
City Beautiful and ‘Architectural Urbanism’ (1893–1940)

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This chapter focusses on the first movements seeking to modernise major cities through large-scale architectural interventions as alternative solutions to the industrial era cities. It is in this context that the City Beautiful Movement emerged using the opportunity to present a renewed image of Chicago at the 1893 World’s Fair. The emergence of Civic Art in the USA and Public Art in England, Art Urbain in France and Belgium, or Stadtbaukunst in Germany and Austria, despite their notable differences, is encompassed in this context of shared reactions to the loss of urban quality in different countries. Parallel to those movements, after 1900 and through to 1914, there was a gradual emergence of what could be considered European urbanism, going beyond the formal, architectural dimensions. The numerous urban plans and projects, studies and publications that appeared at that time indicate a turning point concerning the work carried out over the previous century, such as the first world congress on town planning which was held in London in 1910.

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Is it possible to speak of a Latin European approach to Urbanism and Planning History? Latin European countries have strong disciplinary traditions of dealing with urban processes and urban forms. As it is to be expected, Planning History reflects these specific ways of understanding the discipline. Indeed, ‘History of Urbanism’ in Latin European countries (Histoire de l’urbanisme, Historia del urbanismo, Storia dell’urbanistica) focuses rather more on urban forms – despite the original broader meanings of the terms urbanisme, urbanismo and urbanistica – than ‘Planning History’ does in the English-speaking world. These academic traditions, consequence of two different ‘Latin’ and ‘Anglo’ disciplinary cultures, share some elements and diverge in others. What this chapter offers is a historiographical overview of the particular approaches to the field of Planning History in two Latin European countries, Spain and Italy, focusing on research topics and specific urban plans and projects.
The study of an urban planning event such as the World's Fair held in Barcelona in 1888 is a good opportunity to raise some issues of an historical and planning nature. One of them is the Exhibition's impact on the urban structure of Barcelona. The fact that this event coincided with some urban planning changes of relative importance — and with the conversion of Barcelona into a ‘modern’ city — has sometimes been interpreted as proof of this type of event's structuring capacity. To understand the nature and the urban dimension of the Exhibition, it is essential to place it within the urban sequence, to avoid showing an overly simplified urban context. Thus, this article's point of departure is a fairly extensive consideration of the historical period and an examination of the changes in the urban spatial structure in order to understand the relationship between the affected sector and the entire city. The Exhibition can be seen as a symptom rather than a cause of the aforementioned transformations. Also as an operation which brought to a culmination several initiatives for the monumentalization and decoration of certain of the city's representative spaces. The progressive lack of centrality of the area where the Exhibition took place also shows the event's limited importance to the growth trends and structure of the late nineteenth century city. The objectives associated with a propagandistic desire to promote and renew the city's image prevailed over other structural issues.
Recuperación de los distintos modelos de planeación y política urbana que se pusieron en operación a lo largo del siglo XX (para ser exactos, el análisis empieza en 1880), en alrededor de quince grandes urbes.
Arte urbano y estudios histórico-urbanísticos. Tradiciones, ciclos y recuperaciones. 3ZU: revista d’arquitectura 4. Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona
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  • N Toutcheff
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