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Meteoropathy and Meteorosensitive Persons



Introduction. The authors are dealing with the questions often asked by their patients: how weather changes, oscillations in humidity, air pressure and other climate factors affect functioning of the human body. Meteorology and Biometeorology. Definitions of meteorology and biometeorology are given, describing some of the most important characteristics, such as the types of disorders and the reasons for their occurrence, frequency, gender and age factors, etc. with particular reference to disorders related to the mental and nervous functions. Discussion. The possibilities of prevention, the importance of monitoring biometeorology forecasts and the questionable need for drug use during the seasonal shifts, which cause fatigue, irritability, poor concentration and apathy, hypersensitivity to pain, headache, dizziness, anxiety, head buzzing, etc. are discussed.
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... In recent years, there has been constant talk about weather conditions and the places that affect people's lives and health [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Environmental changes, such as increases in the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, ionization and abrupt meteorological changes in temperature, wind, and humidity, often lead to difficulties in the adaptation of the urban population [2,4,5,7]. ...
... Although conducted in different environments (tropical, northern, or humid) with dissimilar assessment tools and subjects and small or large population samples, the relationship between the occurrence of pain and the feeling of discomfort appears to be moderated by temperature, precipitation, and barometric pressure [2,6,8]. By understanding the relationship with these weather variables, it would be easier to delve into the mechanisms that produce pain and control it [7]. After all, the influence of the endocrine system, the effect on our thermoregulatory system, and the change in the circulation, blood viscosity, and heart rate could be the scientific explanations for all the previous problems [7,8]. ...
... By understanding the relationship with these weather variables, it would be easier to delve into the mechanisms that produce pain and control it [7]. After all, the influence of the endocrine system, the effect on our thermoregulatory system, and the change in the circulation, blood viscosity, and heart rate could be the scientific explanations for all the previous problems [7,8]. ...
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Environmental conditions are associated with the onset of pain or the recurrence of symptoms of chronic sufferers either with musculoskeletal pathologies or neurological diseases. Recent research has indicated that physiotherapy also appears to be helpful in dealing with the symptoms of climate change. The purpose of this study was to investigate how temperature and precipitation are associated with referrals for physical therapy. All the data were collected retrospectively for three years, 2020–2022. A total of 2164 referrals were studied, 78% of which were female cases. Our results highlighted that (a) referrals with musculoskeletal problems are associated with the weather indicators of temperature and precipitation, (b) this relation was found to be stronger for females, and (c) there were slightly differentiated trends between them and those with neurological problems. These results suggest that low temperatures and high precipitation are strongly associated with increased referrals for chronic musculoskeletal pain and that females are more vulnerable to precipitation. Moreover, the increased number of referrals with chronic neurological problems was found to be associated with extreme temperatures. Considering these findings, rehabilitation centers and healthcare systems have the opportunity to immediately provide reliable and qualitative services, guided always by the safety and maximum relief of chronic sufferers.
... Certain neurons in the superior vestibular nucleus respond to changes in barometric pressure in mice, which can also act similarly in humans [22]. When the atmospheric pressure drops, increased pressure in the inflamed tissues intensifies general pain and sinus headache [23,24]. People extremely sensitive to weather experience changes in blood pressure and heart rate, stomach disorders, breathing difficulty, depression (mental and physical), numbness, anxiety, irritability, headaches, sleep disorders, increased vulnerability to pain in the joints, muscles pain, pain in head, neck and shoulders, dizziness, chronic pain, the desire to remain indoors [1,3,25,26]. ...
... The intensity of the symptoms increases before or after the weather changes rather than during the change itself. High humidity (>70%) and temperatures >30°C can lead to increased sweating and fluid loss as the body attempts to cool down [24,[29][30][31]. ...
... Nonetheless, the potential side effects of commonly used drugs in meteoropathic patients, such as diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and psychoactive drugs, are still unknown [24,38]. Since vasodilatation is a side effect of diuretics but also occurs in thermoregulation, diuretics should be reduced in meteoropathic individuals to prevent extremely dangerous situations [38,39]. ...
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Meteoropathy is no longer considered a popular myth, but a new disease that significantly impacts daily life, particularly in individuals who experience mental illness, cardiovascular disorders, and respiratory conditions. However, there are very limited data on this condition. This study aimed to comprehensively review and analyze existing in vivo animal studies and human clinical trials investigating the effects of meteoropathy on health and its pharmacological treatment. A thorough literature search was conducted across databases such as PubMed and Scopus to gather relevant information. Our analysis primarily focused on the relationship between meteoropathy and mental health, including the influence on affective temperaments. Additionally, we explored various treatment approaches, emphasizing the combination of muscle exercises, pharmacological interventions, and naturopathy, which have shown promise in alleviating pain among individuals affected by meteoropathy. Future research in meteoropathy should shed light on synthesizing new pharmacological compounds.
... Individuals, as part of their nature, interact with the environment [1]. Meteoropathy, i.e., the effect of weather conditions on the human body, has been known about since ancient times [2,3]. ...
... Weather variables that commonly affect health have been described. These are usually atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind, rain, and temperature [1]. ...
... The occurrence of heart attacks is more pronounced in the winter months, but strokes increase during the holiday season. Anxiety attacks, depression, a rapid heart rate [1], asthma and sickle cell attacks, and systemic lupus erythematosus [4] are often observed. ...
... Meteorologija u medicini proučava uticaj vremenskih uslova, stanja i promena na ljudski organizam [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Osobe sklone da razviju određenu patološku simptomatologiju povezanu sa vremenskim aspektima definišemo kao metoropate a promene koje se tom prilikom dešavaju u organizmu nazivamo meteorotropnim [2]. Prema opšteprihvaćenoj definiciji meteorosenzibilne osobe su one kod kojih zdravstveni problemi nastaju ili se pogoršavaju sa promenama vremena [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. ...
... Prema opšteprihvaćenoj definiciji meteorosenzibilne osobe su one kod kojih zdravstveni problemi nastaju ili se pogoršavaju sa promenama vremena [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Simptomi obično počinji do 48 sati pre promene vremenskih uslova, traju maksimalno dva dana i spontano iščezavanju kada se organizam adaptira novim vremenskim uslovima [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Ljudski organizam kao veoma delikatan i sofisticiran sistem, senzitivan je na ekstremne promene vremenskih uslova posebno na temperaturne oscilacije, vlažnost vazduha i promene u atmosferskom pritisku. ...
Temporal changes in temperature, humidity, height of atmospheric pressure and their impact on the psycho-physical functioning of man since the ancient Greeks have been the subject of study. At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists around the world are presenting irrefutable evidence that meteorological phenomena significantly contribute to the worsening of the condition in chronic patients, and also cause various health problems among healthy weather-sensitive people. Modern medicine defines a person whose organism is not able to adapt to changes in weather conditions as meteoropaths, and the state in which their orgasm is during that period is called meteorotropic.
... According to these authors, meteorological factors, like other stressors, may contribute to the dysfunction of these mechanisms and lead to the development of disorders typical of meteoropathy. A similar hypothesis regarding the mechanism of meteoropathy was formulated by Žikić and Rabi-Žikić (2018), who suggested, as did Janiri et al. (2009), that electromagnetic waves associated with weather phenomena may affect the hypothalamus, indirectly increasing the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, and reduce the level of endorphins. Consequently, people who are psychophysically unstable and susceptible to weather changes may react with meteoropathic symptoms, such as increased anxiety or pain. ...
Background The main goal of this cross-sectional study was to assess the relationship between Big Five personality traits and meteor-opathy and the role of the behavioural activation system (BAS) and the behavioural inhibition system (BIS) as mediators in this relationship. Participants and procedure The sample consisted of 1,336 women and men gathered via the online recruitment platform from the general population. The participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 76 years (M = 29.52, SD = 11.67). The Polish version of the Ten Item Personality Inventory was used to assess Big Five personality traits. The BIS and BAS were diagnosed using the Polish version of the original BIS/BAS scales. Meteoropathy was assessed using the Polish adaptation of the METEO-Q questionnaire. Results Meteoropathy correlated negatively with emotional stability and positively with the BIS level and BAS Reward Responsive-ness. BIS negatively correlated with emotional stability. The correlations between meteoropathy and other personality vari-ables were nonsignificant. The analysis indicated a significant indirect relationship between emotional stability and meteor-opathy through BIS. We demonstrated the importance of neuroticism (low emotional stability) and the BIS dimension for the development of meteoropathy symptoms. Conclusions Neuroticism and the BIS dimension were important for the development of meteoropathy symptoms. The results may be helpful in assessing the risk of developing meteoropathy in a healthy population.
... Mintegy következtetésként elmondható, hogy az éghajlatváltozás, a környezetszennyezés és a világjárványok, köztük a jelenleg is zajló COVID-19 világjárvány negatív hatással lehetnek a mentális egészségre (Cianconi et al., 2020). Régóta ismert, hogy a légszennyezés és a meteorológiai változások pszichopatológiai jelenségeket, például meteoropátiát idézhetnek elő, amely kifejezés jelenleg az időjárási körülményekkel kapcsolatos bármely kóros dimenzió megjelölésére szolgál (Žikić-Rabi-Žikić, 2018). Továbbá, a környezeti szennyező anyagok, az éghajlatváltozás és a SARS-CoV-2 fertőzés összefüggésbe hozható a központi idegrendszerben (CNS) bekövetkező változásokkal, amelyek mentális és/vagy viselkedési elváltozásokhoz vezethetnek különböző (Marazziti et al., 2021). ...
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koronavírus világjárvány 2019-es megjelenése kapcsán minden ország korlátozásokat hozott annak érdekében, hogy megfékezze a megbetegedések számát. A vírus egyik igen jó hatása ezáltal a károsanyag-kibocsátás csökkenését hozta, amely a klímaváltozás gyors előrehaladását minimális módon, de befolyásolta. Arra a kérdésre viszont nehéz választ adni, hogy a COVID-19-cel valóban közelebb kerültünk-e ahhoz, hogy jelentős mértékben lassítsuk az éghajlatváltozást. Globális szinten bizonytalan a járvány időbeli és térbeli kihatása. A kutatás elsődleges célja, hogy a megjelent hazai és nemzetközi szakvéleményeket ütköztesse a koronavírus járvány és a klímaváltozás tükrében. Másodlagos célként pedig a szerzők arra tesznek kísérletet, hogy a klímaváltozás témaköréhez kapcsolódó indikátorokat vizsgálják, A tanulmány eredményeivel a szerzők rávilágítottak arra a tényre, hogy a koronavírus járvány és az éghajlatváltozás témaköre igen szorosan összefüggenek, de ettől függetlenül az ember káros viselkedésének rövid távú visszaszorulása nem okoz hosszú távú javulást. With the appearance of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2019, all countries have put in place restrictions to curb the number of cases. One of the very good effects of the virus has been to reduce emissions of pollutants, which has had a minimal but significant impact on the rapid progress of climate change. However, it is difficult to answer the question of whether COVID-19 has brought us any closer to significantly slowing climate change. At global level, the temporal and spatial impact of the epidemic is uncertain. The primary objective of this research is to compare published national and international literature on the coronavirus epidemic and climate change. As a secondary objective, the authors attempt to examine the indicators related to climate changeWith the results of the study, the authors have highlighted the fact that the Coronavirus epidemic and climate change are closely linked, but that a short-term reduction in harmful human behaviour does not lead to long-term improvements.
... Mintegy következtetésként elmondható, hogy az éghajlatváltozás, a környezetszennyezés és a világjárványok, köztük a jelenleg is zajló COVID-19 világjárvány negatív hatással lehetnek a mentális egészségre (Cianconi et al., 2020). Régóta ismert, hogy a légszennyezés és a meteorológiai változások pszichopatológiai jelenségeket, például meteoropátiát idézhetnek elő, amely kifejezés jelenleg az időjárási körülményekkel kapcsolatos bármely kóros dimenzió megjelölésére szolgál (Žikić-Rabi-Žikić, 2018). Továbbá, a környezeti szennyező anyagok, az éghajlatváltozás és a SARS-CoV-2 fertőzés összefüggésbe hozható a központi idegrendszerben (CNS) bekövetkező változásokkal, amelyek mentális és/vagy viselkedési elváltozásokhoz vezethetnek különböző (Marazziti et al., 2021). ...
Conference Paper
Számos vállalat vezetőjére egyre nagyobb nyomás nehezedik, amiatt, hogy vállalatukat fenntarthatóvá tegyék. A fenntartható fejlődés, fenntarthatóság iránti érdeklődés növekedésével párhuzamosan nőtt a figyelem a fenntartható vállalatok iránt is. A vállalati fenntarthatóság gyökerei az érdekelt felek elméletében gyökereznek, melyben elismerik, hogy a szervezeteknek nem csak a részvényesek, hanem más érdekelt felek felé is vannak kötelezettségeik. Számos tényező készteti arra a vállalatokat, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés elveit átültessék a vállalati gyakorlatba. De valóban képesek ezt a gyakorlatban is megtenni? Ha igen, akkor hogyan? Milyen eszközök segítségével, milyen tevékenységek mentén teszik ezt? Kutatásunk során ezekre a kérdésekre kerestük a választ. Alapvető célunk annak vizsgálata és feltárása, hogy a hazai színtéren működő nagyvállalatok vállalati gyakorlatában a fenntartható fejlődés mely elemei, eszközei és milyen formában jelennek meg. A kutatási mintába a HVG által 2020-ban összeállított Top 500 listán szereplő nagyvállalatok kerültek be. Összesen 263 nagyvállalatot vettünk górcső alá, és vizsgáltuk meg, hogy készítenek-e fenntarthatósági jelentést. Jelen kutatásunkba az élelmiszer- és dohányipar, mezőgazdaság szektor vállalatait vontuk be, s közülük 14 vállalat jelentését vizsgáltuk. Many business leaders are under increasing pressure to make their companies sustainable. As interest in sustainable development and sustainability has grown, so has the interest in sustainable companies. Corporate sustainability is rooted in stakeholder theory which recognises that organisations have obligations not only to shareholders but also to other stakeholders. There are many factors driving companies to put sustainable development principles into practice. But can they really do this in practice? If yes, how can they do it? What tools and activities have been used to do this? Our research sought to answer these questions. Our basic objective is to investigate and explore which elements and tools of sustainable development are present in the corporate practices of large companies operating in the domestic arena and in what form. The research sample included large companies from the Top 500 list compiled by HVG in 2020. We looked at 263 large companies and checked whether they produce sustainability reports. In the present study, we included companies in the food, tobacco and agriculture sectors and we examined 14 of them.
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İklim Değişikliği ve Gezegen Sağlığı: Hemşireler için Temel Bilgiler Kasey BELLEGARDE İklim Değişikliğinin İnsan Fizyolojisine Etkileri Sevtap KILINÇ İklim Değişikliğinin Yenidoğan, Çocuk ve Ergen Sağlığı Üzerindeki Etkileri Kadriye DEMİR Esra KARACA İklim Değişikliğinin Kadın Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri Çisem BAŞTARCAN İklim Değişikliğinin Ruh Sağlığına Etkileri Özge YAMAN Behice Belkıs ÇALIŞKAN İklim Değişikliğinin Toplum Sağlığına Etkileri ve Hemşirelik Bakımı Emine EKİCİ İklim Değişikliği ve Ağrı Ayşegül GÜNEŞ İklim Değişikliğinin Kanser ve Kanser Hastaları Üzerindeki Etkileri Şule ÇALIŞIR KUNDAKÇI İklim Değişikliği ve Hemşirelik İlişkisi Tuğba ÖZ İklim Değişikliğinin Sağlık Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Azaltılmasında Hemşirelerin Rolleri Iira TIITTA İklim Değişikliğinin Hemşirelik Eğitimine Entegrasyonu Nurcan KOLAÇ İklim Değişikliğinin Hemşirelik Yönetimine Yansımaları Ayşe ÇİÇEK KORKMAZ İklim Değişikliğinin Sağlık Sistemleriyle İlişkisini İncelemede Güncel Kavramlar ve Hemşireliğe Yansımaları Seda Tuğba BAYKARA MAT İklim Değişikliğinin Dezavantajlı Gruplar Üzerindeki Etkileri Ülkü YILMAZ İklim Değişikliği ve Göçler Ayşe DOST İklim Değişikliği ve İklim Değişikliğine İlişkin Politikaların Sağlığa Yansımaları Arzu K. HARMANCI SEREN İklim Değişikliğinin Sağlık Harcamalarına Etkisi Esengül ELİBOL İklim Değişikliği ve Etik Hamiyet KIZIL
Before introducing readers to the various forms of human sensitivity to weather and climate change that meteorology deals with, we will briefly describe the basic elements of human homeostasis and biological rhythm as essential systems for maintaining balance in the body, adapting to external conditions, and synchronization of activities (Fig. 6.1).
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This study investigated the impact of extreme climate events on work absence in Jamaica. To this end, we constructed a quarterly individual level dataset on labor market and climatic data for 2004–2014. We find that while excess rainfall increases the odds of being temporarily absent from work, heat is unlikely to have an effect. The estimated outcome of excess rainfall is reasonable given the possibility of flooded roads, which can impede travel to work. This draws attention to the development of e-commuting policies to mitigate any negative effects on productivity.
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Since the organization of CINDI (Countrywide Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Intervention Programme) and MONICA (Monitoring of Trends and Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease) in 1983 over the whole territory of Novi Sad community it has been found that the incidence of stroke has decreased from 2.68 to 2.36%, the mortality from 67.1 to 42.2% and the number of registered stroke survivors (morbidity prevalence) has increased almost three times. The subjects, material and methods as well as the results obtained so far are presented in this paper.
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