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Basque dialects differ substantially in their accentual properties. Previous work has focused mainly on phonological aspects of this prosodic diversity, such as the systems of rules for accent assignment. Less attention has been paid to variation in the acoustic realization of word-accent. Here we examine the realization of lexical accentual prominence in three different local varieties, which represent the three main Basque prosodic types: Azpeitia (in Gipuzkoa), Ondarroa (Northern Bizkaia) and Goizueta (Navarre). We consider the role of differences between syllables in pitch and duration in establishing lexical contrasts in these three Basque dialects. The three varieties examined differ substantially in the use of these acoustic features as correlates of accent, which raises questions about their diachronic development and about the typology of accentual systems.
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This paper focuses on the spectral properties of anterior sibilant fricatives in Northern Peninsular Spanish, and sibilant-merging and non-merging varieties of Basque. Non-merging varieties of Basque have two voiceless anterior sibilant fricatives, characterized as apico-alveolar and lamino-alveolar. In other Basque varieties, however, these two phonemes have merged with varying results. Twenty-four participants divided into four different groups have been studied. One group is a set of monolingual Spanish speakers from north-central Spain while the remaining three are Basque-Spanish bilingual groups with different sibilant fricative systems in Basque. The goal is to describe the spectral properties of anterior sibilant fricatives and examine the effect of the L1-Basque sibilant system upon L2-Spanish. The Basque varieties chosen are (1)-Azpeitia Basque, where merging in favor of the lamino-alveolar sibilant fricative has occurred, (2)-Lemoa Basque, where the merging in favor of the apico-alveolar sibilant fricative is widespread, and (3)-Goizueta Basque, where no merging has happened. Participants took part in an elicitation task where they produced sentences containing target words with an intervocalic anterior sibilant fricative in Basque and Spanish. Bayesian probability was used for inferential statistics. Speakers of the non-merging Basque variety show the narrowest acoustic dispersion of /s/ in Spanish, as opposed to broader diffusion in the other three groups. Regarding L1 transfer, while the Azpeitia group does not show transfer into Spanish, the Lemoa and Goizueta groups do. Results show that /s/ is more fronted for monolingual Spanish speakers from north-central Spain than what previous literature has reported.
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Artikulu honetan Gipuzkeraren barruko 18 herritan jasocako azentuari buruzko emaitza akustikoak aurkeztu eta aztertu egiten dira. Gipuzkeraz agertzen diren hiru azentu molde nagusien ezaugarrien azterketa eginda, bakoitzaren hedadura geografikoa ere ematen dugu. Azkenik, azterketa egin ahal izateko herri bakoitzean jaso diren hitz guztien neurketak ematen dira eraskin gisa.
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This second volume contains detailed surveys of the intonational phonology of fourteen typologically diverse languages, described in the Autosegmental-Metrical framework. Unlike the first volume, half of the languages, which vary in their word prosody as well as their geographic distribution, are understudied languages or researched through fieldwork. All chapters provide the prosodic structure and intonational categories of the language as well as a description of focus prosody. The book concludes with a chapter on the methodology of studying intonation from data collection to analysis and a chapter which proposes a new way of characterizing the intonation of the world's languages.
Lan honetan, Azpeitiko hizkeraren azentuaren ezaugarri akustikoak aztertzen ditugu. Singular/plural hitz pareak erabili ditugu bokal azentudunen eta azentugabeen arteko diferentzia akustikoak miatzeko. Emaitzek erakusten dute tonuak eta intentsitateak azentu-gunea adierazten dutela. Bereziki, aztertu dugun testuinguruan, silaba azentu-dunek tonu gorakada erakusten dute. Iraupena, alderantziz, ez da erabiltzen azentuaren ezaugarri esanguratsu bezala. Emaitza hauek beste euskal hizkera batzuen datuekin konparatzen ditugu eta iraupenaren azentuzko erabilerak bokalen galera gertakarietan izan dezakeen eragina kontsideratzen dugu.
This methodological paper attempts to bring the problem of pseudoreplication to the attention of the phonetic community. Pseudoreplication refers to the treatment of dependent observations as independent data points, which causes an overabundance of erroneously significant results. The relevance of this problem is demonstrated by analyses of phonetic data, and it is shown that the problem occurs frequently in the phonetic literature. Finally, simple solutions to combat pseudoreplication in the design and analysis of phonetic experiments are proposed.