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Blockchain technology in networking: A survey of the state-of-the-art

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Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger of transactions which is managed by a network of untrusted nodes. Different properties of blockchain have drawn researchers’ attention in order to think about the solution in a different way. However, like other areas, researchers from networking areas have also adopted blockchain as a new promise for solving current issues. In this paper, we discuss state-of-the-art approaches which are proposed by different researchers from different areas of networking, such as cognitive radio, vehicular network, internet of things and social internet of things. We summarize pros and cons of blockchain and the key issues that have resolved with the assistance of this technology so far.

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... parties connected within a network [1]. A blockchain is a chain of blocks where blocks are connected to hold data or information regarding any event [2]. Each transaction or activity within the blockchain is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants (i.e., without the approval of the majority network, no activity is acceptable) [3]. ...
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Voting is a very important issue that can be beneficial in terms of choosing the right leader in an election. A good leader can bring prosperity to a country and also can lead the country in the right direction every time. However, elections are surrounded by ballot forgery, coercion, and multiple voting issues. Moreover, while giving votes, a person has to wait in a long queue and it is a very time-consuming process. Blockchain is a distributed database in which data are shared with the participant of the node and each participant holds the same copy of the data. Blockchain has properties like transparency, pseudonymity, and data integrity. In this paper, a fully decentralized e-voting system based on blockchain technology is proposed. This protocol utilizes smart contracts in the e-voting system to deal with security issues, accuracy, and voters’ privacy during the vote. The protocol results in a transparent, non-editable, and independently verifiable procedure. The protocol discards all the intended fraudulent activities occurring during the election process by removing the least participation of the third party. Both transparency and coercion are obtained at the same time.
... Blockchain is essentially an open, distributed database of records or a public ledger of all transactions or digital events that have been occurred and shared among participating parties connected within a network [1]. A blockchain is basically a chain of blocks where blocks are connected to form a chain of blocks that holds data or information regarding any event [2]. Each transaction or activity within the blockchain is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants i.e. without the approval of the majority network, an activity cannot be taken into consideration [3]. ...
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Voting is a very important issue which can be beneficial in term of choosing the right leader in an election. A good leader can bring prosperity to a country and also can lead the country in the right direction every time. However, elections are surrounds with ballot forgery, coercion and multiple voting issues. Moreover, while giving votes, a person has to wait in a long queue and it is a very time consuming process. Blockchain is a distributed database in which data are shared with the participant of the node and each participant holds the same copy of the data. Blockchain has properties like distributed, pseudonymous, data integrity etc. In the paper, a fully decentralized evoting system based on blockchain technology is proposed. This protocol utilizes smart contract into the evoting system to deal with security issues, accuracy and voters privacy during the vote. The protocol results in a transparent, non editable and independently verifiable procedure that discards all the intended fraudulent activities occurring during the election process by removing the least participation of the third party and enabling voters right during the election. Both transparency and coercion are obtained at the same time.
... In blockchain, a pair of private/public keys is utilised by the participants in order to communicate with blockchain [2]. Participants employ their public as their identity and exercise their private key to sign transactions which are made by them [7]. Moreover, asymmetric cryptography is used in blockchain in order to maintain its security in the network. ...
In order to stay up to date with world issues and cutting-edge technologies, the newspaper plays a crucial role. However, collecting news is not a very easy task. Currently, news publishers are collecting news from their correspondents through social networks, email, phone call, fax etc. and sometimes they buy news from the agencies. However, the existing news sharing networks may not provide security for data integrity and any third party may obstruct the regular flow of news sharing. Moreover, the existing news schemes are very vulnerable in case of disclosing the identity. Therefore, a universal platform is needed in the era of globalization where anyone can share and trade news from anywhere in the world securely, without the interference of third-party, and without disclosing the identity of an individual. Recently, blockchain has gained popularity because of its security mechanism over data, identity, etc. Blockchain enables a distributed way of managing transactions where each participant of the network holds the same copy of the transactions. Therefore, with the help of pseudonymity, fault-tolerance, immutability and the distributed structure of blockchain, a scheme (termed as NEWSTRADCOIN) is presented in this paper in which not only news can be shared securely but also anyone can earn money by selling news. The proposed NEWSTRADCOIN can provide a universal platform where publishers can directly obtain news from news-gatherers in a secure way by maintaining data integrity, without experiencing the interference of a third-party, and without disclosing the identity of the news gatherer and publishers.
... parties connected within a network [1]. A blockchain is a chain of blocks where blocks are connected to hold data or information regarding any event [2]. Each transaction or activity within the blockchain is verified by consensus of a majority of the participants (i.e., without the approval of the majority network, no activity is acceptable) [3]. ...
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Voting is a very important issue which can be beneficial in term of choosing the right leader in an election. A good leader can bring prosperity to a country and also can lead the country in the right direction every time. However, elections are surrounds with ballot forgery, coercion and multiple voting issues. Moreover, while giving votes, a person has to wait in a long queue and it is a very time-consuming process. Blockchain is a distributed database in which data are shared with the participant of the node and each participant holds the same copy of the data. Blockchain has properties like distributed, pseudonymity, data integrity etc. In the paper, a fully decentralized e-voting system based on blockchain technology is proposed. This protocol utilizes smart contract into the e-voting system to deal with security issues, accuracy and voters’ privacy during the vote. The protocol results in a transparent, non-editable and independently verifiable procedure that discards all the intended fraudulent activities occurring during the election process by removing the least participation of the third party and enabling voters’ right during the election. Both transparency and coercion are obtained at the same time.
... In blockchain, a pair of private/public keys is utilised by the participants in order to communicate with blockchain [2]. Participants employ their public as their identity and exercise their private key to sign transactions which are made by them [7]. Moreover, asymmetric cryptography is used in blockchain in order to maintain its security in the network. ...
Conference Paper
In order to stay up to date with world issues and cutting-edge technologies, the newspaper plays a crucial role. However, collecting news is not a very easy task. Currently, news publishers are collecting news from their correspondents through social networks, email, phone call, fax etc. and sometimes they buy news from the agencies. However, the existing news sharing networks may not provide security for data integrity and any third party may obstruct the regular flow of news sharing. Moreover, the existing news schemes are very vulnerable in case of disclosing the identity. Therefore, a universal platform is needed in the era of globalization where anyone can share and trade news from anywhere in the world securely, without the interference of third-party, and without disclosing the identity of an individual. Recently, blockchain has gained popularity because of its security mechanism over data, identity, etc. Blockchain enables a distributed way of managing transactions where each participant of the network holds the same copy of the transactions. Therefore, with the help of pseudonymity, fault-tolerance, immutability and the distributed structure of blockchain, a scheme (termed as NEWSTRADCOIN) is presented in this paper in which not only news can be shared securely but also anyone can earn money by selling news. The proposed NEWSTRADCOIN can provide a universal platform where publishers can directly obtain news from news-gatherers in a secure way by maintaining data integrity, without experiencing the interference of a third-party, and without disclosing the identity of the news gatherer and publishers.
... Moreover, after collecting data, protecting these data from tampering is also challenging in the MEC server. Blockchain is another emerging technology in which data are chained together and shared among the participant nodes and each node contain the same copy of data [2][3][4]. Moreover, blockchain provides supports, such as data privacy, data security against tampering, data distribution etc. [5]. ...
Conference Paper
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been regarded as one of promising research field because of its capability of performing critical operations. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is an emerging technology where the cloud has brought to the base station and utilizes radio access network in order to meetup network challenges. UAV combined MEC can perform real-time activities. Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is a network of things which play a very important role in underwater monitoring and surveillance. However, UAV can provide better support to IoUT in terms of communication and energy saving while communicating with remote BS. However, communication from remote areas with IoUTs via UAV creates many cyber threats. Blockchain is another emerging technology which provides support in terms of data security, integrity etc. This paper presents a blockchain based secure scheme in which UAV is integrated with MEC in order to assist in underwater monitoring.
Storing data in real time along with keeping it secure is the biggest challenge in industry today. Many land issues arise because there is no database which is protected for tracking the real-time changes in data. Also, land records currently are registered in paper format. This kind of data is thus vulnerable to any changes and maybe destroyed by natural or man-made disasters. The emerging blockchain technology is a boon to store any information in real time and is immune to any changes. In this paper, we propose a solution in the form of distributed app (DApp) which uses the idea of blockchain as distributed database, smart contracts using ethereum platform and Polyline API from Google to mark the land boundaries. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions by using sophisticated cryptography and without interference from third parties. These transactions are traceable and irreversible. Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-enforcing. In this case, along with the self-verifiable clauses, involving banking parties can perform additional monetary checking. A user can sell or transfer a property that he owns or may buy a new land plot open for sale in desired geographical area. This solution allows maintaining land records easily and in real time without having a single point of failure for the database system. Removal of third-party interventions such as brokers from the process of land title transfer between old and new owners makes the process more transparent and cheaper.
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Vehicular networks enable vehicles to generate and broadcast messages in order to improve traffic safety and efficiency. However, due to the non-trusted environments, it is difficult for vehicles to evaluate the credibilities of received messages. In this paper, we propose a decentralized trust management system in vehicular networks based on blockchain techniques. In this system, vehicles can validate the received messages from neighboring vehicles using Bayesian Inference Model. Based on the validation result, the vehicle will generate a rating for each message source vehicle. With the ratings uploaded from vehicles, Roadside Units (RSUs) calculate the trust value offsets of involved vehicles and pack these data into a “block”. Then, each RSU will try to add their “blocks” to the trust blockchain which is maintained by all the RSUs. By employing the joint Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, the more total value of offsets (stake) is in the block, the easier RSU can find the nonce for the hash function (proof-of-work). In this way, all RSUs collaboratively maintain an updated, reliable, and consistent trust blockchain. Simulation results reveal that the proposed system is effective and feasible in collecting, calculating, and storing trust values in vehicular networks.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is stepping out of its infancy into full maturity and establishing itself as part of the future Internet. One of the technical challenges of having billions of devices deployed worldwide is the ability to manage them. Although access management technologies exist in IoT, they are based on centralized models which introduce a new variety of technical limitations to manage them globally. In this paper, we propose a new architecture for arbitrating roles and permissions in IoT. The new architecture is a fully distributed access control system for IoT based on blockchain technology. The architecture is backed by a proof of concept implementation and evaluated in realistic IoT scenarios. The results show that the blockchain technology could be used as access management technology in specific scalable IoT scenarios.
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Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around blockchains, we examine whether they make a good fit for the Internet of Things (IoT) sector. Blockchains allow us to have a distributed peer-to-peer network where non-trusting members can interact with each other without a trusted intermediary, in a verifiable manner. We review how this mechanism works and also look into smart contracts-scripts that reside on the blockchain that allow for the automation of multi-step processes. We then move into the IoT domain, and describe how a blockchain-IoT combination: 1) facilitates the sharing of services and resources leading to the creation of a marketplace of services between devices and 2) allows us to automate in a cryptographically verifiable manner several existing, time-consuming workflows. We also point out certain issues that should be considered before the deployment of a blockchain network in an IoT setting: from transactional privacy to the expected value of the digitized assets traded on the network. Wherever applicable, we identify solutions and workarounds. Our conclusion is that the blockchain-IoT combination is powerful and can cause significant transformations across several industries, paving the way for new business models and novel, distributed applications.
In this article, we propose a blockchain verification protocol as a method for enabling and securing spectrum sharing in moving cognitive radio (CR) networks. The spectrum-sharing mechanism is used as a medium-access protocol for accessing wireless bandwidth among competing CRs. We introduce a virtual currency, called Specoins, for payment to access the spectrum. An auction mechanism based on a first-come-first-served queue is used, with the price for the spectrum advertised by each primary user in a decentralized fashion. The blockchain protocol facilitates the transactions between primary and secondary users and is used to validate and save each user’s virtual wallet. Also important for mobile networks, the blockchain serves as a distributed database that is visible by all participating parties, and any node can volunteer to update the blockchain. The volunteer nodes are called miners, and they are awarded with Specoins. We propose diverse methods to exchange the Specoins to make leasing possible even by CRs that are not miners. We show the improvement of the proposed algorithm compared with the conventional Aloha medium-access protocol in terms of spectrum usage. This difference is investigated using small-scale fading variation in the wireless channel to compare the performance of our secure method with the conventional medium access used in vehicular communications. The secure blockchain verification protocol is not only secure but also outperforms the conventional system in moderate cases of small-scale fading. In the case of severe small-scale fading, the blockchain protocol will outperform the conventional system if multipath diversity is not used.
The vehicular announcement network is one of the most promising utilities in the communications of smart vehicles and in the smart transportation systems. In general, there are two major issues in building an effective vehicular announcement network. First, it is difficult to forward reliable announcements without revealing users' identities. Second, users usually lack the motivation to forward announcements. In this paper, we endeavor to resolve these two issues through proposing an effective announcement network called CreditCoin, a novel privacy-preserving incentive announcement network based on Blockchain via an efficient anonymous vehicular announcement aggregation protocol. On the one hand, CreditCoin allows nondeterministic different signers (i.e., users) to generate the signatures and to send announcements anonymously in the nonfully trusted environment. On the other hand, with Blockchain, CreditCoin motivates users with incentives to share traffic information. In addition, transactions and account information in CreditCoin are tamper-resistant. CreditCoin also achieves conditional privacy since Trace manager in CreditCoin traces malicious users' identities in anonymous announcements with related transactions. CreditCoin thus is able to motivate users to forward announcements anonymously and reliably. Extensive experimental results show that CreditCoin is efficient and practical in simulations of smart transportation.
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Internet of Things (IoT) imparts not only comfort to our life but also exposes new research areas like Social Internet of Things which can assist to manage things more efficiently. Another concept, Blockchain, is imparting in every research area because of its technology. In this context, the contribution of this paper follows: 1) we depict popular areas of SIoT, its current issues and how can Blockchain contributes to solving the issues; 2) we mention an issue regarding applying Blockchain into the SIoT
Conference Paper
Abstract: In this work, we propose a blockchain verification protocol as a method for enabling and securing spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks. The spectrum-sharing mechanism is used as a medium access protocol for accessing wireless bandwidth among competing cognitive radios. We introduce a virtual currency, called “Specoins”, for payment to access spectrum. An auction mechanism based on a first-come-first-served queue is used, with the price for the spectrum advertised by each primary user in a decentralized fashion. The blockchain protocol facilitates the transactions between primary and secondary users, and is used to validate and save each user's virtual wallet. The blockchain also serves as a distributed database that is visible by all participating parties and any node can volunteer to update the blockchain. The volunteer nodes are called miners and they are awarded with Specoins. We propose diverse methods to exchange the Specoins in order to make leasing possible even by cognitive radios that are not miners. We show the improvement of the proposed algorithm compared to the conventional Aloha medium access protocol in terms of spectrum usage.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Moving Cognitive Radio Networks Enhances Security and User Access
Moving Cognitive Radio Networks Enhances Security and User Access", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 32-39, March 2018.