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La roureda de roure de fulla gran al Parc Natural Montseny



Sessile Oak Forests in Montseny Nature Park: This paper presents the results of a study carried out with the aim of drawing up an inventory and mapping the sessile oak forest in Montseny Nature Park. On the massif, the Q. petraea forest grows in a narrow strip between holm oak and beech and occupies an area of 64.08 ha, and is therefore a unique component of the area. Sessile oak forest is found between 450 and 1,150 m above sea level with a predominantly southern exposure. The mean density is 1,215.3 trunks/ha and the mean basal area is 42.4 m2/ ha; most of the stands have an intermediate structure, with few young forests and only one case of a mature forest. The new information provided by this study should be used to conserve and improve the management of these forests which are so scarce in Montseny.
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Aims Our aims were 3-fold: (i) to determine whether global change has altered the composition and structure of the plant community found in the sessile oak forests on the NE Iberian Peninsula over the last decades, (ii) to establish whether the decline in forest exploitation activities that has taken place since the mid-20th century has had any effect on the forests and (iii) to ascertain whether there is any evidence of impact from climate warming. Methods We assess changes in the plant community by comparing a current survey of sessile oak forest with a historical data set obtained from previous regional studies dating from 1962 to 1977. We analyse the regional changes in the community in terms of biodiversity variables, species composition and plant traits. Furthermore, plants traits such as plant life forms and chorological groups are used to discern any effects from land-use changes and climate warming on the plant community. Important Findings There has been a loss of diversity in the community and, in the hottest region, there is also a loss of species richness. The composition of the community suggests that, although significant changes have taken place over recent decades, these changes differ between regions as a result of the low impact global change has had in the western regions. For instance, while the tree canopy cover in the western sessile oak forests remains stable, the eastern sessile oak forests are still recovering from the former exploitation that led to a loss of their rich and abundant herbaceous stratum. In fact, the recovery process in the Catalan Pre-Coastal Range has constituted an increase in the Euro-Siberian plants typical to this community. Moreover, in the eastern forests, there is evidence that climate warming has impacted the thermophilization of the sessile oak forests found on the Coastal Range.
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El massís del Montseny és un espai d’alt interès natural i forestal, on trobem la presència de boscos de Quercus petraea (roure de fulla gran), un arbre caducifoli eurosiberià que creix a l’estatge montà del massís. Alhora, en aquest estatge, també hi ha boscos de Quercus ilex (alzina), que creixen al costat de la roureda. Al paratge de Marmolers, s’hi pot trobar aquesta transició entre els dos boscos, motiu pel qual és un lloc idoni per fer-hi aquest tipus d’estudi.L’objectiu principal és estudiar l’ecotò de Marmolers, on hi ha una transició entre comunitats vegetals eurosiberianes i comunitats vegetals mediterrànies. Les qüestions més importants que cal resoldre són: com interacciona el bosc de Quercus petraea amb el bosc de Quercus ilex?; com varia la diversitat florística al llarg de la transició?; quina estructura forestal presenta la zona estudiada?; quina dinàmica s’observa en el reclutament?; com pot evolucionar la transició estudiada?Els resultats mostren que la regeneració de Quercus petraea i de Quercus ilex a la roureda pura i al bosc mixt de Marmolers és igual, tant per als juvenils 1 (50 cm < h < 1,5 m), com per als plançons (h < 50 cm). Segons la composició florística, el bosc mixt mantindria una similitud més gran amb una roureda que no pas amb un alzinar. En canvi, a l’alzinar de Marmolers no hi trobem juvenils de Quercus petraea.En aquest estudi, s’ha observat com, de moment, la roureda de Marmolers no es veu colonitzada per l’alzinar i que l’alzinar de Marmolers difícilment es veurà mai colonitzat per la roureda, si no es que hi apareixen pertorbacions. També s’hi ha comprovat que el bosc mixt de Marmolers està en equilibri quant a les seves espècies codominants, i és probable que es mantingui així durant molts anys.
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As tree habitats shift towards the poles in response to climate change, we must study the neglected, trailing edges of forests, warns Csaba Mátyás - they are economically and ecologically important.
Invasion of natural habitats by conifer species is a well-known phenomenon worldwide. Here, we describe naturalization by the American Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) in Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, NE Spain). Establishment of seedlings started 15 years after plantation. Seedling density was positively associated to low tree density, small plantation area, grazing and the presence of a shrubland understorey of intermediate cover. Seedling recruitment outside the plantations occurred at high altitudes (>1000 m). In less than 30 years after plantation, P. menziesii invaded adjacent areas 100 m far from the plantation. We conclude that at high altitudes, under disturbance, seedling establishment can take place as soon as planted trees produce cones. Therefore, the time-lag appears to be primarily related to propagule availability.
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