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Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Acne-induced Post-inflammatory Erythema


Abstract and Figures

Background Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a comparatively new system of practice in treating acne-induced post inflammatory erythema (PIE) which is a difficult condition to treat, and variations exist in the results from published studies with insufficient or limited scientific evidence of IPL on Indian skin. Aim To study the efficacy of IPL in the treatment of acne-induced PIE and to document adverse effects of the procedure. Settings and Design A hospital-based retrospective observational study on 33 patients with acne-induced PIE who completed treatment with IPL during the time period of July 2015 to June 2017. Patients and Methods All 33 patients were treated with vascular mode of IPL using 560-nm filter every 3 weeks for three to six sessions. Grading of PIE was done by Clinician Erythema Severity Score, and the objective parameters were assessed statistically for improvement using photographs. Adverse effects were noted and followed up. Statistical Analysis Wilcoxon sign rank test and Pearson's correlation. Results There was statistically significant reduction in mean erythema score from 2.57 ± 0.66 to 1.21 ± 0.48 following IPL (Z = −5.295, P < 0.001—Wilcoxon sign rank test). Excellent improvement was noted in 11 (33.33%), good in 15 (45.45%), fair in 4 (12.12%), and poor in 3 (9.09%), and the results were consistent on follow-up. Adverse effects included erythema, hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation which were all transient and resolved completely in all patients on follow-up. Conclusion IPL is an effective and safe alternative to otherwise difficult-to-treat acne-induced PIE.
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159© 2018 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Topical and oral formulations are often
ineffective in “acne erythema” or “post
inammatory erythema (PIE) due to acne”
which has paved the way for lasers and light
therapy for the same.[1,2] Although pulsed
dye lasers are considered as the main stay
of treatment for acne erythema, they are
expensive machines with a smaller spot size
and are not free from side effects.[3,4] Hence,
this study aims at evaluating the efcacy of
IPL in acne-induced PIE and to document
adverse effects if any, as variations exist
in the results from published studies with
limited scientic evidence of IPL especially
on Indian skin.
Patients and Methods
A retrospective analysis of all patients
diagnosed with acne-induced PIE, who
attended the outpatient department and
were treated with IPL for the same during
the time period of July 2015 to June
2017, was done and the patients were
included in the study. All the 33 patients
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Minu L. Mathew,
Department of Dermatology,
Venereology and Leprosy, K.V.G
Medical College and Hospital,
Sullia ‑ 574 239, Karnataka,
E‑mail: minulizmathew@yahoo.
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DOI: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_306_17
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Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a comparatively new system of practice in treating
acne-induced post inammatory erythema (PIE) which is a difcult condition to treat, and variations
exist in the results from published studies with insufcient or limited scientic evidence of IPL on
Indian skin. Aim: To study the efcacy of IPL in the treatment of acne-induced PIE and to document
adverse effects of the procedure. Settings and Design: A hospital-based retrospective observational
study on 33 patients with acne-induced PIE who completed treatment with IPL during the time period
of July 2015 to June 2017. Patients and Methods: All 33 patients were treated with vascular mode of
IPL using 560-nm lter every 3 weeks for three to six sessions. Grading of PIE was done by Clinician
Erythema Severity Score, and the objective parameters were assessed statistically for improvement
using photographs. Adverse effects were noted and followed up. Statistical Analysis: Wilcoxon sign
rank test and Pearson’s correlation. Results: There was statistically signicant reduction in mean
erythema score from 2.57 ± 0.66 to 1.21 ± 0.48 following IPL (Z = 5.295, P < 0.001—Wilcoxon
sign rank test). Excellent improvement was noted in 11 (33.33%), good in 15 (45.45%), fair in
4 (12.12%), and poor in 3 (9.09%), and the results were consistent on follow-up. Adverse effects
included erythema, hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation which were all transient and resolved
completely in all patients on follow-up. Conclusion: IPL is an effective and safe alternative to
otherwise difcult-to-treat acne-induced PIE.
Keywords: Acne, erythema, grading, intense pulsed light
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Acne‑induced Post‑inammatory Erythema
Original Article
Minu L. Mathew,
R. Karthik,
M. Mallikarjun,
Soumya Bhute,
Aiswarya Varghese
Department of Dermatology,
Venereology and Leprosy, K.V.G
Medical College and Hospital,
Sullia, Karnataka, India
How to cite this article: Mathew ML, Karthik R,
Mallikarjun M, Bhute S, Varghese A. Intense pulsed
light therapy for acne-induced post-inflammatory
erythema. Indian Dermatol Online J 2018;9:159-64.
Received: November, 2017. Accepted: March, 2018.
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included in the study had completed all
sessions of IPL and follow-up. The study
included patients above 15 years and below
40 years of age of either sex with persistent
facial erythema following resolution of
inammatory acne. Both new and already
treated patients with topical or oral therapy
who stopped treatment 1 month before
the procedure were included. Patients
below 15 years and above 40 years of
age, those who underwent laser procedures
in the past for PIE, patients with keloidal
tendencies, photosensitivity and other facial
dermatoses, pregnant and lactating mothers,
and those who had taken isotretinoin within
previous 6 months were excluded from the
study. An ethical committee clearance for
the study was obtained from the institution.
First, the patients were elaborately
explained about the procedure and were
asked to give an informed consent for their
participation in the study. A questionnaire
was used to record the demographic and
clinical details of all patients. Information
was also noted regarding any precipitating
factors, drug intake, and associated
Mathew, et al.: Intense pulsed light in acne‑induced post‑inammatory erythema
160 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018
cutaneous or systemic disease. After thorough evaluation,
grading of erythema and assessment of objective parameters
were done based on Clinician Erythema Assessment
Scale (CEAS) [Table 1].[5] The patient was explained
about IPL, its benets, duration of the treatment, its cost,
possible side effects, and prognosis of the treatment. Use of
sunscreens was advised 2 weeks before the procedure and
thereafter. Digital photographs of the concerned area were
taken before and after each session.
Before procedure, the treatment area was gently cleansed
and make up was removed if any. A third-generation IPL
system manufactured by NIKKISO—Zigma with Radio
Frequency and inbuilt cooling was used for the study. IPL
system was started 2 min before the procedure. Appropriate
safety goggles were provided to the patient and staff.
Patient’s Fitzpatrick’s skin type was determined and the
number of stacked pulses was set accordingly as two,
three, or four. Test dose of IPL was given on forearm of
the patient. Pre-procedure ice packs were not applied as
it would vasoconstrict the vessels and reduce the target
chromophores. For dark skin types, lower uence with
shorter pulse width and longer pulse delay was preferred.
For lighter skin types, higher uence with longer pulse
width and shorter pulse delay was used. A 560-nm lter
was used for treating post acne redness. Fluence ranged
from 25 to 46 J/cm2, whereas pulse width ranged from
4.5 to 5 ms. Pulse delay was kept at 10-20 ms.
Post procedure, patient was advised on sun protection and
to never pick scabs if any. Any post procedure side effects
such as erythema, blistering, scarring, hypopigmentation,
or hyperpigmentation were noted and followed up. Topical
steroid-antibiotic cream was applied over the treated site
immediately after the procedure in all patients followed by
sunscreen. Epidermal growth factor gel was used in those
who developed hyperpigmentation with scabbing following
the procedure. IPL was administered every 3 weekly and
the number of sessions depended on the severity in each
patient which varied between three and six sessions.
Each of the participants was followed up for a period
of 12 weeks. The photographs taken before the rst
session and after the nal session were compared. The
objective parameters were estimated at the end of the
last session and assessed statistically for effectiveness
of IPL in each patient of acne erythema using Wilcoxon
sign rank test. The data obtained from all the patients
were tabulated on Microsoft Excel 2010, and IBM SPSS
Version 20 was used for analysis. The physician’s assessment
of degree of improvement based on Investigator’s Global
Assessment (IGA) scale [Table 2] was done at the
completion of last session and graded as Poor (<25%),
Fair (25%-50%), Good (51%-75%), and Excellent (>75%)
improvement.[6] Patients also assessed treatment outcome as
No improvement, Slight improvement, Good improvement,
and Excellent improvement after the last session.
The mean age of the study group was 23.54 ± 4.677 years,
minimum being 18 years and maximum being 39 years
of age. Our study included 7 males and 26 females. The
mean duration of PIE due to acne in the study group was
2.987 ± 2.97 years. The majority of patients belonged
to Fitzpatrick’s skin type III (n = 24) followed by
type IV (n = 9). The patients with oily, combined, dry, and
normal skin type were 21, 7, 4, and 1, respectively.
The average uence used for treatment was
38.994 J/cm2 with an average number of sessions of
4.93 ± 0.788. The average pre-treatment erythema score
by CEAS was 2.57 ± 0.66 which reduced to 1.21 ± 0.48
following treatment. This reduction in erythema score was
found to be statistically signicant by Wilcoxon sign rank
test (Z = 5.295, P < 0.001) [Figure 1].
Physician’s assessment of treatment outcome based on IGA
scale showed Excellent improvement in 33.33% (n = 11),
Good in 45.45% (n = 15) Fair in 12.12% (n = 4), and Poor
improvement in 9.09% (n = 3). Subjective improvement
noted by the patients showed Excellent improvement
in 36.36% (n = 12), Good in 39.39% (n = 13), Slight
in 15.15% (n = 5), and No improvement was noted by
9.09% (n = 3).
Table 2: Physician’s assessment of improvement based on Investigator’s Global Assessment Scale
Investigator’s Global Assessment Scale Physician’s assessment of improvement
Complete 100% clearance, with no residual erythema Excellent (>75%-100%)
Excellent Up to 90% clearance of erythema from baseline
Marked Up to 75% improvement from baseline Good (51%-75%)
Moderate Up to 50% improvement from baseline Fair (25%-50%)
Minimal Up to 25% improvement from baseline Poor (0 to<25%)
No change Erythema severity similar to baseline
Worse Worse than baseline
Table 1: Clinician Erythema Assessment Scale
Score Clinician Erythema Assessment Scale
0 Clear Clear skin with no signs of erythema
1Almost clear Slight redness
2 Mild Denite redness
3 Moderate Marked redness
4 Severe Fiery redness
Mathew, et al.: Intense pulsed light in acne‑induced post‑inammatory erythema
161Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018
There was no correlation between mean improvement
in erythema score with duration of PIE (r = 0.1098,
P = 0.5430, not signicant) or number of sessions of IPL
done (r = 0.02849, P = 0.8753, not signicant).
Transient erythema was the most common adverse effect
(93.94%, n = 31) following IPL with an average of
3.91 days of erythema followed by hyperpigmentation
(15.15%, n = 5) with an average of 23 days and
hypopigmentation (12.12%, n = 4) lasting for an average
of 21 days. The down time was minimal in majority as
erythema was mild and transient. In those who developed
hyperpigmentation with scabbing and hypopigmentation
following IPL, downtime varied from 5 to 7 days although
it took longer for complete resolution of lesions. All the
adverse effects were transient and cleared completely on
Additional benets such as improvement in skin tone
and reduction in oiliness of skin were also noted; 27 out
of 33 patients (81.82%) noted an improvement in their
skin tone and texture, whereas 19 out of the 21 (90.48%)
patients who had oily skin noted reduction in oiliness of
skin following IPL [Figures 2-7].
Acne vulgaris can be a challenging condition to treat
as the problem of acne is not conned to skin alone
but also affects the psyche, and the disease burden of
acne ranges from facial scarring and dyspigmentation
to social, psychological, and emotional distress as well
as self-perception of poor health.[7,8] Post inammatory
dyspigmentation due to acne presents as post inammatory
hyperpigmentation in darken skin types, whereas they
present as discrete erythematous macules or scars in lighter
skin types.[2] Acne-induced PIEs in majority are resistant
to available topical and oral drug formulations which is
distressing to the patients and the treating physicians.[9,10]
The laser and light-based systems are preferred by the
consumer who demands more than what creams and topical
drugs can offer and also by physicians who need a better
therapeutic response beyond what conventional modalities
can deliver.
IPL is a ash lamp pumped light source which provides a
non-coherent polychromatic source of intense light from
400 to 1200 nm that can be modied by lters to provide
irradiation with specic wavelengths of light unlike PDL
which uses monochromatic light that cannot be adjusted.
IPL can be delivered by splitting the energy into two, three,
or four pulses with different pulse delays which allow
the skin to be cooled between pulses thereby preventing
adverse effects.[11] The advantage of IPL is that it takes care
of acne and acne-associated redness in a single sitting. IPL
devices have a large spot size (7-8 mm × 40 mm) which
covers 2.8 cm2 of skin surface in a single shot which is
a much larger surface when compared to smaller spot
sizes of argon laser or PDL (3-10 mm).[12,13] Hence, on an
average, three times the same number of shots as in IPL
would be needed for PDL to cover the same area increasing
the treatment cost per session for PDL. Larger spot size of
Erythema score
Figure 1: Improvement in erythema score in each patient after IPL
Figure 2: (a) A 22‑year‑old female showing complete clearance of
acne‑induced PIE following three sessions of IPL—full face. (b) A 22‑year‑old
female showing complete clearance of acne‑induced PIE following three
sessions of IPL—right side of the face
Mathew, et al.: Intense pulsed light in acne‑induced post‑inammatory erythema
162 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018
IPL results in the delivery of greater amount of energy and
greater damage to the deeper dermal target and enables the
use of lower uence which reduces the side effects of the
procedure. As a result, there will be larger and uniform skin
coverage per session thereby reducing the number of shots
red per session to cover the concerned area and the total
number of sessions required for a therapeutic response. IPL
has a lower purchase price (5-25 lakh rupees) compared to
PDL (45-60 lakh rupees). The lesser number of shots per
session together with the lower cost of machine makes IPL
economical for the patient and the treating physician and
hence aptly called the “poor man’s laser.”[12]
Acne erythema consists of telangiectasia and erythematous
papules, without a comedone, which occur as a result
of inammatory acne.[1] Acne-associated ushing and
erythema are vascular components and represent increased
numbers of erythrocytes in mildly inamed and enlarged
blood micro capillaries which were produced around the
acne lesion due to localized inammation during the acute
acne condition.[11] These vessels are located mainly in very
close proximity to the skin surface and have a smaller
diameter giving the skin a red appearance due to high
concentration of minor blood vessels in that area.
IPL works by the principle of selective photothermolysis
wherein laser energy is being absorbed by a target
chromophore without signicant damage to the surrounding
tissue.[14] IPL targets the chromophores oxy- and
deoxy-hemoglobin in the blood vessels which are the main
chromophores for vascular lasers. The major absorption
peaks of oxy-hemoglobin are 418, 542, and 577 nm,
Figure 4: A 24‑year‑old male of Fitzpatrick skin type 4 showing
hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation following IPL
Figure 3: A 27‑year‑old female showing excellent response after ve
sessions of IPL
Figure 6: A 21‑year‑old male showing transient erythema following IPL
Figure 5: A 19‑year‑old boy showing hypopigmentation following IPL
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163Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018
whereas deoxygenated hemoglobin has absorption peaks
around 450 and 560 nm. Longer wavelength like 577 nm
is preferred as they penetrate more deeply to reach the
vessels and do not interfere with epidermal melanin,
thereby reducing adverse effects following the procedure
especially in Indian skin types.[15] The vascular mode
of IPL uses a 560-nm cut-off lter which lters out all
wavelengths lower than 560 nm and allows a wavelength
of 577 nm, corresponding to the third absorption peak
of oxy-hemoglobin to pass through resulting in selective
thermal damage to the supercial vessels producing
coagulation and thrombosis of vessel wall.[11] These
defective venules are then removed over time which is
clinically seen as clearance of erythema.
In our study, among the 33 patients with acne induced PIE
who underwent treatment with vascular mode of IPL using
560nm lter for three to six sessions, 78.78% of patients
showed more than 50% improvement in their erythema
scores and the results were consistent after 12 weeks of
follow up.
Chang et al. evaluated an IPL device (530-750 nm,
7.5-8.0 J/cm2) in 30 Korean females with mild to moderate
acne associated with PIE.[16] After three sessions in
3 weeks, red macules, irregular pigmentation, and skin tone
improved in 63% of the study population although they
used a lower uence for the procedure.
Madonna Terracina et al. used IPL in the treatment of
persistent face and neck erythema in women (n = 22)
and men (n = 12). Patients underwent ve treatments at
intervals of 3 weeks.[17] In 22 patients (64.7%), regression
of the erythema was achieved after ve applications, while
the erythema persisted in ve (14.7%) patients. In our
study, three patients (9.09%) had poor response following
Wenzel et al. reported successful treatment of patients
with progressive erythema using IPL with 560-nm lter in
nine patients. According to their results, improvement in
erythema was obtained in all the nine patients with very
good results in eight patients.[18]
Neuhaus et al. and Tangheiit compared PDL with IPL
and found that both modalities were equally effective in
reducing cutaneous erythema and telangiectasia with a
similar side-effect prole in rosacea.[19,20] Kassir et al. noted
that 80% of patients with rosacea had reduction in redness,
and 78% of patients had reduced ushing and improved
skin texture following IPL.[12]
Erythema (n = 31, 93.94%), hyperpigmentation
(n = 5, 15.15%), and hypopigmentation (n = 4, 12.12%)
were the adverse effects noted in our study following
IPL, all of which were transient and resolved completely
on follow-up. Babilas, Moreno-Arias et al., and Sadick
et al. also observed that transient erythema was the
most common adverse effect post IPL, followed by
hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, blistering, and
scarring.[21-23] The ndings of our study were consistent
with that of Kawana et al. who noted that darker skin
types had more chances of adverse effects.[24] Adverse
effects were noted more on bony prominences such as
mandibular and temporal area especially in patients with
Fitzpatrick skin type 4, and hence lower uences have to
be used over bony prominences to reduce adverse effects
along with stringent sun protection.
In our study, 81.82% (n = 27) noted improvement in their
skin tone and texture, whereas 90.48% (n = 19) of patients
who had oily skin (n = 21) noted reduction in oiliness of
skin following IPL. Kassir et al. noted improvement in
skin texture in 78% of patients following IPL.[11] Chang
et al., Jorgensen et al., and Hantash et al. all have noted
improvement in skin tone and texture following treatment
with IPL.[16,25,26]
The shortcoming of this study was that no control group was
included. Furthermore, larger, placebo-controlled studies
using parallel, cross-over, matched, or split-face designs
are required to conrm our conclusions. Consistency of the
results for longer periods is to be elucidated.
We consider that IPL can be used as an alternative in
patients with persistent acne erythema as it simultaneously
takes care of acne and erythema with additional advantages
such as reduction in oiliness of skin with improvement in
skin tone and texture and transient adverse effects when
used optimally. Overall, IPL appears to be an effective,
well-tolerated, economical, and a safe treatment and may be
viewed as a viable alternative to PDL, but optimization of
treatment parameters and operator experience are essential
in achieving desired results as observed by Clementoni
et al.[12]
Financial support and sponsorship
Conicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
Figure 7: A 23‑year‑old female showing good improvement following three
sessions of IPL
Mathew, et al.: Intense pulsed light in acne‑induced post‑inammatory erythema
164 Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2018
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... However, its use in dermatology is relatively new. This laser generates primarily yellow light, which is absorbed most strongly by oxyhemoglobin in vascular lesions and reflected less strongly by melanin, making hyperpigmentation less likely, especially on individuals with darker skin tones (13) . Lasers with wavelengths of 585 and 595 nm destroy oxyhemoglobin in blood vessels, while a laser with 1550 nm wavelength heats water, leading to photothermal death of cutaneous vasculature (14) . ...
... B. Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy: The non-coherent polychromatic light source provided by intense pulsed light (IPL) has a wavelength spectrum that spans 400 to 1200 nm. Because peak absorption of oxyhemoglobin occurs at 577 nm, the vascular mode of IPL works at 560 nm, allowing for more selective destruction of superficial arteries (13) . After receiving IPL treatment, the average erythema score was significantly decreased. ...
... Patients with persistent acne erythema were treated with IPL, which had additional benefits like decreasing oil production, evening out skin tone, and smoothing out face texture in addition to treating acne. Furthermore, erythema, hyperpigmentation, and hypopigmentation were all short-lived side effects (13) . ...
... 11 Intense pulsed light (IPL) is broad-spectrum light with a wavelength of 400-1200 nm, including the absorption peak of C.acnes at 400-417 nm. 12 The basic mechanism of action of IPL is porphyrin activation triggered by photodynamic reactions, release of cytotoxic singlet oxygen. Yet the singlet oxygen can selective targeting of the receptor on the cell membrane of C.acnes, causing cell membrane damage and killing. ...
... Therefore, the effect of combining red and blue light with intense pulsed photons is stronger. 12 RF has strong penetrating power. The combination of RF energy and IPL treatment technology has also been studied at home and abroad. ...
... 26 Mathew et al reported 33 patients with acne-induced postinflammatory erythema who underwent treatment with the vascular mode of IPL using a 560 nm filter for three to six sessions; 78.78% of patients showed more than 50% improvement in their erythema scores, and the excellent improvement efficacy of IPL in the treatment of acne-induced postinflammatory erythema was approximately 33.33%. 12 Yu et al reported that there was an average reduction of 42% in active acne lesions after six RF treatments, and no significant adverse events were recorded during the study and follow-up periods. 10 Although these individual and combined therapies have been reported, there are few reports about the combination therapy used in our study. ...
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Introduction Postacne erythema, also referred to as postinflammatory erythema, is a common sequela in acne patients. At present, there is no specific treatment for postacne erythema, and some treatment drugs can even aggravate facial erythema. Objective Our research sought to evaluate the efficacy of a combination therapy of LED red and blue light, radiofrequency (RF) and intense pulsed light (IPL) for the treatment of postacne erythema. Methods Patients were treated with red and blue light for 2 weeks, followed by RF for 4 treatments over 8 weeks. Finally, patients were treated with intense pulsed light for 16 weeks. Therapeutic outcomes were evaluated by erythema index, postacne erythema severity grading and clinical photography. Results After 3 stages of treatment, the percentage of excellent subjects was 79.2%, the percentage of good subjects was 17.2%, and the total effective rate was 96.4%. The mean erythema index decreased from 496.17±79.11 to 89.32±81.58 (p<0.01) after treatment. The postacne erythema lesions were rated clear in 22.4%, faint erythema in 74.4%, dull red in 2.8% and deep red only in 0.4% of subjects after three-stage treatments. Conclusion Our results show that the combination of red and blue light therapy, RF therapy and IPL therapy is more effective than other treatments reported for facial postacne erythema.
... In our study, IPL was used to reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), but it was also helpful in the treatment of inflammatory acne. PIE occurs as a result of increased numbers of red blood cells in mildly inflamed and enlarged vessels 19,20 . IPL works by targeted chromophore absorption of laser energy, causing selective photothermolysis. ...
... IPL works by targeted chromophore absorption of laser energy, causing selective photothermolysis. In erythema, oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin are target chromophores 20 . Oxyhemoglobin absorbs wavelengths of 418, 542, and 577 nm, and deoxygenated hemoglobin shows absorption peaks at wavelengths of 450 and 560 nm. ...
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Background Radiofrequency (RF) and intense pulsed light (IPL) have been reported as efficient adjuvant treatment modalities for acne vulgaris. Objective We sought to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of a combined needle RF and vacuum IPL device for acne treatment without the use of other conventional topical or oral agents. Methods This randomized, split-faced study was designed to include patients with moderate to severe acne vulgaris. Comedone extraction was performed on both parts of the face prior to laser treatment. One side of the face was treated with RF and IPL in 2-week intervals, while the other side was left untreated as a control. Two independent blinded investigators evaluated the patients for improvement using clinical photographs. We also assessed for possible adverse effects. Results The study included 44 patients with acne vulgaris (27 men and 17 women). Their ages ranged from 19–39 years (average, 23 years). At the final 12-week follow-up visit, the acne reduction rate was 34.80% (±33.45%; range, 30.92%–19.03%) on the treated side and 13.76% (±37.58%; range, 28.26%–23.27%) in the control group compared to baseline, constituting a significant difference. The difference in reduction rate between the treated and control sides was 21.03% (±25.09%), with the treated side experiencing more significant improvement (p<0.05). In the assessment of adverse events, one patient experienced mild surrounding erythema that spontaneously improved. Conclusion Combined treatment of needle RF and IPL could improve acne lesions.
... Multiple pulses can be given with variable pulse delays to reduce the side effects and prevent thermal damage, allowing sufficient skin cooling during the procedure. 3,4 Researchers have theorized that IPL therapy reduces Propionibacterium Acnes (P. acnes) in the skin and shrinks the size of the pilosebaceous unit and, subsequently, its function. ...
... Digital photographs were taken, and Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) score was calculated before and one week after the completion of treatment. Based on the type of lesions and the area score, they are further categorized into mild (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18), moderate (19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30), severe (31-38) and very severe (>38) disease. Improvement was classified as poor (1-24%), fair (25-49%), good (50-74%) and excellent (75-100%). ...
Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of IPL in patients with inflammatory Acne Vulgaris. Study Design: Quasi-experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Dermatology, Pakistan Air Force Hospital, Fazaia Medical College, Islamabad Pakistan, from Aug 2019 to Jan 2020. Methodology: Ninety patients with inflammatory facial acne were enrolled and received four Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) sessions at two weeks intervals with fluence 25J/cm2 and 420nm cut-off filter. The duration of treatment for each patient was two months. Clinical improvement was assessed using the Global Acne Grading System score (GAGs score). Results: Mean age of the patients was 18.5±3.3years, of which nine were males (10%), and 81 were females (90%). IPL was effective in 42(46.7%) patients with inflammatory acne vulgaris. The median GAGS score before treatment was 20(22–19), and after treatment was 10(12-9), with a significant p-value(<0.001). Only 8(9%) developed erythema, and 1(1%) patient developed post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Conclusions: Intense Pulsed Light was a significantly effective and safe treatment for inflammatory acne of all grades, ages,and genders.Keywords: Efficacy, Inflammatory acne vulgaris, Intense pulsed light, Safety, Treatment.
... Patients also assessed treatment outcome using patient's self-assessment (PSA) as: very dissatisfied (no improvement), dissatisfied (mild improvement), satisfied (good improvement) and very satisfied (excellent improvement) after the end of all sessions (12) . While investigator global assessment (IGA) scale was performed by two blinded dermatologists at the completion of treatment and was graded as none (0%), mild (0%-25%), moderate (26%-50%), marked (51%-75%), and excellent improvement (76%-100%) (13) . Safety assessment was done by recording adverse events throughout and at the end of treatment as pain, erythema, edema, pruritus, and dryness. ...
... Various therapies have been proposed to manage this cosmetic problem, but with resistance to oral and topical therapies, 10,12 and with no consistent results and minimal side-effects for laser and light-based devices. [13][14][15][16][17][18] The IPL is a flashlamp-pumped light source that provides a non-coherent polychromatic source; it integrates with a range of wavelength bands, from 515 to 1200 nm, that can penetrate the skin from superficial to deeper vessels and has been used in the management of various conditions such as facial telangiectasia, photoaging, and inflammatory diseases such as rosacea and acne. 19,20 IPL M22 Optima device (Lumenis, Yokneam, Israel) is one of the most widely used IPL machines for the treatment of photodamage and skin rejuvenation. ...
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Purpose Post-acne erythema (PAE) is one of the most common physical sequelae of acne regression, PAE can resolve spontaneously, but in some patients it may last for years. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of narrow and broad spectrum filters of intense pulsed light (IPL) for the treatment of PAE. Patients and Methods This prospective study evaluated 60 patients with PAE for at least 6 months, assigned equally to three groups: 1st group received narrow-spectrum with vascular filter (530–650 nm and 900–1200 nm), 2nd group received broad-spectrum with (560/590–1200 nm) filters, the appropriate adjustments were made according to patient’s skin colour. Every patient received four sessions one month apart. 3rd group is blank control group did not receive any treatment. CAT (CEA (Clinical Erythema Assessment), Area, and Telangiectasia) used to grade clearance of PAE before and after treatment, Investigators Global Assessment (IGA) used to assess the improvement score after the treatment, and Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI) used to evaluate the impact of PAE on patients’ Quality of Life (QoL). Self-satisfaction scale completed at the follow-up. Adverse events and acne relapse were recorded. Results A significant decrease of CAT score in vascular group (P<0.05). IGA scale showed significant improvement after vascular treatment. A significant decrease in CADI (P<0.05) after vascular treatment. Patient satisfaction was higher in vascular group than control and blank control groups. Acne relapse observed in control and blank control groups (40% and 15%, respectively).10% of patients showed pigmentation, 15% had blisters after 590 nm treatment. Conclusion IPL vascular filter (530–650 nm and 900–1200 nm) have efficacy in the treatment of PAE. CADI score, patient satisfaction, and acne relapse were significantly better after vascular narrow spectrum treatment than broad-spectrum treatment.
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Post-acne erythema (PAE) is a bothering skin condition that emerges from inflammatory acne and persists after its resolution. It is characterized by telangiectasia and erythematous macules. the role of 1064-nm Nd: YAG when combined with low-dose isotretinoin in the acne erythema treatment. forty-eight PAE patients were involved in the study. They were divided into two groups; group (A) patients administering a low dose of oral isotretinoin (10 mg/day) and underwent a total of six two-week interval sessions of 1064 ND-YAG laser treatment, group (B) patients administering a low dose of oral isotretinoin (10 mg/day) only. All adverse effects experienced during the course of therapy were documented, and photos were taken before the start of the treatment and following the end of the treatment duration. Following the completion of the therapeutic intervention, a significant improvement in clinical condition was observed in both groups, with more improvement in group (A) compared to group (B) as evidenced by a notable improvement in the score on the Clinician Erythema Assessment Scale (CEAS) and also a significant decrease in the mean value of optical density of the erythema. combined 1064-nm Nd: YAG with low-dose isotretinoin may be an efficient and secure line in the PAE treatment. Also, the combined therapy had superior results when compared to low-dose isotretinoin alone.
Post‐acne erythema (PAE) is one of the most common sequelae of acne inflammation. Unfortunately, the treatment of PAE remains challenging due to limited effective topical treatments. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical oxymetazoline hydrochloride (OxH) 0.05% solution for PAE. This study was a split‐face, participants‐and investigators‐blinded, randomized, placebo‐controlled trial conducted between December 2021 and March 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. Healthy adults aged from 18 to 45 years with mild to severe PAE, according to the Clinician's Erythema Assessment (CEA), on both sides of the face were eligible. After randomization, each participant applied the OxH to one side of their face and a placebo to the contralateral face twice daily for 12 weeks. The primary outcome was PAE lesion counts. The secondary outcomes were erythema index, clinical response rate at week 12 (“clear,” “almost clear,” or “at least two‐grade improvement” by CEA), and patient satisfaction scores. A total of 30 participants were enrolled. The OxH‐treated skin showed a significantly greater mean difference (MD) reduction in PAE lesion counts than the placebo after 8 weeks of treatment (4.30, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.42–7.18). Similarly, the MD reduction of the erythema index was higher in the OxH‐treated skin from the second week (11.82, 95% CI 8.48–15.15). Additionally, the OxH‐treated side also achieved a higher clinical response rate after 8 weeks of treatment (40.00% vs. 6.67%; p = 0.002) and rated higher satisfaction than those using the placebo at the end of the study (mean [standard deviation] satisfaction score 8.30 [0.18] vs 7.40 [0.18], P < 0.001). There were no serious adverse events or flares of erythema during the study. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that the topical OxH 0.05% solution was effective, well‐tolerated, and safe for reducing PAE without a rebound effect. It could be a choice of PAE management. Trial Registration: Thai Clinical Trials Registry No. TCTR20211207004.
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Background: No term exists to date describing the phenomenon of pink-to-red discoloration after an inflammatory acne lesion. Objectives: To introduce new terminology into the dermatology literature to describe erythema often seen after inflammatory acne vulgaris and to present a treatment option for this type of erythema. Methods: New terminology describing erythema after inflammatory acne is addressed, and a treatment option for postinflammatory erythema is presented. Results: Postinflammatory erythema is a new, accurate descriptor of erythema that occurs after inflammatory acne. Additionally, pulsed dye laser treatment improved postinflammatory erythema in the authors' patients. Limitations: This paper only presents anecdotal cases. Conclusion: The addition of postinflammatory erythema to the dermatology literature may facilitate accurate communication among providers and direct laser treatment for postinflammatory erythema.
Background: Facial erythema is a clinical hallmark of rosacea and often causes social and psychological distress. Although facial erythema assessments are a common endpoint in rosacea clinical trials, their reliability has not been evaluated. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the inter- and intrarater reliability of the Clinician's Erythema Assessment (CEA), a 5-point grading scale of facial erythema severity. Methods: Twelve board-certified dermatologists, previously trained on use of the scale, rated erythema of 28 rosacea subjects twice on the same day. Interrater and intrarater agreement was assessed with the intraclass correlation and κ statistic. Results: The CEA had high interrater reliability and good intrarater reliability with an overall intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for session 1 and session 2 of 0.601 and 0.576, respectively; the overall weighted κ statistic for session 1 and session 2 was 0.692. Limitations: Raters were experienced dermatologists and there may be a risk of recall bias. Conclusion: When used by trained raters, CEA is a reliable scale for measuring the facial erythema of rosacea.
Background: Erythematotelangiectatic (ET) rosacea is commonly treated with a variety of laser and light-based systems. Although many have been used successfully, there are a limited number of comparative efficacy studies. Objective: To compare nonpurpuragenic pulsed dye laser (PDL) with intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment in the ability to reduce erythema, telangiectasia, and symptoms in patients with moderate facial ET rosacea. Methods: Twenty-nine patients were enrolled in a randomized, controlled, single-blind, split-face trial with nonpurpuragenic treatment with PDL and IPL and untreated control. Three monthly treatment sessions were performed with initial PDL settings of 10-mm spot size, 7 J/cm(2), 6-ms pulse duration and cryogen cooling, and initial IPL settings of 560-nm filter, a pulse train of 2.4 and 6.0 ms in duration separated by a 15-ms delay, and a starting fluence of 25 J/cm(2). Evaluation measures included spectrophotometric erythema scores, blinded investigator grading, and patient assessment of severity and associated symptoms. Results: PDL and IPL resulted in significant reduction in cutaneous erythema, telangiectasia, and patient-reported associated symptoms. No significant difference was noted between PDL and IPL treatment. Conclusion: A series of nonpurpuragenic PDL and IPL treatments in ET rosacea was performed with similar efficacy and safety, and both modalities seem to be reasonable choices for the treatment of ET rosacea.
Basic theoretical considerations of the optical and thermal transfer processes that govern the thermal damage induced in tissue by lasers are discussed. An approximate, predictive model and data are proposed for the purpose of selecting a laser that maximizes damage to cutaneous blood vessels and minimizes damage to the surrounding connective tissue and the overlying epidermis. The variables of wavelength, exposure duration, and incident energy density are modeled, and a flashlamp-pumped dye laser operating at or near the 577 nm absorption band of HbO2, with a pulsewidth (0.3 μsec) less than the estimated, approximately 1 millisecond, thermal relaxation times for microvessels is chosen for experimental exposures of normal Caucasian skin. Highly specific laser-induced damage to blood vessels is demonstrated both clinically and histologically. This is in striking contrast to the previously reported widespread, diffuse necrosis caused by other lasers. The incident energy and preliminary observations of wavelength and temperature dependence for vascular damage thresholds are consistent with theoretical predictions. Whereas typically 20 joules/cm2 of argon laser irradiation (514 and 488 nm, ∼100 msec) is required to induce widespread thermal damage, the pulsed dye laser requires only about 2 joules/cm2 to induce highly specific vascular damage. The potential usefulness of dye laser-induced selective vascular damage as a treatment modality for portwine stain hemangiomas and other vascular lesions is discussed. In addition to possible treatment applications, the dye laser or other sources meeting the requirements for producing such damage may also offer a useful experimental tool for inducing predictable damage to microvas-culature. Histopathologic and clinical studies related to these possibilities are in progress.
Facial telangiectasia and other vascular lesions have historically been effectively treated with the pulsed dye laser (PDL). This study compares the safety and efficacy of the PDL to an intense pulsed-light (IPL) handpiece with dual-band spectral absorption, shorter pulse widths, and constant output power. Sixteen subjects were enrolled with facial telangiectasia in this single-site study. Subjects were randomized to receive up to two split-face treatments 1 month apart with PDL on one side and IPL on the other. PDL treatments were performed at 595 nm with either a 10 or 7 mm spot at a fluence range of 8.1-14.5 J/cm(2), and either 10 or 40 mseconds pulse width. Zimmer air cooling (setting of 4) and ultrasound gel were used for patient comfort. IPL treatments were performed with a spectral range of 500-670 and 870-1,200 nm, a 10 mm × 15 mm spot, fluence range of 34-70 J/cm(2), either a 10 or 100 mseconds pulse width, and 5°C contact cooling. Safety assessments were conducted by the study investigator immediately, 48-96 hours and 1-2 months post-treatment. Independent, blinded-review assessments were conducted 3 months post-treatment. Efficacy was evaluated using a seven-point Telangiectasia Grading Scale (TGS: -1 to 5). Subject self-assessment data were also collected. The difference in incidence rate and severity of adverse side effects between the two devices were not statistically significant (P ≥ 0.39, Fisher's exact test) at any of the three evaluation periods. Per blinded-review assessment, the mean TGS score for both devices was 3.3 (IPL 95% CI: 2.8-3.7; PDL 95% CI: 2.9-3.8). The difference in blinded-ratings for the two devices were not statistically significant (P = 0.82, ANOVA for repeated measures). The IPL studied here successfully treated facial telangiectasia, resulting in equivalent safety and efficacy outcomes as compared to the PDL.
Unlabelled: Abstract Background: Rosacea is a chronic disease that affects the aesthetic appearance of skin. The use of intense pulsed light (IPL) has shown significant clearing in erythema, telangiectasia, and papules in rosacea. We seek parameters for IPL that will achieve optimal reduction in the appearance of rosacea with minimal adverse effects. Objective: To investigate the use of IPL on 102 patients at various parameters (fluence and pulse duration) in the treatment of rosacea. Methods: 102 patients with mild to severe rosacea were treated with IPL treatment using the NaturaLight IPL system (Focus Medical, Bethel, CT). Patients received treatments at 1-3 week intervals, with an average of 7.2 treatments. The Reveal Imager (Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) was used for photodocumentation and analyses. Results: Treatments were given at 2.5/5 ms double, triple, or quadruple pulsed with 20-30 ms delay time. A 530 nm filter was used with fluences varying from 10-30 J/cm(2), or 10-20 J/cm(2) with a 420 nm filter for those patients with acneiform breakouts in addition to telangiectasias. 80% of patients had reduction in redness, 78% of patients reported reduced flushing and improved skin texture, and 72% noted fewer acneiform breakouts. There were no complications or adverse effects. Conclusion: The use of IPL at specified parameters provides optimal therapy for the treatment of rosacea.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices use flashlamps and bandpass filters to emit polychromatic incoherent high-intensity pulsed light of determined wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration. Similar to lasers, the basic principle of IPL devices is a more or less selective thermal damage of the target. The combination of prescribed wavelengths, fluences, pulse durations, and pulse intervals facilitates the treatment of a wide spectrum of skin conditions. To summarize the physics of IPL, to provide guidance for the practical use of IPL devices, and to discuss the current literature on IPL in the treatment of unwanted hair growth, vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, acne vulgaris, and photodamaged skin and as a light source for PDT and skin rejuvenation. A systematic search of several electronic databases, including Medline and PubMed and the authors experience on intense pulsed light. Numerous trials show the effectiveness and compatibility of IPL devices. Most comparative trials attest IPLs similar effectiveness to lasers (level of evidence: 2b to 4, depending on the indication). However, large controlled and blinded comparative trials with an extended follow-up period are necessary.
The study was designed to utilize the SF-36, a validated generic questionnaire, to assess acne patients' view of their general health and quality of life. The subjects were 454 acne patients (237 males, 217 females) visiting an outpatient clinic at Qassim University. An Arabic translation of the SF-36 questionnaire, culturally adapted and validated, was used to assess eight life-quality dimensions. Data regarding demographics, disease grade, duration, and treatment were also included in the questionnaire. The internal consistency reliability of the multi-item scales was assessed using Cronbach's coefficient alpha. Descriptive statistics were conducted with independent and paired-sample t-tests as well as one-way ANOVA for metric variables; and Xi(2) and Fisher's exact tests were used for categorical variables. Spearman's rank correlation was used for associations. All tests were two-sided, and the level of significance was set at phi < 0.05. The scores for physical functioning, role physical, role emotional, and vitality dimensions were below 60%. About 81.5% of respondents rated their health as either "fair" or "poor", and only 25% said their general health was better than the previous year. Females were more likely to report better general health than males (phi = 0.001). Education level negatively correlated with mental health, role emotional, social functioning, general health, and bodily pain. Rural patients showed better general health (phi = 0.003). Married persons rated their general health better than single patients (phi = 0.002). Mild and shorter-duration acne was associated with a better general health score compared to the previous year (phi = 0.01 and 0.001, respectively). Patients that had received treatment were significantly better regarding role physical, vitality, and mental health dimensions, whereas topical treatment was significantly better in the vitality dimension than oral therapy. The patients treated also rated their general health better than the previous year (phi = 0.0001). The presence of acne vulgaris per se is the most significant factor underlying patients' low perception of their general health. Patients' education about the disease and social support play a considerable role in better disease perception and can improve patients' quality of life.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment is effective for acne in Caucasians, but no significant improvements have been observed in studies on Asian skin. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of IPL on acne vulgaris in Asian skin. Twenty-five Japanese patients, mainly of skin phototypes III or IV and moderate to severe acne, were treated five times with IPL at wavelengths of 400 to 700 nm and 870 to 1,200 nm. Results were evaluated in terms of changes in numbers of noninflammatory comedones and inflammatory papules, pustules, and cysts and acne grade before and after treatment. After the first exposure, numbers of noninflammatory and inflammatory acne lesions decreased to 36.6% and 43.0%, respectively, of their pretreatment values. After five treatments, they decreased to 12.9% and 11.7%, respectively, of their pretreatment values. Acne grade improved significantly over the course of the study. Transient erythema, with or without burning or stinging, was noted in 20 (80%) patients, but no major adverse reactions were observed. IPL with dominant wavelengths of 400 to 700 nm had a satisfactory effect on acne vulgaris in Asians.