The genus Lepidocyrtus is fairly well explored in Hungary and was up to now represented by 18 species. Systematic mesofauna survey of a swamp woodland gave us the opportunity to describe the new species, L. florae sp. nov., characterized by the dark blue color, the dorsal macrochaetae formula A0A2aA2A3S3Pa5/00/0101+2 and the absence of scales on the antennae. Related species L. arrabonicus, L. pallidus, L. pseudosinelloides and L. weidneri were also revised with particular attention to clarify the interpretation of the dorsal chaetotaxy of the head. The observed variability in abdominal chaetotaxy of L. pallidus suggests that the only character differentiating between this species and L. weidneri is the labial chaetotaxy, with chaeta r (in L. pallidus) and chaeta R (in L. weidneri). An identification key to European Lepidocyrtus species with dorsal trunk macrochaetae formula 00/0101+2 is also provided.
All content in this area was uploaded by Eduardo Mateos on Jun 11, 2018
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... A lebontók egyik legszámosabb csoportját jelentő ugróvillások holtfához való kötődése ismert jelenség (Hopkin 1997), azonban leggyakrabban csak egyes fajok leírása, előfordulása kapcsán emelik ki azt (pl. Smolis & Kadej 2014, Mateos & Winkler 2018. A holtfához (ezen belül holtfa mikroélőhelyekhez) kötődő ugróvillás-közösségekről szóló tanulmányok egy-két lengyel munkától (Skubała & Marzec 2013, Skarżyński et al. 2016) eltekintve gyakorlatilag hiányoznak. ...
... Ezt a mindössze 1 mm nagyságú Lepidocyrtus fajt néhány éve írták le a Hanságból, a Csíkoséger maradvány láperdőből, ahol az égerfákat borító mohában, valamint leváló kéreg alatt fordult elő nagy számban (Mateos & Winkler 2018). A Csáfordi-erdőben is hasonló mikroélőhelyen gyűjtöttük, mohabevonatos fekvő holtfán (MH8, MH9). ...
... Friesea claviseta, Willowsia nigromaculata) fordult elő a "szélsőségesebb" mikrohabitatokban is. Nem sikerült viszont kimutatnunk a néhány éve, a Csáfordi-erdőből leírt Pseudosinella csafordi Winkler & Mateos, 2018 ugróvillást, pedig az előrehaladott korhadási stádiumú fekvő holtfa megfelelő élőhelyet nyújthat ennek a fajnak is (Winkler & Mateos 2018a). ...
Kutatásunk célja a holtfa mikrohabitatokhoz kötődő ugróvillás-közösségek vizsgálata volt. Kutatási területként a Répce menti maradvány ligeterdőt (Csáfordi-erdő, Győr-Moson-Sopron vármegye) választottuk, amelyben nagy mennyiségű álló és fekvő holtfa jelenléte jellemző. A felmérésekhez és mintavételekhez összesen 11 mikrohabitatot választottunk ki, amelyek között fekvő holtfák, dendrotelmák, kéregleválások, tőkorhadt odvak korhanya is szerepelt. A vizsgálat során összesen 1309 ugróvillás egyedet válogattunk le és határoztunk meg faj szinten. Összesen 40 fajt mutattunk ki a vizsgált mikrohabitatokból. A fajok közül három, a magyar faunára nézve új faj (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) is előkerült. A legnagyobb fajszám szerinti részaránnyal (25%) az Entomobryidae család képviseltette magát. A fajszám a vizsgált mikroélőhelyeken 1 és 21 között változott. A nagyobb fajszámú közösségek a fekvő holtfákhoz kötődtek, ezen belül pedig az előrehaladottabb stádiumban lévő, magasabb korhadási fokú holtfákhoz. Kevesebb faj kötődött a tőkorhadt fák odvainak korhanyához, míg a speciális mikroélőhelyek (élő fák leváló kérge, vízzel telt dendrotelma) csupán egy-két fajnak nyújtottak megfelelő élőhelyet.
... A lebontók egyik legszámosabb csoportját jelentő ugróvillások holtfához való kötődése ismert jelenség (Hopkin 1997), azonban leggyakrabban csak egyes fajok leírása, előfordulása kapcsán emelik ki azt (pl. Smolis & Kadej 2014, Mateos & Winkler 2018. A holtfához (ezen belül holtfa mikroélőhelyekhez) kötődő ugróvillás-közösségekről szóló tanulmányok egy-két lengyel munkától (Skubała & Marzec 2013, Skarżyński et al. 2016) eltekintve gyakorlatilag hiányoznak. ...
... Ezt a mindössze 1 mm nagyságú Lepidocyrtus fajt néhány éve írták le a Hanságból, a Csíkoséger maradvány láperdőből, ahol az égerfákat borító mohában, valamint leváló kéreg alatt fordult elő nagy számban (Mateos & Winkler 2018). A Csáfordi-erdőben is hasonló mikroélőhelyen gyűjtöttük, mohabevonatos fekvő holtfán (MH8, MH9). ...
... Friesea claviseta, Willowsia nigromaculata) fordult elő a "szélsőségesebb" mikrohabitatokban is. Nem sikerült viszont kimutatnunk a néhány éve, a Csáfordi-erdőből leírt Pseudosinella csafordi Winkler & Mateos, 2018 ugróvillást, pedig az előrehaladott korhadási stádiumú fekvő holtfa megfelelő élőhelyet nyújthat ennek a fajnak is (Winkler & Mateos 2018a). ...
Our study aimed to investigate the Collembola communities inhabiting dead wood-related microhabitats. The study was carried out in an old remnant floodplain forest (Csáfordi-forest, Northwest Hungary) owing to the massive amount of dead wood in its area. For the survey, we selected 11 microhabitats, including lying dead wood of different stages of decay, dendrotelmata, peeling moss and bark, decaying wood material taken from tree hollows etc. A total of 1309 Collembola individuals belonging to 40 species were collected, three of them (Anurida granaria, Folsomia martynovae, F. cf. similis) are new to the Hungarian fauna. The most diverse microhabitats were the lying dead trees in a more advanced stadium of decay. The family Entomobryidae represented the largest proportion of species (25%). The number of species varied between 1 and 21 in the microhabitats studied. The communities with higher species numbers were associated with lying dead wood, including dead wood at a more advanced stage of decay. Fewer species were found in the dry wood decay of the tree's base hole, while special microhabitats (detached bark of living trees, dendrotelmata) provided suitable habitats for only one or two species.
... After the essential works by Gisin [17][18][19][20] and Szeptycki [21,22], accurate information on dorsal cephalic and trunk chaetotaxy became inevitable in the diagnosis of species and species groups. Based on the abovementioned characteristics and the distribution of scales on various parts of the body, five species groups have been defined for European Lepidocyrtus: The lusitanicus-, lignorum-, lanuginosus-, curvicollis-, and pallidus-serbicus-groups, respectively [19,[23][24][25][26][27][28]. For morphological analysis, some specimens of each sample were cleared in Nesbitt's solution and mounted in Hoyer medium on glass slides, labeled with the same code of samples in ethanol. ...
... The slides were then observed under a Leica DM2500 LED microscope with conventional bright light and phase contrast. The identification of species was performed using relevant keys and descriptions available [4,[24][25][26]28,37,40]. Prior to DNA extraction, to ensure identity, specimens selected for molecular analysis were also examined in ethanol for major chaetotaxic characters using a modular Leica M205c stereomicroscope up to 160x magnification. ...
... The Carpathian Basin is known as one of the areas of highest biodiversity in Europe, owing to the different biogeographic influences [54], which is also well reflected in the rich Collembola fauna [55], including the relatively high number (18) of Lepidocyrtus species reported from Hungary [28]. Among the species occurring in the country, particular attention has been focused to those species (L. ...
The Collembolan genus Lepidocyrtus is subdivided into up to eight subgenera, of which only Lepidocyrtus s.str. (Bourlet, 1839) and Lanocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) are represented by European species. The discovery of unique characters in the European species Lepidocyrtus tomosvaryi (rounded dental tubercle) and L. peisonis (lateral tuft of long filiform chaetae in abdomen III) has only described so far for species of the subgenera Setogaster (Salmon, 1951) and Cinctocyrtus (Yoshii & Suhardjono, 1989) and has raised the need to perform a molecular analysis by involving other representative species of the genus. For this study, phylogenetic analysis of 15 Lepidocyrtus species occurring in the Carpathian Basin were carried out. The analyses, which was based on both concatenated datasets of COII and EF1-α sequences and individual gene sequences, clearly placed L. tomosvaryi within the subgenus Lanocyrtus and L. peisonis within Lepidocyrtus European species groups defined on the basis of morphological characters were only partly confirmed by the concatenated and COII analyses because of the splitting of the pallidus–serbicus-group, whereas EF1- α sequences weakly supported this group.
... Even though such patterns are similar among remarkably different species, Holarctic taxa tend to have a larger number of macrochaetae [7,52,56] while the Holotropical species hold a smaller number of them, as seen in most of the Brazilian new species. Curiously, the dorsal macrochaetae reduction in tropical species was also reported to other Entomobryidae genera like Seira and Lepidocyrtus [16,36,71] and it may represent some trend in the adaptation to tropical areas, possibly related to high temperature. ...
Herein, eyeless Pseudosinella species from Brazilian caves are reviewed, including the description of 23 new species, new records plus additional notes on the descriptions of P. ambigua Zeppelini, Brito, and Lima and of P. guanhaensis Zeppelini, Brito, and Lima. We also provide an identification key to 27 eyeless species recorded from Brazil. To organize the 26 Brazilian eyeless taxa analyzed in this work, we organize them in apparently artificial groups: 11 species have one larger tooth on the unguiculus outer lamella (petterseni group); one presents unguiculus outer lamella smooth or serrated (never with a larger tooth), with 9 held prelabral chaetae undivided and the last 6 held prelabral chaetae bifurcated. The Brazilian species of eyeless Pseudosinella herein described present a remarkably conservate dorsal chaetotaxy; therefore, the main diagnostic characters are related to other features like prelabral, labral, and ventral head chaetotaxy and empodial complex morphology. In addition, our study suggests that Brazilian caves possibly shelter a great diversity of Pseudosinella taxa, several of them potentially cave dependent.
Catalog of Cave Collembola of the Iberobalear area and Northern Macaronesian Islands
Summary: In this paper, the citations of the collembola found in cavities and in the superficial subterranean environment (MSS) of the Iberian Peninsula (continental Spain and Portugal), Andorra, French Basque Country, Balearic Islands, and the Northern Macaronesian Islands (Canary, Madeira, and the Azores archipelagos) are recorded. In total, the catalog includes 329 species in 93 genera from 19 families. For each species the current name is indicated, the basionym with the complete bibliographic reference, the citations in the different territories with the authorship, and the general distribution. When necessary, taxonomic notes are added. The catalog includes 269 bibliographic references (up to April 2021) and some unpublished data. This information will be kept updated in a future electronic publication in the form of an online map viewer (in preparation by the authors themselves):
Key words: Collembola, catalog, distribution, caves, surface subterranean environment, Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Macaronesia, Andorra.
The correct identification of morphological species is a key task for species richness estimation of any ecosystem. Although body colour is a widely used character identifying European Lepidocyrtus species, recent investigations using molecular data have revealed that species delineation using body colour can result in an underestimation of real species diversity because of the presence of cryptic species. Lepidocyrtus violaceus is a European species characterised by its dark violet body colour. Its wide distribution leads us to suspect that several cryptic species can be present within this morphospecies. Since traditional morphological characters have appeared insufficient for real diversity identification in Lepidocyrtus, new morphological characters were needed in order to describe the cryptic diversity detected by molecular data in this genus. Pseudopores are integumentary structures present in all Lepidocyrtus species, but the distribution of these structures has not been properly described in the genus, as well as in Entomobryioidea overall. In the present work we aimed to analyse whether L. violaceus is a monophyletic entity in Europe. Moreover, we aimed to determine if the position and number of pseudopores on the different parts of the body and appendages is a phylogenetically useful character in the identification of the species or superspecific entities. Fourteen populations of L. violaceus from five European countries, and another 25 Lepidocyrtus species from nine European countries have been studied. In total, 208 specimens have been analysed morphologically and half of them were studied molecularly using sequences of the genes COXII and EF-1α. Molecular data revealed that the widely distributed Lepidocyrtus violaceus morphospecies is a polyphyletic entity in Europe. Between 6 and 12 diferent cryptic species have been detected within this European morphospecies, and only the presence of pseudopores on the basal plate of the fourth abdominal segment has been found to be a promising diagnostic character between them. A common basal pattern of pseudopore distribution has been recognised in the European members of the genus, and also a diferential pattern within each European species group. As a general trend, an increase in the number of pseudopores has been detected from the most basal to the most derived species groups in the phylogeny of the genus in Europe.
Two new species of the genus Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 from southern China are described here: L. (Acrocyrtus) huizhouensis sp. nov. from Guangdong Province and L. (Setogaster) wanningensis sp. nov. from Hainan Province. Lepidocytus (Acrocyrtus) huizhouensis sp. nov. is the fourth species of the subgenus reported from China and L. (Setogaster) wanningensis sp. nov. is the first report of the subgenus from China.
European Lepidocyrtus species are usually grouped into five species-groups within two subgenera, Lepidocyrtus s.s. and Lanocyrtus, defined by the distribution of scale covering and dorsal head and body macrochaetotaxy. The discovery of several Lepidocyrtus populations with morphological characters intermediate between two species-groups suggested the need for the present study to test whether molecular data provide support to these groups. The morphology and gene sequences of 110 specimens belonging to 19 species of European Lepidocyrtus have been studied. Our molecular results are congruent with the distribution of the European species into the five groups established in the literature on the basis of morphological characters, but also indicated that subgenus Lanocyrtus is paraphyletic while subgenus Lepidocyrtus s.s. is monophyletic. A new species, Lepidocyrtus intermedius, is described, and a redefinition of European species-groups is proposed based on chaetotaxy.
Systematic soil fauna survey of riverine and swamp woodland habitats in West Hungary provided the opportunity to describe the new species L. isabelleae sp. nov. belonging to the the Lepidocyrtus pallidus-serbicus group. The new species is characterized by the dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1sR1R2STSo/00/0101+2, the absence of scales on the antennae and legs beyond coxae and an additional dorsolateral macrochaeta (a7) on Abd. III. On this occasion, the L. pallidus-serbicus group has been revised and reinterpreted, and a differentiation key for the derived L. serbicus group has been developed.
The detailed external morphology of the labial palp is given a consistent nomenclature, based on a survey of more than 300 species from almost all known families of Collembola. The most complete and least differentiated palp is found in Isotomidae, and consists of five apical papillae, one lateral process, 16 unsocketed guard setae, and a variable number of proximal normal setae. In addition a group of three hypostomal unsocketed setae is attached to the hyaline plate at tip of the palp. Evolution of the palp involves reduction, differentiation and translocation of the various structures. All essential parts of the palp are primary characters, being present in the first instar juvenile. An exception is the first instar juvenile of Megalothorax which has a very simple palp, as yet unseen in other Collembola. The analysis suggests an early pre-Poduromorpha origin of the Entomobryomorpha-line. The survey, presented in six tables and 88 figures, offers many new diagnostic characters for identifying species and species groups.
Entomobryidae, the largest collembolan family, is traditionally classified at suprageneric level using a limited set of morphological structures, such as scales, antennal segmentation. Most tribal and subfamilial delimitations appear, however, disputable in the light of recent works. Integrating molecular and morphological evidence, we propose here a revision of the systematics of the family. In addition to traditional taxonomic characters, tergal specialized chaetae (S-chaetae) are newly introduced, and their patterns are shown to be diversified at all levels from species to subfamilies. S-chaetotaxic pattern on phylogenetic tree shows that evolution of S-chaetae is not parallel between the different terga and that their patterns coincide well with the known molecular phylogeny, providing a powerful tool for the systematics of Entomobryidae. Orchesellinae sensu Soto-Adames et al. (Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 101, 2008, 501); is divided into three subfamilies: Orchesellinae s. s., Bessoniellinae and Heteromurinae, the latter two upgraded from the original tribal level. Entomobryinae sensu Szeptycki (Morpho-Systematic Studies on Collembola. IV. Chaetotaxy of the Entomobryidae and its Phylogenetical Significance, 1979), is no longer divided into scaled and unscaled tribes, and Lepidosira-group is transferred from Seirinae to Entomobryinae. A key to subfamilies and tribes and a comparison with previous classifications of the Entomobryidae are provided. This study greatly improves the understanding of primary and secondary characters and erects the fundamental framework for the taxonomy of Entomobryidae.