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We used light-level-based geolocation to study the spatio-temporal behaviour of Siberian Rubythroats Calliope calliope breeding in the Amur region of the Russian Far East. Three retrieved devices revealed long-distance migrations, with southwestward movement from Amur through Northeast China in autumn, with the tracked individuals reaching their wintering grounds in southern China and Indochina without major detours and apparently on a route slightly further west than that of the return migration in spring. A single stopover occurred in two of the three birds in both spring and autumn in China. Migration was faster in spring compared to autumn. The birds spent most of their time in seasonal habitats on their temperate breeding sites, and in less seasonal habitats on their tropical wintering grounds. Departure from and arrival at their breeding site coincided with decreasing and increasing vegetation greenness, respectively. This is the first study presenting year-round tracking data for a songbird migrating from mainland Eurasia to Southeast Asia along the East Asian flyway.
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... Rubythroats are known to spend the non-breeding season in coastal areas and islands of East Asia, in South-East Asia, and eastern India [18]. Previous tracking of one of its breeding population from the Russian Far East suggested a rather direct migration route passing through central China towards mainland South-East Asia, thereby largely following the East Asia-Australasia Flyway (EAAF) [27,28]. However, nothing is known regarding the migration patterns of an isolated breeding population on highlands of central China. ...
... From an evolutionary perspective, the faithfulness towards the wintering ground in SE Asia may also contribute to the shape of the autumn route. The Siberian Rubythroat population breeding in the Russian Far East migrates to non-breeding areas in SE Asia, whereas the breeding population from Hokkaido, Japan, and Kamchatka, Russia, has been shown to spend the non-breeding season in coastal/islandic areas along western Pacific Ocean, as revealed by tracking and ringing data [27,28]. From a phylogenetic perspective, the population from the Russian Far East is more closely related with the central China population [73]. ...
... The fast journey and earlier arrival can be beneficial to a higher fitness during the breeding phase, e.g., to allow the birds to be more competitive among males and favored by females at the breeding site [40,65,66,70]. In addition, Siberian Rubythroats are highly faithful to their breeding territory ( [28], Zhao, personal observational data). An early arrival at the breeding site will allow the birds to occupy their previous territories before it is taken by e.g. ...
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Background Small songbirds respond and adapt to various geographical barriers during their annual migration. Global flyways reveal the diverse migration strategies in response to different geographical barriers, among which are high-elevation plateaus. However, few studies have been focused on the largest and highest plateau in the world, the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) which poses a significant barrier to migratory passerines. The present study explored the annual migration routes and strategies of a population of Siberian Rubythroats (Calliope calliope) that breed on the north-eastern edge of the QTP. Methods Over the period from 2021 to 2023, we applied light-level geolocators (13 deployed, seven recollected), archival GPS tags (45 deployed, 17 recollected), and CAnMove multi-sensor loggers (with barometer, accelerometer, thermometer, and light sensor, 20 deployed, six recollected) to adult males from the breeding population of Siberian Rubythroat on the QTP. Here we describe the migratory routes and phenology extracted or inferred from the GPS and multi-sensor logger data, and used a combination of accelerometric and barometric data to describe the elevational migration pattern, flight altitude, and flight duration. All light-level geolocators failed to collect suitable data. Results Both GPS locations and positions derived from pressure-based inference revealed that during autumn, the migration route detoured from the bee-line between breeding and wintering grounds, leading to a gradual elevational decrease. The spring route was more direct, with more flights over mountainous areas in western China. This different migration route during spring probably reflects a strategy for faster migration, which corresponds with more frequent long nocturnal migration flights and shorter stopovers during spring migration than in autumn. The average flight altitude (1856 ± 781 m above sea level) was correlated with ground elevation but did not differ between the seasons. Conclusions Our finding indicates strong, season-dependent impact of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau on shaping passerine migration strategies. We hereby call for more attention to the unexplored central-China flyway to extend our knowledge on the environment-migration interaction among small passerines.
... Apart from the widely-applied Light-level geolocator (GL) method, the minimized archival GPS technology and the advanced analysis of data from multi-sensor miniature loggers also thrived in the past decade, assisting ornithologists to acquire highly precise migration patterns of small songbirds ( The Siberian Rubythroat (Calliope calliope) is a small songbird that has a wide breeding range in northern Asia, and is known to spend the nonbreeding season in South-East Asia (Collar, 2020). Previous tracking of a breeding population from the Russian Far East suggested a rather direct migration route passing through central China towards mainland South-East Asia, thereby largely following the East Asia -Australasia Flyway (EAAF) (Heim et al., 2018(Heim et al., , 2020. However, nothing is known regarding the migration patterns of an isolated breeding population on highlands of central China: it is sometimes recognized as a separate subspecies Calliope calliope beicki (Spiridonova et al., 2017;Stresemann et al., 1937), but has no known morphological differences compared to other populations (Collar, 2020). ...
... From an evolutionary perspective, the faithfulness towards the wintering ground in SE Asia may also contribute to the shape of the autumn route. The Siberian rubythroat population breeding in the Russian Far East migrates to non-breeding areas in SE Asia, whereas the breeding population from Hokkaido, Japan, and Kamchatka, Russia, has been shown to spend the non-breeding season in coastal/islandic area along western Paci c Ocean, as revealed by tracking and ringing data (Heim et al., 2018(Heim et al., , 2020. From the demographic perspective, the population from the Russian Far East is more closely related with the central China population (Spiridonova et al., 2017). ...
... There hasn't been any clear de nition regarding the boundary between these two yways; it has been argued that the eastern QTP yway could treated as an independent yway from either EAAF for CAF (Kumar et al., 2020). The autumn migration tracks of Siberian Rubythroats from our dataset clearly illustrated an avoidance pattern to the confrontation to QTP, differed from the migrants from eastern Asia (Heim et al., 2018(Heim et al., , 2020. This indicates that a differential selection force due to the different landscape patterns along the two routes used by the two different geographical populations. ...
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Background Small songbirds respond and adapt to various geographical barriers during their annual migration. Global flyways reveal the various migration strategies in response to different geographical barriers, among which are high-elevation plateaus. However, few studies have been focused on the largest and highest plateau in the world, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) which poses a significant barrier to migratory passerines. The present study explored the annual migration routes and strategies of a population of Siberian Rubythroats (Calliope calliope) that breed on the north-eastern edge of the QTP. Methods Over the period from 2021 to 2023, we applied light-level geolocators (n = 13), archival GPS tags (n = 45), and CAnMove multi-sensor loggers (with barometer, accelerometer, thermometer, and light sensor, n = 20) to the breeding population of Siberian rubythroat on QTP. Here we describe the migratory routes and phenology extracted or inferred from the logger data, and used a combination of accelerometric and barometric data to describe the elevational migration pattern, flight altitude, and flight duration. Results Both GPS locations and positions derived from pressure-based inference both revealed that during autumn, the migration route detoured from the bee-line between breeding and wintering grounds, leading to a gradual elevational decrease. The spring route was more direct, with more flights over mountainous areas in western China. This different migration route during spring probably reflects a strategy for a faster migration, which corresponds with more frequent long nocturnal migration flights and shorter stopovers during spring migration than in autumn. The average flight altitude (2000 m above sea level) was correlated with ground elevation but did not differ between the seasons. Conclusions Our finding indicates the strong impact of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on shaping passerine migration strategies. We hereby call for more attention to the unexplored central-China flyway to extend our knowledge on the environment-migration interaction among small passerines.
... Different flying animals, such as birds, bats, and insects, play crucial roles in our ecosystems as they contribute to pollination, seed dispersal, pest control, and nutrient cycling [1], [2], [3], [4]. In some cases, they may also be considered as pests that are detrimental to an ecosystem, such as an agricultural ecosystem (e.g. ...
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Detecting flying animals (e.g., birds, bats, and insects) using weather radar helps gain insights into animal movement and migration patterns, aids in management efforts (such as biosecurity) and enhances our understanding of the ecosystem.The conventional approach to detecting animals in weather radar involves thresholding: defining and applying thresholds for the radar variables, based on expert opinion. More recently, Deep Learning approaches have been shown to provide improved performance in detection. However, obtaining sufficient labelled weather radar data for flying animals to build learning-based models is time-consuming and labor-intensive. To address the challenge of data labelling, we propose a self-supervised learning method for detecting animal movement. In our proposed method, we pre-train our model on a large dataset with noisy labels produced by a threshold approach. The key advantage is that the pre-trained dataset size is limited only by the number of radar images available. We then fine-tune the model on a small human-labelled dataset. Our experiments on Australian weather radar data for waterbird segmentation show that the proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the art approach by 43.53% in the dice co-efficient statistic.
... Overall, our data suggest that the tracked Arctic Warbler was almost constantly on the move, not a single site during the annual cycle has been used for more than two months. This differs strongly from other East Asian songbird migrants, for which long autumn stopovers of up to three months and very long stationary periods during the boreal winter (five to six months) were documented (Heim et al. 2018(Heim et al. , 2020. Most likely, Arctic Warblers are moving further to track seasonal peaks of food abundance-a similar pattern with several consecutive wintering sites was found in the closely related Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus wintering in Africa (Lerche-Jørgensen et al. 2017;Sokolovskis et al. 2018). ...
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Little is known regarding the migration routes of Siberian songbird populations. Here we provide the first geolocator tracking data for an Arctic Warbler breeding in Central Siberia and compare its movements with eight long-distance ring recoveries of this species. In autumn, the tracked individual migrated eastward to a stopover site in eastern Siberia, before migrating southward through Taiwan to its non-breeding sites in the Philippines and Indonesia. During spring migration, the bird spent at least one month at stopover sites in Mongolia, before migrating to its breeding site in June. Ring recovery data confirmed the movement between the Central Siberian breeding grounds and stopover sites in northern Mongolia.
... However, our data here is Overall, our data suggests that the tracked Arctic Warbler was almost constantly on the move, not a single site during the annual cycle has been used for more than two months. This differs strongly from other East Asian songbird migrants, for which long autumn stopovers of up to three months and very long stationary periods during the boreal winter ( ve-six months) were documented (Heim et al. 2018(Heim et al. , 2020 Fig. 1) might also relate to the constant movement of the tracked bird, but they could also stem from high levels of shading in the understorey of tropical forests which would affect the accuracy of the position estimation (Lisovski et al. 2012). ...
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Little is known regarding the migration routes of songbird populations breeding in Siberia. Here we provide the first geolocator tracking data for an Arctic Warbler breeding in Central Siberia and compare its movements with eight long-distance ring recoveries of this species. In autumn, the tracked individual migrated eastward to a stopover site in eastern Siberia, before migrating southward through Taiwan to its non-breeding sites in the Philippines and Indonesia. During spring migration, the bird spent at least one month at stopover sites in Mongolia, before migrating to its breeding site in June. Ring recovery data confirmed the movement between the Central Siberian breeding grounds and stopover sites in northern Mongolia.
... In the EAF, very few studies of migratory connectivity in migratory forest breeding birds have been conducted. An exception is a recent study on the Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope), which is a shrubland breeding migratory species also seeming to show low migratory connectivity 40 . However, as such information is still largely lacking, this limitation further supports the need for more studies in the wintering range of migratory landbirds in the EAF. ...
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The East Asian Flyway (EAF) is the most species diverse of global flyways, with deforestation in its migratory landbird’s non-breeding range suspected to be the main driver of population decline. Yet range-wide habitat loss impact assessments on EAF migratory landbirds are scarce, and seasonal variation in habitat preference of migratory species further increases the complexity for conservation strategies. In this study, we reviewed population trends of migratory forest breeding birds in the EAF along with their seasonal habitat preference from the literature and assessed the impact of forest cover change in species’ breeding and non-breeding ranges on population trends. We found that 41.3% of the bird species with trend data available are declining, and most have higher forest preference in the breeding season. Despite 93.4% of the species experienced deforestation throughout their annual cycle, forest cover change in the non-breeding range was not identified as the main driver of population trend. However, forest cover change in species’ regional breeding range interacts positively with the degree of breeding season forest preference in predicting population trends. We therefore stress that regional breeding habitat protection may still be important while following the call for cross-border collaboration to fill the information gap for flyway conservation.
... Other recent studies also demonstrated that northern populations of the species are migratory (Choi, Nam, Kim, et al., 2020;Choi, Nam, Park, & Bing, 2020;Zhang et al., 2023). All individuals migrated south-westward during autumn to nonbreeding sites on the East Asian mainland, a pattern observed in the majority of migratory East Asian songbird species (Bensch et al., 2022;Heim, Heim, Beermann, et al., 2020;Heim, Pedersen, et al., 2018;Yamaura et al., 2017). An exception to this pattern is the Blue-and-white Flycatchers Cyanoptila cyanomelana co-occurring with yellow-throated buntings at our study site, which TA B L E 2 Migration timing and nonbreeding locations estimated based on light-level geolocation data for six individual yellow-throated buntings breeding at Khingansky state nature reserve, Russia. ...
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Basic information on the ecology of species is key for their conservation. Here we study the ecology of the little-known yellow-throated bunting Emberiza elegans based on a multi-year study on its breeding grounds in the Russian Far East. For the first time in this species, we quantified breeding habitat parameters, calculated sex-specific apparent survival, and determined individual nonbreeding locations using light-level geolocation. We found that the habitat around song posts of male yellow-throated buntings is characterized by tree and shrub layers on richly littered moist ground. Habitat use overlaps with co-occurring Tristram's Buntings Emberiza tristrami and Black-faced Buntings E. spodocephala, but territories differ especially in tree cover and litter cover. Based on 4 years of color-ringing data of 72 individuals, we calculated an apparent survival rate of 36%, with higher survival estimates for male than for female yellow-throated buntings. We found no effect of carrying a geolocator on survival. We retrieved six geolocators from males. All birds migrated south-westward during autumn and spent the nonbreeding season at locations in China 700-1700 km away from their breeding sites. At least two individuals spent the boreal winter outside of the known range in northern or central China. Birds left the breeding area between early October and early November and returned between mid-March and mid-April. Our data on habitat use, survival rate, and migratory connectivity will help to assess threats to the populations of this enigmatic species, which might include habitat loss due to forest fires on the breeding grounds, and unsustainable harvest for consumption during the nonbreeding season.
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Migratory birds are experiencing widespread population declines, underscoring the urgency of effective conservation actions. Long-term monitoring of migratory birds, especially during migration, is crucial for such actions yet remains technically challenging. Bioacoustic monitoring of nocturnal flight calls (NFCs) constitutes a promising technique to monitor migratory birds during migration. Such monitoring has increased in North America and Europe, but its application on the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF) remains limited. Here, we present findings from an NFC monitoring project conducted at a recording station in central Beijing, China over four migration seasons. From around 3,350 hours of recording effort, we manually extracted and identified 84,135 NFCs, involving at least 111 species or species groups that are associated with a wide range of habitat types. We also found that NFCs provided additional information on species’ migration phenology in comparison with citizen science observation data. To our knowledge, this study is the first formal investigation of bird migration using NFC monitoring on the EAAF, serving as a proof-of-concept case for wider, long-term monitoring efforts in this traditionally understudied region. Our findings also highlight the significance of incorporating migratory bird conservation into urban planning and land management practices.
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Long-distance migratory birds often face major geographical barriers on their journey. While some species are able to cross them, others use longer routes to avoid such barriers. Little is known about the strategies of Siberian landbird migrants, which either cross or circumvent the deserts and mountain ranges of Central Asia en route to their non-breeding sites in South-East Asia. Here we compare data on migration phenology and morphology from two bird ringing stations in eastern Russia, situated at similar latitudes but with a longitudinal difference of 1500 km, to hypothesise migration patterns. We found significant differences in timing between the two sites (birds migrated significantly earlier in spring and significantly later in autumn in the east), suggesting longitudinal migration as a result of migration detour. However, morphological differences show a less clear pattern. We argue that most Siberian landbirds might opt for a detour through the Russian Far East instead of a direct route in order to avoid unfavourable stop-over habitat in Central Asia. However, tracking studies will be necessary to prove this.
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Each year, billions of birds migrate across the globe, and interpretation of weather radar signals is increasingly being used to document the spatial and temporal migration patterns in Europe and America. Such approaches are yet to be applied in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), one of the most species-rich and threatened flyways in the world. Logistical challenges limit direct on-ground monitoring of migratory birds in many parts of the EAAF, resulting in knowledge gaps on population status and site use that limit evidence-based conservation planning. Weather radar data have great potential for achieving comprehensive migratory bird monitoring along the EAAF. In this study, we discuss the feasibility and challenges of using weather radar to complement on-ground bird migration surveys in the flyway. We summarize the location, capacity and data availability of weather radars across EAAF countries, as well as the spatial coverage of the radars with respect to migrants' geographic distribution and migration hotspots along the flyway, with an exemplar analysis of biological movement patterns extracted from Chinese weather radars. There are more than 430 weather radars in EAAF countries, covering on average half of bird species' passage and non-breeding distributions, as well as 70% of internationally important sites for migratory shorebirds. We conclude that the weather radar network could be a powerful resource for monitoring bird movements over the full annual cycle throughout much of the EAAF, providing estimates of migration traffic rates, site use, and long-term population trends, especially in remote and less-surveyed regions. Analyses of weather radar data would complement existing ornithological surveys and help understand the past and present status of the avian community in a highly threatened flyway.
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Estimating how much long‐distance migrant populations spread out and mix during the non‐breeding season (migratory connectivity) is essential for understanding and predicting population dynamics in the face of global change. We quantify variation in population spread and inter‐population mixing in long‐distance, terrestrial migrant land‐bird populations (712 individuals from 98 populations of 45 species, from tagging studies in the Neotropic and Afro‐Palearctic flyways). We evaluate the Mantel test as a metric of migratory connectivity, and explore the extent to which variance in population spread can be explained simply by geography. The mean distance between two individuals from the same population during the non‐breeding season was 743 km, covering 10–20% of the maximum width of Africa/South America. Individuals from different breeding populations tended to mix during the non‐breeding season, although spatial segregation was maintained in species with relatively large non‐breeding ranges (and, to a lesser extent, those with low population‐level spread). A substantial amount of between‐population variation in population spread was predicted simply by geography, with populations using non‐breeding zones with limited land availability (e.g. Central America compared to South America) showing lower population spread. The high levels of population spread suggest that deterministic migration tactics are not generally adaptive; this makes sense in the context of the recent evolution of the systems, and the spatial and temporal unpredictability of non‐breeding habitat. The conservation implications of generally low connectivity are that the loss (or protection) of any non‐breeding site will have a diffuse but widespread effect on many breeding populations. Although low connectivity should engender population resilience to shifts in habitat (e.g. due to climate change), we suggest it may increase susceptibility to habitat loss. We hypothesize that, because a migrant species cannot adapt to both simultaneously, migrants generally may be more susceptible to population declines in the face of concurrent anthropogenic habitat and climate change.
Birds migrating across the Himalayan region fly over the highest peaks in the world, facing immense physiological and climatic challenges. The authors show the different strategies used by birds to cope with these challenges. Many wetland avian species are seen in the high-altitude lakes of the Himalayas and the adjoining Tibetan Plateau, such as Bar-Headed Geese. Ringing programmes have generated information about origins and destinations, and this book is the first to present information on the bird's exact migratory paths. Capitalising on knowledge generated through satellite telemetry, the authors describe the migratory routes of a multitude of birds flying over or skirting the Himalayas. The myriad of threats to migratory birds and the wetland system in the Central Asian Flyway are discussed, with ways to mitigate them. This volume will inform and persuade policy-makers and conservation practitioners to take appropriate measures for the long-term survival of this unique migration.
In their 2015 Current Biology paper, Streby et al. [1] reported that Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera), which had just migrated to their breeding location in eastern Tennessee, performed a facultative and up to “>1,500 km roundtrip” to the Gulf of Mexico to avoid a severe tornadic storm. From light-level geolocator data, wherein geographical locations are estimated via the timing of sunrise and sunset, Streby et al. [1] concluded that the warblers had evacuated their breeding area approximately 24 hours before the storm and returned about five days later. The authors presented this finding as evidence that migratory birds avoid severe storms by temporarily moving long-distances. However, the tracking method employed by Streby et al. [1] is prone to considerable error and uncertainty. Here, we argue that this interpretation of the data oversteps the limits of the used tracking technique. By calculating the expected geographical error range for the tracked birds, we demonstrate that the hypothesized movements fell well within the geolocators’ inherent error range for this species and that such deviations in latitude occur frequently even if individuals remain stationary.
Daily records of bird observations were obtained from the Wild Bird Society of Japan bird sanctuary at Lake Utonai, Hokkaido, from 1982 to 2002. We analysed the daily records of four species thought to be experiencing declines: Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus, Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Chestnut-eared Bunting Emberiza fucata and Yellow-breasted Bunting E. aureola. The detection rates of Brown Shrike and Yellow-breasted Bunting declined drastically during the two decades, whereas the detection rates of Black-browed Reed Warbler and Chestnut-eared Bunting remained stable. In 2002 and 2003 we conducted line transect censuses, and detected very few Yellow-breasted Buntings and no Brown Shrikes, both of which had been abundant as recently as 1977. The accumulated data from annual bird watching surveys showed similar declines in the same two species. These observations suggest that whereas the Brown Shrike had been common prior to the early 1980s, it declined drastically in 1986. The Yellow-breasted Bunting remained common until 1997, but declined seriously thereafter. There were no clear trends for Black-browed Reed Warbler or Chestnut-eared Bunting from 1982 to 2002, although the latter appeared to decline from 2011 onwards. Large-scale habitat destruction is unlikely in the study area, since the lake and its surrounding area have been a designated a wildlife protection area since before the study began. We discuss potential causes, together with previous studies.
Migratory birds track seasonal resources across and between continents. We propose a general strategy of tracking the broad seasonal abundance of resources throughout the annual cycle in the longest-distance migrating land birds as an alternative to tracking a certain climatic niche or shorter-term resource surplus occurring, for example, during spring foliation. Whether and how this is possible for complex annual spatiotemporal schedules is not known. New tracking technology enables unprecedented spatial and temporal mapping of long-distance movement of birds. We show that three Palearctic-African species track vegetation greenness throughout their annual cycle, adjusting the timing and direction of migratory movements with seasonal changes in resource availability over Europe and Africa. Common cuckoos maximize the vegetation greenness, whereas red-backed shrikes and thrush nightingales track seasonal surplus in greenness. Our results demonstrate that the longest-distance migrants move between consecutive staging areas even within the wintering region in Africa to match seasonal variation in regional climate. End-of-century climate projections indicate that optimizing greenness would be possible but that vegetation surplus might be more difficult to track in the future.