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Abstract and Figures

Objective: While promising for many applications, Electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are still scarcely used outside laboratories, due to a poor reliability. It is thus necessary to study and fix this reliability issue. Doing so requires the use of appropriate reliability metrics to quantify both the classification algorithm and the BCI user's performances. So far, Classification Accuracy (CA) is the typical metric used for both aspects. However, we argue in this paper that CA is a poor metric to study BCI users' skills. Here, we propose a definition and new metrics to quantify such BCI skills for Mental Imagery (MI) BCIs, independently of any classification algorithm. Approach: We first show in this paper that CA is notably unspecific, discrete, training data and classifier dependent, and as such may not always reflect successful self-modulation of EEG patterns by the user. We then propose a definition of MI-BCI skills that reflects how well the user can self-modulate EEG patterns, and thus how well he could control an MI-BCI. Finally, we propose new performance metrics, classDis, restDist and classStab that specifically measure how distinct and stable the EEG patterns produced by the user are, independently of any classifier. Main results: By re-analyzing EEG data sets with such new metrics, we indeed confirmed that CA may hide some increase in MI-BCI skills or hide the user inability to self-modulate a given EEG pattern. On the other hand, our new metrics could reveal such skill improvements as well as identify when a mental task performed by a user was no different than rest EEG. Significance: Our results showed that when studying MI-BCI users' skills, CA should be used with care, and complemented with metrics such as the new ones proposed. Our results also stressed the need to redefine BCI user training by considering the different BCI subskills and their measures. To promote the complementary use of our new metrics, we provide the Matlab code to compute them for free and open-source.
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Dening and Quantifying Users’ Mental Imagery-based
BCI skills: a rst step
Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet
To cite this version:
Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet. Dening and Quantifying Users’ Mental Imagery-based BCI skills:
a rst step. Journal of Neural Engineering, IOP Publishing, 2018, 15 (4), pp.1-37. �10.1088/1741-
2552/aac577�. �hal-01846434�
Defining and Quantifying Users’ Mental
Imagery-based BCI skills: a first step
Fabien Lotte1,2and Camille Jeunet3,4
1Inria - France
2LaBRI - CNRS/Univ. Bordeaux/INP Bordeaux - France
3Defitech Chair in Brain-Machine Interfaces (CNBI), EPFL - Switzerland
4Univ. Rennes, Inria, IRISA, CNRS - France
Objective: While promising for many applications, Electroencephalography
(EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are still scarcely used outside lab-
oratories, due to a poor reliability. It is thus necessary to study and fix this relia-
bility issue. Doing so requires the use of appropriate reliability metrics to quantify
both the classification algorithm and the BCI user’s performances. So far, Clas-
sification Accuracy (CA) is the typical metric used for both aspects. However,
we argue in this paper that CA is a poor metric to study BCI users’ skills. Here,
we propose a definition and new metrics to quantify such BCI skills for Mental
Imagery (MI) BCIs, independently of any classification algorithm.
Approach: We first show in this paper that CA is notably unspecific, discrete,
training data and classifier dependent, and as such may not always reflect success-
ful self-modulation of EEG patterns by the user. We then propose a definition of
MI-BCI skills that reflects how well the user can self-modulate EEG patterns, and
thus how well he could control an MI-BCI. Finally, we propose new performance
metrics, classDis,restDist and classStab that specifically measure how distinct and
stable the EEG patterns produced by the user are, independently of any classifier.
Main results: By re-analyzing EEG data sets with such new metrics, we in-
deed confirmed that CA may hide some increase in MI-BCI skills or hide the user
inability to self-modulate a given EEG pattern. On the other hand, our new met-
rics could reveal such skill improvements as well as identify when a mental task
performed by a user was no different than rest EEG.
Significance: Our results showed that when studying MI-BCI users’ skills,
CA should be used with care, and complemented with metrics such as the new
ones proposed. Our results also stressed the need to redefine BCI user training
by considering the different BCI subskills and their measures. To promote the
complementary use of our new metrics, we provide the Matlab code to compute
them for free and open-source.
1 Introduction
While they are very promising for numerous applications, such as assistive technology
or gaming, Electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)
are still scarcely used outside laboratories [3]. This is mostly due to their poor relia-
bility, as they often recognize erroneous mental commands from the user. One of the
main current challenges for the community is thus to improve BCI reliability [3]. This
is currently addressed at different levels, such as trying to design more robust EEG sig-
nal processing algorithms, or trying to improve BCI user training approaches, which
have been shown to be inappropriate and a major cause of poor performances, both
in theory and in practice [3, 17, 26, 28]. Improving these different aspects requires
metrics to measure BCIs reliability and thus their performances. Indeed such perfor-
mance metrics could identify what are the limitations of a given algorithm or training
approach, which is a necessary first step towards fixing these limitations [3].
User performance metrics are particularly useful for studying and improving Men-
tal Imagery (MI) BCI user skills acquisition. Appropriate performance metrics could
indeed help to understand what users have successfully learned or still need to im-
prove, which can then be used to guide them, i.e., to provide them with appropriate
training tasks and feedback. In EEG-based BCI, the most used metric is online Clas-
sification Accuracy (CA), i.e., the percentage of mental commands that were correctly
recognized by the BCI during online use [39, 42, 43]. Online CA, together with other
machine learning evaluation metrics [39, 42, 43], have been successfully used to quan-
tify the decoding performance of the BCI, i.e., how well the BCI recognizes the users’
commands. However, CA is also used to study BCI users’ performance and learning,
i.e., how well users can modulate/self-regulate their EEG signals to control the BCI,
and how much they learn to do so. For instance, CA is typically used to study how
different kinds of feedback influence BCI users’ training [21, 31, 35], or how different
psychological factors influence BCI users’ learning and performances [19].
In this paper, we argue and demonstrate that CA alone, as used in online MI-BCI, is
not enough to study user performance and thus their MI-BCI skills. Indeed, this metric
is notably discrete - an input data is either correctly or incorrectly classified - as well
as classifier and training data dependent, since changing the training data or classifier
will change the resulting performance, independently of the actual users’ BCI skills,
i.e., independently of how well they can modulate their EEG signals using MI. Overall,
CA can tell us how well the machine can recognize the EEG patterns from the user,
but was not designed to tell us how well the user is able to produce clear, stable and
distinct EEG patterns. As such, CA might not provide us with this information, and
we actually show in this paper that CA can actually fail to do so in practice. In order
to fully understand BCI user skill acquisition, alternative or additional metrics are thus
necessary. Moreover, to be able to quantify MI-BCI skills using such metrics, we need
to define what those skills are. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a first definition
of MI-BCI skills and propose simple and computationally efficient metrics to quantify
them. We then compare them with the classically used online CA1. We show that using
1Preliminary results with a subset of the metrics proposed here, and on a single data set, with only two
classes and a single session per subject, have been published as a conference paper in [27]
online (or simulated online) CA as metric may actually hide several relevant aspects of
BCI skill acquisition. In particular, online CA may miss users’ MI-BCI skills increase
overtime or fail to identify that a mental task performed is actually no different than
rest EEG. Our new metrics can overcome these limitations. Since performance metrics
were also used in several papers to identified psychological and neurophysiological
factors influencing BCI performance, we also studied whether our new metrics could
confirm the previously identified influence of one of them: spatial abilities [19]. Our
results showed that indeed some of our new metrics are also significantly correlated to
spatial abilities, hence further confirming the importance of this factor.
This paper is organized as follows: The following section presents a brief survey of
the common performance metrics used in BCI, notably those related to the classifica-
tion accuracy, as well as their limitations. The next section introduces the materials and
methods, notably the MI-BCI skills definition and the new metrics we propose. It also
presents the data sets on which these measures are compared. Then the Results section
compares the performances estimated with all metrics, which are then discussed in the
Discussion section. The last section concludes the paper.
2 Performance metrics for BCI
2.1 Current common performance metrics
As indicated before, Classification Accuracy (CA) is the most used metric to quantify
BCI performances. Typically, the classifier is trained on the EEG signals from the trials
of the first BCI run(s) (calibration run(s)) and applied to classify the users’ EEG signals
from the trials of the subsequent runs. CA is defined as the percentage of these EEG
trials that were correctly classified [42]. From the classification results, we can also
obtain a more detailed information on the performances from the Confusion Matrix
(CM), which informs about how many trials from each class were estimated to be from
each one of the possible classes. The CM is defined as follows for a two class problem:
Table 1: Confusion matrix for two classes
Estimated class
Class 1 Class 2
Real Class 1 a b
Class Class 2 c d
Here, the number in row i, column jis the number of trials from class ithat was
classified as belonging to class j. Thus, aand dcorrespond to correct classifications
(the real and estimated classes are the same), and cand bto erroneous classifications.
CA (in %) can thus be computed as follows:
CA =a+d
a+b+c+d×100 (1)
or more generally, for any number of classes, if CMij is the (i, j )th element of the
confusion matrix CM , then:
CA =PiC Mii
Pi,j CMij
×100 (2)
From there we can also estimate the CA of each class, e.g., C Mii
PjCMij ×100 is the
percentage of trials from class ithat were correctly classified.
In addition to the CA, other metrics have been proposed based on the CM, notably
the Kappa coefficient [39, 42, 43], or the extended CM to support non-control states
When the BCI is used to select items (e.g., letters to spell or a direction with a
wheelchair), metrics that also take into account the selection time have been proposed,
such as the widely used Information Transfer Rate (ITR) [49], the BCI utility metric
[7], the correct number of spelled letters per minute (for spellers) [41] or the Rate of
Information Gain (RIG) [16].
Metrics have also been proposed to study the BCI performances specifically for
ERP-BCI applications such as ERP-Spellers, with the projected accuracy [4] or the
classifier-based latency estimation (CBLE) [44]. For BCI-based cursor control, Fitt’s
law and its variants have also been used to estimate BCI performances [9].
Interestingly enough, Hill and colleagues proposed to quantify BCI user training
and performances using an adaptive stair-case task, i.e., a game with adaptive diffi-
culty [16]. The median difficulty level reached by the BCI user in this game has been
shown to reflect well BCI control performances, and to be highly correlated to the RIG
mentioned above.
Bauer et al also proposed to quantify the participant opportunity for learning in BCI
according to the concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). They estimated
the ZPD as the difference between the True Positive Rate (TPR) and the False Positive
Rate (FPR) for various thresholds, in a binary BCI with a positive (active) and negative
(rest) class [1].
It should be mentioned that to study user learning in BCI and in NF applications,
the neurophysiological variations of EEG over time have been studied. Typically the
power of the EEG from a given channel and frequency band is computed, and compared
after and before training, or is correlated to the BCI class labels (commands), see, e.g.,
[6, 15, 47]. This can provide spatial and/or spectral topographies of the main changes
in EEG due to training. No global metric of neurophysiological change due to BCI/NF
training is available though.
Among all these metrics, the CA and possibly the ITR (when taking into account a
specific application) are by far the most used performance metrics for BCI. Typically
CA is the metric used in most papers to quantify BCI user performance and learning
[19]. Unfortunately, as we will see below, this metric suffers from several limitations
for this task. The other metrics mentioned here also share most of these limitations.
2.2 Limitations
CA and the other metrics mentioned above are very useful to quantify the decoding
performance of a BCI and/or the performance with the applications controlled using
the BCI (e.g., spelling performance with an ERP-speller) [6, 43, 42, 39]. However,
when it comes to studying how well users can voluntarily modulate their EEG signals
to control the BCI, we argue that such metrics actually suffer from many limitations,
and that dedicated metrics are needed.
First, these metrics are unspecific: they only provide the global performance, but
not what is correctly classified or not, nor why it is so. Then, these metrics are typically
discrete measures: a trial is either correctly classified or not, there is no middle ground.
As such, even if the user produces a stronger EEG modulation than before, but not
strong enough to make the trial correctly classified, metrics such as CA will not change.
All the metrics above measure the global performance of the BCI or of the BCI-
controlled application. As such the obtained performance metrics depend on both the
EEG signal processing tools, the user skill at BCI control and the application inter-
face (e.g., different speller configurations or interaction techniques), among others.
Thus, such metrics cannot unambiguously inform us about the users’ MI-BCI skills
and learning curve. It should be mentioned though that K ¨
ubler et al. proposed to eval-
uate BCI systems not only according to machine performance but also according to the
user experience. They notably proposed to evaluate the overall usability of BCIs, by
considering the system efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the satisfaction it gave
users [22]. Note that the satisfaction is a subjective metric, and that both efficiency
and effectiveness depend also heavily on the EEG signal processing tools and inter-
face design. Metrics dedicated to quantify the users’ skills at BCI control are thus still
The currently used performance metrics and notably CA are also strongly classifier
and training data dependent. Changing the classifier type, its parameters, or the amount
and/or quality of the training data will change the metric, independently of how well
users can modulate their EEG activity using MI. Therefore, variations of these metrics
might not always reflect users’ proficiency at BCI control. In particular, such metrics
and notably CA reflect the user’s performance if and only if the classifier is a good
classifier, i.e., a classifier that can classify successfully the EEG patterns that the user
can modulate using MI to control the BCI. However in practice it is rarely the case, due
to many factors. Classifiers are indeed sensitive to non-stationarities, and thus would
lead to poor CA when applied on EEG data from a different distribution than that of the
calibration run. This is likely to happen if users are trying out various strategies or are
learning. This can also happen if their MI were of poor quality during the calibration
runs, which is also likely to happen for naive users, unfamiliar with such MI. To take
an extreme case, let us consider a hypothetical user who can produce very strong and
very localized EEG desynchronization during motor imagery. With a properly trained
classifier, such a user could reach 100% classification accuracy. However, if we give
that user a dysfunctional, random classifier, trained on pure noise, then this user will
reach a CA at chance level. In that last case, using CA as the metric to quantify the
user’s BCI skills would have made us conclude this user was unable to use an MI-
BCI at all. Yet, using another classifier, adapted to the EEG signals that the user can
modulate using MI, would have revealed how skilled this user is, and how well he could
control an MI-BCI. This example highlights the need for metrics to quantify users’ BCI
skills independently of a single given classifier, as classifier-dependent metrics such as
CA can be highly misleading. Finally, when based on a discriminative classifier such
as Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the most used classifiers for BCI [3], CA does
not reflect how well a given mental command can be recognized but rather how distinct
the mental commands are from each other. Therefore, if users are unable to modulate
their EEG signals for one class (e.g., left hand MI), they may still obtain very high CA
as long they can modulate their EEG for the other class (e.g., right hand MI), since the
EEG signals from the two classes would still be distinct. This leads to a last limitation:
in MI-BCI, CA and other metrics usually consider the MI EEG signals only, but not the
rest EEG signals. As illustrated just before, this prevents us from identifying whether
the user’s EEG patterns during MI are actually any different from rest EEG.
For all these reasons, CA and other existing metrics may not be able to reveal some
important aspects of MI-BCI user performance and learning. In other words, CA and
related metrics are appropriate measures to study how well the BCI can decode the
users’ mental commands, but on their own, they are not enough to study how well
users can modulate their EEG patterns using MI in order to control an MI-BCI and
how well they are learning to do so. This thus calls for a definition of what MI-BCI
skills can be and for new and specific metrics to quantify these skills. This is what we
propose in this paper. We present our definition of MI-BCI skills and describe our new
metrics in the following sections.
3 Materials and methods
3.1 Defining MI-BCI Skills
So far, whereas it is clear that MI-BCI control requires and involves learning [33, 28,
18] there is no formal or agreed upon definition of the skills to be learned. There is thus
a need to go towards a definition and quantification of such skills that we denote here
as MI-BCI skills. In order to try to conceptualize MI-BCI skills, let us first consider a
simple analogy in which a human user also employs a given human-computer interface
(HCI) to achieve a goal: Formula 1 racing. With Formula 1 racing, a human user -
the pilot - has to drive a Formula 1 car in order to complete a race as fast as possible.
The outcome of the race, which is the score of the pilot, is how fast they completed the
race. This outcome is compared to that of other pilots to designate the winner. It is
important to note that this outcome of the race depends on both the driver, and notably
his driving skills, and on the Formula 1 car used (e.g., how fast it can go). Therefore,
a poor race outcome can be due to either a bad (slow) car, that is thus unlikely to win
irrespectively of how skilled the driver is, or can be due to a bad driver, which can also
fail despite being provided with a fast car. The best outcome is to be expected with
both a skilled driver and a fast car. The driver should thus train in order to acquire good
Formula 1 racing skills. Note that this skill is not dependent on a single Formula 1.
Naturally, knowing well the used Formula 1 will increase the likelihood of success for
the driver. However, good Formula 1 drivers are not good with a single Formula 1, they
are good drivers in general. For instance, Michael Schumacher won many races with
many different types of cars, with different engines, tires, chassis and from different
In this paper, we argue that quantifying MI-BCI performance should follow a sim-
ilar logic. In order words, in our analogy, the pilot should be replaced by the MI-BCI
user, and the Formula 1 car by the classifier. This would mean that CA, i.e, the BCI
use outcome, depends both on the users’ skills at MI-BCI control and on the quality of
the classifier used. As such, CA does not reflect BCI users’ skills only. While training
to use a given classifier is likely to improve CA, a skilled MI-BCI user should be able
to reach high MI-BCI control with various classifiers, and not just with a single one.
Note by the way that during MI-BCI use, classifiers are regularly retrained, or updated,
see, e.g., [47, 34], which means that a good BCI user cannot be good with a single
classifier, but has to be good with various classifiers. This ensures generalizable skills,
and prevent overfitting to a specific classifier. If the BCI user is able to produce clear
and stable brain activity patterns, then multiple types of classifiers would be able to
recognize those patterns and could consequently be used to control the BCI. Therefore,
for the user, controlling an EEG-based MI-BCI means producing EEG patterns that
can be reliably translated into commands for an application using MI. Accordingly, we
propose the following definition for the skills required to do so, i.e., MI-BCI skills:
“MI-BCI skills correspond to the ability of the user to voluntarily produce brain
activity patterns that are distinct between mental tasks, and stable within mental tasks,
so that they can be translated reliably and consistently into control commands. The
more stable and distinct the brain activity patterns, the higher the MI-BCI skills.
Note that this definition being that of a skill, it is naturally focused on the user,
and not on the machine (i.e., not on the classifier or other acquisition and processing
hardware and software). From this definition, it follows that classification accuracy,
which is the most commonly used metric to quantify MI-BCI performance and user
learning [19, 23, 33], could successfully measure MI-BCI skill in some conditions,
but may fail to do so properly in some other conditions. In particular, classification
accuracy would reflect MI-BCI skills if and only if the classifier3is able to exploit
and recognize the brain activity patterns mentioned above, and perfectly translate them
into control commands. If the classifier exploits other brain activity patterns, that the
user struggles to make distinct and stable, then classification accuracy will not reflect
the true user MI-BCI skills. In other words, while high MI-BCI skills can mean high
classification accuracy, low classification accuracy may not always mean low MI-BCI
skills, but can rather mean an inappropriate classifier. There is no bijection between
these two measures. We aim at demonstrating this point experimentally in the present
paper, and at proposing metrics to quantify such MI-BCI skills, in order to provide new
tools to study MI-BCI user training.
3.2 New Performance metrics 1: Run-Wise Cross-Validation
To address some of the limitations mentioned above, a possible approach (not new in
itself but typically not used to study MI-BCI user training) would be to perform Run-
3In this discussion, we use the word classifier in a broad sense, i.e., including the feature extraction and
filtering steps. In other words, the classifier refers here to all the processing pipeline translating EEG signals
into a control command.
Wise Cross-Validation (RWCV). The idea is to use CV to estimate offline the CA of
each run. With RWCV, the trials from the current run are divided into K parts, K-1
parts being used to train the classifier, and the last part to test the latter, the process
being repeated K times, and the obtained CA averaged over the K testing parts. This
also provides a run-wise confusion matrix and class-specific CV accuracies, as done
with the standard CA. We will assess this approach in this paper. Interestingly enough,
in [29], McFarland et al. explored classifier adaptation based on CV on each run, which
proved to be the most efficient offline adaptation strategy among those tested for motor-
imagery BCI. It suggests that EEG signals vary at the run scale, and thus that RWCV
might also be a relevant tool to study varying performances over time.
Since training and testing are performed on each run, and for different parts of each
run, it makes RWCV CA much less sensitive to training data and to non-stationarities.
This metric remains non-specific and discrete though along with being classifier-specific.
In addition, it still ignores the rest EEG. It is also computationally expensive. As such
its use can be impractical, or even impossible if we target online performance evalua-
tion for instance.
3.3 New Performance metrics 2: Stability and distinctiveness
To further improve on the metric mentioned above, there is thus a need for metrics
that are also specific, continuous, that consider rest EEG signals, that are classifier
independent and computationally cheap and that actually measure MI-BCI skills as
we defined in Section 3.1. In other words, we need metrics that measure how distinct
and stable the EEG patterns produced by the users with MI are, in a continuous and
classifier independent way. A stable pattern would be a pattern that is not changing
dramatically between trials, and thus with a small variance. A distinct EEG pattern
would be both 1) an EEG pattern that is distinct from the rest EEG pattern, i.e., there is
a specific signature to that pattern and 2) a pattern that is distinct from the EEG patterns
of the other MI tasks, so that each can be associated to a distinct command. As such,
it would make sense to design a set of metrics dedicated to estimating how stable and
distinct the EEG patterns for each MI task actually are.
Interestingly enough, metrics quantifying these various properties can be defined
using distances in a Riemannian geometry framework. Indeed, Riemannian geometry
offers an efficient and simple way to measure distances between covariance matrices,
such matrices being increasingly used to represent EEG patterns [5, 50].
3.3.1 Riemannian geometry in brief
Let us first consider matrix XiRNc×Nsof EEG signals from trial i, with Ncthe
number of channels and Nsthe number of samples per trial. This can be a matrix
of preprocessed EEG signals, for instance a matrix of EEG signals band-pass filtered
in 8-30Hz for a motor imagery-based BCI experiment. The spatial covariance matrix
Ciof this trial is defined as Ci=1
i, with Tbeing transpose. Therefore,
the diagonal elements of Cirepresent the EEG band power for each channel (in the
band in which the signals were band-pass filtered, e.g., 8-30Hz in our example above),
and the off-diagonal elements, their covariations. Such spatial covariance matrices are
used - implicitly or explicitly - to represent EEG signals in numerous MI-BCI designs,
notably those based on the Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) algorithm, and many others
[5, 38, 45, 50]. The Riemannian distance δR(Ci, Cj)between covariance matrices Ci
and Cjcan be defined as:
δR(Ci, Cj)=[
where the λiare the eigen values of C1
iCj. This Riemannian distance is particu-
larly interesting since it is affine invariant: it is invariant to full rank linear transforma-
tions, i.e., to variations such as normalization or channel displacement [5, 50]. As such,
the Riemannian distance has been used successfully for robust EEG signal decoding,
in various kinds of BCIs [5, 50]. In this paper, we show that this distance can also be a
very relevant tool to quantify how distinct and stable the EEG patterns produced by a
BCI user are.
3.3.2 Basic stability and distinctiveness metrics
How distinct the EEG patterns produced during two MI tasks are from each other could
be quantified using the Riemannian distance between the average covariance matrices
for each MI task. Then, the stability of a given EEG pattern can be defined using
the average distance between each trial covariance matrix and the average covariance
matrix for this task, which is a form of Riemannian standard deviation [50]. More
formally, let us first define the Riemannian mean ¯
Cof a set of covariance matrices Ci
[50] as:
C= argminC
R(Ci, C)(4)
Note that there are efficient implementations to obtain such mean matrices [50].
We can also define the mean absolute deviation (i.e. a form of dispersion measure) σC
of a set of covariance matrices Cias:
Distinctiveness From the definitions above, we propose to define the distinctiveness
classDis of the EEG patterns from two MI classes A and B as:
classDis(A, B ) = δR(¯
where ¯
CKand σCKare respectively the mean and mean absolute deviation of the co-
variance matrices from MI class K. This equation can be seen as an extension of the
Fisher criterion (see, e.g., [14]) to covariance matrices: the further apart from each
other are the average EEG patterns from each class (measured by δR(¯
CB)), with
respect to their variance (represented by 1
2(σCA+σCB)), the higher their distinctive-
However such a metric only works for 2 classes. Thus, still following the analogy
with the Fisher criterion and its multiclass extensions, we can define a similar metric
for the multiclass case. For a BCI with NcMI commands/classes (Nc>2), this metric
would be defined as the ratio of the between class variance to the within class variance,
as for the multiclass Fisher criterion [14]:
classDis({Ai}) = PN c
i=1 δR(¯
i=1 σCAi
where ¯
CAis the average of the mean covariance matrices from all classes.
Similarly, we propose to define the distinctiveness restDis between the EEG pat-
terns from one class and those from the rest state as:
restDis(A) = δR(¯
2(σCA+σCrest )(8)
where ¯
Crest and σCrest are respectively the mean and mean absolute deviation of the
covariance matrices of the rest EEG.
Stability Finally, we can define the stability of the EEG patterns from one MI task as
being inversely proportional to the mean absolute deviation of the covariance matrices
from that task:
classStab(A) = 1
1 + σCA
As such, the lower the mean absolute deviation of the EEG patterns, as represented
by the spatial covariance matrix, the higher the stability.
3.3.3 Considering more than the spatial EEG patterns
The metrics above only consider the spatial covariance matrices, i.e., the spatial EEG
features, in a given frequency band (the band in which the EEG signals were band-pass
filtered). While this is the most common way to represent EEG patterns, it could be
interesting to study the EEG patterns more finely. In particular, if we assume that MI-
BCI skills or learning could differ in different EEG spectral features, it would seem
relevant to have metrics that measure users’ MI-BCI skills in both spatial and spectral
EEG patterns.
This could be achieved for instance by using large covariance matrices containing
both the spatial (EEG channels) and spectral (EEG frequency bands) information as
rows/columns. However, such large matrices may lead to numerical instabilities and
statistical estimation issues (see, e.g., [51]). Thus, to avoid such problems, we propose
the following simple metrics which have the same matrix dimensionality as with the
purely spatial EEG patterns.
First we can estimate the covariance matrices Ci,Fj=1
i)Tfor various
frequency bands, where XFj
iis the matrix of EEG signals from trial i, filtered in fre-
quency band Fj. We can then compute the distinctiveness classDistFj(A, B)using
covariance matrices Ci,Fjin equations 6 or 7 (for binary or multiclass problems respec-
tively), for each frequency band Fj. Then we can compute the overall spatio-spectral
distinctiveness as:
spaspecClassDis(A, B) =
classDistFj(A, B )(10)
where Nfis the number of frequency bands considered. In a similar way, we can
define the spatio-spectral class stability and rest distinctiveness by summing the values
obtained by each of these metrics over different frequency bands Fj. This thus give us
spaspecClassStab and spaspecRestDis, see also Table 2.
3.4 Summary of the new metrics
Most of the metrics presented above are intuitive and computationally efficient metrics
to quantify some aspects of users’ skills at MI-BCI control. They are also training data
and classifier independent, as well as robust to some non-stationarities given the affine
invariance of δR. All these metrics are summarized in the Tables below. In particular,
the core, basic metrics classDist,restDist and classStab are presented in Table 1, while
their spatio-spectral variants are presented in Table 2.
Table 1: Basic distinctiveness and stability metrics
Basic metric
Class distinctiveness
(2 classes) classDis(A, B ) = δR(¯
Class distinctiveness
(multiclass) classDis({Ai}) = PNc
i=1 δR(¯
i=1 σCAi
Rest distinctiveness restDis(A) = δR(¯
2(σCA+σCrest )
Stability classStab(A) = 1
Regarding the distinctiveness metrics, it is important to realize that they do not
depend nor use any classifier, and as such that what they measure may be very different
from CA. Indeed, an unadapted classifier, i.e., a classifier trained on outdated data, may
lead to poor CA, while an adapted one may lead to high CA, if class distinctiveness is
high and if the classifier can exploit these EEG patterns that are highly distinct from
each other. Class distinctiveness is thus a measure of MI-BCI skills that consider the
potential BCI control that the user can get, provided that the BCI classifier is adapted
to this user, i.e., uses the EEG patterns produced with MI that are distinct from each
other. In the following, we compare the various metrics offline with CA and RWCV
Table 2: Spatio-spectral variants of the core metrics, considering Nffrequency bands
spatio-spectral metric
class distinctiveness spaspecClassDis(A, B) = PNf
j=1 classDisFj(A, B )
rest distinctiveness spaspecRestDis(A) = PNf
j=1 restDisFj(A)
stability spaspecClassStab(A) = PNf
j=1 classStabFj(A)
3.5 Data set and evaluation
To compare the performance metrics, we used two MI-BCI data sets, from our previous
experiments. More specifically, we used 1) a 2-class motor imagery data set, in which
N=20 users trained for a single session (i.e., one day) to use the BCI [17], and 2) a 3-
class mental imagery BCI data set, in which 17 users trained for 6 sessions (i.e., 6 days)
to use the BCI [20]. These two data sets enable us to study the various metrics with
both short term (single session) and longer term (6 sessions) user training, as well as
for binary and multiclass problems. They also enable us to see how the metrics behave
for motor imagery as well as non-motor imagery tasks. It should be noted here that the
BCI users in these two experiments were trained to control the BCI using as feedback
a classical bar feedback, i.e., a bar extending towards the recognized class according
to the classifier output. More precisely, the feedback bar had a length and a direction
updated 16 times per second, according to the distance of the features, extracted from
the last second of EEG data, to the separating hyperplane of a Linear Discriminant
Analysis classifier (see [17] and [20] for details). Thus, users were trained to control
the BCI using a feedback somehow related to the online classification accuracy. The
two data sets are described here after.
3.5.1 Data set 1: Single session, 2-class motor imagery data set
This data set comprises the EEG signals of 20 BCI-naive participants, who had to
learn to do 2 MI-tasks, namely imagining left- and right-hand movements. Participants
first had to complete a calibration run, without feedback, followed by 4 feedback runs.
Each run was composed of 20 trials for each of the two MI tasks (displayed in a random
order). At the beginning of each trial, a fixation cross was displayed. Then, after 2s, a
beep sound occurred. Then, at t = 3s, the instruction appeared as an arrow the direction
of which indicates the MI task to be performed, i.e., an arrow pointing left indicated a
left hand MI and an arrow pointing right a right hand MI. From t = 3.250s, a feedback
was provided for 4s in the shape of a bar the direction of which indicating the mental
task that had been recognized and the length of which representing the classifier output.
More details about this data set can be found in [17].
3.5.2 Data set 2: Multi-sessions, 3-class mental imagery data set
Seventeen BCI-naive participants took part in this study, for 6 different sessions each
(each on a different day). The three mental imagery-tasks that participants had to learn
to perform were 1) left-hand motor imagery, 2) mental rotation of a 3D geometric figure
and 3) mental subtraction of a 2 digit number from a 3-digit number (both displayed on
screen). Each session comprised 5 runs. During each run, participants had to perform
45 trials (15 trials per task), each trial lasting 8s. At t=0s, an arrow was displayed with
a left hand pictogram on its left (left hand MI task), the subtraction to be performed
on top (mental subtraction task) and a 3D shape on its right (mental rotation task). At
t=2s, a “beep” announced the coming instruction and one second later, at t=3s, a red
arrow was displayed for 1.250s. The direction of the arrow informed the participant
which task to perform, e.g., an arrow pointing to the left meant the user had to perform
a left hand MI task. Finally, at t=4.250s, for 4s, a visual feedback was provided in the
shape of a blue bar, the length of which varied according to the classifier output. Only
positive feedback was displayed, i.e., the feedback was provided only when there was
a match between the instruction and the recognized task. More details about this data
set can be found in [20].
3.5.3 The impact of spatial abilities on BCI performances
Interestingly enough, both data sets come from experiments which aimed, inter alia, to
identify cognitive and personality profiles that correlated to BCI performances [17, 20].
The typical online classification accuracy was used as a measure of BCI performance in
these works. In both studies, we observed a strong and significant correlation between
classification accuracy and user’s spatial abilities, the latter being measured using a
mental rotation test [46], see [17, 20] for details. We will thus also study in the present
work whether a correlation between spatial abilities and our new metrics of MI-BCI
skills can be observed as well.
3.5.4 EEG signal recording and processing
For both data sets, EEG signals were recorded using 30 active scalp electrodes (F3,
Fz, F4, FT7,FC5, FC3, FCz, FC4, FC6, FT8, C5, C3, C1, Cz, C2, C4, C6, CP3, CPz,
CP4, P5, P3, P1, Pz, P2, P4, P6, PO7, PO8, 10-20 system) using a g.USBAmp (g.tec,
Austria). EEG data were sampled at 256 Hz.
For both data sets, EEG data was band-pass filtered in 8-30 Hz. For each trial, the
MI EEG segment used was the 2s long segment starting 0.5s after the cue (left, right or
up arrow), i.e., from second 3.5 to 5.5 of each trial. For the rest EEG signals, we used
the 2s long segment immediately before the cue, i.e., from second 1 to 3 of each trial.
Regarding the CA and RWCV CA metrics, for both data sets we used Common
Spatial Patterns (CSP) spatial filters [37], the spatially filtered signals band power as
features, and a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [25] as classifier. More precisely,
for the 2-class data set, we used 3 pairs of Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) spatial filters
and a LDA classifier, as in [17]. For the multi-class data set, we used 3 sets of CSP
filters, each optimized to discriminate EEG signals for a given class from those for the
other two classes. We optimized 2 pairs of spatial filters for each class, thus leading to
12 CSP filters. The resulting 12 band power features were classified using a multi-class
LDA, built by combining three LDA in a one-versus-the-rest scheme, as in [20].
For the standard (here simulated online) CA, we trained the CSP and LDA clas-
sifiers on the EEG data from the calibration run and used it to classify the EEG data
from the 4 subsequent runs, as done online in [17, 20]. For the multi-session data set
(data set 2), to account for some of the between session-variability, the LDA classifiers’
biases were re-calculated after the first run of sessions 2 to 6, based on the data from
this first run, as done in [13], and as done during the online experiments that resulted
in this data set [20].
For the spatio-spectral metrics (spaspecClassDis,spaspecRestDis,spaspecClassStab)
we used the frequency bands 8-10Hz, 10-12Hz, 12-18Hz and 18-30Hz, which corre-
sponds to low-alpha, high-alpha, low-beta and high-beta frequency bands.
Regarding the RWCV CA, we used 4-fold CV on each run. For classDis,restDis,
classStab,spaspecClassDis,spaspecRestDis, and spaspecClassStab the trial covari-
ance matrices were estimated using automatic shrinkage with the algorithm proposed
in [24].
4 Results
We first present the results of the various metrics averaged over all subjects of each
data set, to provide an overview of what they measure. Then, for each data set we
focus on some specific subjects, to reveal more specific behaviors of each metric. Note
that when presenting the different metrics on the same Figure, we used Z-scores as
these metrics use different units (percentage for CA and RWCV CA, arbitrary distance
units for classDis,restDis and classStab).
4.1 Average results
4.1.1 Data set 1: Single session, 2-class motor imagery data set
Figure 1 shows the average measures of distinctiveness between classes (MI tasks), i.e.,
CA, RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis, for each run of data set 1 (2-class mo-
tor imagery). CA displays some oscillations in performance, but no global increase in
performance over runs. On the other hand, RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis
reveal a clear continuous increase in distinctiveness between classes over runs. The 2-
way ANOVA Metric*Run (Metric: CA, RWCV CA, classDis,spaspecClassDis - trans-
formed to z-score to enable comparisons; Run: 2 to 5) for repeated measures showed
a trend towards a metric*run interaction [F(1,19) = 3.081; p= 0.095; η2= 0.140], see
also Figure 2.
Figures 3a and 3b show the class-specific performance metrics, i.e., class-wise CA,
class-wise RWCA, restDis and spaspecRestDis. Here as well, CA does not show
any obvious increase in performance over runs, while both RWCV CA, restDis and
spaspecRestDis show some performance increase over runs, notably for class 2 (right
hand motor imagery). The 3-way ANOVA Metric*Class*Run (Metric: CWCA, CW
Figure 1: The average measures of distinctiveness between classes, across runs, for
data set 1.
RWCVCA, restDis and spaspecRestDis (z-score); Class: left- vs. right-hand MI; Run:
2 to 5) for repeated measures did not show any significant effect though.
Concerning the stability metrics (classStab and spaspecClassStab, see Figures 4a,
4b and 4c), the 3-way ANOVA Metric*Class*Run (Metric:classStab and spaspec-
ClassStab;Class: left-hand, right-hand MI and rest; Run: 2 to 5) revealed a significant
metric*run interaction [F(1,19) = 4.579; p<0.05; η2= 0.194] as well as a significant
metric*class*run interaction [F(1,19) = 4.412; p<0.05; η2= 0.188]. This interaction
indicates that classStab and spaspecClassStab may not measure the same patterns of
performance variation over runs, although on this data set, they increase and decrease
at the same times.
4.1.2 Data set 2: Multi-sessions, 3-class mental imagery data set
As further described here-after, it is interesting to observe that, on this data set, spatio-
spectral metrics revealed different performance variation dynamics than those revealed
by the purely spatial metrics.
In particular, regarding the measures of distinctiveness between classes (MI tasks),
i.e., CA, RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis (See Figure 5), spaspecClassDis
revealed a continuous increase in performances over all sessions except the last one,
whereas classDis rather revealed an increase of performance over the first 3 runs fol-
lowed by a decrease in performance for the subsequent runs. In contrast, CA showed a
continuous decrease of performance over sessions. The 2-way ANOVA Metric*Session
(Metric: CA, RWCV CA, classDis,spaspecClassDis (z-scores); Session: 1 to 6)
for repeated measures showed a significant metric*run interaction [F(1,17) = 4.502;
Figure 2: Z-scores for each of the metrics of distinctiveness between classes (CA,
RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis) as a function of the run for the 2-classes
data set (data set 1). This graph reveals improvements across runs for all the metrics
but CA.
p<0.05; η2= 0.220], see also Figure 6.
Regarding class-specific distinctiveness measures, i.e., class-wise CA, class-wise
RWCV CA, restDist and spaspecRestDist (see Figures 7a, 7b and 7c), the 3-way
ANOVA Metric*Class*Session (Metric: CW CA, CW RWCV CA, restDis and spaspecRest-
Dis (z-score); Class: left-hand MI, mental subtraction and mental rotation; Session: 1
to 6) for repeated measures showed a significant metric*class interaction [F(1,17) = 12.474;
p<0.01; η2= 0.438].
Finally, regarding class stability (see Figures 8a, 8b, 8c and 8d), spaspecClassStab
revealed a continuous positive increase in stability over the first 4 sessions, then a de-
crease, whereas classStab revealed a continuous decrease of stability over sessions.
The 3-way ANOVA Metric*Class*Session (Metric:classStab and spaspecClassStab;
Class: left-hand MI, mental subtraction, mental rotation and rest; Session: 1 to 6) re-
vealed a significant metric*class interaction [F(1,17) = 25.675; p<0.001; η2= 0.616]
as well as a significant metric*session interaction [F(1,17) = 24.692; p<0.001; η2= 0.607].
The latter indicates that classStab decreases along the 6 sessions while spaspecClassStab
first increases before decreasing (inverted U-shaped curve).
While it was not the case with the previous data set, here significant differences are
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Z-scores for each of the metrics of class-specific distinctiveness (CA, RWCV
CA, restDis and spaspecRestDis) as a function of the run and of the class (a: left-hand
MI (class 1), b: right-hand MI (class 2)) for the 2-classes data set (data set 1).
revealed between purely spatial and spatio-spectral metrics. Thus, which metric should
we believe and how should we interpret such results? To find out what makes the
spatio-spectral metrics differ from the spatial ones, we computed the average classDis
and classStab for each frequency band separately, and averaged them across subjects,
within each band. The results are represented in Figure 9 for classDis and Figure 10
for classStab.
As can be seen on Figure 9, different performance variations over sessions seem
to occur, on average, in the different bands. In particular, with classDis, there is a
continuous positive increase in performance, which may be due to learning, that can
be observed across sessions around the alpha band (8-10Hz, 10-12 Hz) and low beta
one (12-18Hz), whereas in the high beta band (18-30Hz), after a sharp performance
increase in the first session, performances tended to decrease over the subsequent ses-
sions This could explain the inverted U-shape performance obtained with spatial class-
Dis, with performances first increasing over the first 3 sessions, and then decreasing,
which could be the result of a simultaneous increase in performance in alpha and de-
crease in performance in high beta. Similarly, when looking at classStab, we can see a
positive increase in stability over sessions in alpha, no obvious change in low beta, and
a decrease in performances in high-beta.
Altogether these results seem worth considering: they suggest that even when using
the classifier output in a broad EEG band (here 8-30Hz) as feedback, users can increase
their performance in a more specific band only, which was mostly in alpha for this
protocol and subjects. This then stresses the need to monitor the progresses in each
band, in order to 1) be able to observe such performance increase that may reflect
learning, if any and 2) possibly restrain the feedback/training tasks or the EEG features
to focus on that frequency band in which there may seem to be a more efficient learning.
The metrics we propose in this paper enable us to do exactly that kind of monitoring.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Z-scores for each of the metrics (classStab and spaspecClassStab) as a func-
tion of the run and of the class (a: left-hand MI, b: right-hand MI, c: rest) for the
2-classes data set (data set 1).
4.2 Some subject specific results
As stated earlier, we observed a high inter-subject variability, therefore it is interest-
ing to further investigate the different patterns observed in terms of metrics’ evolution
across the runs, for individual subjects. It will enable the analysis of the behavior of
the different metrics and provide insights on their pros and cons.
4.2.1 Data set 1: Single session, 2-class motor imagery data set
In this data set, for instance, all the distinctiveness measures for subject S4 could re-
veal a clear performance improvement over time, possibly due to learning. However,
the same metrics for subject S5 did not show any performance improvement over time
with the online CA, whereas both RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis revealed
a clear performance increase over runs, which might me due to some form of learn-
ing (see Fig. 11). Metrics for subject S9 (Fig. 12) revealed another interesting phe-
Figure 5: The average measures of distinctiveness between classes, across runs and
sessions, for data set 2. Different sessions (i.e., days) are displayed in different colors,
and the consecutive runs from the same session are linked to each other.
nomenon. While both CA and RWCV CA did not show any performance increase,
classDis and spaspecClassDis did. However, both restDis and spaspecRestDis revealed
that class 1 (left hand motor imagery) actually became increasingly more similar to rest
EEG over the runs (restDis and spaspecRestDis for class 1 sharply decreased from run
2), and thus that the increased classDis was probably due to the BCI discriminating
rest vs right-hand MI rather than left- vs right-hand MI. CA cannot identify such a
phenomenon since it ignores rest EEG.
Finally, analyses of Subject S19’s data (Fig. 13) showed decreasing class discriminabil-
ity with CA, RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis. However, the data revealed
some continuous performance increase over runs with both restDis and spaspecRest-
Dis, for both classes. One possible hypothesis to explain this phenomenon could be
that this subject learned to modulate their EEG signals so that they differ from rest
EEG, but may have more trouble generating consistently distinct patterns between
both the MI tasks. Such a phenomenon has also been observed with simultaneous
EEG-fMRI in [52], in which some subjects showed modulations of brain activity dur-
ing MI with respect to rest signals, but no lateralization of the patterns. The restDis
and/or and spaspecRestDis metrics could thus be a cheap and easy way to identify this
phenomenon in EEG.
Figure 6: Z-scores for each of the metrics of distinctiveness between classes (CA,
RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis) as a function of the run for the 3-classes
data set (data set 2).
4.2.2 Data set 2: Multi-sessions, 3-class mental imagery data set
Regarding the multi-sessions data set, relevant individual results include for instance
those of subject s11. With this subject, all metrics of class distinctiveness measured a
continuous increase in performance over sessions, see Figure 14.
However, the same metrics did not measure similar performance dynamics on the
data of subject s9, see Figure 15. On this subject, the CA metric suggested that the dis-
tinctiveness between classes actually decreased continuously across runs and sessions,
whereas both RWCV-CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis actually measured the exact
opposite: a continuous increase in performances across runs and sessions. Note here
that, again, CA does not actually measure how distinct the EEG patterns from each
class are, but how well the classifier trained on the data from the calibration run can
distinguish these patterns. Contrary to CA, both RWCV-CA, classDis and spaspec-
ClassDis are training data independent, and actually measure how distinct the class
EEG patterns from each run are. As such, they can reveal what could be interpreted
here as a strong learning effect (see the Discussion in Section 5 for more details about
A last interesting case is that of subject s3, presented in Figure 16. With this sub-
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Z-scores for each of the metrics of class-specific distinctiveness (CA, RWCV
CA, restDis and spaspecRestDis) as a function of the run and of the class (a: left-hand
MI, b: mental subtraction, c: mental rotation) for the 3-classes data set.
ject, the distinctiveness between classes actually did not really show a specific perfor-
mance increase over sessions. However, looking at the class-specific distinctiveness
does reveal a gradual performance increase, that may suggest some learning: the EEG
patterns from each class actually gradually became more distinct from rest EEG pat-
terns over runs and sessions, as measured by restDis and spaspecRestDis. Only restDis
and spaspecRestDis can reveal such performance increase since only them actually
consider rest EEG data, which other metrics based on classification accuracy usually
4.3 Do the new metrics confirm the influence of spatial abilities on
MI-BCI performances?
As indicated earlier (see Section 3.5.3), for both data set 1 and data set 2, the original
online experiments revealed a significant correlation between online CA (average peak
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 8: Z-scores for each of the stability metrics (classStab and spaspecClassStab)
as a function of the run and of the class (a: left-hand MI, b: mental subtraction, c:
mental rotation, d: rest) for the 3-classes data set.
CA over the runs for data set 1 and average mean CA over the sessions for data set
2) and spatial abilities [17, 20]. Participants’ spatial abilities were assessed from the
mental rotation score they obtained after completing the Mental Rotation Test of Van-
denberg [46]. In the present paper, we thus also computed these correlations with our
new metrics. We performed partial correlations in order to control for the gender effect
associated with mental rotation scores [46]. Regarding data set 1, a significant correla-
tion was revealed between mental rotation scores and average RWCV CA [r = 0.500,
p<0.05], but not with the other metrics: CA [r = 0.373, p= 0.116], classDis [r = 0.125,
p= 0.609], spaSpecClassDis [r = 0.069, p= 0.780]. On the other hand, regarding data
set 2, significant correlations were revealed between mental rotation scores and all the
metrics averaged over sessions: CA [r = 0.519, p<0.05], RWCV CA [r = 0.535,
p<0.05], classDis [r = 0.609, p<0.05] and spaSpecClassDis [r = 0.557, p<0.05].
Figure 9: grand average spatial classDis in various frequency bands, over sessions and
runs, for data set 2. Different sessions (i.e., days) are displayed in different colors, and
the consecutive runs from the same session are linked to each other.
Figure 10: grand average spatial classStab in various frequency bands, over sessions
and runs, for data set 2. Different sessions (i.e., days) are displayed in different colors,
and the consecutive runs from the same session are linked to each other.
5 Discussion
Globally, average results showed either a trend towards significance (data set 1) or a
significant (data set 2) metric*run interaction. This suggested that some metrics (here
Figure 11: Examples of 2 subjects for which, either CA measured a learning effect like
the other metrics (top - subject S5), or did not whereas the other metrics did (bottom -
subject S4)
RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis) revealed continuous increase in perfor-
mance while another (CA) did not. Such continuous increase in performance may
arguably be due to learning, with subjects MI-BCI skills gradually improving with
practice. In the BCI literature, studies usually consider that learning occurred when
CA gradually increased over runs and/or sessions [23, 33, 19]. It is worth noting, how-
ever, that a continuous increase of performance over time, whatever the performance
Figure 12: Subject S9, for which class 1 (left hand motor imagery) became like rest
metrics (i.e., both CA, RWCV CA and classDis), might also be due to some alterna-
tive factors other than learning. For instance, electrode impedance might decrease over
time due to sweat or due to the gel moving and making better contact with the scalp.
This would in turn increase the EEG signal-to-noise ratio and thus possibly increase
CA or classDis, independently of any learning from the subject. However, we would
like to stress that on data set 2, which was based on six sessions, over six different days,
we also observed increase in class distinctiveness over sessions (i.e., over days), both
on several individual subjects and on average over all subjects. Observing a continu-
Figure 13: Subject S19 produced EEG patterns increasingly more different than rest,
but not distinct from each other.
ous reduction of impedance over several separate days would seem extremely unlikely.
Therefore, while we cannot rule out for sure alternative explanations and prove this
is learning, learning remains the most likely explanation for a continuous increase of
a performance metric (either classDis or restDis) over days. Thus, in the following
discussion, we consider that such continuous increase in performance reflect learning.
This is indeed the most likely hypothesis, but we keep in mind that this is not the only
Figure 14: Subject s11, data set 2, for which all 3 metrics (CA, RWCV-CA, classDis)
all measured a continuous increase in performance across sessions. Different sessions
(i.e., days) are displayed in different colors, and the consecutive runs from the same
session are linked to each other.
Overall, RWCV CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis seemed to reveal some form
of user learning that CA seemed to have missed. This is all the more interesting given
the fact that the feedback was based on the CA metric. Indeed, participants were asked
to make the bar feedback, that is proportional to the classifier output and thus related
to the online CA, as long as possible in the correct direction. Despite such feedback
being based on a possibly incomplete metric (as it may miss some learning), most of
the participants demonstrated to be able to modulate their EEG patterns increasingly
better, sometimes leading to the improvement of the performance metrics. This result
is promising for the future as it suggests that with a better feedback, e.g., a feedback
directly related to our new metrics, the ability of the participants to learn to modulate
efficiently their EEG patterns, in order to improve their BCI control, may be enhanced.
This result also raises the question of whether different aspects of “self-regulation
learning” might have been involved. Indeed, two aspects may have taken place here.
The first aspect would be voluntary learning, when users learned from BCI feedback
how to self-regulate their EEG patterns by identifying the best mental strategies. This
learning aspect thus involved cognitive processes underlain by specific neurophysio-
logical activities, and would be the most typical aspect of learning that is targeted by
feedback training in BCI. An additional aspect of learning may have been involved here
though. This aspect of learning might have occurred in parallel, due to habituation or
repeated practice of the mental imagery tasks, which may have induced neuronal plas-
ticity. Indeed, the feedback provided to users was not directly related to our new met-
Figure 15: Subject s9, data set 2, for which CA suggested a continuous decrease in dis-
tinctiveness between classes whereas both RWCV-CA, classDis and spaspecClassDis
- being training data independent - actually measured a continuous increase in distinc-
tiveness across sessions. Different sessions (i.e., days) are displayed in different colors,
and the consecutive runs from the same session are linked to each other.
rics of performance, yet users managed to improve such metrics over time. This might
suggest a form of learning that occurred without a dedicated feedback. In the future,
it would be interesting to study to which extent each of these two aspects of learning
is involved. Note that our new metrics are nonetheless not completely orthogonal to
the online classifier output. As such, the online feedback might still carry some useful
information that users might have used to increase their performances as measured by
our metrics.
On the other hand, these results also suggested that different performance metrics
can reveal different aspects of MI-BCI users’ skills and learning. Notably, they first
showed that CA may sometimes be unable to measure that users can modulate their
EEG patterns using MI increasingly well, whereas metrics such as RWCV CA, class-
Dis and spaspecClassDis can reveal performance increase over runs and sessions, most
likely related to user learning. They even revealed fast performance increase, and thus
possibly fast learning effects, in several subjects, with continuous progress over runs,
over a single day of training in data set 1. This can have profound implications for
the study of BCI user training. For instance, the present results may explain why in
[23], it has been concluded that most BCI studies - and notably those based on ma-
chine learning - do not actually involve human learning (defined as continuous CA
increase). Indeed, in most of the studies surveyed in [23], CA was used as the perfor-
mance metric. As such, human learning might have occurred, but CA might not have
Figure 16: Subject s3, data set 2, for which there was no increase in distinctiveness be-
tween classes (as seen by all metrics - bottom figure), but for which the distinctiveness
with the rest EEG patterns (restDis and spaspecRestDis - top Figure) increased across
sessions, which only restDis and/or spaspecRestDis could measure. Different sessions
(i.e., days) are displayed in different colors, and the consecutive runs from the same
session are linked to each other.
been able to measure it. It thus seems necessary to re-analyze EEG data from previous
studies with complementary performance metrics such as the ones proposed here, to
obtain complementary measures that may reflect whether human learning could have
The performance increase over runs and sessions, and thus possible learning effects,
that were revealed by the new metrics also stress the need for co-adaptive BCI systems,
and explain the success of these approaches, see, e.g., [8, 48]. On a related note,
it would be relevant to compare the new metrics proposed in this paper with online
classification accuracies obtained with adaptive classifiers. Indeed, adaptive classifiers
being continuously updated, they are much less sensitive to the initial training data.
The classification accuracy they provide is thus more likely to provide a more faithful
account of the BCI user’s skills. In the data sets studied here, subjects were trained
online using a fixed classifier though, as in most BCI studies.
When comparing the spatial metrics to the spatio-spectral ones, it appeared that
the latter were more likely to reveal performance increases and thus possible learning
effects, due to different users’ performance variations in different frequency bands. We
would thus advocate for reporting these spatio-spectral metrics, or at least to report the
spatial ones in various frequency bands.
The restDis and spaspecRestDis metrics also highlighted the need to consider rest
EEG when evaluating MI-BCI users’ skills. Not doing so may prevent us from realizing
that the user is not able to perform one of the MI tasks. If the target BCI application
actually requires the user to perform real MI, e.g., for stroke rehabilitation, this aspect
should be monitored. On the other hand, as seen on the multi-sessions data set (data set
2), restDis/spaspecRestDis also showed that some subjects actually improved restDis
and spaspecRestDis across sessions but not classDis nor spaspecClassDis, which can
only be observed using such metrics. For such types of subjects, this means that it
might be more efficient to use one of the mental tasks as a brain switch4, since that
mental task leads to EEG patterns that are distinct from those of rest EEG, but not
so much from those related to the other mental tasks. Alternatively, this might mean
that it might be worth specifically training the user to make the different patterns more
distinct from each other.
It should be mentioned that our new metrics are relative metrics and not absolute
ones. Indeed, the distance between matrices depends on the dimension of these matri-
ces. Matrices with larger dimensions would tend to be further away from each other,
the same way as vectors with larger dimensions would tend to be further away from
each other [12]. Thus, although our metrics can be very useful to compare training
procedures or feedbacks between each other, when using the same EEG cap and chan-
nels, they cannot be used to compare experiments with different number of channels
between each other. Thus, our metrics do not aim at replacing classification accuracy,
but rather at complementing it. Indeed using our metrics should maximize the chance
to measure and compare MI-BCI skills improvement over time (i.e., possible learning
effects), which classification accuracy, as used online, is likely to miss, as well as to
understand in a more refine way what skills the user has learned or not. For instance,
what mental commands the user is mastering increasingly well, or how stable their
EEG patterns are should be studied with the metrics proposed here, i.e., classDis,rest-
Dis,classStab, and/or spaspecClassDis,spaspecRestDist,spaspecClassStab. In the
4A brain switch is a single-class BCI, which uses a single mental task to send a command when the EEG
patterns evoked by this task becomes different than that of rest EEG signals, see, e.g., [32]
future, it might be worth considering using such metrics as dedicated feedback in ini-
tial training tasks for BCI, to train explicitly distinctiveness and stability. Then, once
the users managed to produce stable and distinct EEG patterns, as measured using such
metrics, then can be trained for BCI control using a classifier, as currently done.
It is interesting to note that for the data sets analyzed, RWCV CA and class-
Dis/spaspecClassDis generally measured consistent performance dynamics: they usu-
ally both measured a positive performance increase at the same time, when CA may
not have. This seems to stress the importance of metrics that are training data inde-
pendent to measure MI-BCI users’ skills and learning. Indeed, contrary to CA, neither
RWCV CA nor classDis/spaspecClassDis depend on the training data from the cali-
bration run used to obtain the online classifier. As such, if users managed to improve
the distinctiveness of their EEG patterns, possibly in a direction that the online classi-
fier will miss, both RWCA CV and classDis/spaspecClassDis will be able to measure
it. Such metrics should be thus be preferred to study user MI-BCI skills and learning.
Again, CA tells us how well the classifier can recognize the EEG patterns produced
by the user, but not necessarily how well the user can produce these patterns and make
them as stable and distinct as possible. While RWCV CA is thus also very useful to
study the distinctiveness between the EEG patterns produced by the user, it cannot tell
us how such patterns differ from rest EEG patterns nor how stable they are. On the
other hand, that is something that our new metrics restDis and classStab can measure,
and were designed to do. Thus, our new metrics not only address the limitations of
current measures such as CA, but also enable us to look at other aspects of MI-BCI
users’ skills that current metrics cannot see.
When studying possible correlations between our new metrics and spatial abilities,
as measured using mental rotation test scores, significant correlations were obtained,
in particular for data set 2. This result seems to further confirm the relevance of spatial
abilities as a major predictor of performance for MI-BCIs [19]. As argued in [19], spa-
tial abilities corresponding to the ability of producing, manipulating and transforming
mental images [36], it makes sense that they influence MI-BCI performance.
Altogether, these new metrics led to new ways to look at the data and at MI-BCI
users’ skills. They suggested that MI-BCI control skills are multidimensional, and
cannot be summarized by using only CA. In particular, our metrics suggested that MI-
BCI user training did not only influence the distinctiveness between classes, but also
the distinctiveness between each class and rest EEG signals, or the stability of each
class EEG patterns, possibly in a different way in different frequency bands. All those
metrics thus seem to reflect different aspects/components of MI-BCI control skills,
which we denote as ”subskills” in the following. Our results with the new metrics also
suggested that different users might acquire these various MI-BCI control subskills in
different ways. For instance, some users managed to improve the distinctiveness of
each class with rest EEG patterns over time but not the distinctiveness between classes,
whether it was the opposite for some other users. In turns, this calls for new ways
to analyze and improve MI-BCI user training, by taking into account such MI-BCI
subskills. For instance, different neuropsychological factors might be needed to predict
performances for each of the different BCI subskills (restDis,classDis,classStab -
possibly in different frequency bands). Along the same lines, since MI-BCI skills seem
to gather several subskills, it might mean that BCI training tasks and feedbacks should
also target and reflect such subskills. For instance, it might be worth designing and
studying training tasks dedicated to improve each one of the subskills. Additionally,
it might be necessary to provide BCI users with a dedicated feedback for each of the
subskills, to inform them about their progress in each of them. These results thus pave
the way for many promising ways to refine and improve MI-BCI user training.
Naturally, the proposed metrics are not solving all performance evaluation issues
of MI-BCI, and can still be improved. First, contrary to metrics such as CA, there
is no closed-form solution to estimate the chance level of these metrics. If one is
interesting by chance-level performance, they should resort to permutation tests. These
new metrics also implicitly assume that the covariance matrix variability (as measured
by the mean absolute deviation) around the mean is uniform (same variability in all
direction). If that is not the case in practice, it may distort the distinctiveness and
stability metrics. Finally, these metrics do not consider the time dimension. It would
be relevant in the future to consider metrics estimating how fast the user can produce the
EEG patterns using MI, and how long they can maintain them. There are thus still a lot
of room for improvement and/or extensions of these metrics. Nonetheless, our results
show that these new metrics still provide some new and essential insights into MI-BCI
users’ skills and learning, and highlighted major limitations of current metrics for this
topic. As such, we advocate that such new metrics should be considered in addition to
existing ones when studying MI-BCI users’ skills and learning in the future.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we argued that CA (online or simulated online), the most used metric to
quantify BCI performance, should not be used alone to study MI-BCI users’ skills and
learning. We indeed identified many limitations of CA for this purpose. We proposed
a first definition of MI-BCI skills and proposed new metrics, based on Riemannian
distance, to quantify them. Our new metrics can measure how distinct the EEG patterns
produced by the user are between each class, how each of them differ from rest EEG
patterns, and how stable they are. These metrics all are classifier and training data
independent. This makes them theoretically more appropriate to study MI-BCI user
skills than CA, which heavily depends on the classifier and training data used - whereas
MI-BCI users’ skills should be measured independently from them.
An evaluation and comparison of these metrics indeed confirmed that in practice
online CA may hide some continuous performance increase that may reflect learning
effects and cannot identify how different an MI class is from rest EEG. They also
revealed that different users seem to learn MI-BCI skills in different ways, thus high-
lighting various MI-BCI subskills. We therefore conclude that, when studying MI-BCI
users’ skills and learning, CA should be used with care, and should be complemented
with metrics such as the ones proposed. Our results also stress the need to redefine
MI-BCI user training by considering the different MI-BCI subskills and their mea-
sures. In order to ease the adoption of such metrics by the community, we provide their
Matlab code for free and open-source on the following webpage: http://sites.
Naturally, this study would benefit from being replicated on other data sets, with
different protocols and classifiers, to further confirm and validate its outcome. Nonethe-
less, this study and metrics open many promising perspectives. In particular it would
be interesting to re-analyze the relationship between users’ profile, notably neurophys-
iological, personality and cognitive profile, and these new performance metrics (so far
done by looking for correlation with online CA only, see [19] for a review), which
could reveal new predictors of performance, and thus new ways of improving BCI user
training. These metrics could also be used as the basis to design new feedbacks, and
in particular explanatory feedbacks [40]. Indeed, these metrics being based on sim-
ple distance measures, they could be computed online, using incrementally estimated
average covariance matrices. In contrast, the RWCV CA metric cannot be used on-
line, notably due to its computational cost. The classDis,restDis and classStab metrics
could thus be provided as online feedback, to tell users whether they should improve
the distinctiveness with rest, with another class, or the stability of their patterns, for in-
stance. These concepts being abstract and unusual for BCI users, a considerable work
is needed in terms of user-centered design and human-computer interaction to find out
the most consistent, intuitive and pleasant ways to provide such an explanatory feed-
back. To do so, such features might be combined with engaging and rich tools for
real-time visualization of EEG patterns, such as those presented in [30, 10, 11]. These
metrics revealing what seemed like fast learning effects, they could also be used as a
cheap, possibly online way (faster and more convenient than CV) to identify when to
update and retrain classifiers. Finally, it would be relevant to further refine these met-
rics, for instance by defining sub-metrics, for subsets of EEG channels, over specific
brain areas, to study brain area specific learning processes. Overall, we are convinced
that MI-BCI user training should be further studied, and we hope these new metrics
could be a new way to look at it.
This work was supported by the French National Research Agency with the REBEL
project (grant ANR-15-CE23-0013-01), the European Research Council with the Brain-
Conquest project (grant ERC-2016-STG-714567) as well as by the EPFL/Inria Inter-
national Lab.
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... Importantly, and consistent with previous reports 33, 34 , the background EMG activity increased during walking compared to resting MI, indicating alignment between imagined movement and provided cue. Improvements in the BCI classification accuracies alone do not necessarily suggest enhanced modulation of brain signals 35,36 . The purpose was to train individuals to enhance their abilities to control sensorimotor activations and produce stable MI patterns using the designed VRmediated BCI system. ...
... The purpose was to train individuals to enhance their abilities to control sensorimotor activations and produce stable MI patterns using the designed VRmediated BCI system. Unimpaired participants learned to evoke more stable and distinct EEG patterns during MI as training progressed, which was revealed in two indices of EEG signal separability, class discrimination 35 , and TTA 36 . Class discrimination measures the stability and distinguishability of EEG signals within a class and between classes, respectively, over sensorimotor training sessions. ...
... Meanwhile, TTA assesses a user's ability to consistently produce similar EEG signals for each class during calibration and cued-online operations within each training session. Learning to modulate EEG during MI is reflected in the gradual increase of class discriminability and/or a gradual decrease in TTA 35,36 . Our results showed a positive correlation between the average class discrimination and the number of training sessions ( Fig. 2a-b); and a negative correlation between the group average TTA and session index ( Fig. 2c-d), suggesting a learning effect. ...
Full-text available
Real-time brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that decode electroencephalograms (EEG) during motor imagery (MI) are a powerful adjunct to rehabilitation therapy after neurotrauma. Immersive virtual reality (VR) could complement BCIs by delivering multisensory feedback congruent to the user’s MI, enabling therapies that engage users in task-oriented scenarios. Yet, therapeutic outcomes rely on the user’s proficiency in evoking MI to attain volitional BCI-commanded VR interaction. While previous studies suggested that users could improve BCI-evoked MI within a single session, the effects of multiple training sessions on sensorimotor neuromodulation remain unknown. Here, we present a longitudinal study assessing the impact of VR-mediated BCI training on lower-limb sensorimotor neuromodulation, wherein an EEG-based BCI was coupled with congruent real-time multisensory feedback in immersive VR. We show that unimpaired individuals could learn to modulate their sensorimotor activations during MI virtual walking over multiple training sessions, also resulting in increased BCI control accuracy. Additionally, when extending the system to immersive VR cycling, four individuals with chronic complete spinal cord injury (SCI) showed similar improvements. This is the first study demonstrating that individuals could learn modulating sensorimotor activity associated with MI using BCI integrated with immersive VR over multiple training sessions, even after SCI-induced motor and sensory decline. These results suggest that VR-BCI training may facilitate neuroplasticity, potentially strengthening sensorimotor pathways and functional connectivity relevant to motor control and recovery.
... Ideally, the user can utilize feedback from the computer classifier to improve their mental task performance strategies while the computer can utilize machine learning methods to adapt its discrimination functions [4,22]. While some users have achieved significant performance improvements under these schemes, concerns regarding the utility of user feedback derived from the computer classifier have emerged, particularly in cases where classification accuracy is low [21,23,24]. More specifically, when users are searching for alternative mental task strategies classifier feedback may be difficult to interpret [21,23] and may fail to accurately reflect changes in the discriminability of tasks [24,25]. ...
... While some users have achieved significant performance improvements under these schemes, concerns regarding the utility of user feedback derived from the computer classifier have emerged, particularly in cases where classification accuracy is low [21,23,24]. More specifically, when users are searching for alternative mental task strategies classifier feedback may be difficult to interpret [21,23] and may fail to accurately reflect changes in the discriminability of tasks [24,25]. These findings prompt the need to develop alternative measures of BCI user performance, particularly those capable of elucidating the level of user skill, beyond the limited vignette afforded by classification metrics [26]. ...
... It should be highlighted that some non-classifierbased user-assessment metrics have been developed [24,29]. However, similar to the classifier-based assessments, these approaches rely on task labels to measure the separability of distributions of trials from different tasks and are limited by the same one pattern-state-per-task assumption. ...
Objective. While electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have many potential clinical applications, their use is impeded by poor performance for many users. To improve BCI performance, either via enhanced signal processing or user training, it is critical to understand and describe each user's ability to perform mental control tasks and produce discernible EEG patterns. While classification accuracy has predominantly been used to assess user performance, limitations and criticisms of this approach have emerged, thus prompting the need to develop novel user assessment approaches with greater descriptive capability. Here, we propose a combination of unsupervised clustering and Markov chain models to assess and describe user skill. Approach. Using unsupervised K-means clustering, we segmented the EEG signal space into regions representing pattern states that users could produce. A user's movement through these pattern states while performing different tasks was modeled using Markov chains. Finally, using the steady-state distributions and entropy rates of the Markov chains, we proposed two metrics taskDistinct and relativeTaskInconsistency to assess, respectively, a user's ability to (i) produce distinct task-specific patterns for each mental task and (ii) maintain consistent patterns during individual tasks. Main results. Analysis of data from fourteen adolescents using a three-class BCI revealed significant correlations between the taskDistinct and relativeTaskInconsistency metrics and classification F1 score. Moreover, analysis of the pattern states and Markov chain models yielded descriptive information regarding user performance not immediately apparent from classification accuracy. Significance. Our proposed user assessment method can be used in concert with classifier-based analysis to further understand the extent to which users produce task-specific, time-evolving EEG patterns. In turn, this information could be used to enhance user training or classifier design.
... In a subsequent phase, we calculated the class distinctiveness (classDis), a performance metric introduced by Lotte and Jeunet [31]. This metric assesses the separation between two EEG patterns generated by a BMI user by examining the distance between the means of each class and their dispersion around those means. ...
... In an ideal setting, we would want to improve the accuracy of the system while also improving the distinction between the movements. However, as discussed in the literature [31], [42] the correlation between classification performance and separability of patterns is not linear. In our study, we extend those findings as we observe that if we select fewer electrodes there is a trade-off in that we need to sacrifice some of the accuracies if we want to have a better distinction. ...
Full-text available
Decoding multiple movements from the same limb using electroencephalographic (EEG) activity is a key challenge with applications for controlling prostheses in upper-limb amputees. This study investigates the classification of four hand movements to control a modified Myobock prosthesis via EEG signals. We report results from three EEG recording sessions involving four amputees and twenty able-bodied subjects performing four grasp movements under three conditions: Motor Execution (ME), Motor Imagery (MI), and Motor Observation (MO). EEG preprocessing was followed by feature extraction using Common Spatial Patterns (CSP), Wavelet Decomposition (WD), and Riemannian Geometry. Various classification algorithms were applied to decode EEG signals, and a metric assessed pattern separability. We evaluated system performance across different electrode combinations and compared it to the original setup. Our results show that distinguishing movement from no movement achieved 100% accuracy, while classification between movements reached 70-90%. No significant differences were found between recording conditions in classification performance. Able-bodied participants outperformed amputees, but there were no significant differences in Motor Imagery. Performance did not improve across the sessions, and there was considerable variability in EEG pattern distinction. Reducing the number of electrodes by half led to only a 2% average accuracy drop. These results provide insights into developing wearable brain-machine interfaces, particularly for electrode optimization and training in grasp movement classification.
... With evidence supporting the neurophysiological relevance of the covariance features, we assess the evolution of their discriminability (feature distinctiveness, FD) to substantiate subject learning [13,15,21,34]. Subjects in both groups exhibited a significantly increasing trend in FD for both tasks ( Figure 6). ...
... • Feature Distinctiveness (FD): In the spirit of [34,61] we used the distinctiveness metric between the unmatched feature distribution of the two MI classes to quantify the feature space discriminancy (or separability) between the two MI classes. FD utilizes the Riemannian distance between the class prototypes, normalized to the variance of the feature distributions of both classes. ...
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Subject training is crucial for acquiring brain-computer interface (BCI) control. Typically, this requires collecting user-specific calibration data due to high inter-subject neural variability that limits the usability of generic decoders. However, calibration is cumbersome and may produce inadequate data for building decoders, especially with naïve subjects. Here we show that a decoder trained on the data of a single expert is readily transferrable to inexperienced users via domain adaptation techniques allowing calibration-free BCI training. We introduce two real-time frameworks, a) Generic Recentering (GR) through unsupervised adaptation and b) Personally Assisted Recentering (PAR) that extends GR by employing supervised recalibration of the decoder parameters. We evaluated our frameworks on 18 healthy naïve subjects over five online sessions, who operated a customary synchronous bar task with continuous feedback and a more challenging car racing game with asynchronous control and discrete feedback. We show that along with improved task-oriented BCI performance in both tasks, our frameworks promoted subjects’ ability to acquire individual BCI skills, as the initial neurophysiological control features of an expert subject evolved and became subject specific. Furthermore, those features were task-specific and were learned in parallel as participants practiced the two tasks in every session. Contrary to previous findings implying that supervised methods lead to improved online BCI control, we observed that longitudinal training coupled with unsupervised domain matching (GR) achieved similar performance to supervised recalibration (PAR). Therefore, our presented frameworks facilitate calibration-free BCIs and have immediate implications for broader populations —such as patients with neurological pathologies— who might struggle to provide suitable initial calibration data.
... This choice was made mainly due to the existing inconsistencies across available datasets, namely, the differences in the EEG recording configuration and the number of available trials per individual. Moreover, it has been shown that neurophysiological analysis of motor related EEG patterns is a better metric of MI-BCI users' skills, contrary to classification accuracy which reflects a mix of users' skills and machine learning classifiers' abilities [45]. However, it is likely that for some subjects, the modulation patterns associated with the motor imagery task were reflected in other brain areas or frequency bands. ...
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The utmost issue in Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (MI-BCI) is the BCI poor performance known as ‘BCI inefficiency’. Although past research has attempted to find a solution by investigating factors influencing users’ MI-BCI performance, the issue persists. One of the factors that has been studied in relation to MI-BCI performance is gender. Research regarding the influence of gender on a user’s ability to control MI-BCIs remains inconclusive, mainly due to the small sample size and unbalanced gender distribution in past studies. To address these issues and obtain reliable results, this study combined four MI-BCI datasets into one large dataset with 248 subjects and equal gender distribution. The datasets included EEG signals from healthy subjects from both gender groups who had executed a right- vs. left-hand motor imagery task following the Graz protocol. The analysis consisted of extracting the Mu Suppression Index from C3 and C4 electrodes and comparing the values between female and male participants. Unlike some of the previous findings which reported an advantage for female BCI users in modulating mu rhythm activity, our results did not show any significant difference between the Mu Suppression Index of both groups, indicating that gender may not be a predictive factor for BCI performance.
... Thus, CA is not the most suitable metric to quantify MI-BCI skill during the calibration phase. Lotte and Jeunet (2018) defined the binary class distance/stability of EEG samples to assess the progress or retrogression of subject's MI-BCI skill in different calibration runs. Nevertheless, such subjective feedback (questionnaire) and objective feedback (CA and class distance/stability) cannot provide real-time information to help the subjects realize self-modulation in the training phase. ...
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For the electroencephalogram- (EEG-) based motor imagery (MI) brain-computer interface (BCI) system, more attention has been paid to the advanced machine learning algorithms rather than the effective MI training protocols over past two decades. However, it is crucial to assist the subjects in modulating their active brains to fulfill the endogenous MI tasks during the calibration process, which will facilitate signal processing using various machine learning algorithms. Therefore, we propose a trial-feedback paradigm to improve MI training and introduce a non-feedback paradigm for comparison. Each paradigm corresponds to one session. Two paradigms are applied to the calibration runs of corresponding sessions. And their effectiveness is verified in the subsequent testing runs of respective sessions. Different from the non-feedback paradigm, the trial-feedback paradigm presents a topographic map and its qualitative evaluation in real time after each MI training trial, so the subjects can timely realize whether the current trial successfully induces the event-related desynchronization/event-related synchronization (ERD/ERS) phenomenon, and then they can adjust their brain rhythm in the next MI trial. Moreover, after each calibration run of the trial-feedback session, a feature distribution is visualized and quantified to show the subjects’ abilities to distinguish different MI tasks and promote their self-modulation in the next calibration run. Additionally, if the subjects feel distracted during the training processes of the non-feedback and trial-feedback sessions, they can execute the blinking movement which will be captured by the electrooculogram (EOG) signals, and the corresponding MI training trial will be abandoned. Ten healthy participants sequentially performed the non-feedback and trial-feedback sessions on the different days. The experiment results showed that the trial-feedback session had better spatial filter visualization, more beneficiaries, higher average off-line and on-line classification accuracies than the non-feedback session, suggesting the trial-feedback paradigm’s usefulness in subject’s self-modulation and good ability to perform MI tasks.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are widely used in the field of disability assistance and rehabilitation, and virtual reality (VR) is increasingly used for visual guidance of BCI-MI (motor imagery). Therefore, how to improve the quality of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for MI in VR has emerged as a critical issue. People can perform MI more easily when they visualize the hand used for visual guidance as their own, and the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) can increase people's ownership of the prosthetic hand. We proposed to induce RHI in VR to enhance participants' MI ability and designed five methods of inducing RHI, namely active movement, haptic stimulation, passive movement, active movement mixed with haptic stimulation, and passive movement mixed with haptic stimulation, respectively. We constructed a first-person training scenario to train participants' MI ability through the five induction methods. The experimental results showed that through the training, the participants' feeling of ownership of the virtual hand in VR was enhanced, and the MI ability was improved. Among them, the method of mixing active movement and tactile stimulation proved to have a good effect on enhancing MI. Finally, we developed a BCI system in VR utilizing the above training method, and the performance of the participants improved after the training. This also suggests that our proposed method is promising for future application in BCI rehabilitation systems.
italic xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">Objective : Motor Imagery (MI)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have been proposed for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, being a big challenge their successful application to restore motor functions in individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). This work proposes an Electroencephalography (EEG) gait imagery-based BCI to promote motor recovery on the Lokomat platform, in order to allow a clinical intervention by acting simultaneously on both central and peripheral nervous mechanisms. Methods: As a novelty, our BCI system accurately discriminates gait imagery tasks during walking and further provides a multi-channel EEG-based Visual Neurofeedback (VNFB) linked to μ\mu (8-12 Hz) and β\beta (15-20 Hz) rhythms around Cz. VNFB is carried out through a cluster analysis strategy-based Euclidean distance, where the weighted mean MI feature vector is used as a reference to teach individuals with SCI to modulate their cortical rhythms. Results : The developed BCI reached an average classification accuracy of 74.4%. In addition, feature analysis demonstrated a reduction in cluster variance after several sessions, whereas metrics associated with self-modulation indicated a greater distance between both classes: passive walking with gait MI and passive walking without MI. Conclusion : The results suggest that intervention with a gait MI-based BCI with VNFB may allow the individuals to appropriately modulate their rhythms of interest around Cz. Significance: This work contributes to the development of advanced systems for gait rehabilitation by integrating Machine Learning and neurofeedback techniques, to restore lower-limb functions of SCI individuals.
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Despite its short history, the use of Riemannian geometry in brain-computer interface (BCI) decoding is currently attracting increasing attention, due to accumulating documentation of its simplicity, accuracy, robustness and transfer learning capabilities, including the winning score obtained in five recent international predictive modeling BCI data competitions. The Riemannian framework is sharp from a mathematical perspective, yet in practice it is simple, both algorithmically and computationally. This allows the conception of online decoding machines suiting real-world operation in adverse conditions. We provide here a review on the use of Riemannian geometry for BCI and a primer on the classification frameworks based on it. While the theoretical research on Riemannian geometry is technical, our aim here is to show the appeal of the framework on an intuitive geometrical ground. In particular, we provide a rationale for its robustness and transfer learning capabilities and we elucidate the link between a simple Riemannian classifier and a state-of-the-art spatial filtering approach. We conclude by reporting details on the construction of data points to be manipulated in the Riemannian framework in the context of BCI and by providing links to available open-source Matlab and Python code libraries for designing BCI decoders.
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Teegi is an anthropomorphic and tangible avatar exposing a users' brain activity in real time. It is connected to a device sensing the brain by means of electroencephalog-raphy (EEG). Teegi moves its hands and feet and closes its eyes along with the person being monitored. It also displays on its scalp the associated EEG signals, thanks to a semi-spherical display made of LEDs. Attendees can interact directly with Teegi -- e.g. move its limbs -- to discover by themselves the underlying brain processes. Teegi can be used for scientific outreach to introduce neurotechnologies in general and brain-computer interfaces (BCI) in particular.
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Recently, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) based on visual evoked potentials (VEPs) have been shown to achieve remarkable communication speeds. As they use electroencephalography (EEG) as non-invasive method for recording neural signals, the application of gel-based EEG is time-consuming and cumbersome. In order to achieve a more user-friendly system, this work explores the usability of dry EEG electrodes with a VEP-based BCI. While the results show a high variability between subjects, they also show that communication speeds of more than 100 bit/min are possible using dry EEG electrodes. To reduce performance variability and deal with the lower signal-to-noise ratio of the dry EEG electrodes, an averaging method and a dynamic stopping method were introduced to the BCI system. Those changes were shown to improve performance significantly, leading to an average classification accuracy of 76% with an average communication speed of 46 bit/min, which is equivalent to a writing speed of 8.8 error-free letters per minute. Although the BCI system works substantially better with gel-based EEG, dry EEG electrodes are more user-friendly and still allow high-speed BCI communication.
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Paper to appear in the proceedins of EUSIPCO 2015
The latest research in the development of technologies that will allow humans to communicate, using brain signals only, with computers, wheelchairs, prostheses, and other devices. Interest in developing an effective communication interface connecting the human brain and a computer has grown rapidly over the past decade. The brain-computer interface (BCI) would allow humans to operate computers, wheelchairs, prostheses, and other devices, using brain signals only. BCI research may someday provide a communication channel for patients with severe physical disabilities but intact cognitive functions, a working tool in computational neuroscience that contributes to a better understanding of the brain, and a novel independent interface for human-machine communication that offers new options for monitoring and control. This volume presents a timely overview of the latest BCI research, with contributions from many of the important research groups in the field. The book covers a broad range of topics, describing work on both noninvasive (that is, without the implantation of electrodes) and invasive approaches. Other chapters discuss relevant techniques from machine learning and signal processing, existing software for BCI, and possible applications of BCI research in the real world.
Research in brain-computer interfaces has achieved impressive progress towards implementing assistive technologies for restoration or substitution of lost motor capabilities, as well as supporting technologies for able-bodied subjects. Notwithstanding this progress, effective translation of these interfaces from proof-of-concept prototypes into reliable applications remains elusive. As a matter of fact, most of the current BCI systems cannot be used independently for long periods of time by their intended end-users. Multiple factors that inhibit the achievement of this goal have already been identified. However, it is not clear how they affect the overall BCI performance or how they should be tackled. This is worsened by publication bias, where only positive results are disseminated, preventing the research community from learning from its errors. This paper is the result of a workshop held at the 6th International BCI meeting in Asilomar. We summarize here the discussion on concrete research avenues and guidelines that may help overcome common pitfalls and make BCIs a useful alternative communication device.
Although promising from numerous applications, current Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) still suffer from a number of limitations. In particular, they are sensitive to noise, outliers and the non-stationarity of ElectroEncephaloGraphic (EEG) signals, they require long calibration times and are not reliable. Thus, new approaches and tools, notably at the EEG signal processing and classification level, are necessary to address these limitations. Riemannian approaches, spearheaded by the use of covariance matrices, are such a very promising tool slowly adopted by a growing number of researchers. This article, after a quick introduction to Riemannian geometry and a presentation of the BCI-relevant manifolds, reviews how these approaches have been used for EEG-based BCI, in particular for feature representation and learning, classifier design and calibration time reduction. Finally, relevant challenges and promising research directions for EEG signal classification in BCIs are identified, such as feature tracking on manifold or multi-task learning.
This chapter gives an idea of the current state of research of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) learning protocols. The BCI community now recognizes that in order to achieve an improvement in performance, the user must be included in the loop, and so learning protocols must be improved accordingly. It have also shown that by building on theories in disciplines such as the psychology of learning, it is possible to suggest new, promising approaches for improving user performance. The chapter focuses on protocols developed for teaching users how to use BCIs based on mental imagery (MI), also known as spontaneous BCIs. One protocol was suggested by researchers in Graz based on techniques of machine learning, and the other was suggested by the researchers at the Wadsworth center based on an operant conditioning approach. Finally, the chapter presents possible avenues for improving learning protocols, in particular based on an “anthropocentric” perspective.