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Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage-case of the textile factory “Kosta Stamenkovic” in Serbia

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis
УДК 72.025.5 DOI: 10.18503/2309-7434-2018-1(11)-3-11
ALEKSANDRA KOSTIC, MSc. Arch., Ph.D. student, University of Nis, Faculty of
Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis, Serbia
ALEKSANDAR KEKOVIC, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Nis, Faculty of
Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis, Serbia
DANICA STANKOVIC, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Nis, Faculty of
Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis, Serbia
BRANKO TURNSEK, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Nis, Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Architecture in Nis, Serbia
MILAN TANIC, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Nis, Faculty of Civil
Engineering and Architecture in Nis, Serbia
Abstract: In order to enhance preservation practice of industrial heritage buildings, this paper at-
tempts to investigate and to present applicable patterns of conversion of old factory buildings. Main focus
is put on the conversion of the former textile industry complex „Kosta Stamenkovic“, situated in the city
of Leskovac, in Serbia. With the intention to return the former architectural glory and to activate new
function, it has been necessary to implement set of urbarchitectural intervention in accordance with the
current legislation in the field of protection of cultural heritage. The general intention of this paper is to
explore the opportunities and importance of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage in order to enable the
sustainability of the urban centres culture, history and economy, and to form the reputable patterns.
Key words: industrial heritage, adaptive reuse, conversion, pattern, function.
1. Introduction
Industrial heritage survives in all stages of development and plays an important role in
the urban scene of the cities today. It represents a particular type of heritage produced as by-
product of deindustrialization of society and advanced economies [1]. The continuous develop-
ment of the cities is accompanied by the increasing number of inhabitants living on our planet,
resulting in the phenomenon of "crowding out" industrial zones to the periphery, while the exist-
ing ones are abandoned and “captured” in central parts of urban centres. Industrial sites are in-
creasingly accepted as a resource that will be the basis for the development of communities in
the future. Industrial heritage sites that are outdated and out of use are considered as brownfields,
and according to Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) in 1997, are defined as aban-
doned, empty or insufficiently used industrial (or commercial) buildings, where the further ex-
pansion or development is complicated by the current or unmaintained environment [2]. The
preservation of these sites is delicate and complex tasks that claim a multidisciplinary approach
which makes it difficult to fortify general rules and principles. The motives for conversion,
maintaining and reusing existing buildings and complexes are not only a matter of preserving
cultural and historical, meaningful and worthy buildings and identity of locations and "cities
panorama" in general, but also economic and ecological profits for community [3].
Today, the concept of industrial heritage conversion is widely recognized and the conver-
sion process of these sites is currently in ascending development. Industrial heritage sites hold
5.3% in total number of culture heritage sites (4% in world heritage sites) [4]. In the last decades,
a certain number of abandoned industrial buildings have been successfully revitalized through
the architectural adaptation, converted by new compatible content and redefined for new features
and new uses. Such an approach is applied in many countries over the Europe, especially in
Western Europe where the processes are almost completed. Sustainable reuse of the
Fig. 1. Museum of modern art "Tate Modern" in London (
herzog-and-de-meuron); Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen
(; Former Van Nelle factory in Rotter-
dam (
existing building stock implies implementation of strategies and complex actions to protect and
enhance architectural heritage, not only important cultural, historical, technological, industrial
properties, but also modest facilities, often only with ambient values. There are a series of signif-
icant and impressive conversion examples of industrial complexes starting from the gallery and
museum of modern art Tate Modern in London, produced by the transformation of the former
Bankside thermal power plant, the former railway station in Paris modified in the Orsay Muse-
um, the submarine giant in Rotterdam converted into the largest exhibition space in the Nether-
lands, the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, Former Van Nelle factory in Rot-
terdam redeveloped into business centre, etc. (Fig. 1).
Urbarchitectonic and technical interventions on existing valuable buildings, especially
industry buildings and complexes in general, are major issues insufficiently dealt with in Serbia.
In view of that fact this paper examines practical and applicable conversion patterns of industrial
heritage buildings with monumental qualities. The appropriate architectural measures and tech-
niques of improvement through transformation of the existing industry complex were investigat-
ed on the case of the protected buildings of the textile industry complex „Kosta Stamenkovic“,
located in the city of Leskovac, in south region of Serbia. Major intention was to provide adapta-
ble reuse the complex and to activate new function (creative incubator center), through the im-
plementation of the proper measures in accordance with the intended purpose and current legisla-
tion in the field of protection of cultural heritage. The paper highlights the importance and poten-
tials of the conversion of industrial buildings in the town of Leskovac, with the emphasis on cre-
ating adaptive reuse patterns for future practice in Serbia and wider.
2. Benefits of adaptive reuse
“Adaptive reuse is a method and strategy that can be used to contribute to community re-
vitalization”. Also, it represents broader concept than just the conversion of buildings by recy-
cling their usable components for a new use [5]. According to Conejos adaptive reuse is a well -
documented strategy to breathe new life into obsolete buildings without unnecessary and prema-
ture destruction [6]. It is necessary to highlights that former industrial facilities in their current
state generate destructive impact on economic, ecological and social development. Thus, numer-
ous sustainable, environmental, social and economic benefits can be acquired through the con-
cept of reusing existing buildings for new purposes and this concept has become imperative of
nowadays. Investment in improvement of industrial heritage sites represents investment in a bet-
ter quality of community life and work environment.
The concepts of urban land recycling and brownfields are defined in the legislation and
planning documents in Serbia, but they are not given sufficient attention, due to their extensive
potential. New ideas and progress in Serbia exist both among experts, state authorities and insti-
tutions but only as unconnected and sporadic initiatives, and the practice of the quality protection
and inclusion of industrial heritage buildings in the socio-economic development of local com-
munities and urban cities indicates on individual investment activities, not planned strategy of
local or state administration. According to Djokic, limited accessibility to the revitalization pro-
cess is caused by the inaction of local governments to initiate the processes of renewal and de-
velopment of the environment, primarily because of the low level of understanding and ac-
ceptance of the individual or common approach [7]. There is a growing threat that abandoned
industrial facilities on the territory of the whole country will be irreversibly lost for the commu-
nity. Lacking of strict regulations in foreign countries, regarding the industrial conversion, nu-
merous industrial spaces are rapidly transformed into residential complexes, office buildings or
shopping malls and supermarkets, most often without being based on a study regarding the archi-
tectonical importance, the consequences of the transformation process, hence without conducting
a public debate or a poll concentrated on respondents living in the surrounding areas that are to
be converted and who are directly affected by these transformations [8]. Therefore, consideration
of that fact, review and selection of successfully foreign examples, the launching of actions and
the establishment of strategic approaches to reusing the industrial environments need to be of
paramount importance.
3. Methodological approach to the process of conversion industrial heritage build-
ings Existing industrial building stock is exposed to the processes of decay over time, accom-
panied by a situation in which they failed to fulfill its purpose and function becomes disabled.
The protection of building heritage is systematic implementation of passive and active protection
measures (legislation and revitalization), aligned with the rules of conservation and restoration
profession in order to preserve the cultural property, i.e. the implementation of measures in order
to extend the duration of the monumental properties of the cultural artefacts with the systematic
monitoring of its condition and ensuring its protection against any threat [3]. Preserving the in-
dustrial heritage property demand a methodologically exact, logical and systematic approach.
Considering the level of protection, type, features, status of the facility, local community needs,
type of conversion pattern can and need to be determined.
A whole series of preliminary activities are necessary to be conduct in order to achieve
effective and successful realization of the conversion process. Protection of existing buildings
represents process composed of phases, mutually connected operations that happen in estab-
lished order within certain time interval and need to be carefully considered and managed.
Commonly, it can be isolated the two basic phases, determination of state facilities with prepara-
tion of the conversion project and the execution of planned project. According to ODASA (Of-
fice for design and architecture) in forming an adaptive re-use project, there are several key ways
to help ensure a successful project that meets and exceeds the expectations of client, owner, users
and the wider public and are listed in the following:
Create a collaborative and multi-disciplinary design team;
Engage with key stakeholders;
Learn from other projects;
Make the most of existing conditions;
Maintain quality throughout the project;
Life-cycle costing [9].
Pattern for creating proposal solution of the conversion model, applied to the former tex-
tile factory “Kosta Stamenković”, included execution of the following phases:
Research and recording of the current condition of the facilities;
Development of a project of the current condition of the facilities;
Estimation of the facilities state;
The investigation and identification of the potential impact of the industrial zone on
the environment;
The determination of needs and features referring to the urban landscape;
Considering and defining the possible conversion fields;
Determination the potential field of transformation, focusing on the social aspects i.e.
local community‟s needs and with respect to functional, constructional and energy aspects;
Creation and development of the conversion project;
Project realization.
4. Description of the converted industry complex “Kosta Stamenkovic” in the south
region in Serbia
Followed section of the paper presents an overview of the proposed solution for conver-
sion of the textile industry complex “Kosta Stamenkovic” in the south region in Serbia. As one
of the first factories of the city of Leskovac, located in a wider surrounding area of the city of
Leskovac, the complex of the textile factory originates from the golden era of prosperity of the
city (Fig. 2). Occupying a significant area of the urban space, and due to its historical and archi-
tectural values are rightfully protected as buildings with historical architectural properties and
deserves to be integrated into sustainable development plans and to be involved in the active life
of the urban fabric. Surely, considered industrial space represents a challenge for the local gov-
ernment and an opportunity both for investors and for community who can benefit from the in-
sertion of necessary services.
According to the analysis of written sources it was built in 1921 as a factory of canvas
and textile cables. It was founded by a Lazar Dundjerovic and com., later named factory of
woolen and cotton fabrics Vranjkic, Stamenkovic and com. [11]. Factory was built before the
adoption of building regulations, so there is no technical documentation according to which
buildings were constructed. Over time the complex suffered numerous external and internal in-
fluences. Nowadays the complex is abandoned for at least a decade. These industrial buildings
are unproductive and are affected by a high degradation degree.
Fig. 2. Position of the city of Leskovac in Serbia (General Urban Plan of the City of Leskovac 2010-2020, [10]) and location of
the textile factory “Kosta Stamenkovic” in Leskovac (Author: A. Kostic)
Fig. 3. Site plan and today's appearance of the buildings (Official gazette of the city of Leskovac 07/14 [12])
The existing complex is characterized by edge construction on the plot, with centrally po-
sitioned main factory. In site there is only one access to the complex from the street Dimitrije
Tucovic over the entrance with the original iron gates design. Some of the facilities that are not
under the state protection are in relatively poor condition and therefore it is necessary to foresee
their removal. Actually, complex in its original form consists of four buildings, constructed in
different time period (Fig. 3).
Task of the project predicts conversion of the textile industry complex Kosta Stamen-
kovic into a creative incubator center with wealthy program content that offers users different
types of services, in order to meet the city's needs for a deficient multi-purpose space that will
satisfy the current and changing future needs of the population. The intention was to create a new
image of the buildings that were not visually pleasing, into attractive and convenient ambient,
and to emphasize uniqueness of “ugly and dirty” industrial landscape, and again to fits into the
existing city core.
The planned purposes for the facilities in the functional arrange of the complex are care-
fully selected (Fig. 4), economically justified and sustainable. Hybrid forms of functioning,
combining of exhibition, production, renting for commercial purposes and cultural artistic pro-
grams are provided in the transformed complex and also present a financially viable solution.
Transformation into incubator center means the role transition from the service of space to the
machine, to the service of the space to man. New center is primarily intended to be used by
young people and the elderly, but it does not exclude the use for children's development purposes
and other uses. The complex is actually reactivated into the center for the development of indi-
viduals and cultures in the true sense of the word, bearing in mind that it offers spatial possibili-
ties for exploring alternate art directions, the development of subcultures and other business and
artistic activities.
Fig. 4. Delivery of new purposes
Observed in terms of functional organization incubator center is subdivided in ten open
plan structures and facilities that fluidly intertwine from one to the other and act in mutual har-
mony. Starting from the entrance of the complex, the distribution of the purposes of the existing
facilities is controlled, and from the street Dimitrije Tucović, consumers of the center enters
firstly to the gallery and thematic exhibition space, then to the exhibition space of the textile
manufactory industry, which preserves the memory of the traditional ways of weaving and etc.,
from where the visitors are directed to the area of creative workshops (planned in a facility with
a saw-tooth roof) and a multifunctional center envisaged in building that represents cultural her-
itage. In order to encourage the view towards to decorated quay while consumers read and lunch,
catering and education spaces occupy a position along the Veternica River.
The architecture of the redesigned buildings is based on preserving the memory of place
through the conservation of the building attributes that serves as a physical reminder of what the
buildings once were in comparison to the newly constructed features. Continuous buildings posi-
tion along the edge of the plot is separated in the manner that the existing monotony of rather
elongated physical structures be avoided. In the northeastern part of the complex (spaces intend-
ed to be used by management and for manufacture exhibition), elongated one story brick façades
(unbreakable arrays), are broken up by upgrading the transparent floor girded (covered, envel-
oped) by white metal movable protective details. With the aim to open the vista towards to the
internal space of complex and towards to the Veternica River and in order to create a space for
mini green oases and pedestrian zones, in the western and southern parts of the complex, seg-
ments of the buildings are removed (poor quality of buildings parts, economically unprofitable
reconstruction, parts without architectural aesthetic features).
Structural systems of buildings suffered minimal changes, existing support structural
elements are reinforced as needed with the aim to allow the buildings to respond to the new
functional requirements, and in order to exploit the existing facilities sustainably over the
appropriate period of time. The materialization of the façade planes is retained to a great extent
with the necessary reparation. Materialization of the upgraded parts of the buildings is
contemporary, mainly dominates corten steel panels, sandwich facade and roof panels, metal and
higher energy efficient transparent surfaces. The ambient of the planned incubator complex is
enriched by metal structures and shapes that complement the applied industrial design.
5. Conclusion
The concept of integrated preservation of industrial heritage sites is commonly adopted.
Considering the fact that they represents significant portion of industrial culture, industrial herit-
age contains a whole spectrum of social, architectural, technological and historical values. As
noted in extensive foreign practices of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage buildings, it can be
concluded that they have the ability to bridge and to link the past and the present of one
Fig. 5. Site plan and today appearance of the buildings (Preliminary design of conversion of former textile factory by Milun
Rancic [13])
society. Adaptive reuse has various benefits such as social, economic and environmental. Today,
industrial heritage sites can simply become forsaken places as a consequence of the carelessness
of the community, if they are not given the attention they deserve. Therefore, in this paper, tex-
tile industry complex “Kosta Stamenkovic”, in south region of Serbia, was researched and a pro-
posal solution for a new use as creative incubator center has been elaborated. A contemporary
adaptive reuse concept and approach for the buildings have been selected, in order to remove the
problem of attention absence and form the factory complex more profitable and valuable for the
local community and wider. The term of sustainable development, which includes social, eco-
nomic, and environmental benefits, have been implemented to the proposal solution for the con-
version of the textile industry complex (minimum urbarchitectonic intervention, authenticity,
energy efficiency, adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, etc.).
Based on the experience from the presented case study, recommendations were made for
further conversion practice in Serbia and wider.
The paper was done within the scientific project No TR36045 funded by the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia.
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3. Kostic, A., Kostic, D., Stankovic, D. & Gligorijevic, M. (2017). Structural improve-
ment of masonry heritage buildings the case of the textile industry „Kosta Stamenkovic“ in
Serbia. International Scientific Conference “Preservation of Cultural Heritage”, BASA'2017,
Bulgarian Academy of Science and Arts, Scientific Institute for Architecture, Construction and
Urban Planning, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-24th November, 2017, pp. 253-260, URL: (Accessed 20 January 2018).
4. Falser, M. (2001). Is Industrial Heritage Underrepresented on the World Heritage
List? UNESCO World Heritage Centre Asia-Pacific Region, URL: (Accessed 25 January 2018).
5. Sugden, E. (2017). The Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage Buildings: A Multiple-
Case Studies Approach. The University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
6. Conejos, S., Langston, C. & Smith, J. (2011). Improving the implementation of adap-
tive reuse strategies for historic buildings. Le Vie dei Mercanti S.A.V.E. HERITAGE: Safeguard
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9. Harrison, S., Clark, J., Mackay, K., Martin, J. & Snape, D. (2014). Adaptive Re-use
Re-using existing buildings for new functions has many sustainable, cultural, economic and
place-making advantages, ODASA (The Office for Design and Architecture SA). Design Guid-
ance Note, Government of South Australia.
10. General Urban Plan of the City of Leskovac. Official Gazette of Leskovac, 4/13.
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АЛЕКСАНДРА КОСТИЧ, Магистр архитектуры, аспирант, Университет в
Нише, факультет строительства и архитектуры, Сербия
АЛЕКСАНДАР КЕКОВИЧ, Доктор Ph.D., доцент, Университет в Нише,
факультет строительства и архитектуры, Сербия
ДАНИЦА СТАНКОВИЧ, Доктор Ph.D., доцент, Университет в Нише,
факультет строительства и архитектуры, Сербия
БРАНКО ТУРНСЕК, Доктор Ph.D., доцент, Университет в Нише, факультет
строительства и архитектуры, Сербия
МИЛАН ТАНИЧ, Доктор Ph.D., доцент, Университет в Нише, факультет
строительства и архитектуры, Сербия
Аннотация: В целях повышения эффективности практики сохранения объектов промыш-
ленного наследия в данной работе предпринята попытка исследовать и представить применимые
модели переоборудования старых заводских зданий. Основное внимание уделяется переоборудо-
ванию бывшего текстильного комплекса «Коста Стаменкович», расположенного в городе Леско-
вац, в Сербии. С намерением вернуть былую архитектурную славу и активизировать новую функ-
цию, необходимо было осуществить комплекс урбархитектурных вмешательств в соответствии с
действующим законодательством в области охраны культурного наследия. Общая цель статьи за-
ключается в изучении возможностей и важности адаптивного повторного использования промыш-
ленного наследия в целях обеспечения устойчивости культуры, истории и экономики городских
центров и формирования авторитетных моделей.
Ключевые слова: промышленное наследие, адаптивное повторное использование, преоб-
разование, модель, функция.
... Only then it will be possible to undertake actions to preserve these areas according to the recommendations given by UNESCO and international experts. For example, in foreign studies and available literature, so-called obsolete industrial areas are viewed in the context of adaptive reuse of industrial heritage [21,35,37,38], regeneration of industrial brownfields [31,39] and revitalization of historical industrial areas [40]. Instead of following such recommendations, local authorities have allowed Osijek's obsolete industrial areas to decay and disappear. ...
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Historical industrial areas are considered as areas of particular importance in terms of their heritage value and cultural significance. They are usually located in city centers and have great potential for economic, cultural and urban development. At the beginning of the 20th century, Osijek was well known as an industrial city, but the globalization had a ripple effect on the industry, leaving industrial sites of Osijek in ruins. Although comprehensive studies have not yet been made, field research into historical industrial areas of Osijek showed that they are mostly abandoned. A literature review showed that there is not even one document that contains locations and basic information on the historical industrial areas that existed in Osijek from 1824–1945. The aim of this paper is to define exact locations of historical industrial areas that existed in Osijek from 1824–1945 and to analyze their current state, their architectural, urban and identity features. The research resulted in a database containing basic information about 59 historical industrial areas in Osijek. An analysis and comparison of the current state of 13 remaining existing historical industrial areas in Osijek is given. The three case studies present detailed analysis, comparison and evaluation of observed historical industrial areas.
This article examines the trends of world and domestic practice in the field of repurposing abandoned industrial complexes. The importance of industrial objects in the existing historical development of the city is displayed. The important importance of economic, social and cultural problems of industrial architecture re-functionalization is established. The studied analogues are divided into three groups by the type of intervention in the existing variable of the adaptable object: the city-forming architectural and spatial significance of the project modernization; the impact of changes in the facade of the building on the historical urban environment and functional planning solutions of the interior spaces of the former industrial complexes. A comparison of universal and individual approaches to the transformation and adaptation of industrial heritage objects that have lost their original purpose is carried out. The favorable influence of the implemented projects on the social and cultural life of cities has been established. Understanding the accumulated experience shows the importance of developing new practical approaches and transformation models to adapt outdated industrial architecture in order to preserve the specifics of the place.
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Industrial heritage tourism is a new form of tourism, which often involves reuse of abandoned industrial facilities for tourism purposes. Former industrial cities, affected by deindustrialization are looking for an oportunity to economically and socially revitalize themselves through this type of tourism, which is a general trend in developed countries. The subject of this paper is investigating possibilities for reuse of industrial heritage of the city of Zrenjanin in tourism purposes, which has been hit hard by deindustrialization due to wars, economic crisis and isolation during the last decade of the 20th century. Abandoned factory complexes that serve no purpose now occupy city center, but have an important tourist potential. Some of these complexes include Zrenjanin brewery, the old city slaughterhouse and abandoned facilities of Šinvoz factory. Adaptation of these buildings into cultural, sports and shopping centers would instigate the developement of tourism in the city.
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The aim of this paper is to investigate how brownfield redevelopment, i.e., the redevelopment of derelict, abandoned or underused sites, where a real or perceived problem of contamination exists, might be approached in Croatia. Crucial in such activities is the involvement of many stakeholders, belonging to various institutional arenas, both formal and informal, and dispersed across various government levels. Such locations have emerged in Croatia due to transition and post-war problems, and poor management in state-owned as well as privatised enterprises. The presence of such industrial sites has various adverse effects not only on the environment but also on the economic and social development of the regions and localities. Due to the complexity of initiating brownfield redevelopment processes and specific problems in Croatia, economic development initiatives are directed towards attracting greenfield investments and creating new industrial and entrepreneurial or business zones. Brownfield redevelopment is an issue through which the impacts of existing development policies in Croatia can be analysed. The paper concludes with the identification of possibilities for new modes of governance and participatory initiatives for brownfield redevelopment in Croatia.
Structural improvement of masonry heritage buildings -the case of the textile industry "Kosta Stamenkovic" in Serbia. International Scientific Conference "Preservation of Cultural Heritage
  • A Kostic
  • D Kostic
  • D Stankovic
  • M Gligorijevic
Kostic, A., Kostic, D., Stankovic, D. & Gligorijevic, M. (2017). Structural improvement of masonry heritage buildings -the case of the textile industry "Kosta Stamenkovic" in Serbia. International Scientific Conference "Preservation of Cultural Heritage", BASA'2017, Bulgarian Academy of Science and Arts, Scientific Institute for Architecture, Construction and Urban Planning, Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-24th November, 2017, pp. 253-260, URL: (Accessed 20 January 2018).
Is Industrial Heritage Underrepresented on the World Heritage List? UNESCO World Heritage Centre Asia-Pacific Region
  • M Falser
Falser, M. (2001). Is Industrial Heritage Underrepresented on the World Heritage List? UNESCO World Heritage Centre Asia-Pacific Region, URL: (Accessed 25 January 2018).
The Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage Buildings: A Multiple-Case Studies Approach
  • E Sugden
Sugden, E. (2017). The Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Heritage Buildings: A Multiple-Case Studies Approach. The University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Improving the implementation of adaptive reuse strategies for historic buildings
  • S Conejos
  • C Langston
  • J Smith
Conejos, S., Langston, C. & Smith, J. (2011). Improving the implementation of adaptive reuse strategies for historic buildings. Le Vie dei Mercanti S.A.V.E. HERITAGE: Safeguard of Architectural, Visual, Environmental Heritage. Naples, Italy, Jun 2011. 7. Đokić, I. & Sumpor, M. (2010). Brownfield Redevelopment Issues in Croatia.
The perception upon landscape revitalization of industrial spaces. Case study: The industrial units Belvedere Cigarette Factory and S.C. Mefin Sinaia
  • E Huzuia
  • A Miread
  • C Stoiculescur
Huzuia, E., Miread, A. & Stoiculescur, C. (2011). The perception upon landscape revitalization of industrial spaces. Case study: The industrial units Belvedere Cigarette Factory and S.C. Mefin Sinaia. Rom. Rev. Reg. Stud., Vol. 7, № 2, pp. 67-78.
Adaptive Re-use Re-using existing buildings for new functions has many sustainable, cultural, economic and place-making advantages, ODASA (The Office for Design and Architecture SA). Design Guidance Note
  • S Harrison
  • J Clark
  • K Mackay
  • J Martin
  • D Snape
Harrison, S., Clark, J., Mackay, K., Martin, J. & Snape, D. (2014). Adaptive Re-use Re-using existing buildings for new functions has many sustainable, cultural, economic and place-making advantages, ODASA (The Office for Design and Architecture SA). Design Guidance Note, Government of South Australia.