ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

The Role of Vitamin B 12 in the Management and Optimization of Treatment in Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy


Abstract and Figures

Study design: Narrative review. Objectives: To discuss the relationship between degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) and vitamin B12 deficiency. Specifically, it is the aim to outline the rational for future research into assessment and therapeutic optimization of vitamin B12 in the treatment of DCM. Methods: Literature review. Results: DCM is the commonest cause of spinal cord impairment, with an average age of presentation in the sixth decade. Patients at this age have also been reported to have a high prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency, with estimates of up to 20% in the elderly. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (SACD), and several case reports have pointed to patients with both DCM and SACD. Both SACD and reversible compressive injury due to DCM necessitate remyelination in the spinal cord, a process that requires adequate vitamin B12 levels. Basic science research on nerve crush injuries have shown that vitamin B12 levels are altered after nerve injury and that vitamin B12 along with dexamethasone or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce Wallerian degeneration. Furthermore, it has been suggested that a combination of B-vitamins can reduce glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Conclusions: Given the high prevalence of clinical and subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly, the role of vitamin B12 in myelination, and vitamin B12 deficiency as a differential diagnosis of DCM, it is important to investigate what role vitamin B12 levels play in patients with DCM in terms of baseline neurological function and whether optimization of vitamin B12 levels can improve surgical outcome. Furthermore, the routine assessment of vitamin B12 levels in patients considered for DCM surgery should be considered.
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Review Article
The Role of Vitamin B
in the Management
and Optimization of Treatment in Patients
With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
Aria Nouri, MD, MSc
, Kishan Patel, BA
, Julio Montejo, BA
Rani Nasser, MD
, David A. Gimbel, MD
, Daniel M. Sciubba, MD
and Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS, FAANS, FACS
Study Design: Narrative review.
Objectives: To discuss the relationship between degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) and vitamin B
deficiency. Specifi-
cally, it is the aim to outline the rational for future research into assessment and therapeutic optimization of vitamin B
in the
treatment of DCM.
Methods: Literature review.
Results: DCM is the commonest cause of spinal cord impairment, with an average age of presentation in the sixth decade.
Patients at this age have also been reported to have a high prevalence of vitamin B
deficiency, with estimates of up to 20% in the
elderly. Vitamin B
deficiency can result in subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (SACD), and several case reports
have pointed to patients with both DCM and SACD. Both SACD and reversible compressive injury due to DCM necessitate
remyelination in the spinal cord, a process that requires adequate vitamin B
levels. Basic science research on nerve crush injuries
have shown that vitamin B
levels are altered after nerve injury and that vitamin B
along with dexamethasone or nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce Wallerian degeneration. Furthermore, it has been suggested that a combination of B-vitamins
can reduce glutamate-induced neurotoxicity.
Conclusions: Given the high prevalence of clinical and subclinical vitamin B
deficiency in the elderly, the role of vitamin B
myelination, and vitamin B
deficiency as a differential diagnosis of DCM, it is important to investigate what role vitamin B
levels play in patients with DCM in terms of baseline neurological function and whether optimization of vitamin B
levels can
improve surgical outcome. Furthermore, the routine assessment of vitamin B
levels in patients considered for DCM surgery
should be considered.
nutrition, anemia, subacute combined degeneration, spinal cord, nitrous oxide, cobalamin
Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) encompasses a
set of age-related changes of the cervical spine that result in
spinal cord impairment through static and dynamic injury
Patients with DCM typically present with vari-
able degrees of upper and lower limb neurological deficits,
including numbness, clumsiness, gait impairment, and motor
weakness. Additionally, objective myelopathic signs such as
Hoffmann’s sign, Babinski’s reflex, and ankle clonus may be
Department of Neurosurgery, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
Corresponding Author:
Joseph S. Cheng, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine, 260 Stetson Street, Suite 2200, Cincinnati, OH 45219,
Global Spine Journal
ªThe Author(s) 2018
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/2192568218758633
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the work as published without adaptation or alteration, without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open
Access pages (
One of the potential differential diagnoses to con-
sider in these patients is cobalamin or vitamin B
) defi-
ciency. Neurological deficits encountered with B
include peripheral neuropathy, myelopathy, mental status
changes, optic neuropathy, or a combination of these.
Patients with both DCM and B
deficiency are most frequently
diagnosed above the age of 50 years, and it has been estimated
that the prevalence of B
deficiency is about 20%in indus-
trialized countries.
Furthermore, many more patients may
have subclinical B
Given this high prevalence
of B
deficiency in elderly population, it would seem intuitive
that many patients with DCM are also affected. Indeed, there
have been some case reports describing patients with DCM
and superimposed B
Investigation of this rela-
tionship is important since deficiency of B
may not only
exacerbate myelopathic symptoms in DCM but may also
hinder neurological recovery, since B
is essential for mye-
In this review, the mechanism of action, causes of
deficiency, and presentation of B
deficiency will be briefly
described and will be followed by the role of routine B
assessment and its potential role in optimizing surgical
outcome in patients with DCM.
Vitamin B
: Mechanism of Action
Vitamin B
is synthesized exclusively by anaerobic bacteria,
and it is obtained in foods of animal origin. Uptake of B
in the
gastrointestinal system requires binding of a glycoprotein
called intrinsic factor, which is secreted by gastric parietal
cells. The B
-intrinsic factor complex binds to “cubam” recep-
tors expressed on enterocytes in the distal ileum and is
absorbed via receptor-mediated endocytosis. Given the critical
role of intrinsic factor in B
uptake, deficiencies in the glyco-
protein due to an autoimmune gastritis known as “pernicious
anemia” leads to a severe B
deficiency, with hematological
and neurological manifestations.
Intracellular B
is stored as 2 active coenzymes: methylco-
balamin and deoxyadenosylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin acts
as a coenzyme for cytoplasmic methionine synthase, which
catalyzes the methylation of homocysteine to methionine. This
transmethylation reaction also involves folate (vitamin B
) and
is therefore critical for nucleic acid synthesis. Deoxyadenosyl-
cobalamin is a cofactor for methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, which
catalyzes the conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-
CoA in the mitochondria. Succinyl-CoA subsequently enter the
Krebs cycle and is important for the synthesis of lipids and
(Figure 1).
Methylcobalamin is also important for the synthesis and
maintenance of the myelin sheath. A number of studies report
the development of white-matter lesions or retarded myelina-
tion in patients with B
Although the precise
molecular mechanisms underlying methylcobalamin-mediated
myelination are unknown, a number of models have been sug-
gested, including increased synthesis of lecithin (the primary
component of myelin sheath lipids)
; downregulation of
Erk1/2 and upregulation of myelin basic protein
; increased
synthesis of myelinotrophic cytokines and growth factors, such
as IL-6 and EGF
; upregulation of neurotrophic gene fac-
; and regulation of normal prion protein concentration
in the central nervous system.
Vitamin B
Deficiency: Anemia,
Neuropathy, and Myelopathy
Vitamin B
deficiency is a significant health concern in the
United States; it is estimated that 5%to 40%of the elderly
population have low serum B
Due to enterohe-
patic circulation and kidney reabsorption, humans have exten-
sive stores of B
and require several years of inadequate intake
to present with a clinical deficiency. As a result, with the
exception of unsupplemented populations of vegans, B
ciency occurs primarily through gastrointestinal malabsorp-
The most direct measurement of B
status is the
measurement of total serum B
. Laboratory ranges for normal
(>221 pmol/L), low (148-221 pmol/L), and acute deficiency
(<148 pmol/L) have been established and are used in most
clinical settings.
However, a major limitation of this assay
is that it assesses total circulating B
, about 80%of which is
bound to haptocorrin, a transcobalamin protein, and not bioa-
Furthermore, a number of studies have shown that
serum B
does not reliably represent levels of cellular B
a result, assessing serum B
alone does not allow for an accurate
diagnosis of deficiency.
A more effective method of diagnosis
is to use serum B
measurements in conjunction with other
biomarkers, namely, homocysteine (Hcy), methylmalonic acid
Figure 1. Vitamin B
coenzyme function. B
acts as a coenzyme in
the conversion of homocysteine to methionine in the cytosol, and the
conversion of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA in the mitochon-
drion. The cytoplasmic reaction requires folate, as the methyl group
that is added to homocysteine is removed from 5-methyl tetrahy-
drofolate. Tetrahydrofolate is a precursor in the synthetic pathway for
purines and pyrimidines, while succinyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle
and is important for lipid and carbohydrate synthesis. Reprinted with
permission from Springer: Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepa-
tology (Nielsen et al
2Global Spine Journal
(MMA), and holo-transcobalamin (holo-TC). Hcy and MMA
accumulation occurs as a result of inactivation of the 2 B
dependent enzymes, methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-
CoA mutase, respectively. Most studies set the upper limit of
normal plasma Hcy to 15 mmol/L; higher levels are indicative
of a nutritional deficiency.
However, since the conversion of
Hcy to methionine via methionine synthase also depends on
the availability of folate, nutritional deficiencies in either
folate or B
could result in increased levels of Hcy. MMA,
on the other hand, is not affected by other vitamins and is
therefore considered a more specific biomarker of B
ciency. Serum levels of MMA that are greater than 260 nmol/
L indicate an elevated reading
pathologies such as renal dysfunction may also present with
increased levels of MMA; as a result, the use of this marker in
elderly patients with renal disease should be done cau-
Last, Holo-TC, in contrast to haptocorrin, is the
readily bioavailable form of B
transport, and is therefore a
more accurate biomarker of B
status. The normal range of
holo-TC is 20 to 125 pmol/L.
An algorithm for the diagnosis
of B
deficiency using these 3 biomarkers in addition to
serum B
was presented by Hannibal et al.
The Schilling test, an assay for pernicious anemia in which
radiolabeled vitamin B
is ingested and its excretion measured
in urine, is now rarely used in the United States. Two studies
have shown that elevated levels of Hcy and MMA were detect-
able in 15%to 33%of patients with normal Schilling tests,
indicating the increased specificity of laboratory measurements
in diagnosing B
Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is not normally indicated for patients with B
but some reports have noted characteristic V-shaped hyperinten-
sity on T2-imaging when present in the cervical cord and
“bumbell” or bilateral nodular shape when present in the thor-
acic cord in patients with severe myelopathy
(Figure 2).
The clinical presentations of B
deficiency include megalo-
blastic anemia and neurological deficits. Megaloblastic anemia
is characterized by enlarged red blood cell precursors with asyn-
chronous maturation of the nucleus and cytoplasm. The clinical
picture of megaloblastic anemia develops slowly, and symptoms
include weakness, palpitations, dyspnea on exertion, fatigue,
light-headedness, jaundice, and shortness of breath. These symp-
toms typically do not arise until the anemia is quite severe, as
cardiopulmonary adaptations can alleviate hypoxia.
Common neurological symptoms include myelopathy,
neuropathy, and, less frequently, optic nerve atrophy.
best characterized form of myelopathy is known as subacute
combined degeneration (SACD). SACD is caused by damage
to dorsal and lateral columns and is characterized by sym-
metric dysesthesia, abnormal proprioception, loss of vibratory
sensation, positive Romberg sign, and spastic paraparesis or
tetraparesis. Oftentimes, patients initially report sensory loss,
presenting as lower limb paresthesia associated with ataxia. In
late-stage disease, lateral corticospinal tracts can be involved,
leading to impairment of fine motor function and abnormal
Furthermore, a minority of patients present with
autonomic disturbances, including bladder and erectile
Peripheral neuropathy is seen in approximately 25%of
patients with B
Symptoms include paresthesias,
impaired sensation in a “glove and stocking” distribution, pain-
ful burning sensations, and muscle wasting.
adult patients with B
deficiency will present with optic neu-
ropathy, characterized by symmetric, painless, and progressive
visual loss. Ophthalmologic findings include central and cen-
trocecal scotomas.
Although hematologic signs often precede neurological
symptoms, neurological symptoms may be the primary mani-
festation of B
deficiency in some patients. For example, stud-
ies by Lindenbaum et al
and Healton et al
showed that up to
28%of patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms of B
ciency can present with normal mean corpuscular volume
(MCV), hematocrit (HCT), or both. However, although HCT
and MCV were normal in these reports, other hematological
signs such as neutrophil hypersegmentation were found to be
abnormal on inspection of peripheral blood smear.
have been reports of B
-deficient patients with neurological
symptoms and normal MCV, HCT, peripheral blood smear,
and Hcy levels, although this is quite rare.
Table 1. Diagnostic Parameters, References Ranges, and Potential
Confounding Factors for Assessment of Vitamin B
Parameter Reference Range Confounding Factors
>148 pmol/L Renal insufficiency (")
Hcy <15 mmol/L Renal insufficiency(")
Folate deficiency (")
Vitamin B
deficiency (")
MMA <260 nmol/L Renal insufficiency (")
Age (")
Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (")
Abbreviations: B
, vitamin B
; Hcy, homocysteine; MMA, methylmalonic acid.
Adapted from Hermann W, Obeid R. Cobalamin deficiency. In: Stranger O, ed.
Water Soluble Vitamins: Clinical Research and Future Application. Berlin, Germany:
Springer; 2012:301-322.
Figure 2. Axial T2-wieghted MRI of a patients with degenerative
cervical myelopathy and concomitant B
deficiency. On the left, a
characteristic reverse V-shaped hyperintensity is visible in the pos-
terior column (arrow). On the right significant spinal cord compres-
sion is demonstrated. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier: The
Spine Journal (Miyazaki et al
Nouri et al 3
Pathophysiology of DCM
There are a number of pathophysiological factors that result in
DCM: (1) static compression of the spinal cord, (2) dynamic
injury resulting from mobile degenerative cervical spine ele-
ments compressing the cord, and (3) tethering of the cord or
altered cord tension due to changes in the cervical spine align-
ment or cord compression.
These various mechanisms con-
tribute to spinal cord dysfunction by causing reversible and
irreversible injury to neuronal tissue. Reversible tissue injury
includes demyelination, Wallerian degeneration, edema, and
inflammatory changes. Whereas irreversible injury manifests
after frank loss of neuronal tissue has occurred.
The under-
lying pathobiological mechanisms causing neuronal death are
multifold. Mechanical compression initiates an inflammatory
process that can be further exacerbated by disruption of blood
flow and the blood-spinal cord barrier. Disruption of blood
supply may result in variable degrees of cellular injury. This
may be caused by direct blood vessel compression, as well as
increased spinal cord tension, which may not only cause
stretching of nerve fibers but also flattening of blood ves-
The degree of injury is highly variable and is
affected by the degree of cord compression, the number of
levels involved, and whether the compression is static or
dynamic. Consequently, the natural history and clinical mani-
festations of DCM are highly variable. Clinically, patients typi-
cally present with problems using items with their hands and/or
problems with their gait.
In more severe cases, urine incon-
tinence may also manifest. While diagnosis of DCM is based
on clinical examination, imaging evidence of spinal cord com-
pression or cord tethering on MRI is required to confirm the
diagnosis (Table 2).
On MRI, patients typically present with one or more levels
of cord compression. The direction of the compressive force
typically originates from the anterior or anterior and posterior
(pincer effect). In most, but not all patients, T2-weighted
hyperintensity will approximate the site of cord compression,
representing nonspecific inflammatory changes ranging from
edema to cavitation depending on the signal intensity and
T1-weighted hypointensity changes can occur
in approximately one fifth of DCM patients at the site of
T2-weighted hyperintensity, indicating cavitation and that
frank neuronal tissue loss has occurred.
Rationale for Investigating B
in DCM
On the Basis of Epidemiology
Both B
deficiency and DCM are most prevalent in the
elderly, and with estimates of 20%of B
deficiency, even a
proportional prevalence among DCM patients would indicate a
high rate of potential deficiency among the DCM population.
Clinically, reports of patients with known B
deficiency and
superimposed DCM have shown that patients appear with a
degree of neurological impairment out of proportion of what
would be expected based on imaging, and that treatment with
can optimize neurological recovery.
In other case
reports, patients with suspected diagnosis of DCM, but under-
lying SACD, experienced a resolution of symptoms after B
These findings have the following impli-
cations: patients with definitive DCM and concomitant B
deficiency require treatment for both conditions to optimize
neurological recovery, but care should be taken for patients
with mild cord compression and possible B
deficiency prior
to surgical treatment, as cord compression may be a false pos-
itive finding and treatment with B
may resolve symptoms.
A high index of suspicion for B
deficiency among DCM
patients should be placed among patient with history of gastro-
intestinal resection or comorbidities, such as atrophic gastritis
and irritable bowel disease, which may be an underlying cause
for unrecognized B
When suspected, laboratory
findings of megaloblastic anemia, low B
levels, and high
levels of homocysteine may be helpful.
On the Basis of Pathophysiology
The average patient receiving surgical treatment for DCM has
moderate to severe neurological impairment at presentation,
and nonoperative management has been shown to result in
neurological deterioration in 20%to 62%of patients at 3 to
6 years of follow-up.
When surgical treatment is undertaken,
the average patient experiences meaningful neurological recov-
However, not all patients experience significant
improvement, others maintain their preoperative levels of func-
tion, and less commonly, patients experience neurological
deterioration. The occurrence of suboptimal recovery can be
expected since it is known that DCM can have elements of
reversible and irreversible neuroanatomic changes—the bal-
ance of which influences the degree of functional recovery.
Approximately 80%of patients with DCM present with either
no significant changes or only T2-weighted hyperintensity sig-
nal on conventional MRI,
and these MRI findings suggest
that most patients have a large component of nonspecific
Table 2. Clinical Findings That May Appear on Examination in
Patients With DCM.
Clinical Symptoms Clinical Signs MRI Findings
Corticospinal motor
Hoffmann sign Cord compression
Numbness of hands L’Hermitte’s
Cord flattening
Atrophy of hand
Ankle clonus Cord torsion
Hyperreflexia and
Babinski sign T2WI Cord
Gait disturbances
(broad based)
Romberg sign T1WI cord
Clumsy hands
Urinary incontinence
(in severe cases)
4Global Spine Journal
inflammatory changes, including Wallerian degeneration, that
are potentially reversible. Reversible neurological function,
however, is partly attributable to remyelination, which requires
While there have been no direct clinical studies looking
at B
and DCM, basic science research has shown that per-
ipheral nerve crush injury alter the levels of B
at the nerve,
and it has been suggested that B
with dexamethasone or
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to treat
peripheral nerve crush injury and reduce Wallerian
Sun et al
suggested that upregulation of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may be a mechan-
ism of action for this improvement.
Vitamin B
may also have a role in attenuating neurologi-
cal deterioration after surgery for DCM. While the occurrence
of deterioration is infrequent, not clearly understood, and dif-
ficult to anticipate, it has been suggested that reperfusion injury
and subsequent glutamate excitotoxicity after cord decompres-
sion may be responsible for this phenomenon.
It has been
shown that treatment with a combination of B-vitamins
(including B
) can reduce neuronal injury,
and it has
been suggested that B
potentially depresses glutamate-
induced neurotoxicity.
These studies suggest that in addition
to raising B
levels in those with suboptimal levels, higher
levels may also provide a therapeutic benefit to patients receiv-
ing surgery for DCM. This however remains speculative.
On the Basis of Preoperative Planning
An intriguing and clinical relationship between B
and myelo-
pathy that may be highly relevant for patients with DCM is also
interaction of nitrous oxide (N
O) during anesthesia with peri-
operative myelopathy development.
O irreversibly oxides
the cobalt ion at the center of B
, and impedes its crucial
cofactor function for methionine synthetase. This enzyme is
required for the formation of tetrahydrofolate (THF) and
methionine. THF is involved in thymidine synthesis and DNA
production, while methionine is required for the methylation of
myelin sheath phospholipids.
Consequently, patients with
already low levels of B
or methylene-tetrahydrofolate-
reductase deficiency are particularly at risk for perioperative
myelopathy due to N
O administration.
Although rare and an
underrecognized phenomenon, there have been numerous case
reports describing the development of SACD after anesthesia
with N
O administration.
Given that N
O can be used
during spine surgery, this points to the necessity of routinely
monitoring B
levels in patients with DCM to optimize surgi-
cal outcomes and prevent perioperative or postoperative neu-
rological deficit development. Recognition of this phenomenon
is important, as intramuscular injection of B
has been shown
to rapidly reverse SACD symptoms.
It is clear that B
is necessary for maintaining spinal cord
function, and deficiency can result in SACD. Given the high
prevalence of clinical and subclinical B
deficiency in the
elderly, the role of B
in myelination, and B
deficiency as
a differential diagnosis of DCM, there is considerable rationale
to conduct routine assessment of B
levels in patients with
DCM. Going forward, it will be necessary to assess additional
aspects of this relationship, including (1) whether DCM
patients with B
deficiency present differently on clinical
exam, (2) whether patients with B
deficiency and DCM have
suboptimal surgical outcomes, (3) whether patients with defi-
ciency who are supplemented with B
achieve optimal out-
comes, and (4) whether increasing B
levels in patients with
no deficiency improves surgical outcomes more than other-
wise expected. Since preoperative assessment includes rou-
tine blood work, this additional diagnostic measurement
would not unnecessarily burden the patient or substantially
increase costs. In the event that a patient appears to have
suboptimal levels or deficiency, treatment with B
would not
be costly, is unlikely to adversely affect the patient, and may
optimize surgical outcome. Further studies in this area are
needed and would be highly feasible given the fact that B
is an essential vitamin, cheap, and readily accessible. We
intend to investigate this relationship and will seek to report
on how to incorporate B
assessment into the clinical man-
agement of patients with DCM.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: Dr Sciubba is a consultant for Medtronic, Depuy-Synthes,
Stryker, Nuvasive, and K2M. The other authors have no conflicts of
interest to declare.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
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Nouri et al 7
... [5][6][7] Cases of leukoencephalopathy reversing with Vit.B12 therapy have been reported, 8,9 and it is very well possible that white matter demyelination may be more prevalent than the ones being reported since imaging focus in these patients is usually on the spinal cord and not the brain. Also, the condition is traditionally considered a disease of the elderly, 10 and there may be a gross under-reporting of the true prevalence of Vit. B12 deficiency in the young. ...
... The primary food sources are dairy and meat products, and eggs, the actual origin of the compound is the bacteria in the gut of the ruminant animals. 4,10 There are different forms of the Vit.B12 compound "cobalamin," including methylcobalamin, which is the most active compound in the body and is also used in vitamin supplements, 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin, and hydroxocobalamin. 4,10 These forms are converted in the body into energy-consuming, NADH-dependent mechanisms. ...
... The dietary absorption is very efficient due to an enterohepatic circulation mechanism, and as such in otherwise healthy vegans also clinical deficiency takes a very long time to manifest. 10 The human liver is the largest storage site, with about 2,500 to 3,000 micrograms of total storage seen in a normal adult human. 4,12 Vegans usually have low Vit.B12 but higher folate levels, 13 and it is considered that about half of the vegans are at risk of developing clinical manifestations. ...
Vitamin B12 deficiency has been classically associated with subacute combined degeneration of the cord. It can be readily recognized on magnetic resonance imaging as T2W hyperintensity of the dorsal column. Cerebral changes are being increasingly notified, especially in the elderly population. The authors report the case of a 33-year-old patient and describe the imaging characteristics.
... In 2017, global incidence, prevalence, death, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years (DALYs) associated with diabetes were 22.9 million, 476.0 million, 1.37 million, and 67.9 million, with a projection to 26.6 million, 570.9 million, 1.59 million, and 79.3 million in 2025, respectively. 2 Vitamin B 12 (Vit B 12 ) is a complex water-soluble organic compound which is essential to a number of microorganisms and animals, including humans. 3 Vitamin B 12 deficiency is prevalent all over the world, as shown by studies conducted across almost all continents. ...
... B 12 deficiency was defined as B 12 <200 pg/mL, or 200-299 pg/mL, with hematological abnormalities (macrocytosis and/or pancytopenia). 16 Serum B 12 levels between 200 and 299 pg/mL without hematological abnormalities were regarded as borderline B 12, while those with 300 pg/mL and above, irrespective of hematological abnormalities, were adjudged to have normal B 12 (Table 2, Table 3). ...
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Vitamin B12 (Vit B12) deficiency is very common among diabetic subjects, although with variable prevalence. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of Vit B12 deficiency and its associated factors among patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). This study is important because Vit B12 deficiency is associated with metformin, which is a bedrock in the management of diabetic subjects. Since peripheral neuropathy is a recognized complication of DM, and also occurs in Vit B12 deficiency, it would be important to ascertain the role of Vit B12 deficiency in the emergence of peripheral neuropathy. Appropriate measures like vitamin supplementation would then be instituted in diabetics who are on metformin. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Enugu State University Teaching Hospital in Enugu, Nigeria, between January to July 2019. A total of 422 patients who fit the eligibility criteria were included in the study. Data on demographics, medication use, and anthropometry were obtained from each subject, while blood was drawn to study Vit B12 levels, Haemoglobin (Hb), Mean Cell Volume (MCV), and Glycated Heamoglobin (HbA1c). Vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as serum B12 level of ≤200 pg/mL. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among Type 2 DM patients was 16.6% (n=364). Predictors of Vit B12 deficiency in Type 2 diabetic subjects included duration of metformin use of more than five years (p<0.0001). Other predictors of vitamin B12 deficiency include Body Mass Index (BMI), diabetes duration, and macrocytic anemia. This study suggests that the prevalence of Vit B12 deficiency among patients with DM in our population is substantial. This is more frequent among patients who have been on metformin for more than five years.
... The main source of vitamin B 12 in human is animalbased foods [18]. Therefore, vegans and vegetarians are most likely to be affected by vitamin B 12 deficiency [19]. ...
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Background Vitamin B 12 is a very important water-soluble vitamin, which was first isolated from the liver as an anti-pernicious anemia factor. The sole source of vitamin B 12 is the animal-based food. It has a complicated structure and requires expensive multi-steps to be synthesized chemically. Intriguingly, vitamin B 12 can be produced through microbial fermentation by microorganisms in a cheap and more effective manner. Objective This study aims to isolate and characterize microorganisms that have the capability to produce vitamin B 12 . In addition, the current work aims to optimize the vitamin B 12 production conditions by isolating strains using suitable waste materials to obtain a high vitamin B 12 yield. Materials and methods Different bacterial and yeast isolates were isolated from marine and food samples using the pour-plate technique. These isolates were screened for vitamin B 12 production using a specific growth medium that lacked vitamin B 12 and a test indicator bacterium. The content of vitamin B 12 was estimated using spectrophotometer measurement and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The isolates that showed high vitamin B 12 productivity were identified using MALDI-TOF technique. The identified strains were implemented for the optimization of vitamin B 12 production to reveal the most proper and optimum conditions for the production. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to enhance the production of vitamin B 12 in a flask scale. Agro-industrial wastes such as molasses were used for vitamin B 12 production using the most optimum conditions as determined by RSM. Results and conclusion Eighty-seven actinomycetes, bacterial, and yeast isolates were screened for vitamin B 12 production. Out of these isolates, 15 showed high vitamin B 12 productivity. We found that bacilli and yeast isolates were the most productive among the tested cocci and actinomycetes isolates. The highly productive Bacillus and yeast isolates were identified using the MALDI-TOF analysis. The isolates were identified as Candida pelliculosa , Geotrichum candidum , Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus sp . One strain of Candida pelliculosa (coded BYI), three strains of Geotrichum candidum (coded as MZYC, MZYD, and MZYG) were selected for studying the effect of sugar type and inoculum size on the yield of vitamin B 12 production. Strain MZYD was selected for the statistical modelling using RSM to optimize seven factors for the vitamin B 12 production. These factors included temperature, fermentation time, salt concentration, pH, sugar concentration, inoculum size, and aeration. Five factors i.e ., temperature, pH, sugar concentration, and inoculum size were shown to significantly improve the vitamin B 12 production. A maximum yield of 64.21 μg/100 ml was obtained using the optimized RSM conditions. These optimized conditions were used to produce vitamin B 12 using molasses as a raw material for the microbial growth.
... [1,5] The rationale of treatment with multivitamins in our study is explained by the nerve-regenerating effects of vitamins B1, B6, and particularly B12, playing an important role in remyelination and myelin repair. [21][22][23][24][25] This becomes even more important in the state of pregnancy or lactation, where nutritional demand rises. A study revealed that the B12 levels were below the normal range in 41.1% of mothers in their postpartum period. ...
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Purpose Optic neuritis is the most common optic neuropathy affecting adults, especially women. Lactational optic neuritis is a rare entity occurring during the postpartum period with a high chance of recurrence. Through this study, we evaluated the clinical profile and visual outcome of lactational optic neuritis. Methods This was a retrospective study where patients with optic neuritis presenting during the first year of the postpartum period to the neuro-ophthalmology clinic between January 2016 and December 2022 were included in the study. Results This study included seven eyes of six patients. The mean age of presentation was 24.6 years, with all patients presenting after the first 3 months of the postpartum period. All patients had unilateral involvement except one, presenting with painful vision loss. Best corrected visual acuity ranged from 6/18 to hand movements. Relative afferent pupillary defect and dyschromatopsia were present in all patients. Disc edema was seen in all but one case. Three patients were treated with steroids along with multivitamins, and the remaining three refused treatment with steroids, receiving multivitamins alone. All patients had complete recovery by the end of 12 weeks. Conclusion Optic neuritis during lactation is attributed more to post-pregnancy immunological changes rather than lactation itself. The presentation and clinical features are similar to classic optic neuritis and remain an important differential diagnosis for visual dysfunction in the postpartum period.
... As DCM can present with an array of different signs and symptoms, a specific clinical definition of the disease is difficult to form [83,98,114,142]. Added to this, many signs and symptoms of DCM overlap with the clinical presentation of diseases with a high prevalence in the general population, such as paresthesia which can present both in DCM and in diabetes mellitus as diabetic neuropathy [13,93]. A number of other systemic conditions which might directly or indirectly influence clinical presentation or functional outcomes in patients with DCM (such as vitamin B 12 deficiency or anemia) can be readily detected using laboratory exams and are amenable to preoperative optimization [102,104]. Similarly, DCM largely affects the elderly population, who can present clinically with the same neurological and motor deficits, for example gait impairment, due to other causes that frequently affect this population such as stroke and dementia [5,55,65]. As such, the ability to narrow down the differential diagnosis and diagnose DCM accurately and in a timely manner with the use of appropriate and optimal diagnostic modalities is not just challenging but critical to improving the overall care and outcomes for patients [57]. ...
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Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM), a recently coined term, encompasses a group of age-related and genetically associated pathologies that affect the cervical spine, including cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL). Given the significant contribution of DCM to global disease and disability, there are worldwide efforts to promote research and innovation in this area. An AO Spine effort termed ‘RECODE-DCM’ was initiated to create an international multistakeholder consensus group, involving patients, caregivers, physicians and researchers, to focus on launching actionable discourse on DCM. In order to improve the management, treatment and results for DCM, the RECODE-DCM consensus group recently identified ten priority areas for translational research. The current article summarizes recent advancements in the field of DCM. We first discuss the comprehensive definition recently refined by the RECODE-DCM group, including steps taken to arrive at this definition and the supporting rationale. We then provide an overview of the recent advancements in our understanding of the pathophysiology of DCM and modalities to clinically assess and diagnose DCM. A focus will be set on advanced imaging techniques that may offer the opportunity to improve characterization and diagnosis of DCM. A summary of treatment modalities, including surgical and nonoperative options, is then provided along with future neuroprotective and neuroregenerative strategies. This review concludes with final remarks pertaining to the genetics involved in DCM and the opportunity to leverage this knowledge toward a personalized medicine approach.
... However, this is likely to represent one end of a spectrum, with less significant deficiencies a contributory factor for example with implications for neural repair. 181 In clinical studies, there are increasing indicators for this. Nouri et al. 182 (2020) in a retrospective analysis of 725 patients undergoing surgery for DCM or degenerative cervical radiculopathy, demonstrated macrocytic anemia was more common in DCM, and its presence associated with poorer pre-operative neurological status . ...
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Study Design Literature Review (Narrative) Objective To propose a new framework, to support the investigation and understanding of the pathobiology of DCM, AO Spine RECODE-DCM research priority number 5. Methods Degenerative cervical myelopathy is a common and disabling spinal cord disorder. In this perspective, we review key knowledge gaps between the clinical phenotype and our biological models. We then propose a reappraisal of the key driving forces behind DCM and an individual’s susceptibility, including the proposal of a new framework. Results Present pathobiological and mechanistic knowledge does not adequately explain the disease phenotype; why only a subset of patients with visualized cord compression show clinical myelopathy, and the amount of cord compression only weakly correlates with disability. We propose that DCM is better represented as a function of several interacting mechanical forces, such as shear, tension and compression, alongside an individual’s vulnerability to spinal cord injury, influenced by factors such as age, genetics, their cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous system status, and time. Conclusion Understanding the disease pathobiology is a fundamental research priority. We believe a framework of mechanical stress, vulnerability, and time may better represent the disease as a whole. Whilst this remains theoretical, we hope that at the very least it will inspire new avenues of research that better encapsulate the full spectrum of disease.
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Background: Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the second most common recreational drug used by 16- to 24-year-olds in the UK. Neurological symptoms can occur in some people that use N2O recreationally, but most information comes from small case series. Methods: We describe 119 patients with N2O-myeloneuropathy seen at NHS teaching hospitals in three of the UK's largest cities: London, Birmingham and Manchester. This work summarises the clinical and investigative findings in the largest case series to date. Results: Paraesthesia was the presenting complaint in 85% of cases, with the lower limbs more commonly affected than the upper limbs. Gait ataxia was common, and bladder and bowel disturbance were frequent additional symptoms. The mid-cervical region of the spinal cord (C3-C5) was most often affected on MRI T2-weighted imaging. The number of N2O canisters consumed per week correlated with methylmalonic acid levels in the blood as a measure of functional B12 deficiency (rho (ρ)=0.44, p=0.04). Conclusions: Preventable neurological harm from N2O abuse is increasingly seen worldwide. Ease of access to canisters and larger cylinders of N2O has led to an apparent rise in cases of N2O-myeloneuropathy in several areas of the UK. Our results highlight the range of clinical manifestations in a large group of patients to improve awareness of risk, aid early recognition, and promote timely treatment.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that develop in early life due to interaction between several genetic and environmental factors and lead to alterations in brain function and structure. During the last decades, several mechanisms have been placed to explain the pathogenesis of autism. Unfortunately, these are reported in several studies and reviews which make it difficult to follow by the reader. In addition, some recent molecular mechanisms related to ASD have been unrevealed. This paper revises and highlights the major common molecular mechanisms responsible for the clinical symptoms seen in people with ASD, including the roles of common genetic factors and disorders, neuroinflammation, GABAergic signaling, and alterations in Ca⁺² signaling. Besides, it covers the major molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in initiating the epileptic seizure, including the alterations in the GABAergic and glutamate signaling, vitamin and mineral deficiency, disorders of metabolism, and autoimmunity. Finally, this review also discusses sleep disorder patterns and the molecular mechanisms underlying them.
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Vitamin B12 (B12; also known as cobalamin) is a B vitamin that has an important role in cellular metabolism, especially in DNA synthesis, methylation and mitochondrial metabolism. Clinical B12 deficiency with classic haematological and neurological manifestations is relatively uncommon. However, subclinical deficiency affects between 2.5% and 26% of the general population depending on the definition used, although the clinical relevance is unclear. B12 deficiency can affect individuals at all ages, but most particularly elderly individuals. Infants, children, adolescents and women of reproductive age are also at high risk of deficiency in populations where dietary intake of B12‑containing animal-derived foods is restricted. Deficiency is caused by either inadequate intake, inadequate bioavailability or malabsorption. Disruption of B12 transport in the blood, or impaired cellular uptake or metabolism causes an intracellular deficiency. Diagnostic biomarkers for B12 status include decreased levels of circulating total B12 and transcobalamin-bound B12, and abnormally increased levels of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid. However, the exact cut-offs to classify clinical and subclinical deficiency remain debated. Management depends on B12 supplementation, either via high-dose oral routes or via parenteral administration. This Primer describes the current knowledge surrounding B12 deficiency, and highlights improvements in diagnostic methods as well as shifting concepts about the prevalence, causes and manifestations of B12 deficiency.
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Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the most common progressive nontraumatic spinal cord injury. The most common recommended treatment is surgical decompression, although the optimal timing of intervention is an area of ongoing debate. The primary objective of this study was to assess whether a delay in decompression could influence the extent of ischemia-reperfusion injury and alter the trajectory of outcome in DCM. Using a DCM mouse model, we show that decompression acutely led to a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in levels of inflammatory cytokines within the spinal cord. Delayed decompression was associated with exacerbated reperfusion injury, astrogliosis, and poorer neurological recovery. Additionally, delayed decompression was associated with prolonged elevation of inflammatory cytokines and an exacerbated peripheral monocytic inflammatory response (P < 0.01 and 0.001). In contrast, early decompression led to resolution of reperfusion-mediated inflammation, neurological improvement, and reduced hyperalgesia. Similar findings were observed in subjects from the CSM AOSpine North America and International studies, where delayed decompressive surgery resulted in poorer neurological improvement compared with patients with an earlier intervention. Our data demonstrate that delayed surgical decompression for DCM exacerbates reperfusion injury and is associated with ongoing enhanced levels of cytokine expression, microglia activation, and astrogliosis, and paralleled with poorer neurological recovery.
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Background Vitamin B12 deficiency is a metabolic disorder with many causes. It often presents with megaloblastic anaemia and neurological disorders which entail prompt treatment. The diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency is challenging in resource limited-settings due to limited access to diagnostic tools and unfamiliarity with the disease, owing to its rarity especially in young people. Case presentationA 28 year old female Cameroonian presented with progressive burning painful sensations on the upper trunk, paraesthesia and numbness of the upper and lower limbs for a period of 5 years. Before presenting to us, she had consulted in numerous health institutions for which she had been treated for diverse pathologies with no relieve of symptoms. After clinical and laboratory evaluation, a diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency-associated neuropathy was made. She was placed on oral vitamin B12 supplements at 2 mg daily for 3 months. Follow up was marked by good clinical recovery after 1 month of therapy. Conclusion Vitamin B12 deficiency neuropathy is a rare debilitating disease that affects mostly the elderly. However; young adults with neuropathic symptoms warrant a high index of suspicion. Peripheral blood smears and complete blood counts are sufficiently diagnostic in resource-limited settings.
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B12 deficiency is associated with several neurological manifestations. It is well documented that neurologic symptoms due to B12 deficiency may sometimes present in the absence of anemia. However, in most cases there are several indicating factors like megaloblastic changes in complete blood count, hypersegmentated neutrophils or macroovalocytes in peripheral blood smear and abnormal homocysteine levels. In this report, we describe a case of a 32-year-old man with neurological symptomatology as the only manifestation of B12 deficiency with normal hematocrit, mean cell volume, peripheral blood smear and homocysteine levels. All the above emphasize the point that patients with neurologic symptoms must be screened for B12 deficiency even in the absence of any laboratory evidence.
Objective: Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to subacute combined degeneration (SCD). Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an anesthetic which oxidizes the cobalt ion of vitamin B12, interfering with its function as a coenzyme. In this study, we conduct a systematic review of reported cases of SCD following nitrous oxide anesthesia. Patients and methods: A comprehensive search of multiple databases was conducted, and information about patient characteristics, symptomatology, clinical work-up, and treatment was extracted from eligible articles. Univariate analyses were performed to identify predictors of poor neurological recovery following SCD. Results: 32 studies, reporting 39 cases of nitrous oxide-induced SCD, were included through the screening process. These cases included 22 male patients and 17 female patients, with an average age of 51.3 years (SD 17.6). An etiology for subclinical B12 deficiency was determined in 31 reports; of these, 26 were due to vitamin malabsorption secondary to a gastrointestinal disorder. Duration of nitrous oxide exposure was described in 19 reports, and ranged from 30 min to 11 h. Univariate analysis failed to find an association between post-operative recovery and age (p = 0.41), sex (p = 0.48), positive MRI findings (p = 0.42), post-operative serum B12 (p = 0.96), post-operative hemoglobin (p = 0.17), type of surgery (p = 0.58), or post-operative high mean corpuscular volume (p = 0.14). Conclusion: In patients with postsurgical myelopathy, surgeons should evaluate B12 status and consider the possibility that nitrous oxide could cause a subclinical B12 deficiency to become overt, particularly in patients with malabsorptive GI comorbidities. Treatment with B12 in this population can result in significant improvement of neurological function.
Despite being the leading cause of spinal cord dysfunction among adults worldwide, little is known about the natural history of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). There is mounting evidence of the effectiveness of surgery for DCM in halting progression of symptoms, and in fact, in improving neurologic outcomes, functional status, and quality of life. However, surgical decision making relies on a weighing of the risks and benefits of alternative strategies. We reviewed the available literature pertaining to the natural course of DCM and the predictors of outcome of nonoperative approaches.
Study design: Retrospective analysis of prospective data OBJECTIVE.: To assess the relationship between MRI signal intensity changes, clinical presentation, and surgical outcome in degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). Summary of background data: Several studies have sought to assess the extent of spinal cord dysfunction and the potential for postoperative neurological recovery through the evaluation of spinal cord signal change on T2-weighted (T2WI) and T1-weighted images (T1WI). There remains ambiguity if T2WI and T1WI signal changes (1) relate to baseline severity, and (2) predict neurological recovery after surgical treatment. Methods: 419 MRIs from two prospective multicenter studies were examined. Images were assessed for the presence, levels, and location of spinal cord signal intensity changes and compared with clinical data. Signal changes were also evaluated for prediction of 2-year post-operative outcome using mJOA parameters. Results: MRIs were categorized by T1WI and T2WI signal change: no signal change (28.9%), T2WI hyperintensity-only (T2WI-only, 51.8%), and T2WI-hyperintensity and T1WI-hypointensity (T1WI+T2WI, 19.3%). T2WI-hyperintensity was present at multiple levels in 27% of patients overall. Baseline severity increased from no signal change to T2WI-only to T2WI+T1WI (p < 0.0001), and there was an incremental increase in the frequency of signs/symptoms. There were no differences in outcomes between no signal change and T2WI-only groups. The presence of T1WI-hypointensity correlated with reduced recovery ratio (p = 0.03) and likelihood of an optimal surgical outcome (p = 0.005), adjusting for baseline mJOA. A greater number of T2WI-hyperintensity levels was also associated with worse baseline severity (p < 0.0001) and recovery ratio (p = 0.001) CONCLUSION.: This analysis of a global cohort of DCM patients shows a stepwise trend toward increasing impairment from no signal change to T2WI-hypertensity to T1WI-hypointensity. T1WI signal change indicates more permanent injury, portending decreased functional recovery. T2WI-hyperintensity alone does not predict outcomes. Multiple levels of T2WI-hyperintensity suggest additional tissue injury, correlating with worse clinical impairment and recovery potential. Level of evidence: 2.
A 62-year-old man with a 1-year history of numbness of the extremities, clumsiness, and gait disorder was diagnosed with cervical spondylotic myelopathy at a neighboring clinic and referred to our institution for surgery. The patient had undergone a total gastrectomy 6 years previously. Flattening of the cervical cord, associated with diffuse cervical spondylosis and intramedullary intensity change, was observed on magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine. Neurological examination revealed decreased vibratory and position sense in all limbs, with posterior funiculus-based neurological symptoms. Blood biochemistry revealed decreased Vitamin B12 (VB12) levels and megaloblastic anemia. On the basis of these findings, the patient was diagnosed with subacute combined degeneration (SCD). The patient was treated with VB12 for 3 months: the gait disorder resolved and the intramedullary intensity changes in the posterior column of the medulla oblongata, thoracicus, and spinal cord were no longer observed. SCD is a pathological condition in which recovery of neurological function may be achieved through early administration of VB12. In some cases, it is difficult to differentiate between this condition and cervical spondylotic myelopathy because both diseases exhibit progressive spinal symptoms. The medical history and results of neurological evaluations of the patient are important for an accurate diagnosis, and should therefore not be overlooked.
B12 deficiency is the leading cause of megaloblastic anemia and though more common in the elderly, can occur at any age. Clinical disease caused by B12 deficiency usually connotes severe deficiency, resulting from a failure of the gastric or ileal phase of physiological B12 absorption, best exemplified by the autoimmune disease pernicious anemia. There are many other causes of B12 deficiency which range from severe to mild. Mild deficiency usually results from failure to render food B12 bioavailable or from dietary inadequacy. Though rarely resulting in megaloblastic anemia, mild deficiency may be associated with neurocognitive and other consequences. B12 deficiency is best diagnosed using a combination of tests since none alone is completely reliable. The features of B12 deficiency are variable and may be atypical. Timely diagnosis is important and treatment gratifying. Failure to diagnose B12 deficiency can have dire consequences, usually neurological. This review is written from the perspective of a practicing hematologist.