise, HCPs may overlook MSM’s risks for HIV infection
and their special health-care needs. For MSM, reporting their same-sex behaviors to HCPs (disclosure to HCPs) may
promote their linkage to HIV prevention and treatment cascade and improve their health outcomes. No literature review
has been conducted to examine the relationship between disclosure to HCPs and uptake of HIV-testing among MSM. The
current study reviewed and synthesized findings from 29 empirical studies published in English by 2016. We summarized
the rates of MSM’s disclosure to HCPs, investigated the association between disclosure and HIV-testing among MSM,
identified potential facilitators and barriers for disclosure, and discussed the implications of our findings in research and
clinical practices. The disclosure rates varied across subgroups and study settings, ranging from 16% to 90% with a median
of 61%. Disclosure to HCPs was positively associated with uptake of HIV-testing. African American MSM were less likely
to disclose to HCPs. MSM who lived in urban settings with higher education attainment and higher income were more
likely to disclose. MSM tended to perceive younger or gay-friendly doctors as safer targets of disclosure. Clinics with
LGBT-friendly signs were viewed as safer contexts for disclosure. Having previous communications about substance use,
sex, and HIV with HCPs could also facilitate disclosure. The main reasons for nondisclosure included lack of probing
from HCPs, concerns on confidentiality breach and stigma, and perceived irrelevance with services. Providing appropriate
trainings for HCPs and creating gay-friendly clinical settings can be effective strategies to facilitate disclosures of same-sex
behaviors among MSM and meet their specific medical needs. Interventions to promote disclosure should give priorities
to MSM from the most marginalized subgroups (e.g., MSM in rural areas, MSM of ethnic minorities).
MSM, disclosure of same-sex behavior, disclosure to HCPs, HIV-testing, literature review
Received January 28, 2018; revised May 22, 2018; accepted May 28, 2018
1198 American Journal of Men’s Health 12(5)
and more than two-thirds of all new infections in 2014
(CDC, 2017). The disproportionate burden of HIV infec-
tions in MSM, demands more vigorous responses to con-
trol and reduce viral transmission in MSM communities.
Awareness of HIV infection could result in reducing
risk behaviors and thus decrease the likelihood of HIV
transmission to others (Hall, Holtgrave, & Maulsby,
2012; Marks, Crepaz, & Janssen, 2006). HIV testing, at
least annually recommended by the CDC for sexually
active MSM, is also the first step to link HIV-infected
MSM into HIV treatment cascade and other medical ser-
vices (Cooley et al., 2014). Although home-based rapid
HIV testing kits have been approved for self-testing since
2012, health-care providers (HCPs) still play a critical
role for MSM’s uptake of HIV-testing and counseling ser-
vice (Lorenc et al., 2011). A recent national HIV-testing
behavioral surveillance among MSM in 20 U.S. cities
suggested that 53% of MSM who had been screened for
HIV within past 12 months reported their most recent test
was performed in a clinical setting (CDC, 2016).
To ensure optimal care and provide necessary sexually
transmitted infections (STI) screening and HIV diagnosis
for MSM, HCPs must first be aware of their patients’
same-sex behaviors. Otherwise, HCPs may overlook
MSM’s special health-care needs and fail to recommend
appropriate preventive strategy. For example, pre-expo-
sure prophylaxis (PrEP) as an effective way to prevent
HIV infection is still in low uptake among MSM
(McCormack et al., 2016). HCPs’ awareness of their
patients’ sexual orientation or same-sex behavior is criti-
cal for evaluating PrEP as a biomedical approach for HIV
prevention. Studies have reported that HCPs, who are
aware of a patient’s same-sex behavior, are more likely to
make recommendations for routine HIV and STI testing
and hepatitis A or B vaccination (Ng et al., 2014). For
MSM, disclosure to HCPs about their same-sex behav-
iors or homosexual orientation could be an entry point for
their linkage to HIV prevention and treatment cascade.
Disclosure to HCPs is a challenge for MSM given the
stigmatized and even illegal nature of same-sex behaviors
in many settings. Previous studies reported various rates
of disclosing to HCPs among MSM with a range from
49% to 70% in the United States (Petroll & Mosack,
2011), 16% in China (Tang et al., 2017), and probably
lower in Africa. The rates of disclosures to HCPs vary by
sociodemographic characteristics of MSM. Empirical
studies suggest that race/ethnicity, age, income and edu-
cation level may be associated with disclosing to HCPs
among MSM (Magnus et al., 2010; Ng et al., 2014;
Petroll & Mitchell, 2015; Wall, Khosropour, & Sullivan,
2010). Disclosure to HCPs may be affected by MSM’s
sexual identity. One study, conducted in New York City
with 396 self-identified LGB, reported bisexually identi-
fied individuals less likely than gay-identified individuals
to disclose their sexual orientation to a HCP (Durso &
Meyer, 2013). MSM’s disclosures to HCPs may also be
affected by perceived societal norms and attitudes of
HCPs toward gay men. The concerns of confidentiality
breach, the worries about denial of medical services, and
the fears of stigma from HCPs or from broader sociocul-
tural context impede the openness between MSM and
their physicians (Adams, McCreanor, & Braun, 2008;
Fay et al., 2011; Malebranche, Peterson, Fullilove, &
Stackhouse, 2004).
Existing literature on disclosure issues in MSM have
explored disclosure of HIV serostatus to sexual partners
and its impacts on reduction of risk behaviors. Some
studies focused on disclosure of same-sex behaviors to
parents and other family members, and whether these dis-
closures affect their psychological well-being (Lin et al.,
2016; Qiao, Li, & Stanton, 2014). Some research exam-
ined the association between nondisclosure of sexual ori-
entation and high risk sexual behaviors (CDC, 2003;
Zhao et al., 2016). Although increasing studies investi-
gate MSM’s disclosure to HCPs, no literature review has
been conducted to synthesize the findings regarding the
relationship between disclosure of same-sex behaviors in
clinical settings and uptake of HIV-testing among MSM.
The current systematic review of global literature aims
to: (a) describe the rates of disclosure to HCPs; (b) report
published associations between disclosure and utilization
of HIV-testing service and other medical services; and (c)
identify the factors affecting the decision-making and
practices regarding disclosure to HCPs.
Data Source and Searching Algorithm
An extensive search of four databases including PubMed,
Web of Science, CINAHL, and PsycINFO was conducted
for peer-reviewed journal articles published by November
2016. Searching terms included MSM, same-sex behaviors,
and same-sex disclosure to a health-care professional or in
health-care settings. The search algorithm was the combi-
nation of the following terms (a) MSM OR homosex* OR
sexual minority OR gay (b) disclos* OR out* OR aware*
(c) same-sex OR male–male sex OR sexual orientation (d)
health-care provider OR primary care provider OR general
practitioner OR physicians OR clinician OR doctors.
Moreover, related papers from references of included stud-
ies were also hand-searched and experts in the field of HIV
disclosure were consulted with for additional references.
Definitions and Inclusion Criteria
The commonly accepted term ‘men who have sex with
men’ (MSM) was used in this review, which included
Qiao et al. 1199
men self-identified as gay or bisexual and men who had
experience of same-sex behavior. Although same-sex
behavior and homosexuality were often used interchange-
ably in the literature, empirical studies have revealed dis-
cordance between self-reported sexual identity and sexual
behaviors (Savin-Williams, 2006). For example, some
men engage in same-sex behaviors, but they do not nec-
essarily identify themselves as gay (Dharma & Bauer,
2017). The same-sex behavior of the MSM population
was the main interest in this review to cover both homo-
sexual and nonhomosexual orientations mainly because
of its broader behavioral implication in the context of
HIV infection and transmission.
Accordingly, “disclosure to HCPs” was defined as the
MSM patients’ disclosing to their HCPs either same-sex
behavior or homosexual orientation in clinical settings.
The review mainly focused on disclosure of same-sex
behaviors that can help HCPs capture actual sexual behav-
ior to better estimate the scope of HIV risk of the patients.
Studies using terms of disclosing homosexual orientation
were also included because disclosing homosexual orien-
tation is more inclusive term including the domain of dis-
closing same-sex behavior. In addition, “health-care
provider” was referred to trained health-care professionals
including primary care providers, clinicians, and other
medical personnel who assumed the responsibilities to
take care of patients for their physical health.
Inclusion criteria for reviewed papers included: (a)
being published in peer-reviewed journals in English
between 1981 and 2016; (b) being empirical studies
(qualitative, quantitative or mixed studies) among HIV
negative MSM participants aged 15 years or above; and
(c) including measures on disclosure of same-sex behav-
iors to health-care providers. Studies on LGBT popula-
tions without segregating MSM as subgroup were not
included in the final review. The studies among HIV
negative MSM were only chosen because our main inter-
est was to examine the same-sex behavior disclosure and
HIV testing which might not be a meaningful issue among
HIV positive MSM.
Screening and Data Extraction
Initially, 355 articles were retrieved through searching
the four electronic databases. After removing 213 dupli-
cated records, 142 articles were screened based on their
titles and abstracts. Then 82 articles were further excluded
by title screening and 44 articles by abstract screening
which resulted in 16 articles for full-text screening. An
additional 17 articles were retrieved through manual
search and 7 articles were obtained through consultation
with experts in the field, which results in a total of 40
articles for full-text screening (Figure 1). Eleven full-text
articles were excluded due to not segregating MSM as
subgroup (n = 5), focusing on disclosure to psychiatrist (n
= 3), recruiting participants less than 15 years of age (n =
2), and targeting MSM living with HIV (n = 1). Finally,
29 studies were included in the final reviews.
Figure 1. PRISMA search flowchart for the reviewed studies.
1200 American Journal of Men’s Health 12(5)
Data were extracted and coded using structured tables
to incorporate the study characteristics, sample character-
istics, and disclosure characteristics. The study character-
istics included authorship, study site, years of data
collection, and study design. The sample characteristics
included sample size, age, ethnicity, residence, and inclu-
sion criteria. The disclosure characteristics summarized
information on type of health-care providers, measures of
disclosure, the rate of disclosure, association between
disclosure and HIV-testing and other health outcomes,
and the factors influencing disclosure. The structured
tables and coding instructions were pilot tested with a few
articles before the formal data extraction.
Two researchers conducted data extraction using pro-
tocol suggested by Higgins and Green (2011). They
worked independently to extract data from each article.
Kappa scores were calculated to assess inter-rater vari-
ability. Values of Kappa above 0.75 reflect excellent
agreement (Orwin, Cooper, & Hedges, 1994). The Kappa
score was 0.92 for quantitative studies and .85 for qualita-
tive studies. The disagreements in the data extraction
were resolved by discussions between the two
Assessment of Study Quality
The quality criteria proposed by Kmet et al. (2004) were
used to assess methodological quality of the reviewed
studies in terms of research design, measurement, data
collection and analysis, and finding reports. Ten criteria
were used for qualitative studies and 14 criteria were
used for quantitative studies. There are three responses
for each assessment criteria: yes (2 points), partial (1
point), and no (0 points). The final score for study qual-
ity was a percentage of the sum score of all the applied
criteria divided by possible maximum sum score with a
range from 0% (no criteria met) to 100% (all criteria
met) for each study. Quality assessment was conducted
independently by two researchers and all the disagree-
ment were discussed and resolved. The score of quality
ranged from 60% to 100 % for qualitative studies with a
mean of 79% and from 60% to 100% with mean of 90%
for quantitative studies (see Appendix 1).
Study Characteristics
The basic characteristics and the main findings of the
reviewed studies were summarized in Table 1. Majority
of the studies were conducted in high-income countries,
including the United States (n = 18), Canada (n = 1),
Germany (n = 2), New Zealand (n = 3), and UK (n = 3).
Two studies were conducted in China (upper-middle
income country). No studies explored disclosure to HCPs
among MSM in African or Latin American countries.
In terms of study design, quantitative design accounted
for 79% (n = 23) of the total studies (n = 29). There were
five qualitative studies and one quantitative study with
open-ended questions in the survey. Internet technologies
were widely applied in participants’ recruitment and data
collection. Audio computer-assisted interviewing, online
sampling (via Facebook profiles), and online survey (via
websites or email list of MSM/LGBT organizations) have
been employed in some quantitative (n = 14) and qualita-
tive (n = 1) studies.
Sample Characteristics
Given the various inclusion and exclusion criteria for par-
ticipant recruitment in the reviewed studies, the MSM
participants in these studies were diverse in terms of age,
race/ethnicity, and residence. In most of the studies, they
were young and lived in or migrated into big cities.
Several of studies conducted in the United States focused
on ethnic minorities including African American
(Arrington-Sanders et al., 2016) and Hispanic/Latino
populations (Joseph et al., 2014; Oster et al., 2013).
Disclosure Characteristics
Target and measurement. In most of the studies, the target
of disclosure was generally referred as health-care pro-
viders. Some studies used the term “doctors” and “physi-
cians” (Koch et al., 2016; Petroll & Mosack, 2011), some
used the term “(regular) doctor, nurse, or healthcare pro-
viders” (Ramirez-Valles et al., 2014; Wall et al., 2010),
or “health-care professional” (Ng et al., 2014; Tang et al.,
2017; Wilkerson et al., 2010) or “medical provider”
(Arrington-Sanders et al., 2016). Some studies explicitly
focused on general practitioners (GPs) (Fitzpatrick et al.,
1994; Ludlam et al., 2015; Metcalfe et al., 2015) and pri-
mary health-care provider (Marcus et al., 2015; Petroll &
Mitchell, 2015). In a study on MSM’s disclosure of sex-
ual behaviors, Guo and colleagues asked the participants
to identify all the individuals who knew their same-sex
behaviors, including doctors (Guo et al., 2014).
It is notable that the measurements of disclosure to
HCPs were not consistent across the studies. Generally,
there were four types of questions used to investigate dis-
closure in clinical setting: (a) the questions asking MSM
whether or not they had discussed or told sexual orienta-
tion/sexuality with their HCPs (Arrington-Sanders et al.,
2016); (b) the questions asking MSM if they had told any
HCPs that they were attracted to or have sex with men or
have male sexual partners (Bernstein et al., 2008; Chapin-
Bardales et al., 2016; Joseph et al., 2014; Lo et al., 2012;
Magnus et al., 2010; Ng et al., 2014; Oster et al., 2013;
Table 1. Characteristics of Reviewed Studies.
Author Country Year Research design & data collection Sample characteristics HCPs type Disclosure measure Proportion Association with HIV testing
et al. (2016)
2014–2015 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional internet-based
survey, recruitment in adolescent
clinics, internet ads, venue-based
147 YBMSM (age: M = 21.3 years old,
SD = 2.1)
Criteria: Aged 15–24 years old, self-
identified Black male, prior anal sex
with a male, U.S. resident
Regular medical
Have you disclosed your sexual
orientation to your medical
61.9% N/R
Bernstein et al.
2004–2005 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey by CDC staff
with handheld computers (NHBS
452 MSM
Criteria: at least 1 male sex partner in
the past year
Have you told any health-
care providers that you are
attracted to or have sex with
other men?
61.3% HIV test in the past year: OR
= 0.98, 95% CI [0.65, 1.48]
et al. (2016)
2011 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey with
handheld computer via CDC staff
(NHBS project)
353 MSM
Criteria: >18 years old, male, ever sex
with male past 12 months
Have you told your HCP that
you are attracted to or have
sex with men?
49% HIV test in past 12 months
was associated with
disclosure: aOR = 1.4, 95%
CI [1.1, 1.7]
Durso and Meyer
2004–2005 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey by CDC staff
with handheld computer (NHBS
198 GBM (age: M = 32.44 years old, SD
= 8.88)
Participants were asked
to report the degree of
disclosure of their sexual
orientation to health-care
providers using a scale from
1 (“out to none”) to 4 (“out
to all”).
Out to health-
care providers
for gay men
(90%) and for
bisexual men
Fitzapatrick et al.
UK 1991–1992 Survey with some open-ended
677 gay men including 623 registered
with GPs and 102 men (age: M = 32.6
years old, SD = 10.1)
Criterion: men who have had sexual
contact with men in the last 5 years
Did your general practitioner
know that you are
Of these
registered GPs,
56% said that
their GPs knew
their sexuality
Guo, Li, Liu, Jiang,
and Tu (2014)
China 2009 Quantitative design;
Paper-based cross-sectional survey,
sampling via peer outreach,
informal social network, the
Internet, and venue-based
307 young migrant MSM (age: M = 23.73
years old, SD = 2.86)
Criteria: 18–30 years old; ever had sex
with men; migrant without a permanent
Beijing local residency
Doctor Participants were asked to
identify all the individuals who
knew about their same-sex
behavior, including to doctors.
24% Never had HIV test among
open to doctors (18%) vs.
no open to doctors (31%),
p < .05
Joseph et al.
2007–2008 Quantitative design;
Cross-section survey, recruited
in multiple venues and though
referrals & advertisements
608 Hispanic/Latino MSM (age: M = 34.6
years old, SD = 9.45, range: 18–52)
Criteria: 18–49 years old, sex with
male partner in the past 3 months in
addition to multiple sex partner
Did you disclose your sex with
male to HCP?
61.1% Repeat/recent test: aOR =
1.97, 95% CI [1.30, 2.96];
Test avoiding (never
testing or last test more
than 5 years ago): aOR =
0.70 95% CI [0.46, 1.05]
Koch et al. (2016) Germany 2013–2014 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional online survey
1429 MSM (median age: 40 years old,
range: 16–78)
Criteria: had no MenC vaccination
Physician openness regarding sexual
orientation toward their
55.3% N/R
Lo, Turabelidze,
Lin, and
2008 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey by CDC
staff with handheld computer,
venue-based, time-space sampling
(NHBS project)
339 MSM (age: M = 35, range: 18–80)
Criteria: >18 years old; engaged in
male–male sex during the previous year
Have you ever disclosed same-
sex attractions or male–male
set to health-care providers?
73% HIV testing during previous
12 months: APR = 1.6, 95%
CI [1.2, 2.0]
Ludlam, Saxton,
Dickson, and
Hughes (2015)
2014 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional self-reported
survey from both community and
3168 GBM
Criteria: >16 years old, male, have sex
with a men in past 5 years
Usual general
(GP, doctor)
Does your usual general
practitioner (GP, doctor)
know you are gay or bisexual
or have sex with men?
50.5% Ever had an HIV test: aOR
= 6.6, 95% CI [5.2, 8.3];
Recent HIV testing: aOR =
3.3, 95% CI [2.7, 3.9]
Author Country Year Research design & data collection Sample characteristics HCPs type Disclosure measure Proportion Association with HIV testing
Magnus et al.
2008 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey by CDC staff
with handheld computers (NHBS
500 MSM
Criteria: self-identify as male, having had
sex with another man in the last year,
>18 years old, living in Washington
DC, speaking English or Spanish
Have you told any health-
care providers that you are
attracted to or have sex with
other men?
80% N/R
Kruspe, and
Drewes (2015)
Germany 2013–2014 Quantitative design;
Online-survey cross-sectional by
personalized invitation messages
from MSM social networking and
dating websites
15297 MSM
Criteria: >16 years old
Primary health-
care provider
Outness toward primary health-
care provider about sexual
(Responses: less than half know,
half or more know, not
40.0% Recently test vs. distantly test
aOR = 1.79, 95% CI [1.60,
2.00]; Recently tested vs.
never test aOR = 4.54,
95% CI [4.02, 5.11]
Metcalfe, Laird,
and Nandwani
UK 2011–2012 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey in electronic
and paper formats
204 MSM
Criteria: >16 years old
Whether your GP was aware of
your sexual orientation?
40% N/R
Metheny and
N/R Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional internet-based
survey via Facebook
319 rural MSM (age: M = 30 years old,
SD = 11.74)
Clinician 7-point Liker-type, “My primary
care provider definitely does
not know that I am a gay” to
“definitely know that I am gay
and we talk about it openly”
Mean 5.7, 95% CI
[4.7, 5.7], range
from 1 to 7.
Recoded into
“HIV test in past 12 months
and received a single
HAV and HBV vaccines”
coded as 1. Disclosure was
associated with HIV test
and HAV/HBV vaccination:
aOR = 1.26, 95% CI [1.08,
Ng et al. (2014) Canada 2008–2009 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional self-reported
survey, venue-based time-space
sampling recruitment method
925 MSM (median age: 30 years old for
no disclosure group and 32 years old
for disclosure group)
Criteria: Identifying as men aged >19
years old, reported ever having sex
with other men
Have you told a health-care
professional you have male sex
23% Ever been tested for HIV:
disclosed group 91%
(646/714) vs. not disclosed
group 58% (122/209), p
< .001;
Have been tested for HIV
in previous year: 76%
(526/694) vs. 42%, p < .001
Oster et al.
2008 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey via Interview
by CDC staff with handheld
computer (NHBS project)
1734 Latino MSM (median age: 31 years
old) Criteria: being male, >18 years
old, U.S. resident, speaking English or
Spanish, at least one sex partner during
last year, had a negative or confirmed
positive HIV test result, identified as
Hispanic or Latino
Have you ever told a health-
care provider that you are
attracted to or have sex with
66% HIV test in past 12 months:
aPR = 1.3, 95% CI [1.2, 1.3]
Petroll and
Mitchell (2015)
2011 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional survey via online
sampling by Facebook profile
722 GBM representing both men of 361
male couples (age: M = 33.01 years old,
SD=10.79, range: 18–68)
Criteria: male, >18 years old, living in
United States, had a relationship status
being “in a relationship, engaged, or
married,” had oral and/or anal sex
previous 3 months
Primary care
Does your primary care doctor
know that you have sex with
65.2% N/R
Table 1. (continued)
Author Country Year Research design & data collection Sample characteristics HCPs type Disclosure measure Proportion Association with HIV testing
Petroll and
Mosack (2011)
2007 Quantitative design;
Self-administered, written cross-
sectional survey
271 MSM invited at a Gay Pride festival
(age: M = 35 years old, range: 18–74)
Criteria: Reported having seen as PCP
within the prior 5 years
or physician
Do you believe your doctor
knows your sexual
71.4% 59% for HIV testing among
disclosure group vs. 13%
among not disclosure
Dirkes, and
Barrett (2014)
2006 Quantitative design;
Internet-based cross-sectional
survey, sample recruited through
various means, including social
and health services agencies,
snowballing, electronic lists
182 self-identified as gay or bisexual (age:
M = 66 years old, SD = 5.39, range:
Regular doctor,
nurse or
Do you think your regular
doctor, nurse or health-care
provider knows your sexual
orientation/gender identity?
71% N/R
Tang et al. (2017) China 2014 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional online survey
via banner in three gay dating
1424 MSM Criteria: >16 years old, born
male, ever having sex with a man
Have ever disclosed sexual
orientation to health-care
16% The odds of disclosure were
greater among MSM who
had ever tested HIV aOR =
3.36, 95% CI [2.50, 4.51]
Wall et al. (2010) United
2009 Quantitative design;
Online cross-sectional survey
4620 MSM
Eligibility: >18 years old, U.S. resident, at
least one male sex partner in the last
year visited a doctor, nurse, or other
HCPs in the prior 12 months
Doctor, nurse,
or health-care
When you visited a doctor,
nurse, or health-care provider
in the past 12 months, did you
tell the HCP that you have sex
with men?
44.5 % Being offered with HIV
testing: OR = 19.22, 95%
CI [15.79, 23.41] for Age
20 group; OR = 14.45, 95%
CI [11.46, 18.21] for Age
30; OR = 10.86, 95% CI
[7.06, 16.70] for Age 40;
OR = 8.16, 95% CI [4.22,
15.77] for Age 50
Shaver, and
2014 Quantitative design;
Cross-sectional online survey via
banner ads on Facebook
477 cisgender men (age: M = 32.62 years
old, SD = 13.42)
Criteria: >18 years old, rural home zip
code, self-identified LGBT,
Primary health-
care provider
Outness to PCP (range 1–7) 4.52 (SD = 2.33).
Recoded into
Association between outness
to PCP and health-care
utilization: Regression
coefficient = 0.119 (SD =
0.026, p < .001)
Danilenko, and
Rosser (2010)
2005 Quantitative design;
Online cross-sectional survey
2577 MSM
Criteria: male, >18 years old, U.S.
resident, have sex with men at least
once during their lifetime
Doctor or health
Talked with a doctor or health
professional about having sex
with men.
62.1% N/R
Author Country
time Design & data collection Sample characteristics Main findings
Adams et al.
N/R Qualitative design via focus groups 50 self-identified gay men Disclosure was more likely to happen if gay men thought it was relevant to the issue they are seeing
the doctor about.
Because of potentially physically and emotionally risky, some gay men may hide or not reveal their
sexuality to doctors.
McCreanor, and
Braun (2013)
N/R Qualitative design with focus groups 45 gay men, age ranged from 24 to 64
years old
Perceptions of importance or necessary may influence gay men’s disclosure decision. Some
nondisclosure participants did not think disclosure as an important or significant issue. A minority
of participants viewed disclosure of gay identity to doctor as needed.
Table 1. (continued)
Table 1. (continued)
Author Country
time Design & data collection Sample characteristics Main findings
Clover (2006) UK 2002–2003 Qualitative design, based on
semistructured interview with
purposive sampling
10 gay men aged between 60 and 70
years old
Criteria: >60 years old, living in London
Fears of a lack of understanding, discrimination, or poorer treatment led some men to choose not to
disclose their sexuality to health-care providers. This choice was not related to being open about
sexuality more generally; some men who were usually very open being reluctant to talk openly to
health workers.
Fitzapatrick et al.
UK 1991–1992 Mixed methods;
Survey with some opened questions
677 gay men including 623 registered
with GPs and 102 men (age: M = 32.6
years old, SD = 10.1, range: 16–71)
Criterion: men who have had sexual
contact with men in the last 5 years
Men who viewed their GPs’ practice as unsympathetic toward homosexual men were less likely to
have informed their general practitioner of their sexual orientation.
Malebranche et al.
2000–2001 Qualitative design with focus group 86 BMSM
Criterion: being African American, >18
years old, English speaking, MSM
Racial and sexual stigma toward BMSM impacts how open BMSM are with health providers about
their sexuality.
Martinez and
Hosek (2005)
2002–2003 Qualitative design semistructured
interview with purposive sampling
6 young BMSM (age: M = 21.5 years old)
Criterion: African American who engage
in sex with other men but not identify
as gay
Trusting relationship with health provider could facilitate communication on same-sexual behavior.
Underhill et al.
2013–2014 Qualitative design with one-on-one
56 MSM (31 MSWs: median age = 27
years old, 25 MSM: median age = 39
years old)
Criteria: English-speaking cisgender
adult men of self-reported negative
or unknown HIV status, reported
condomless anal sex with a man in the
past 6 months
MSM who did not report sex work described sex with men to clinicians more often. Medical barriers
and perceived discrimination impede sexual behavior disclosure to clinicians.
Note. HCP = health-care provider; N/R = not reported; M = mean, SD = standard deviation; YBMSM = young black men who have sex with men; HIV+ = HIV seropositive; HIV- = HIV seronegative; NHBS = National HIV
Behavioral Surveillance System; GBM = gay and bisexual men; GP = general practitioner; PCP = primary care provider; HAV = hepatitis A virus; HBV = hepatitis B virus; MSW = men who engage in sex work; OR = odds ratios;
aOR = adjusted odds ratios; aPR = adjusted proportion ratios.
Qiao et al. 1205
Petroll & Mitchell, 2015; Wall et al., 2010); (c) the ques-
tions asking MSM to estimate whether their doctor knew
their sexual orientation (Ludlam et al., 2015; Metcalfe
et al., 2015; Petroll & Mosack, 2011; Ramirez-Valles
et al., 2014)); and (d) the questions asking MSM to assess
the openness toward HCPs about sexual orientation
(Koch et al., 2016; Marcus et al., 2015; Whitehead et al.,
2016). The first three types of measurements typically
yielded dichotomous or categorical variables while the
fourth type of measurement produced continuous
Disclosure/awareness rate. Depending on the types of dis-
closure measurement, some studies reported the propor-
tion of MSM who had disclosed their same-sex behaviors
to their HCPs, while some examined the proportion of
HCPs who had known their patients’ same-sex behaviors.
Of the 15 studies that described MSM’s disclosure to
HCPs, the disclosure rates ranged from 16% in 1,424
MSM in China (Tang et al., 2017) to 90% in 198 gay men
in New York City (Durso & Meyer, 2013), with a median
of 61% (Joseph et al., 2014). Eight studies investigated
HCPs’ awareness of their patients’ same-sex behaviors.
The awareness rates ranged from 24% in 307 MSM in
Beijing China (Guo et al., 2014) to 81% in 319 rural
MSM in the United States (Metheny & Stephenson,
2016), with a median of 51% (Ludlam et al., 2015).
Disclosure rates among MSM and awareness rates
among HCPs were relatively high in the United States,
followed by other high-income countries including
Germany (Koch et al., 2016; Marcus et al., 2015), New
Zealand (Ludlam et al., 2015), the UK (Metcalfe et al.,
2015), and Canada (Ng et al., 2014). The studies con-
ducted in China reported two lowest disclosure rates
(Guo et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2017). Of the studies con-
ducted in the United States, two studies in Hispanic/
Latino MSM reported a disclosure rate of 66% (Oster
et al., 2013) and 61% (Joseph et al., 2014), respectively;
and one study in young black MSM reported a disclosure
rate of 62% (Arrington-Sanders et al., 2016).
Associations Between Disclosure and HIV
Testing and Other Health Outcomes
Uptake of HIV testing is one of positive consequences of
disclosure to HCPs. The majority of the quantitative stud-
ies examined the relationship between disclosure and
various aspects of HIV testing among MSM. Disclosure
to HCPs was linked to HCPs’ recommendations of HIV
testing (Bernstein et al., 2008; Petroll & Mosack, 2011;
Wall et al., 2010). Disclosing same-sex behaviors to
HCPs was also associated with MSM’s ever having HIV
testing (Bernstein et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2014; Ludlam
et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2014) and with recent (e.g., in the
past 1 or 2 years) and repeated testing (Chapin-Bardales
et al., 2016; Joseph et al., 2014; Lo et al., 2012; Marcus
et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2014; Oster et al., 2013). However,
one study reported no significant association between
disclosure of same-sex behaviors to HCPs and uptake of
HIV testing among MSM in New York City (Bernstein
et al., 2008).
In addition to HIV testing, disclosure to HCPs might
also be associated with further discussions of HIV risks
between MSM and their doctors as well as uptake of STI
testing and Hepatitis vaccinations. HCPs who were aware
of their patients’ same-sex behaviors were more likely to
ask about the types of sexual behaviors that their patients
had with male and female partners, about their risks for
STI or HIV, and about sexual functioning (Petroll &
Mosack, 2011). MSM who had disclosed their same-sex
behavior to HCPs were more likely to have taken specific
sexual health checks and appropriate STI tests (Ludlam
et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2014). Disclosure to HCPs was also
related to receiving hepatitis A and/or B vaccinations
(Metheny & Stephenson, 2016; Petroll & Mosack, 2011).
Disclosure to HCPs was also related to health service
utilization and general well-being among MSM.
Whitehead and colleagues examined the association
between disclosure and primary care utilization among
the rural LGBT population in the United States
(Whitehead et al., 2016). A “health score” was used to
represent the percentage of health tasks (age-and anat-
omy-appropriate vaccinations and health screenings)
each participant had obtained within a recommended
time-period. The study indicated that openness to HCPs
about sexual behaviors was significantly associated with
higher health scores (Whitehead et al., 2016). Disclosure
to HCPs might also contribute to better psychosocial
well-being for MSM. For example, Ramirez-Valles and
Dirkes reported that MSM who had disclosed to HCPs
reported higher perceived health status and lower depres-
sion than their counterparts who had not disclosed
(Ramirez-Valles et al., 2014).
Factors Influencing Disclosure
In Table 2, we presented main factors that might influ-
ence disclosure to HCPs. These factors identified by the
reviewed studies were categorized into seven domains:
demographic characteristics, socioeconomic characteris-
tics, sexual identity, partner pattern and relationship, indi-
vidual perceptions, HIV-related risk, and health-care
facility characteristics.
Demographic characteristics. Most of studies have exam-
ined how the demographic factors may contribute to
complicated practices of disclosure to HCPs. Race and
ethnicities are key demographic factors investigated in
Table 2. Factors Influencing Disclosure of Same-Sex Behaviors to HCPs.
pattern &
relations MSM’s perceptions Health facility characteristics
place Age Urban Income Edu
with HCPs
with doctors
Adams etal. (2008) Y
Adams etal. (2013) Y
Bernstein etal. (2008) Y Y N Y N Y N
Clover (2006) Y Y
Durso and Meyer (2013) N N Y N Y N Y
Fitzapatrick etal. (1994) Y Y
Guo etal. (2014) N Y N Y N Y
Joseph etal. (2014)
Lo etal. (2012) Y
Ludlam etal. (2015) Y N Y Y
Magnus etal. (2010) Y
Malebranche etal. (2004) Y
Martinez and Hoesek (2005) Y
Metcalfe etal. (2015) Y Y Y Y
Ng etal. (2014) Y Y Y Y Y N
Oster etal. (2013) Y
Petroll and Mitchell (2015) N Y Y Y Y N
Petroll and Mosack (2011) Y Y N N Y
Tang etal. (2017) Y Y
Wall etal. (2010) Y Y Y
Note. Y = investigated by researchers and found to be relevant to disclosure. N = investigated by researchers and found to be nonsignificant. HCPs = health-care providers; MSM = men who have sex
with men.
Qiao et al. 1207
studies among MSM in the United States. MSM of color
were less likely to disclose their same-sex behaviors to
HCPs (Bernstein et al., 2008). Some studies indicated
that Black men were less likely to inform HCPs that they
engaged in same-sex behaviors (Magnus et al., 2010),
compared with White, Latino or Asian men (Petroll &
Mosack, 2011). Wall and colleagues reported that His-
panics were more likely than white non-Hispanics to dis-
close same-sex behaviors to their HCPs; and black race
was not associated with disclosure of same-sex behaviors
to HCPs (Wall et al., 2010). Two recent studies suggested
that race was not related to disclosure (Durso & Meyer,
2013; Petroll & Mitchell, 2015). Several studies investi-
gated the link between place of birth and disclosure. One
of the studies indicated that MSM born in the United
States were 1.9 times more likely to disclose to HCPs
(Bernstein et al., 2008). Oster and colleagues discovered
that MSM born in Central America were less likely to
report ever disclosing same-sex behavior to their HCPs
(Oster et al., 2013). However, Durso and Meyer (2013)
reported that being born outside of the United States was
not a significant predictor for disclosure to HCPs about
same-sex behaviors.
Age is another critical demographic factor that may be
related to disclosure to HCPs. However, the findings are
mixed in our review. Some studies indicated that younger
MSM (i.e., <20 years of age) were more likely to disclose
their same-sex behaviors to HCPs (Wall et al., 2010).
Some studies suggested that older age (i.e., >34 years)
was associated with disclosing to HCPs or reporting their
HCPs awareness of their same-sex behavior (Durso &
Meyer, 2013; Ludlam et al., 2015; Ng et al., 2014; Petroll
& Mitchell, 2015). One study conducted in New York
City reported no association between age and disclosure
(Bernstein et al., 2008). Another study conducted among
migrant MSM in China, reported a lower mean age of the
participants who had disclosed to HCPs, but the associa-
tion did not reach significance in multivariate logistic
regression analysis (Guo et al., 2014).
Socioeconomic characteristics. Higher socioeconomic sta-
tus was associated with a higher disclosure rate. MSM
living in the urban settings, or being originally from
urban areas were more likely to tell their HCPs about
their sexual orientation or same-sex behaviors (Guo et al.,
2014; Petroll & Mosack, 2011; Petroll & Mitchell, 2015).
Higher income was a strong predictor for disclosure of
same-sex behavior to HCPs (Bernstein et al., 2008; Ng
et al., 2014; Petroll & Mosack, 2011; Petroll & Mitchell,
2015). The findings on the role of education level in dis-
closure were mixed. Several studies suggested that higher
education attainment was a facilitator for disclosure to
HCPs (Ng et al., 2014; Petroll & Mitchell, 2015), while
some studies reported no significant association between
education and disclosure (Bernstein et al., 2008; Durso &
Meyer, 2013; Guo et al., 2014; Ludlam et al., 2015;
Petroll & Mosack, 2011).
Sexual identity. Existing literature has explored how sex-
ual identity might influence disclosure of same-sex
behaviors to HCPs among MSM. A study among MSM in
Canada suggested that participants with self-reported
sexual identity as bisexual, queer, two-spirit, or straight
were less likely to tell their same-sex behaviors to HCPs
compared to the ones self-identified as gay (Ng et al.,
2014). One study among MSM in New Zealand indicated
that bisexually identified MSM were less likely than their
gay counterparts to make HCPs aware of their same-sex
behavior (Ludlam et al., 2015). However, a study con-
ducted in New York City suggested that sexual identity
was not a significant predictor for disclosure. Petroll and
Mitchell (2015) also reported that there was no signifi-
cant difference between gay or bisexual men in terms of
disclosure to HCPs.
Partner pattern and relationship. Researchers have
investigated if partner pattern and relationship status
might be associated with disclosure. MSM who had
female partners in the past year were less likely to dis-
close their same-sex behavior to HCPs (Bernstein et al.,
2008). A study conducted among MSM in China sug-
gested that living with a male partner was associated
with disclosure to HCPs (Guo et al., 2014). It was
reported that having male sexual partners currently, or
in the past 6 months, was associated with disclosure to
HCPs (Ng et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2017). However,
several studies suggested there was no significant asso-
ciation between disclosure and being in a stable rela-
tionship with a male partner (Durso & Meyer, 2013;
Petroll & Mosack, 2011).
Individual perceptions. The decision to disclose to HCPs
might be affected by MSM’s individual perceptions and
judgment of the benefits of the disclosure to HCPs (Durso
& Meyer, 2013; Stein & Bonuck, 2001). The factors may
include their openness about their sexual behaviors, per-
ceived stigma and discrimination, and perceived rele-
vancy between disclosure and service-seeking. Durso and
Meyers (2013) explored the relationship between disclo-
sure to friends and disclosure to HCPs, discovering that
time since coming out to an LGB friend was positively
associated with disclosure to HCPs. However, a qualita-
tive study conducted in the UK suggested that openness
about same-sex behaviors might be selective (Clover,
2006). Some men who were usually very open could be
reluctant to talk openly to their HCPs and chose not to
disclose to HCPs due to fears of discrimination or poorer
treatment (Clover, 2006). Disclosing to family or friends
1208 American Journal of Men’s Health 12(5)
about same-sex behavior was not correlated with disclo-
sure to HCPs (Guo et al., 2014).
Stigma and discrimination could be one of the main
reasons for nondisclosure to HCPs. Internalized
homophobia was a prominent reason of nondisclosure
(Durso & Meyer, 2013). Intersecting stigma, multiple
layered stigma that MSM simultaneously experience
because of same-sex behavior and other aspects of their
identities or behaviors, such as their race/ethnicity, drug
use, and experience of commercial sex, impedes their dis-
closure of same-sex behavior to HCPs (Underhill et al.,
2015). Racial and sexual discrimination toward Black
MSM hindered them from disclosing to HCPs
(Malebranche et al., 2004). In-depth interviews among
MSM including male sex workers in a U.S.-based quali-
tative study suggested that male sex workers were less
likely to discuss their same-sex behavior to clinicians
(Underhill et al., 2015).
Another key reason for nondisclosure to HCPs among
MSM is their perceived low relevancy between disclo-
sure to HCPs and the health service they seek. Several
qualitative studies reported that MSM did not tell their
same-sex behaviors to doctors because they believed it
was not important or relevant to their health care (Adams
et al., 2008; Metcalfe et al., 2015). The final decision to
disclose depended on the type of health issue the person
was seeking treatment for (Adams et al., 2008; Lo et al.,
2012). A quantitative study conducted in the UK sug-
gested that the participants who felt that it was important
for the doctor to know about their same-sex behaviors in
clinical visits were more likely to make their HCPs aware
than those who did not feel it was important (Fitzpatrick
et al., 1994).
HIV-related risk. The perceived risks of HIV infections
and other STIs may also affect the decision-making
regarding disclosure to HCPs. For example, the MSM
who suspected their partners having STIs and had a his-
tory of STIs themselves were more likely to tell their
same-sex behaviors to HCPs (Guo et al., 2014). However,
one study reported that self-assessed likelihood of acquir-
ing HIV over one’s lifetime was not significantly associ-
ated with disclosure to HCPs (Ng et al., 2014).
A number of studies investigated high-risk sexual
behaviors among MSM as proxy measures of perceived
risks of HIV infection. There is a lack of consistent find-
ings regarding the relationship between disclosure and
high-risk sexual behaviors. MSM who had disclosed to
HCPs were more likely to report condomless anal inter-
course in past 6 months (Ng et al., 2014). MSM were
more likely to report their same-sex behavior to their
practitioner if they had more than one recent male sexual
partner (Ludlam et al., 2015). Participating in group sex
in the past 12 months and using recreational drugs in the
past month were significantly related to disclosure to
HCPs (Tang et al., 2017). MSM who had been engaged in
sex trade or had experiences in seeking partners on the
Internet were more likely to tell their same-sex behaviors
to HCPs (Guo et al., 2014). However, some studies
reported that disclosure was not significantly associated
with unprotected anal intercourse (Bernstein et al., 2008;
Tang et al., 2017).
The number of male sex partners might be related to
disclosure; but the results were mixed. Some studies indi-
cated that large numbers of male sex partners was associ-
ated with higher rate of disclosure to HCPs or HCPs’
awareness of same-sex behaviors (Ludlam et al., 2015;
Wall et al., 2010). Some studies reported no significant
association between disclosure and having a large num-
ber of male partners in the past year or the past week
(Bernstein et al., 2008; Guo et al., 2014).
Health-care facility characteristics. Disclosure to HCPs is
complicated and challenging for MSM. The majority of
such communications occurs in clinic settings and may
be affected by features of the health-care facilities, includ-
ing the characteristics of HCPs, relationships of MSM
and their HCPs, and the MSM’s past experiences with
health-care facilities.
Gay or gay-friendly doctors were perceived as safer
targets of disclosure. Petroll and Mosack (2011) reported
that MSM were more likely to disclose to gay and younger
HCPs. A qualitative study among HIV-positive MSM
suggested that male doctors were more likely than female
doctors to be informed about a patient’s same-sex behav-
iors. In addition, MSM who viewed their doctors as
unsympathetic toward MSM tended not to talk with their
doctors about same-sex behaviors (Underhill et al., 2015).
Clinics with LGBT signs and gender-neutral language
were viewed as a safer context for disclosure (Metcalfe
et al., 2015).
Trusting relationships with health-care providers
could facilitate communication on accurate information
about sexual behaviors (Martinez & Hosek, 2005). MSM
who believed that they did not need support from HCPs
might not discuss their same-sex behaviors with HCPs
(Metcalfe et al., 2015). One of basic reasons for nondis-
closure to HCPs was the concerns for confidentiality
breach. Many MSM were reluctant in disclosing to HCPs
because they did not want their same-sex behaviors being
documented in their medical records.
Past communication patterns with doctors and previous
experiences in health-care facilities might also affect dis-
closure practice. For example, some MSM attributed their
nondisclosure to the ways in which HCPs communicated
with them. MSM did not disclose because the HCPs never
asked about sexual orientation or same-sex behaviors
(Metcalfe et al., 2015). Likewise, some studies indicated
Qiao et al. 1209
that having previous communications about substance use,
sex, and HIV facilitated disclosure (Klitzman & Greenberg,
2002; Meckler, Elliott, Kanouse, Beals, & Schuster, 2006).
Previous negative experiences affected MSM expectations
for health-care services and further influenced their deci-
sion-making regarding disclosure. Experiences with soci-
etal and institutional racism influenced the openness of
Black MSM to speak with HCPs about their sexuality.
Black MSM did not openly talk about same-sex behaviors
to their doctors due to fear of additional discrimination
(Malebranche et al., 2004). Fear of discrimination or poor
treatment has led some MSM to choose not to disclose to
HCPs (Clover, 2006).
Summary of Main Findings
This literature review synthesizes current findings regard-
ing MSM’s disclosure of same-sex behaviors or sex orien-
tation to health-care providers, examines the relationship
between disclosure to HCPs and HIV-testing, and elabo-
rates the potential factors affecting disclosure to HCPs in
clinic settings. In summary, the disclosure rates varied
across subgroups and study settings, ranging from 16% to
90%, with a median as 61%. Studies on disclosure of
same-sex behaviors to HCPs were limited in developing
countries. Generally, disclosure to HCPs was positively
associated with uptake of HIV-testing. Disclosed MSM
also reported more health-care utilization, better perceived
health status, and lower depression. MSMs in urban set-
tings, with higher education levels and higher income,
were more likely to disclose. Ethnic minority status was
related to nondisclosure. Younger or gay-friendly doctors
were perceived as safer targets of disclosure. Having previ-
ous communications about substance use, sex, and HIV
facilitated disclosure. Clinics with LGBT signs and gen-
der-neutral language were viewed as a safer context for
disclosure. The main reasons for nondisclosure included
HCPs never asking about same-sex behaviors and MSM
worrying about confidentiality or perceiving irrelevance
between disclosure and health-care seeking.
Our review suggests that MSM’s disclosure to HCPs is
a significant area in HIV prevention and treatment among
MSM. Empirical studies confirm a positive link between
sexual behavior/identity disclosure and engagement in
HIV prevention. Awareness of patients’ sexual behaviors
can help HCPs realize individuals’ needs for HIV preven-
tion and care and thus provide tailored sexual health care,
including routine screenings of HIV and STIs, hepatitis
vaccinations, and other biomedical prevention methods
(e.g., PrEP). Promoting disclosure to HCPs could be a
promising strategy to increase MSM’s linkage to HIV
prevention and care.
The current review also identifies multiple layers of
barriers for MSM’s disclosure to HCPs, ranging from
individual-level features (such as age, race, sexual iden-
tity, and perceptions of disclosure), characteristics of
health-care facilities, and structural-level factors (stigma
and discrimination, poverty, and low socioeconomic sta-
tus). Social ecological model could facilitate understand-
ing how these factors interplay together in impeding
MSM’s disclosure. Given the importance of health-care
facilities in the decision-making and process of MSM’s
disclosure, creating a gay-friendly context and providing
appropriate training for HCPs could be a promising strat-
egy to promote disclosure and increase MSM’s linkage to
HIV-related service.
Knowledge Gaps
Caution is needed in understanding and interpreting the
exploratory and mixed findings given the following limi-
tations of the existing empirical studies. First, there is a
lack of theoretical frameworks to guide existing studies.
Without a solid theoretical ground, the majority of empir-
ical studies on MSM’s disclosure in clinical settings yield
descriptive analysis or simple examinations of potential
associations rather than systematical hypothesis-testing
guided by a conceptual framework. The minority stress
proposed by Meyer (2003) might be a potential frame-
work that could be adapted for organizing and synthesiz-
ing empirical findings in the future.
Second, there is a prominent research gap between
high-income countries and low- and middle-income
countries, especially some sub-Saharan countries where
cultural context, social norms, as well as policies and leg-
islation have interwoven a net of stigma and discrimina-
tion against same-sex behaviors and/or MSM (Itaborahy,
2012; Risher et al., 2013; Wirtz et al., 2014; Wolf, Cheng,
Kapesa, & Castor, 2013). As MSM have been strongly
marginalized or criminalized in these societies, it is not
surprising that research and intervention efforts for this
group are also limited.
Third, existing literature might have methodological
issues in terms of study design, sampling and recruitment
strategies, and measurement. A dearth of longitudinal
studies limits the ability to investigate the causal relation-
ship between disclosure to HCPs and HIV-testing behav-
ior. Without longitudinal studies, it is also hard to explore
the dynamics of process in which potential factors affect
the decision-making and practices regarding disclosure to
It is notable that almost all the empirical studies in the
current review, including qualitative studies, examined
the disclosure issues only from the perspectives of MSM.
The dearth of data collected from health-care providers
prevents us from learning the perceptions and practices of
1210 American Journal of Men’s Health 12(5)
HCPs, thus we have fewer opportunities to obtain a more
comprehensive picture of disclosure issues in health-care
services. However, one study has identified that HCPs
asking about sexual identity and behavior could help
MSM disclosure their same-sex behavior (Fitzapatrick
et al., 1994). This study suggested the importance to com-
prehensively investigate the role of communication
between HCPs and their patients in clinical settings.
Another trend in sample recruitment is that increasing
number of studies have applied social media (e.g.,
Facebook, websites) as tools of recruiting MSM and col-
lecting quantitative data. The different approaches in
sampling and data collection may contribute to inconsis-
tency of results. However, the representativeness and the
validity of the data collected through this approach has
been assessed and compared with the ones collected
through other approach and venues, such as behavioral
surveillance survey or gay bars, which suggested consis-
tent findings by the two survey methods (Raymond et al.,
The mixed results could be attributed to the diversity
of measurement instruments for key variables used in the
existing studies. For example, so far there was no stan-
dardized measure to assess the disclosure of same-sex
behaviors to HCPs. Some examined disclosure of same-
sex behaviors, some focused on sexual orientation, some
asked about MSM’s disclosure behaviors, while others
asked MSM to report HCPs’ awareness of same-sex
behaviors. As for the measurement of HIV-testing, there
were also different measures with various recall periods.
The various measures largely impede us from comparing
and synthesizing results across studies.
Limitations of the Current Review
The review is subject to the following limitations. First,
the number of reviewed studies was limited by our
research protocol. Although we used a search algorithm
combing various key terms, we might not include all rel-
evant keywords. The narrow scope of the search algo-
rithm limits our reaching out full literature on the research
topic. Second, only the peer-reviewed journal papers
published in English were retrieved. Empirical studies
published in other languages, in project reports, and other
grey literature were not included in the current review.
This limitation might contribute to the lack of studies on
MSM in Africa and Latin America in our review. Third, a
few studies on disclosure of sexual behaviors among
LGBT were not included in the review. In these studies,
MSM were usually part of the study sample. The findings
for MSM subgroups were not explicitly reported in the
original papers, and thus were not extracted and summa-
rized in the current review. Fourth, we were not able to
conduct a meta-analysis on the association between
disclosure of same-sex behavior in clinical setting and
uptake of HIV-testing due to the diversity of measures for
both variables. Finally, without the guidance of a theo-
retical framework, we did not investigate dynamics or
mechanisms of how the various factors facilitate or
impede the disclosure in clinical settings.
Implications to Research and
In despite of these limitations, existing literature has
demonstrated the importance of MSM’s disclosure to
their HCPs in terms of accessing HIV prevention and
treatment as well as receiving higher quality of care ser-
vice that meet their needs. The findings based on empiri-
cal evidence have the following implications for public
health professionals and health-care practitioners. First,
promoting disclosure of same-sex behavior to health-care
providers should be incorporated into HIV prevention
and routine health-care interventions for MSM. Awareness
of same-sex behaviors and knowledge of sex history will
assist HCPs to develop more individualized and effective
care service and examinations including optimizing the
benefits of biomedical prevention technologies such as
PrEP (Underhill et al., 2015).
Second, future research and intervention efforts should
be concentrated in the most vulnerable and marginalized
MSM groups who are suffering from intersectional stigma
and multiple layered health inequalities. Disclosure to
HCPs is far from universal practice among MSM, even in
the high-income countries. MSM (sexual minorities) who
are African Americans (racial minorities) or rural resi-
dents (geographical minorities) face triple difficulties in
disclosure practice and should be given priorities in future
intervention efforts and resources distribution. In the
regions where medical mistrust and concerns regarding
disclosure are often compounded by health inequality and
intersectional stigma, promotion of disclosure could be
integrated into human rights advocacy for MSM as well as
in stigma and health disparity reduction campaigns in
medical institutions (Muzyamba, Broaddus, & Campbell,
Third, health-care providers play a critical role in ini-
tiating discussion about sexual behaviors. Many MSM
have worried that disclosure might lead to discrimination
and poor health-care service. Their concerns may come
from fears of racial and sexual discrimination and are
often exaggerated by their negative encounters and expe-
riences within health-care facilities. Positive and gay-
friendly attitudes of HCPs, trust relationship between
HCPs and their patients, and effective confidentiality pro-
tection will facilitate disclosure. In addition, HCPs need
advanced communication skills and experiences, espe-
cially in terms of probing and guiding discussions on
Qiao et al. 1211
sensitive topic such as sexual orientation and behaviors.
Literature on disclosure issues in clinical settings among
LGBT suggested that this population expect their HCPs
to initiate such discussion (McNair, Hegarty, & Taft,
2012; Pierre, 2012). Therefore, potential strategies for
capacity building of health-care facilities in terms of dis-
closure promotion may include providing special sensi-
tivity training and health communication workshops that
focus on disclosure issues among HCPs, and remodeling
the clinical environment to provide a gay-friendly context
to facilitate disclosure.
Future Directions
Based on the synthesis of empirical evidence and analysis
of limitations of existing literature, we propose several
suggestions for future study in this topic. First, more the-
oretical studies are needed to develop solidly conceptual
frameworks as blueprints for empirical studies and inter-
vention. Recent literature review and theoretical studies
on lesbians’ disclosure of same-sex behaviors to HCPs
could shed insights on disclosure issues among MSM.
For example, an identified disclosure model developed
by McNair and colleagues posited that disclosure patterns
were mainly influenced by sexual identity experience, the
risk of disclosure perceived, and the quality of the
patient–provider relationship. They further explained
how the three influences interact with each other (McNair
et al., 2012).
Second, future studies also need to pay more attention
to methodology issues. With the guidance of theoretical
models, there can be more accurate and consistent mea-
surement instruments developed and applied in empirical
studies. Research is needed in psychometric evaluation of
scales and measures and comparison of validity and reli-
ability by different approach in sample recruitment and
data collection.
Third, health education intervention for MSM and
health communication training projects for HCPs are
needed to promote disclosure of sexual behaviors in clini-
cal settings. To the best of our knowledge, there have no
health intervention projects with a focus on MSM’s dis-
closure of sexual behaviors or orientation to HCPs. Some
sensitization trainings among HCPs in Africa have shown
the efforts in this direction with some preliminary effi-
cacy (Elst et al., 2013).
In summary, disclosure to HCPs about same-sex behav-
ior could promote uptake of HIV testing and other routine
screenings among MSM, increase their health-care utiliza-
tion, and improve their access to biomedical HIV preven-
tion technologies. Disclosure issues among MSM in
clinical settings are related to decision-making, health
communication, patient–provider relationship, clinical
training and guidelines, and stigma and discrimination in
health facilities and society. Research and intervention
efforts need multidisciplinary perspectives and collabora-
tion. Effective communication and early disclosure of
same-sex behaviors will assist HCPs to provide more indi-
vidualized and appropriate care services and will optimize
the health-care benefits for MSM.
The authors wish to thank Christine Beyer for her contribution
to language editions. We also appreciate the support from
Wendi Da, Yanping Jiang, and Rifat Haider in the manuscript
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The
study was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) [grant
numbers R01HD074221, R21AI122919 and MH0112376]. The
content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Ethical Approval
All procedures performed in studies involving human partici-
pants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the insti-
tutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964
Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable
ethical standards.
Informed Consent
Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants
included in the study.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... There was a possibility that the intersection of mpox and HIV raised a health concern among heterosexual persons who had multiple sex partners, making them feel a need to receive mpox vaccines. Meanwhile, we should also consider the high occurrence of MSM's concealing same-sex behaviors to healthcare providers in China (45,46). Existing evidence suggested that concealers were more likely to be MSM who were less experienced in HIV testing, had lower selfperceived risk of HIV infection, and had not received HIV-related medical care (46)(47)(48). ...
... Meanwhile, we should also consider the high occurrence of MSM's concealing same-sex behaviors to healthcare providers in China (45,46). Existing evidence suggested that concealers were more likely to be MSM who were less experienced in HIV testing, had lower selfperceived risk of HIV infection, and had not received HIV-related medical care (46)(47)(48). Notably, closeting about sexual orientation can undermine healthcare service utilization, such as STI screening, vaccine uptake, and preventive information seeking (11,45). Therefore, we believe that the expanded vaccine eligibility for both HIV-infected and-suspected persons inclusive of diverse sexual orientation should be considered and carefully assessed in the development of the vaccination and immunization guidelines for fostering high efficacy of mitigation measures against mpox (29). ...
Full-text available
Objective This study aimed to update baseline data on monkeypox (mpox)-related knowledge and vaccination willingness among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosed and suspected males. Methods The cross-sectional survey was conducted in Changsha, a provincial capital in China, during 5 JULY to 5 SEPTEMBER 2023. Among the three study groups, the participants in the “previously diagnosed” group were recruited from a cohort of HIV-infected patients. The “newly diagnosed” and the “suspected” groups were recruited from the outpatients and grouped according to their confirmatory test results. The the exploratory factor analysis was firstly applied to capture the latent structure of participants’ response to the questionnaire about monkeypox. The component and factor scores were compared between groups using the Kruskal-Wallis H tests. The chi-square test was then used to assess the difference of mpox vaccination willingness between MSM and non-MSM in each group. Finally, multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the determinants of vaccination willingness. Results A total of 481 males were included in the final analysis. The results revealed that there was a gap in knowledge about monkeypox between the three participant groups. The vaccination willingness rate of HIV-infected participants was above 90%, while the rate in the HIV-suspected group was 72.60%. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the previously diagnosed group (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.314, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.105–0.940) and the suspected group (aOR = 0.111, 95% CI: 0.034–0.363) had a lower level of vaccination willingness and they were referred to the newly diagnosed group. Participants in the age groups ranging 25–34 (aOR = 0.287, 95% CI: 0.086–0.959) and 35–44 (aOR = 0.136, 95% CI: 0.039–0.478) years showed a lower level of vaccination willingness, referred to the 15–24 year age group. A better knowledge about monkeypox was associated with a higher level of vaccination willingness (aOR = 1.701, 95% CI: 1.165–2.483). Additionally, a considerable percentage of heterosexual individuals in each group indicated their acceptance of monkeypox vaccines. Conclusion An overall high level of vaccination willingness was observed among HIV-infected and-suspected male individuals with disparities noted among those with different HIV infection status, knowledge levels of monkeypox, and age. Addressing the existing knowledge gap and engaging people with persistent risks—regardless of their sexual orientation—for a timely HIV diagnosis may facilitate vaccine-based mitigation measures against monkeypox.
... Stigma towards GBM and a lack of cultural competence engaging in their health needs have meant that GBM have often been sceptical about disclosing their sexuality to clinicians and seeking HIV and STI screening (Baker and Beagan, 2014;Keogh et al., 2004;McNair et al., 2012;Qiao et al., 2018). Some GBM also do not see their sexual orientation as relevant to their care, and do not disclose unless a clinician directly asks. ...
Full-text available
Patient work refers to the quotidian labour undertaken by individuals to manage health, often unrecognised by health systems. This article argues that anticipated and received stigma and inclusivity labour comprise additional forms of patient work specific to minority populations. We draw on a case study of gay and bisexual men's experiences accessing healthcare services related to HIV prevention and testing in New South Wales (NSW), Australia's most populous state. Although new HIV diagnoses have reduced in NSW, these declines have not been uniformly observed. This study aimed to understand experiences of stigma related to accessing healthcare amongst two priority populations identified in the state's HIV strategy: gay and bisexual men who are young or who are living in regional and outer metropolitan suburbs. We interviewed 32 participants in 2023, recruited via social media advertisements and email invitations, and analysed data thematically. Our findings emphasise how disclosure of sexual orientation and/or HIV status operates as a form of inclusivity labour, in which patients look for cues from health providers that disclosure will be safe and respected. Other forms of patient work required to navigate access to HIV prevention services included finding appropriate providers likely to prescribe HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and managing service refusal from general practitioners. Patient work appeared to also be compounded by intersecting issues of anticipated and vicarious stigma, unavailability of sexual health services in regional areas, long waiting times, and increased costs of healthcare services. Although experiences of enacted stigma in healthcare were infrequently reported, interview accounts suggested that participants undertook extensive patient work to minimise or avoid stigmatising encounters with health providers. Focusing on patient work in the context of stigma illuminates the labour of underserved populations required to access safe and culturally competent healthcare services (including HIV prevention and testing), suggesting areas of unmet need from health systems.
... Lastly, the majority of the synthesized studies were conducted in urban environments, leaving a gap for research focused on discrimination and sexual health in rural settings to be explored. Extant literature has displayed different considerations for MSM seeking PrEP and disclosing their sexual identity to providers in rural areas due to differences in LGBTQ+ discrimination experiences and access to care [55][56][57]. As some studies found differences in sexual health and discrimination in the South [32,37], it is important for research to account for geography to understand how these experiences differ across regions and could impact sexual health care. ...
Full-text available
Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (BMSM) experience the highest rates of HIV acquisition annually out of any population in the United States, and young BMSM (YBMSM) are heavily impacted by this inequity as they enter adulthood. Despite a high annual HIV incidence, extant literature has found BMSM to engage in fewer sexual risk behaviors than White and Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men, resulting in a gap between risk behaviors and the inequity of HIV infection. Structural factors, such as racism and homophobia, are thus being examined in order to understand this disconnect between behavior and HIV incidence. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the discrimination experiences of YBMSM due to racism and homophobia in the United States and to evaluate the effect of these experiences on their sexual health. Four databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL Complete, APA PsycINFO, and Sociology Source Ultimate) were searched to examine the available qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method studies relevant to the research question. Out of 17 included studies, the majority were qualitative in design and were conducted in urban settings. Racism and homophobia affected YBMSM’s sense of belonging, sexual identity, and sexual partnership choices. Often, masculinity would interact with these two constructs to impact how YBMSM engaged in sexual behavior, such as condomless sex, as well as their likelihood to seek sexual health care. Future research is needed to fully understand the relationships between discrimination and sexual health to develop effective structurally responsive interventions that will help decrease the inequities experienced by YBMSM.
... (3) the majority of patients (79.93%) were taking first-line antiviral drugs; and (4) the primary gene subtypes were CRF07_BC and CRF01_ AE. Compared with transmission among heterosexual individuals, MSM are younger, unmarried, and better-educated (19). However, MSMs are more likely to conceal their sexual orientation, which can cause intrafamily transmission and spread HIV to the general population (20). ...
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Background Over the past decade, sexual transmission has become a dominant source of new HIV-1 infection in China. However, very few studies have been conducted to characterize the two sexual transmissions, homosexual and heterosexual transmission. This study was conducted to better understand the relationship between genotypes, drug resistance, and molecular transmission networks in two groups of sexually transmitted HIV-1 in Ningxia, China. Methods Plasma samples were collected from sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS patients in Ningxia between 2020 and 2021 for RNA extraction followed by HIV-1 genome sequencing, genotype and drug resistance analyses. The TN93 model in HyPhy2.2.4 with 1.25% as the threshold, was used to calculate the gene distance, and Cytoscape3.7.0 was used to generate a visual molecular transmission network. Results A total of 269 samples were successfully sequenced, and 10 HIV-1 subtypes were detected. The two most common subtypes were CRF07_BC and CRF01_AE. All 10 subtypes were detected in heterosexually transmitted patients, and 7 subtypes were found in homosexually transmitted patients who were exclusively men sex with men (MSM). The drug resistance rates of heterosexual individuals and MSMs were 45.34 and 33.33%, respectively. Sequences from 120 patients entered the molecular transmission network, forming 35 clusters. The clustering rate for MSM (52.78%) was higher than that of heterosexual individuals (39.13%). Some MSM and HSTs were involved in the same cluster and might act as bridges for transmission between the two populations. Conclusion Our data showed that heterosexually transmitted HIV-1 was more likely to be a drug-resistant virus, whereas MSM was more likely to contract viruses through network connection. It is strongly recommended that resistance testing be conducted before ART to improve effective treatment and reduce the spread of resistant viruses. Molecular networks can help to identify transmission clusters and provide more precise interventions.
... The association between primary healthcare provider access and the use of other clinics is modeled as both a parallel and serial mediation for two reasons. First, we examine parallel paths to account for participants who may have a primary healthcare provider but opt to visit specialized sexual health clinics (e.g., due to a lack of comfort with primary healthcare providers or primary healthcare provider's lack of familiarity with GBM sexual health; Nowaskie & Sowinski, 2019;Qiao et al., 2018). Second, a serial path was examined leading from primary healthcare use to other sexual clinic use to account for the possibility that those who do not have a primary healthcare provider may instead use specialized clinics for their sexual health needs. ...
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Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) are more likely to be diagnosed with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) compared with the general population. Although newcomers generally experience a health advantage in Canada compared with non‐immigrants and more established immigrants (i.e., healthy immigrant effect), they also experience disparities in access to healthcare services. These disparities, in turn, may lead to unique vulnerabilities for the sexual health of GBM immigrants. We examined disparities in healthcare access, STI testing, and HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use among immigrant and non‐immigrant GBM. Using baseline data (collected between February 2017 and August 2019) from a multisite cohort study of GBM in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal ( n = 2449), we found that newcomer GBM (migrated ≤ 5 years prior) were less likely to report having a primary healthcare provider than non‐immigrants. This had a weak indirect effect in mediating both access to STI testing and the use of HIV PrEP. These disparities dissipated after controlling for migration precarity (e.g., refugees and those without permanent residency), suggesting that disparities in newcomer GBM healthcare access may, in part, be driven by the large number of newcomers with precarious migration statuses. Public Significance Statement : New immigrants tend to be less likely to have a primary healthcare provider or use other sexual health clinics, which can have adverse consequences for sexual health. This disparity appears to be largely concentrated among temporary foreign workers, international students, and refugees. Interventions should target policies that increase the number of primary healthcare providers, and address immigration policies that lead to fear of deportation due to one's health.
... El abordaje de la salud sexual y de la diversidad sexual requieren una mirada holística, crítica e integradora; para poder lograrla implica el trabajo interdisciplinario, pero también el terreno político y personal. Siendo la salud sexual un punto de encuentro de todos los profesionales de la salud, que va de la mano con sus propias experiencias y vivencias debido a que estos profesionales formados, así como aquellos que están en formación, no solo son observadores neutros 259 a distancia que dan recomendaciones a las personas que atienden, sino que también son sujetos de sus propias experiencias y vivencias en su sexualidad (Qiao et al., 2018). ...
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La complejidad de la sexualidad humana implica un enfoque holístico y crítico, considera las experiencias y vivencias personales de los profesionales de la salud, quienes no son observadores neutrales, sino sujetos de su propia sexualidad. Las ciencias de la salud no equipan a los profesionales con herramientas adecuadas para abordar la sexualidad de manera integral, evitando producir violencia sistemática y políticas públicas perjudiciales. Por lo que este ensayo tiene por objetivo reflexionar las categorías de “disidencia sexual” Latinoamericana en comparación con la categoría de “diversidad sexual” para una aplicación en las ciencias de la salud. Las ciencias sociales han abordado la salud y la enfermedad, subrayando la importancia de reducir las inequidades en grupos vulnerables. Se destaca la necesidad de un posicionamiento teórico-metodológico en la investigación. Las perspectivas latinoamericanas son reconocidas por su enfoque en las historias personales y la retroalimentación comunitaria. Son importantes las experiencias de las disidencias sexuales en la reflexión de los profesionales de salud, la heteronormatividad influye en la internalización de desigualdades. Se aboga por cuestionar y potencialmente romper con estas normativas en la formación y práctica profesional siendo necesaria una postura de justicia social desde las ciencias de la salud. La categoría de disidencia sexual proporciona herramientas teórico-metodológicas para explicar mejor el proceso de salud y enfermedad. Aborda las inequidades en salud que enfrentan las poblaciones vulnerables, incluyendo a los investigadores. Se enfatiza la necesidad de reflexionar desde las realidades latinoamericanas, reconociendo identidades no normativas y desafiando modelos dominantes como el colonialismo. Se critica la normalización y mercantilización de estas identidades y se insta a los profesionales de la salud a reconocer estas condiciones. Finalmente, se aboga por una organización colectiva y el uso de conocimientos de la medicina social y las ciencias sociomédicas para promover un cambio social transformador.
... El abordaje de la salud sexual y de la diversidad sexual requieren una mirada holística, crítica e integradora; para poder lograrla implica el trabajo interdisciplinario, pero también el terreno político y personal. Siendo la salud sexual un punto de encuentro de todos los profesionales de la salud, que va de la mano con sus propias experiencias y vivencias debido a que estos profesionales formados, así como aquellos que están en formación, no solo son observadores neutros 259 a distancia que dan recomendaciones a las personas que atienden, sino que también son sujetos de sus propias experiencias y vivencias en su sexualidad (Qiao et al., 2018). ...
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El capítulo presenta una serie de reflexiones con relación al ser humano y el mundo que lo rodea desde las diversas experiencias etnográficas con pueblos originarios, personas en sus trayectorias de migración o bien en sus procesos de asentamiento en nuevos sitios de destino. Aporta una reflexión sobre la discusión entre el Antropoceno y el Capitaloceno y da ejemplos de casos epistemológicos distintos sobre salud y ciencias sociales.
... LGBTIQ+ patients have documented experiences of being stereotyped by healthcare providers as engaging in high-risk behavior, even when they espouse safe-sex practices or asexuality (e.g., Arscott et al., 2020;Casanova-Perez et al., 2021). In patient-provider interactions, expectations of being stereotyped as likely to be diseased also have been found to limit disclosure of sexual identity and relevant health behaviors (Cipollina & Nicolas, 2024), which in turn, can reduce the quality of treatments that LGBTIQ+ patients receive (e.g., Qiao et al., 2018). Anticipation of negative provider reactions to sexual identity disclosure was demonstrated in research with young LGBTIQ+ adults who reported not wanting to be treated differently, not wanting to talk about their sexual orientation or gender identity with providers, and fears of what providers might say (Rossman et al., 2017). ...
Research on LGBTIQ+ populations has focused primarily on identifying problems in the community (e.g., health disparities) and their predictors (e.g., minority stressors, discrimination). Scholars have argued that the approach of highlighting “damage” or deficits has been helpful for advocacy but has also harmed this community by perpetuating stereotypes (e.g., LGBTIQ+ individuals are unhealthy), ignoring or devaluing positive LGBTIQ+ experiences, and contributing to negative interactions in healthcare settings. To evaluate the extent to which a damage‐centered approach dominates the body of available research, the authors of this article conducted a content analysis of articles related to LGBTIQ+ health published in the Journal of Social Issues (JSI). The content analysis of 45 years of published manuscripts (1978–2023) revealed a strong emphasis on damage‐centered themes. In response, this article advocates for structural changes that may lead to an increase in research that focuses LGBTIQ+ experiences more holistically, with the overarching goal of reimaging LGBTIQ+ research. Such suggested changes include concentrated research funding and publishing opportunities, medical training that emphasizes a strengths‐based focus, and function‐oriented and autonomy‐promoting LGBTIQ+ research. This article suggests strategies to improve patient‐provider interactions in healthcare and enhance the overall well‐being of LGBTIQ+ communities. It advocates for a deliberate expansion towards a more holistic, less damage‐centered body of research in LGBTIQ+ psychology.
The 2022 mpox epidemic predominantly affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM). Led by a provincial community program and co-galvanized by clinician-researchers, GBM community leaders in Ontario coordinated a robust response, representing a reproducible strategy for community engagement and mobilization during future epidemics.
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Though men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), factors that impact STI testing adherence among non-single MSM remain under-explored. While being in a relationship per se does not necessarily increase one’s risk for STIs, certain behavioral risks and demographic factors may impact STI testing adherence. Through a sample of 296 non-single MSM located in the United States, we examined key behavioral and demographic factors and their associations with adherence to CDC’s STI testing guidelines. Overall, the results showed inconsistent STI testing adherence rates among divergent subgroups of higher-risk non-single MSM. First, non-single MSM who take PrEP were more likely to adhere to STI testing and showed significantly higher adherence rates than those who do not take PrEP, but adherence rates were not related to nor significantly different than those who reported extra-relational sex or condomless anal sex. Further, STI testing adherence was positively associated with having a shorter relationship length, identifying as non-White, and living in an LGBTQ+-friendly neighborhood. Practical implications and recommendations for clinical practices, persuasive messages, and promotion strategies are discussed.
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Many men who have sex with men (MSM) in China are "in the closet." The low rate of disclosure may impact sexual behaviours, testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and diseases transmission. This study examines factors associated with overall sexual orientation disclosure and disclosure to healthcare professionals. A nationwide cross-sectional online survey was conducted from September 2014 to October 2014 in China. Participants completed questions covering socio-demographic information, sexual behaviours, HIV/STI testing history, and self-reported HIV status. We defined healthcare professional disclosure as disclosing to a doctor or other medical provider. A total of 1819 men started the survey and 1424 (78.3%) completed it. Among the 1424 participants, 62.2% (886/1424) reported overall disclosure, and 16.3% (232/1424) disclosed to healthcare professionals. In multivariate analyses, the odds of sexual orientation disclosure were 56% higher among MSM who used smartphone-based, sex-seeking applications [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.56, 95% CI: 1.25-2.95], but were lower among MSM reporting sex while drunk or recreational drug use. The odds of disclosure to a healthcare professional were greater among MSM who had ever tested for HIV or STIs (aOR = 3.36, 95% CI: 2.50-4.51 for HIV, and aOR = 4.92, 95% CI: 3.47-6.96 for STIs, respectively) or self-reported as living with HIV (aOR = 1.59, 95% CI: 0.93-2.72). Over 80% of MSM had not disclosed their sexual orientation to health professionals. This low level of disclosure likely represents a major obstacle to serving the unique needs of MSM in clinical settings. Further research and interventions to facilitate MSM sexual orientation disclosure, especially to health professionals, are urgently needed.
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OBJECTIVE: Public health research on inequalities in Canada depends heavily on population data sets such as the Canadian Community Health Survey. While sexual orientation has three dimensions – identity, behaviour and attraction – Statistics Canada and public health agencies assess sexual orientation with a single questionnaire item on identity, defined behaviourally. This study aims to evaluate this item, to allow for clearer interpretation of sexual orientation frequencies and inequalities. METHODS: Through an online convenience sampling of Canadians ≥14 years of age, participants ( n = 311) completed the Statistics Canada question and a second set of sexual orientation questions. RESULTS: The single-item question had an 85.8% sensitivity in capturing sexual minorities, broadly defined by their sexual identity, lifetime behaviour and attraction. Kappa statistic for agreement between the single item and sexual identity was 0.89; with past year, lifetime behaviour and attraction were 0.39, 0.48 and 0.57 respectively. The item captured 99.3% of those with a sexual minority identity, 84.2% of those with any lifetime same-sex partners, 98.4% with a past-year same-sex partner, and 97.8% who indicated at least equal attraction to same-sex persons. CONCLUSION: Findings from Statistics Canada surveys can be best interpreted as applying to those who identify as sexual minorities. Analyses using this measure will underidentify those with same-sex partners or attractions who do not identify as a sexual minority, and should be interpreted accordingly. To understand patterns of sexual minority health in Canada, there is a need to incorporate other dimensions of sexual orientation.
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Background: Many men who have sex with men (MSM) in China are “in the closet.” The low rate of disclosure may impact sexual behaviours, testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and diseases transmission. This study examines factors associated with overall sexual orientation disclosure and disclosure to healthcare professionals. Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional online survey was conducted from September 2014 to October 2014 in China. Participants completed questions covering socio-demographic information, sexual behaviours, HIV/STI testing history, and self-reported HIV status. We defined healthcare professional disclosure as disclosing to a doctor or other medical provider. Results: A total of 1819 men started the survey and 1424 (78.3%) completed it. Among the 1424 participants, 62.2% (886/1424) reported overall disclosure, and 16.3% (232/1424) disclosed to healthcare professionals. In multivariate analyses, the odds of sexual orientation disclosure were 56% higher among MSM who used smartphone-based, sex-seeking applications [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.56, 95% CI: 1.25–2.95], but were lower among MSM reporting sex while drunk or recreational drug use. The odds of disclosure to a healthcare professional were greater among MSM who had ever tested for HIV or STIs (aOR = 3.36, 95% CI: 2.50–4.51 for HIV, and aOR = 4.92, 95% CI: 3.47–6.96 for STIs, respectively) or self-reported as living with HIV (aOR = 1.59, 95% CI: 0.93–2.72). Conclusion: Over 80% of MSM had not disclosed their sexual orientation to health professionals. This low level of disclosure likely represents a major obstacle to serving the unique needs of MSM in clinical settings. Further research and interventions to facilitate MSM sexual orientation disclosure, especially to health professionals, are urgently needed.
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Meningococcal serogroup C (MenC) vaccination of men who have sex with men (MSM) was temporarily recommended to control an outbreak of invasive MenC disease among MSM in Berlin in 2012–2013. Vaccination was offered to HIV-infected MSM free of charge; others had to request reimbursement or pay out of pocket. We aimed to assess (i) awareness and acceptance of this recommendation through an online survey of MSM, (ii) implementation through a survey of primary care physicians and analysis of vaccine prescriptions, and (iii) impact through analysis of notified cases. Among online survey respondents, 60% were aware of the recommendation. Of these, 39% had obtained vaccination (70% of HIV-infected, 13% of HIV-negative/non-tested MSM). Awareness of recommendation and vaccination were positively associated with HIV infection, primary care physicians’ awareness of respondents’ sexual orientation, and exposure to multiple information sources. Most (26/30) physicians informed clients about the recommendation. Physicians considered concerns regarding reimbursement, vaccine safety and lack of perceived disease risk as primary barriers. After the recommendation, no further outbreak-related cases occurred. To reach and motivate target groups, communication of a new outbreak-related vaccination recommendation should address potential concerns through as many information channels as possible and direct reimbursement of costs should be enabled.
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Background: Prior studies have noted significant health disadvantages experienced by LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) populations in the US. While several studies have identified that fears or experiences of stigma and disclosure of sexual orientation and/or gender identity to health care providers are significant barriers to health care utilization for LGBT people, these studies have concentrated almost exclusively on urban samples. Little is known about the impact of stigma specifically for rural LGBT populations, who may have less access to quality, LGBT-sensitive care than LGBT people in urban centers. Methodology: LBGT individuals residing in rural areas of the United States were recruited online to participate in a survey examining the relationship between stigma, disclosure and "outness," and utilization of primary care services. Data were collected and analyzed regarding LGBT individuals' demographics, health care access, health risk factors, health status, outness to social contacts and primary care provider, and anticipated, internalized, and enacted stigmas. Results: Higher scores on stigma scales were associated with lower utilization of health services for the transgender & non-binary group, while higher levels of disclosure of sexual orientation were associated with greater utilization of health services for cisgender men. Conclusions: The results demonstrate the role of stigma in shaping access to primary health care among rural LGBT people and point to the need for interventions focused towards decreasing stigma in health care settings or increasing patients' disclosure of orientation or gender identity to providers. Such interventions have the potential to increase utilization of primary and preventive health care services by LGBT people in rural areas.
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Purpose: HIV disproportionately impacts young black men who have sex with men (YBMSM). Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an effective strategy that can avert new HIV infections in YBMSM. Barriers exist for YBMSM to access PrEP. Methods: We sought to determine factors associated with awareness of and willingness to take PrEP in a sample of YBMSM. Results: Only 8% were currently on PrEP despite many (66%) reporting condomless anal sex, a recent provider visit (54%), disclosing their sexual orientation to their regular medical provider (62%), or a willingness to take PrEP (62%). In bivariate analysis, increased number of lifetime partners, current PrEP use, and disclosure of sexual orientation to a doctor were associated with awareness of PrEP, while condomless anal sex and higher perceived risk was associated with willingness to take PrEP. Sex with females was associated with lower willingness. Conclusions: Providers may be missing key opportunities to educate YBMSM about PrEP and incorporate PrEP into comprehensive sexual health care.
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Background Human rights approaches now dominate the HIV prevention landscape across sub-Saharan Africa, yet little is known about how they are viewed by the populations they are designed to serve. Health interventions are most effective when they resonate with the worldviews and interests of target groups. This study examined local Zambian understandings of human rights approaches to HIV-prevention among three highly HIV-vulnerable groups: women, youth, and men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). Methods Focus groups included 23 women, youth, and MSM who had participated in activities organized by local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) using rights-based approaches, and interviews included 10 Zambian employees of these NGOs. Topics included participants’ experiences and views of the utility of these activities. Thematic analysis mapped out diverse ways participants viewed the concept of human rights in relation to HIV-prevention. Results Whilst NGO workers noted the need for human rights programs to address the complex drivers of the HIV epidemic, they struggled to tailor them to the Zambian context due to donor stipulations. Women program beneficiaries noted that the concept of human rights helped challenge harmful sexual practices and domestic abuse, and youth described rights-based approaches as more participatory than previous HIV-prevention efforts. However, they criticized the approach for conflicting with traditional values such as respect for elders and ‘harmonious’ marital relationships. They also critiqued it for threatening the social structures and relationships that they relied on for material survival, and for failing to address issues like poverty and unemployment. In contrast, MSM embraced the rights approach, despite being critical of its overly confrontational implementation. Conclusions A rights-based approach seeks to tackle the symbolic drivers of HIV—its undeniable roots in cultural and religious systems of discrimination. Yet, it fails to resonate with youth and women’s own understandings of their needs and priorities due to its neglect of material drivers of HIV such as poverty and unemployment. MSM, who suffer extreme stigma and discrimination, have less to lose and much to gain from an approach that challenges inequitable social systems. Developing effective HIV-prevention strategies requires careful dialogue with vulnerable groups and greater flexibility for context-specific implementation rather than a one-size-fits-all conceptualization of human rights.
Background: Annual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is considered a key strategy for HIV prevention for men who have sex with men (MSM). In Puerto Rico, HIV research has primarily focused on injection drug use, yet male-to-male sexual transmission has been increasing in recent years. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system collected in 2011 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, were analyzed to identify factors associated with HIV testing in the past 12 months (recent testing). Results: Overall, 50% of participants were tested recently. In the multivariate analysis, testing recently was associated with having multiple partners in the past 12 months (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] [≥4 vs 1 partner] = 1.5; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.2-2.0), visiting a health care provider in the past 12 months (aPR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.04-1.8), and disclosing male-male attraction/sex to a health care provider (aPR< 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1-1.7). Conclusions: Human immunodeficiency virus testing was suboptimal among MSM in San Juan. Strategies to increase HIV testing among MSM may include promoting HIV testing for all sexually active MSM including those with fewer partners, increasing utilization of the healthcare system, and improving patient-provider communication.
Purpose: The decision and ability of primary care clinician to make recommendations for routine human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing and hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccines are shaped by knowledge of their patient's risk behaviors. For men who have sex with men, such knowledge requires disclosure of same-sex sexual behavior or sexual identity. Methods: Data were analyzed from a national survey of rural men who have sex with men (N = 319) to understand whether the disclosure of sexual identity to clinicians was associated with increased uptake of HIV testing and hepatitis vaccinations. Results: We found that disclosure of sexual identity to clinicians was significantly associated (OR = 1.26; 95% CI, 1.08-1.47) with uptake of routine HIV testing and HAV/HBV vaccination. Conclusion: Our finding reinforces the need for safe, nonjudgmental settings for patients to discuss their sexual identities freely with their clinicians.
Purpose: Gay and bisexual men (GBM) have poorer health outcomes than the general population. Improved health outcomes will require that GBM have access to healthcare and that healthcare providers are aware of their sexual behaviors. This study sought to examine factors associated with having health insurance and disclosure of same-sex sexual behaviors to primary care providers (PCPs) among GBM in primary same-sex relationships. Methods: We conducted an online survey of a national sample of 722 men in same-sex couples living in the United States. Logistic regression and multinomial regression models were conducted to assess whether characteristic differences existed between men who did and did not have health insurance, and between men who did and did not report that their PCP knew about their same-sex sexual activity. Results: Our national sample of same-sex partnered men identified themselves predominantly as gay and white, and most reported having an income and health insurance. Having health insurance and disclosing sexual behavior to PCPs was associated with increasing age, higher education, and higher income levels. Insurance was less prevalent among nonwhite participants and those living in the south and midwest United States. Disclosure of sexual behavior was more common in urban respondents and in the western United States. In 25% of couples, one partner was insured, while the other was not. Conclusions: Having health insurance and disclosing one's sexual behavior to PCPs was suboptimal overall and occurred in patterns likely to exacerbate health disparities among those GBM already more heavily burdened with poorer health outcomes. These factors need to be considered by PCPs and health policymakers to improve the health of GBM. Patient- and provider-targeted interventions could also improve the health outcomes of GBM.