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Hydrochemical processes and evolution of karst groundwater in the northeastern Huaibei Plain, China



Major ion geochemistry reveals that the hydrochemical evolutionary process of karst groundwater in the northeastern Huaibei Plain, China, consists of three sub-processes: the dissolution of dolomite, gypsum dissolution with dedolomitization, and mixing with overlying pore water. Understanding hydrochemical evolution has been an important topic in understanding the history, status, and dynamics of the groundwater flow system. The presented study found a hydrochemical boundary roughly corresponding to the thickness of overlying strata equating to 50 m depth, indicating two flow compartments participating in different hydrological cycles—a local shallow rapidly replenished compartment showing lower and more stable main ion concentrations, and a regional deep-flow compartment showing higher and sporadic concentrations of Na⁺, K⁺, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Cl⁻ and SO4²⁻, as well as high total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). In areas with aquifers with low water transmitting ability, groundwater samples show a high chloride ratio and elevated TDS values, indicating salinization of groundwater due to stagnant water flows. Analyses of the data on the saturation indexes and mineral solutions, in tandem with trilinear diagram analysis and petrological observations, indicate that dedolomitization is the dominant process controlling the chemical characteristics of karst groundwater in the study area. Groundwater and pore-water mixing was also observed at the later evolutionary stage of groundwater flow, demonstrating frequent groundwater/pore-water interactions where groundwater is recharged by pore water due to lower groundwater level in the study area.
Hydrochemical processes and evolution of karst groundwater
in the northeastern Huaibei Plain, China
Jiazhong Qian
&Yinxue Peng
&Weidong Zhao
&Lei Ma
&Xiaorui He
&YueHan Lu
Received: 15 October 2017 /Accepted: 16 May 2018 /Publis hed online: 6 June 2018
#Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Major ion geochemistry reveals that the hydrochemical evolutionary process of karst groundwater in the northeastern Huaibei Plain,
China, consists of three sub-processes: the dissolution of dolomite, gypsum dissolution with dedolomitization, and mixing with
overlying pore water. Understanding hydrochemical evolution has been an important topic in understanding the history, status, and
dynamics of the groundwater flow system. The presented study found a hydrochemical boundary roughly corresponding to the
thickness of overlying strata equating to 50 m depth, indicating two flow compartments participating in different hydrological
cyclesa local shallow rapidly replenished compartment showing lower and more stable main ion concentrations, and a regional
deep-flow compartment showing higher and sporadic concentrations of Na
and SO
dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). In areas with aquifers with low water transmitting ability,
groundwater samples show a high chloride ratio and elevated TDS values, indicating salinization of groundwater due to stagnant water
flows. Analyses of the data on the saturation indexes and mineral solutions, in tandem with trilinear diagram analysis and petrological
observations, indicate that dedolomitization is the dominant process controlling the chemical characteristics of karst groundwater in the
study area. Groundwater and pore-water mixing was also observed at the later evolutionary stage of groundwater flow, demonstrating
frequent groundwater/pore-water interactions where groundwater is recharged by pore water due to lower groundwater level in the
study area.
Keywords Hydrochemistry .Dedolomitization .Karst .China .Major ion geochemistry
Karst aquifers are an important groundwater resource commonly
seen worldwide (Doerfliger et al. 2009). The karst aquifer system
in Huaibei Plain, China, has served as an important source of
water for domestic and industrial activities over the past decade
(Yin et al. 2012). Previous studies have focused mostly on esti-
mating total water yield from this aquifer and optimizing
management strategies (Tóth 1963;White2002; Yin et al.
2011,2012;Zhuetal.2014). Fewer geochemical studies have
been conducted on the karst aquifers in the Huaibei Plain (e.g.,
He et al. 2016;WangandZhan2015;Huetal.2015), but no
studies to date have focused on understanding groundwater
hydrochemical evolution. Reconstructing hydrochemical evolu-
tion in aquifers provides important information about the nature
of the aquifer rocks, geochemical processes governing water
rock interactions, as well as groundwater flow attributes such
as residence time and hydraulic conductivity (Schwartz et
al. 1981; Edmunds et al. 1982; Moral et al. 2008).
It has been proved that major ion geochemistry is a pow-
erful tool in identifying hydrochemical processes in karst
aquifers. Wicks and Engeln (1997) studied a 3.7 km flow path
along the main stream channel in Devils Icebox Cave, Boone
County, Missouri, USA. Combining major ion geochemistry
and a mass-balance approach, they found that the composition
of the water was controlled by the dissolution of dolomite,
exchange with the atmosphere, and microbial
degradation of organic matter. Ma et al. (2011)analyzedmajor
Published in the special issue BGroundwater sustainability in fast-
developing China^
*Weidong Zhao
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei
University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Peoples Republic of China
Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210018, Peoples
Republic of China
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
Hydrogeology Journal (2018) 26:17211729
ions and trace elements to understand the hydrogeochemical
process of the karst groundwater system in Taiyuan, North
China. They found that dedolomitization was the primary
hydrochemical process in the recharge area, and carbonate
precipitation led to high concentrations of fluoride ions in
thermal groundwater. In the present study, a series of major
ion geochemical parameters was analyzed in a large number
of groundwater samples (>200) to determine processes regu-
lating the hydrochemical evolution of the karst aquifer in the
northeastern Huaibei Plain, China (Qian et al. 2016).
Materials and methods
Study area
Physiography and meteorology
The study site is located in the northeastern Huaibei Plain,
which is situated in the Huai River basin in the north of
Anhui Province, China (Fig. 1). The landscape comprises
broad valleys alternating with hills and foothills ranging be-
tween 80 and 400 m above sea level (asl) in elevation. The
hills extend along the same direction of the main tectonic line
of the region (i.e., NNE). The bedrock is characterized by
Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic carbonate rocks nipping clastic
rocks, intrusive rocks, and dikes of concordant intrusion.
Piedmont and inter-mountainous plains extending around the
hills are composed mainly of alluvial or diluvia layers. The
alluvial layer consists of silts (Holocene) that are generally
less than 10 m in thickness and the diluvial layer consists of
silty clay and silty, fine sands (middle and late Pleistocene)
generally less than 1040 m in thickness (Fig. 1).
The Huaibei Plain has a temperate, semi-humid monsoon
climate that is characterized by hot rainy summers, cold dry
winters, and dry springs and autumns. Over the past 10 years,
the mean annual temperature ranged between 11 and 14 °C
and the mean annual precipitation fluctuated between 600 and
1,400 mm, with relative humidity varying from 65 to 80%.
Annual evaporation from surface waters and evapotranspira-
tion from land surfaces were in the range of 8001,200 and
500800 mm, respectively. For subcatchments in the Huaibei
Plain, annual runoff depth was estimated to range between 50
and 1,000 mm, and the annual runoff coefficient (determined
by dividing the runoff volume by precipitation) varied from
0.1 to 0.6.
Local geology and aquifers
The study area is part of the Huabei belt, situated in the Xu-
Huai zone in the North China landmass. Stratigraphic sections
include the Neoproterozoic (Qingbaikou, Nanhua and Sinian),
Paleozoic (Cambrian, Ordovician and Carboniferous), and
Quaternary strata (Pliocene, late Pleistocene, middle
Pleistocene and Holocene; Fig. 1a,b). The groundwater sys-
tem consists of karst water in carbonate aquifers that are pres-
ent in Neoproterozoic, Cambrian, Ordovician, and
Carboniferous strata as well as pore water distributed in loose
Quaternary sediments. The karst-water-flow system is con-
trolled by geological structures within an arc-shaped tectonic
framework, where large folds and fractures coexist along a
gentle NNE axis (Fig. 1b). Fold structures include anticlinoria
and synclinoria that comprise Da Wuji syncline, Xiao Xian
anticline, Zha He syncline, Man Dingshan anticline and Zhi
He syncline (from west to east). The anticlinoria are mainly
composed of Cambrian, Ordovician, and Carboniferous strata
(Fig. 1b). The northern part of the anticlinoria is exposed to
the surface forming hills and foothills, and the southern part is
concealed below loose sediments. The synclinoria consist pri-
marily of Permian and Triassic strata and are largely covered
by loose sediments. Four major groups of faults exist in this
area, including a NNE compression-shear fault, EW tension
fault, NE conjugate shear fault, and a NW conjugate shear
fault. The NNE and EW faults cut through the karst strata,
thereby creating a hydraulic connection among different parts
of the karst aquifer.
The natural groundwater system of the study area can be
partitioned into shallow local and deep regional flow compart-
ments. Shallow karst aquifers are recharged by precipitation in
areas with prevalent carbonate outcrops and discharge to the
surface via nearby springs, lakes, and swamps. This circula-
tion forms the shallow local flow compartment that is bounded
by a low-permeability Mesozoic and Cenozoic red bed to the
south of the Subei fault (see Fig. 1). For the deeper regional
compartment, karst groundwater flowing southward recharges
into deeper regional karst aquifers. Along the low-
permeability red bed, this flow is slowed and recharges into
overlying pore water through faults. In recent years, the
groundwater flow systems have been significantly altered by
anthropogenic activities including groundwater exploitation
and mine dewatering. Artesian systems have disappeared en-
tirely. The level of karst water has dropped largely below the
level of pore water, leading to reversed recharge, i.e., karst
aquifer recharged by overlying pore water. Furthermore, both
karst water and pore water have begun to migrate toward the
cones of depression generated by groundwater pumping.
Water samples collection
In the present study, a total of 228 water samples were collect-
ed (Anhui Institute of Geological Survey 2010), including 192
groundwater samples from karst aquifers, 36 pore water sam-
ples, and 19 samples from karst springs (Fig. 1a). The pH
values of all groundwater samples were measured in situ using
a portable pH meter (Orion 290 A). The groundwater samples
were collected in acid-washed polyethylene bottles, and all
1722 Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729
Fig. 1 Location and geological context of the study area in China: alocation of groundwater and pore water samples on a geology map of the area; b
geological profile along the line AA. The contour lines (a) represent the aquifer depth
Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729 1723
chemical analyses were completed at the Geochemical
Laboratory at the First Institute of Hydrology and
Engineering Geological Prospecting, Anhui Geological
Prospecting Bureau. Groundwater samples were filtered
through 0.45-μm Millipore filters in the laboratory (DZT
1993). Filtrates were analyzed by ion chromatography (PIC-
10) for the concentrations of Cl
and NO
on an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrom-
eter (ICPS-1000 ШC, Shimadzu) for the concentrations of
and Mg
. Bicarbonate ions (HCO
) were
determined via titration with hydrochloric acid (HCl; Rowell
1994). Total dissolved solids (TDS) were computed by the
standard method (Ayers and Westcot 1985; Table 1). SAR
(sodium absorption ratio) and SI (saturation index, including
saturation indexes of calcite, dolomite, gypsum and fluorite)
were calculated following the method described by Richards
(1954), see also Table 2).
Results and discussion
Karst water composition vs. depth
The chemical composition of karst water changes with the
thickness of overlying strata. There is a change in chemical
composition at the thickness around 50 m (dashed line in Fig.
2). Thus, for water samples taken at a depth of less than 50 m
(i.e. overlying strata thickness less than 50 m), the concentra-
tions of Na
and SO
and the values of
several hydrochemical indicators (including TDS, total hard-
ness, SAR) are lower and stable, in comparison to those sam-
ples taken at a depth below 50 m (i.e. overlying strata thick-
ness greater than 50 m). This pattern indicates a
hydrochemical boundary at around 50 m below the ground
surface. This observation provides support to the conceptual
view that two flow compartments exist in the study area, and
this hydrochemical boundary perhaps corresponds to the tran-
sition zone from the local shallow compartment to the regional
deep flow compartment. Relative to the deep flows, the shal-
low flows are characterized by a higher groundwater renewal
rate, which leads to a lower extent of leaching and thus lower
concentrations of major ions in groundwater.
The concentrations of inorganic nitrogen ions (i.e., NO
and NO
) exhibit a pattern opposite to that of other major
ions (Fig. 2). Most samples have relatively low and stable
values except for a few samples above the 50 m boundary.
These high values could be a result of nutrient pollution from
agricultural and urban activities in the northeastern Huaibei
plain (Qian et al. 2015;Yangetal.2010).
Geochemical processes in the karst aquifer
According to the mineral dissolution diagrams (Fig. 3),
dedolomitization may dominate the formation and evolution
of chemical constituents in the karst water. The spring water
and groundwater samples taken from locations with overlying
strata thickness < 20 and 2050 m fall largely along the dolo-
mite dissolution line but deviate from the dedolomitization line.
By comparison, most samples taken from locations with over-
lying strata thickness > 50 m deviate from the dolomite disso-
lution line and tend to move away as the thickness increases but
all along the dedolomitization line (Fig. 3a,b). This pattern
indicates the increasing importance of dedolomitization with
depth. The significant positive correlation between SO
or Ca
(p= 0.000, r=0.836 for SO
vs Mg
and p
< 0.001, r= 0.903 for SO
vs Ca
) for water samples with
Table 1 Descriptive statistics for groundwater and pore-water samples in the northeastern Huaibei Plain, China. SD standard deviation
Karst groundwater Pore water
Min Max Mean SD Skewness Min Max Mean SD Skewness
1.48 711.00 37.07 74.97 5.55 6.60 1,423.60 152.55 265.95 3.62
9.12 334.70 87.13 38.13 3.72 41.50 426.05 108.42 73.96 3.11
0.00 200.60 26.01 21.17 4.30 13.90 930.48 69.20 151.45 5.56
1.40 1,077.10 28.64 87.04 9.85 3.90 476.54 76.13 109.41 2.21
0.00 1,975.00 92.56 218.98 5.42 10.60 6,503.64 402.76 1,109.52 5.08
8.80 530.70 314.77 66.25 0.33 301.51 632.20 444.39 93.37 0.61
0.00 81.00 7.36 8.48 5.19 0.00 15.00 2.38 4.28 1.97
0.00 1.20 0.04 0.12 6.72 0.00 0.80 0.03 0.13 5.71
TDS 137.00 3,395.25 430.65 385.53 4.39 308.13 10,028.49 1,031.26 1,687.69 4.68
pH 6.24 8.85 7.84 0.27 1.03 7.43 8.35 8.01 0.21 0.69
SAR 0.04 22.32 0.76 1.78 9.58 0.07 8.99 2.35 2.54 1.40
Concentration of ions and TDS in mg/L
1724 Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729
the overlying strata thickness > 50 m provides additional sup-
port for the importance of the dedolomitization process (Fig. 4).
In addition, most samples do not closely follow the calcite
dissolution line (Fig. 3). The rock core records from the study
Table 2 Descriptive statistics of
saturation indexes (SI) for
groundwater samples in the
northeaster Huaibei Plain, China.
SD standard deviation
SI Min Max Mean SD Skewness Percentage of samples
SI > 20%
SI = 0 ± 20%
SI < 20%
SIC 0.99 2.11 0.76 0.35 0.20 96.83% 2.12% 1.06%
SID 2.52 4.79 1.36 0..80 0.17 94.68% 3.19% 2.13%
SIG 3.04 0.26 1.65 0.57 0.87 0.53% 2.14% 97.33%
SIF 3.18 0.17 1.91 0.66 0.50 0.00% 0.68% 99.32%
SIC calcite saturation index; SID dolomite saturation index; SIG gypsum saturation index; SIF fluorite saturation
Fig. 2 Changes in major ions and hydrochemical indicators with the thickness of overlying strata for karst groundwater samples from the northeastern
Huaibei Plain
Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729 1725
area show the prevalence of calcite films, crystals, and crystal-
loid clusters on fracture surfaces as well as within interlaminar
fractures or dissolution pores. The deviation from the calcite
dissolution line in the samples is perhaps because of the brevity
of the phase dominated by calcite dissolution.
Most samples fall above the halite dissolution line
(Na:Cl ratios greater than 1.0), suggesting that Na and
Cl ions are derived mainly from dissolution of silicate
and aluminosilicate minerals. With two exceptions
(ZK70 and Q7-1), samples near the halite dissolution line
(i.e., those with Na:Cl between 0.8 and 1.0) have low
concentrations of Cl
(<0.5 mmol/L), indicating that the
samples may come from meteoric water and should not be
considered to derived mainly from halite dissolution (Fig.
5). The two water samples, ZK70 and Q7-1, are also no-
table as having unusually high TDS values (>1,500 mg/
L). Their Na:Cl ratios are near 1, suggesting that the two
sample points are distributed approximately along the ha-
lite dissolution line, and they have much higher Cl
centrations than other samples (Figs. 4and 5). This pat-
tern may suggest a salinization process at the two sites.
This interpretation was further supported by the low trans-
missivity coefficients (0.022330.9 m
/day) of karst aqui-
fers exposed by the boreholes drilled at the sites ZK70
and Q7-1. For the ZK70 bore, there was no evident
water-bearing section, which suggests a dry stagnant aqui-
fer at the site. Since NO
and NO
concentrations are
extremely low (i.e., near detection limits) in samples at
ZK70 and Q7-1, this salinization process is probably not
related to manmade pollution. It is also notable that seven
groundwater samples have TDS above 1,100 mg/L
(Fig. 4), apart from ZK70 and Q711. Five of these sam-
ples correspond to boreholes with low transmissivity co-
efficients and, for the samples with highest TDS value, it
Fig. 3 Karst groundwater samples from the northeastern Huaibei Plain, plotted relative to mineral dissolution (disn) lines: adolomite dissolution, b
dedolomitization, ccalcite dissolution, and dgypsum dissolution
1726 Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729
was observed that water level was difficult to restore after
pumping. These observations show that salinization due
to lowered groundwater level has influenced part of the
SIC (calcite saturation index) and SID (dolomite saturation
index) are above zero for all water samples with only a few
exceptions, indicating that most water samples are supersatu-
rated with respect to both calcite and dolomite. This is
Fig. 4 adRelations of sulfate, calcium and magnesium ions in karst groundwater from the northeastern Huaibei Plain
Fig. 5 The ratio of sodium over
chloride ions versus chloride
concentration in karst
groundwater from the
northeastern Huaibei Plain
Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729 1727
consistent with the rock core records showing the prevalence
of various calcite forms. SIG (gypsum saturation index) and
SIF (fluorite saturation index) are below zero for all water
samples, indicating that most water samples are undersaturat-
ed regarding gypsum and fluorite (Table 2). These results will
provide some new insights to understand the hydrochemical
processes of karst groundwater.
Hydrochemical processes and evolution
from the Piper trilinear diagram
Piper trilinear diagrams provide information about
hydrochemical processes and evolution of groundwater
(Mayo et al. 2007; Back and Hanshaw 1970; Sun et al.
2016). In the samples, three main hydrochemical processes
governing the evolution pathway of karst water are identified
from the Piper trilinear diagram (Fig. 6): the dissolution of
dolomite (incongruent dissolution of calcite-dolomite), gyp-
sum dissolution with dedolomitization, and mixing of pore
and karst waters. Despite different distributions for karst vs.
pore water at the early stage, they gradually merge with in-
creasing TDS (Fig. 6), suggesting the mixing of pore and karst
waters. This observation demonstrates that pore water and
karst water are well-connected hydraulically, in agreement
with the understanding that frequent interactions exist be-
tween karst water and groundwater in the study area. It was
thought that pore water is recharged by groundwater under
natural conditions but the direction of recharge recently
Fig. 6 Karst groundwater and pore water from the northeastern Huaibei Plain, plotted on a trilinear diagram
1728 Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729
reversed because of extensive exploitation of groundwater in
the area.
In conclusion, the hydrochemical evolutionary process of
karst groundwater in the northeast of Huaibei Plain consist
of three sub-processes: the dissolution of dolomite (incongru-
ent dissolution of calcite-dolomite), gypsum dissolution with
dedolomitization, and mixing between groundwater and over-
lying pore water. A hydrochemical boundary was observed at
around 50 m below the ground surface, and groundwater
above this boundary has lower and more stable concentrations
of Na
and SO
, TDS and total hard-
ness and values of SAR. This boundary provides further sup-
port to the existing conceptual view that there exists two flow
compartments in aquifers of the study area, a local shallow
compartment and a regional deep flow compartment. A small
number of samples show compositions indicative of saliniza-
tion processes, which is consistent with the weak water trans-
mitting ability of the corresponding aquifer rocks and indi-
Funding information This study was supported by National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41772250 and 41602256), the
Science and Technology Program of Land and Resources of Anhui
Province (2012-k-15) and Public Welfare Geological Survey Program
of Anhui Province (2015-g-26).
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Anhui Province, China. Anhui Institute of Geological Survey,
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Hydrogeol J (2018) 26:17211729 1729
... The availability of shallow groundwater resources has attracted attention in coal mining areas, due to its applications as a reliable municipal water source, in agriculture and mineral extraction, as well as in underground engineering construction [1][2][3][4]. In the coal mining area, mining has caused water from loose Cenozoic strata and Permian sandstone to infiltrate rapidly into the mine, causing a regional groundwater decrease. ...
... Specifically, in QLA water, Mg 2+ , Cl -, SO 4 2-, HCO 3 and TDS do not have normality, K + +Na + and Ca 2+ have normality. Since the data for most of the variables were non-normally (Fig. 4), Cland SO 4 2significantly positively correlate with Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , and K + +Na + at the 0.05 level, while HCO 3 negatively correlates with all other cations such as Cl -, indicating that the cations in this aquifer originate from halite dissolution. distributed, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used to calculate the bivariate correlations, and the correlation heat map for QLA was plotted using R software (Fig. 4). ...
... The ion vectors in Figs. 8(a-c) show that Dim1 is primarily composed of K + +Na + , TDS, Ca 2+ , and SO 4 2 , indicating that the Dim1 axis represents sulfate dissolution, Dim2 is primarily composed of SO 4 2and HCO 3 -, which is due to desulfurization, and Dim3 is primarily composed of Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and HCO 3 -, which is due to dolomite dissolution. ...
... The percentage error was calculated by the PHREEQC software (Qian et al. 2018) to evaluate the reliability of the water chemical data. The results indicate that the majority of samples maintain a perfect charge balance with a percentage error of less than 3%, with only a few samples exhibiting an error greater than 3% but still less than 10%, which was considered acceptable (Qian et al. 2018). ...
... The percentage error was calculated by the PHREEQC software (Qian et al. 2018) to evaluate the reliability of the water chemical data. The results indicate that the majority of samples maintain a perfect charge balance with a percentage error of less than 3%, with only a few samples exhibiting an error greater than 3% but still less than 10%, which was considered acceptable (Qian et al. 2018). The AqQA software for hydrochemical analysis was used to generate Durov diagrams, which enable the analysis of groundwater's hydrochemical composition. ...
... All mine water samples showed high TDS and SO 4 2− and low pH, except for the W04 and W13 samples, whose pH was close to neutral. According to the TDS, all water samples in the study area were divided into freshwater (TDS < 1000 mg/L) and saltwater (TDS ≥ 1000 mg/L) (Esmaeil et al. 2021;Qian et al. 2018). The majority of mine water and spring water affected by mine water was salt water, with W13, W15, and W18 constituting spring water affected by mine water leakage. ...
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Acid mine drainage (AMD) is considered one of the serious environmental issues in the mining area. Understanding the key processes and pathways of hydrogeochemical evolution is critical for the effective control of AMD pollution. Hydrogeochemical analysis along with environmental isotope tracing was utilized to provide information regarding the hydrogeochemical process of groundwater pollution by using the multi-aquifer of abandoned Dashu pyrite in Southwest China as an example. Using the deuterium excess parameter d of groundwater and the results of ²H, ¹⁸O, and T analysis, the water–rock interaction intensity was determined. The distribution characteristics of d-T revealed that the groundwater primarily originated from the Quaternary reservoir platform groundwater and that there was a close hydraulic connection among the aquifers. The results of ion analysis and sulfur isotope tracing indicated that the sulfur in groundwater was primarily derived from gypsum dissolution, whereas the sulfur in mine water was primarily derived from pyrite oxidation. The results of the hydrogeochemical inversion indicated that mining activities altered the water level and flow conditions, promoted water–rock interactions, altered the hydrogeochemical process, and caused aquifer and mine water cross-contamination. The findings provide theoretical guidance for identifying the pollution sources and critical hydrogeochemical processes that affect groundwater in depleted mining areas of multi-aquifers and also provide technical support for developing water source control and prevention techniques.
... Karst regions, covering approximately 15 % of the Earth's terrestrial surface, are significant for achieving the goal of carbon neutrality worldwide (Ford and Williams, 2007). Hydrological processes play a vital role in the formation of karst landscapes (Qian et al., 2018;Ren et al., 2021). 25 % of the worldwide population relies on karst aquifers for drinking water, which also highlights the importance of hydrological processes influencing hydrochemistry (Ford and Williams, 2007). ...
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Study region: The Laochang Karst watershed (LCKW) is located in eastern Yunnan Province, southwestern China. It is the representative karst area affected by coal-mining activities in southwestern China. Study focus: Identifying hydrological processes of multi-layered aquifers in karst watersheds is challenging due to complex natural and anthropogenic processes. This study attempts to clarify the hydrological conceptual model of the LCKW using hydrochemistry and D, O, Sr, S, and C isotopes. New hydrological insights for the region: Surface water and multi-layered groundwater have the hydrochemical types of SO 4-Ca⋅Mg, HCO 3 ⋅SO 4-Ca, and HCO 3-Ca. Meteoric water and condensate were the major recharge sources. The main processes dominating hydrochemical compositions consist of sulfide oxidative dissolution, carbonate dissolution, positive cation exchange, and agricultural activities. Elevated SO 4 2− concentration in the mine water, river water and shallow coalbed water mainly originated from the oxidation of pyrite in the coal-bearing strata of the Longtan Formation. whereas the deeper layers and groundwater away from the mines were hardly contaminated by SO 4 2− due to the presence of aquiclude. HCO 3 − concentrations of surface water and multi-layered groundwater were mainly derived from carbonate dissolution and soil CO 2 , and mine water was also influenced by atmospheric CO 2. Positive cation exchange contributed to increasing Na + concentration. Agricultural activities contributed NO 3 − , Cl − , and K + ions in aquifers, especially near large karst fallout caves. A hydrological model of multi-layered aquifers in the LCKW was built based on the above results. These findings will provide valuable guidance for understanding the hydrological processes of complex karst watersheds worldwide.
... Both the Gibbs diagram and Na end-element diagram indicate that rock weathering and dissolution dominate the chemical composition of groundwater. 1,62,63 Therefore, the high sulfate content observed in this study area may be attributed to a substantial amount of calcareous shale or limestone components present within the coal-bearing strata. ...
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The WuMa River (WMR) watershed is located in Renhuai City, Guizhou Province of China, which is a first-class tributary of the Chishui River. The geochemical investigation mainly included the determination of groundwater pH, total hardness, total dissolution solid, major cationic and anionic, and the geochemical groundwater modeling. The principal component analysis (PCA) and Gibbs model were used to analyze the pollution type and geochemical composition. The geochemical investigation results show that the cations of groundwater are dominated by Ca²⁺ and the anions are dominated by HCO3–; therefore, two main hydrochemical types in the study area are identified as Ca²⁺–Mg²⁺–HCO3– and Ca²⁺–Mg²⁺–SO42–. The chemical composition of groundwater in this area is mainly controlled by weathering of the carbonate rocks. The ion concentration of groundwater in the study area exhibited significant spatial variability between dry and wet seasons, while temporal changes of cationic and anionic concentrations exhibited irregularities. In PCA and FA analysis, PC1, PC2, and PC3 were extracted, which could explain 51.92, 26.98, and 12.61% of the total information, respectively. F1 explained 67.44% of the total variance, among which Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, K⁺, SO42–, and Cl– contributed the most among the factors and were the main factors controlling the chemical composition of groundwater. The relative error between the measured water level and the simulated water level is less than 2%, which meets the requirements of simulation accuracy. During the simulation period of the model, a total recharge of 339.05 × 10⁴ m³ was observed in the simulated area, primarily attributed to infiltration from rainfall. The total excretion amounted to 330.78 × 10⁴ m³, primarily through evaporation, with a minor amount of lateral outflow. The migration pathway of pollutants in groundwater primarily follows the direction of groundwater flow while diffusing vertically. The migration range of the pollutant is in accordance with the direction of groundwater flow and extends along the larger hydraulic gradient, demonstrating consistency. The findings of this study serve as a reminder that the closure of coal mines can constitute a significant source of water pollution. Simultaneously, they offer empirical data and theoretical references for the simulation and prediction of groundwater contamination in enclosed coal mines.
... Environmental tracers, such as water chemical composition and hydrogen-oxygen-carbon isotopes, serve as markers and time indicators for water circulation. They are widely used in groundwater circulation studies in arid regions [4,[14][15][16]. Their applications mainly focus on identifying the sources of groundwater [17][18][19], recharge and discharge processes [20][21][22], and groundwater ages [23][24][25], as well as determining hydraulic connections [26][27][28][29] and the transformation relationship and quantity between surface water and groundwater [30][31][32][33]. ...
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In order to achieve the rational development and utilization of underground water resources in the Dongsheng mining area under coal mining conditions, we selected the upstream area of Beiniuchuan River as a typical region. Through field investigations, sampling tests, and the application of hydrochemical and isotope techniques, we traced the groundwater circulation mechanism in the Dongsheng mining area. The results indicate that the majority of the Quaternary alluvial and Salawusu Formation groundwater is of the HCO3-Ca type, with a TDS content below 300 mg/L. However, in some areas, the hydrochemical type becomes complex due to anthropogenic contamination. The shallow-buried Yan’an Formation groundwater is either of the HCO3-Ca·Mg type or the HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg type, with TDS content ranging from 200 to 750 mg/L. The Yan’an Formation at depths greater than 40 m exhibits complex water chemistry, with a TDS content higher than 500 mg/L, and it belongs to the Cl-Na type, with TDS around 700 mg/L. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope results indicate that the local groundwater is primarily recharged via atmospheric precipitation. The 3H and 14C results show that the Quaternary alluvial and shallow-buried Yan’an Formation groundwater has a fast turnover rate, while the deep-buried Yan’an Formation and Yan’chang Formation groundwater have a slower turnover rate. The regional groundwater circulation can be generalized into three flow systems: shallow, intermediate, and deep. Under the influence of coal mining activities, the water circulation conditions in the study area have undergone significant changes. The sealing integrity of the Yan’an Formation has been compromised, and precipitation and shallow groundwater have enhanced the vertical infiltration capacity of the formation, increasing the proportion of groundwater participating in the intermediate flow system. As a result, the river runoff mainly dependent on the discharge from the shallow flow system has drastically decreased.
Considering groundwater from the aquifers overlying the bedrock is an important water source for drinking purposes. As such, the investigation of its property is essential. Based on the spatial structure of aquifers in the study area, the aquifers in the Cenozoic strata are divided into three groups. The multivariate statistical approaches are employed to identify the hydrogeochemical processes and hydro-chemical types, and hydrogeochemical inverse modeling is applied to further validate and elucidate the hydrogeochemical process and water–rock interaction. The results are as follows: (1) The hydro-chemical type of the upper aquifer is dominated by the K + Na-HCO3 type, while others have similar water quality types, which are dominated by the K + Na-Cl type and the K + Na-SO4 type. (2) The saturation index of anhydrite, gypsum, halite, and CO2(g) is below zero in three aquifers, indicating that they are unsaturated. While aragonite, calcite, and dolomite in the middle aquifer remain in the unsaturated–saturated state. (3) The cation exchange process accelerating the reduction of Ca2+ concentration and the increase of SO42− concentration occurs in three aquifers, and the dissolution of calcite and dolomite minerals occurs in most cases. This study supports the fundamental evidence for the hydrogeochemical processes and water resource utilization and has a certain practical significance.
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East China is a highly aggregated coal–grain composite area where coal mining and agricultural production activities are both flourishing. At present, the geochemical characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in groundwater in coal mining areas are still unclear. This study combined hydrochemical and carbon isotope methods to explore the sources and factors influencing DIC in the groundwater of different active areas in coal mining areas. Moreover, the ¹³C isotope method was used to calculate the contribution rates of various sources to DIC in groundwater. The results showed that the hydrochemical types of groundwater were HCO3-Ca·Na and HCO3-Na. The main water‒rock interactions were silicate and carbonate rock weathering. Agricultural areas were mainly affected by the participation of HNO3 produced by chemical fertilizer in the weathering of carbonate rocks. Soil CO2 and carbonate rock weathering were the major sources of DIC in the groundwater. Groundwater in residential areas was primarily affected by CO2 from the degradation of organic matter from anthropogenic inputs. Sulfate produced by gypsum dissolution, coal gangue accumulation leaching and mine drainage participated in carbonate weathering under acidic conditions, which was an important factor controlling the DIC and isotopic composition of groundwater in coal production areas. The contribution rates of groundwater carbonate weathering to groundwater DIC in agricultural areas and coal production areas ranged from 57.46 to 66.18% and from 54.29 to 62.16%, respectively. In residential areas, the contribution rates of soil CO2 to groundwater DIC ranged from 51.48 to 61.84%. The results will help clarify the sources and circulation of DIC in groundwater under the influence of anthropogenic activities and provide a theoretical reference for water resource management.
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The study of NO3− contamination in groundwater is becoming increasingly significant as high concentrations of NO3− in groundwater can do damage to public health. Nitrate pollution in the shallow, middle-deep and deep aquifers in the urban district of Zhanjiang was studied using the ordinary Kriging interpolation method combined with hydrochemical and correlation analyses in 2011. The results showed NO3− pollution was present in the shallow groundwater, with average concentrations of 47.43 mg/L and standard deviation of 50.92. Nitrate concentrations were lower in middle-deep and deep aquifers, with average concentrations of 2.36, 0.80 mg/L, and standard deviation of 6.23, 0.93, respectively. Nitrate was correlated with Na+ + K+, Mg2+, Cl− and SO42− in the shallow aquifer, and the spatial distributions of NO3− exhibited a same pattern with TDS in the shallow aquifer, the NO3− pollution in the middle-deep and deep aquifers is less serious.
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Major ion chemistry of groundwater from main aquifers near the Dingi Coal Mine (Anhui, China) was analyzed with a suite of statistical techniques, in an effort to understand aquifer connectivity and groundwater geochemical evolution. Fifty-seven groundwater samples were analyzed from four aquifers: the Cenozoic top, middle, bottom aquifers and a Permian coal strata aquifer. With increasing depth of the aquifers, groundwater became more mineralized showing greater hardness and salinity. The dissolutions of halite and sylvite, carbonate, sulfate, and silicate minerals were the primary processes controlling groundwater chemical compositions in the Cenozoic bottom and coal strata aquifers, while (K+ + Na+) and HCO3− originating from silicate mineral weathering were more enriched in the coal strata aquifer. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified two principal components, with the first component representing hardness variation and accounting for 57.5 % of total variance, and the second component (23.5 % of total variance) controlled primarily by salinity and sulfate reduction process. The Cenozoic bottom aquifer had greater hardness than other aquifers whereas the coal strata aquifer was characterized by higher salinity and larger influences of sulfate reduction. Cluster analysis revealed that the coal strata aquifer was largely isolated from the Cenozoic aquifers with possible infiltration at discrete locations, indicating that the high-yield, thick Cenozoic aquifers may serve as a potential additional source for groundwater inrush into coal mines.
High concentration of NO3-N in groundwater can pose risk to human’s health, thus the study of NO3-N contamination in groundwater is a very important issue related to public health. Using a typical agriculture zone, Huaibei plain in Anhui Province of China as a field site, the temporal and spatial variation of groundwater NO3-N concentration was studied using a multivariate statistical factor analysis combined with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin method based on a hydrogeological investigation from 2005 to 2009 year. The results show: (1) The contaminant in the groundwater of Huaibei Plain in Anhui Province are serious. 10% of the shallow groundwater samples in non-rainy season of 2005 exceeds the recommended value of NO3-N by Chinese drinking water standard (≥20 mg/L), while 17.5% exceeds the recommended value (11.3 mg/L) by EC. (2) About 15% of shallow groundwater in the whole study area was polluted in 2005 with the maximum of 97.67 mg/L; Groundwater NO3-N concentration is higher in non-rainy season than in rainy season. And the NO3-N content in groundwater shows the increasing trend at all three depths sampled from 2005 to 2009 year. (3) Groundwater nitrate pollution mainly derives from anthropogenic activities in Huaibei Plain, Anhui Province. Further quantitative analysis need to be studied in the future.
High groundwater salinity has become a major concern in the arid alluvial plain of the Dunhuang Basin in northwestern China because it poses a significant challenge to water resource management. Isotopic and geochemical analyses were conducted on 55 water samples from springs, boreholes and surface water to identify potential sources of groundwater salinity and analyze the processes that control increasing salinity. The total dissolved solid (TDS) content in the groundwater ranged from 400 to 41000 mg/L, and high TDS values were commonly associated with shallow water tables and flow-through and discharge zones in unconfined aquifers. Various groundwater contributions from rainwater, agricultural irrigation, river water infiltration and lateral inflows from mountains were identified by major ions and δD and δ¹⁸O. In general, HCO3⁻ and SO4²⁻ were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity <2500 mg/L, whereas Cl⁻ and SO4²⁻ were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity >2500 mg/L. The major ion concentrations indicated that mineral weathering, including carbonate and evaporite dissolution, primarily affected groundwater salinity in recharge areas. Evapotranspiration controlled the major ion concentration evolution and salinity distribution in the unconfined groundwaters in the flow-through and discharge areas, although it had a limited effect on groundwater in the recharge areas and confined aquifers.
Groundwater was collected in drinking water sources from the Huaibei Plain and Cu, Cd, Mn, As, Pb, and Zn were determined and compared with permissible levels set by the People's Republic of China groundwater quality (GB/T14848-93). The potential health risks of heavy metals to the local residents by oral and dermal contact pathways were studied. The results indicate that the concentrations of Cu, Cd, As, Pb, and Zn were lower than their respective permissible limits, whereas the concentration of Mn in some samples was higher than its permissible limits. Both noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks are mainly attributed to the oral pathway. The noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of the study area for heavy metals were As > Cd > Mn> Pb >Cu > Zn and As > Cd = Mn = Pb = Cu = Zn = 0, respectively. Sustainable and appropriate treatment technologies should be implemented to remove or reduce the concentration of arsenic in potable groundwater of the Huaibei Plain.