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Onosma erzincanica (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), a new scree species from Turkey


Abstract and Figures

A new species of Onosma (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae) from the Erzincan province of eastern Anatolia, O. erzincanica, is described and illustrated. It belongs to the Haplotricha informal group which comprises the species with basal leaves covered by simple setae only. The species appears to be endemic to scree and is very narrowly distributed. The closest relative of O. erzincanica is O. obtusifolia Hausskn. & Sint. ex Riedl, which also occurs in Turkey. In addition to the its restriction to screes, it is primarily distinguished from O. obtusifolia by its golden yellow, shorter (14–17 mm) and clavate corollas, longer pedicels (2–5 mm), shorter filaments (ca. 4 mm), acute cauline leaves and having stems covered not only with 2–5 mm long patent setae but also with short hairs, and chartaceous to membranous leaves, calyx and bracts when dried. The geographical distribution of O. erzincanica and O. obtusifolia are mapped and an identification key for those species is provided. Pollen and nutlet micrographs of O. erzincanica are presented using scanning electron microscopy. The site conditions and conservation status of O. erzincanica are also considered.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Phytotaxa 356 (2): 117–130
Copyright © 2018 Magnolia Press Article PHYTOTAXA
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Accepted by Federico Luebert: 22 May 2018; published: 14 Jun. 2018
Onosma erzincanica (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), a new scree species from
1Mersin University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, 33343, Mersin, Turkey
2Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, 09100, Aydın, Turkey
* Corresponding author; E-mail:
A new species of Onosma O. erzincanica
        
           
 O. erzincanica is O. obtusifolia  
O. obtusifolia
O. erzincanica and O. obtusifolia are mapped and an identification key for those species
  O. erzincanica  
O. erzincanica are also considered.
et al. 2016). Onosma is the most species-rich genus of the
tribe. According to Cecchi et al.Onosma
et al. 
Mehrabian et al.et al.et al.
Cecchi et al.Onosma
only a few species such as O. fruticosaO. polyphyllaO. heterophylla
Grisebach (1844: 80) being small shrubs.
             
 
  Onosma  
within the highly polymorphic Onosma
118 Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press
Onosma for the “Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands” was published by Riedl (1978)
he classified 88 species under Onosma
Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı
Bitkiler)” (Güner et al.Onosma in
Onosma aspera
O. bodeana   O. pachypoda   O. visianii Clementi (1841: 519) are
O. atila-ocakii O. demirizii
O. malatyanaO. anatolica
O. juliae 
      
genus OnosmaO. erzincanicaOnosma species known from
species of Onosma
 
et al. et al. 
         Onosma.
   
      
   
et al. 2017).
In the course of a study on critical specimens of Onosma
  Onosma 
O. obtusifolia 
obtusifolia      O. obtusifolia  
TABLE 1.Onosma erzincanica and O. obtusifolia.
Characters Onosma erzincanica Onosma obtusifolia
Stem clothed not only with rigid, 2–5 mm long patent
setae but also short hairs
 acutechartaceous to
membranous when dried.
Inflorescence 1–4 cymes 
Bracts oblanceolate to oblong, chartaceous to
membranous when dried
Pedicels 2–5 mm long in flowering 2 mm long in flowering
Calyx clothed with densely patent setae and short hairs on
outside and ± adpressed setae and sparse short hairs
when dried
Corolla golden yellow, 14–17 mm, clavate, shortly
setulose outside
on and near lobes
 ca. 4 mm 5–6 mm
Habitat Screes Stony pastures
ONOSMA ERZINCANICA  Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press 119
Material and Methods
Specimens of Onosma erzincanica
O. erzincanica with the type specimen of O. obtusifolia
Onosma 
 
 
       
et al. (1989) and Punt et al. (1994).
TABLE 2. Pollen characteristics of O. erzincanica.
Shape spheroidal
Polarity Heteropolar
Length of the polar axis 17.85 µm
 16.37 µm
Length of the polar axis / width of the equatorial axis 1.09
Length of the pores 3.69 µm
 4.08 µm
Length of the colpus 12.82 µm
 4.22 µm
 0.81 µm
Intine thickness 0.58 µm
Length of the polar triangular edge 6.71 µm
Taxonomic treatment
Onosma erzincanica sp. nov. 
O. obtusifolia
O. obtusifoliaO. obtusifolia
O. obtusifoliaO. obtusifolia
patent setae (2.5-rarely 3 mm in O. obtusifolia) but also with short hairs (absent in O. obtusifolia
 O. obtusifolia when dried).
Type:   °3644
°4115Binzet 201417
120 Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 1. Onosma erzincanica
ONOSMA ERZINCANICA  Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press 121
FIGURE 2.Onosma erzincanica
122 Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 3. Onosma obtusifolia.
ONOSMA ERZINCANICA  Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press 123
                  
    
         
           
            
Additional specimen (paratype):Binzet 201507
Distribution and site conditions:Onosma erzincanica seems to be an extremely rare endemic that is confined
O. erzincanica
          
0–400 and longitude
                
the stand where the O. erzincanica         
Onosma erzincanica and
O. obtusifolia O. obtusifolia displays a northern distribution within a
Onosma erzincanica seems to be
seen are fragmentary communities which can be phytosociologically grouped into the xerophtic Astragalo-Brometea
    Astragalo-Brometalia         
Asperula glomerata (M. Bieb.) Grisebach (1846: 166) subsp. condensata
Onosma erzincanica
of Astragalo-BrometeaOnosma erzincanica
Astragalo-Brometalia communities. Such communities largely occur
on limestone slopes surrounding the type locality of O. erzincanica
Conservation status:           
Onosma erzincanica in its locality.             
 O. erzincanica            
area of occupancy is estimated to be less than 10 km2  
of O. erzincanica.
Vernacular name: Onosma     
Onosma erzincanica.
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FIGURE 4. Distribution map of O. erzincanica (filled circle) and O. obtusifolia (filled triangle).
FIGURE 5.O. erzincanica pollen.
ONOSMA ERZINCANICA  Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press 125
O. erzincanica 
Nutlet morphology:
FIGURE 6.O. erzincanica nutlets.
  Onosma            
et al. 
Cecchi et al. et al. Onosma s.s. is sister to eastern asiatic Maharanga
CystostemonEchium-clade. Onosma taxa
et al.Onosma
Onosma 
 O. erzincanica close to the
O. obtusifoliaOnosma obtusifolia
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         Flora of
Turkey and the East Aegean Islands
O. obtusifolia by Riedl (1978). During the herbarium studies related to
was first treated under O. obtusifolia
probably based on this specimen within the description of O. obtusifolia in Flora of Turkey
O. obtusifolia made 
         
O. araraticum 
Onosma account in Flora of TurkeyO. araraticum
O. araraticum
recall O. obtusifolia 
to the O. erzincanica O. araraticum
therefore it is grouped within a different species group of Onosma in the identification key of the Flora of Turkey.
O. obtusifolia
Onosma erzincanica shows a close affinity to
O. obtusifolia 
    
O. erzincanicaO. obtusifolia
dried in O. obtusifoliaO. erzincanica could
Onosma erzincanica matches that in O. sericea 
O. sericea united into a tube at the base and the base of the calyx is adpressed setose while
O. erzincanicaO.
likely that the dense short hair character on stems in O. erzincanica 
O. erzincanica and O. obtusifolia
Onosma erzincanica
    O. erzincanica
namely O. obtusifolia
 Onosma
biosystematic and molecular studies will certainly drastically reduce the number of accepted taxa.
 O. erzincanica and O. obtusifolia
Key to Onosma erzincanica and O. obtusifolia
  
calyx chartaceous to membranous when dried .............................................................................................................O. erzincanica
 
calyx herbaceous when dried ..........................................................................................................................................O. obtusifolia
ONOSMA ERZINCANICA  Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press 127
FIGURE 7. LM micrographs of indumentum of O. erzincanica
FIGURE 8. O. erzincanica 
leaf surface).
128 Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press
Specimens Examined
Onosma araraticum:T. Baytop s.n.
Onosma obtusifolia:Sintenis 6000
O. sericea:
Binzet 68
L (
of O. araraticum
Proceedings of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh 12: 76–98.
Onosma L. In
Flora Europaea
Onosma 
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Flora Orientalis
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Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands
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Spicilegium florae rumelicae et bithynicae
Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler) 
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OnosmaPlant Systematics and Evolutions
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     Onosma bracteosum Hausskn. & Bornm. and Onosma thracicum Velen. based on fatty acid
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Onosma bulgaricaNovon 27: 216–221.
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Phytocoenologia 1: 131–222.
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InFlora Iranica. Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der umrahmenden Gebirge
130 Phytotaxa 356 (2) © 2018 Magnolia Press
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Onosma L. In:   Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands    
Onosma demiriziiBangladesh
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          Onosma (Boraginaceae).
Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 119: 196–233.
 
 Onosma   O. echioidesO. helveticum und O.
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Onosma species (Boraginaceae). Botanica Chronika 10: 271–292.
Flora BulgaricaDescriptio et Enumeratio Systematica Plantarum Vascularium in Principatu Bulgariae Sponte
and allies (Boraginaceae tribe Lithospermeae) based on molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
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 
seeds (OmphalodesMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68:
 
InThe Families and Genera
of vascular plants
Caroli a Linneì Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis,
nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, ed. 4
Pollen Grains
Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi 2: 1–78.
... Especially the SW Irano-Turanian region plays a major role in speciation and evolution of Onosma taxa. Since over the 80-85 % of Onosma species occur in Türkiye, Iran, Northeast of Iraq and Western of Pakistan (Boissier, 1879;Riedl, 1967;1978;Binzet et al., 2010;Binzet & Akçin 2012;Mehrabian et al., 2013;Koyuncu et al., 2013;Ranjbar & Almasi, 2014;Binzet, 2016a;2016b;Cecchi et al., 2016;Binzet & Eren, 2018;Fırat & Binzet, 2021). ...
... In the last plant check-list of Türkiye title "Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi" (Binzet, 2012), Binzet recognised 96 species (including one hybrid) belonging to the genus Onosma in Türkiye. Later, O. atila-ocakii Koyuncu & Yaylacı (2013), O. demirizii Kaynak, Tarımcılar & Yılmaz (2015), O. malatyana Binzet (2016a), O. anatolica Binzet (2016b), O. juliae L. Cecchi et al. (2016), O. erzincanica Binzet & Eren (2018), O. satensis Fırat & Binzet (2021), O. onur-koyuncui Sezer (2021, O. serpentinica Yıldırım & Binzet (2024) were described as additional nine members of the genus from Türkiye. Türkiye is well known for the high diversity of its phanerogam flora, which is also reflected by the species richness in the genus Onosma. ...
... Most taxa of the genus are distributed in SW Asia, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region, in steppes and open habitats (Kolarčik et al., 2015;Binzet 2016a). The genus's diversity centers are Türkiye, Iran and Central Asia (Teppner, 1991;Binzet et al., 2014;Binzet & Eren, 2018;Binzet et al., 2024). Turkey and Iran host 106 and 72 Onosma taxa, respectively (Cecchi et al., 2016, Weigend et al., 2016, Advay et al., 2022, Binzet et al., 2024. ...
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A new species of Onosma (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae) from the Van province of eastern Anatolia, Onosma vanensis, is described and illustrated. It belongs to the Haplotricha subsect. which comprises the species with basal leaves covered by simple setae only. In general appearance, it's close to O. lanceolata but it's a different species with narrow stem leaves, larger bracts, shorter pedicels and calyx as well as longer corolla. The geographical distribution of O. vanensis and O. lanceolata are mapped and the identification key for those species is provided. Additionally, diagnostic characters, detailed photographs and habitat descriptions provided along with a vernacular name and IUCN conservation status for O. vanensis.
... Especially the SW Irano-Turanian region plays a major role in speciation and evolution of Onosma taxa. Since over the 80-85 % of Onosma species occur in Türkiye, Iran, Northeast of Iraq and Western of Pakistan (Boissier, 1879;Riedl, 1967;1978;Binzet et al., 2010;Binzet & Akçin 2012;Mehrabian et al., 2013;Koyuncu et al., 2013;Ranjbar & Almasi, 2014;Binzet, 2016a;2016b;Cecchi et al., 2016;Binzet & Eren, 2018;Fırat & Binzet, 2021). ...
... In the last plant check-list of Türkiye title "Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi" (Binzet, 2012), Binzet recognised 96 species (including one hybrid) belonging to the genus Onosma in Türkiye. Later, O. atila-ocakii Koyuncu & Yaylacı (2013), O. demirizii Kaynak, Tarımcılar & Yılmaz (2015), O. malatyana Binzet (2016a), O. anatolica Binzet (2016b), O. juliae L. Cecchi et al. (2016), O. erzincanica Binzet & Eren (2018), O. satensis Fırat & Binzet (2021), O. onur-koyuncui Sezer (2021, O. serpentinica Yıldırım & Binzet (2024) were described as additional nine members of the genus from Türkiye. Türkiye is well known for the high diversity of its phanerogam flora, which is also reflected by the species richness in the genus Onosma. ...
... Most taxa of the genus are distributed in SW Asia, Central Asia and the Mediterranean region, in steppes and open habitats (Kolarčik et al., 2015;Binzet 2016a). The genus's diversity centers are Türkiye, Iran and Central Asia (Teppner, 1991;Binzet et al., 2014;Binzet & Eren, 2018;Binzet et al., 2024). Turkey and Iran host 106 and 72 Onosma taxa, respectively (Cecchi et al., 2016, Weigend et al., 2016, Advay et al., 2022, Binzet et al., 2024. ...
A new species of Onosma (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae) from the Van province of eastern Anatolia, Onosma vanensis Fırat & Binzet, is described and illustrated. It belongs to Haplotricha informal group which comprises the species with basal leaves covered by simple setae only. In general appearence, it’s close to O. lanceolata Boiss. & Hausskn. but it’s a different species with narrow stem leaves, larger bracts, shorter pedicels and calyx as well as longer corolla. The geographical distribution of O. vanensis and O. lanceolata are mapped and the identification key for those species is provided. Additionaly, diagnostic characters, detailed photographs and habitat descriptions provided along with a vernacular name and IUCN conservation status for O. vanensis.
... Most taxa of the genus are distributed in SW Asia, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean region, in steppes and open habitats (Kolarčik et al. 2015, Binzet 2016a. The genus' diversity centers are Türkiye, Iran, and Central Asia (Teppner 1991, Binzet et al. 2014Binzet & Eren 2018). Onosma (Boraginaceae, tribe Lithospermeae) is an Old-World genus of biennial to perennial herbaceous to suffruticose plants which are hispid, with patent to adpressed setae arising from glabrous or stellatly setulose tubercles (Riedl 1978). ...
... According to Binzet (2012) and recent new studies (Koyuncu et al. 2013, Tarimcilar et al. 2015, Binzet 2016a, Binzet 2016b, Binzet and Eren 2018, Sezer 2021, Fırat & Binzet 2021, Aytaç et al. 2023, Onosma includes about 104 specific taxa in Türkiye, of which 61 species (ca. 59 %) are endemic. ...
... In recent years, many new Onosma taxa have been described in Türkiye and especially in Iran (Koyuncu el al. 2013, Mehrabian et al. 2013, Tarimcilar et al. 2015, Almasi & Ranjbar 2015, Naqinezhad & Attar 2016, Binzet 2016a, Binzet 2016b, Mehrabian & Mozaffarian 2018, Dehshiri 2018, Binzet & Eren 2018, Attar et al. 2020, Attar et al. 2021, Sezer 2021, Fırat & Binzet 2021, Mehrabian et al. 2022a, Mehrabian et al. 2022b, Advay et al. 2023, Aytaç et al. 2023. Due to the distribution and the many additions of species since the Flora of Turkey (Riedl 1978), we compared our material with new species described from Iran and new taxa described from Türkiye, but it was determined that O. serpentinica, defined as a new species in this study, was different from all these species. ...
A new species of Onosma L. (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), Onosma serpentinica Yıldırım & Binzet, from Muğla Province, in south-west Anatolia, Türkiye, is described and illustrated. It grows on the ultramafic slopes at Pinus brutia forest clearings near Göcek district of Muğla Province on elevation between 230–290 m a.s.l. Onosma serpentinica is a serpentine endemic belonging to section Onosma subsection Haplotricha (Boiss.) Gürke. The most similar species from Türkiye is O. argentata Hub.-Mor., which is distributed in only two localities from Erzincan province (Eastern Türkiye) and differs from it by the indumentum type, shorter basal and cauline leaves, fewer-flowered cymes, different corolla colour, different corolla indumentum, longer filaments and styles as well as bigger nutlets. Additionally, the geographical distributions and map, an image of the holotype specimen, diagnostic characters, detailed photographs, habitat descriptions, and an identification key for the new species, O. serpentinica, and O. argentata are provided along with a vernacular name and IUCN conservation status for O. serpentinica.
... It is distributed from the northwest of Africa to Europe and Asia and mainly in Turkey and Iran 1,2 . The total number of Onosma species known from Turkey is 103 3,4 . When the high rate of endemism in Turkey (57.84%) was taken into account, it was seen that Turkey was the centre of diversity of the Onosma genus. ...
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The Onosma L. (Lithospermae, Boraginaceae) genus contains many plant species with therapeutic properties due to its rich phytochemicals. Onosma mutabilis Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Boiss. (O. mutabilis) is the species for which there is not enough information on its characteristics. Objective: The total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, possible bioactive compounds, and antibacterial activities of ethanolic extracts of leaf, stem, root, and flower parts of endemic O. mutabilis were investigated. Conclusions: The total phenolic content of all O. mutabilis extracts was in the range of 9.2–31 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g of extract. According to the results of antioxidant activity, the IC50 antioxidant capacity values determined by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method were between 4.39–29 μg/mL, while the equivalent trolox antioxidant activity determined by the cupric reducing antioxidant values (CUPRAC) was 0.45–0.78 mmol of trolox equivalents (TE)/g of extract. Bioactive compounds have been analysed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and were found to contain 29 different chemical components. All plant extracts tested showed effective antibacterial activity against A. baumannii (ATCC 02026) (62.5 μg/mL MIC value) when compared to the reference drug Ampicillin (125 μg/mL).
... 59 of these 102 species are endemic to Turkey and endemism ratio of the species is ca. 60% (Riedl, 1978;Davis et al., 1988;Yıldırımlı, 2000;Riedl et al., 2005;Binzet & Orcan, 2007;Kandemir & Türkmen, 2010;Aytaç & Türkmen, 2011;Koyuncu et al., 2013;Binzet, 2016(a,b); Binzet & Eren, 2018). ...
... The new taxa were assessed based on the diagnostic keys of Flora Iranica (Riedl, 1967), Flora of Iran (Khatamsaz, 2002), Flora of Turkey (Riedl, 1979), Flora of USSR (Popov, 1953), Boissier (1879), Johnston (1954), Post (1966), Polunin (1969), Ball (1972) and Nasir & Ali (1979). Several newly introduced taxa of Onosma were evaluated and compared with our new taxa (see Ghahreman and Attar, 1996;Attar and Joharchi, 2006;Attar and Hamzehee, 2007;Binzet and Orcan, 2007;Kandemir and Türkemen, 2010;Aytac and Türkmen, 2011;Koyuncu et al., 2013;Mehrabian et al., 2013;Ahmad, 2014;Binzet, 2016 a, b;Cecchi et al., 2016;Binzet and Eren, 2018 Dehshiri, 2018;He et al., 2018He et al., , 2020. Additionally, more than 2500 accessions of Onosma specimens, and images of type specimens in several herbaria of Iran (HSBU!, TARI!, IRAN!) and Europe (W!, WU!, LE, BG! JE!, C!, B!, G!, K) (Thiers 2019) were studied to improve our taxonomic evidence for introducing the new species. ...
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Onosma atrii and O. persica are described and illustrated as new species and O. caucasica Levin is recorded for the first time from northwestern Iran. The two new species are placed in subsect. Asterotricha (Boiss.) Gürke, because of the asterotrichous indumentum (stellate trichomes) of their basal leaves. An extensive review of the literature and comparison with specimens from various European and Asiatic herbaria led to the recognition of these novelties. Our argument for these innovations is based on observation of significant differences in taxonomically important morphological characters including trichome type, shape and size of basal and cauline leaves, shape and size of calyx and corolla, annulus hairs, anther length, connection type and degree of exsertion, and nutlet morphology. The diagnostic morphological characters of closely related species are discussed, and for each new species a detailed description and details of distribution and conservation status are provided. An updated synoptical key to the species known from the Flora Iranica region and Atropatene sub-province is provided.
... The genus Onosma L. belongs to the Boraginaceae family and comprises 150 species growingmainly in the western and central regions of Asia and the Mediterranean region (Rechinger, 1967). In recent years, several new species of Onosma have been reported (Binzet et al., 2010;Aytac and Turkmen, 2011;Almasi and Ranjbar, 2015;Cecchi et al., 2016;Binzet and Eren, 2018;Mehrabian and Mozaffarian, 2018), which has increased the total number of Onosma species to nearly 240 (He et al., 2020). The roots of Onosma have been widely used in tradi-tional medicine for treating wounds, burns, dyspnea, hoarseness, hemorrhoids, abdominal aches, and stomach ulcers (Binzet and Akcin, 2012;Hemmati et al., 2018). ...
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Because of side effects and increasing resistance to antibiotics, considerable attention hasbeen given to extract sand biologically active compounds isolated from medicinal plants. In the present study, phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of different concentrations of various extracts of Onosma chlorotricum were evaluated and compared with those of vancomycin and amikacin. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents and the antibacterial activity of methanol, n-hexane, and aqueous extracts (5 mg/ml to 0.156 mg/ml final concentration) of O. chlorotricum against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli were evaluated using disc diffusion and microdilution methods. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined according to the Folin-Ciocalteu and aluminum chloride colorimetric assays, respectively. The results showed that the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of these extracts ranged from 56.10±0.13 to 74.12±0.05 mg GAE/g dry extract and from 19.3±0.6 to 23.20±0.41 mg QE/g dry extract, respectively. The methanol extract with the highest phenolic and flavonoid content showed the highest antibacterial activity against all the tested bacterial strains, with the highest inhibition zone of 21±0.7 mm and the lowest MIC and MBC values of 78.12 μg/ml for S. aureus. The antibacterial effects and the total phenolic content of O. chlorotricum were remarkable. The results suggest that the effects of methanol extract on wound healing could be tested in an animal model.
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A new species of Onosma L. (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae), Onosma korukluei, from Konya Province,in central Anatolia, Türkiye, is described and illustrated. It belongs to section Onosma subsection Asterotricha. Thenew species is close to O. roussaei in having several rows of setules on its leaf and stem tubercles, and a papillatecorolla, but distinguished from it by its very dense, prickly, appressed trichomes with stellate hairy tubercles with3 – 4 rows of 20 – 30 asterosetules; linear to narrow spathulate leaves; basal leaves not shrivelled at flowering time;smaller bracts; shorter pedicels; cylindrical, white, sparsely pubescent corollas; and narrower nutlets. Diagnosticmorphological, palynological, and nutlet characters are compared and discussed. Indumentum and pollen micro-graphs of O. korukluei from scanning electron microscopy are presented. The geographical distributions and map,detailed photographs, habitat descriptions, and an identification key for O. korukluei and O. roussaei are providedalong with a vernacular name and an IUCN conservation status for O. korukluei.
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The taxonomy of O. dichroantha, O. nervosa, and their allied species is extremely controversial among authors. The delimitation of these species was extremely confusing, and closely related species were separated by weak and non-diagnostic morphological traits. A taxonomic revision of these taxa is presented here based on our fieldwork and a thorough study of herbaria specimens. The species O. dichroantha and O. sharifii are regarded as synonyms of O. setosa, and O. maculata is reduced to synonymy with O. nervosa. In addition, the typification of accepted names and relevant synonyms, detailed morphological descriptions and brief comments on the relationships between species are provided. Besides, it is accentuated that the introduction of any new species should be based on complete evidence to avoid systematic complexity. The results of this study play an important role in solving the problems of plant diversity and in the conservation of plant diversity.
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Onosma anatolica Binzet, is described and illustrated as a new species from Niğde province in southern Anatolia, Turkey. It belongs to sect. Onosma L. subsect. Asterotricha (Boiss.) Gürke. The new species is closely related to Onosma subulifolia Riedl from which it is distinguished. Onosma anatolica is readily distinguished from Onosma subulifolia by its sterile shoots, the green-grey stem indumentum, longer bracts, yellow and puberulous petals. The IUCN threat category of Onosma anatolica is determined as “CR (Critically Endangered) ”. A distribution map and anidentification key for Onosma anatolica and Onosma subulifolia supplement the study.
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Boraginaceae s.str. is a subcosmopolitan family of 1600 to 1700 species in around 90 genera, and recent phylogenetic studies indicate that the infrafamilial classification as currently used is highly obsolete. The present study addresses the relationships of the major clades in Boraginaceae s.str. with an emphasis on monophyly of, and relationships between previously recognized clades and the position of various unplaced genera such as Afrotysonia, Anoplocaryum, Brachybotrys, Chionocharis, Craniospermum, Thyrocarpus, and Trigonocaryum using three plastid markers and a taxon sampling with four outgroup and 170 ingroup species from 73 genera. The phylogeny shows high statistical support for most nodes on the backbone and within individual clades. Echiochileae are confirmed as sister to the remainder of Boraginaceae s.str., which, in turn, fall into two well-supported clades, the Boragineae + Lithospermeae and the Cynoglosseae s.l. The latter is highly resolved and includes the Lasiocaryum-clade (Chionocharis, Lasiocaryum, Microcaryum) and the Trichodesmeae (Caccinia, Trichodesma) as sister to the remainder of the group. Rochelieae (formerly the Eritrichieae s.str., also including Eritrichium, Hackelia, and Lappula) form a poorly supported polytomy together with the Mertensia-clade (also including Anoplocaryum, Asperugo, and Memoremea) and the Omphalodes-clade. The enigmatic genus Craniospermum (Craniospermeae) is sister to an expanded Myosotideae (also including Brachybotrys, Decalepidanthus, Trigonocaryum, and Trigonotis) and these two clades are in turn sister to the Core-Cynoglosseae, in which Afrotysonia glochidiata and Thyrocarpus sampsonii are included. Core-Cynoglosseae again fall into two pairs of well-supported subclades. The majority of generic placements are now resolved satisfactorily and the remaining phylogenetic questions can be clearly delimited. Based on the extensive phylogenetic data now available we propose a new infrafamilial classification into three subfamilies and 11 tribes, representing a consensus among the participating authors, according to which major clades are renamed.
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Turkey is one of the important centres of origin for genus Onosma (Boraginaceae) with about 95 species including 48 endemics (ca.50%). A very limited number of investigations for fatty acid patterns and α-­tocopherol contents of the seed oils were reported in this genus. Some differences were observed in total oil (18.8-24.0%) and α-tocopherol contents (1.66-46.03%) between species. Major unsaturated fatty acids were α-linolenic (38.70-41.05%), linoleic (16.13-18.38%) and oleic acids (11.86-12.96%) respectively. Palmitic (6.32­7.71%), ɤ-linolenic (6.36-6.92%) and stearic (2.15-2.32%) acids showed considerable levels. Other fatty acid concentrations were at minor concentrations below 1 % of the seed oils. Total oil content in addition to oleic and α-linolenic acids quantified at higher levels in endemic O. bracteosum. The other fatty acids and α-tocopherol were observed at higher concentrations in O. thracicum. Some variations were examined in quantities, total percentages and the ratios of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids as additional chemotaxonomic markers. Differences for whole series of fatty acids were not significant between species but, significantly difference was found based on six calculated ratios of the fatty acids (p<0.05). Investigated Onosma species could be evaluated as the alternative wild sources for the production of essential fatty acids (EFA) including α-linolenic (ω-3), linoleic and unusual ɤ-linolenic (ω-6) acids.
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Onosma malatyana Binzet is described and illustrated as a new species from Malatya and Tunceli provinces in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The new species belongs to sect. Onosma L. subsect. Asterotricha (Boiss.) Gürke. and is closely similar to O. auriculata DC. and O. gigantea Lam. Diagnostic morphological and palynological characters of these species are compared and discussed. The new species distinctly differs from the similar two species by its patent setose and short hair of stem indumentum; 60–85 × 20–40 mm, oblanceolateobovate basal leaves; hairy corolla; and having 4.5 × 4 mm, obtuse-acuminate nutlets with ventral keel and horizontally incurved beak. The IUCN threat category of O. malatyana is determined as “CR (Critically Endangered)”. Finally, the geographical distribution of O. malatyana and the other closely similar species are mapped and the identification key of those species is provided.
The new species Onosma juliae is described and illustrated based on specimens collected in the westernmost part of the Taurus range in southern Anatolia (Turkey, Karaman province). Differences with the putatively more closely related species are briefly discussed, and a synthetic but comprehensive key to the Irano-Turanian members of the genus known to date is provided to allow the identification of the major species group.
Annual, biennial or perennial, rarely monocarpic herbs, subshrubs and rarely erect or lianescent shrubs, not aromatic; primary root usually persistent, often developed as strong taproot, rarely primary and secondary roots thickened and spindle-shaped or primary root splitting from above and forming root pleiocorm; stems terete, rarely angular, then often winged from decurrent leaf bases, erect, rarely ascending, sprawling, decumbent or procumbent, prostrate, sometimes forming rhizomes or stolon tubers; indumentum usually present on whole plant, often strongly developed, scabrid to hispid or strigose, sometimes uncinate, very rarely with stiffly deflexed trichomes for climbing or lanate or consisting of stellate trichome complexes or largely absent (trichomes reduced to basal cells), trichomes often scabrid, often mineralized with Si or Ca, often inserted on a multicellular basal tubercle or cystolith cell, rarely unicellular, simple and smooth or uniseriate and gland-tipped. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple, entire, exstipulate, cauline leaves usually sessile to semiamplexicaulous, lamina linear, narrowly ovate to subcircular, usually decurrent on petiole, more rarely base distinctly rounded or cordate and distinctly petiolate, basal leaves usually forming an ephemeral or persistent rosette, sessile or tapering into a petiole. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, frondose, bracteose or ebracteose, paraclades monochasial or dichasial, lax or very dense, usually scorpioid and contracted into boragoids, these paraclades present as simple terminal inflorescence or combined into complex thyrsoids, sometimes with extensive accessory paraclades and metatopia. Inflorescences sometimes congested into terminal “heads” or strongly reduced to axillary or terminal single flowers. Flowers pentamerous, hypogynous, bisexual, often proterandrous; perianth biseriate, sepals united at base or nearly to apex, usually radially symmetrical, sometimes slightly or distinctly unequal, calyx tubular to rotate, membranaceous, usually accrescent in fruit, spreading or closing; petals usually united to form distinct tube, rarely united only basally, corolla actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic or irregular, rotate, hypocrateriform, infundibular, campanulate or tubular, rarely curved or geniculate, corolla tube internally usually appendaged near base with ring-shaped intrusion or 5 or 10 free scales (basal scales = annulus) and near throat with 5 crescent- or scale-shaped intrusions (= faucal scales, fornices), these closing the tube and/or appressed to anthers and/or protruding to form a ring around opening of tube, erect, recurved or incurved, papillose to pubescent, usually contrastingly coloured (often yellow or white vs. blue or white corolla lobes); corolla lobes reflexed to porrect, narrowly triangular to (usually) subcircular; aestivation usually quincuncial, rarely contorted; stamens epipetalous and antesepalous, rarely unequal or some abortive, filaments free from each other, usually short and anthers included in tube or partially or completely exserted, inserted at the same or different heights in tube, filament lengths and/or point of insertion differing between morphs in taxa with stigma height polymorphism or heterostyly; anthers usually free from each other, dorsifixed, dithecous, tetrasporangiate, opening by longitudinal slits, sometimes anthers coherent, connective sometimes appendaged; gynoecium 2-carpellate, syncarpous, usually with basal nectary disc; ovary bilocular, but secondarily subdivided into four chambers by false septa, 4-lobed in flower; style overtopped by the nutlets (gynobasic), usually simple, rarely 2–4 stylodia, included or exserted, stigmas capitate to oblong; ovules anatropous-epitropous, usually basal or sub-basal, erect to pendulous, unitegmic, tenuinucellate. Fruit a dry schizocarp separating into four 1-seeded, rarely two 2-seeded, indehiscent mericarpids, sometimes fewer by abortion or fusion; mericarpids (“nutlets”, “eremocarpids”) usually equal, rarely heteromorphic (in individual fruit, in fruits on different parts of the plant or in different morphs of a population), nutlet shape and size highly variable, ovoid to subcircular, tetrahedral, lenticellate, bowl-shaped or disc-shaped, often with differentiated, lobed/glochidiate or membranaceous (“winged”) margin, surface smooth and shiny to papillose and dull, pubescent, verrucose or with complex glochidia, sometimes with base strongly modified as ring and/or with basal elaiosome. Mature seeds with scanty endosperm, cotyledons fleshy, embryo usually straight.
Onosma demirizii Kaynak, Tarimcilar & Yilmaz sp. nova (Boraginaceae) is described as a new species from central Anatolia, Turkey. This new species is closely related to O. subulifolium H. Riedl but differs by its yellowish-green stems, patent-setose indumentum, linear to narrowly oblanceolate cauline leaves, shorther calyx and corolla and anthers that are longer than the filaments. The diagnostic morphological characters of this new species are discussed.
This contribution spotlights the present research on the (oreal) subalpine to subnival mountain vegetation of Turkey. It concisely compiles our present knowledge, which is very heterogeneous in geographical terms. The situation is comparatively good in NW and W Anatolia and the western half of the Taurus range, from where a first consolidation stage can be reported. By contrast, the E Taurus remains a largely unexplored area. The North Anatolian chains have hitherto attracted a few local researchers only, and those important pioneering accounts cover less than half of the vegetation types actually present. The results of the last years' field work in the Taurus range represent the core of the presentation and focus on the syntaxonomy and phytogeography of the Tauric System. An annotated conspectus of all known major syntaxa (alliances to class group level) recorded from the Anatolian mountains is presented. It includes 15 first records of mostly Euro-Siberian and Mediterranean orders and classes that proved to be incorrectly interpreted, completely unstudied or as yet unreported. The classification of the N Anatolian mountain vegetation suffered severely by neglecting the rich literature about the neighbouring mountain chains of the Balkans or the Great and Little Caucasus. In taking a broader view, some major vegetation units are re-defined to better reflect Turkey's position in the Eurasian Alpic-Himalayan fold mountain system. A phytogeographical subdivision of the Turkish mountain ranges and all of the Tauric System based on both the asylvatic high mountain vegetation and flora is provided. The subdivision is fully backed by the pattern revealed by the forest communities. Despite the achievements in the past, such a lecture is to a certain extent a tale of ignorance. Pointing out the gaps in our knowledge may help to co-ordinate the studies needed. Another goal is to discuss conflicting or even inappropriate syntaxonomic concepts and working methods to come closer to a common base for future vegetation surveying projects.