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Link between gastric chronic diseases and anxiety in dogs
Muriel Marion1,*, Patrick Lecoindre2, Nathalie Marlois3, Catherine Mège4,
Claude Béata5, Guillaume Sarcey6, Gérard Muller7
1 Cabinet médico-chirurgical Montolivet, 234, rue Charles Kaddouz 13012 Marseille, FR
2 CVC Clinique Vétérinaire des Cerisioz, 5 Route de St Symphorien d’Ozon 69800 St Priest, FR
3 Clinique Vétérinaire de l’Albarine, 46 rue A Bérard, 01500 Ambérieu en Bugey, FR
4 Clinique Vétérinaire Les Grands Crus, 11 ter rue Paul Langevin, 21300 Chenôve, FR
5 Consultant Vétérinaire, 353 A Boulevard Grignan 83000 Toulon, FR
6 Clinique vétérinaire Saint Roch, 1 avenue François Mitterrand 05 000 Gap, FR
7 Clinique Vétérinaire de Lille St Maurice, 112, rue du Faubourg de Roubaix, 59800 Lille, FR
Abstract: Anxiety in a population of dogs with chronic gastric disease was evaluated to determine whether there
is a potential link between certain chronic gastric disorders and behavioural disorders. is preliminary study com-
pared anxiety scores in a cohort of 20 dogs with chronic gastric disorders and a control group comprised of an equal
number of healthy dogs. e control group included dogs without digestive disease, age-, breed-, and sex-matched
with the ill dogs. Clinical, biochemical, and endoscopic exams were performed for each of the dogs with chronic
gastric disease.
e Evaluation of Emotional Disorders in Dogs scale (EDED, or ETEC in French) is used to score anxiety in dogs.
e average age of the dogs included in the study was 5.7 years, and 75 % were male. Yorkshires, Labradors, and
poodles were numerous in our study. Smaller breeds were better represented than large or average breeds, but the
small sample size did not allow us to identify any signicant dierence. Small breeds were better represented than
large and average-sized breeds. Smaller dogs oen live in closer contact with their owners than do large dogs. It
is possible that vomiting or dyspeptic episodes go unnoticed if a dog lives primarily outdoors. Yorkshire terriers,
Poodles, and Labrador retrievers were the breeds that were most represented in our study (45%). However, when this
distribution is compared to the distribution of breeds w ithin the French canine population, it appears that these were
the three most common breeds in France at the time of the study.
In the group of dogs with chronic gastric disease, 85 % had an EDED score between 17 and 35, three dogs scored
less than 17, and no dogs scored over 35. Only one of the control dogs had an EDED score great than 17, and could
thus be classied as having anxiety. e ill animals primarily exhibited vomiting (75%). e average EDED score of
dogs with dyspepsia was 23.2, compared to 19.6 for dogs who exhibited vomiting. e average EDED score in the ill
dog group was 20.5, and the median was 20.5 with a variance of 21.8. For the control group, the average was 11.5,
the median was 11, and the variance was 6.25. e Wilcoxon test yielded a p-value of 0.00023, indicating a very sig-
nicant dierence between the two groups. e animals with chronic gastric disease had signicantly higher EDED
scores than the control animals.
ere was no signicant dierence between the scores obtained for the dogs with dyspepsia and those who ex-
hibited vomiting.
e dierential diagnosis for chronic gastric disease should include anxiety, and not only as an exclusion diag-
nosis. Scoring chronic and relapsing dogs on an EDED scale can save time. Treating anxiety improves the outcome
of these dogs.
Conict of interest: e authors declare no conict of interest.
Key Words: chronic gastric disease, anxiety, dog.
* Corresponding Author:
Anxiety, in dogs, manifests as a collection of clinical signs and behavioural manifestations.
Aggressiveness, destructive behaviour, wandering, running away, inhibition, and vocalising are
the behaviours that are frequently associated with anxiety. e clinical signs reported in the
literature include trembling, panting, urination, and defecation (Overall et al., 2001; Tiira, 2016).
Dog Behavior, 3-2017, pp. 1-10
doi 10.4454/DB.V3I3.63
Submitted, October 2017
Accepted, November 2017
001-Marion_1.indd 1 20/12/17 17.14
e dierential diagnosis of chronic gastric disease in dogs includes digestive and systematic
causes. As multiple aerent nerves for the vomiting centre are located in the medulla oblongata,
several conditions can account for this syndrome. Elwood et al. have carried out a systematic
review of the causes of emesis in dogs. ey include gastrointestinal disease conditions, especially
gastric ulceration, pyloric stenosis, infection, inammatory bowel diseases, gastric or intestinal
neoplasia, obstructions or intestinal occlusions. Vomiting may also occur as a result of non-
gastrointestinal abdominal disease conditions such as hepatobiliary or pancreatic disease. Finally,
there are systemic disease conditions causing vomiting, which include metabolic, toxic or drug
induced causes.
In human medicine, the link between anxiety and chronic gastric disease has been the subject
of many studies. Out of 1641 patients with gastrointestinal complaints, Addolorato et al. (2008)
found that 84.1 % (1379) presented in a state of anxiety. A prospective study of 4181 adults reported
that individuals with gastritis exhibit signicantly more anxiety than the rest of the population
(Goodwin et al., 2013).
In canine medicine, however, few studies have investigated the behavioural aspect of gastric
illness. Some studies have explored the possible link between functional digestive disorders and
anxiety. Dogs with chronic idiopathic large bowel disease (CILBD) of idiopathic origin exhibit
signicantly higher anxiety scores than control dogs (Reiwald et al., 2013). Another study showed
that more than 9 % (8/85) of dogs with CILBD improved when treated with a psychotropic agent
(Lecoindre & Gaschen, 2011). ese studies addressed intestinal disorders. e work reported
here involves solely functional disorders of gastric origin.
To determine whether there is a potential link between certain chronic gastric disorders and
behavioural disorders in dogs, we chose to evaluate anxiety in a population of dogs with chronic
gastric disease as compared to control dogs.
Materials and Methods
is preliminary study compared anxiety scores in a cohort of 20 dogs with chronic gastric
disorders and a control group comprised of an equal number of healthy dogs.
e inclusion criteria for the ill animals were as follows:
a) History of chronic gastric disorders, accompanied by vomiting or dyspepsia, without associ-
ated diarrhoea (intermittent or chronic). Dyspepsia was dened by the postprandial appearance
of signs of digestive discomfort. A dog was considered to have dyspepsia if one of the following
three signs was present: gastric distension, abdominal pain, or gastroesophageal reux;
b) Absence of comorbidities, excluding any behavioural disorders;
c) Complete biochemical assessment within normal limits;
d) Absence of macroscopic lesions upon endoscopic examination;
e) Absence of histological lesions on biopsies taken during the endoscopic examination;
f) e presence of Helicobacter was not a criterion for exclusion;
g) Ineectiveness of treatments or diets in preventing recurrence;
h) All selected animals were under medical treatment and/or are on a hyper-digestible diet;
e control group included dogs without digestive disease, age-, breed-, and sex-matched with
the ill dogs. Each control dog was the same age as the corresponding ill dog, plus or minus 10
months. e control dog was required to be of the same breed, but did not necessarily need to be
pedigreed. Each control was of the same sex and reproductive status (with respect to sterilisation).
Clinical, biochemical, and endoscopic exams were performed for each of the dogs with chronic
gastric disease by the same veterinarian, who has a degree from the European College of Vet-
erinary Internal Medicine (ECVIM-CA). e pathology tests were performed by the BIOMNIS
laboratory. A clinical examination of each control dog was performed by its usual veterinarian.
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e Evaluation of Emotional Disorders in Dogs scale (EDED, or ETEC in French) is used to
score anxiety in dogs (Pageat, 1990; Reiwald, 2013). A table is completed for each dog based on an
interview with the owners (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Evaluation of Emotional Disorders in Dogs (EDED) Scale
Behaviors Items V1 V2 V3 V4
Bulimia (3)
Anorexia:hyporexia (4)
Dysorexia (ranging from hyper to hypo) (5)
Normal appetite (1)
Bulimia with regurgitation and reingestion (3)
Eudipsia (1)
Polydipsia (documented) (5)
Chews at water without swallowing (3)
Pushes the empty bowl around (2)
Normal grooming behaviour (1)
Licking, chewing (4)
Stereotypical chewing, turning (5)
Normal (or no change) (1)
Increase, hypersomnia (2)
Insomnia while sleeping (3)
Wakes soon aer going to sleep, unsettled upon
waking (5)
001-Marion_1.indd 3 20/12/17 17.14
Normal (1)
Simple inhibition (2)
Increased with hypervigilance (4)
Oral (5)
Frequent avoidance behaviours (3)
Aggressiveness unchanged (with no relational
problems) (1)
Aggression in response to irritation (3)
Aggression in response to fear (4)
Aggression in response to fear and irritation (5)
Social skills
Steals, does not release stolen items (5)
Bites without growling (4)
Absence of submission (2)
Lack of control when playing (2)
Unchanged (1)
Same response capacity (taking tiring into account) (1)
Random responses (3)
More responses (5)
Normal (1)
Episodes of tachycardia/tachypnoea (2)
Diarrhoea, colic (2)
Dyspepsia (2)
Increased urine output (3)
Lick granuloma (4)
Obesity (4)
PUPD (4)
Total score
001-Marion_1.indd 4 20/12/17 17.14
All of the interviews were conducted by the same veterinarian, who is experienced in behav-
ioural evaluation and trained in administering the questionnaire. e interview includes a series
of 42 questions. Each response is assigned a score, and the cumulative score for all of the questions
is the EDED score for the dog. For each question in the behavioural part of the questionnaire, only
one answer is possible, whereas for questions regarding physical behaviour, multiple responses
can be checked. e total score can range from 9 to 44. A dog is considered to have anxiety if its
score is greater than or equal to 17 and less than or equal to 35 (Table 1).
Table 1. Behavioral status as a function of EDED score
EDED Score 9 to 12 13 to 16 17 to 35 36 to 44
Status Normal Phobic Anxious Mood disorder
e results obtained for each group were compared using Student test and Wilcoxon test.
e Wilcoxon test determines whether the dierence observed between the means for two
samples can be attributed to a systematic cause, or whether it is due to random uctuation. it
is suitable for studies involving small sample sizes, for quantitative paired data when there is a
dierence in variation in the two populations studied. In this study, it was used to compare the
means of the EDED scores in the ill and control groups. e Student test compares measurements
of a variable taken from two independent samples of dierent sizes. It is suitable for comparison
of average EDED scores of dogs suering from dyspepsia and dogs suering from vomiting. e
statistical calculations were performed using R soware. Probability values less than 0.05 were
considered as signicant.
e examinations were performed in accordance with the animals and people present. e
examinations were conducted in a manner designed to prevent the risk of pain and injury to the
individuals and the animals included in the study.
e average age of the dogs included in the study was 5.7 years, and 75 % were male (15/20)
(Figure 2).
Figure 2. Age distribution of the ill population.
001-Marion_1.indd 5 20/12/17 17.14
Yorkshires, Labradors, and poodles were numerous in our study. Smaller breeds were better
represented than large or average breeds, but the small sample size did not allow us to identify any
signicant dierence.
In the group of dogs with chronic gastric disease, 85 % (17/20) had an EDED score between
17 and 35 (inclusive), three dogs scored less than 17, and no dogs scored over 35. Only one of the
control dogs (5 %, 1/20) had an EDED score great than 17, and could thus be classied as having
anxiety (Table 2 and Figure 3).
Table 2. EDED results in ill dogs and their matched controls.
NameBreed Age Sex Sign Score Control
Jack Airedale 5 years male dyspepsia 14 13
Hoppy Grion 9 years male vomiting 18 16
Sunny WHWT 4 years male vomiting 19 12
Jazz Yorkshire 7 years male vomiting 21 10
Minnie Jack Russell 6 years female dyspepsia 30 9
Kenji Labrador 6 years male vomiting 18 10
John Poodle 7 years male dyspepsia 28 9
Guismo Shih Tzu 5 years male vomiting 20 9
Olaf Boxer 3 years male dyspepsia 23 14
Janie Shih Tzu 6 years female vomiting 13 13
Newton Shetland 4 years male vomiting 20 9
Nouki WHWT 4 years male vomiting 18 10
Floyd Labrador 5 years male vomiting 22 15
Gribouille Yorkshire 12 years male vomiting 21 11
Lili Yorkshire 7 years female vomiting 11 17
Noupy Boxer 5 years male dyspepsia 21 12
Miss Labrador 5 years female vomiting 20 9
Margot Poodle 6 years female vomiting 26 12
Mozart Poodle 6 years male vomiting 23 9
Moustique Yorkshire 2 years male vomiting 24 11
001-Marion_1.indd 6 20/12/17 17.14
Figure 3. Distribution of EDED scores of the ill dogs and their matched controls
e ill animals primarily exhibited vomiting (75 %, 15/20). e average EDED score of dogs with
dyspepsia was 23.2, compared to 19.6 for dogs who exhibited vomiting. e average EDED score in
the ill dog group was 20.5, and the median was 20.5 with a variance of 21.8. For the control group,
the average was 11.5, the median was 11, and the variance was 6.25. e Wilcoxon test yielded a p-
value of 0.00023, indicating a very signicant dierence between the two groups. e animals with
chronic gastric disease had signicantly higher EDED scores than the control animals.
ere was no signicant dierence between the scores obtained for the dogs with dyspepsia
and those who exhibited vomiting (Student test, p-value = 0.28).
e presence of Helicobacter in the stomach of ill dogs was not used as a criterion for exclusion
in this study. In humans, there is an infectious aetiology for ulcers and the associated dyspepsia.
Helicobacter is identied in 30 % of healthy individuals and in 90 % of patients with gastric ulcers
(Heams, 1996). Anxiety is one factor that can promote the proliferation of Helicobacter pylori in
the stomach (Andreica-Sandica et al., 2011; Cader et al., 2015).
is dierence is not seen in dogs. Even though Helicobacter bacteria are present in dog stom-
achs, there is no signicant dierence in the rate of colonisation between dogs with gastrointes-
tinal disease and healthy dogs (Lecoindre, 2001). Multiple species of Helicobacter are present in
dogs, including H. felis, H. bizzozeronii, and H. salomoni. ey have not been shown to be patho-
genic in dogs. Experimental infection is accompanied by gastritis and an immune response with
no associated clinical signs (Lecoindre et al., 1997).
e average age of the dogs in this study was 5.7 years. e chronic gastric disorders respond-
ed well to symptomatic treatment. ese complaints do not increase the mortality risk for the
animal. Considering the diculty of motivating dog owners to bring them in for this type of
examination, it is likely that the average age of the dogs in this study was higher than the aver-
age age at which these symptoms appear. Conversely, this type of examination requires a general
anaesthetic. Owners of older dogs may prefer to treat them without a specic diagnosis instead
of subjecting them to the risk of general anaesthesia. ese factors could explain the Gaussian
distribution of the study population (Figure 2).
001-Marion_1.indd 7 20/12/17 17.14
In our study of 20 dogs, 15 were males and 5 were female, yielding a 75% male population. One
study performed during the same time period involved 489 dogs who were brought to 6 dierent
veterinary practices for vaccination and reported that 55% of the dogs were male (intact and steri-
lised), whereas 45% were female (intact and sterilised) (Beaumont, 2002). e sex ratio was the
opposite for dogs presenting with CILBD, with females representing more than 56 % (30/53) of
the aected dogs (Reiwald, 2013). Our results suggest that males are overrepresented in our “ill”
population. A larger study is needed to conrm this hypothesis.
Small breeds were better represented than large and average-sized breeds. Smaller dogs oen
live in closer contact with their owners than do large dogs. It is possible that vomiting or dyspeptic
episodes go unnoticed if a dog lives primarily outdoors. Yorkshire terriers, poodles, and Labrador
retrievers were the breeds that were most represented in our study (45 %, 9/20). However, when
this distribution is compared to the distribution of breeds within the French canine population,
it appears that these were the three most common breeds in France at the time of the study.
Yorkshires, Labradors, and Poodles were therefore highly represented in our study because they
are very common in the French dog population (distribution based on a study by Facco/Sofres,
unpublished results).
e statistically signicant dierence (p-value < 0.05) between the average EDED scores of
the two populations allows us to conclude that anxiety is a possible aetiology of chronic gastric
e pathophysiology of chronic gastric disorders resulting from anxiety remains largely un-
characterised. However, experimental work has demonstrated a link between acoustic stress and
changes in gastrointestinal motility in dogs (Gué, 1989). Dogs were tted with headphones that
played music with a high sound intensity. is stimulus induced objective stress, as demonstrated
by an accelerated heart rate and an increase in plasma cortisol levels. In fasting dogs, experiencing
acoustic stress for one hour results in inhibition of gastric motility (though intestinal motor func-
tion is not aected). During the postprandial phase, applying acoustic stress for two hours also
causes gastric disturbances, as demonstrated by delayed gastric evacuation of the solid phase of a
meal, associated with an increase in plasma levels of digestive hormones (gastrin, somatostatin,
and pancreatic polypeptide). Stimulation of the secretion of digestive hormones is prolonged be-
yond the duration of the stress event, suggesting that this eect is mediated by factors other than
solely activation of the corticotropic axis. Prolonged postprandial motor activity at the gastric
and intestinal level, leading to both delayed gastric evacuation and hypersecretion of digestive
hormones, has also been observed in dogs.
e neurotransmitters and nerve pathways involved in the genesis of gastric disorders linked
to stress have been the subject of previous study (Gué, 1989). e pneumogastric nerves may be
involved in motility disorders. In addition, corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) could help
initiate or mediate gastrointestinal perturbations induced by stress. It could act through the su-
praspinal structures that regulated gastrointestinal motility, and not through the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal axis. However, this work did not focus on digestive disorders linked to acute
stress. Chronic gastric disorders arising from anxiety could occur due to other pathophysiologic
mechanisms. Multiple studies conducted in rats and mice seem to indicate that chronic stress
could lead to intestinal inammation, associated with the mobilisation of mast cells and accumu-
lated secretion of CRH and acetylcholine. is inammation could induce an increase in intesti-
nal permeability (Glaser & Kiekolt-Glaser, 2005; Qiu et al., 1999; Velin et al., 2004).
If anxiety can cause chronic gastric disease, it is also possible that the causality could be re-
versed in some circumstances. Female rats are prone to developing signs of anxiety aer iatro-
genic gastritis (Luo, 2013). In addition, some behavioural problems, such as excessive licking of
surfaces, are associated with gastrointestinal disorders in dogs, without, however, being associ-
ated with anxiety (Bécuwe-Bonnet et al., 2012).
ere was no signicant dierence between the EDED scores of dogs with dyspepsia and dogs
001-Marion_1.indd 8 20/12/17 17.14
exhibiting vomiting. is supports the homogeneity of the ill dog group based on the criteria
investigated. Vomiting and dyspepsia represent two potential clinical manifestations of canine
anxiety. Behavioural problems can therefore be included in the dierential diagnosis for chronic
gastric disorders, when accompanied by vomiting or dyspepsia.
e dierential diagnosis for chronic gastric disease should include anxiety, and not only as an
exclusion diagnosis. Scoring chronic and relapsing dogs on an EDED scale can save time. Treat-
ing anxiety improves the outcome of these dogs. Vomiting and dyspepsia are clinical signs indi-
cating anxiety as a behavioural pathology. ese results should be corroborated in larger studies
to conrm that a causal link exists between anxiety and chronic gastric disease in dogs.
Addolorato G., Mirijello A., D’Angelo C., Leggio L., Ferrulli A., Abenavoli L., Vonghia L., Cardone S., Le-
so V., Cossari A., Capristo E., Gasbarrini G. State and trait anxiety and depression in patients aected
by gastrointestinal diseases: psychometric evaluation of 1641 patients referred to an internal medicine
outpatient setting. Int. J. Clin. Pract. 2008; 62: 1063-1069.
Andreica-Sandica B., Panaete A., Pascanu R., Sarban C., Andreica V. e association between Helico-
bacter Pylori chronic gastritis, psychological trauma and somatization disorder. A case report. J. Gas-
trointest. Liver Dis. 2011; 20: 311-313.
Beaumont G. 2002. La Virgule - étude des représentations. Memory supported in the context of the
inter-school diploma of behavioral veterinarians. (accessed
Bécuwe-Bonnet V., Bélanger M.C., Frank D., Parent J., Hélie P. Gastrointestinal disorders in dogs with
excessive licking of surfaces. J. V. B. Clin. Appl. Res. 2012; 7: 194-204.
Cader J., Domagala Z., Paradowski L., Rymaszewska J., Blonski W., Sajewicz Z. Is there any relation of
Helicobacter pylori infection to anxiety and depressive symptoms? Gastroenterol. Pol. 2015; 14: 397-
Elwood C., Devauchelle P., Elliott J., Freiche V., German A.J., Gualtieri M., Hall E., Den Hertog E., Neiger
R., Peeters D., Roura X., Savary-Bataille K. Emesis in dogs: A review. J. Small Anim. Pract. 2010; 51:
Glaser R., Kiekolt-Glaser J. Stress-induced immune dysfunction: implications for health. Nat. Rev. Immu-
nol. 2005; 5: 243-251.
Goodwin R.D., Cowles R. A., Galea S., Jacobi F. Gastritis and mental disorders. J. Psychiatr. Res. 2013; 47:
Gué M., 1989. Nature et origine des troubles moteurs gastrointestinaux liés aux stress acoustique et ther-
mique : rôle de la corticolibérine. Doctoral dissertation. Toulouse 3.
Heams E. Maladie ulcéreuse et gastrites à l’heure d’Helicobacter pylori. érapie. 1996; 51: 309-318.
Lecoindre P. Les maladies de l’estomac. Prat. Med. Chir. Anim. 2001; 36: 351-360.
Lecoindre P., Chevalier M., Peyrol S., Boude M., Labigne A., Lamouliatte H., Pilet C. Helicobacter infec-
tions of man and of domestic carnivores: comparative data. Bull. Acad. Natl. Med. 1997; 181: 431-439.
Lecoindre P., Gaschen F.P. Chronic Idiopathic Large Bowel Diarrhea in the Dog. Vet. Clin. N. Am-Small
2011; 41: 447-456.
Luo J., Wang T., Liang S., Hu X., Li W., Jin F. Experimental gastritis leads to anxiety- and depression-like
behaviors in female but not male rats. Behav. Brain Funct. 2013; 9: 46.
Overall K.L., Dunham A.E., Frank D. Frequency of nonspecic clinical signs in dogs
with separation anxiety, thunderstorm phobia, and noise phobia, alone or in combination. J. Am. Vet.
Med. Assoc. 2001; 4: 467-473.
001-Marion_1.indd 9 20/12/17 17.14
Reiwald D., Pillonel C., Villars A. M., Cadore J. L. Anxiété et entéropathies inammatoires chroniques id-
iopathiques chez le chien. Rev. Med. Vet. 2013; 164: 145-149.
Pageat P. Sémiologie en pathologie comportementale canine 1ère et 2ème parties. Point Vet. 1990; 22: 128-
Pageat P., Lafont C., Falewee C., Bonnafous L., Gaultier E., Silliart B. An evaluation of serum prolactin in
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Qiu B. S., Vallance B. A., Blennerhasset P. A., Collins S. M. e role of CD4 lymphocytes in the suscepti-
bility of mice to stress-induced reactivation of experimental colitis. Nat. Med. 1999; 5: 1178-1182.
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Il legame tra malattie gastriche croniche ed ansia nel cane
Muriel Marion1,*, Patrick Lecoindre2, Nathalie Marlois3, Catherine Mège4,
Claude Béata5, Guillaume Sarcey6, Gérard Muller7
1 Cabinet médico-chirurgical Montolivet, 234, rue Charles Kaddouz 13012 Marseille, FR
2 CVC Clinique Vétérinaire des Cerisioz, 5 Route de St Symphorien d’Ozon 69800 St Priest, FR
3 Clinique Vétérinaire de l’Albarine, 46 rue A Bérard, 01500 Ambérieu en Bugey, FR
4 Clinique Vétérinaire Les Grands Crus, 11 ter rue Paul Langevin, 21300 Chenôve, FR
5 Consultant Vétérinaire, 353 A Boulevard Grignan 83000 Toulon, FR
6 Clinique vétérinaire Saint Roch, 1 avenue François Mitterrand 05 000 Gap, FR
7 Clinique Vétérinaire de Lille St Maurice, 112, rue du Faubourg de Roubaix, 59800 Lille, FR
È stata valutata l’ansia in una popolazione di cani con malattie gastriche croniche per determinare se esiste un lega-
me tra alcuni disturbi gastrici e problemi comportamentali.
In questo studio preliminare sono stati confrontati i punteggi per l’ansia di un gruppo di 20 cani con disordini ga-
strici cronici con quelli di un gruppo, costituito da un egual numero di cani sani. Il gruppo di controllo era composto da
cani senza disturbi digestivi, abbinati per età, razza e sesso con i cani ammalati su cui sono stati eettuati esami clinici,
biochimici ed endoscopici.
Per valutare l’ansia del cane è stato utilizzato la scala EDED (Evaluation of Emotional Disorders in Dogs).
L’età media dei cani inclusi nello studio era di 5,7 anni ed il 75% erano maschi. Yorkshire, Labrador e Barboni
erano le razze più rappresentate (45% nel presente studio), come pure altre razze di piccola taglia; il ridotto numero
dei soggetti inclusi nello studio non ha permesso di rilevare incidenze delle patologie statisticamente rilevanti. Bisogna
però considerare che le razze di taglia piccola vivono spesso in contatto più stretto con la persona rispetto a razze di
dimensioni maggiori e quindi i loro disturbi gastrici sono notati con maggior facilità.
Nel gruppo di cani con aezioni gastriche, l’85% aveva un EDED score compreso tra 17 e 35, tre cani uno score
inferiore a 17 e nessun soggetto un punteggio superiore a 35.
Nel gruppo di controllo, un cane aveva uno score EDED superiore a 17 e potrebbe quindi essere classicato come
Gli animali malati presentavano soprattutto vomito (75%). Lo score EDED medio dei cani con dispepsia era di 23,2,
mentre quello dei cani che presentavano vomito era di 19,6.
Lo score EDED medio del gruppo dei cani malati era di 20,5, statisticamente maggiore (p= 0,00023) rispetto a quello
dei controlli (11,5).
Non vi erano invece dierenze statisticamente signicative tra lo score ottenuto dai cani con dispepsia, rispetto a
quelli che manifestavano vomito.
In conclusione, la diagnosi dierenziale di disturbi gastrici dovrebbe includere anche l’ansia tra le possibili cause.
Applicare la scala EDED può permettere una rapida individuazione di questo stato, permettendo l’instaurazione di una
terapia idonea.
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