
The secret program of US. mind control weapons: is it developing in latin America?

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... Mind control has been tried through history, the basic ideas of mind control originated in 1921, in Tavistock, a research center of the British Intelligence Service, and then they were developed in Germany, U.S. mind control weapons can be more powerful than the atomic bombs; their existence remains as one of the greatest secrets of the USA. Recent researches alert about the existence of a secret American mental control program that is secretly developing in the world, mainly in Latin america [19,20], Tibet [21] and EEUU [22], In Peru, the main organizer of the mental control program is the Embassy of the United States in Peru, it has as main operator the US Navy. There are many evidences that point to the US Navy organize the cerebral internet in the Peruvian jungle as the existence of two military bases in the Peruvian jungle (Madre de Dios e Iquitos) (Fig-4). ...
... In relation to the effect of technological implants on the human being, transhumanists only promote brain nanobots as a benefit to society, 13 the transhumanists do not inform that the brain microchips and nanobots can be a weapon against the citizen; they would make us lose our mind control, the citizens would be controlled by others and thus they would lose their autonomy 23,24 turning us into human robots, they would lose their privacy due to being permanently spied on with the cerebral internet, 25 they would lose their identity since their memory can be deleted with brain nanobots. Thus, if the citizens are spied, controlled mentally and do not have identity, they would become human slaves at the service of the transnational companies and economic powers. ...
... Recent researches that warn of a terrorist organization organized by the economic powers and transnational technology companies that are developing secretly and illicitly neuroscientific human experimentation with brain microchips and nanobots in the world, that is called "the nanomafia". [23][24][25][26][27][28][29] There is an advertising mega-campaign that seeks to get the citizens accustomed to their lives "being part of a film", part of a TV series programming; the actual objective is to seek the voluntary consent so the citizen accepts the televisualization of their whole life, thus, the transnational companies will have legal access to people's private lives without legal claim. As an example, DirecTV promotes in Peruvian malls as Megaplaza the campaign "be part of the programming" inviting passers-by to enter a TV set. ...
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This preprint summarises some of the threats of dual and primary uses of digital technology and calls for a new paradigm for the digital society of the future.
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Europa ha desarrollado el Proyecto Cerebro Humano (The Human Brain Project –HBP-) cuyos principales promotores son: la multinacional estadounidense International Business Machines Corp. (IBM), el gobierno de Suiza y el Dr. Henry Markram, responsable del proyecto, quien anunció públicamente que puede crear el primer cerebro artificial en 2020. Las presunciones apuntan a que por lo utópico del proyecto y la seguridad con que afirman que van a lograr sus objetivos, la experimentación humana forzada e ilícita puede ser el método secreto de Markram y sus socios del Proyecto Cerebro Humano. Las hipótesis se refuerzan por recientes investigaciones que hacen pensar que IBM, la principal organizadora del Proyecto Cerebro Humano, ha realizado experimentos ilícitos con humanos en la construcción del chip neuromórfico TrueNorth y por la creación de proyectos de aprendizaje en hospitales infantiles de México. La larga lista de experimentos médicos ilícitos y gobiernos corruptos en Latinoamérica que los han permitido oficialmente, obliga a los médicos a estar alerta, investigar y denunciar posibles experimentos neurocientíficos inhumanos que se estén realizando en el Proyecto Cerebro Humano.
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About 6 years ago there sparked a phenomenon in science called the neuroscientific boom. Neurologists underpin this phenomenon to cost reduction techniques such as electroencephalograms and to improved noninvasive technology such as functional MRI. But the human brain, the most complex organ in the universe, has not yet been fully investigated with the existing noninvasive technologies. Thus, there is a suspicion that the real reason for this boom is a secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation in Latin America. Physicians should investigate, be alert, and report these potential unethical human experiments to prevent any further damage to the public health of the citizens of Latin societies.
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Sr. Editor: La iniciativa BRAIN, cuyas iniciales se pueden traducir como “Investigacion del Cerebro a traves del Avance de Neurotecnologias Innovadoras”, es un billonario proyecto norteamericano de investigacion para hacer un mapeo cerebral, conocer como interactuan las celulas cerebrales. Es una investigacion que fue anunciada por el propio Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, Barack Obama(1), y que, segun los organizadores, dara a los cientificos las herramientas necesarias para obtener una imagen del cerebro en accion y permitir comprender como pensamos, aprendemos o memorizamos, y ayudara a descubrir los secretos que esconden las enfermedades degenerativas del cerebro, como Alzheimer, Parkinson y patologias psiquiatricas. En Europa, por otro lado, se ha desarrollado su analogo, el proyecto HUMAN BRAIN(2), siendo uno de sus principales promotores el gobierno de Suiza, en cuya Escuela Politecnica Federal de Lausanne, labora el responsable del proyecto, el Profesor Dr. Henry Markram, un ingeniero de computadoras que, en julio de 2009, anuncio publicamente que su equipo podra crear el primer cerebro artificial en el ano 2018(3). Leer mas...
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