About half of all carious lesions in primary teeth of German 6- to 7-year-old children remain untreated, but no data regarding the clinical consequences of untreated dental caries are available. Therefore, this cross-sectional observational study aimed to assess the prevalence and experience of caries and odontogenic infections in the primary dentition of 5- and 8-year-old German children.
Dental examinations were performed in 5-year-old pre-school children (n = 496) and in 8-year-old primary school children (n = 608) living in the Westphalian Ennepe-Ruhr district. Schools and preschools were selected by sociodemographic criteria including size, area, ownership, socio-economic status. Caries was recorded according to WHO criteria (1997). The Lorenz curves were used to display the polarisation of dental caries. Caries pattern in 5-year-olds was categorized by Wyne’s (1997) definition of early childhood caries (ECC). Odontogenic infections as clinical consequence of untreated dental caries were assessed by the pufa index. The ‘untreated caries-pufa ratio’ was calculated, and the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (ρ) was used for evaluating the correlation between dmft and pufa scores. Categorical data were compared between groups using the chi-square test and continuous data were analysed by t-test.
Caries prevalence and experience in the primary dentition was 26.2 %/0.9 ± 2.0 dmft in 5-year-olds and 48.8 %/2.1 ± 2.8 dmft in 8-year-olds. ECC type I (22 %) was the prevalent caries pattern in 5-year-olds. About 30 % of the tooth decay was treated (5y: 29.7 %/8y: 39.3 %). The Lorenz curves showed a strong caries polarisation on 20 % of the children. Pufa prevalence and experience was 4.4 %/0.1 ± 0.5 pufa in 5-year-olds and 16.6 %/0.3 ± 0.9 pufa in 8-year-olds. In 5-year-olds 14.2 % and in 8-year-olds 34.2 % of the d-component had progressed mainly to the pulp. A significant correlation between dmft and pufa scores exists in both age groups (5y: ρ = 0.399; 8y: ρ = 0.499). First deciduous molars were most frequently affected by odontogenic infections, presenting virtually all pufa scores (>95 %).
Prevalence and experience of odontogenic infections and the untreated caries-pufa ratio were increasing from the younger to the elder children. Dmft and pufa scores in primary teeth predict a higher caries risk in permanent teeth. The pufa index highlights relevant information for decision makers to develop effective oral health care programs for children at high risk for caries.
Vertical dysplasias are complex entities of multifactorial origin, where the genetic and environmental factors are involved. This can affect the dentoalveolar structures, the skeletal structures or both. Accurate idenfication of these characteristics are fundamental to achieve a definitive diagnosis that will allow the establishment of an appropriate treatment plan. The purpose of this article is to integrate the general knowledge of vertical plan alterations focused on the diagnosis, evaluating the different etiological factors and facial, cephalometric, occlusal and articular characteristics of skeletal vertical dysplasias (the short face syndrome and the long face syndrome) and the dentoalveolar vertical alterations.
La obtencion de evidencias de validez de contenido se torna en un aspecto central en la construccion de cualquier instrumento de medida ya sea estandarizado, semi-estandarizado, o no estandarizado. Un buen y correcto estudio de validacion de contenido va a tener importantes implicaciones y consecuencias positivas en todas las fases de elaboracion del instrumento de medida. Va a permitir desde definir claramente el concepto a medir y operativizarlo en indicadores medibles, hasta facilitar, por ejemplo, que las soluciones factoriales que se encuentren sean coherentes con las hipotesis de partida (en el caso de instrumentos estandares y semi-estandares). Afortunadamente, el abanico de tecnicas y procedimientos susceptibles de ser usadas para la obtencion de evidencias de validez de contenido es amplisimo, pudiendo usarse desde entrevistas en profundidad, hasta metodos estadisticos que originan escalas de intervalo. Esta circunstancia implica que el uso conjunto de metodologias cualitativas y cuantitativas se complementen para aportar matices que hacen que las evidencias de validez de contenido asi obtenidas sean cualitativa y cuantitativamente de mejor calidad, permitiendo de esta forma una mayor correspondencia teoria-dato.
Resumen :El tumor odontogénico queratoquístico es una neoplasia intraósea benigna que deriva de restos de la lámina dental, y que se presenta con alta frecuencia. Sus características histológicas le confieren una elevada tasa de recidiva, siendo este uno de sus principales problemas terapéuticos. Presenta además una considerable agresividad local, la cual se expresa con la expansión de corticales óseas, retardo en la erupción y desplazamiento de dientes, vasos sanguíneos y nervios. En la actualidad existen diversos tratamientos, siendo el ideal aquel que presente el menor riesgo de recidiva con una baja morbilidad para el paciente. En la presente revisión se discuten los principales aspectos histopatológicos, clínicos y terapéuticos de esta patología oral
Abstract: Keratocystic odontogenic tumor is a benign intraosseous neoplasm derived from remnants of the dental lamina, and that occurs with high frequency. Histological characteristics confer a high recurrence rate, this being one of its main therapeutic problems, also present a high local aggressiveness, which is expressed in cortical expansion, delayed eruption and displacement of teeth, blood vessels and nerves. At present there are various treatments, being the ideal one that present the lowest risk of recurrence with low morbidity for the patient. In this review the main histopathological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of oral pathology are discussed.
Objective: To determine the periodontal treatment needs and oral hygiene among 12 years old teenagers, living in Llanquihue, Chile. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was performed. It evaluated 12 years old teenagers registered in the selected schools in Llanquihue, Chile 2013 between march and june. The sample consisted of 90 teenagers, who met the inclusion criteria. To determine the treatment needs periodontal it was used the Community Periodontal IndexofTreatment Needs(CPITN) and the oral hygiene was evaluated by using theSimplified Oral Hygiene Index(OHI-S).Test T was applied assuming a statistical significance level p
Keratocystic odontogenic tumors are benign neoplasms of odontogenic origin with a potential for aggressive and infiltrative behavior. Many different treatments for this type of lesion have been reported. However, no common consensus has emerged to date regarding the most effective therapeutic approach. Cases of maxillary sinus giant keratocystic odontogenic tumors completely excised by enucleation or marsupialization via endoscopic sinus surgery are extremely rare, and, to the best of our knowledge, only one case has been described in the literature since 2005.
Case presentation
We report a case of a 24-year-old Italian man who came to our department with maxillary sinus region swelling, pain and left nasal obstruction. A massive keratocystic odontogenic tumor involving the right maxillary sinus and causing focal erosions of the bony walls was diagnosed. The keratocystic odontogenic tumor was removed as much as possible by a transnasal approach using endoscopic sinus surgery, which produced optimal surgical and prognostic outcomes. Follow-up is reported for an 8-year period.
Conservative management in this case demonstrated good therapeutic efficacy with a low risk of recurrence. For injuries involving the maxillary sinus, the possibility of decompression or marsupialization by endoscopic sinus surgery should always be considered because it demonstrated the potential to lead to excellent results even after 8 years of follow-up in our patient. To our knowledge, no case report has described follow-up longer than 8 years for a maxillary sinus keratocystic odontogenic tumor treated with endoscopic sinus surgery.
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En el presente artículo se hace una revisión de la literatura actual sobre el manejo apropiado de los medios de contraste utilizados en Radiología, Tomografía Computarizada y Resonancia Magnética, las pautas para el manejo intravenoso, la prevención de reacciones adversas, la clasificación del riesgo en pacientes, y los esquemas de nefroprotección para salvaguardar la salud de los pacientes.
To consider the biologic behaviors of keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs) and ameloblastomas and dentigerous cysts.
A 63-year-old Japanese man presented with swelling and discomfort in the left cheek during jaw movement. Examination revealed a multilocular lesion within the mandible extending from the left second premolar to the left mandibular ramus and coronoid process; the lesion contained a deviated impacted tooth. The tumor had expanded beyond the bone and was invading the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles. Marginal mandibulectomy with a free iliac bone graft was performed.
No recurrence was observed during a 7-year follow-up.
The histopathological diagnosis of the lesion showed it was a KCOT. These tumors usually grow within the bone, causing bone expansion. However, this tumor had expanded beyond the bone and invaded surrounding muscles. Thus, KCOTs can, in rare cases, manifest themselves as described here. Evaluating preoperative images and histopathological findings is important to determine the optimal treatment strategy.
The knowledge of the factors related to the appearance of dental caries is necessary due to the fact that it is a common health problem in the population of all ages. A case-control study was conducted in Matanzas during the academic course 2004-2005, aimed at determining the association of some of these risk factors with the appearance of dental caries. The study group was composed of 11 311 children aged 6-12. A sample of 900 was selected from them by a polystage sample design. The high capacity of resistance to the acid attack in the control group (57.2 %), compared with that of the cases (20.3 %), was underlined. The positive association of dental caries with the enamel resistance, its remineralization capacity, as well as with the white lesions and the enamel abnormalities, was established.