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Moderation Effect Of Workplace Spirituality On The Organizational Citizenship Behavior


Abstract and Figures

This research was conducted in order to know the effect of workplace spirituality moderating the effect of spiritual leadership to OCBIP of employees. This research was conducted in the city of Sidoarjo with the entire population is a employees with the status as a full time employees at Bank Sharia Sidoarjo. By using formula Slovin, found a sample of 105 respondents that selected by proportional random. Data was collected directly from respondents using questionnaires instruments. Technical analysis of data is Moderated Regression Analysis. The research proves that Spiritual Leadership has a significant effect on OCBIP. Workplace spirituality moderates the effect of Spiritual Leadership on OCBIP. The position of workplace spirituality is pure moderation. Good understanding of OCB basic concepts which deeply rooted in mind, the Muslim behavior will tend to show better OCB. Muslim would tend to think that any action taken not only affects the life in the world but also the life future in hereafter
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455 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Moderation effect of Workplace Spirituality on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Volume 16, Number 2, 2018, ISSN : 0972-7302
available at http: www.serialsjourna
1 Faculty of Economics, Department of Management, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia, E-mail:
2 Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Sorong, Indonesia, E-mail:,
3 Faculty of Economics, Department of Management, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia, E-mail: vivien.maharani
4 Sekolah Tinggi Imu Ekonomi Enam Enam, Kendari, Indonesia, E-mail:
5 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, E-mail:
6 UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia, E-mail:
This research was conducted in order to know the effect of workplace spirituality moderating the
effect of spiritual leadership to OCBIP of employees. This research was conducted in the city of Sidoarjo
with the entire population is a employees with the status as a full time employees at Bank Sharia Sidoarjo. By
using formula Slovin, found a sample of 105 respondents that selected by proportional random. Data was
collected directly from respondents using questionnaires instruments. Technical analysis of data is Moderated
Regression Analysis. The research proves that Spiritual Leadership has a significant effect on OCBIP. Workplace
spirituality moderates the effect of Spiritual Leadership on OCBIP. The position of workplace spirituality is
pure moderation. Good understanding of OCB basic concepts which deeply rooted in mind, the Muslim
behavior will tend to show better OCB. Muslim would tend to think that any action taken not only affects the
life in the world but also the life future in hereafter.
OCB, Workplace Spirituality, spiritual leadership
Spirituality passion in global business world continues to
strengthen. Creativity and innovation can only be done
if there is ability to monitor with full concentration, and
to do job best through the spirituality practice [1]. The
relevance of spirituality has attracted some attention in
various fields of business. Past research has revealed that
spirituality in workplace program create higher sense of
joy, serenity, job satisfaction and commitment [32] and
OCB [2] [25].
Today, spiritual at work is considered as a medium to
build a more competitive work environment [3]. The
relevance of spiritual at work has attracted some attention
in various fields of business. Spirituality is also considered
as an important foundation for effective business
leadership [18]. The development of workplace spirituality
cannot alone without the leadership support. Therefore,
discourse of spiritual leadership becomes important to
be integrated with application of workplace spirituality
Some researchers revealed effect of leadership on
OCB. Han et al. [13] found signifficant correlations
between leadership and OCB. Sani et al. [34] suggests
that spirituality becomes the strongest variables to affect
organizational effectiveness. An inquiry is noteworthy
provided analysis is extended to evaluate employees’
perception on how spiritual at work helps explaining
employees’ behaviors at work. Nonetheless, they have
not sufficiently hypothesized and empirically tested this
[27]. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake research that
assists scholars in comprehending the seemingly positive
effects on workers’ attitudes which possibly take place
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 456
Achmad Sani, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Vivin Maharani Ekowati, Bakhtiar Abbas, Idris Idris and Fuad Ibrahim
when managers reinforce individuals’ requirements in the
workplace on a spiritual level [27].
Spiritual leadership according to Sutopo and Hidayah
[36] is a leadership that greatly maintains ethical values
and divine values. Spirituality-based leadership is not only
about intelligence and skill in leading, but also continues
to hold the spiritual values as truth, honesty, integrity,
credibility, wisdom and compassion which in turn can
shape character and moral of self and others [33].
The main focus of leaders should do good deeds to
get God blessing. Therefore, they emphasize the
importance of self-leadership; referred as process to affect
one to improve personal effectiveness and leadership to
affect others [35]. From an Islamic perspective, leadership
is regarded as an explicit contract between leaders and
followers. Likewise, leadership pattern of Islamic banking
in Indonesia should include five good moral attitudes,
because Indonesia is a Muslim majority country.
Muslims believe that this world is a temporary place
and all the good deeds are worship. Wors hip is
characterized by a willingness to help others sincerely
(OCB). Islam requires all Muslims to perform that
behavior in order to get the blessing of God, to create
prosperity of individuals and society [17]. This study aims
to address this research gap by integrating the West OCB
concept with Islamic heritage (Al-Qur’an and traditions
of Prophet), and proposed an OCB model from the Islam
perspective (OCBIP) which serve to represent, describe
and consistent with viewpoint of Muslims [20].
The other problem in this organization is the lack of
understanding of the dimensions of employee’s job and
behaving meta-functional behavior which is essential for
the survival of the organization. So it is necessary to
understand the views of the staff in this field which results
in organizational citizenship behavior, some studies be
conducted. Indeed, Social Welfare Organization, to try
to remain competitive and to attra ct customers
satisfaction are able to support the organization to get
the goal by showing organizational citizenship behavior.
To respond this important issue, in this study we tried to
identify the relationship between the spiritual leadership
and organizational citizenship behavior, and mediating
role of workplace spirituality, according to the results
obtained provide ways to achieve the organization’s goals
to improve the quality of customer service.
Ba s ed on above phe nomenon, the proble m
formulations are as follows. (1) Is Spiritual Leadership
affect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior from
Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) of employees? (2) Does the
Workplace Spirituality moderate the effect of Spiritual
Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior from
Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) of employees?
Spiritual Leadership
Fry et al. [10] developed a Spiritual Leadership theory
based on a model of intrinsic motivation to include vision,
hope and faith, altruistic love, spirituality theory in
workplace and spiritual survival or spiritual well-being.
The survival consists of spiritual meaning/calling and
membership. Effective leaders implement maintain
practices and appreciate the spiritual needs. Not valued
and nurtured spiritual dimension will create unhealthy
consequences to indivi duals, organi z ations, and
communities. Good leaders integrate spirituality with five
practice of leadership as challenge the process, inspire a
shared vision, enable others to act, model the way and
encourage the heart.
Workplace Spirituality
Spirituality is an inherent human characteristic that
intri nsically does not conclude reli gious meaning.
Spirituality is an existing element essence of each
individual and spirituality cannot be separated from the
individual [19]. Spirituality in workplace will be created
in absence of pressure from people, spirituality is not to
be spoken, but spirituality in workplace will be created
when people behaviors can practice spirituality into every
action and deed [32].
Workplace Spirituality puts employees as spiritual
beings who need the souls care in workplace, which has a
sense of purpose and meaning in their work, and a sense
of connectedness one another [3][27]. This horizontal
spiritual is directed by service orientation and deep care
to others. Consideration to others is shown by concern
457 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Moderation effect of Workplace Spirituality on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior
and high quality of interpersonal labor relations at work,
low turnover, group cohesion, and group efficiency [22].
Organizational Citizenship Behavior from Islamic
Perspective (OCBIP)
OCB is a choice behavior and individual initiative, not
related to formal reward system of organization, but in
aggregate increase organizational effectiveness. This
means that behavior is not inclu ded in ter ms of
employment or employees job descriptions so that if it
is not done also any punishment [6]. This behavior is
expressed in for m of willingness to consciously
and voluntarily to work and contribute to organization
OCBIP is a self-awareness of a Muslim to work in
an organization. Work not only to run the job according
to job description, but to ease the burden of organization
by doing useful activities and prevent the organization
from damages. This behavior is characterized by
helping others voluntarily. Islam has emphasized such
behavior with a view to prosperity of individuals and
society [14].
Islam viewpoint explains that behaviors related to
public interest (mashlahah) are very supported, because
Islam encourages its followers to always be careful when
taking action. The action must be based on common
interests, rather than based on personal interests [20].
Furthermore, he said that any action should be based on
two aspects, namely al-dunya (world) and al-akhirat
Relationship between Variables
Spiritual Leadership on OCBIP
Spirituality is also considered as an important foundation
for effective business leadership [33]. Some researchers
revealed eff ect of spi ritua l le adership on OCB.
Mohammad et al. [28] reveals a relationship between the
Spiritual Leadership and OCB. Relationships among these
variables would be empirically identified through the
following hypotheses:
H1: Spiritual Leadership affect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior from Islamic Perspective
(OCBIP) of employees.
Workplace spirituality moderated the effect of
spiritual leadership on OCBIP
Spirituality is an inherent human characteristic that
intri nsically does not conclude reli gious meaning.
Spirituality is an existing element essence of each
individual and spirituality cannot be separated from the
individual [19]. Some empirical studies show a positive
relationship between Spiritual at work on OCB. Gupta et
al. [12] found signifficant effect meaning in work to OCB.
Nasrudin et al. [29] who found signifficant correlations
between spirituality and OCB. The development of
workplace spirituality cannot alone without the leadership
support. Therefore, discourse of spiritual leadership
becomes important to be integrated with application of
workplace spirituality [33]. Based on theory and previous
researches, this hypothesis was formed:
H2. Workplace spirituality moderated the effect of
Spiritual Leadership on OCBIP of employees.
Research conducted at BRI Sharia in Sidoarjo is an
explanatory research because the aim is to explain the
relationship between variables by testing the hypothesis.
The population in this study are all employees at BRI
sharia Sidoarjo. The population is all 141 employees of
BRI Sharia Sidoarjo. Sampling using Slovin formula and
obtained a sample of 105 respondents, with minimum
working period of 3 years at BRI Sharia Sidoarjo. The
variables and indicators used in the study include: Spiritual
leadership (X) is measured by five indicators outlined into
17 items adopted from Fry et al. [11]; Yusof and Tahir
[37]. The 17 items are measured by five point Likert scale,
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Workplace
spirituality (Z) is measured by 3 indicators outlined into
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 458
Achmad Sani, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Vivin Maharani Ekowati, Bakhtiar Abbas, Idris Idris and Fuad Ibrahim
6 items adopted from Ashmos and Duchon[3]. The 6
items are measured by five point Likert scale, from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). OCBIP (Y) is
measured by 5 indicators outlined into 10 items adopted
[14]. The 10 items are measured by five point Likert scale,
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Data is analyzed by moderation regression analysis
to determine the effect of spiri tu al leadership on
Org anizational Citizenship Behavior from Islamic
Perspective (OCBIP) with Workplace Spirituality as a
moderation variable.
Moderation regression model is a conditional model,
where one or more independent variables affect the
dependent variable, with provision that the effect will be
stronger or weaker when other variables included as a
moderation variable. This moderation effect ca n
strengthening or amplifying the effect, and can also
become a variable that neutralizes or weaken, so it is called
moderation effect [8].
The majority of respondents age are 30-40 years (70
people or 66.7%), 12 people or 11.4% of respondents
are above 40 years and remaining 23 people or 21.9% are
above 30 years. The majority of respondents in this study
(75 people or 71.4%) are male, the remaining 30 people
or 28.6% are women. Respondents education shows that
most respondents are bachelor. Respondents based on
years of service explained that majority of respondents
have working period for 5-10 years (52 people or 49.5%),
and 40 people or 38.1% less than 5 years, and 13
respondents or 12.4% above 10 years.
MRA Testing Results
Above analysis shows the relation of model 1,
Spiritual Leadership (X) on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) (Y), has R
square value of 0.824. It implies close relationship
between the Spiritual Leadership (X) on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP)
(Y). Variations changes of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) (Y) can be
explained by Spiritual Leadership (X) at coefficient of
determination or multiple R is 0.680 or 68.0% and the
rest is affected by other variables.
α : 0.05
R : 0.824
R Square : 0.680
t Count : 14.786
Sig. t : 0.000
Table 1
Regression analysis spiritual leadership to
Table 2
MRA Summary Testing Results of Model 1
Model 2a
α : 0.05
R : 0.944
R Square : 0.891
F Count : 416.487
Sig. F : 0.000
Model 2a has multiple R of 0.944. This implies very
close relationship between Spiritual Leadership (X) and
Workplace Spirituality (Z) on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) (Y). The
coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.891, it shows that
moderation variable of Workplace Spirituality has
increased the variation of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior From Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) as explained
in coefficient of determination, ie an increase of 21.1%
from 0.680 into 0.891.
Model 2b
variable and
α : 0.05
R : 0.910
R Square : 0.829
F Count : 162.676
Sig. F : 0.000
Table 3
MRA Summary Testing Results of Model 2
Effect of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP)
Spiritual Leadership is translated into questions indicators
as the vision, hope/belief, altruistic love, meaning and
459 International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Moderation effect of Workplace Spirituality on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior
membership. Organizational Citizenship Behavior from
Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) is translated into indicator
questions of suppor ting criteri a, organizati onal
participation, corporate belongings, altruism, and
MRA test results showed that Spiritual Leadership
(X) has a significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) (Y). Positive
value of b (2494) indicates the effect is unidirectional. It
means that better the Spiritual Leadership will lead to
higher the Organizational Citizenship Behavior from
Islamic Perspective (OCBIP). This empirical result
consistent with Farvoodi et al. [7], that leadership style is
closely related to OCB. It also supports the research of
Mohammad et al. [28] that leadership affects on OCB.
Relationships of leadership on OCB gets better when
put Taqwa into the variables to test the hypothesis.
Likewise, Kaya [23] found that Spiritual Leadership affect
on altruism, conscientiou sness, Sportsmanship and
Best motivation work ethic will useless without
example from leader. Work world always have leaders and
subordinates. Naturally, a leader is not only expected to
motivate subordinates, but also can provide role models,
because it presents the example of a soul or spirit of any
leadership effort. Leadership is an effort to communicate
the value and potential of people clearly, they could see it
in themselves [15].
Spiritual Leadership can transform the aspirations,
identity, needs, preferences and values of followers to
realize their fullest potential. Leader of this model can
build team spirit with enthusiasm, high moral standards,
integrity and optimism as well as to provide meaning and
challenge for work performed to their followers to
increase the level of self-efficacy, self-confidence, meaning
and ability to self-determination of subordinates [4].
Spiritual Leadership create positive effects on employees,
especially a sense of comfort, psychological impact,
increas ing orga niza tional commitment , increased
productivity, and even the performance of organization
Leadership itself will be happened if other people
can see directly a person as a pioneer, aligning, and
empowering that guided by conscience. A hadith has said
that “not including one of us, those who do not dearest
little, and those who do not respect the elderly (History
at-Tirmidhi from Anas Bin Malik). The Hadith put loving
litt le before respecting the elderl y. If the hadith
contextualize the world of work, then a leader should
not hope to be respected by subordinates if himself could
not protect, give a sense of peace, and love them. A
subordinate will respect sincerely if the leaders always
spread love and concern for his subordinates. Good
example will create obedience and loyalty will be born
sincerely, and this became the key success of an
Workplace Spirituality moderates the relationship
between Spiritual Leadership and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior from Islamic Perspective (OCBIP).
MRA test results MRA shows the coefficient of
determination (R2) is 0829. It shows that addition the
moderator variable of Workplace Spirituality has increased
the variation of Organizational Citizenship Behavior from
Islamic Perspective (OCBIP) at 14.9% from 0.680 into
The ef f e ct of Workplace Spi rituality on
Org anizational Citizenship Behavior from Islamic
Perspective (OCBIP) is not significant with sig 0.660 >
0.05; while moderation interaction of Spiritual Leadership
on Workplace Spirituality has sig 0.010. It can be put
classified as moderation pure.
This of study result consistent with Pawar[31] to
determine the effect of individuals spiritual, and three
aspects of spirituality in workplace (meaning in work,
community work and meaning in work), and positive goals
of organization in conjunction with three labor attitudes
(job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational
commitment. The result shows a positive relationship
between the three aspects of spirituality on three aspects
of work attitude.
Spirituality is often associated with positive results
and benefits in associated with a sense of community.
For exa mpl e it become a sense of unifying and
community building [5], serving others needs in workplace
and a source of daily expression from compassion,
wisdom, and connectedness [26].
International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research 460
Achmad Sani, Ismail Suardi Wekke, Vivin Maharani Ekowati, Bakhtiar Abbas, Idris Idris and Fuad Ibrahim
Workplace Spirituality is indicated by ser vice
orientation and deep concern for others. Consideration
to others is shown by concern and labor interpersonal
relations towards work, group cohesion, and group
efficiency [22].
No matter how good leadership model, no matter
how good the organization’s culture, without the active
involvement of organization members, undoubtedly
spirituality in workplace will not be realized. Workplace
Spirituality provides an overview to employees who see
themselves as spiritual beings who need the care the
souls in workplace, sense of purpose and meaning in
their work, and a sense of connectedness of one another
Good comprehension of OCB basic concepts
firmly rooted in Muslims minds, Musli ms will be
more li kely to show OCBs towar ds the better.
Muslims have always thought that every action not only
affects the life in the world but also to life future in
Conclusions derived from this study are: (a) spiritual
leadership has a significant effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior from Islamic Perspective. It means
that better the Spiritual Leadership will lead to higher the
Org anizational Citizenship Behavior from Islamic
Perspective. Spiritual leadership is not only about
intelligence and skill in leading, but also continues to hold
the spiritual values as truth, honesty, integrity, credibility,
wisdom and compassion which in turn can shape
character and moral of self and others, so that spiritual
leadership was able to inspire organizational members to
work together in achieving organizational goals. (b) The
appli cation of Spiritua l leadership suppor ted by
workplace spirituality will increase the Organizational
Citizenship Behavio ur From Islamic Pers pective
employees. Workplace spirituality is an experience of
interconnectedness among those involved in work
process, will lead to a sense of meaningfulness in the
organization, resulting in greater motivation, so that they
will speak positively about organization, helping co-
workers, and mak i ng thei r perf ormance beyond
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Sutopo., Hidayah, S. (2017). The Role of Spiritual Based
Leadershi p as Predictor in Improvi ng Employee
Performance. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen. Vol 8. No. 1.
Pp. 83-91.
Yusof, J. M., and Tahir, I. M. (2011). Spirituality Leadership
and Job Satisfaction. A Proposed Conceptual Framework.
Information Management and Business Review. Vol 2. No 6.
Pp 239 – 245.
... Many studies were evident the positive effects of workplace spirituality on different employee behaviors including citizenship behaviors, sustainable behavior, etc. (Karakas, 2010;Sani, et al., 2018;Foster, & Foster, 2019;Beehner, 2019;Rezapouraghdam, H., Alipour, H., & Arasli, 2019;Aftab, et al. 2022;Siddiqui, Salleh & Shamim, 2023). The concept of spirituality is based on moral values and principles. ...
... These employees play a crucial role in a time when organizations are dealing with energy consumption issues in an unpredictable environment (Batool, Shabbir, Abrar, & Bilal, 2022). Employees' sense of ethics, values, and community demonstrated a successful and seamless operation that helped the firm move toward sustainable consumption behaviors (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000;Sani, et al. 2018;Wahab, 2017;Meng, Lee, Chua, & Han, 2022). ...
... To avoid this issue of behavioral dissonance and inconsistent behaviors, the alignment of individual values is necessary. When it comes to environmental concerns, workplace spirituality has the power to support and sustain sustainable consumption behaviors, which may be sustained over time across the conditions (Batool, Shabbir, Abrar, & Bilal, 2022;Sani, et al. 2018). ...
... Organisations must concentrate on extending their leadership talent pool rather than limiting their leadership development initiatives to a small number of people who have the potential to become senior corporate officers. An effective leader strongly impacts the job satisfaction (Ogbonna and Harris, 2000;Podsakoff et al., 2000;Ed u Valsania et al., 2012;Muhdar and Rahma, 2015;Sani et al., 2018) and can create organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) (Rodrigues and Ferreira, 2015;Sarwar et al., 2015;Ismaeelzadeh et al., 2016;Saif et al., 2016;Cofie, 2018;Hassi, 2018) among employees, which ultimately results in improved organisational performance and long-term growth. When a person leads, they motivate people to achieve a goal while also directing the organisation in a manner that makes it more ordered and logically significant. ...
... Research showed that effective leadership boosts employees' productivity and job satisfaction by improving their motivation (Goleman, 2002;Locke and Latham, 1990;Petty et al., 1984;Kouzes and Posner, 2002). Some studies predicted a strong link between effective leadership and work satisfaction (Podsakoff et al., 1990(Podsakoff et al., , 1996Walumbwa, 2002;Chen, 2005aChen, , 2005bMadlock, 2008;Parkinson, 2008;Temple, 2009;Ed u Valsania et al., 2012;Tonkin, 2013;Muhdar and Rahma, 2015;Sani et al., 2018). Thus, the present study proposes the following hypothesis: ...
... More and more studies have focused on the effectiveness of leadership and how it affects a variety of outcomes during the last decade. Effective leadership has a big impact on how employees behave in terms of organisational citizenship responsibility (Rodrigues and Ferreira, 2015;Sarwar et al., 2015;Ismaeelzadeh et al., 2016;Saif et al., 2016;Cofie, 2018;Hassi, 2018) and demonstrate job satisfaction (Ogbonna and Harris, 2000;Podsakoff et al., 2000;Ed u Valsania et al., 2012;Muhdar and Rahma, 2015;Sani et al., 2018). Employees often go above and beyond their job descriptions when they work under effective leadership (OCB, 2018). ...
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Purpose In the time of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic, the effective leadership is what all the organisations are now requiring. Retaining and satisfying the employees in these tough times has become very difficult. In view of this, the present study attempts to investigate three objectives; first, to find out the direct effect of effective leadership on job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB); second, to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and OCB; and, third, to investigate whether effective leadership positively moderate and mediate the link between job satisfaction and OCB among managerial employees of private manufacturing firms of Chhattisgarh state. Design/methodology/approach Correlational research design was applied in the present study. Cluster sampling was used to finalise sample region, and simple random technique was applied to collect primary responses. Employees working at the managerial positions were chosen as participants in the present study. About 530 questionnaires were sent to the participants in which 400 responses were found useable for analysis. Findings The results explained a significant relation of effective leadership with job satisfaction and OCB. In addition, job satisfaction also revealed a positive correlation with OCB. The moderating and mediating effect of effective leadership in the link between job satisfaction and OCB was also noted in significant association. Originality/value Private sector enterprises were economically harmed by COVID-19's sudden arrival. This forced corporations to minimise expenses by cutting staff, production and operations. Employees felt alone, needed assistance and guidance. This research demonstrates how effective leadership may reconnect workers and boost organisational performance.
... Study carried out by (Sholikhah et al., 2019;Supriyanto et al., 2018) shows how spiritual leadership has a positive and significant influence on corporate citizenship behavior. Meanwhile, research conducted (Pio & Lengkong, 2020;Pio & Tampi, 2018) shows how spiritual leadership has an indirect impact on organizational citizenship behavior. ...
... Research conducted by (Hermingsih, 2012;Mohammad et al., 2015;Supriyanto et al., 2018) demonstrated the connection between organizational citizenship behavior and spiritual leadership. ...
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Spiritual leadership carried out by leaders who have good personal qualities will create harmonious relationships between superiors and subordinates, reward subordinates who achieve objectively, are able to solve problems faced in the organization, and will have an impact on work. Therefore, spiritual leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) have an important role in achieving the goals of an organization. The aim of this research is to find out how spiritual leadership influences job satisfaction through organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a mediating variable in Madiun Regency Population and Civil Registration Service employees in 2023. This research method uses a quantitative approach and collects primary data using a questionnaire. The population and sample in this study amounted to 100 samples. The variables used are spiritual leadership (X), job satisfaction (Y), and organizational citizenship behavior (Z). The analysis tool used is SmartPLS 4.0. The research results show that spiritual leadership (X) has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (Z). Organizational citizenship behavior (Z) has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction (Y). Spiritual leadership (X) has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction (Y). Spiritual leadership (X) has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction (Y) through organizational citizenship behavior (Z) at the Population and Civil Registration Service of Madiun Regency in 2023.
... Hence, studies reveal that workplace spirituality helps in enhancing the organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) among employees. Similar findings were noted by some past studies (Al-Mahdy et al., 2021;Belwalkar et al., 2018;Charoensukmongkol et al., 2015;Garg, 2018;Jannah and Santoso, 2017;Makiah et al., 2018;Sani et al., 2018). But there were some studies explain insignificant relation between workplace spirituality and OCB (Kazemipour and Mohd Amin, 2012;Nasurdin et al., 2013;Utami et al., 2021). ...
... But studies connecting the variables have been found explaining significant relationships. The correlation of job satisfaction (Arif and Chohan, 2012;Miao and Kim, 2010;Organ, 2018;Pavalache-Ilie, 2014;Unal, 2013) and workplace spirituality (Belwalkar et al., 2018;Charoensukmongkol et al., 2015;Garg, 2018;Jannah and Santoso, 2017;Makiah et al., 2018;Sani et al., 2018) on OCB have been noted in several studies. It has been seen that individuals who are satisfied are tend to engage more in meaningful work, show compassionate and mindfulness behaviour, strive for transcendence at work and connect with other employees in order to complete the job efficiently, which leads them to perform extra role behaviour for improved organisational performance. ...
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Purpose Without competent and talented employees, no organisation can grow and sustain for a long time. It becomes essential for every organisation to retain and satisfy the employees to achieve their predetermined organisational goals. The present study examines the mediating effect of workplace spirituality dimensions (i.e. meaningful work, compassion, transcendence, mindfulness and sense of community) in the link between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) among managerial employees of selected manufacturing firms of Chhattisgarh state. Design/methodology/approach Correlational research design was incorporated. Employees working at managerial positions at different private manufacturing firms of Chhattisgarh state were chosen as a sample for the present study. Regression analysis and confirmatory factor analysis tools were used to analyse the primary data collected from 400 respondents. Findings The results revealed that all the dimensions of workplace spirituality, i.e. meaningful work, compassion, transcendence, mindfulness and sense of community, were found statistically significant and partially mediated between job satisfaction and OCB among managerial employees of Chhattisgarh. The authors discussed the results thoroughly and provided avenues for the future research. Research limitations/implications The findings of the present research study will assist all private organisations in rethinking their employee retention and satisfaction strategies, since the presence of workplace spirituality in the organisation has a significant and beneficial impact on its environment. The current research will assist organisations in creating circumstances for OCB for employee via the introduction of workplace spirituality. Originality/value Creating spirituality in the current situation, where Covid-19 has suddenly affected all organisations around the world, would be extremely beneficial in terms of employee retention and satisfaction, which would eventually aid in the development of an environment conducive to citizenship behaviour at the workplace. However, the role of workplace spirituality as a mediator in the link between job satisfaction and OCB is innovative and has received little attention in the research community.
... Several studies have observed that leadership is a variable that impacts not only productivity and performance but also job satisfaction (e.g. Dubey et al. 2023;Sani et al. 2018). Our expectation is that leader enthusiasm plays a crucial role in boosting group satisfaction. ...
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Effective leaders employ a blend of transformational and transactional leadership styles to collaborate with their employees, working towards achieving organizational objectives. While the significance of enthusiasm in leadership is acknowledged, its specific role remains largely unexplored within the realm of leadership studies. We contend that enthusiasm assumes a pivotal and influential role in successful leadership, ultimately enhancing overall productivity. This study is dedicated to investigating how leader enthusiasm impacts perceived performance among team members and examine the mediation of group satisfaction and positive emotions in the relationship between leader enthusiasm and perceived performance. By analyzing data collected from a participant pool of 311 individuals, our research yields compelling evidence that leader enthusiasm exerts a positive influence on perceived performance. A noteworthy revelation emerging from our research is found in the mediation analysis. This analysis sheds light on the pivotal roles of group satisfaction and positive emotions as key mediators in the link between leader enthusiasm and perceived performance. This underscores the concept that leader enthusiasm indirectly shapes how employees perceive their own performance, primarily through its profound impact on group satisfaction and the positive emotions experienced by individual team members. In summary, our study underscores the vital and transformative role of leader enthusiasm in cultivating a rewarding and fulfilling work environment. This, in turn, exerts a positive influence on follower emotions and their perceptions of performance. Our findings shed light on the intricate mechanisms through which leader enthusiasm contributes to shaping employees’ perceptions of their performance.
... (Yogatama & Widyarini, N., (2015) support the result of these study that workplace spirituality enabling employees to live in an environment that is free of fear, sharper in intuition and creativity as well as a sense of belonging or engagement with the organization. In contrast, the results of Sani et al., (2018);and Yadav & B.K. Punia, (2016) showed that workplace spirituality has no effect on OCB. Further studies confirmed that employees who are spiritually intelligent or engaged in religious feelings, pray to God, seek true "nature" also contribute better to work performance, therefore in this case OCB is not an important focus for employees. ...
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span lang="IN">The aims of this paper are to determine the mediating role of self-empowerment on the causality relations between good governance and workplace spirituality on O rganizational C itizenship B ehavior (OCB) among lecturers. There are so many educational-institutions in East Java have developed to survive in competition with fellow universities. In this case the role of the lecturer is needed and highly expected to achieve organizational goals. In this case, OCB has been an important part in organization that means employee willing to do extra role job. The method of this study contains of theoretical direction and quantitative as core method. Structural Equation Modelling analysis is used by using WarpPLS7.0 software. The results show that workplace spirituality and self-empowerment had significant positive effect on OCB, however good governance has no effect. This study also proved that self-empowerment has mediating effect on good governance and workplace spirituality to OCB. Th is study can be discussed and expanded by researchers and practitioners by adding new variables that relevant to OCB. The main implication of this result is Institutions must be able to optimally provide supports, in the form of facilities and services to employees so that employees feel empowered and support OCB.</span
... The United States was not included for the analog to the ANOVA analysis of the region variable, as it was the only western country in the study, and it did not have matching country to be considered a group. Supriyanto et al.'s (2018) study from Indonesia was not included in this subgroup analysis because their study was done according to organizational citizenship behavior Islamic philosophy (OCBIP) and was different from other studies in the Far Eastern sample. The cultural differences in the same region may have different effects on the regional result. ...
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There have been many studies on spiritual leadership (SL) and its effects on organizational outcomes, ranging from commitment to organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Precisely, researches regarding SL and OCB were conducted in different regions, cultures, and industries. These topics attracted a growing interest in the second half of the last decade. To clarify the SL–OCB relationship with regard to varied regions and industries, a meta-analysis was needed. Thus, the purpose of this study was to systematically analyze the quantitative studies exploring SL and OCB and to determine whether region, school, or other variables have any moderating effects on the link between SL and OCB. Upon a thorough analysis of the papers on the relationship between both SL and OCB in the literature, 43 studies met the search terms, but only 17 of them were included in this study. The results revealed a mean effect size of [Formula: see text] = .465, which displayed a statistically significant and positive relationship at the medium level between SL and OCB. The research also explored the effects of both Middle Eastern and Far Eastern samples, along with the factors of schools and other industries, on the link between SL and OCB. Neither different regions nor type of institutions had a significant effect on the link between SL and OCB.
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The study’s goal is to investigate the moderating effect of the workplace spirituality of employee on the relationship between their organization’s justice perception and job satisfaction. The study included a sample of 360 employees from two Turkish airline companies. The findings show a relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction. The study also finds that workplace spirituality moderates the effect of organizational justice on job satisfaction. Employees with high workplace spirituality are more satisfied than those with low workplace spirituality. The study is important, especially in examining the moderator role of workplace spirituality between these two variables, and fills a gap in the literature. Empirical data of Turkiye’s two largest airline companies, which aim to become and remain competitive in the aviation industry, were shared. This research-based approach provides guidelines for this industry on the effects of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction and organizational justice.
Employees ability to carry out their duties can be seen through their performance, so employee performance is significant for the company's success. Another important thing that companies must pay attention to regarding their human resources is the issue of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an employee's attitude towards their work, the difference between the rewards received by the employee and what is considered something that should be received. Apart from the sense of job satisfaction felt by employees, the compensation provided by the company is also a factor in improving performance. Based on the urgency of the problem above, this research aims to analyze the influence of transformational leadership and compensation on job satisfaction. The theoretical benefits of this research are expected to contribute to understanding leadership theory in different conditions and situations, which better explains how someone becomes a leader and emphasizes character characteristics and actions adopted to increase compensation and job satisfaction in the organization. This research method uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all employees at BPR Malang Raya, totaling 471 employees. Meanwhile, the sampling technique in this research used the Slovin formula with results of 175 employees. The results of the analysis show that transformational leadership positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. The research above states that compensation positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. Transformational leadership can direct subordinates to do something to achieve satisfaction in professional development and working relationships with superiors and co-workers to create a feeling of happiness about the work produced.
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The use of information technology in learning has become a demand for the implementation of modern education. Various patterns of technology integration in learning are proposed to improve optimal learning outcomes. This study aims to develop learning media in the form of web-based e-colloquium to increase students’ soft-skills. This development used research and development method with the ADDIE model (analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating). This study found that web-based E-colloquium was feasible to be implemented. In addition, responses obtained from both students and the public show that product implementation provides broad opportunities to develop students’ skills such as communication skills, mental readiness, and public presentation technique skills. This development product contributes to an alternative learning media that could be beneficial for higher education institutions in Indonesia.
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The objective of this study is to propose a framework that relates spiritual leadership theories to job satisfaction in a multidimensional approach. The framework is designed based on the previous literatures. Spiritual leadership components that will be included in the study consist of vision, altruistic love, hope/faith, meaning, calling and membership. Job Descriptive Index (JDI) is adapted to measure job satisfaction. JDI provides five subscales that measure different facets of job satisfaction describing various aspects of the respondent’s work experiences such as the work itself, pay/promotion, supervision, and coworkers. This study also included turnover intention in the framework to measure job dissatisfaction. In this study, nine hypotheses will be proposed based on the conceptual framework outlined.
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This study aims to develop the concept of spiritual-based leadership in solving the controversy of empirical research results. This leadership relies more on spiritual intelligence in its leadership activities, and maintains ethical values and divine values. The population is all employees who come from 13 Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) in Semarang City. Samples is set at 100 people as respondents. The sample that is feasible to process is 79 samples. While the sampling technique is stratified sampling technique, then each sample is selected using random sampling. Testing of hypothesis is using linear regression analysis method with program SPSS Version 16.0. The results showed that the spiritual-based leadership has positive and significant effect on the em-ployee performance at BMT in Semarang City proved acceptable. This means that spiritual-based leadership can be said to have a role as a predictor in improving employee performance. For the next, The reseach can develope to improve performance by another variable. The vari-able like another leadership style and spiritual motivation.
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Soft TQM generally concern with human resource management and concentrate on behavior as employee training, leadership, and teamwork to achieve customer satisfaction. Leadership plays an important role to introduce and facilitating the implementation of TQM by creating a cooperative learning environment and leads to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. Spirituality is considered as an important foundation for effective business leadership. Therefore, discourse of spiritual leadership becomes important to be integrated with application of workplace spirituality. This study aim is to examine the direct and indirect effect of spiritual leadership on organizational performance, testing the role of workplace spirituality as a moderation variable, and examining the role of job satisfaction as a mediation variable. The study was conducted in BRI Syariah Sidoarjo. The study population was all 141 employees. Data was collected by questionnaires and tested by path analysis and Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA). The research proves that Spiritual leadership directly and indirectly affect on organizational performance, workplace spirituality has moderation effect of spiritual leadership on employee job satisfaction, job satisfaction mediates the affect of spiritual leadership on organizational performance. These mean that every member of organization should be able to create and maintain a conducive working environment to make employees feel safe and comfortable to perform activities related to organization objectives. They do not hesitate to do the activities to improve job satisfaction which will ultimately affect on organizational performance.
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Ihsan behaviour for Muslims is highly recommended, as it is literally do well or do the best. Nurse of Aisyiah Islamic Hospital should provide good services to patient based on Ihsanbehaviourin order able to compete. This study aims is to investigate, test and assess the effect of spiritual leadership, workplace spirituality and job satisfaction on Ihsanbehaviour. The study is conducted at Aisyiah Islamic Hospital. The study population is all 142 nurses with permanent employee status. Data is collected directly from respondents through questionnaires. The data is analyzed usingPartial Least Square (PLS). Research findingsshow that spiritual leadership has a significant effect on workplace spirituality, spiritual leadership has no significant effect on job satisfaction, spiritual leadership has no significant effect on Ihsanbehaviour, workplace spiritualityhas a significant effect on job satisfaction, workplace spiritualityhas no effecton Ihsanbehaviour, and job satisfaction has significant effect on Ihsanbehaviour. These results can be interpreted that job satisfaction is an invaluable variable of an organization. This variable can become an organization's core competencies to improve performance, which is a source of competitive advantage in face of organizational business environment that changing rapidly.
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Despite extensive studies on the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), empirical studies on the effect of the workplace spirituality on OCB remains limited. The present study investigates the effects of workplace spirituality dimensions on OCB, with the moderating role of gender. Analyses of 171 academic staff attached to 15 private institutions of higher learning in Malaysia partially supported the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB, as well as gender's role as a moderator in the workplace spirituality-OCB linkage. Findings are discussed in the light of available literature. Implications for future research and practice are also highlighted.
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Spirituality in the workplace, including new valves which opened in organizational behaviour and each day will attract more fans. One of the challenges in our organizations is Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The OCB is a kind of thinking and ideas. Their diverse staffs includes behaviours such as acceptance and to assume additional responsibilities, Follow the rules and procedures of the organization, Maintain and develop positive attitudes, Patience and tolerance is dissatisfaction and problems at work. Based on the theories and organizational theories, organizational citizenship behaviour, organizational effectiveness and efficiency through the development of resources, innovation and adaptability that helps. A sample size of 248 patients was determined from high school students. Two questionnaire collected information on workplace spirituality and organizational citizenship behaviour. Simple regression and multiple regression analysis of the test data and the data obtained were analysed. The results showed that there was relationship between spirituality in the workplace and organizational citizenship behaviour.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences examines the vast amount of work that has been done on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in recent years as it has increasingly evoked interest among researchers in organizational psychology. No doubt some of this interest can be attributed to the long-held intuitive sense that job satisfaction matters. Authors Dennis W. Organ, Philip M. Podsakoff, and Scott B. MacKenzie offer conceptual insight as they build upon the various works that have been done on the subject and seek to update the record about OCB.
This study aimed to examine the relationship between Spiritual Leadership and the dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB) of school principals from the perspectives of primary school teachers. A quantitative survey was performed on a sample of teachers (N = 383) from primary schools to study the influence of spiritual leadership on OCB. The spiritual leadership as an independent variable and organizational citizenship behavior subscales (Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy and Civic Virtue) were checked for their inter-correlations. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis techniques were used for the analyses. All the variables are observed to significantly correlate with each other, and it is seen that spiritual leadership predicts all four dimensions of OCB, especially civic virtue. It is understood that spiritual leadership may strongly contribute in forming more solid ground for OCB to pervade in an organization.
Purpose - This research aims at investigating, for the first time in the Arab world, the influence of leadership behaviors on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) in the Islamic banking sector. Also, it explores the role of OCB in affecting work outcomes. Design/methodology/approach - The study consists of two core concepts: leadership behaviors and OCB. The sample population for the study was drawn from 150 employees working for several Islamic banks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A self-administered questionnaire was developed by combining two instruments. Findings - The findings revealed that transformational and transactional leadership styles tend to play a significant role in employees' OCB. Nonetheless, passive/avoidant leadership style plays no role of statically evidence in the relationship. Practical implications - The theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed in the paper, together with some recommendations for managing leadership and OCB in the service sector. Originality/value - The paper examines for the first time the links between leadership and OCB in the Islamic banking sector of the UAE and the Arabic context. © Copyright - 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.
The phenomenon of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) emanating from the Western value system has received enormous attention from researchers, however, the model of organizational citizenship behavior from other cross cultural or religious perspectives such as the Islamic perspective, has not been much explored. This empirical study attempts to enrich the understanding of OCB from Islamic management perspective. In view of this, Western OCB framework was studied and further enriched in light of the Islamic heritage (Qur'an and Sunnah, i.e. that Prophetic tradition of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) and established the need for Taqwa serving as antecedent of citizenship behaviors from the Islamic perspective. The survey data used for this empirical research was drawn from 405 Muslim employees in business organizations in Malaysia. Principal component analysis Jurnal Komunikasi Malaysian Journal of Communication Jilid 31(1) 2015: 59-80 60 (i.e. PCA using SPSS version 18.0) and confirmatory factor analysis (i.e. CFA using AMOS version 18.0) of the constructs; Islamic spirituality (IS), Islamic social responsibility (ISR) and Organizational citizenship behaviour from Islamic perspective (OCBIP), were conducted. Using structural equation modeling (SEM), good fit indices led to two major findings, thus, ISR influences employees' OCBIP performance; IS does not. Several implications from the study were discussed.