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Estimation of photovoltaic power generation potential in Serbia based on irradiance, air temperature, and wind speed data


Abstract and Figures

This study is devoted to the research of spatial-temporal variation of electricity generation from the kilowatt-peak photovoltaic system made of crystalline silicon solar cells. The research was conducted in the territory of Serbia using the model for estimation photovoltaic performances as a function of incident irradiance and module temperature. Preparation of input data and calculation of the final results was done within the geographical information system. Some of the required raster data, like solar irradiance and wind speed, were already available, while air temperature raster was created from discrete set of observed data using the regression-kriging model. Obtained results were presented in the form of raster maps that enabled further analysis and discussion about new findings. The analysis of seasonal variations reveals that during spring and summer months photovoltaic systems are producing up to 70% of total annual electricity yield. In terms of the spatial distribution, the most promising areas for electricity generation are located in the south part of Serbia and along main river valleys. In addition, discussion part addresses the issue of data imperfection caused by the accuracy of the selected model, as well as quality and availability of data series.
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... With more than 2000 sunny hours per year, Serbia receives above average amounts of sunlight compared to most European countries. The annual total solar radiation in Serbia ranges from 1200 kWh/m 2 in the northwestern parts to 1550 kWh/m 2 in the southeastern parts of the country [38][39][40]. Figure 3a,b show Serbia's global horizontal irradiation and PV power potential from 1994-2018 [41]. ...
... Unfortunately, solar potential in Serbia is being exploited to a very small extent [38,42]. Solar power plants can be utilized to generate electricity from RES. ...
... PVGIS also provides users with information on the performance of their systems, including annual energy yield and the financial viability of their systems. PVGIS is often used in research and has been widely used in papers such as [38,44,45,47,48]. ...
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Citation: Djordjevicć, L.; Pekez, J.; Novaković, B.; Bakator, M.; Djurdjev, M.;Ćoćkalo, D.; Jovanović, S.
... Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which directly convert sunlight into electricity, are particularly suited to electrifying both urban and rural areas [3]. The power produced by the photovoltaic (PV) system depends on a wide range of factors, among which are those that can be altered in the planning, installation and operation phase to minimize losses [4]. According to Djurdjević [5] Serbia has some areas with favorable, but mostly good conditions for solar PV electricity production. ...
... In her doctoral dissertation [11] studied the energy efficiency of solar power plants in the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska. Doljak et al. in 2018 estimated the photovoltaic power generation potential in Serbia based on irradiance, air temperature, and wind speed data [4]. ...
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The aim of this paper is to identify the most suitable locations for the construction of Solar Photovoltaic Plants (PVP) on the territory of the City of Belgrade (Republic of Serbia). The city is rich in natural resources and abundant in energy potential. The climatic and spatial characteristics favor the use of solar energy: the average annual solar radiation in Belgrade is 1446.8 kWh/m2 /year, and the sunshine duration is around 2200 h/year. The analysis covered the area of 3240.7 km2 (administrative area of Belgrade). Geospatial evaluation was based on three basic criteria: aspect, slope and land use. The Method of elimination in combination with modern methods in geospatial research (GIS) was applied. Based on the mentioned geospatial factors, thematic maps were made and later, their overlapping resulted in obtaining a synthesis Map of the suitability of the terrain for the construction of the PV plants. Of the total considered area, 13.68% were evaluated as suitable for the given purpose.
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Although the potential of solar energy in the Republic of Serbia is up to 30% higher than in the countries of the European Union that lead to the implementation of these technologies, the Republic of Serbia is ranked among the countries with the lowest production in the region with the production of 10 MV solar PV capacities. The aim of the paper was to present the current balanced capacities, related to solar PV energy, in the Republic of Serbia and countries in the region. In order to present better the material and conclude why the results in the Republic of Serbia are not better, in the paper are analyzes the possibilities for installing such capacities as well as the barriers that need to be eliminated.
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Since climate plays a crucial role on our planet and is an inseparable part of all human activities, it is necessary to precisely record all parameters in order to estimate current climate conditions, climate characteristics of a certain region, as well as to try to predict and calculate further trends of climate change. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, air temperature and precipitation of four meteorological stations in the Nišava river valley in Southeastern Serbia (municipalities of Dimitrovgrad, Pirot, Bela Palanka and Niš) have been considered for the period 1960-2015 along with statistical methods for analysis of these parameters and prediction of their trends. Results have shown that there is a positive trend in mean annual air temperatures and average seasonal air temperatures for the whole region which can influence natural processes and human activities. For precipitation, it can be concluded that no significant change in mean annual precipitation for the observed period has occurred. However, there is a great difference in the amount of precipitation between consecutive years, especially from 2000 onwards which can cause very dry years or years with floods.
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The paper presents a concise overview of the theoretical framework on which climate classifications are based. Beside short review of climate classifications, namely climatic regionalization for Serbia (or wider area including Serbia), main deficiency of these research was ascertained (which primarily relate to the period on the basis of which climate regionalization was carried out). The criteria of the Köppen climate classification are presented, on the basis of which the climate regionalization of Serbia has been carried out. The methodology of making maps of air temperatures and precipitation amounts has been described, on the basis of which a map of the climate regions of Serbia has been created. Spatial distribution of the types and subtypes of the climates in Serbia has been briefly described. It has been pointed to the constraints of the climate regionalization that arise from the theoretical bases of the climate classifications, but also from nature of the collected data and the applied methodology.
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Soiling is a term used to describe the deposition of dust (dirt) on the solar modules, which reduces the amount of solar radiation that reaches the solar cells. This can cause a more difficult operation of the entire PV system and therefore generation of less electric energy. This paper presents the results of the influence of various pollutants commonly found in the air (carbon, calcium carbonate and soil particles) on the energy efficiency of solar modules. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) investigation of carbon powder, calcium carbonate and soil particles which were applied to solar modules showed that the particles of carbon and calcium carbonate are similar in size, while the space between the particles through which the light can pass, is smaller in carbon than in calcium carbonate. Dimensions of soil particles are different, and the space between the soil particles through which the light can pass is similar to calcium carbonate. Solar radiation more easily reaches the surface of solar modules soiled by calcium carbonate and soil particles than the surface of the solar modules soiled by carbon. The efficiency of the module soiled by carbon on average decreases by 37.6%, the efficiency of the module soiled by calcium carbonate by 6.7%, and the efficiency of the module soiled by soil particles by 6.8%, as compared to the clean solar module. The greatest influence on reducing the energy efficiency of solar modules by soiling exerts carbon, and the influence of calcium carbonate and soil particles is similar.
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Solar radiation is a key driving force for many natural processes. At the Earth's surface solar radiation is the result of complex interactions between the atmosphere and Earth's surface. Our study highlights the development and evaluation of a data base of potential solar radiation that is based on a digital elevation model with a resolution of 90 m over Serbia. The main aim of this paper is to map solar radiation in Serbia using digital elevation model. This is so far the finest resolution being applied and presented using this model. The final results of the potential direct, diffuse and total solar radiation as well as duration of insolation databases of Serbia are portrayed as thematic maps that can be communicated and shared easily through the cartographic web map-based service.
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We present a study of how photovoltaic (PV) module performance varies on continental scale. Mathematical models have been used to take into account shallow-angle reflectivity, spectral sensitivity, dependence of module efficiency on irradiance and module temperature as well as how the module temperature depends on irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed. Spectrally resolved irradiance data retrieved from satellite images are combined with temperature and wind speed data from global computational weather forecast data to produce maps of PV performance for Eurasia and Africa. Results show that module reflectivity causes a fairly small drop of 2%-4% in PV performance. Spectral effects may modify the performance by up to ±6%, depending on location and module type. The strongest effect is seen in the dependence on irradiance and module temperature, which may range from -20% to +5% at different locations.
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The paper introduces basic information on the geographical location, climate and solar radiation in Serbia. It focuses particularly on the air pollution in Serbia and its influence on the solar cells energy efficiency. Moreover, detailed information on the development of solar energy in Serbia and the examples of the application of the low, medium and high temperature and photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation is provided. The paper also gives an overview of the installed greater capacity solar power stations related to the electricity network and the smaller capacity solar power stations as the independent sources of electricity in Serbia. In conclusion, the paper stresses Serbia’s favourite climate and other conditions for the prospective successful development of solar energy.
In recent decades, many countries tend to increase the use of renewable energy sources. Serbia has good natural conditions for the exploitation of solar energy. This paper integrates geographic information system and multi-criteria evaluation approach in order to select the best sites for development of ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants. The spatial suitability index was calculated for the whole territory of Serbia. It is shown that northern part, especially Banat region, possesses the largest potential for development of solar projects. Comparing obtained results with locations of existing photovoltaic power plants in Serbia, certain disagreements were noted. This is due to the application of exclusion criteria that except agricultural land even if the quality of the soil is poor. Beside the geographic distribution of suitable land, this study has shown that the largest electric power generation potentials have the City of Zrenjanin, Municipality of Novi Bečej, and Municipality of Čoka. Potentially, they can generate enough electricity to substitute whole yearly electricity production in Serbia. At the end, the subject of research was focused on the best ranked parcels, showing the potential electricity generation and the inter-annual variability in energy production based on module temperature.
In this paper, a meticulous numerical model is developed and simulated using computational fluid dynamics technique so as to analyse the heat transfer and temperature distribution on each layer of the air cooled solar photovoltaic panel. The proposed numerical model comprises of bottom air cooling layer and diverse layers of solar panel such as glass, ethyl vinyl acetate, photovoltaic cell, and tedlar. The discrete ordinates model is employed to apply the solar load in the numerical computation. The computational fluid dynamics simulated average temperatures are compared with the experimental measured values and found to be in commendable agreement. The RMSE1, RMSE2, and R-squared values were obtained for top glass, tedlar and outlet air temperature is 1.112949, 0.022619, 0.998175, 0.993115, 0.019556, 0.998451, and 0.077683, 0.022618, 0.988113, respectively. The top glass and photovoltaic cell contour clearly visuvalizes the temperature distribution through out the layer. It is also found that the maximum top glass, photovoltaic cell, tedlar and outlet air temperature of photovoltaic-thermal system are about 58.06°C, 58.39°C, 59.44°C, and 45.48°C, respectively.