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Nutritional Values of Moringa oleifera, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid Conditions of Sudan


Abstract and Figures

Moringa oleifera plant is used in the semiarid, tropical, and subtropical areas as food and medicinal compounds. The leave extract of Moringa), was studied by evaluating total protein, amino acid, vitamins, minerals, total fat and crude fiber under the semi-arid conditions of Sudan. HPLC and amino acid analyzer, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, Soxlet extractor, Kjeldahl methods were used in this study. It was found that, carbohydrates 9.1 g, dietary fiber 2.1 g, fat 1.7 g, protein 8.1 g also rich in vitamins such as vitamin A 80 μg, thiamine (B1) 0.103 mg, Riboflavin (B2) 0.112 mg, Niacin (B3) 1.5 pantothenic acids (B5) 0.48 mg. vitamin B6 0.129 mg folic acid (B9) 41 μg Vitamin C 8.6 mg also rich in minerals such as Calcium 99.1 mg, Iron 1.3 mg, Magnesium 35.1 mg Mangenase 0.119 mg, Phosphorus 70.8 mg, Potassium 471 mg, Sodium 70 mg, Zinc 0.85 mg Also rich in essentials amino acids (ug/ml) Threonine 36.77, Valine 22.1, Methionine 2.13, Leucine 20.50, Isoleucine 31.8, Phenylalanine36.8, Histidine 30.88, Lycine 27.67, Argnine 21.45.
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Volume 10(2): 56-58 (2018) - 56
J Microb Biochem Technol, an open access journal
ISSN: 1948-5948
Abbas et al., J Microb Biochem Technol 2018, 10:2
DOI: 10.4172/1948-5948.1000396
Research Article Open Access
Journal of
Microbial & Biochemical Technology
ISSN: 1948-5948
*Corresponding author: Rasha Khalid A, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of
Applied and Industrial Science University of Bahri, Sudan, Tel: 249155888430; Fax:
249155882052; E-mail:
Received March 15, 2018; Accepted April 26, 2018; Published April 30, 2018
Citation: Abbas RK, Elsharbasy FS, Fadlelmula AA (2018) Nutritional Values of
Moringa oleifera, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates,
Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid Conditions of Sudan. J Microb
Biochem Technol 10: 56-58. doi: 10.4172/1948-5948.1000396
Copyright: © 2018 Abbas RK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Nutritional Values of
Moringa oleifera
, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins,
Minerals, Carbohydrates, Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid
Conditions of Sudan
Rasha Khalid Abbas1,2*, Fatma S Elsharbasy3,4 and Abdalfatah Abdalla Fadlelmula2
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied and Industerial Science University of Bahri Sudan
2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Arts in Mukhwa, University of Albaha, Saudi Arabia
3Department of Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products, National Research Center, Egypt
4Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Humanity studies, Sattam bin Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia
Moringa oleifera plant is used in the semiarid, tropical, and subtropical areas as food and medicinal compounds.
The leave extract of Moringa), was studied by evaluating total protein, amino acid, vitamins, minerals, total fat
and crude ber under the semi-arid conditions of Sudan. HPLC and amino acid analyzer, atomic absorption
spectrophotometry, Soxlet extractor, Kjeldahl methods were used in this study. It was found that, carbohydrates 9.1
g, dietary ber 2.1 g, fat 1.7 g, protein 8.1 g also rich in vitamins such as vitamin A 80 μg, thiamine (B1) 0.103 mg,
Riboavin (B2) 0.112 mg, Niacin (B3) 1.5 pantothenic acids (B5) 0.48 mg. vitamin B6 0.129 mg folic acid (B9) 41
μg Vitamin C 8.6 mg also rich in minerals such as Calcium 99.1 mg, Iron 1.3 mg, Magnesium 35.1 mg Mangenase
0.119 mg, Phosphorus 70.8 mg, Potassium 471 mg, Sodium 70 mg, Zinc 0.85 mg Also rich in essentials amino acids
(ug/ml) Threonine 36.77, Valine 22.1, Methionine 2.13, Leucine 20.50, Isoleucine 31.8, Phenylalanine36.8, Histidine
30.88, Lycine 27.67, Argnine 21.45.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera; Nutritional values; Carbohydrate;
Protein; Fat; Crude ber; Vitamins; Minerals; Amino acids
Moringa family Moringaceaeis native to India and northern Europe
[1-3]. It is grow best in dry sandy soil and tolerates poor soil. It is a sun-
and heat-loving plant [4-6]. It is a source of medicinal compounds and
has components of high nutritive value such as protein, amino acids,
carbohydrate minerals, vitamin and organic acids [7-9]. Moringa leaves
are anti-bacterial and anti-inammatory. Leaf tea treats gastric ulcers
and diarrhea. Moringa leaves are good food sources for those suering
from malnutrition due to the high protein and ber content. Leaves treat
with fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, and inammation of the
mucus membrane. e iron content of the leaves is high and they are
reportedly prescribed for anemia is used in the treatment of scurvy skin
diseases. e leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant, being a
signicant source B vitamins, vitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotene,
vitamin K, manganese, and protein, among other essential nutrients
[10,11]. Moringa are now so well known that there seems to be little
doubt of the substantial health benet, to be realized by consumption
of Moringa leaf powder in situations where starvation is found [12,13].
Leaves rubbed against the temple can relieve headaches [14-16].
e objective of this study was to assess the nutritional values of
Moringa oleifera.
Materials and Methods
e study was executed at the experimental farm of Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants Research Institute at Shambat, Sudan (Latitude1540N,
Longitude 3232 and 360 m above sea level). e climate is semi-arid with
low relative humidity and daily mean air temperature ranging from 25
to 40°C in summer and 15 to 21°C in winter. Moringa oleifera cultivated
in the demonstration farms of Medicinal And Aromatic Plant Research
Institute at Shambat (Sudan). e Plant samples were identied in the
department of plant taxonomy in the same institute, collected dried and
kept in carton bags for extraction.
Determination of total carbohydrate
Carbohydrates are rst hydrolysed into simple sugar using dilute
hydrochloric acid. In hot acidic medium glucose is dehydrated to
hydroxyl furfural. is compound forms with anthrone agree colored
product with an absorption maximum at 630 nm.
Determination of crude ber
Extract 2 g of material with petroleum ether to remove fat and then
boil with sulphuric acid for 30 min lter and washed with water until
washing are no longer acidic. Boil with 200 ml of sodium hydroxide
solution for 20 min, lter and washed water and 25 ml alcohol. Remove
the residue and transfer to ashing dish (pre weight dish W1, Dry the
residue for 2 h at 130°C cool and weigh W2. Ignite for 30 min at 600°C
then cool and weight W3.
Determination of total fat: e classical method is based on continuous
extraction performed on dried samples of food in a Soxlet extractor [17].
e extract ant used is oen petroleum spirit (which is less ammable that
Citation: Abbas RK, Elsharbasy FS, Fadlelmula AA (2018) Nutritional Values of Moringa oleifera, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals,
Carbohydrates, Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid Conditions of Sudan. J Microb Biochem Technol 10: 56-58. doi: 10.4172/1948-
Volume 10(2): 56-58 (2018) - 57
J Microb Biochem Technol, an open access journal
ISSN: 1948-5948
results were in agree with those obtained in previous studies [9]. Table
3 showed the result of minerals content in Moringa oleifera, such as
Calcium 99.1 mg, Iron 1.3 mg Magnesium 35.1 mg Manganese 0.119
mg, Phosphorus 70.8 mg Potassium 471 mg, Sodium 70 mg, Zinc 0.85
mg these results were in conformity with those obtained in previous
studies [10]. Table 4 shows the results of essentials amino acids (ug/ml)
content in Moringa oleifera leaf extract reonine 36.77, Valine 22.1,
Methionine 2.13, Leucine 20.50, Isoleucine 31.8, Phenylalanine 36.8,
Histidine 30.88, Lycine 27.67, Argnine 21.45 these results were in agree
with those obtained in previous studies [10].
Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that Moringa
oleifera leave extract had highly nutritive values. Eating Moringa food
products is good for those suering from malnutrition.
The authors would like to express their deepest thanks to the laboratories
of biochemistry and food technology collage of agriculture Khartoum University
Sudan for their help in analyzing the samples.
1. Olson ME (2010) Flora of North America editorial committee, ed. Moringaceae:
Drumstick family. ora of North America north of Mexico 7. New York and
Oxford, pp: 167-169.
2. Parotta JA (1993) Moringa oleifera Lam. Reseda, horseradish tree.
Moringaceae. Horseradish tree family. USDA Forest Service, International
Institute of Tropical Forestry, pp: 11-20.
3. Leone A, Spada A, Battezzati A, Schiraldi A, Aristil J, et al. (2015) Cultivation,
genetic, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Moringa
oleifera leaves: An overview. Int J Mol Sci 16: 12791-12835.
4. Saint Sauveur A, Mélanie B (2010) Growing and processing Moringa leaves.
Moringanews/Moringa Association of Ghana, pp: 11-25.
5. 5-Ted Radovich (2010) Farm and forestry production and marketing prole for
Moringa. Specialty crops for pacic island agroforestry.
6. Rajangam J (2001) Status of production and utilisation of Moringa in Southern
India. Development potential for Moringa products (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania).
7. Raja S, Bagle BG, More TA (2013) Drumstick (Moringa oleifera Lamk.)
improvement for semiarid and arid ecosystem: Analysis of environmental
stability. J Plant Breed Crop Sci 5: 164-170.
diethyl ether and less likely to form peroxides), which requires completely
dry analytical portions and the removal of sugar.
Determination of protein total nitrogen: Total nitrogen is
measured using some version of the Kjeldahl method (which measures
total organic nitrogen). In this method the organic matter is digested
with hot concentrated sulphuric acid [17]. A “catalyst mixture” is added
to the acid to raise its boiling point, usually containing a true catalytic
agent (mercury, copper or selenium) together with potassium sulphate.
All organic nitrogen is converted to ammonia, which is usually
measured by titration.
Determination of essential amino acids
(16) 5 g of the test samples were macerated in 50% alcohol until
all pigment was extracted and concentrated under reduced pressure at
40°C. 10 ml NaCl (10%) was added to the extract, stirred for one hour
then 10 ml of trichloroacetic were added and ltrated. e precipitate
was collected by centrifugation, washed and dried in desiccato 20 mg
of protein were reuxed with 6 N HCl (10 ml) for 20 h and the acid
removed by evaporation under reduced pressure, the residue was
dissolved in 10% isopropanol for amino acids identication using the
method (Eppendorf-Germany Lc 3000) Amino acid analyzer.
Determination of minerals
e preferred techniques of minerals determination are atomic
absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) [17].
Determination of vitamins
e samples are saponied in alcoholic potassium hydroxide with
the addition of an antioxidant as ascorbic acid, butylated hydroxytoluene
(BHT) or pyrogallol. e vitamins are extracted using a suitable organic
solvent. e extract is evaporated with additional BHT at a controlled
temperature. Both normal-phase and reversed-phase HPLC can be
used for the separation. In normal-phase separations measurement is
usually by Brubacher et al. [17].
Results and Discussion
Data presented in Table 1 shows the results of Moringa oleifera leaf
extract nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz), Carbohydrate 9.1 g, Dietary
ber 2.1 g, fat 1.7 and protein 8.1. ese results conformity with those
obtained in previous studies [8]. Table 2 shows the results of vitamin
content in Moringa oleifera such as vitamin A 80 μg thiamine (B1) 0.103
mg, Riboavin (B2) 0, 112 mg, Niacin (B3) 1.5 pantothenic acids (B5)
0.48 mg, vitamin B6 0.129 mg folate (B9) 41 μg Vitamin C 8.6 mg these
Carbohydrates 9.1 g
Dietary ber 2.1 g
Fat 1.7 g
Protein 8.1 g
Table 1: Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) of Moringa oleifera L. leave extract.
Vitamin A equiv. 80 μg
Thiamine (B1) 0.103 mg
Riboavin (B2) 0.112 mg
Niacin (B3) 1.5 mg
Pantothenic acid B5) 0.48 mg
Vitamin B6 0.129 mg
Folate (B9) 41 μg
Vitamin C 8.6 mg
Table 2: Vitamins content of Moringa oleifera L. all vitamins in 10%.
Calcium 99.1 mg
Iron 1.3 mg
Magnesium 35.1 mg
Manganese 0.119 mg
Phosphorus 70.8 mg
Potassium 471 mg
Sodium 70 mg
Zinc 0.85 mg
Table 3: Minerals content of Moringa oleifera L. trace metals all in 10%.
Threonine 36.77
Valine 22.1
Methionine 2.13
Leucine 20.50
Isoleucine 31.8
Phenylalanine 36.8
Histidine 30.88
Lysine 27.67
Arginine 21.45
Table 4: Essential amino acids of Moringa oleifera L. (ug/ml).
Citation: Abbas RK, Elsharbasy FS, Fadlelmula AA (2018) Nutritional Values of Moringa oleifera, Total Protein, Amino Acid, Vitamins, Minerals,
Carbohydrates, Total Fat and Crude Fiber, under the Semi-Arid Conditions of Sudan. J Microb Biochem Technol 10: 56-58. doi: 10.4172/1948-
Volume 10(2): 56-58 (2018) - 58
J Microb Biochem Technol, an open access journal
ISSN: 1948-5948
8. Madukwe EU (2013) Nutrient composition and sensory evaluation of dry
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9. Oduro I, Ellis WO, Owusu D (2008) Nutritional potential of two leafy vegetables:
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10. Moyo B, Masika P, Hugo A, Muchenje V (2011) Nutritional characterization of
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11. Arise AK, Arise RO, Sanusi MO, Esan OT, Oyeyinka SA (2014) Effect of Moringa
oleifera ower fortication on the nutritional quality and sensory properties of
weaning food Croat. J Food Sci Technol 6: 65-71.
12. Fahey, Jed W (2005) Moringa oleifera: A review of the medical evidence
for its nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Part 1. Trees for
Life J.
13. Atawodi SE, Atawodi JC, Idakwo GA, Pfundstein B, Haubner R, et al. (2010)
Evaluation of the polyphenol content and antioxidant properties of methanol
extracts of the leaves, stem and root barks of Moringa oleifera Lam. J Med
Food 13: 710-716.
14. Kumar HD (2004) Management of nutritional and health needs of malnourished
and vegetarian people in India. Adv Exp Med Biol, Springer US, pp: 311-321.
15. Baily JL (1967) Techniques in protein chemistry. Elsevier publishing Co.,
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16. Harborne J (1973) Phytochemical methods: A guide to modern techniques of
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17. Ofcial Methods of Analysis of AOAC (1995) Ofcial method of analysis of the
association of ofcial analytical chemist’s 15th edn. Washington, USA.
... Moringa oleifera Lam, a plant belonging to the Moringaceae family, comprises approximately 14 known species. Among its characteristics are high protein content [13], ranging from 18.29 to 31.5% crude protein [8,14,15], essential amino acids [15][16][17], and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, along with precursors of vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and vitamin C [15,[18][19][20]. When provided to laying hens, Moringa oleifera has demonstrated satisfactory effects, significantly improving yolk color, egg production, and egg weight [12,21], without affecting shell thickness or egg shape index [12]. ...
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of commercial laying hens fed with different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal in their diet. For this purpose, 150 laying hens of the Dekalb White lineage, at 62 weeks of age, and with an initial average weight of 1.458 kg ± 8.70g, were used. They were housed in cages measuring 1.00 X 0.40 X 0.45m, equipped with chute-type feeders, automatic cup-type drinkers and chute for collecting eggs. They were distributed in a completely randomized design, consisting of five treatments with five replications of six birds. The treatments consisted of a reference diet, without moringa inclusion, and four test diets with levels of 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5% and 6% inclusion of moringa leaf meal. Water was provided ad libitum, and 120 g of feed per bird per day. The total experimental period lasted 122 days. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance and Dunnett’s test at 5% significance and, when significant, subjected to regression analysis. Analysis of the leaf flour revealed the presence of antinutritional factors in small concentrations. It was observed that the addition of moringa to the birds’ diet did not influence performance parameters and provided significant increases in the average egg weight according to moringa inclusion levels of 1.5%, 4.5% and 6% when compared to the control diet, as well as a significant increase in the color of the egg yolks for all levels tested (1.5 to 6%). A reduction in Haugh unit values was observed when inclusion levels of moringa were 4.5% and 6%. Despite a reduction in Haugh unit values, they are still within the classification standards. Analysis of the biochemical parameters of the birds’ blood serum did not show significant influences according to the levels of moringa inclusion in the diet, although a numerical reduction was observed in the cholesterol levels of birds fed with an inclusion of 6% of leaf flour in the diet, which could possibly be related to the presence of phytochemical compounds, more precisely β-sitosterol. Moringa oleifera leaf meal can be used to feed laying birds without causing harm to the birds’ performance, in addition to intensifying the color of the yolks.
... Qualitative determination of terpenoids and steroids were carried out by the methods of Salkowski and Kokate 2001 [12] respectively. Quantitative determination was done for alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids using the method of Abodoni and Achuko (2001) [13] , cardiac glycosides Botello et al., 2019 [14] . Proximate analysis was done for % moisture, % crude protein, % crude lipid, % crude fibre, % dry matter and % Nitrogen free-extract, using the method of Oetzel et al. 1993 [15] . ...
... Additionally, protein metabolism (Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism and Nitrogen metabolism) and vitamin metabolism (Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism) pathways were also enriched in the rumen liquid of the 17% moringa-fed group. This shift is likely due to the high protein and vitamin content (Abbas et al. 2018) in the moringa diet. ...
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This study investigated the impact of feeding 17% moringa leaf meal (MLM) on the ruminal and fecal microbial composition and body weight gain (BWG) performance of lambs (Ovis aries) and kids (Capra hircus). A total of n = 28 lambs (n = 14, no-moringa, n = 14, 17% moringa) and 24 kids (n = 12, no-moringa, n = 12, 17% moringa) were involved in the experiment and body weight was recorded fortnightly. Metagenomic shotgun sequencing was performed on 28, 22, and 26 ruminal solid, liquid fraction, and fecal samples from lambs, and 23, 22, and 23 samples from kids. Moringa supplementation significantly increased BWG in lambs (21.09 ± 0.78 to 26.12 ± 0.81 kg) and kids (14.60 ± 1.29 to 18.28 ± 1.09 kg) (p-value ≤ 0.01). Microbiome analysis revealed an elevated Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio in the moringa diet group. Moringa-fed animals exhibited increased microbial genera associated with volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production (Prevotella, Anaerovibrio, Lachnospiraceae, Butyrivibrio, Christensenella) and starch and fiber digesters (Proteobacteria, Ruminococcus). The increase in the bacterial genus Sharpea suggested possible methane reduction and decreased proportion of pathogens, Aliarcobacter_ID28198, Campylobacter_ID194 and Campylobacter_ID1660076 suggest health benefits. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis demonstrated significant alterations in microbial gene pool and metabolic pathways related to carbohydrate, protein, lipid and energy metabolism, indicating potential improvements in animal health. Overall, moringa feeding showed higher energy recovery, improved growth, and potential benefits in methane reduction and reduced pathogenic bacteria. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00253-024-13265-5.
... The ash content of sorghum mahewu enriched with whole and defatted MOLP significantly increased. MOLP is a great source of essential minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron (Abbas et al., 2018). When added (MOLP) to weaning foods such as mahewu, it can enhance their nutritional value and improve their ash content. ...
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In this study, the effect of different levels (1%–5%) of whole and defatted Moringa oleifera leaf powder (MOLP) on the nutritional composition, physicochemical properties, protein digestibility and consumer acceptability of sorghum mahewu was investigated. The MOLP was boiled and added to the fermented sorghum mahewu. The results demonstrated that sorghum mahewu enriched with whole and defatted MOLP had higher amounts (P < 0.05) of protein, ash and fibre content compared to the control sample. Moreover, minerals, amino acid contents and protein digestibility of the enriched sorghum mahewu samples were significantly improved compared to the control sample. The pH decreased with an increasing proportion of MOLP ranging from 4.36 to 4.09 (mahewu enriched with whole MOLP) and from 4.36 to 4.17 (mahewu enriched with defatted MOLP). Sorghum mahewu samples enriched with whole and defatted MOLP had higher contents of total titratable acid compared to the control sample, while the total soluble solids and viscosity decreased. In terms of colour profile, the b*, and chroma values of sorghum mahewu increased with an increasing percentage of whole and defatted MOLP while L* and a* values decreased. Regarding overall liking, sorghum mahewu enriched with 1% whole and defatted MOLP did not differ (P > 0.05) from the control sample. Therefore, sorghum mahewu must be enriched with low percentages of MOLP to improve its acceptance among consumers. These findings suggest that incorporating medicinal plants such as boiled MOLP to basic foods produced from sorghum flour could improve their nutritional profile and protein digestibility.
... Macro-and micronutrients such as P, K, Mg, Fe, and S contained in Moringa leaves are effective as a source of nutrition and have the potential to be used as LOF (Rachmawatie et al., 2022;Yasmeen et al., 2014). Moringa leaves contain P content of around 70.8 mg/100 g (Abbas et al., 2018). Moringa as LOF can be utilized in two forms: LOF of fresh Moringa extract and LOF of fermented Moringa extract. ...
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In an effort to solve the P availability issue in Inceptisols, fermentation is one method used to enhance the quality of liqiuid organic fertilizer (LOF) made from Moringa ( Moringa oleifera ). The type and concentration determine the effectiveness of LOF on nutrient uptake and plant yields. This study aims to evaluate the impact of LOF types, concentrations, and their interactions on P uptake and rice grain yield in Inceptisols. The research was conducted in a greenhouse using a completely random design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is the type of LOF, consisting of two levels, i.e., fresh and fermented Moringa extract. The second factor is the LOF concentration, with four levels (i.e., 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 ml/l) and three replications. Data analysis using ANOVA, DMRT, and correlation. The study revealed that the interaction between LOF types and concentrations affects P uptake. The highest P uptake shown by fermented Moringa with a concentration of 60 ml/l was 20.02 mg/plant and 40 ml/l was 18.73 mg/plants., or 1.5 times higher than the control. Grain yield was not affected by type, LOF concentration, or interaction. Fermented Moringa has good potential as LOF, while the effect on grain yield needs further research.
BACKGROUND Moringa flowers are most excellent suited for both raw and lightly cooked application such as frying or simmer. Moringa flowers are a good quality foundation of vitamin A, a nutrient that can facilitate boost the immune system and guard overall vision health. Moringa oleifera contains vital nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals such as tannins and flavonoids. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE The present work aims to study the optimization and quality attributes retention in moringa flower through freeze dryer (FD) because the conventional drying process takes more time and energy which also affects the product quality and safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS Different solvents, such as ethanol, chloroform, hexane, acetone and ethyl acetate, were used to determine the presence of phytochemicals (alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids and saponins) in the moringa flower. RESULTS From Qualitative and quantitative screenings of moringa flower, the phytochemicals were highly present in methanol and ethanol extracts. Dried moringa flower powder was prepared by using fresh moringa flower, steam blanched for 2-5 min and then sulfated at 0.1% for 10 min. After that, the dehydration process was performed at different temperatures (45, 55 and 65°C) in an FD drier. FD dried moringa flower powder at 55°C was found maximum physicochemical properties and higher retention of phytochemical with special reference to β – carotene (55.41 mg), total antioxidant (460.18 mg), flavonoids (19.34 mg/RE), phenol (234.13 mg/GAE), vitamin C (485.09 mg). CONCLUSION According to the findings of this study, FD drying is one of the best drying techniques for preserving nutritional quality features while also being efficient and cost-effective for the entire food processing industry.
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Aims: This comparative study was carried out to evaluate the vitamin-C and mineral content of twenty-two different sorts of nutritious and low-cost fresh vegetables. Methodology: Vitamin C, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P) contents were determined with the flame emission spectrophotometer. Results: Vitamin-C was higher in Momordica charantia (87.0 mg/100g) and lower in Vigna unguiculata (0.10 mg/100g). Calcium and magnesium of the green leafy vegetables were in the range of 191.0 -12.0 mg/100g and 210.1-9.0 mg/100g respectively. Sodium content largely varied from 58.1-2.1 mg/100g in which Amaranthus cruentus content higher and Cucumis sativus had the lower content. The highest potassium content was recorded in Cucurbita pepo (384.0 mg/100g) and the lowest potassium content was found in Cucumis sativus (144.20 mg / 100g). Phosphorus content was ranged between 108.0 -13.0 mg /100 g in all the greenleafy vegetables. There were significant correlations between mineral contents. Conclusion: These results revealed that selected vegetables contain an appreciable amount of vitamin C and minerals and should be included in diets as a supplement of daily allowance needed by the body.
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Pendahuluan: Gizi buruk menjadi salah satu masalah global yang masih terus dihadapi oleh berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Pemenuhan gizi yang belum tercukupi saat masih dalam kandungan ataupun ketika sudah lahir dapat menyebabkan terjadinya berbagai masalah kesehatan pada ibu maupun pada bayinya. Salah satu masalah kesehatan yang berdampak pada bayi yaitu stunting atau bertubuh pendek akibat kurang gizi kronik.Tujuan: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat terkait manfaat tanaman kelor sebagai bahan pangan dalam mencegah stunting dan penyakit tidak menular.Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah dan diskusi tanya jawab. Masyarakat diberi sosialisasi edukasi tentang pemanfaatan tanaman kelor sebagai bahan pangan dalam mencegah stunting dan penyakit tidak menular dengan menggunakan media berupa Leaflet. Masyarakat juga mendapat pelayanan gratis berupa pengecekan kadar gula darah, kolesterol, asam urat dan pemeriksaan tekanan darah.Hasil: Secara keseluruhan kegiatan sosialisasi edukasi pemanfaatan tanaman kelor sebagai bahan pangan dalam mencegah stunting dan penyakit tidak menular dapat dikatakan baik dan berhasil, yang diukur dari empat komponen yaitu keberhasilan target jumlah peserta sosialisasi, ketercapaian tujuan sosialisasi dapat dikatakan baik (95%), ketercapaian target materi yang telah direncanakan dapat dikatakan baik (95%), dan kemampuan peserta dalam penguasaan materi dapat dikatakan baik (95%).Simpulan: Pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat telah mengetahui pemanfaatan tanaman kelor sebagai bahan pangan dalam mencegah stunting dan penyakit tidak menular serta mengetahui cara praktis pengelolaan daun kelor.
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Moringa oleifera is an interesting plant for its use in bioactive compounds. In this manuscript, we review studies concerning the cultivation and production of moringa along with genetic diversity among different accessions and populations. Different methods of propagation, establishment and cultivation are discussed. Moringa oleifera shows diversity in many characters and extensive morphological variability, which may provide a resource for its improvement. Great genetic variability is present in the natural and cultivated accessions, but no collection of cultivated and wild accessions currently exists. A germplasm bank encompassing the genetic variability present in Moringa is needed to perform breeding programmes and develop elite varieties adapted to local conditions. Alimentary and medicinal uses of moringa are reviewed, alongside the production of biodiesel. Finally, being that the leaves are the most used part of the plant, their contents in terms of bioactive compounds and their pharmacological properties are discussed. Many studies conducted on cell lines and animals seem concordant in their support for these properties. However, there are still too few studies on humans to recommend Moringa leaves as medication in the prevention or treatment of diseases. Therefore, further studies on humans are recommended.
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Moringa oleifera is a nutrient rich plant that has the potential to combat malnutrition problems in Africa. This study aims to investigate the effect of fortification using Moringa oleifera flower powder on the sensory and proximate attributes of fermented yellow maize and millet blend (Ogi). The formulation was grouped into seven blends in ratio 100:0:0, 70:30:0, 70:25:5, 70:20:10, 70:15:15, 70:10:20, 70:5:25 for maize, millet and Moringa oleifera flower powder (MOFP) respectively. Moringa oleifera flower was air-dried for 5days, milled and sieved to obtained fine powder. The fine powder was mixed thoroughly with fermented maize and millet, wet milled and sieved. The proximate composition of fermented yellow maize and millet (Ogi) fortified with Moringa oleifera flower powder showed an increase in crude protein, crude fibre, ash and fat with increase in the levels of Moringa oleifera flower powder and decrease in carbohydrate and moisture content. Moisture, protein, fibre, fat, ash and carbohydrate contents varied in the range 7.92-9.74%, 10.46 _ 16.06%, 2.31-4.13%, 2.90-4.07%, 1.23-1.93% and 66.45-73.25% respectively. Sensory evaluation shows that blend 6 (20% MOFP) compared favourably with the control. Also, nutritional analysis shows that blend 6 is favourable as weaning food. Therefore, blend 6 formulation can be used as alternative to the weaning foods to improve the nutritional status of children and help to curb protein malnutrition.
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Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam. moringaceae) is a highly valued plant that is mostly cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is used for food, medication and industrial purposes. The objective of the study was to assess the nutritional value of Moringa leaves of the South African ecotype. Proximate and Van Soest methods were used to determine the nutritional value of Moringa leaves. The dried leaves had crude protein levels of 30.3% and 19 amino acids. The dried leaves had the following mineral contents: calcium (3.65%), phoshorus (0.3%), magnesium (0.5%), potassium (1.5%), sodium (0.164%), sulphur (0.63%), zinc (13.03 mg/kg), copper (8.25%), manganese (86.8 mg/kg), iron (490 mg/kg) and selenium (363 mg/kg). 17 fatty acids were observed with α-Linolenic acid (44.57%) having the highest value followed by heneicosanoic (14.41%), g-linolenic (0.20%) palmiteic (0.17%) and capric acid (0.07%). Vitamin E had the highest concentration of 77 mg/100 g than beta-carotene, which had 18.5 mg/100 g in the dried leaves. The fiber content was neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (11.4%), acid detergent fibre (ADF) (8.49%), acid detergent lignin (ADL) (1.8%) and (acid detergent cellulose (ADC) (4.01%). The condensed tannins had a value of 3.2%, while total polyphenols were 2.02%. The values of amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamin profiles reflect a desirable nutritional balance.
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Levels of some nutrients in Moringa oleifera leaves as well as seven varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) leaves were determined using standard analytical methods. Crude protein ranged from 16.78 -25.39%; crude fibre from 9.75 -12.14%; crude fat from 0.38 -1.91%; ash content from 8.71 -11.60%; moisture content (fwb) ranged from 80.16 -88.20%; carbohydrate values from 53.29 -59.01%; and calorific values ranged from 1344.00 – 1399.00 kJ/g (316.66-329.76 cal/g) for the sweet potato leaves. For M. oleifera leaves, crude protein was 27.51%, crude fibre was 19.25%, crude fat was 2.23%, ash content was 7.13%, moisture content was 76.53%, carbohydrate content was 43.88%, and the calorific value was 1296.00 kJ/g (305.62 cal/g). Elemental analysis of the leaves in mg/100g dry matter (DM) indicates the sweet potato leaves contained appreciable levels of calcium (1310.52-1402.27) and iron (9.62-23.02). Calcium and iron content of M. oleifera also in mg/100 g (DM) were 2,009.00 and 28.29, respectively. These results reveal that the leaves contain an appreciable amount of nutrients and can be included in diets to supplement our daily nutrient needs.
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Moringa oleifera, or the horseradish tree, is a pan-tropical species that is known by such regional names as benzolive, drumstick tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, mulangay, nébéday, saijhan, and sajna. Over the past two decades, many reports have appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing its nutritional and medicinal properties. Its utility as a non-food product has also been extensively described, but will not be discussed herein, (e.g. lumber, charcoal, fencing, water clarification, lubricating oil). As with many reports of the nutritional or medicinal value of a natural product, there are an alarming number of purveyors of "healthful" food who are now promoting M. oleifera as a panacea. While much of this recent enthusiasm indeed appears to be justified, it is critical to separate rigorous scientific evidence from anecdote. Those who charge a premium for products containing Moringa spp. must be held to a high standard. Those who promote the cultivation and use of Moringa spp. in regions where hope is in short supply must be provided with the best available evidence, so as not to raise false hopes and to encourage the most fruitful use of scarce research capital. It is the purpose of this series of brief reviews to: (a) critically evaluate the published scientific evidence on M. oleifera, (b) highlight claims from the traditional and tribal medicinal lore and from non-peer reviewed sources that would benefit from further, rigorous scientific evaluation, and (c) suggest directions for future clinical research that could be carried out by local investigators in developing regions. This is the first of four planned papers on the nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties of Moringa oleifera. In this introductory paper, the scientific evidence for health effects are summarized in tabular format, and the strength of evidence is discussed in very general terms. A second paper will address a select few uses of Moringa in greater detail than they can be dealt with in the context of this paper. A third paper will probe the phytochemical components of Moringa in more depth. A fourth paper will lay out a number of suggested research projects that can be initiated at a very small scale and with very limited resources, in geographic regions which are suitable for Moringa cultivation and utilization. In advance of this fourth paper in the series, the author solicits suggestions and will gladly acknowledge contributions that are incorporated into the final manuscript. It is the intent and hope of the journal's editors that such a network of small-scale, locally executed investigations might be successfully woven into a greater fabric which will have enhanced scientific power over similar small studies conducted and reported in isolation. Such an approach will have the added benefit that statistically sound planning, peer review, and multi-center coordination brings to a scientific investigation.
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Medicinal plants have been shown to have both chemopreventive and/or therapeutic effects on cancer and other diseases related to oxidative damage. Moringa oleifera Lam., known in the Hausa and Igala languages of Nigeria as "Zogale" and "Gergedi," respectively, and drumstick in English, is a plant that is used both as food and in folkloric medicine in Nigeria and elsewhere. Different parts of the plant were analyzed for polyphenol content as well as in vitro antioxidant potential. The methanol extract of the leaves of M. oleifera contained chlorogenic acid, rutin, quercetin glucoside, and kaempferol rhamnoglucoside, whereas in the root and stem barks, several procyanidin peaks were detected. With the xanthine oxidase model system, all the extracts exhibited strong in vitro antioxidant activity, with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values of 16, 30, and 38 microL for the roots, leaves, and stem bark, respectively. Similarly, potent radical scavenging capacity was observed when extracts were evaluated with the 2-deoxyguanosine assay model system, with IC(50) values of 40, 58, and 72 microL for methanol extracts of the leaves, stem, and root barks, respectively. The high antioxidant/radical scavenging effects observed for different parts of M. oleifera appear to provide justification for their widespread therapeutic use in traditional medicine in different continents. The possibility that this high antioxidant/radical scavenging capacity may impact on the cancer chemopreventive potential of the plant must be considered.
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses a study analyzing N-terminal modification of malarial antigens from E. Coli for purification of Ag1624, cells were suspended in 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 9 m6M GnHCl and lysed using a Manton–Gaulin MR 15 homogenizer. The lysate was mixed with Ni-chelate resin (Roche) batch binding Agl624, which was then eluted stepwise with 20 mM Tris–HCl of decreasing pH containing 8M urea. Further purification was effected using a Vydac Protein C4 column with a gradient of 10% acetic acid aq. to 10% acetic acid in ethanol. Fractions containing Ag1624 were lyophilized. The expected sequence, MRGSHHHHHH, was obtained; however, the level of Met1 was low compared with the amino acids.