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Brand Awareness And Success In The Market


Abstract and Figures

Successful brand in the present-day conditions is not just well selected and original name or mark. Loyalty of consumers is connected to success of the brand in the market. It is very difficult for a brand to find success and then to maintain it. It requires constant attention, gathering of information, analysis and taking of right decisions. The difficulty is that the brand constitutes a set of different aspects and elements. The aim of the research was to study the attitude of consumers to Georgian brands at Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) consumer market. Proceeding from the goal of this research the tasks of the study were: to determine consumer evaluations about Georgian brands and their separate components; to find out the attitude of consumers to the advantages of Georgian brands, associations of consumers concerning successful brands. As a result of the marketing research successful Georgian brands at Tbilisi consumer market were determined. In the process of their evaluation the several characteristics were taken into consideration. The research method was of exploratory and descriptive nature. In the conclusive part of the work are given research results, conclusions and recommendations.
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Economy & Business
ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 424
Maia Seturi
Faculty of Economics and Business, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Successful brand in the present-day conditions is not just well selected and original name or mark.
Loyalty of consumers is connected to success of the brand in the market. It is very difficult for a brand
to find success and then to maintain it. It requires constant attention, gathering of information,
analysis and taking of right decisions. The difficulty is that the brand constitutes a set of different
aspects and elements. The aim of the research was to study the attitude of consumers to Georgian
brands at Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) consumer market. Proceeding from the goal of this research
the tasks of the study were: to determine consumer evaluations about Georgian brands and their
separate components; to find out the attitude of consumers to the advantages of Georgian brands,
associations of consumers concerning successful brands. As a result of the marketing research
successful Georgian brands at Tbilisi consumer market were determined. In the process of their
evaluation the several characteristics were taken into consideration. The research method was of
exploratory and descriptive nature. In the conclusive part of the work are given research results,
conclusions and recommendations.
Key words: branding, brand awareness, brand image, marketing research, successful brand
In the modern environments, a product is recognized as the most important element of the marketing
theory and practice. Brand plays a huge role in the product’s commercial success in the market (Kotler
& Armstrong, 2015, p. 250). The use of branding helps companies to draw consumers’ attention to
their products and establish at the market. One of the most actual topics in the marketing’s theory and
practice is the matter of the brands ruling. The key point in the Brand’s success is held by creating its
positive image and ensuring its recognizability and awareness. Trademark image has great influence
on decisions concerning the purchase of consumable products. The greater is a popularity of brand, the
stronger is acceptance of the brand by consumers. When a consumer is satisfied with consuming and
using of concrete brand, little by little she/he becomes a loyal buyer. Thus, the achievement and
maintenance of the positive results in branding are in direct connection to the company’s constant and
interminable hard work in this direction.
In the past, when Georgia was one of the republic of the Soviet Union, marketing, branding and other
scientific directions or their usage in practice was not widely recognized. As they were connected to
capitalism, which was unacceptable at that time. Transition to market relations for Georgia (South
Caucasus) is very important to acquire knowledge and experience, the use of which can contribute
variety of local enterprises to operate more efficiently.
Despite this some Georgian brands were recognized widely in the past. Among old Georgian marks a
mineral water of volcanic origin “Borjomi” deserves attention. It was very popular in the Russian
Empire, and after in the former Soviet Union, as well as abroad. One of the old Georgian brands of
spirits is “Sarajishvili”, production of which was initiated by the famous Georgian businessman and
patron of art Davit Sarajishvili in the 80s of the 19th century. He prepared the spirits according to
French technology which was very popular is Georgia, as well as in the Russian Empire. The well-
known Georgian marks was nonalcoholic soft drinks “Lagidze Waters”. This title comes from its
founder Mitrofan Lagidze who started production of soft drinks in the beginning of the 20th century.
He used a variety of natural syrups derived from fruits and herbs by creation of unique recipe. Among
old Georgian brands a Georgian red semi-sweet wine “Khvanchkara” also worth to be mentioned,
which was produced by a Georgian nobleman Kipiani in the 19th century and in the beginning was sold
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 425
under the title “Kipiani Wine” at Kutaisi (City in West Georgia) market. But this is not the full list of
old Georgian famous trademarks (Ten Oldest Georgian Brands).
Interest in Georgia toward branding has significantly increased in recent years. However, for various
reasons, the usage of branding by local companies is accompanied by some drawbacks which hinder
their success on the market. Therefore, issues connected with the effective management of branding is
actual nowadays. In this work, we have presented the results of the research.
The tasks of this research was: to determine consumer evaluations at Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia)
consumers market about Georgian brands; to find out the attitude of consumers to the advantages of
Georgian brands. Based on the results of the research to determine weaknesses which prevent
Georgian brands from success. The research method was of exploratory and descriptive nature. In the
conclusive part of the work are given research results, conclusions and some recommendations.
A profitable relationship with consumers is being established by: clarifying their wants, creating the
buyer-orientated marketing strategy, creating and starting the marketing programs that are necessary to
get the best values. The establishment of relationship with consumers includes the management of this
process. Consumer relationship management means the whole process of offering them the best values
and achieving their satisfaction. Creating loyal customers is at the heart of every business. “Businesses
succeed by getting, keeping, and growing customers. Customers are the only reason you build
factories, hire employees, schedule meetings, lay fiber-optic lines, or engage in any business activity”
(Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 124). Branding plays an important role in creating loyal customers. The
brand helps consumers to take right decision in the process of choosing products. Brand make
consumers believe that they will not make mistake when buying goods, will have one and the same
Satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing a product’s
perceived performance (or outcome) to expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the
customer is dissatisfied. If it matches expectations, the customer is satisfied. If it exceeds expectations,
the customer is highly satisfied or delighted.
Brands are valuable intangible assets that offer a number of benefits to customers and firms and need
to be managed carefully. The key to branding is that consumers perceive differences among brands in
a product category. Brand equity should be defined in terms of marketing effects uniquely attributable
to a brand. That is, different outcomes result in the marketing of a product or service because of its
brand, compared to the results if that same product or service was not identified by that brand.
To be successful the brand should meet functional needs of consumers, as well as to contain additional
values for them. Additional values should satisfy certain psychological needs. But the basis for
additional values is that the presented brand should be of outstanding quality and better in comparison
with other similar products. Marketing communications allow companies to link their brands to other
people, places, events, brands, experiences, feelings, and things. They can contribute to brand equity
by establishing the brand in memory and creating a brand image as well as drive sales and even affect
shareholder value.
Trademark image has great influence on decisions concerning purchase of consumable products. The
greater is popularity of brand, the stronger is acceptance of brand by consumers. When consumer is
satisfied with consuming and using of concrete brand, little by little she/he becomes a loyal buyer.
Brand loyalty provides predictability and security of demand for the firm, and it creates barriers to
entry that make it difficult for other firms to enter the market.
Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind
consumers about the products and brands they sell. In a sense, marketing communications represent
the voice of the company and its brands; they are a means by which the firm can establish a dialogue
and build relationships with consumers. By strengthening customer loyalty, marketing
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 426
communications can contribute to customer equity. Marketing communications also work for
consumers when they show how and why a product is used, by whom, where, and when. Consumers
can learn who makes the product and what the company and brand stand for, and they can get an
incentive for trial or use.
To maintain success of the brand needs constant development. Branding creation and development
should be characteristic for its clarity. It should be well adapted to environmental conditions. The
company itself shall have a clear idea of its objectives and tasks in the field of branding, of what is
important for the company, of measure it should take. But the companies make mistakes in branding.
One of the most common mistakes is that the companies consider the brand as their “property. The
brand is not always what the company wants to see in it”. Brand success (or failure) is determined by
the buyer choice, notions and perceptions.
Brand strength depends on what customers think about it (brand). The brand equity is the
accumulation of values associated with product (service) by consumers. These associations can further
increase brand value, than it was in the past. They can be found with the help of Keller CBBE
(Customer-Based Brand Equity model).
Transition from the lower level to a higher one indicates greater recognition and success of the brand.
In this process following steps are allocated:
Brand visibility (to make your brand noticeable),
Brand effectiveness and Brand image,
Brand judgment and Customers’ emotions,
Brand resonance (the highest level).
Brand should be visible for customers, which is related to its awareness. According to the opinion of
the scientist K. Keller: "At the given moment the awareness of the brand appears when it becomes
recognizable for customer. This is related to the buyer's ability to recall previous relationship with the
brand" (Kotler & Pfertch, 2007, p.222).
We should consider successful brand with certain components: high quality goods, differential
characteristic and additional values (Doyle & Stern, 2007, pp. 216-223). Successful brand cannot exist
if its product is of low quality. Companies also should create preconditions to make products
distinguished and different from analogues. Company will not be able to do it without getting
differential characteristics of brand across consumers. Brand should satisfy specific needs as they
present products with unique combination of properties. As to additional values, it can be evaluated
according to perception by consumer of concrete brand and its advantages. Although competitors may
duplicate manufacturing processes and product designs, they cannot easily match lasting impressions
left in the minds of individuals and organizations by years of product experience and marketing
In our study we used marketing research methods. In the work there are used the concepts of
marketing theories, data analysis statistical methods, results of the carried out research, information
existing on web-pages of certain Georgian organizations, etc.
It is well known, that in the research process researcher can gather secondary data, primary data, or
both. Secondary data are data that were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere.
Primary data are data freshly gathered for a specific purpose or for a specific research project.
Researchers usually start their investigation by examining some of the rich variety of low-cost and
readily available secondary data, to see whether they can partly or wholly solve the problem without
collecting costly primary data. When the needed data don’t exist or are dated, inaccurate, incomplete,
or unreliable, the researcher will need to collect primary data.
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 427
Our research was carried out in several stages. First of all we became acquainted with different
theories recognized in branding from the literary sources. Then based on the secondary data
(information) internet sources, statistical data, information existed on Georgian companies web sites
we studied the current situation in Georgia, which was followed by the customer marketing research.
As an object of the research was selected consumer market of Tbilisi, the attitude of consumers to
Georgian brands and marketing aspects related thereto. In February March 2016 we carried out the
research using quantitative method of the marketing research, questionnaire survey.
Marketing researchers have a choice of research instruments in collecting primary data:
questionnaires, qualitative measures, and technological devices. A questionnaire consists of a set of
questions presented to respondents. Because of its flexibility, it is by far the most common instrument
used to collect primary data. Researchers need to carefully develop, test, and debug questionnaires
before administering them on a large scale. The form, wording, and sequence of the questions can all
influence the responses. Closed-end questions specify all the possible answers and provide answers
that are easier to interpret and tabulate. Open-end questions allow respondents to answer in their own
words and often reveal more about how people think. They are especially useful in exploratory
research, where the researcher is looking for insight into how people think rather than measuring how
many people think a certain way (Kotler & Armstrong, 2015, pp.251-252).
In marketing research we had a choice of research instruments in collecting primary data:
questionnaires, qualitative measures, and technological devices. Our questionnaire consisted of a set of
questions (the questionnaire consisted of 20 questions). We used for collect primary data as closed-end
questions and also open-end questions. We surveyed representative of different age, sex, nationality,
religion, education, profession, having different income.
The format of the questionnaire was anonymous. Our goal was to adopt sincere and truthful answers
from the respondents. We wanted to find out exactly what their thoughts and attitudes. Therefore we
added some questions of qualitative method for get and find out what consumers think or feel about
In our research we also used word associations, ask to the respondents, what words come to mind
when they hear the brand’s name. The primary purpose of free-association tasks was to identify the
range of possible brand associations in consumers’ minds. We decided to contact the subjects in
person and to use questionnaire. It helped us explained to them (respondents) these questions, that they
could not understand. After the survey the results were summed up and some conclusions made as a
result of this work are given in the article.
According to our research, the highest brand awareness is characterized by Georgian brand
"Barambo". Although "Barambo" is no brand with long time history, it was able to gain high brand
recognition (awareness) on Georgian market rather quickly.
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 428
Fig. 1. Consumers’ awareness for Georgian Brands (source: author)
Georgian sweets factory "Barambo" opened in 2009. It was the first time after the 15 years pause
(during 15 years none of the company in Georgia have produced chocolate and caramel sweets) on the
market appeared chocolate and caramel of local production. (The newspaper Kviris Palitra, 2010).
The company brings raw materials from Belgium. "Barambo" manufacturers buy “Barry Callebaut”
raw materials in Belgium, which is one of the famous chocolate company among the producers of
chocolate raw materials. “Barambo” Company is distinguished by its diverse assortment: chocolate
bar, chocolate stick, chocolate sweets, assorted sweets, caramel sweets, ice-cream, wafers and wafer
tarts. Nowadays it exists in Azerbaijan market and its different products are taken abroad from
Georgia. Also in the future is planned its export in the whole Caucasus. (Official web page of
company "Barambo").
As our study (research) showed, one of the high-profile Georgian brand is Borjomi (mineral water).
Unlike Barambo, Borjomi has a long history. It was very popular in the past and now it is known in
Georgia as well as abroad, especially in the post-Soviet countries.
Georgian brand Nikora is characterized by high awareness (9% of respondents). The production and
sale of meat products in Georgia is associated with this brand. His popularity is also contributed by the
supermarket chain under (of) this name. These shops are spread not only in Tbilisi, but in other cities
of Georgia as well. The company does not stand out with active advertising, but it is widely known
and recognized brand among consumers (as we found out in our research).
10% of respondents named various Georgian wine products, as the most recognizable Georgian
brands. We decided to join different types of wine in one group. However, we have done further
analysis within the group, in order results to be more specific. It should be noted that Georgia is
considered as one of the oldest wine-producing country (The National Wine Agency, 2014). It can be
said that wine production is part of our history and culture. Georgia has an 8,000 year history of
continuous wine making tradition, which is evidenced numerous archaeological discoveries.
Georgians have shared the love for the grape the time immemorial and remains loyal to it through to
modernity. Numerous displays related to wine making practices dating to millennia have been kept in
Georgian museums. (The National Wine Agency, 2014).
According to our research, respondents’ recognition towards the concrete Georgian wine brands is
shown in the following diagram.
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 429
Fig. 2. Consumers’ recognition towards the concrete Georgian wine brands (source: author)
The most well-known Georgian wine brands are: Teliani Valley and Badagoni. JSC Teliani Valley
was founded in 1997 on the basis of “Teliani Winery of Vintage Wines”, which was built in 19th
century in Tsinandali (village in region of Georgia Kakheti), in the neighborhood of Teliani’s
vineyards. Tsinandali, due to peculiarities of its soil and microclimate, has always been the center of
Georgian viticulture. (Official web page of company Teliani Valley).
Thus, the above-discussed famous Georgian brands are noticeable and well-known for consumers.
Customers freely recall the names and their previous relationships to these marks.
The Brand’s awareness is stimulated by the correct and effective selection of the brands elements (the
color, the symbol and etc.). So, for example, 77% of Barambo’s consumers remembered the brand-
related colors correctly, while they were asked to remember the colors related to the “Georgian
Brand”. 23% Barambo’s consumers remembered the well-known individual the popular Georgian
actor G. Kipshidze (who acted in the Barambo’s Commercial).
Barambo quickly established itself on Georgian market place. That was contributed with its
commercials, which are often performed in the musical style, and aims to create cheerful and funny
mood. Its advertising slogan is: "We love Barambo" (Seturi M. (2016b). p.132).
Teliani Valley and Badagoni (as well as other Georgian wine producers) use advertisements and other
events to support brand. Among them should be noted wine tours. Teliani Valley offers its customers
wine tours throughout the year. As the factory of Teliani Valley is in Telavi, wine tour goes through
Kakheti region. Different tours are organized in different seasons:
Teliani Valley factory can be visited any time of the year;
In spring, summer and autumn Teliani Valley organize tours in whole Kakheti region;
In autumn guests have an opportunity to participate in vintage. (Official web page of company
Teliani Valley).
The effectiveness of the brand depends on functional needs of the buyer. These aspects are very
important in the process of creating a brand. Should be defined its distinctive features, which must
have a product.
Consumers believe that Georgian products with high recognition (Barambo, Borjomi, Nikora and
etc...) is of good quality, buyers like species and range of products. According to customers, all these
products are produced in a proper hygienic and sanitary norms, therefore they are safe for health. In
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 430
most cases, respondents like packaging of the product. Thus, as the above mentioned brands satisfy the
functional requirements, so they can be considered as effective brands (considered).
The image of the brand emerges by the psychological satisfaction of the buyer. The brand image is
created by the marketing program that connects a nice, strong and unique associations to the brand. In
consumer’s awareness these associations is controlled on the basis of personal experience, according
to information received on the brand, the brand identification to the specific company, people, events,
country. Therefore, in this case effectively prepared advertisements and PR events can perform the
great role. The brand image has two aspects in accordance with the following two questions:
How do you want people to perceive and get your brand?
What is the customer's perception of your brand currently?
This depends not only on what people see, but also what they think and feel. The eyes and the mind
create a lot of impressions, including past and present, real and imaginary, rational and emotional. The
brand image is what is physically presents in front of the buyer and how it is perceived by sensory
organs, what is happening in the mind after receiving this information.
As a result of the research it was found out that the majority of respondents, who had named some
concrete brands as the most recognizable for them, buy these brands in most cases and are their
consumers (Seturi M. (2016a), p.216).
Brand emotions are forming by the influence of consumers’ emotional reactions. To find out this
aspect we paid attention to the results of our research. In terms of brand emotions, one of the best
brands is Borjomi and Georgian wine brands.
So, for example, according to the research revealed that buyers of "Borjomi" mineral water give high
points to this drink because of the number of reasons:
They believe that the "Borjomi" is rich with minerals;
Borjomi is natural product;
Borjomi is of volcanic origin;
Has a high degree of manufacturing;
This product is represented in many countries;
The mineral water has a long history, and has been on the market for a long time;
Borjomi a reliable product.
As Uniqueness and exclusiveness of the brand, users are given the highest assessments of Georgian
wine brands: Teliani Valley and Badagoni. Respondents believe that these Georgian wine brands have
not only different, but also unique features as well. The respondents named the following:
Useful for the human health;
Absolutely natural;
Has good ingredients (composition);
Has the healing properties;
Is pleasant to drink;
Has unique quality;
Is made of the best technology.
After the respondents survey has revealed what kind of association individual Georgian wine brands
cause in customers. In particular:
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 431
Buyers of “Teliani Valley" connect this brand to Georgia and one of its region Kakheti which
ranks first in the production of grapes;
Brand "Teliani Valley" causes the association of health in consumers;
This brand confers (gives) the buyer a sense of prestige.
Brand resonance is based on the customer’s relations to the brand. Trust, mutual respect, consistency,
the company's commitment to the principles, fulfillment of its promises is in the base of these
relationships. For this we have analyzed the responses in the social network about some of Georgian
Brands. We’ve paid attention as to the positive feedback, so the remarks and negative statements,
which were spoken in the social network by people.
Thus, the marketing approaches of considered Georgian brands are characterized by a number of
shortcomings. To overcome them we have following recommendations:
It positively affects on consumers and their right choice is reinforced by the fact that the Georgian
brands are sold not only inside the country but also goes abroad for export. Therefore, companies
should focus on these aspects, as on the sales so information distribution.
The research revealed that it is not enough only to reach a high level of awareness for brand
success. The brand is much more than the product features and specifications. But brand is also
what kind of emotions and associations have customers towards it. In addition, branding success
depends on the buyer's relations with the brand. Base of these relations must be full
implementation of brand promises.
From our point of view, the systematical methods of approach and the complex use of recognized
principles deserve a very high attention in branding, and all of it has to foresee and be in
accordance with the changes that take place in the constantly mobile market environment.
Business Press News, 14 November. (2014). Ten Oldest Georgian Brands. Retrieved from
Doyle P., & Stern P., (2007). Marketing Management and Strategy. Piter, Sankt Peterburg, 4th edition,
(translate in Russion)
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing (14thed.). Translate in Georgian. (2015). Tbilisi,
Sulakauri Publishing.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L. (2012). Marketing Management (14thed.). Boston. Prentice Hall, Pearson.
Kotler, P., & Pfertch, W. (2007). B2B Brand Management. In Russion. Sankt Peterburg. Vershina.
National Statistics Office of Georgia, Agriculture, Environment and Food safety (2016). Retrieved
Official web page of company "Barambo". About Barambo.
Official web page of company Teliani Valley. History.
Sakpatenti (The National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia). (2013). Mineral Water “Borjomi”.
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ISSN 1314-7242, Volume 11, 2017
Journal of International Scientific Publications
Page 432
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The National Wine Agency. (2014). History.
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... It is key to note that successful brands will only exist if the product or service offering is of good quality (Dar and Tariq, 2020;Munyoro and Hodzi, 2023). This is so because brands are those priceless intangible assets that allow a number of benefits to the firm and its customers hence need to be carefully managed as businesses prosper by acquiring, keeping and growing their customer base (Seturi, 2017;Alemu, 2019;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023). In short, a brand has two important dimensions which are the psychological and physiological dimensions (Akpan 2018;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023) and the customer's perception is a cognitive relationship of the product and consumer while the perception and image give value (Dar and Tariq, 2020;Munyoro and Hodzi, 2023). ...
... In short, a brand has two important dimensions which are the psychological and physiological dimensions (Akpan 2018;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023) and the customer's perception is a cognitive relationship of the product and consumer while the perception and image give value (Dar and Tariq, 2020;Munyoro and Hodzi, 2023). Consequently, customers' perception may be shaped by emotional and functional experiences therefore most favoured recognition occupies the correct corner in the mind of the customer and it becomes a brand (Seturi, 2017;Alemu, 2019;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023). Contrastingly, the physiological dimension of the brand is its symbol or logo which helps to build a long-lasting impression in the customer's mind (Dar and Tariq, 2020;Munyoro and Hodzi, 2023). ...
... Correspondingly, in order to succeed in the marketplace, awareness levels of the brand should be managed throughout the whole product life cycle (Akpan 2018;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023). Thus, the major ingredient to brand success is creating a positive image and making it recognizable as well as build brand awareness (Akpan, 2018;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023) and the awareness of a brand appears when the customer is able to recognize it and the customer's ability to remember past relationships with the brand (Seturi, 2017;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023). It is key to note that brand awareness is affected by the following variables, Name, Advertising, Promotions and sales as well as first mover advantage (Seturi, 2017;Munyoro and Sithole, 2023). ...
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This study was based on the role of branding on customer loyalty in the pharmaceutical retail sector of Zimbabwe because branding and customer loyalty have become popular subjects in recent years since it is believed that customers are the life blood of any business. Accordingly, the study made use of self-administered questionnaires in collecting data from customers and employees of retail pharmacies in Marondera, Mash East province and the respondents were selected through stratified random sampling. Consequently, the data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS). Therefore, the research findings show that branding exists in the pharmaceutical retail sector of Zimbabwe and the majority of respondents agreed that branding plays a role in shaping customer loyalty as well as customer retention. The study also shows that the attributes of branding include familiarity with brand, relevance of pharmacy brand, differentiation of pharmacy brand, perceived quality of a brand, reliability and esteem of a brand are positive influencers of customer loyalty.
... It is key to note that successful brands will only exist if the product or service offering is of good quality (Dar & Tariq, 2020;Munyoro & Hodzi, 2023). This is so because brands are those priceless intangible assets that allow a number of benefits to the firm and its customers hence need to be carefully managed as businesses prosper by acquiring, keeping and growing their customer base (Seturi, 2017;Alemu, 2019;Munyoro & Sithole, 2023). In short, a brand has two important dimensions which are the psychological and physiological dimensions (Akpan 2018;Munyoro & Sithole, 2023) and the customer's perception is a cognitive relationship of the product and consumer while the perception and image give value (Dar & Tariq, 2020;Munyoro & Hodzi, 2023). ...
... In short, a brand has two important dimensions which are the psychological and physiological dimensions (Akpan 2018;Munyoro & Sithole, 2023) and the customer's perception is a cognitive relationship of the product and consumer while the perception and image give value (Dar & Tariq, 2020;Munyoro & Hodzi, 2023). Consequently, customers' perception may be shaped by emotional and functional experiences therefore most favoured recognition occupies the correct corner in the mind of the customer and it becomes a brand (Seturi, 2017;Alemu, 2019;Munyoro & Sithole, 2023). Contrastingly, the physiological dimension of the brand is its symbol or logo which helps to build a long-lasting impression in the customer's mind (Dar & Tariq, 2020;Munyoro & Hodzi, 2023). ...
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This study was based on the role of brand recognition in enhancing customer retention in the pharmaceutical retail sector of Zimbabwe because brand recognition and customer retention have become popular subjects in recent years since it is believed that customers are the life blood of any business. Accordingly, the study made use of self-administered questionnaires in collecting data from customers and employees of retail pharmacies in Chinhoyi, Mash West province in Zimbabwe and the respondents were selected through stratified random sampling. Consequently, the data was analysed qualitatively using thematic analysis supported by quantitative analysis to make sure the results were genuine. Therefore, the research findings show that brand recognition does not exist in the pharmaceutical retail sector in Zimbabwe even though the majority of respondents agreed that branding especially brand recognition plays a significant role in shaping customer loyalty as well as customer retention. Furthermore, the study also shows that the attributes of branding include familiarity with brand, relevance of pharmacy brand, differentiation of pharmacy brand, perceived quality of a brand, reliability and esteem of a brand are positive influencers of customer loyalty by so doing enhancing customer retention.
... Additionally, McDonald's considers nonverbal cultural differences, such as the varied meanings of colors, symbols, and body language. For example, in some cultures, red may have special symbolic significance, prompting McDonald's to adjust its advertising strategies according to local cultural traits to ensure the brand message is correctly understood and received by the target audience [8,9]. ...
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In the context of increased competition in the fast food industry, enterprises need to continuously optimize their marketing strategies to maintain a competitive edge. The paper examines the role of corporate marketing key terms in corporate marketing strategies, using a case study approach to analyze the practical application of key terms in the brand positioning and marketing strategies of McDonalds as an example. Moreover, in this paper, the emphasis is placed on the impact of these key terms on consumers attitudes, behavioral choices, brand awareness and loyalty, and McDonalds competitive advantage in the global marketplace. As such, the study demonstrates how McDonalds utilizes these concepts for effective market segmentation, cross-cultural marketing and advertising communication, which may provide a reference for other brands to optimise their marketing strategies. The results suggest that a deeper understanding and flexible use of these key terms can assist enterprises in maintaining competitiveness in a swiftly evolving market landscape. Further research can investigate the potential for the application of key terms in emerging markets and digital marketing.
... [4] have discussed the necessity of market research and its involvement in the goal-achieving process. Other studies have bridged the gap between market research, brand awareness, and positive customer attitude and behavior [5] [6]. Therefore, the study of [7] mentioned that technological advancement, especially the internet, had a significant effect on changes in consumer behavior and mindset; it enables a firm to discover its potential customers, their awareness of the products offered, and other key behavioral insights that dictate future purchase intention [8]. ...
... The results of this study also support Seturi's (2017) research. It is not enough to be highly aware of a brand's success. ...
In this research on "The role of publicity in personal brand creation among womenprenuers in Anambra State, the researcher sought to find out the various ways publicity has help womenprenuers in Anambra state to create a brand for themselves and the insights into branding practices and the perception of publicity influence.The researcher had three objectives :To find out the extent to which womenprenuers in Anambra state use publicity, To discover the various kinds of publicity used by womenprenuers in Anambra state and To establish how the use of publicity by womenprenuers promotes the creation of their personal brands. For these objectives to be achieved, the researcher adopted the survey design, determined the samples (399) she studied using Meyer's sample size determination formula and randomly selected them for this study from the 19 womenprenuers out of three local government that falls under the three senatorial zones in Anambra State. She used a reliable and valid questionnaire that was formed using 5-point Likert Scale to rightly measure the research variables of this study and answer her research questions. Frequencies, tables, simple percentages, pie charts and the arithmetic mean scores of the responses of the respondents, were used to analyze the findings of this study which are that strategic publicity positively shapes personal brands and empowers womenprenuers in Anambra state by expanding reach, improving credibility and spurring sales growth, critically supporting brand visibility, market penetration and commercialization. Based on the findings of the researcher, she recommended that womenprenuers should adopt integrated publicity strategies utilizing both online platforms like social Amelia as well as traditional offline platforms and the government should create specialized initiatives to build women entrepreneurs' publicity skills and brand awareness capabilities.
يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على دور الوعي الاستراتيجي في معالجة الفوضى التسويقية لعينة من المدراء في شركات الاتصال العراقية، وتمحورت مشكلة البحث في تحديد المنطلقات الفكرية والفلسفية لهذا المنظور على مستوى شركات الاتصال العراقية, ولغرض تحقيق أهداف البحث وفروضه تم وضع مخطط افتراضي حدد من خلاله طبيعة العلاقات المنطقية بين متغيرات البحث وأبعاده, وأستخدم الباحثان المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من أجل بلوغ النتائج، وكانت الاستبانة بوصفها أداة رئيسية في جمع البيانات والمعلومات المتعلقة بالجانب الميداني للبحث، حيث تم اختيار شركات الاتصال العراقية (اسيا سيل، زين العراق، كورك) ميداناً للبحث من خلال عينة بلغت (180) مديراً وكانت الاستمارات الصالحة للتحليل الاحصائي (120) استمارة. وخرج البحث بجملة من النتائج التي جاءت مطابقة لفرضياته كان من أهمها: وجود ارتباط معنوي بين أبعاد الوعي الاستراتيجي ومعالجة الفوضى التسويقية في الشركات المبحوثة، وهي علاقة ارتباط ايجابية قوية وعلى مستوى الأبعاد الفرعية وكانت اعلى علاقة ارتباط بين (الوعي الاداري ومعالجة الفوضى التسويقية)، وتفسر تلك النتائج إلى أنه كلما توفرت أبعاد الوعي الاستراتيجي لدى إدارة الشركات من حيث إدراك الفكر والتدفق المعرفي ومشاركته مع الموظفين لزيادة المعرفة بشكل شامل ومراعاة التواصل والتفاعل معهم كلما أدى إلى تعزيز معالجة الفوضى التسويقية لدى شركات الاتصالات العراقية.
Conference Paper
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In the present-day conditions brand is an important attribute of goods. The goal of the research was to study the attitude of consumers to Georgian brands at Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia) consumer market; to establish how important for companies to manage a brand as a system consisting of a number of elements. Proceeding from the goal of this research the tasks of the study were: to determine consumer evaluations at Tbilisi consumers market about Georgian brands and their separate components; to find out the attitude of consumers to the advantages of Georgian brands, associations of consumers concerning successful brands; based on the results of the research to determine those weaknesses which hamper and prevent Georgian brands from success; to make certain proposals and give recommendations, which would help Georgian companies interested in branding issues to pay proper attention to fundamental principles of branding in their marketing activities.
Principles of Marketing (14 th ed.). Translate in Georgian
  • P Kotler
  • G Armstrong
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing (14 th ed.). Translate in Georgian. (2015). Tbilisi, Sulakauri Publishing.
B2B Brand Management. In Russion. Sankt Peterburg. Vershina. National Statistics Office of Georgia, Agriculture, Environment and Food safety
  • P Kotler
  • W Pfertch
Kotler, P., & Pfertch, W. (2007). B2B Brand Management. In Russion. Sankt Peterburg. Vershina. National Statistics Office of Georgia, Agriculture, Environment and Food safety (2016). Retrieved from
The National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia)
  • Sakpatenti
Sakpatenti (The National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia). (2013). Mineral Water "Borjomi".
Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Symposium
  • M Seturi
Seturi M. (2016b). Brands awareness and image (at Tbilisi consumer's market). Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Symposium:"Economics, Business & Finance". (Iris-Alkona). Jurmala, Latvia. July 5-9, 2016.