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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health

  • Vitagene and Health Research Centre
Peter F. Surai
Selenium in
poultry nutrition
and health
Wageningen Academic
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health
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in poultry nutrition
and health
Peter F. Surai
Wageningen Academic
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EAN: 9789086863174
e-EAN: 9789086868650
ISBN: 978-90-8686-317-4
e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-865-0
DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-865-0
First published, 2018
© Wageningen Academic Publishers
e Netherlands, 2018
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To my wife Helen, my daughter Katie, my son Anton,
my grandsons Oscar, Arthur and Henry
and my granddaughter Aiste
who gave me inspiration for writing this book.
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 7
Dr. Peter Surai started his studies at Kharkov
University, Ukraine, where he obtained his
PhD and DSc in biochemistry studying
eects of antioxidants on poultry. Later he
became Professor of Human Physiology. In
1994 he moved to Scotland to continue his
antioxidant related research in poultry and
in 2000 he was promoted to a full Professor
of Nutritional Biochemistry at the Scottish
Agricultural College. Recently he was
awarded Honorary Professorships in 5
universities in various countries, including
UK, Hungary, Bulgaria and Ukraine. In 2010 he was elected to the Russian Academy of
Sciences as a foreign member. He has more than 750 research publications, including
150 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 13 books. In 1999 he received the prestigious
John Logie Baird Award for Innovation for the development of ‘super-eggs’ and, in
2000, e World’s Poultry Science Association Award for Research in recognition of
an outstanding contribution to the development of the poultry industry. In 2017 he
became a member of the team at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
and Biotechnology named aer K.I. Skryabin to conduct a research under a mega-
grant of the Government of Russian Federation (Contract No. 14.W03.31.0013).
For the last 15 years he has been lecturing all over the world visiting more than 70
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 9
Abouttheauthor 7
Preface 13
Abbreviations 15
Chapter 1
Antioxidant systems in animal body 19
1.1 Introduction 19
1.2 Free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species 19
1.3 ree levels of antioxidant defence 23
1.4 Superoxide dismutase in biological systems 26
1.5 Superoxide dismutase in avian biology 29
1.6 Other antioxidant mechanisms 30
1.7 Oxidative stress and transcription factors 46
1.8 Vitagene concept development 50
1.9 Conclusions 53
References 54
Chapter 2
Molecular mechanisms of selenium action: selenoproteins 67
2.1 Introduction 67
2.2 e selenoprotein family 67
2.3 Selenocysteine: the functional selenium 68
2.4 Glutathione peroxidases 70
2.5 Glutathione peroxidase activity eectors 83
2.6 GSH-Px and their biological roles 91
2.7 ioredoxin reductases as a major part of the thioredoxin system 93
2.8 Iodothyronine deiodinases 99
2.9 Other selenoproteins 103
2.10 General conclusions 119
References 122
Chapter 3
Selenium in feed: organic selenium concept 153
3.1 Introduction 153
3.2 Selenium in soils and plants 153
3.3 Selenium absorption and metabolism 160
3.4 Selenium status and bioavailability 169
3.5 Eectors of selenium absorption, metabolism and bioavailability 171
3.6 Selenium sources for poultry 172
3.7 Selenium-enriched yeast: pluses and minuses 175
3.8 SeMet and OH-SeMet 178
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10 Selenium in poultry nutrition and health
Table of contents
3.9 Chelated Se products 180
3.10 Nano-Se products 181
3.11 Conclusions 182
References 184
Chapter 4
Selenium deciency in poultry 195
4.1 Introduction 195
4.2 Exudative diathesis 196
4.3 Nutritional pancreatic atrophy 198
4.4 Nutritional encephalomalacia 199
4.5 Nutritional muscular dystrophy 205
4.6 Impaired immunocompetence 209
4.7 Impaired thyroid hormone metabolism 209
4.8 Reduced fertility 209
4.9 Reduced egg production and quality 209
4.10 Decreased hatchability and increased embryonic mortality 210
4.11 Conclusions 210
References 211
Chapter 5
Selenium in poultry nutrition 219
5.1 Introduction 219
5.2 Selenium for breeders 219
5.3 Selenium for commercial layers 240
5.4 Selenium for broilers 249
5.5 Conclusions 262
References 264
Сhapter 6
Selenium-enriched eggs and meat 279
6.1 Introduction 279
6.2 Selenium and human health 279
6.3 Strategies to deal with Se deciency in human diet 284
6.4 Addressing Se deciency in humans via Se-enriched eggs 287
6.5 Se-enriched eggs in a global context 293
6.6 Safety of Se-enriched eggs 293
6.7 Se-enriched meat 294
6.8 Optimal selenium forms in the diets for Se-egg and Se-meat production 296
6.9 Se-enriched eggs and meat as functional food 297
6.10 Conclusions 300
References 301
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 11
Table of contents
Chapter 7
Selenium and immunity 309
7.1 Introduction 309
7.2 Immune system and its evaluation 310
7.3 Phagocyte functions 322
7.4 Antibody production 325
7.5 Lymphocyte functions 327
7.6 In vitro eects of selenium on immune cells 331
7.7 Disease resistance 334
7.8 Immunoprotective eects of Se in stress conditions 335
7.9 Molecular mechanisms of immunomodulating properties of selenium 342
7.10 Immunocommunication, free radicals and selenium 346
7.11 Conclusions 352
References 355
Chapter 8
Antioxidant-prooxidant balance in the gut 369
8.1 Introduction 369
8.2 e gastrointestinal tract as a major site of antioxidant action 369
8.3 Prooxidants in the gastrointestinal tract 371
8.4 Antioxidant defences in the gastrointestinal tract 376
8.5 Specic place for Se-dependent enzymes in antioxidant defence of the
gastrointestinal tract 381
8.6 Role of vitagenes in the gut defence 383
8.7 Critical periods of the gut development 387
8.8 Conclusions 394
References 395
Chapter 9
Looking ahead 411
References 422
Index 425
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 13
Among many minerals selenium has a special place being the most controversial trace
element. Indeed a narrow gap between essentiality and toxicity and environmental
issues on the one hand and global selenium deciency on the other hand, fuel research
in this eld. ere were several breakthroughs in selenium research. e rst one was
the discovery of Se essentiality in early 1960s. e second one was the discovery in
1973 that glutathione peroxidase is a selenoprotein. e third one came almost 30 years
later with characterisation of main selenoproteins in human and animal body and
further understanding the role of selenium in nutrition and health. Indeed, this third
breakthrough is really a selenium revolution creating many hypotheses, stimulating
new research and providing practical applications in medicine and agriculture. New
insight in the role of free radicals as signalling molecules, understanding the role of
nutrients in gene expression and maternal programming, tremendous progress in
human and animal genome work created new demands for further research related
to biological roles of selenium.
Several comprehensive monographs and reviews have been recently published
addressing various Se-related issues. However, most of them were dealing with Se
roles in human health. Animal food-producing industry is developing very quickly
and a great body of information was accumulated indicating importance of Se in
maintenance of animal health, productive and reproductive performance. Our
previous comprehensive book ‘Selenium in Nutrition and Health’ was published in
2006 and a lot of important Se-related information has been accumulated for the last
10 years. erefore, the goal of this volume is to provide up to date information about
the roles of Se in poultry nutrition and health. In Chapter 1 a special emphasis is given
to the role of selenium as an essential part of the integrated antioxidant system of the
body with regulatory functions providing necessary connections between dierent
antioxidants. In fact selenium is called ‘the chief executive of the antioxidant defence.
Chapter 2 is addressing molecular mechanisms of Se action describing major functions
of the selenoproteins. Indeed, the family of selenoproteins includes 25 members and
functions of many of them are still not well understood. Selenium in feed is described
in Chapter 3. e main idea of this chapter is to describe an organic Se concept.
Indeed, in grains and some other important food ingredients selenomethionine is the
main Se form. e idea was put forward that during evolution the digestive system
of human and animals was adapted to natural form of selenium consisting of SeMet
and other organic selenocompounds. erefore, this form of Se is more eciently
assimilated in the body than inorganic forms of selenium. In fact SeMet is considered
to be the storage form of selenium in the body. Accumulation of the Se reserves in
the body as a result of organic selenium consumption is considered as an adaptive
mechanism providing additional antioxidant defences in stress conditions. e three
generations of Se supplements for poultry are characterised. Chapter 4 is devoted to
Se-deciency diseases in poultry with a specic emphasis to new data on the eect of
Se deciency on the expression of various selenoproteins in dierent chicken tissues.
Indeed, oxidative stress is considered to be a driving force in the development of such
Se-deciency diseases as encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, nutritional muscular
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14 Selenium in poultry nutrition and health
dystrophy, nutritional pancreatic atrophy, impaired immunocompetence and
decreased productive and reproductive performance of chickens. e data presented
in Chapter 5 indicate importance of Se in growth, development and reproduction of
poultry. e main idea of the chapter is to show benets of various forms of organic
Se on antioxidant defences in the body leading to improvement of productive and
reproductive performance of poultry and poultry product quality. Indeed, organic
selenium is proven to be the most eective form of Se supplementation for poultry
and farm animals. Chapter 6 is devoted to the link between animal industry and
human health and describing some features of new technologies for production of
Se-enriched eggs and meat. In fact, production of a range of Se-enriched products
is considered as an important solution for global Se deciency. Se-enriched eggs are
already on supermarket shelves in many countries worldwide with millions of such
eggs sold daily. Chapter 7 is devoted to the role of selenium in immunity. It is dicult
to overestimate immunomodulating properties of selenium and increased resistance
to various diseases of poultry/animals is a result of optimal Se status. e possibility
of virus mutation in the body of animals decient in selenium is of great importance
for understanding mechanisms of spreading such diseases as chicken inuenza, etc.
e last chapter is devoted to the antioxidant-prooxidant balance in the digestive
tract. It seems likely that this balance has been overlooked by scientists. However, the
specic roles of selenoproteins in such a balance need further investigation. Indeed,
chicken health starts from its gut. I understand that my views on the role of selenium
in poultry nutrition and health are sometimes dierent from those of other scientists
and therefore I would appreciate very much receiving any comments from readers
which will help me in my future research. I would like to thank my colleagues with
whom I have had the pleasure to collaborate and share my ideas related to natural
antioxidants and selenium in particular, who helped me at various stages of this
research by providing reprints of their recent publications. I am also indebted to
the World’s Poultry Science Association for the Research Award and a grant of the
Government of Russian Federation (Contract No. 14.W03.31.0013) supporting my
Peter F. Surai
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 15
5-LO 5-lipoxigenase
9-oxoODE 9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid
AA ascorbic acid
Ab antibody
AEC abdominal exudate cells
AFB1 aatoxin B1
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AO anti-oxidant
APR acute phase response
AvBD avian beta-defensin
BD basal diet
BHA butylated hydroxyanisole
BHT butylated hydroxytoluene
C/EBP CCAAT-enhancer-binding protein
CAT catalase
CDS coding sequence
CNS central nervous system
ConA concanavalin A
CoQ coenzyme Q
COX-2 cyclooxygenase-2
CVB3 Coxsackie virus B3
DAA dehydroascorbic acid
DC dendritic cells
DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
DHA docosahexaenoic acid
DHT dihydrotestosterone
Dio iodothyronine deiodinase
DON deoxynivalenol
DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity
EC-SOD extracellular superoxide dismutase
ED exudative diathesis
EFX enrooxacin
ER endoplasmic reticulum
ERO1 endoplamic reticulum oxidoreductin 1
FAK focal adhesion kinase
FB1 fumonisin B1
FCR feed conversion ratio
FcγR phagocytic Fcγ receptors
FDA US Food and Drug Administration
FO sh oil
FT3 free triiodothyronine
FT4 free thyroxine
GI-GSH-Px gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase
GIT gastrointestinal tract
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16 Selenium in poultry nutrition and health
GR glutathione reductase
GSH reduced glutathione
GSH-Px glutathione peroxidase
GSSG oxidised glutathione
GST glutathione S-transferase
H/L ratio heterophil to lymphocyte ratio
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
HETE 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
HI hemaglutination inhibition
HMSeBA selenomethionine hydroxyanalogue, 2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic
HO-1 haeme oxygenase-1
HPETE 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid
HS heat stress
Hsf1 heat shock factor 1
HSP heat shock proteins
IBD Infectious bursal disease
ID iodothyronine deiodinase
IELs intraepithelial lymphocytes
IFN interferon
Ig immunoglobulin
IL-1 interleukin 1
IL-2R interleukin 2 receptor
IL-6 interleukin 6
iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthase
IκB inhibitor of kappa B
Keap1 Kelch-like-ECH-associated protein 1
LA linoleic acid
LAK lymphokine-activated killer
LDH lactate dehydrogenase
LOOH lipid hydroperoxide
LOX lipoxygenase
LP lipid peroxidation
LPS lipopolysaccharide
LTA lymphocyte transformation assay
LXA4 lipoxin A4
MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
MCP-1 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
MD Mareks disease
MDA malondialdehyde
Met methionine
MHC major histocompatibility complex
MIF macrophage inammatory protein 2
MLTC mixed lymphocyte/tumour cell cultures
Msr methionine sulfoxide reductase
NE nutritional encephalomalacia
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Selenium in poultry nutrition and health 17
NecE necrotic enteritis
NF-κB nuclear factor-kappa B
NK cells natural killer cells
NKT natural killer T cells
NMD nutritional muscular dystrophy
NO nitric oxide
NPA nutritional pancreatic atrophy
NRC National Research Council
Nrf2 NF-E2-related factor 2
OCP organochlorine pesticides
ONOO- peroxynitrite
OTA ochratoxin A
PAMP pathogen-associated molecular patterns
PCB polychlorinated biphenyls
PCV2 porcine circovirus type 2
PFC plaque-forming cell
PGE2 prostaglandin E2
pGSH-Px plasma glutathione peroxidase
PHA phytohemagglutin
PH-GSH-Px phospholipid glutathione peroxidase
PI3K phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
PLA2 phospholipase A2
PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes
POP persistent organic pollutants
PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPRE peroxisome proliferator response element
PRR pattern recognition receptors
Prx peroxiredoxin
PTGE prostaglandin E
PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid
PWM pokeweed mitogen
RDA recommended daily allowance
RNS reactive nitrogen species
RXR retinoid-X receptor
SBP2 SECIS-binding protein
SECIS selenocysteine insertion sequence
SeCys selenocysteine
SelN selenoprotein N
SelP selenoprotein P
SelP-L long-form selenoprotein P
SelR selenoprotein R
SeMet selenomethionine
SeS selenoprotein S
SeW selenoprotein W
SM silymarin
SO Selisseo, OH-SeMet
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18 Selenium in poultry nutrition and health
SOD superoxide dismutase
SP selenoproteins
SPS selenophosphate synthetase-2
SRBC sheep red blood cells
SS sodium selenite
SSC spermatogonial stem cells
SY selenium enriched yeast
T testosterone
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
T-AOC total antioxidant capacity
TBA thiobarbituric acid
TBARS thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
TCR T-cell receptor
 cells T helper cells
TLR Toll-like receptors
TNF-α tumour necrosis factor alpha
Toc tocopherol
Trx thioredoxin
TrxR thioredoxin reductase
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
vMDV virulent Mareks disease virus
VSMCs vascular smooth muscle cells
ZEA zearalenone
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... Зачастую реализация генетического потенциала продуктивности у птицы современных генотипов может быть осложнена активностью обменных процессов и воздействием различных стрессов (4,5). Так как избежать стрессов практически невозможно, продукция избыточного количества свободных радикалов и окислительный стресс становятся очень распространенными проблемами в коммерческом птицеводстве (6,7). Поэтому у быстро растущей птицы важно сохранить здоровье и физиолого-биохимический статус (8,9), что требует новых подходов к кормлению и содержанию птицы. ...
... Selenium is supposed to reduce the risk of abortion also (Rayman, 2000). In appropriate amount, it helps to reduce the risk of having complication from diabetes and asthma in human body (Surai., 2006). In appropriate concentration in human body, it helps for the appropriate function of neurotransmitters and reduces the risk of having epilepsy in childhood. ...
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Chemical properties of selenium (Se) are similar to oxygen (O) and sulphur (S), the lighter member of the family, as well as the heavier and less abundant tellurium (Te) and polonium (Po). Its vaporization temperature is high; therefore, it is released in gaseous state in volcanic eruption along with steam. Soil and sediment contains low concentration of selenium (mg/kg), but crude oils and coals contain hundreds of mg/kg in some cases. Generally, the atmospheric water contains less than 1µg/L of selenium in the absence of its direct source. Selenium enters the food chain when plants accumulate it from soil and incorporate it during synthesis of new molecules, typically as Se-substituted analogues of thio-molecules. Selenium is toxic to animal life when it occurs in sufficiently high concentrations. The standard of recommended intake levels of Se is under debate. WHO/FAO/IAEA expert group recommended an intake level of only 40μg per day for men and 30μg per day for women, assuming only two-third of the full expression of GPx activity is required. This article presents review of selenium in terms of water contamination, its presence in plants, animal also about its toxicity.
... Chickens' consumption of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E is intimately related to the absorption and transport of Se. Birds have evolved to metabolize Se and take advantage of its antioxidant qualities because it is a necessary component of the majority of diets (Surai, 2006). Poultry feed, therefore, must contains organic Se to maintain the wellbeing of animals, their effective performance, and high-quality meat (Jiang et al., 2009). ...
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The goal of the current study was to determine how selenium-supplemented diets affected the growth performance, carcass traits, and blood biochemistry of Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens. Organic and inorganic selenium (SE) was fed to the birds at 0.30ppm, whereas the control diet was not supplemented with selenium in either organic or inorganic form. A total of 225 day-old RIR chicks were indiscriminately distributed in three groups according to the experimental diets, in a completely randomized design. Each treatment group was repeated 5 times (replicates), and each replicate had 15 birds. Parameters of growth performance, carcass characteristics, and blood biochemistry were assessed. Birds fed an inorganic selenium-supplemented diet had higher feed intake than those fed an organic selenium-supplemented diet or the control diet, whereas birds fed an organic selenium-supplemented diet had higher body weight gains and better feed conversion ratios. Birds fed organic SE in the diet showed higher breast and thigh weight than those receiving inorganic Se, whereas dressing percentage, drumstick yield, and weights of liver, gizzard, heart, and wing were not significantly different across treatments. The organic Se group showed higher values for total protein and globulin in the blood relative to those fed inorganic Se and the control diet. Similarly, organic Se fed birds showed higher blood Se concentration than the other two groups. However, no significant differences in albumin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid were observed among the diets. These results lead to the conclusion that organic Se may be utilized in diets to improve the poor performance of RIR chicken. Keywords: Selenium; growth; slaughter characteristics; blood chemistry
... A selenium excess can be harmful. Therefore, increasing the ideal amount of organic selenium in the diet of poultry may improve the bird's performance (Surai, 2018). ...
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Selenium-yeast was mixed with the basal diet of treatment groups of birds at the dose rate of 0.15 mg/kg diet in treatment-I (T-I), 0.225 mg/kg in treatment-II (T-II) and 0.30 mg/kg in treatment-III (T-III) group. The body weight and weekly weight gain increased and, feed conversion ratio improved significantly (p<0.05) in the T-III group as compared to control group. The number of goblet cells, lymphatic nodules in the intestine was more in treated birds. The villi height and crypts depth and their ratio were significantly highest in T-III group. Bursal morphology significantly improved and the number of Hassall’s corpuscle, macrophages and plasma cells were more frequent in treated birds. Among the lymphoglandular organs, the maximum IL-10 positive cells were found in the caecum and Bursa of Fabricius (BF). Among the groups, T-III group showed weak to nil IL-10 reaction. When compared between the days, BF and spleen showed better IL-10 positive reaction on 7th day but in caecal tonsil and thymus, the better reaction was on 35th day. The expression of IL-10 in the lymphoglandular organs was significantly (p<0.05) lower and T-III had minimum expression. T-II and T-III groups were better than T-I and control groups for enhancing humoral immunity against Newcastle disease virus, reduction of gut Escherichia coli, Salmonella and increased gut Bifidobacterium spp. In conclusion, supplementation of Se-yeast to the poultry diet at the dose rate 0.30 mg/kg improved the growth performance and guts microbial health, and enhanced the immunity of poultry birds.
... Dört alt birime sahip olan katalaz kofaktör olarak demir veya mangan kullanır (Ighodaro & Akinloye, 2018). Ayrıca polipeptit alt birimleri ferriprotoporfirin içerir (Ighodaro & Akinloye, 2018;Surai, 2006). ...
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Oksidasyonu engelleyerek vücudu çeşitli reaktif türlerin neden olduğu oksidatif hasardan koruyan antioksidanlar, sağlıktan gıdaya, kozmetik ürünlere ve endüstriye kadar pek çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde pek çok hastalığa sebep olduğu düşünülen reaktif türlerin neden olduğu zararları yok eden antioksidan moleküller ve bunların sağlığa olan diğer faydalı etkileri araştırılmaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra oksidasyonu engelleyerek otooksidasyonu geciktiren veya engelleyen özellikleri ile antioksidan moleküllerin gıda ürünlerinde ekşime, kokuşma ve bozunmayı geciktirerek gıda raf ömrü üzerine olumlu etkileri araştırılan popüler konular arasındadır. ...
... Organic forms of selenium present in mushrooms, such as selenomethionine, have higher bioavailability compared to inorganic selenium sources, such as selenite or selenate, which are commonly used in pig diets. Selenium is a key component of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that protects cells from oxidative damage, and it plays a role in thyroid hormone metabolism and immune response [103]. Selenium-enriched mushrooms have been shown to improve pig health by increasing antioxidant capacity, enhancing immune responses, and improving meat quality, which is indicative of selenium's incorporation into body tissues [104,105]. ...
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Simple Summary The pig-farming industry faces significant challenges in ensuring the health and growth of piglets, particularly during the weaning phase. This critical period involves multiple stressors, such as environmental changes, dietary shifts, and social separation, which can adversely affect the piglet’s digestive health, immune system, and overall well-being. One of the primary hurdles during weaning is the transition from a milk-based diet to a more complex cereal-based diet. This abrupt dietary change can lead to reduced food intake, digestive issues, gut inflammation, and nutrient absorption difficulties, resulting in diarrhea and poor growth. To tackle these issues, researchers are exploring innovative nutritional strategies. One promising area is the utilization of specific types of fiber, known as glucans, derived from sources like cereals, mushrooms, seaweed, and yeast. Additionally, there is a growing focus on the roles of Vitamin D and selenium, with Vitamin D and selenium-enriched mushrooms serving as natural sources of these vital nutrients. In conclusion, addressing the challenges faced by piglets during weaning necessitates the development of effective nutritional strategies, including the incorporation of glucans, Vitamin D, selenium, and enriched mushrooms. These approaches align with sustainable and responsible pig-farming practices, prioritizing the welfare of the animals and reducing the need for additives and antibiotics. Abstract This review examines the challenges faced by the pig industry, with a specific focus on improving the health and growth of weaned pigs. It emphasizes the immediate necessity of investigating alternative approaches to managing pig nutrition and health due to restrictions on the use of antibiotics and the prohibition of zinc oxide in weaned pig diets. The weaning phase is identified as a critical stage in piglet development, characterized by stressors that affect their gastrointestinal health, immune responses, and overall physiology. The primary challenge during weaning arises from transitioning piglets from a digestible milk-based diet to a less digestible cereal-based feed, causing nutritional stress. This manifests as reduced feed intake, leading to gastrointestinal disturbances, intestinal inflammation, and adverse effects on intestinal structure and microbiota. To address these challenges and optimize piglet development, various nutritional strategies have been explored. Notably, glucans, particularly β-glucans from fungi, cereals, algae, and yeast, show promise in alleviating weaning-related issues. Furthermore, it is important to highlight the critical roles played by Vitamin D and selenium in piglet nutrition. These essential nutrients can be sourced naturally from enriched mushrooms that are specifically enriched with Vitamin D and selenium, providing a sustainable dietary option. In conclusion, effective nutritional strategies, including glucans, Vitamin D, selenium, and enriched mushrooms, are beneficial for addressing weaning-related challenges.
The oxidative stress defined as an event caused by an imbalance between production and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which lead to a damage in the structure of proteins, lipids, and DNA. Therefore, the production of ROS may alter the normal physiological process by provoking damage to multiple cellular organelles and processes. Oxidative stress has been linked to heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, immune deficiency, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and other inflammatory or ischemic conditions. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells and tissues caused by ROS, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. The β-carotene, catechins, flavonoids, polyphenols, lycopene, lutein, selenium, vitamins A, C, D, E, and zeaxanthin are all common types of antioxidants and found in plant-based foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Each antioxidant has its own role and can interact with others to process and remove free radicals efficiently. Several studies have been conducted to investigate whether the use of dietary antioxidant supplements is associated with decreased risks of developing cancer in humans, mixed results were reported. For instance, daily use of supplement such as vitamin c, vitamin E, β-Carotene, and minerals such as selenium and zinc have shown its effectiveness by reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer among men and skin cancer among women.
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The purpose of this research was to see how different levels of Se-chitosan, a novel organic source of Se, affected the production performance, egg quality, egg Se concentration, microbial population, immunological response, antioxidant status, and yolk fatty acid profile of laying Japanese quail. This experiment used a totally randomized design, with 5 treatments, 6 repeats, and 10 birds in each repetition. The dietary treatment groups were as follows: no Se supplementation (control group), 0.2 mg/kg Na-selenite supplementation, and 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mg/kg Se-chitosan supplementation. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved linearly in quails fed different levels of Se-chitosan compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Furthermore, Se-chitosan at concentrations of 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg demonstrated both linear and quadratic increases in albumen height, Haugh unit, and yolk color in fresh eggs compared to the control group. Additionally, Se-chitosan contributed to enhanced shell thickness and strength, along with an increased Se concentration in the yolk. Se-chitosan supplementation at different levels linearly and quadratically reduced coliforms (COL) while increasing lactic acid bacteria (LAB)/coliform ratios (P < 0.05). Se-chitosan supplementation linearly and quadratically increased the total antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and IgG titers (P < 0.05). It also linearly decreased the level of malondialdehyde in fresh and stored egg yolks and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase linearly, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) both linearly and quadratically in quail blood serum (P < 0.05). Additionally, supplementation of Se-chitosan at levels of 0.2 and 0.6 mg/kg linearly decreased the ∑ n-6 PUFA/∑ n-3 PUFA ratio in the yolk compared to the control group (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that incorporating Se-chitosan as a novel organic source of Se in the diet of laying quails can enhance production performance, egg quality, egg Se concentration, yolk lipid oxidation, microbial population, immune response, antioxidant enzyme activity, and yolk fatty acid profile.
Farm animals are exposed to a range of stresses that negatively affect productive and reproductive performances. In dairy cows, four main groups of stress can be identified that cause disturbance in the redox homeostasis of cells and tissues and may be the etiological agent of oxidative stress. The peripartum period, heat stress, mastitis, and high stocking density participate in the induction of oxidative stress and may be considered important physiological, environmental, disease, and psychological stresses in the productive career of dairy cattle. Oxidative stress, during the productive life of dairy cow, may be the main cause of immune and inflammatory dysfunction that increases incidence of health problems in these animals. The administration of antioxidants can protect dairy cows from oxidative stress conditions, and several novel compounds are promising for future applications to counteract oxidative stress in dairy cows.
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This study aimed to explore the effects of selenized glucose (SeGlu) and Na selenite supplementation on various aspects of laying hens such as production performance, egg quality, egg Se concentration, microbial population, antioxidant enzymes activity, immunological response, and yolk fatty acid profile. Using a 2 × 2 factorial design, 168 laying hens at 27-wk of age were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups with 7 replications. Se source (Na selenite and SeGlu) and Se level (0.3 and 0.6 mg/kg) were used as treatments. When 0.3 mg SeGlu/kg was compared to 0.3 mg Na selenite/kg, the interaction findings revealed that 0.3 mg SeGlu/kg increased egg production percent and shell ash (P < 0.05). When compared to 0.3 mg Na selenite/kg, dietary supplementation with 0.3 and 0.6 mg SeGlu/kg resulted in an increase in albumen height, Haugh unit, and yolk color of fresh eggs (P < 0.05). SeGlu enhanced albumen height, Haugh unit, shell thickness (P < 0.01), albumen index, yolk share, specific gravity, shell ash (P < 0.05) of fresh eggs and shell thickness (P < 0.05) of stored eggs as compared to Na selenite. The interaction showed that 0.6 mg SeGlu/kg enhanced yolk Se concentration while decreasing malondialdehyde levels in fresh egg yolk (P < 0.05). SeGlu enhanced Se concentration in albumen and glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma (P < 0.05) as compared to Na selenite. 0.6 mg Se/kg increased lactic acid bacteria, antibody response to sheep red blood cells, and lowered ∑n-6 PUFA/ ∑n-3 PUFA ratio (P < 0.05). As a result, adding SeGlu to the feed of laying hens enhanced egg production, egg quality, egg Se concentration, fresh yolk lipid oxidation, and glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity.
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