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When F.F. Bosworth Joined the Branham Party: A Look at His Contributions to The Voice of Healing and the Post-WWII Preachers with Healing Ministries

  • Independent Researcher


Copyright (c) 2018 by Roscoe Barnes III #FFBosworth This blog post presents new information on F.F. Bosworth's work with William Branham, Gordon Lindsay, and the Voice of Healing evangelists of the post-WWII healing revival. It discusses five ways in which Bosworth had an impact on the evangelists associated with Branham and Lindsay. The author suggests Bosworth's contributions included his teachings on divine healing, prestige and enhanced credibility, effective use of healing testimonies, inspiration for healing en masse, and practical ideas for writing books. For more information, and a clearer view of the images shared in the posted pdf, see Bosworth Matters at #ChristTheHealer
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