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The empirical study of
altered states of consciousness
Common standards in the psychometric assessment of subjective experiences
26th June 2018
ASSC 2018 - Krakow
by Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Conscious vs. subliminal
processing Levels of consciousness
Masking, Priming,
Perithreshold stimulation
„How conscious somebody is“,
(e.g. coma, locked-in, anaesthesia)
Consciousness content
Perception, Imagery,
Working memory
Consciousness disturbances
(e.g. Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety)
RESEARCH Altered states
of wakeful
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
The induction of ASCs can be utilized as
reversible experimental manipulation in
neuroimaging studies.
Thereby the neuronal mechanisms of
psychiatric-like symptoms can be mapped.
Computational Psychiatry: “With the advance of big
data science, and computational modeling, a radical
modern paradigm shift may be on the horizon.“
Huys, Maia, Frank (2016) Computational psychiatry as the bridge from neuroscience to clinical applications. NATURE
Stephan, et al. (2016) Translational Perspectives for Computational Neuroimaging. NEURON
Wang, Krystal (2014) Computational Psychiatry. NEURON
Prof. Dr. John Krystal
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
The model psychosis approach assumes that drug-induced
states resemble major aspects of psychotic symtoms.
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
The study of brain connectivity in relation to
phenomenologic states of consiousness.
Phenomenology Connectomics
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Phenomenoconnectomics is basic research for psychiatry
(but not a model psychosis approach) and assumes that:
•ASCs have common underlying ‚structures‘ of
•ASCs have common underlying ‚brain mechanisms‘
→Find the mapping between them
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Induced ASCsnormal fluctuations
sleep and
dream states
persisting residues
wakeful state
altered states of wakeful consciousness
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
Classification of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
… such a definition would require defining what a normal state of
consciousness is.
- Our world of subjective experiences appears to be by far not
uniform instead it undergoes continuous changes triggered by
internal and external influences.
- A certain degree of variability in our everyday wakeful
consciousness appears therefore normal to us and most people
have a strong intuition about which variations they experience as
normal fluctuations.
→Every state that strongly diverges from this average wakeful state
can be called an altered state of consciousness (ASC)
Pekala R (1991) Quantifying consciousness: An Empirical Approach, Springer
Passie T (2007) Bewusstseinszustände. Lit Verlag, Hamburg
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Definition of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
- For empirical research it appears reasonable to relate
experimentally induced ASCs to some kind of average state
- This presumes that the induced ASC is of relatively short duration
(minutes, hours), which dissociates them from pathologic states.
- It appears also reasonable to dissociate them from quantitative
changes in only one particular cognitive aspect, such as elevated
→Some authors speak about changes in the pattern (or structure,
scheme) of experiences that have to be changed in order to talk
about an ASC
Tart C (1990): Altered States of Consciousness. HarperCollins, New York 1990, 3. Ausgabe
Farthing GW (1991): Psychology of Consciousness. Prentice Hall, 1991/2
Metzner R (2005). Psychedelic, psychoactive, and addictive drugs and states of consciousness. Oxford University Press
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Definition of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC)
As a working definition for neuroscientific research, it might suffice to presume that most
people have a strong intuition concerning which variability in their everyday wakeful state
feels normal to them. This variability of experience is considered as normal fluctuation, while
any state that is experienced to diverge significantly from it can be called an ASC. From an
experimental perspective it is also reasonable to compare ASC conditions to a baseline state –
a state subjectively judged as average, or normal. The comparison with a ‘normal’ baseline
requires that the ASC under investigation is of relatively short duration (minutes to hours),
which differentiates ASCs from most pathological conditions.
Importantly, it has been emphasized that an ASC is not a mere quantitative change in a single
cognitive function (e.g. elevated arousal). Instead, it is a multidimensional phenomenon.
Thereby, the relative intensity of multiple consciousness aspects constitute a
‘phenomenological pattern’ characterizing a particular state. Such ‘patterns’ have also been
referred to as relative changes in the ‘(basic) dimensions of consciousness’. For empirical
research, such patterns correspond to a multivariate combination of independent
‘consciousness factors’, which can be quantified via questionnaires. The ‘phenomenological
pattern’ results from the factor structure of the applied psychometric assessment, i.e. the
individual ratings, or factor scores, of a questionnaire.
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness
A working definition for neuroscience
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
→This working definition puts strong demands on the empirical
quantification of ‘phenomenological patterns’
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Example: ‘phenomenological patterns’
Vollenweider FX, Kometer M (2010) The neurobiology of psychedelic drugs:… NATURE Neuroscience
Psilocybin Ketamine
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Vollenweider FX, Kometer M (2010) The neurobiology of psychedelic drugs:… NATURE Neuroscience
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26th June 2018
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
- Model psychosis approach: Mainly comparisons to
Schizophrenic patients in PET, EEG, fMRI studies
- Therapeutic applications
Majic T*, Schmidt TT*, Gallinat J (2015) Peak experiences and the afterglow phenomenon:… J Psychopharmacology
Current neuroscientific research
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
- Model psychosis approach: Mainly comparisons to
Schizophrenic patients in PET, EEG, fMRI studies
- Therapeutic applications
Lecture by Tomislav Majic
Majic T*, Schmidt TT*, Gallinat J (2015) Peak experiences and the afterglow phenomenon:… J Psychopharmacology
Current neuroscientific research
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
- Model psychosis approach: Mainly comparisons to
Schizophrenic patients in PET, EEG, fMRI studies
- Therapeutic applications
- Causal neuroscience
- Computational Psychiatry
- Dynamic causal modeling (DCM)
Current neuroscientific research
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Current neuroscientific research
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Jagannathan N, Räuker M, Vargas C, Schmidt TT (2016) Taxonomization
of Experimental Induction Methods for ASCs. Poster @ICPR Amsterdam
Nutt D, King LA, Philips LD (2010) Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria decision analysis. The Lancet
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26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Jagannathan N, Räuker M, Vargas C, Schmidt TT (2016) Taxonomization
of Experimental Induction Methods for ASCs. Poster @ICPR Amsterdam
Systems Neuroscience
Cognitive Modeling
Cellular Neuroscience
Molecular Neuroscience Drug development
What is the appropriate ‚level of observation‘ for empirical studies
of Altered States of Consciousness?
Receptor studies
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Method-based taxonomies: ASC classified by the induction method (IM)
Dittrich A (1985) [GERMAN] Äthiologie-unabhängige Strukturen veränderter Wachbewusstseinszustände, Enke, Stuttgart
Jagannathan N, Räuker M, Vargas C, Schmidt TT (2016) Taxonomization of Experimental Induction Methods for ASCs. Poster @ICPR Amsterdam
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
State-based taxonomies: ASCs classified based on the induced state,
independent of the mechanism
Metzner R (2005). Psychedelic, psychoactive, and addictive drugs and states of consciousness. Oxford University Press
Jagannathan N, Räuker M, Vargas C, Schmidt TT (2016) Taxonomization of Experimental Induction Methods for ASCs. Poster @ICPR Amsterdam
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Vaitl D, et al. (2005) Psychobiology of altered states of consciousness. Psychol Bull.
Jagannathan N, Räuker M, Vargas C, Schmidt TT (2016) Taxonomization of Experimental Induction Methods for ASCs. Poster @ICPR Amsterdam
State-based taxonomies: ASCs classified based on the induced state,
independent of the mechanism
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‚Mixed‘ taxonomies: Somehow clustering ASCs and their IMs,
based on given nomenclature and intuitions.
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26th June 2018
Neuroscience-based taxonomy: suggested for psychotropic agents,
based on knowledge of drug actions on the nervous system
Zohar J,…Nutt D (2015) A review of the current nomenclature for psychotropic agents… Eur Neuropsychopharm
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26th June 2018
Corlett PR, Frith CD, Fletcher PC (2009) From drugs to deprication: … Psychopharmacology
A predictive coding ‚taxonomy‘: A focus on top-down and bottom-up
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26th June 2018
Outlook: The role of active inference?
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Summary Part I
•An ASC is a multifactorial phenomenom
•Pharmacological and non-pharmacological induction methods
have overlapping phenomenology
•Taxonomization can help to learn on the underlying mechanisms
Goal in neuroscience is the mapping:
Phenomenology →Neuronal processes
→Meta-analyses are required
→Standardized quantification of ASC phenomena is required
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
The ‚Qualia‘-problem
Subjective experiences of a person are ‚private‘, meaning that they are
only accessible from the first-person perspective.
(Alternative terminology: ‚inner state‘, ‚subjective experiences‘, ‚qualitative states‘, ‚quality of experiences‘, etc.)
Any description of subjective
experiences depends on language.
Such descriptions do not
guarantee that person#2 can
understand what person#1
→How to deal with in in
empirical science?
The ‚inverted color spectrum‘-thought experiment
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
How to measure subjective experiences?
„Besides general epistemic limitations on the assessment of qualitative
experiences, additional difficulty is created by the fact that these
experiences often go beyond the previously experienced epistemic
range. It is not surprising that highly metaphoric terminology was
suggested to approximate new qualities of experience for which other
verbal labels appear inappropriate.”
Majic T*, Schmidt TT*, Gallinat J (2015) Peak experiences and the afterglow phenomenon:… J Psychopharmacology
→Proper conceptualization is required
→Operationalization is required
→Empirical evaluation of the tested constructs is required
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26th June 2018
How to empirically assess ‘phenomenological patterns’ ?
Qualitative data: Typically conducted as structured interviews
→Work intense to transform data to allow statistical tests
→Very difficult to standardize (e.g. across languages, cultures)
Quantitative data: Questionnaires
→Responses standardized
→Reliability, validity and replicability measures can be taken
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Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Limitations/Confounders of introspection:
→Reconstruction errors/confabulations
→Verbal description difficulties
→Substitution of inferences for observations
→Lack of independent verification
→Dissembling and social desirability
→Demand characteristics and experimenter effects
→Misinformation caused by an inadequate metric
→Inacccessibility related to state-specific memory
Cardeña, E., & Pekala R.J. (2014) Researching States of Consciousness and Anomalous Experiences. In American Psychological Association (APA)
(Hrsg.), Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence (Aufl. 2, August 13, 2013 S. 21–47). ISBN: 978-1-4338-1529-4.
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness,
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered States of Consciousenss Questionnaire
Conception: It was designed to allow comparisons
between differently induced states to
map basic dimensions of ASCs
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered States of Consciousenss Questionnaire
Conception: It was designed to allow comparisons
between differently induced states to
map basic dimensions of ASCs
Versions: APZ, OAV, OAVAV
Complexity: 96 items –5 dimensions(factors) or 11 factors
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered States of Consciousenss Questionnaire
Conception: It was designed to allow comparisons
between differently induced states to
map basic dimensions of ASCs
Versions: APZ, OAV, OAVAV
Complexity: 96 items –5 dimensions(factors) or 11 factors
Validation: good
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered States of Consciousenss Questionnaire
Languages: - German (validated)
- English: Dittrich et al (validated)
- English: Hasler et al. (unvalidated)
5D-ASC: Dittrich A, Lamparter D, Maurer M (2006) 5D-ABZ: Fragebogen zur Erfassung Aussergewöhnlicher Bewusstseinszustände. Eine kurze
Einführung [5D-ASC: Questionnaire for the assessment of altered states of consciousness. A short introduction]. Zürich, Switzerland.
11D-Analysis: Studerus E, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX (2010) Psychometric evaluation of the altered states of consciousness rating scale (OAV).
Conception: It was designed to allow comparisons
between differently induced states to
map basic dimensions of ASCs
Versions: APZ, OAV, OAVAV
Complexity: 96 items –5 dimensions(factors) or 11 factors
Validation: excellent
Required time: ~20min
Response format: 5-point scale
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26th June 2018
Hallucinogenic rating scale
Conception: Developed by Rick Strassman for
the study of DMT and Hallucinogens
Versions: multiple refinements –v3.06
Complexity: 126 items –6 factors
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, Uhlenhuth EH, Kellner R (1994) Dose-response study
of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in humans. II. Subjective effects and preliminary
results of a new rating scale. Arch Gen Psychiatry 51:98–108.
Validation: medium to critical
Required time: ~15 min
Response format: 5-point scale
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory
Conception: Developed by Ron Pekala in the
context of hypnagogic states and
not yet used in pharmacologic studies
Versions: I/II-versions for randomization of order
Complexity: 53 items –12 scales + 14 sub-scales
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory
Conception: Developed by Ron Pekala in the
context of hypnagogic states and
not yet used in pharmacologic studies
Versions: I/II-versions for randomization of order
Complexity: 53 items –12 scales + 14 sub-scales
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Reference: Pekala R (1991) Quantifying Consciousness: An Empirical Approach. New York: Plenum Press.
Validation: good
Required time: ~15 min
Response format: 7-point scale
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Addiction Research Center Inventory
Conception: Developed as clinical tool
Multiple drug specific sub-parts
Versions: ARCI (full), ARCI (short)
Validation: mixed
Complexity: full: 550 items (38 scales); short:49 item (5 scales)
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Addiction Research Center Inventory
Conception: Developed as clinical tool
Multiple drug specific sub-parts
Versions: ARCI (full), ARCI (short)
Complexity: full: 550 items (38 scales); short:49 item (5 scales)
Response format: Yes/No (dichotomous)
Validation: mixed
Languages: English, German, Spanish
ARCI(full): Haertzen CA, Hill HE, Belleville RE (1963) Development of the Addiction Research
Center Inventory (ARCI): Selection of items that are sensitive to the effects of various drugs.
Psychopharmacologia 4:155–166.
ARCI(short): Martin W, Sloan J, Sapira J, Jasinski D (1971) Physiologic, subjective, and behavioral
effects of amphetamine, methamphetamine, ephedrine, phenmetrazine, and methylphenidate in
man. Clin Pharmacol Ther 12:245–258.
Required time: ~10 min
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Mystical Experience Questionnaire
Conception: Not a full spectrum of ASC phenomena
Focus on mystical/peak experiences
Versions: MEQ, MEQ30
Complexity: 30 items in current version
Response format: 5-point scale
Validation: excellent
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Original: Pahnke WN (1963) Drugs and mysticism: An analysis of the relationship between psychedelic
drugs and the mystical consciousness . Harvard University Press.
MEQ30: MacLean KA, Leoutsakos J-MS, Johnson MW, Griffiths RR (2012) Factor Analysis of the
Mystical Experience Questionnaire: A Study of Experiences Occasioned by the Hallucinogen Psilocybin.
J Sci Study Relig 51:721–737.
Required time: ~10 min
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26th June 2018
Psychomtomimetic States Inventory
Conception: Focus on negative psychotic like
Versions: -
Complexity: 48 items –6 scales
Response format: 4-point scale
Validation: mixed
Languages: English
Mason OJ, Morgan CJM, Stefanovic A, Curran HV (2008) The Psychotomimetic States
Inventory (PSI): Measuring psychotic-type experiences from ketamine and cannabis. Schizophr
Res 103:138–142.
Required time: ~5 min
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26th June 2018
Ego-Dissolution Inventory
Conception: Focus on Ego-dissolution and -inflation
Versions: -
Complexity: 16 items –2 factors
Response format: visual-analog scale
Validation: good
Languages: English
German translation (in prep)
Nour MM, Evans L, Nutt D, Carhart-Harris RL (2016) Ego-Dissolution and
Psychedelics: Validation of the Ego-Dissolution Inventory (EDI). Front Hum
Neurosci 10:269
Required time: ~5 min
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Challenging Experience Questionnaire
Conception: Focus on difficult/challenging experiences
as occuring during „bad trips“
Versions: -
Complexity: 26 items –7 factors
Response format: 6-point scale
Validation: good
Languages: English
German translation (in prep)
Barrett FS, Bradstreet MP, Leoutsakos J-MS, Johnson MW, Griffiths RR (2016) The
Challenging Experience Questionnaire: Characterization of challenging experiences with
psilocybin mushrooms. J Psychopharmacol 30:1279–1295
Required time: ~5 min
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness,
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
How to decide which questionnaire to use:
- Conceptual considerations
- Validity criteria for questionnaires
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness,
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
How to decide which questionnaire to use:
- Conceptual considerations
- Validity criteria for questionnaires
- Prevalence in the literature (comparability)
studies Non-
All Neuro-
All Neuro-
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
assessed in 2017
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness,
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Alternative Approaches: Microphenomenology
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Design issues for neuroscientific ASC studies
- Measures to control confounding variables
- Measures for subject safety
- Currently popular neuroscientific measures
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Altered State
of Consciousness
assessment Physiologic
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Substances with cardial
(e.g. Phenethylamine,
Before the
(Johnson et al. 2008; Griffiths et
al. 2011; Carhart
-Harris et al.
2015; Preller et al. 2016)
(Drugs in Urin,
if substance missuse
Addiction, Intoxication
(Johnson et al. 2008; Griffiths et
al. 2011; Kometer et al. 2013;
-Harris et al. 2016a;
Preller et al. 2016)
tests (standard
for disease
(Johnson et al. 2008; Griffiths et
al. 2011; Carhart
-Harris et al.
2015; Preller et al. 2016)
preasure, Heart
check cardiovascular risks
, during and
the experiment
(Johnson et al. 2008; Griffiths et
al. 2011; Schmid et al. 2015;
Preller et al. 2016)
alcohol test
Muthukumaraswamy et al.
Roseman et al. 2014;
-Harris et al. 2016a)
body temperature,
function )
of body temperature
some substances
, during and
the experiment
(Schmid et al. 2015)
Safety relevant physiologic parameters
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
test for the
of renal excretion
z.B. MDMA, Psilocybin
(Dolder et al. 2015)
in serum
of constant
in blood
(e.g. for Ketamine)
Dandash et al. 2014)
Oxytocin, Cortisol,
in Plasm)
of substances on
of endocrine
variables (e.g.
or after
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. 1999;
Schmid et al. 2015)
Controlling confounding variables
Schmidt, Majic (2016) [GERMAN] Empirische Untersuchung veränderter Bewusstseinszustände, Springer, Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Voxel 1 time course
Voxel 2 time course
Voxel 3 time course
Brain region 1
Brain region 2
Brain region 3
Resting State fMRI (simplified)
Strength of coupling between brain regions
→Whole-brain connectivity patters (matrix)
Brain region 1
Brain region 2
Brain region 3
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
- Not task-dependend
- Not confounded by attentional fluctuations
- Characterizing a state
- Not based on assumptions on local brain activation
- In line with current network-modeling attempts
Why resting-state functional connectivity is
particularly suitable for ASC studies
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
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26th June 2018
Schmidt et al. (in prep) Quantifying the Phenomenology of Altered States of Consciousness
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Summary Part II
•Recommendation for questionnaires:
•5D-ASC (in 11-dimensional analysis)
•MEQ30 (for clinical studies)
+ further questionnaires for study-specific demands
•Carefully select control measurements for peripheral effects
•Consider general limitations of introspection
→Increase the value of YOUR research by using validated
standardized tools
→Publish full psychometric data (e.g. supplement/repository)
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Schmidt TT, Berkemeyer H (in press) The Altered States Database: Psychometric data of altered states of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology.
in mySQL
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
in mySQL
①List of Induction Methods
②Google-scholar search
③Manual screening and
data extraction
Induction methods
+ forward citations of questionnaires
Schmidt TT, Berkemeyer H (in press) The Altered States Database: Psychometric data of altered states of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology.
Schmidt TT, Berkemeyer H (in press) The Altered States Database: Psychometric data of altered states of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology.
in mySQL
①List of Induction Methods
②Google-scholar search
③Manual screening and
data extraction
Induction methods
+ forward citations of questionnaires
Database (01/2018):
N=6861 ASC reports
N=315 Datasets
N= 2168 total data points (Mean, SD)
N=52 induction methods
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Example: Dose-response relationship of Psilocybin with 5D-ASC questionnaire data,
(linear meta-regression)
Meta-analysis of psychometric data
A. Oceanic Boundlessness B. Vigilance Reduction C. Auditory Alterations
E. Dread of Ego DissolutionD. Visual Restructuralization
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Part IIntroduction and Definition of ASCs
History and current research on ASCs
Taxonomizing induction methods for ASCs
Part II
Challenges in the measurement of ASC phenomena
Questionnaires to quantify ASC experiences
Study design issues
Part III
The Altered States Database
Research Perspective: Phenomenoconnectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
The study of brain connectivity in relation to
phenomenologic states of consiousness.
Phenomenology Connectomics
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
wants to answer questions of the type:
The experience Xis accompanied
by a pattern Yof brain connectivity
An „out of body experience“ is accompanied
by a decoupling of the insula from X,Y,Z
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Voxel 1 time course
Voxel 2 time course
Voxel 3 time course
Brain region 1
Brain region 2
Brain region 3
Resting-state fMRI (simplified)
Strength of coupling between brain regions
→Whole-brain connectivity patterns
Brain region 1
Brain region 2
Brain region 3
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered State
of Consciousness
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Altered State
of Consciousness
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
An „out of body experience“ is accompanied
by a (de)coupling of brain regions X, Y, Z
independent of how it was induced
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Phenomenoconnectomics is basic research for psychiatry
(but not a model psychosis approach) and assumes that:
•ASCs have common underlying ‚structures‘ of experiences
•ASCs have common underlying ‚brain mechanisms‘
•Joint empirical study enables a mapping between them
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Phenomenoconnectomics is basic research for psychiatry
(but not a model psychosis approach) and assumes that:
•ASCs have common underlying ‚structures‘ of experiences
•ASCs have common underlying ‚brain mechanisms‘
•Joint empirical study enables a mapping between them
→Psychiatry will benefit from an understanding of brain
mechanisms of clinically relevant ASC phenomena
Timo Torsten Schmidt @Titoschmi
Quantification of ASC experiences ASSC 2018
26th June 2018
Neurocomputation and
Neuroimaging Unit
Prof. Dr. Felix Blankenburg
Dr. Till Nierhaus
Dr. Tomislav Majic
AG Psychotrope Substanzen Ganzfeld studies
Julia Prein
Nisha Jagannathan
Michal Ljubljanac
Ann Xavier
Thank you for your attention!
Henrik Berkemeyer
Hristofor Lukanov
Katharina Dworatzyk
Chiara Carrera
Florian Ziegler
Eelke de Vries
Philip Kuhnke
Artur Czeszumski
Renato Garita Figueiredo
Aliona Cerednicenco
Max Räuker
Olha Vakhovska
Aalia Nosheen
Ann Xavier
Nisha Jagannathan
Michal Ljubljanac
Catharina Engler
Ahmad Dawud
Natalia Brandwayn
Mohammad Baghery
Felix Blind
Kristina Baumgart
Anastasia Mukhina
Anette Aumeister
Ashima Keshava
Janina Schott ...
Active Inference
Lara Sophie Knaup