
Global Turning Points: The Challenges for Business and Society in the 21st Century



Cambridge Core - International Business - Global Turning Points - by Mauro F. Guillén
... Humanity faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and water scarcity (Guillén & Ontiveros, 2012). Humanity's collective future is every capable adult's responsibility. ...
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Regardless of the gap between the demands of the global work environment and the maturity of leaders, minimal research exists on the trend of the practice of mindfulness meditation and the developmental experiences of leaders. Consequently, scholars have little understanding of how an increasing number of leaders experience mindfulness meditation. The purpose of this study was to understand the perceived impact mindfulness meditation had on leader development for 20 manager-leaders who had a regular (at least 3 days a week) mindfulness meditation practice. The primary recruitment strategy included outreach to potential participants affiliated with professionally oriented mindfulness groups on LinkedIn. The main conceptual framework was Day’s conceptualization of leader development. The central research question addressed leaders’ perceptions and experiences of the impact of mindfulness meditation on their development as leaders. A modified Stevick–Colaizzi–Keen data analysis procedure was used in this study. Key results included the identification of 10 core themes and the associated conclusion that leaders who want to contribute solutions to global challenges will have to access more of their potential, which may require engaging in contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation. The principal recommendation includes the serious consideration of mindfulness meditation by leaders and organizational decision makers of development investments. This study has implications for positive social change, in that a better understanding of how leaders experience mindfulness meditation may provide direction for leaders and organizations about developmental practices that support leadership effectiveness.
... The EAL lends itself to the analysis of the impact of trade agreements but, according to the realistic theory of international relations and, according to the perspective of GUILLÉN, ONTIVEROS & BAEZA (2012), there are winners and losers in international trade and the winners believe that their profit is based on the loss of others. Thus, the EAL does not lead to a Pareto-optimal because the balance of profits is not really enshrined among the members of the international society. ...
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This personal research work, the result of which was published at the end of 2017 by the Atelier publishing house (collection "Global Law"), aimed to contribute to the real progress of knowledge in Spain through a vigorous and original study of economic analysis of law (EAL). Spanish research, still little developed in this field, tends to approach the subject from the perspective of domestic law. For this reason, it has been chosen, through the rigorous use of the methodology proper to law, to leave the field of public knowledge to enter in an innovative and scientific way into the current debate on its extension to the sphere of international relations and international law. After dealing with the main schools of thought, the fields covered, the different perspectives, their methodological influence on the systems of "civil law" and "common law" and Coase's theorem, an original and innovative bridge is built towards international relations, game theory and its different mathematical and strategic frameworks, signal theory, Brander-Spencer's economic model on international trade and the Pareto principle. Scientific achievements indicate that the intense and constant interconnection between law and economics in the field of international relations is conducive to EAL, but its technical, conceptual and methodological difficulty tends to slow down the production of studies that could be useful to better understand and guide state decisions in the complex field of possibilities offered in different international scenarios. Another prominent problem is the common mismatch between economic efficiency and socially desirable outcomes such as equity and well-being.
... As a global society, we are experiencing unprecedented levels of uncertainty and complexity, and these levels are projected to increase rapidly over time. According to Guillen and Ontiveros (2012), the conditions we currently face are driven by key global turning points such as changing demographics, expansion and growth of multinational firms, increasing numbers of chaotic and failed states, and growing inequality and poverty across and within countries, all of which place extreme pressures on leaders. In fact, to thrive and excel, let alone simply exist in today's global environment or survive into the future, organizations-be they public or private-demand leaders who are not only effective in executing their jobs (e.g., setting strategy and mobilizing resources), but also in leading and inspiring people in turbulent, unpredictable, and complex times (McKee, Boyatzis, & Johnston, 2008). ...
Since the 1980s, community leadership development programs (CLDPs) across the United States have been developing the capacities of citizens to become effective local leaders. Generally, CLDPs focus on three key areas: building and enhancing the leadership skills of their participants; increasing participants’ awareness and knowledge about their communities; and cultivating the participants’ relationships with each other and with other community leaders. However, when it comes to evaluation studies about the impact of CLDPs, most of the scholarly work has focused on assessing the change in the leadership skills of the programs’ participants. Only limited research focuses on how CLDPs impact the ability of local leaders to work together over time to achieve collective action. ^ This research study investigated a type of CLDP, the American Leadership Forum-Great Valley Chapter program (ALF-GVC). Through the lens of social network theory and the relational capacity framework, it examined how relationships that are cultivated during the ALF-GVC program impact the ways in which its senior fellows work together to address community issues. Insights from the collective experience of 30 research participants revealed that the ALF-GVC program does impact the relational capacity of its senior fellows. Specifically, evidence supports that the ALF-GVC program helps create a positive internal working environment for senior fellows. The program was associated with increasing the size, diversity, cooperation, and cohesion of the research participants’ networks. As such, by expanding our understanding of how local leaders build relationships and the ways in which those relationships impact how they work together over time to address community issues, the findings from this research study contribute to the literature and practice, all of which can be used to help sustain and strengthen civic engagement in the United States.
In spite of remarkable results obtained, China requires more sophisticated economic structure and flexible institutions to foster its development in a more difficult context. Particularly important are the integration of public and private sectors, proper division of labor between them, and cooperative distinction of roles. The expansion of the private sector and entrepreneurship have been leading factors in China’s economic miracle. However, despite the numbers of new private enterprises increasing, their dynamic innovation slowed down in recent years. This negatively affects the sustainability of China’s economic growth. This paper considers several reasons for the attenuation of Chinese entrepreneurship and considers that it requires the revival of enterprise and ownership reform together with support to their innovative role. The latter should complement innovation in the public sector to counterbalance the biased structure and nature of Chinese innovation and afford new international challenges. This paper contributes to identifying solutions for reversing the deterioration of entrepreneurship in the frame of enterprises and ownership reform. Solutions lie in institutional innovation, like accelerating the pace of market-oriented reform, improving corporate governance for state-owned enterprises and commercial banks, strengthening domestic competitions, and deepening the mixed ownership reform.
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Sociālā darba vārdnīca ir tapusi, apzinoties nepieciešamību pēc informatīva un atbalstoša rīka sociālā darba praksē, sociālā darba izglītības nodrošināšanā un sociālās politikas veidošanā, lai veicinātu vienotu izpratni sociālā darba terminoloģijas lietojumā latviešu valodā. Pastāvot kopējām globālā sociālā darba attīstības tendencēm, katrā pasaules reģionā un katrā valstī sociālais darbs attīstās, ņemot vērā vietējās vajadzības, kultūru, sociālekonomisko situāciju un labklājības valsts modeli. Attīstoties profesijai, attīstās arī profesijā lietotā valoda un terminoloģija, kas ir nozīmīga kā sociālā darba speciālistu saskarsmē ar pakalpojumu lietotājiem, tā arī savstarpējā komunikācijā un starpprofesionālajā sadarbībā. Profesijā lietotā valoda, tāpat kā valoda kopumā, gan atspoguļo, gan konstruē noteiktu pasaules ainu, tā ir būtisks instruments profesionālās darbības interpretācijā, speciālistu sadarbībā un profesijas pašizpratnē. Sociālā darbinieka lietotā valoda var ievirzīt to, kādā veidā sociālais darbinieks redz noteiktu problēmu vai tās risinājumu, kā arī to, kā izprot cilvēkus, kuriem palīdz. Vārdi ir valodas pamatvienības, tie apzīmē priekšmetus un parādības, to attiecības, vārdi palīdz izprast pasauli, bet, aplam lietoti, tie var arī maldināt. Tāpēc ir svarīgi iedziļināties lietoto vārdu nozīmēs, lai noskaidrotu, ko tie atklāj par sociālā darba būtību.
The European Union and China share both similar and dissimilar economic situations and problems. Similarities call for cooperation in solving problems and strengthening advantages, differences call for exploring compatibilities, synergies in the use of instruments and actions for finding possibilities to diffuse and appropriate positive spillovers. The Belt and Road Initiative promises to invest Chinese surplus abroad and give a strong impetus to the development of infrastructure and connectivity, and lately to health and virtual connectivity, which is good for both China and the European Union. However, the role of the EU remains rather passive and shows relatively weak opportunities for EU investment and job creation. Problems remain in the geostrategic and political domains, but also in economic terms. Prominent among these are the need to streamline economic advantages of China with opportunities for the EU, the compatibility of rules and standards and their enforcement, the difficulties for the European Union to manage jointly relations with China and the need for China’s approach to be in line with European integration aims, sharing the control over strategies and projects.
This Element is an attempt to contribute to the extant literature on boards and corporate governance by exploring in detail the active involvement of the board in the purpose and strategy of the corporation in order to cope with a complex and uncertain environment.
This chapter provides an introduction to the book, from adoption of the term “megatrends’” as a theme to the adoption of megatrends in international business to the organization of the book, its four parts and individual contributions. The book covers keynotes on megatrends in international business and international entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship trends, a part on selected trends in technology, innovation and emerging markets and final part which involves cultural, strategic and performance considerations in international business.KeywordsMegatrendIndustrial societyInformation societyGlobalizationMultinational enterpriseForeign direct investmentStrategyInternationalization
Conference Paper
Montenegro has experienced touristic boom in the last two decades. Continuous growth and development of tourism was accompanied by accelerated construction of infrastructure, new tourist facilities and numerous luxury hotels. Domestic and foreign investments also demanded quality trained human resources, educated people who will be ready and able to answer the challenge for the increasingly demanding market. This article discusses the organization of studies of the International Hospitality and Management School. For now, it is the only program in Montenegro which is conducted in English, includes a compulsory practical part of the course and it is the only educational program that operates in Montenegro in by the franchise.
Der zielorientierte Umgang mit Risiken im Rahmen digitalwirtschaftlicher Ökosysteme sowie die Abschwächung von Effekten aus Ereignissen, die möglicherweise frühzeitig erkannt werden können, unterstützen Unternehmen im Rahmen der Geschäftstätigkeit. Die Anwendung von Standards, wie beispielsweise des COSO-Rahmenwerks, hilft dabei, die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten mit der Risikolandschaft integrativ zu vernetzen. Jedoch bedingen neue Geschäftsmodelle immer neue Risiken, die sich nicht nur aus der Geschäftstätigkeit ergeben, sondern auch das Ergebnis globaler Entwicklungen sein können. Obwohl ein optimal ausgestaltetes und praktiziertes Risikomanagement niemals die Bedrohungen zu 100 % beherrschen kann, sollte es doch die Zielsetzung sein, die Probleme so weit wie möglich zu antizipieren. Aus diesem Grund widmet sich dieser Beitrag den Aspekten Früherkennung, Emergenz und Hyperkonnektivität von Risiken. Im Zusammenhang mit existierenden Risikomanagementpraktiken soll erreicht werden, dass den neuen Gegebenheiten stärker Rechnung getragen wird.
This chapter presents the concepts of risk and uncertainty in the context of PPP. At the same time, it presents a list of different risk classifications in project finance that is rarely found in the literature. It indicates the importance of the risk management process in the public sector, including the process of fulfilling the function of public finances. At the same time, the author emphasises the location of the risk management process in the theories of public economics and public finance.
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Ce travail de recherche personnel, dont le résultat a été publié fin 2017 par la maison d'édition Atelier (collection "Derecho Global"), visait à contribuer au progrès réel des connaissances en Espagne à travers une étude vigoureuse et originale de l'analyse économique du droit (AED). La recherche espagnole, encore peu développée dans ce domaine, tend à aborder le sujet sous l'angle du droit interne. Pour cette raison, il a été choisi, par l'utilisation rigoureuse de la méthodologie propre au droit, de sortir du champ du savoir public pour entrer de manière innovante et scientifique dans le débat actuel sur son extension au domaine des relations internationales et du droit international. Après avoir abordé les grandes écoles de pensée, les domaines couverts, les différentes perspectives, leur influence méthodologique sur les systèmes de "droit civil" et de "common law" et le théorème de Coase, un pont original et novateur est construit vers les relations internationales, la théorie des jeux et ses différents cadres mathématiques et stratégiques, la théorie du signal, le modèle économique de Brander-Spencer sur le commerce international et le principe de Pareto. Les réalisations scientifiques indiquent que l'interconnexion intense et constante entre le droit et l'économie dans le domaine des relations internationales est propice à l'AED, mais sa difficulté technique, conceptuelle et méthodologique tend à ralentir la production d'études qui pourraient être utiles pour mieux comprendre et guider les décisions des États dans le domaine complexe des possibilités offertes dans différents scénarios internationaux. Un autre problème important est l'inadéquation fréquente entre l'efficacité économique et les résultats socialement souhaitables comme l'équité et le bien-être.
The global work environment is placing increasing demands on leaders to develop and actualize more of their potential. However, these growing demands require more than acquiring new general knowledge and skills. They require turning inward and embarking on a transformative journey of psychological maturation and vertical development. Consequently, there is a growing interest in transformative practices, to include mindfulness meditation, to support and facilitate the type of deep changes needed for leaders to effectively navigate our increasingly complex, uncertain, and interconnected world.
The global work environment is placing increasing demands on leaders to develop and actualize more of their potential. However, these growing demands require more than acquiring new general knowledge and skills. They require turning inward and embarking on a transformative journey of psychological maturation and vertical development. Consequently, there is a growing interest in transformative practices, to include mindfulness meditation and to support and facilitate the type of deep changes needed for leaders to effectively navigate our increasingly complex, uncertain, and interconnected world.
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The transfer and diffusion of human resources management (HRM) practices within the geographically dispersed operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) is receiving heightened attention, in particular because it is believed to significantly influence the performance and competitiveness of MNCs and their subsidiaries. However, as a review of the current body of literature suggests, further work is needed if we are to more fully understand the underlying process through which HRM practices are transferred and diffused or provide more holistic guidance with practitioner relevance. In this article, the authors review and synthesize the extant literature on the transfer and diffusion of HRM practices in the MNC context. Five salient themes or questions that prior research attempts to address are identified and critiqued. A general guiding framework is proposed as are possible avenues for future research.
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Scarcely anything influences today’s young generation as intensely as global and digital developments. Confusing real places in everyday life and virtual places in online communities leads to an acting out of their hybrid identity in the context of globalisation. These new opportunities consequently create new, often ambivalent, forms of identity in adolescents. Thus the boundaries between the virtual and the real world coalesce, the two can no longer be separated. What significance does spirituality have for this generation? How can youth ministry react? This article aims to link the intersection of globalisation, digital networks and virtual reality with the spirituality of adolescents, and to find out what a contextualisation of a Christian youth ministry could look like in these intersections.
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