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Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich is a unique national value archeological monument (230017-N). The site is located in Mezhyrich village, Kaniv district, Cherkassy region. The purpose of the project - preservation of the dwelling construction remains of Upper Paleolithic inhabitants that will become the first step for museumification of Mezhyrich site. In the heritage protection field – preservation of the mammoth bone dwelling will allow to actualize archaeological heritage in modern Ukraine in a greater extent, and to visualize features of primitive hunters’ life. That will expose sights for audience and make positive impact on the tourism and local infrastructure development; In the scientific field - during restoration research will be cleared in and out sides of the dwelling. That will determine the structure of the object and features of material and behavioral culture of the inhabitants. And also the nature of adaptation of hunting group to conditions of glacial in Europe; In education - training under the supervision of high qualified professionals a group of candidates from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in fixing archaeological objects with non-destructive methods and methods of restoration of bone remains.
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The first excavations of Mezhyrich site occurred half a century ago, in 1966 and continue now. During this period, scientists found here four dwellings and fully explored three of them. In addition, household complex around dwellings was explored too. Excavations conducted by national scientists such as I. Pidoplichko, M. Gladkyh, N. Korniets, D. Nuzhnyy, P. Shidlovskiy with the participation of foreign colleagues from the USA, France and Russia. Joint expeditions with researchers of various scientific directions allowed applying several research methods, which improved the expansion of knowledge about the site, lithic industry of mammoth hunters, historical and architectural reconstruction; explore the flora and fauna of this area. Also, scientists used techniques such as flotation, electromagnetic research, electronic theodolite measurement, and others. The results of research gave a possibility to describe the climatic conditions of the Ice Age 15 000 years ago. Special exploration helped to determine the absolute dating of the site, set the type of settlement, explore the technique of making tools and define it as the epigravettian and others. Excavations of the site continue today. Scientists studying details of 6 and 7 pits. The problem of conservation of the fourth dwelling is still relevant.
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Résumé Nous présentons dans cet article les différentes caractéristiques statistiques des assemblages lithiques issus de l’habitation no 1 en ossements de mammouths du site de Mezhyrich, ainsi que de deux structures archéologiques adjacentes, la fosse no 7 et le poste de débitage dans la couche archéologique située à proximité en bordure de la fosse. Les principales ressources en silex, que sont les nucléus et les grands fragments de silex, ainsi que les lames et les grattoirs ont été conservés dans l’habitation. Par ailleurs, les produits de débitage et plusieurs outils (chutes de burin) sont plus nombreux dans la fosse et le poste de débitage. Une proportion élevée de microlithes à bord abattu, y compris de formes avec des fractures d’impact diagnostiques des projectiles, et de burins avec plusieurs bords actifs sont aussi observés dans ces deux structures archéologiques.
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