Strong links exists between the following actions: C1.2.2 “Analysis of the MSP processes”, C1.3.2 “Spatial demands”, C1.3.5 “improving Stakeholder Engagement” and C1.3.6 “Case studies”. Interviews will be carried out through C1.2.2 and C1.3.2. Actions concerning stakeholder engagement under the C1.3.5 “Improving Stakeholder Engagement” will be carried out within the framework of “Case studies” (C1.3.6). Interview work will produce primary data to complement bibliographic work and will contribute to nourish stakeholder engagement in case-studies.
Based on the common framework described in this document, interviews will be conducted in the three countries and joint working teams will proceed with the analysis to provide a transnational view of MSP process and of spatial demands. Outcomes will then be used to support discussions among stakeholders in case- studies under C1.3.5 and C1.3.6. For these, the core objective is to engage stakeholders in the discussion about the transboundary dimension of MSP, as a contribution to the coherence of national plans that will be developed in the coming years.
Semi-structured interviews are used here to understand how MSP process is planned in each country, claims for access to space by different uses and each groups views the process and its relation to other uses. It allows respondents (or interviewees) to express their view on our question but also to raise issues that we may not have considered.
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Cécile NysAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Cécile Nys
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