his chapter explores the characteristic potentials of alkaline sulfite anthraquinone andmethanol (ASAM) pulping of bamboo culms (Gigantochloa scortechinii) in the industrialproduction of pulp and paper for packaging. The biometric characterization results of thebamboo culms show that bamboo has fiber length of 1980–4000μm, Runkel ratio of 0.86,and flexibility ratio of 50.19, while the chemical compositions of the bamboo contain47.67% cellulose, 68.33% holocellulose, 26% lignin, and 3.69% solvent extractive, whichgive good paper quality fiber and also falls within the range of wood from softwoodsspecies. The study revealed that the optimum ASAM pulping parameters was at 16%NaOH and 90 min cooking time, resulting in Kappa number of 14.17 and pulp yield of49.06%, while the paper tensile index of 20.86 Nm/g, tear index of 22.64 mN.m2/g, andbrightness of 39.32% were obtained. The biometric and chemical characterizations of theASAM pulped bamboo have shown that ASAM pulped bamboo produces high-qualitypulp and paper suitable for packaging and printing paper. Hence, the use of bamboomaterials can reduce the burden on the forest, due to the increasing demand for paperand paper products, while supporting the natural biodiversity.