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This exploratory qualitative study aimed to find out more about how the children’s social work system interacts with non-binary parents. It highlights the specific detriment that can be faced by non-binary people hoping to adopt or foster in the United Kingdom. Three key themes emerged: (1) Barriers for non-binary carers, (2) Prejudice in adoption and fostering matching processes and (3) Intersectional disadvantage. The study found that non-binary people experience specific detriment when endeavouring to start or grow their families, examining how cisgenderism operates to privilege some identities over others. Multiple barriers affect the way non-binary people try and navigate how their family lives in a society that is organised around binary gender identities. Cisgenderism can subtly and pervasively exert a devaluing of identities that sit outside of entrenched binary gender norms, influencing how people can understand and express their gender identities within society.
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This article examines the statistical data on the conclusion and dissolution of marriages between citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea, conducts a comparative legal analysis of the marriage and family legislation of the two states, examines the issues of mutual recognition of the facts of conclusion and dissolution of marriages by these countries. The relevance of the study lies in the presence of some differences in the legislation of the two states on the issues of marriage and mutual recognition of official documents. There were used the official statistical data of the Korean Statistical Information Service and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics over the past 10 years in the course of the study, the comparative legal method was used to determine the commonality and differences in the legislation of the two states on the regulation of marriage and family relations, the formal logical method with the purpose of in-depth study of the problem and the resolution of some controversial issues. In the Republic of Korea, in the past 10 years, the divorce rate has reached 46% relative to marriages, against 10% in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which increases the risk of divorce for citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan when marrying citizens of the Republic of Korea. Since 2016, the number of marriages between citizens of the two states has increased, but the number of divorced marriages is at the level of 110 divorces. The author proposes to amend the family legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the recognition of marriages concluded outside the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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The article deals with the issue of participation and involvement of a minor in civil court proceedings, specifically in family law matters, which closely affectes minor's rights and which affects his future life. Minor is not a party to the proceedings with full procedural competence and therefore these proceedings and his participation rights report many differences from adult-only proceedings.
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Tento článek se věnuje možnostem plnohodnotného zapojení dítěte do řízení, které se ho dotýká, tj. zejména řízení ve věcech péče soudu o nezletilé, ve kterých se rozhoduje o úpravě poměrů tohoto dítěte. V takových řízeních je nejen třeba umožnit dítěti uplatnit svá garantovaná participační práva, ale současně je potřeba, aby řízení představovalo rychlý, efektivní proces, který bude chránit jednak práva dítěte, ale také rodinný život jako takový, protože je třeba, aby stát prostřednictvím nezávislých soudů chránil práva dítěte v aktuální chvíli, ale také především do budoucna tak, aby rodinná situace kolem dítěte byla stabilizována. Jednou z možných cest jak vést takové řízení, je aplikovat principy interdisciplinární spolupráce a také zajistit účinné zastoupení nezletilého, které mu lépe umožní využít svá participační práva.
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