
Water-Related Mechanisms Proposed for Storing and Transmitting Homeopathic Information: Putative Links with Biological Responses

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Introduction There are two critical pillars of homeopathy that contrast with the dominant scientific approach: the similitude principle and the potentization of serial dilutions. Three main hypotheses about the mechanisms of action are in discussion: nanobubbles-related hormesis; vehicle-related electric resonance; and quantum non-locality. Objectives The aim of this paper is to review and discuss some key points of such properties: the imprint of supramolecular structures based on the nanoparticle-allostatic, cross-adaptation-sensitization (NPCAS) model; the theory of non-molecular electromagnetic transfer of information, based on the coherent water domains model, and relying (like the NPCAS model) on the idea of local interactions; and the hypothesis of quantum entanglement, based on the concept of non-locality. Results and Discussion The nanoparticles hypothesis has been considered since 2010, after the demonstration of suspended metal nanoparticles even in very highly diluted remedies: their actual action on biological structures is still under scrutiny. The second hypothesis considers the idea of electric resonance mechanisms between living systems (including intracellular water) and homeopathic medicines: recent findings about potency-related physical properties corroborate it. Finally, quantum theory of ‘non-local’ phenomena inspires the idea of an ‘entanglement’ process among patient, practitioner and the remedy: that quantic phenomena could occur in supra-atomic structures remains speculative however. Conclusion Further studies are needed to ascertain whether and which of these hypotheses may be related to potential cellular effects of homeopathic preparations, such as organization of metabolic pathways or selective gene expression.

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... This study demonstrated that the amount of nanoparticles detected may be measured using atomic spectroscopy, electron diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. diffraction and atomic spectroscopy it is possible to measure the quantity of nanoparticles found in homeopathic medicines which retain their potency even when diluted to a nanometre or one¬ billionth of a metre [16]. ...
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Potentization subsists as a pharmacological procedure, interior to solid whacks which cast-off progressively insipid a drug. Potentization persist as a structure used by homoeopathy, which turned of practicing for 200 years, to sort its medications. The unique measureable is transformed to nanoparticles throughout the process, which might be transferal the "encrypted information" of innovative substantial and devour the organic consequence. Even at high dilutions greater than Avogadro's number, homoeopathic medications contain nanoparticles, according to recent research that used by advanced microscopy and spectroscopy. This research challenges accepted the wisdom of potency and the medicinal drugs. The National Nanotechnology Initiative claims the biological activity can be observed in nanoparticles as miniature of esoteric slew nanometres. The perception of homoeopathic remedies could be regarded as Nano medicines aligns with this endeavour. These nanoparticles have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and enhanced bioavailability characteristics. They possess the ability to influence immunological and cellular reactions. Throughout the potentization process the drug's bioactivity increases as identical result of reduction in particle size. This supports the theory, by using the principles of quantum mechanics, even highly diluted treatments demonstrate biological efficacy. Research has partaken the homoeopathic medications preserve the architectures of nanoparticles that impact the biological systems. This conclusion imparts the credence to possibility of these remedies may function as Nano carriers, conveying therapeutic information to specific localities privileged as frame. Through the application of these results, homoeopathy is positioned as a sort of Nano pharmacology, therefore bridging the gap between homoeopathic philosophy and contemporary nanoscience.
... The degree of contact between nanoparticles and CT-DNA varies according to their origin, reflecting variations in their binding capabilities. The varying sizes of the nanoparticles cause variations in their cellular entrance and biological function [15]. ...
In 1926, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann presented the homoeopathic drug dynamization theory in the fifth edition of the Organon of Medicine. Before the adoption of new technologies, such as various electronic microscopes, which confirmed the presence of nanoparticles in homoeopathic ultra-diluted medications, the lack of contemporary technological backing for this notion led to harsh criticism from the modern therapeutic system. Gene expression, electromagnetic, mechanical, optical, thermal, chemical, biological, and quantum features that result in improved bioavailability, heightened reactivity, and adsorptive qualities are all shared by ultra-diluted homoeopathic medications and nanoparticles. These technical advancements have helped to close the gap between modern science and Homeopathic philosophy
... Considering such controversial discussions , various hypotheses have already been offered about the physical essence and the action mechanism of the preparations labeled "highdilution medicines" like homeopathic medicines [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32]. Anyhow, a realistic, comprehensive theory was required. ...
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♦ Here, information-including medicines in general and Viremedy in particular have been briefly presented upon the pertaining literature. ♦ An "information-including medicine" is a material that the rendition of its respective physical information via a certain part of the living system termed "parallel body" leads to its corresponding biotic qualities in the living being. Viremedy, homeopathic medicines, and the so-called intentional healing medicines are among such medicines. ♦ "Viremedy", as an information-including medicine, could raise the vitality of the living creature within the framework of its nature. A rise in vitality means a general increase in the fulfillment degree of biotic capabilities, like the resistance to exogenous and endogenous stresses, in the broad sense. This basic remedy improves the natural regulatory and healing operations at various levels. ♦ Given the Viremedy use effects also in improving and modulating the immune system in its broad sense, this remedy can also be useful in the prevention and therapy of emerging diseases, such as coronavirus disease 2019, together with other expedient treatments and measures. Any effectual battle with the diseases like COVID-19 necessitates a holistic and integrative attitude. ♦ The effects of Viremedy in raising the vitality of living creatures, with different degrees of development & complexity of the parallel body, have also been demonstrated in controlled studies. For instance, its significant effects in combating the severe infections caused by Herpes simplex type 1 virus, Toxoplasma gondii (RH strain) parasite, and Salmonella typhimurium bacterium have been shown in reproducible, animal studies. ♦ Additionally, also considering the high prevalence of pseudoscience and pseudomedicine in the field of complementary and alternative medicine, a call for reproducing a funded animal study about Viremedy effects in a highly credible center has been made to put an end to the long-standing and hot debates about the effectiveness, as well as the physics essence, of information-including medicines. ♦ The overall effect of a holistic treatment on the vitality is the only criterion to distinguish true healing from various forms of untrue healing subsequent to applying a treatment. ♦ Facts, like the results of the appropriate controlled experiences suitably designed and performed to correctly evaluate the degree of vitality, are the final judge. ♦ Of note, Viremedy is not a monopolistic production or finding of any person or group.
... 3,4 Such medicines seem to present epigenetic effects since they are able to modulate intracellular signaling pathways [5][6][7][8][9] even though the nature of the involved signals has not yet been elucidated. [10][11][12][13][14] BCG-infected RAW 267.4 is an efficient model to investigate interactions between macrophages and micro-organisms. 25 For this reason, we chose to elucidate cell mechanisms of two homeopathic medicines used for treatment of chronic infections: Silicea terra (Sil, prepared from pure flint) [26][27][28] and Zincum metallicum (Zinc, metallic zinc), 29 which present in the respective materia medica some features seen in diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium, such as necrotic and persistent lesions and excoriation with persistent scab. ...
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Silica (silicon dioxide) is found in nature, being composed of 2 chemical elements abundant on the Earth's crust, oxygen and silicon. As homeopathic medicine, silica is used for treatment of chronic ulcers due to its ability to modulate the macrophage activity. Zinc is a cofactor of several immune mediators, especially thymulin, which is also capable of modulating the macrophage activity and recruitment of B1 cells in mice. In the present study, we assessed the homeopathic medicines Silicea terra and Zincum in an in vitro experimental model to determine their effects on the interaction between RAW 264.7 macrophages and BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin). In this step of the study, we assessed oxidative activity through measurement of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite/nitrate in the cell culture supernatant after 24 hours of treatment. Several homeopathic potencies were used for both drugs (6cH, 30cH, 200cH). The tests were performed in duplicate, and the data were analyzed by means one-way ANOVA. The results show no effect on nitric oxide (NO) production, but reduction of hydrogen peroxide production (p≤ 0.001) after treatment with the vehicle (0.03% alcohol). Such reduction was reversed with treatments Silicea terra30cH and Zincum metallicum 30cH (p≤ 0.001). Treatment with Silicea terra 200cH induced significant reduction of hydrogen peroxide production, even when compared to the vehicle (p≤ 0.005). Taken together, the results indicate that only treatment of BCG-challenged macrophages with Silicea terra 200cH was able to significantly reduce the oxidative activity of these cells after 24 hours of incubation. Since NO production in vitro usually occurs after 96 to 120 hours of incubation, one might infer that the negative result obtained in the present study might be associated with the time-point of assessment. Other aspects of the macrophage-BCG interaction are still under evaluation.
... 3,4 Such medicines seem to present epigenetic effects since they are able to modulate intracellular signaling pathways [5][6][7][8][9] even though the nature of the involved signals has not yet been elucidated. [10][11][12][13][14] BCG-infected RAW 267.4 is an efficient model to investigate interactions between macrophages and micro-organisms. 25 For this reason, we chose to elucidate cell mechanisms of two homeopathic medicines used for treatment of chronic infections: Silicea terra (Sil, prepared from pure flint) [26][27][28] and Zincum metallicum (Zinc, metallic zinc), 29 which present in the respective materia medica some features seen in diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium, such as necrotic and persistent lesions and excoriation with persistent scab. ...
Background The homeopathic medicines Silicea terra (Sil) and Zincum metallicum (Zinc) modulate macrophage activity and were assessed in an experimental study in-vitro for their effects on macrophage–BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin) interaction. Methods RAW 264.7 macrophages were infected with BCG, treated with different potencies of Sil and Zinc (6cH, 30cH and 200cH) or vehicle, and assessed 24 and 48 h later for bacilli internalization, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and cytokine production, and lysosomal activity. Results Treatment with vehicle was associated with non-specific inhibition of H2O2 production to the levels exhibited by uninfected macrophages. Sil 200cH induced significant reduction of H2O2 production (p < 0.001) compared with the vehicle and all other treatments, as well as higher lysosomal activity (p ≤ 0.001) and increased IL-10 production (p ≤ 0.05). Such effects were considered specific for this remedy and potency. The number of internalized bacilli was inversely proportional to Zinc potencies, with statistically significant interaction between dilution and treatment (p = 0.003). Such linear-like behavior was not observed for Sil dilutions: peak internalization occurred with the 30cH dilution, accompanied by cellular degeneration, and IL-6 and IL-10 increased (p ≤ 0.05) only in the cells treated with Sil 6cH. Conclusion Sil and Zinc presented different patterns of potency-dependent effect on macrophage activity. Bacterial digestion and a balanced IL-6/IL-10 production were related to Sil 6cH, though reduced oxidative stress with increased lysosomal activity was related to Sil 200cH. Degenerative effects were exclusively related to Sil 30cH, and potency-dependent phagocytosis was related only to Zinc.
... Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain the preclinical and clinical effects of homeopathic preparations; however, consistent experimental evidence to back those hypotheses has been lacking so far (see reviews by Bellavite et al. 3,4 and Guedes et al. 5 ). Any explanations of the specific treatment effects induced by homeopathic drugs would have to cover two areas: the pharmaceutical mode of action 3 and the pharmacological mode of action. ...
Objectives: In parts I and II of our review of physicochemical research performed on homeopathic preparations, we identified relevant publications and analyzed the data in terms of individual experiments, looking for the most promising techniques that were used in the past. In this third part, we analyze the results of the experiments seeking to extract information about the possible modes of action underpinning homeopathic preparations. Methods: We summarized the results from the 11 experimental areas previously introduced, extracting the general findings and trends. We also summarized the results in terms of specific research topics: aging, medium used for potentization, sample volume, temperature, material of potentization vessel, and, finally, the use of molecules to probe homeopathic samples. Results: We identified a number of effects that appear consistently throughout the data: Differences to controls seem to increase with: time, moderate temperature, small samples volume, and in ionic medium, whereas high temperatures seem to abolish differences to controls. Based on the present analysis, there is no consistent evidence to date for the nanoparticle hypothesis to explain specific homeopathic treatment effects. However, the quantum coherence domain hypothesis, the dynamic water cluster hypothesis, and the weak quantum theory are still contenders and need to be further assessed experimentally. Conclusions: The field requires further targeted experimentation to validate past findings reporting differences between homeopathic dilutions and controls, and to expand these findings by specifically testing the three main working hypotheses that are currently at hand.
... Recently, studies focusing on the physical properties of highly diluted substances have appeared in the scientific literature, leading to discussions concerning putative mechanisms of action. [12][13][14] Among the different experimental models currently being examined, we highlight the method developed by Cartwright, [15][16][17][18] in which the dipole-modulating activity of homeopathic dilutions can be demonstrated through their interaction with solvatochromic dyes. Changes in the spectra of these dyes can be shown to be a function of changes in solute and/or solvent polarity induced by ultrahigh dilutions. ...
Background Highly diluted and succussed solutions interact with solvatochromic dyes, indicating that changes in solvent and solute polarity could be related to their mechanism of action. It is not known, however, how the activity associated with succussed high dilutions is transferred to untreated water and what the limits of this process are. Aims The aims of the present study were to ascertain whether a succussed high dilution of phosphorus (1.5 × 1−59 M; Phos 30cH) seeded into a natural water source that fed a fjord and two connected lakes could propagate itself through the lake system (total volume 2200 m3) and, moreover, whether the process could be tracked using solvatochromic dyes. Methods Samples of water were collected before and after seeding, at different times and places throughout the lake system. Controls comprised water taken from an untreated and adjacent, but independent, lake (1385 m3). Results Water samples taken up to 72 hours after the source treatment produced significant increases (p ≤ 0.03) in the absorbance of the solvatochromic dye methylene violet (MV), while samples from the control lake produced no changes. Conclusions The study indicates that activity associated with Phos 30c can propagate itself through large volumes of water, causing changes throughout a whole connected lake system, and that these changes can be tracked using the solvatochromic dye MV. This in turn means the use of homeopathic medicines in large volumes of drinking water, in farming and ecological contexts, now has the potential to be assessed with physico-chemical monitoring.
... [12][13][14][15] In the present model, electromagnetic and/or optical (photon-based) information, including quantum mechanical, arises from the manufacturing procedures. 16 There is nano-science evidence that the body would recognize the personal salience of the homeopathic potency signal to its current disease state because of the personalized protein corona shell from the recipient individual's own biomolecules that would immediately adsorb to form a coating around the surfaces of the medicine-related nano-structures on contact with the individual's biological fluids. 17,18 It is well established that the constituent proteins from the blood plasma that form the protein corona on contact with a nano-structure reflect the current disease and/or physiological state of the individual patient. ...
Background: Evidence indicates that homeopathic medicines are complex self-organizing nano-scale systems that generate unique low-intensity electromagnetic signals and/or quantum coherence domains. In Part 1, we reviewed relevant concepts from complex adaptive systems science on living systems for the nature of homeopathic healing. Aim: In Part 2, we discuss the complex-system nature of homeopathic medicines. The aim is to relate the evidence on the nature and properties of homeopathic medicines to the complex systems model for homeopathic healing. Methods and results: The work is a narrative review, with complexity model development for the nature of homeopathic medicines. Studies suggest that homeopathic manufacturing generates nano-structures of source material, silica and silicon quantum dots if succussed in glassware or including botanical source materials; or carbon quantum dots if succussed in plastic or including any organic source materials, as well as solute-induced water nano-structures carrying medicine-specific information. On contact with physiological fluids (e.g., blood plasma), there is evidence that nano-structures additionally adsorb individualized patterns of the recipient's own proteins on to their surfaces to create a unique protein corona coat (shell). Thus, the simillimum may generate a personalized biological identity upon administration. Consequently, a medicine can serve as an individually salient, self-similar information carrier, whose protein corona constituent pattern reflects the individual's current internal state of health/disease. Homeopathic medicine complexity emerges from interactions of the component parts from source, silica from glassware or carbon from plastic containers, solvents (lactose, water, ethanol), adsorbed biomolecule layers from plant or animal sources, and adsorbed biomolecules of the recipient. Low doses of these complex medicines can act as biological signaling agents to initiate hormesis via a network-wide pattern of adaptive responses by the recipient complex adaptive system, rather than as conventional pharmaceutical drugs. Biological mediators of adaptive responses include inter-connected network elements of the cell danger/damage defense system: for example, gene expression, reactive oxygen species, heat shock proteins, cytokines, macrophages, T-cells, and associated brain-immune system mediator pathways. Conclusions: Every homeopathic medicine is a complex nano-scale system involving multiple inter-connected, interacting components, and emergent properties. Simillimum individualization derives from formation of a unique personalized protein corona shell adsorbed to the reactive surface of the homeopathic nano-structures on contact with the recipient's body fluids. Low doses of such complex nano-structures initiate the adaptive processes of hormesis to mobilize endogenous healing of a disease state. The capacity for self-organization and self-similarity in complex systems is the key to future research on the nature of homeopathic medicines and systemic healing during individualized homeopathic treatment.
... Since the 1990s, several hypotheses have been proposed for the potential mechanism of action of homeopathy. 9,10 These can be summarized under two broad categories: 1) Nano-pharmacology hypothesis: ...
Introduction The mechanism by which highly diluted and agitated solutions have their effect is still unknown, but the development in recent years of new methods identifying changes in water and solute dipole moments is providing insights into potential modes of action. Objective The objective of the current study was to compare the biological effects of Antimonium crudum (AC) previously obtained by our group and already described in the literature with now measurable physico-chemical effects on solvatochromic dyes. Methods Different dilutions of AC and succussed water have been characterized with respect to their effect on the visible spectra of the solvatochromic dyes methylene violet (MV), a pyridinium phenolate (ET33), and a dimethylamino naphthalenone (BDN) compared with in-vitro action against Leishmania amazonensis-infected macrophages. Results Dye responses varied according to the dye used and the level of AC dilution and results were found to corroborate previously published in-vivo and in-vitro effects of AC. In addition, a very significant enhancement in the absorbance increase of MV was seen using the supernatant from AC 200cH-treated cells (15%; p < 0.0001) over that seen with AC 200cH itself (4%; p = 0.034), suggesting the amplification of ultra-high dilution effects by biological systems. Furthermore, supernatants from AC-treated cells increased the range of dilutions of AC that were capable of producing effects on the spectra of MV. The effect of AC dilutions on dye ET33 was eliminated by a weak electric current passed through potency solutions. Conclusion The data confirm a correspondence between the biological effects of dilutions of AC in-vitro and physico-chemical effects on solvatochromic dyes as measured by changes in their visible spectra. Results also indicate high dilutions of AC are sensitive to exposure to electric currents and biological systems.
... There is sharp controversy concerning the "plausibility" of homeopathy [120][121][122][123]. Though we do not have space here to discuss the purported mechanisms of homeopathic effects, it is worth mentioning that even basic in vitro experimental studies provide evidence that the effects of homeopathic solutions differ from pure diluting solvent [86,[124][125][126][127][128][129]. The results of basic research experiments may invigorate new clinical trials that investigate complementary treatments for infectious diseases [130]. ...
... There is sharp controversy concerning the "plausibility" of homeopathy [120][121][122][123]. Though we do not have space here to discuss the purported mechanisms of homeopathic effects, it is worth mentioning that even basic in vitro experimental studies provide evidence that the effects of homeopathic solutions differ from pure diluting solvent [86,[124][125][126][127][128][129]. The results of basic research experiments may invigorate new clinical trials that investigate complementary treatments for infectious diseases [130]. ...
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Please note that the journal name is: “Journal of Alternative, Complementary and Integrative Medicine”. Introduction Homeopathy is a therapeutic natural medical alternative that is widely and increasing-ly being used, even for pediatric patients. Given this trend, it is essential that clinicians have the re-sources to advise their patients as to the potential benefits and harms of this complementary therapy. The aim of this work is to describe the available literature cited in PubMed concerning the ho-meopathic treatments on human subjects (both children and adult) for common upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Methods The PubMed search made use of the keywords “homeopathy” or “homeopathic”, and the names of the indicated diseases. The report covers all forms of homeopathic therapy, namely: a) classical individualized homeopathy, b) ailment-specific medicines and complexes. In order to take into account the whole mass of literature, the evidence of the clinical effectiveness is summarized according to semi-quantitative criteria, based on the number of randomized and non-randomized papers published in each group of ailments. The medicines used in the various studies are classified and described. Results A total of 40 clinical studies, published until the end of 2018, which assess the effective-ness of the homeopathic treatment in one of the abovementioned conditions are reported and classi-fied. The studies are randomized or equivalence studies with control group (n=21), non randomized or observational (n=19) and concern different clinical approaches, namely individualized using high homeopathic dilutions or non-individualized using complex drug formulations. Studies have re-vealed mixed results, suggesting that some homeopathic formulations may have significant effects in URTI and otorhinolaryngological infections. Several studies have demonstrated benefits to pa-tients’ quality of life and symptom scoring, or equivalence with the conventional medical approach. Scarcity of data and uncertainty still exists in literature on the effectiveness of individualized ap-proach in URTIs. 21 different medicines were used in a minimum of two published reports. Conclusion Homeopathic formulations in upper respiratory tract and otorhinolaryngological infec-tions are likely effective and the individualized approach in non severe otitis is possibly effective. Homeopathic treatments may help when use of antibiotics is not indicated. Due to the heterogeneity of approaches and of drugs used, additional studies will be required to evaluate the possible integra-tion of homeopathy into the standard of care for the treatment of respiratory and otorhinolaryngo-logic ailments.
... Currently, three main types of hypothetical mechanisms of action for homeopathic medicines are under consideration: nanobubbles-related hormesis, vehicle-related electric resonance, and quantum non-locality. 72 Nonetheless, further studies are needed to corroborate whether and which of these hypotheses may be related to potential cellular effects of homeopathic preparations. 73 In our experience, rather than using physical-chemical methods to corroborate or prove any of these hypotheses, selective gene expression can be used instead to demonstrate the effect of homeopathic medication at transcriptomic and functional levels. ...
Background This research aimed to observe the effect of homeopathic treatments prepared from Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus (H1) and commercial homeopathic medication Phosphoricum acidum and Silicea terra (H2) on the immune and antioxidant response in Seriola rivoliana juveniles under usual culture conditions and challenged with V. parahaemolyticus. Methods Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to study changes in the expression of key genes related to immune response, cytokines (interleukin-1β [IL-1β]), adapter protein for cytokine release (MyD88) and piscidin and spectrophotometric techniques to analyze the activity of antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) enzymes in Seriola rivoliana juveniles at 30 (weaning stage [WS]) and 60 (early juveniles [EJ]) days post-hatching. Results The H1 treatment led to over-expression of the IL-1β and MyD88 genes in fish at WS and EJ with respect to control, contrary to the H2 treatment that led to under-expression of the IL-1β, MyD88 and piscidin genes at the EJ stage. In fish challenged with V. parahaemolyticus, both H1 and H2 led to over-expression of IL-1β and MyD88; H2 caused an over-expression of piscidin. The SOD activity was higher in H1 with respect to H2 and the control group. CAT remained relatively stable with both H1 and H2 treatments. Conclusions The results suggest that the overall effect of H1 was due to the presence of unknown antigens in low concentrations, while the response to H2—specifically during challenge—may have been due to a stimulating effect of nano-structures, prevailing from mother tincture after sequential dilution/succussion, in a pathway similar to that attributed to nano-vaccines.
... 49 Many studies using refined methods are still needed to establish which hypotheses account for the mechanism of action of homeopathy, since several rationales represent reasonable possibilities. 50,51 Conclusions Homeopathic Arsenicum album in both potencies, 6cH and 200cH, can induce changes in conductivity and biological effects on macrophages according to the type of vial used (plastic or glass). Non-specific plastic-related pro-inflammatory effects were seen in both potencies of Arsenicum album prepared in plastic vials. ...
Introduction According to the “silica hypothesis” formulated to explain homeopathy, the information of starting materials would be transferred to cells by silica nanoparticles detached from the glassware walls by serial dilution and agitation through epitaxy. We compared the biological activity, electrical current and silicon microparticle content (by means of scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) of high dilutions (HDs) of arsenic prepared in plastic and glass vials to investigate the role of silica in their biological effects in vitro. Materials and Methods Co-cultures of macrophages and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were treated with different HDs of arsenic prepared in plastic and glass vials. Macrophage morphology, phagocytosis index, nitric oxide (NO), and cytokine production were evaluated. Results Measurable amounts of silicon microparticles were detected only in the HDs prepared in glass vials, but ultra-centrifugation eliminated them. Specific and non-specific results were observed. Non-specific pro-inflammatory effects were seen in all dilutions prepared in plastic vials, including elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, NO and macrophage phagocytic index. Only the 200th centesimal dilution of arsenic produced specific decrease in interleukin-6 production in macrophages, and it was independent of the vial type or the presence of microparticles of silica in the medicine samples. The nature of the vials had an impact on the electric flow in the respective fluids. Conclusion The non-specific, pro-inflammatory effects might be attributed to organic residuals detached from the vials' plastic walls during manipulation. Instead, specific silica-independent effects of the homeopathic medicine can be attributed to the decrease of interleukin-6 after treatment with the 200th centesimal dilution of arsenic.
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Homeopathic medicines contain ultra-low concentrations of metal and compounds, and it is challenging to classify homeopathic potencies using modern characterization tools.
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In the present work, a novel experimental tool was developed to precisely measure the potency levels in various homeopathic medicines, under various excitation frequencies. Electromagnetic responses (output voltages) are detected from the homeopathic medicines in different potencies. These unique electromagnetic responses were captured using an electromagnetic coil at 300 Hz and 4.8 kHz for each potency level developed in-house. Different potencies of Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum (FM-1X to FM-6X), prepared with α‑lactose monohydrate as its base, exhibited significant and distinct electromagnetic signals. At high excitation frequency, the output signal voltage from high homeopathic potencies had a better resolution compared to the signal obtained at lower frequency. The electromagnetic signal of various homeopathic medicines was also measured, and a distinct output voltage corresponding to each potency level was detected. Our experimental results confirmed that each homeopathic medicine has characteristic electromagnetic signals under excitation/resonance frequency. The results not only provide scientific evidence to easily classify the homeopathic medicine potency but, also helps to understand the science behind the curative action in terms of photon emission of homeopathic medicines.
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In previous studies [1,2] we showed that treatment of mice with Antimonium crudum (Ant-c) 30cH was able to significantly reduce monocyte migration to the infection site after injection of Leishmania (L) amazonensis into the subcutaneous tissue, resulting in clinical improvement. Follow up was performed with an in vitro model, which showed that treatment of co-cultures of RAW 264.7 macrophages and parasites with Ant-c 30cH inhibited two parasite-induced CCL2 peaks 48 and 120 hours after infection together with early inhibition of lysosome activity. These findings explained the results previously obtained in vivo. In turn, treatment with Ant-c 200cH resulted in an early and transitory peak of cell spreading at 48 hours. The coherence between the in vivo and in vitro results indicates that this is a good model to study more thoroughly the mechanisms of action of homeopathic medicines, being the first step to establish correlations between the biological effects and the physical and chemical features of Ant-c 30cH and 200cH. In the present study, the same experimental model was replicated, through comparison of vehicle (30% cereal alcohol), Ant-c 200cH, Zincum metallicum (Zinc) 200cH and Arsenicum album (Ars) 200cH, to confirm the specificity of Ant-c effects. In addition, Ant-c 200cH was ultra-centrifuged, and only the superficial phase was applied to the culture medium. This procedure intended to separate the heavier particles from the lighter ones suspended in the homeopathic medicine. The physical-chemical profile of the medicines was assessed. Solid contaminants (microparticles) in the suspension were analyzed. Conductivity was assessed through measurement of the electron current induced by a micro-amperimeter (Ryodoraku®) connected to 2 clean electrodes immersed in the samples, prepared immediately before the analysis, diluted in pure water (MilliQ, Millipore®) and filtered in 22-µ filter (Millipore®). Pure water was used as control. The device was calibrated immediately before measurements. The microparticle profile was assessed with a scanning electronic microscope - SEM (JEOL JSM 6510®) coupled to an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) system to identify the nature of the elements present in each particle. The size and the number of particles were analyzed from the images generated by electronic microscopy with an automatic image analysis system (Metamorph®). For this purpose, all materials used was cleansed through immersion in pure acetone and subjected to 30-minute sonication before insertion into the microscope to avoid secondary contamination. The samples of medicines were subjected to ultra-centrifugation (10000rpm for 60 minutes) to induce particle sedimentation in the bottom of microtubes. 10 microliters of each sample were collected from the bottom of tubes and placed on a copper stub and kept in a closed recipient until the material was fully dry. The samples were directly analyzed with the microscope. Metallization was not necessary, because the analyzed particles had metallic nature. The biological effects of Ant-c 200cH reproduced the previous ones: spreading and phagocytosis index were significantly higher in the co-cultures treated with Ant-c 200cH compared to vehicle and other, non-specific treatments (Ars 200cH and Zinc 200cH) (p=0.05). However, these results were not exhibited by centrifuged Ant-c 200cH. Analysis of the supernatant after 48-hour incubation revealed increase of the GM-CSF content only in cultures treated with Ant-c 200cH and centrifuged-Ant-c 200cH. No change was observed in the cytokine profile in the cultures treated with Ars 200cH or Zinc 200cH. Morphological analysis of Ant-c samples on SEM showed that the microparticles in Ant-c 30cH were smaller compared to Ant-c 6cH, most of them having half-moon shape. Curiously, agglomerates of particles were detected in Ant-c 200cH. Contaminant particles suspended in pure water contained Pb, Zn, Ca, Na, Au, Hg, Nb and Si, therefore, not related to any specific biological effect of Ant-c. P was identified only in Ant-c 30cH (6.51%) and Ant-c 200cH (13.56%). This wide-range profile of different microparticles did not change after centrifugation, which indicates that the weight of these particles is not conditioned by the nature of their component elements. Conductivity was lower in the vehicle (30% alcohol) compared to Ant-c 6, 30 and 200cH (p=0.0001); the conductivity of Ant-c 200cH was the highest (p=0.008). Also Ars 200cH exhibited higher conductivity (p=0.001) compared to the vehicle. Taken together, these data suggest that the biological effect of Ant-c 200cH on macrophage spreading and phagocytosis might be partially related to the size of the microparticles found in suspension. However, specific effects relative to cytokine production did not depend on microparticle size or content. The changes in conductivity changes exhibited correlation with presence of some elements, such as P, but not with any biological effect. To summarize, the results point to the relevance of eventual false-positive effects relative to phagocytosis in macrophages treated with homeopathic medicines in vitro, due to the interference of larger sized microparticles. They also points to the specificity of GM-CSF expression after 48-hours of co-culture exposure to Ant-c 200cH, centrifuged or not, which suggests it was independent from microparticle content and conductivity. The physical-chemical features of homeopathic medicines related to their specific biological effects are still unknown. Additional studies are needed in this regard.
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Since Lenger's detection of magnetic photons in homeopathic remedies by magnetic resonance the mystery of homeopathy comes to a solution. Homeopathy is a regulation therapy curing hypo-and hyper-functions of pathological pathways. It reacts according to the principle of resonance. The fundamental principles of homeopathy as proving, symptom picture, curing according to the Law of Similars and the production of homeopathic remedies over the Avogadro number by repeated dilution and succussion are explained to have the same frequencies so that the resonance principle can work. Pathological pathways are cured by using their highly potentized substrates, inhibitors and enzymes, given daily or each second day. This is in contradiction to the normal applied homeopathy. The efficacy of homeopathy now has a scientific base and is completely explained by applying biochemical and biophysical laws.
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Background: According to the "silica hypothesis" to explain the action of homeopathic medicines, complex nanoparticles involving the silica extracted from the walls of the glass vial during succussions would be needed to act on target cells. Aims: We aimed to know if suspended particles of silica found in Arsenicum album (AA) could be associated to its biological effects in vitro. Methodology: RAW 264.7 macrophages were co-cultured with yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to promote phagocytosis. During this process, the cells were exposed to AA in different homeopathic dilutions (30K, 6cH and 200cH) prepared in both, glass or silicafee plastic vials. All dilutions were prepared from the same 3cH matrix. Since parallel experiments showed random stimulating and inhibiting effects of homeopathic lactose, untreated cells and water were used as controls. The macrophage activity was measured by digital histometry (Metamorph®), reflecting the cell spreading and phagocytosis. A complementary analysis using the acridine orange stain in real time fluorescence microscopy was also performed to evaluate the organization of phago-lysosomes inside the cells. All experiments were performed in triplicate. Microparticles present in the medicines were identified in an EDS (energy dispersive x-ray detector) system (JEOL JMS 6510), according to their chemical elements composition. The morphology of particles was not considered for analysis, since it was considered irrelevant. Results: Experiment one: AA 30K and pure water, when prepared in plastic vials, were able to increase macrophage activity (p≤0.05), but the same result was not seen in cells treated with AA 30K or pure water stocked in glass. Experiment two: AA 200cH prepared in plastic vials also lead to significant increase of macrophage spreading (p≤0.05) in relation to the controls, but no effect was seen in the samples prepared in glass vials. Experiment three: No difference was observed in AA 6cH treated cells in relation to the controls. The morphology of the cells under fluorescence microscopy exhibited increase in lysosome activity in AA 200cH prepared in both plastic and glass vials, in relation to the untreated control. The EDS analysis has shown that only medicines prepared in glass vials contained suspended silica particles. Conclusions: Taken the data together, the unspecific effects on macrophage spreading after treatment with homeopathic AA 30K, 200cH and water prepared in plastic vials, added to the absence of silica particles in these preparations and the increase of lysosomal activity only seen in AA 200cH, independently of the vial nature, corroborate that silica might not be a mandatory condition to justify the biological effects of homeopathic medicines. Additionally, the existence of putative contaminants released from plastic vials during the medicine manipulation deserves further studies.
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Introduction: Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of solvatochromic dyes for investigating the physical chemistry of homeopathic potencies. Results: Following examination of this class of dyes in organic solvents, results obtained using the positively solvatochromic dye Bis-dimethylaminofuchsone (BDF) in aqueous solution are now reported. Spectral changes observed with this dye in the presence of potencies are both substantial and reproducible. Studies across a wide range of pH values reveal an unusual pH dependence for the dye's interaction with homeopathic potencies. Results indicate potency enhances dye protonation at pH values below c. 7.0, whilst protecting the dye from attack by hydroxyl ions above c. pH 7.5. Conclusion: A possible explanation for these observations is offered in terms of a potency - induced electron density shift in BDF. The interaction of homeopathic potencies with solvatochromic dyes, particularly BDF, points towards a possible physico-chemical model for the nature of potencies, how they may be interacting with this class of dyes, and moreover how their biological effects may be mediated.
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In previous articles, a description of 'unconventional' experiments (e.g. in vitro or clinical studies based on high dilutions, 'memory of water' or homeopathy) using quantum-like probability was proposed. Because the mathematical formulations of quantum logic are frequently an obstacle for physicians and biologists, a modified modeling that rests on classical probability is described in the present article. This modeling is inspired from a relational interpretation of quantum physics that applies not only to microscopic objects, but also to macroscopic structures, including experimental devices and observers. In this framework, any outcome of an experiment is not an absolute property of the observed system as usually considered but is expressed relatively to an observer. A team of interacting observers is thus described from an external view point based on two principles: the outcomes of experiments are expressed relatively to each observer and the observers agree on outcomes when they interact with each other. If probability fluctuations are also taken into account, correlations between 'expected' and observed outcomes emerge. Moreover, quantum-like correlations are predicted in experiments with local blind design but not with centralized blind design. No assumption on 'memory' or other physical modification of water is necessary in the present description although such hypotheses cannot be formally discarded. In conclusion, a simple modeling of 'unconventional' experiments based on classical probability is now available and its predictions can be tested. The underlying concepts are sufficiently intuitive to be spread into the homeopathy community and beyond. It is hoped that this modeling will encourage new studies with optimized designs for in vitro experiments and clinical trials.
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Background: There are experimental evidences of nanoparticle aspect of homoeopathic medicine. It has also been established that the size of these nanoparticles (NPs) decrease with increase in potency. Aim: We have used this aspect of homoeopathic medicines in some technical applications. Here, to improve the electrical properties of an electroactive polymer, poly (vinylidene fluoride-hexa-fluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP), we have incorporated in the polymer film, a very novel and unique probe Ferrum metallicum (FeM), a homoeopathic medicine, the size of which can be changed by dilution, followed by controlled agitation. Settings and Design: The composite film was synthesized by solution-casting technique. Using standard procedures, the characterization studies by X-ray diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscope, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were performed to check the incorporation of the NPs in the film. Material and Method: Each sample was freshly prepared 2 times by doping FeM in PVDF-HFP matrix using solution-casting technique, and the experiment was repeated with each sample for 5 times. Statistical Analysis: This being a continuous data recording, error bars cannot be shown. We have presented the graphs which have been repeated maximum number of times. Result and Conclusion: Our result shows that the electrical properties such as dielectric constant, tangent loss, and electrical conductivity of these polymer films get significantly modified due to incorporation of this homoeopathic nanomedicine and the effect increases with the increase in concentration of the probe up to a critical value. These FeM-incorporated PVDF-HFP films will have potential applications as high-energy storage devices such as multilayered high-charge storage device.
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Objective Homeopathic globules are commonly used in clinical practice, while research focuses on liquid potencies. Sequential dilution and succussion in their production process has been proposed to change the physico-chemical properties of the solvent(s). It has been reported that aqueous potencies of various starting materials showed significant differences in ultraviolet light transmission compared to controls and between different dilution levels. The aim of the present study was to repeat and expand these experiments to homeopathic globules. Methods Globules were specially produced for this study by Spagyros AG (Gümligen, Switzerland) from 6 starting materials (Aconitum napellus, Atropa belladonna, phosphorus, sulfur, Apis mellifica, quartz) and for 6 dilution levels (6x, 12x, 30c, 200c, 200CF (centesimal discontinuous fluxion), 10,000CF). Native globules and globules impregnated with solvents were used as controls. Globules were dissolved in ultrapure water, and absorbance in the ultraviolet range was measured. The average absorbance from 200 to 340 nm was calculated and corrected for differences between measurement days and instrumental drift. Results Statistically significant differences were found for A. napellus, sulfur, and A. mellifica when normalized average absorbance of the various dilution levels from the same starting material (including control and solvent control globules) was compared. Additionally, absorbance within dilution levels was compared among the various starting materials. Statistically significant differences were found among 30c, 200c and 200CF dilutions. Conclusion This study has expanded previous findings from aqueous potencies to globules and may indicate that characteristics of aqueous high dilutions may be preserved and detectable in dissolved globules.
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A quantum system can behave as a wave or as a particle, depending on the experimental arrangement. When, for example, measuring a photon using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the photon acts as a wave if the second beam splitter is inserted, but as a particle if this beam splitter is omitted. The decision of whether or not to insert this beam splitter can be made after the photon has entered the interferometer, as in Wheeler’s famous delayed-choice thought experiment. In recent quantum versions of this experiment, this decision is controlled by a quantum ancilla, while the beam splitter is itself still a classical object. Here, we propose and realize a variant of the quantum delayed-choice experiment. We configure a superconducting quantum circuit as a Ramsey interferometer, where the element that acts as the first beam splitter can be put in a quantum superposition of its active and inactive states, as verified by the negative values of its Wigner function. We show that this enables the wave and particle aspects of the system to be observed with a single setup, without involving an ancilla that is not itself a part of the interferometer. We also study the transition of this quantum beam splitter from a quantum to a classical object due to decoherence, as observed by monitoring the interferometer output.
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Background The study of extremely diluted and agitated substances and solutions is strictly linked with the analysis of properties of water perturbed using different systems. This study is about the determination of the physical-chemical parameters of water, after the perturbations described. Methods The perturbed water was obtained using the three different protocols: · EDS (Extremely Diluted Solutions). Obtained through an iterative process of successive dilutions and agitations. · IFW (Iteratively Filtered Water). Obtained through an iterative process of successive filtrations through sintered glass filters. · INW (Iteratively Nafionized Water). Obtained through an iterative process of successive drying and wetting of the Nafion polymer. The parameters under study are: electrical conductivity, χ / μS cm-1; heat of mixing with acid (HCl), ΔQmixHCl / J Kg-1 or basic (NaOH) solutions, ΔQmixNaOH / J Kg-1 and pH. χ increases of up to two orders of magnitude, ΔQmixNaOH / J Kg-1 is exothermic and increases as the electrical conductivity increases, with a roughly linear trend, up to one order of magnitude. The analogous ΔQmixHCl / J Kg-1, on the contrary, is found to be exothermic or null depending on the protocol used. For the two protocol (EDS or IFW) the pH is alkaline while for the third one (INW) is quite acid and shows a very good linear correlation with logχ. The linear correlations hint at a single cause for the variation of the three very different physical- chemical parameters. Results and discussion Each protocol produces water exhibiting its own peculiarities, to the point that they can be considered different, albeit with the common element of a variation of the super-molecular structure of the water solvent. These three procedures capable of affecting water can be grouped together by means of a common work hypothesis: the formation of dissipative structures. These three different perturbations, all of small entity considering the energies involved, can make the system evolve towards a new condition that is not one of equilibrium but, on the contrary, one that is far from it. The system can maintain a far from equilibrium condition by dissipating non-degraded, radiating energy from the environment. The local order generated in these aqueous systems (aggregates of water molecules, aqueous nanostructures) is conserved or partially modified by dissipating radiant energies in the environment (dissipative structures) as typical in open systems, i.e. systems where a flux of energy and matter with the outside is possible. The hypothesis formulated so far to explain the experiment results is the following: water is a complex liquid capable of self-organization induced by mechanical and/or electromagnetic perturbations, even of small magnitude. An entropy increase of the Universe, due to the dissipation, and a decrease due to the formation of a local order would still amount to overall increased entropy in the Universe, making the formation of the structures a spontaneous phenomenon. The capability of such structures, when in the liquid state, to remain in a far-from-equilibrium state would be achieved through the dissipation of radiant energy found in the environment. Conversely, the system would no longer dissipate energy, naturally, after transitioning to the solid state when bulk water is removed through the drying procedure, but would otherwise keep the new state of aggregation indefinitely. The fundamental work hypothesis is that water is capable of self-organization through the formation of aqueous nanostructures. The capability of such structures, when in the liquid state, to remain in a far-from-equilibrium state would be achieved through the dissipation of radiant energy found in the environment. Conversely, the system would no longer dissipate energy, naturally, after transitioning to the solid state when bulk water is removed through the drying procedure, but would otherwise keep the new state of aggregation indefinitely. This an extraordinarily similar phenomenology to that found in the behavior of simple living systems such as multicellular organisms, molds and bacteria. When sufficient water is present, the far-from-equilibrium conditions remain (dissipative phase). Conversely, when water is no longer present, the structures linger in a quiescence condition with no dissipation taking place. When the mutated environmental conditions allow, i.e. sufficient water is available, they start to dissipate again, i.e. to “live”, in order to keep in a state far from the equilibrium. The parallel between organized water (clusters, aggregates of water molecules, aqueous nanostructures and dissipative structures) and the simpler living systems might seem exaggerated at first, but actually, to an extent, the phenomenologis are very comparable. In the solid phase, instead, these nanostructures can keep their properties indefinitely without dissipation. They’re able to go back to far-from-equilibrium conditions when sufficient water is made available again though, by exploiting radiating energies from the environment (dissipative structures). The nature of these structures in the solid phase is currently under speculation and experimental scrutiny especially making use of in the IR spectroscopy technique. From data gathered so far, it is possible to state that the existence of aqueous nanostructures in the solid phase emerges as a novel and totally unexpected phenomenon, and also worth of note is the exceptional similitude between the IR and UV-Vis spectra produced by water perturbed with the three diverse preparation protocols. Though it is worth underlining that some extraordinary differences of behavior do exist among the products of the different preparation procedures, which is of course a testament to the existence of many possible developments and forthcoming research activities. With a bit of optimism one could affirm that the starting point chosen and the preparation technique could affect the shapes and dimensions of the nanostructures, giving rise to the differences in experimental behaviours. In closing, it is not to be excluded that the peculiarities of these modified waters might play a role in biological systems. Conclusions The most logical conclusion of these observations is that, for instance, in the EDS therapeutic properties get recorded in aggregates of water molecules, that continue to exist in the solid state as well, whose shapes and sizes, in addition to their concentration, would be responsible for the specific therapeutic effects. It is now possible to perform a further deduction, supported by the experimental results on the existence of aggregates of water molecules in the solid state at room temperature and pressure, on the mechanisms through which globules and granules exert their effect. Scientific support to this form of remedies would stem from their preparation procedure: the evaporation of bulk water would leave within the granules aggregates of water, in the solid state, whose shape sand sizes would be responsible for the therapeutic effect. By dissolving the globules or granules in her mouth, the patient would lead the aggregates to the liquid phase, enabling them to dissipate again the energies from the environment in order to remain in a far-from-equilibrium condition. They would exert their therapeutic action in the form of dissipative structures. The nearly unlimited durability of the globules as a remedy would lie in the extraordinary stability of the aggregates in the solid phase.
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A systematic approach to the design of simple, chemical systems for investigating the nature of homeopathic medicines has led to the development of an experimental protocol in which solvatochromic dyes are used as molecular probes of serially diluted and agitated solutions. Electronic spectroscopy has been used to follow changes in the absorbance of this class of dyes across the visible spectrum in the presence of homeopathic potencies.Evidence is presented using six different solvatochromic dyes in three different solvent systems. In all cases homeopathic potencies produce consistent and reproducible changes in the spectra of the dyes.Results suggest that potencies influence the supramolecular chemistry of solvatochromic dyes, enhancing either dye aggregation or disaggregation, depending upon dye structure. Comparable dyes lacking the intramolecular charge transfer feature of solvatochromic dyes are unaffected by homeopathic potencies, suggesting potencies require the oscillating dipole of solvatochromic dyes for effective interaction.The implications of the results presented, both for an eventual understanding of the nature of homeopathic medicines and their mode of action, together with future directions for research in this area, are discussed.
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In order for life scientists to better understand the relationships between cells of living organisms and electromagnetic radiation (EMR), this chapter gives some explanations about general concepts in electrodynamics. These notions encompass the physical nature of electromagnetic energy (electric and magnetic fields), its origin and its different forms and characteristics (fields, waves, photons of different frequencies) including modalities how to generate or pick up this energy via antennas or photonic detectors – with the latter being useful for detecting ultra-weak emissions of cells. The concepts of resonance and coherence are also explained, as well as how electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter. It is the aim of this section to provide concepts of understanding that assigns the wave-like property of EMR an equally important status as is already given to the particle property. Out of this equivalence, EMR-coherence and photonic coupling among biotic structures can be deduced naturally.
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The quantum electrodynamics theory of water put forward by Del Giudice and colleagues provides a useful foundation for a new science of water for life. The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains in which the water molecules oscillate between the ground state and an excited state close to the ionizing potential of water. This produces a plasma of almost free electrons favoring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms. Coherent domains stabilized by surfaces, such as membranes and macromolecules, provide the excited interfacial water that enables photosynthesis to take place, on which most of life on Earth depends. Excited water is the source of superconducting protons for rapid intercommunication within the body. Coherent domains can also trap electromagnetic frequencies from the environment to orchestrate and activate specific biochemical reactions through resonance, a mechanism for the most precise regulation of gene function.
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According to quantum electrodynamics (QED) liquid water is a two-phase system in which one of the phases is in a coherent state where all molecules are phase correlated, whereas the other is made up of uncorrelated molecules in a gas-like state. Recent data demonstrate that interfacial water adjacent to hydrophilic surfaces exhibits peculiar anomalous properties, e.g., it is electrically charged and the sign of its charge is the same as the charge of the contiguous hydrophilic surface. It is known as " Exclusion Zone water " (EZ-water) because it excludes solutes. In this paper we show that these properties of interfacial water can be derived from the properties of coherent water. We analyze in the QED frame the dynamics of formation of EZ-water, the origin of its anomalous properties, and its relevance in living systems, where water is almost entirely interfacial being close almost everywhere to some macromolecu-lar backbone or to some surface. We conclude that all the above properties of EZ water are the consequence of the coherent collective oscillations occurring within liquid water and on its boundaries.
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In previous articles, we proposed to describe the results of Benveniste’s experiments using a theoretical framework based on quantum logic. This formalism described all characteristics of these controversial experiments and no paradox persisted. This interpretation supposed to abandon an explanation based on a classical local causality such as the “memory of water hypothesis. In the present article, we describe with the same formalism the cognitive states of different experimenters who interact together. In this quantum-like model, the correlations observed in Benveniste’s experiments appear to be the consequence of the intersubjective agreement of the experimenters.
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The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides. Moreover, such a transduction process has also been observed in living human cells exposed to EMS irradiation. These experiments suggest that coherent long range molecular interaction must be at work in water so to allow the observed features. The quantum field theory analysis of the phenomenon is presented.
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Abstract: Some experimental evidences of the procedure defined as electro-magnetic information delivery, mediated through aqueous system, have accumulated in the last two decades. The present work is based on the hypotheses that an aqueous system like those enfolded in livings, could play an additional synergic role in modulating biological functions. Aqueous system could generate dissipative structures under appropriate patterns of electromagnetic signals providing basis for storing and retrieving biologic activities. External electro-magnetic stimuli in resonant conditions with some of the coherent domains of water can induce dipole moments re-patterning in a way that these structure start to oscillate coherently each other generating a new phase correlation. This procedure allows to an external electro-magnetic stimulus to be stored, translated and transferred by the aqueous systems to the biological target, driving selectively their endogenous activity mimicking the effect of a specific source molecule. Signals from a chemical differentiation agent such as Retinoic Acid (RA) was captured and transferred to the target culture medium of Neuroblastoma Cell Line (LAN-5) and the proliferation rate was assessed, in order to investigate cell responses to electromagnetic information system.
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Background: Homeopathy is a time-tested two-century old empirical system of healing. Homeopathic medicines are prepared through a characteristic process known as potentization, where serial dilutions are performed with strong strokes at each step of dilution. Homeopathy is controversial because most medicines do not contain one single molecule of the corresponding starting-substance. Aim: To investigate a possible nanoscience mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines. Methodology: Ultra-pure samples were prepared and were examined under scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) along with selected area nanodiffraction (SAD) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). Also trace element analysis (TEA) for silicon was performed. Results: Homeopathic medicines showed not to be "nothing", but exhibited nanoparticles and conglomerates of them, which had crystalline nature and were rich in silicon. Conclusions: During the violent strokes involved in potentization, information arising from the serially diluted starting-substance might be encrypted by epitaxy on silicon-rich crystalline nanoparticles present in the resulting homeopathic medicine. The "size" of the information encrypted on nanoparticles might vary together with the degree of dilution. As homeopathic medicines exhibit healing effects, these nanoparticles along with the interfacial water on their surface might carry this information -which biological systems are able to identify -to the target. As various forms of silica are known to interact with proteins and cells of the immune system, homeopathy might represent a nanomedicine system. Possible confirmation, however, requires further research in materials and interfacial water.
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Researchers are increasingly focused on the nanoscale level of organization where biological processes take place in living systems. Nanoparticles (NPs, e.g., 1-100 nm diameter) are small forms of natural or manufactured source material whose properties differ markedly from those of the respective bulk forms of the "same" material. Certain NPs have diagnostic and therapeutic uses; some NPs exhibit low-dose toxicity; other NPs show ability to stimulate low-dose adaptive responses (hormesis). Beyond dose, size, shape, and surface charge variations of NPs evoke nonlinear responses in complex adaptive systems. NPs acquire unique size-dependent biological, chemical, thermal, optical, electromagnetic, and atom-like quantum properties. Nanoparticles exhibit high surface adsorptive capacity for other substances, enhanced bioavailability, and ability to cross otherwise impermeable cell membranes including the blood-brain barrier. With super-potent effects, nano-forms can evoke cellular stress responses or therapeutic effects not only at lower doses than their bulk forms, but also for longer periods of time. Interactions of initial effects and compensatory systemic responses can alter the impact of NPs over time. Taken together, the data suggest the need to downshift the dose-response curve of NPs from that for bulk forms in order to identify the necessarily decreased no-observed-adverse-effect-level and hormetic dose range for nanoparticles.
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A quality control method of highly diluted and potentized homeopathic remedies is important for curing patients applying homeopathic therapy. Lenger detected photons in highly potentized homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. The photons of Argentum metallicum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK magnetically bound to their carrier substances ethanol or saccharose were separated by their resonating magnetic field of about 2.06 MHz. The photons of these 100MK potency levels and of their reference substances were determined to be standard values calculated by the B 2-values of Bajpai's equation derived from the Hamiltonian equation. The stability of ethanolic Argentum metallicum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK declined to 1/3 of their photons within a month in contrast to saccharose globules with Argentum metallicum 100MK having been stable during the period of these investigations for almost 1 year. Some remedies delivered as CMK potency had been proved to be ethanol. The testing amount of high ethanolic potencies is limited to 40 μl because 80 μl resulted in an attenuation of the photons; 40 μl equal 16 medicated saccharose globules. Six unknown homeopathic remedies could be identified as increasing potency levels of Argentum metallicum from 100MK to 1.000MK which indicates a calibration curve. The homeopathic factories having sent the unknown remedies confirmed the measurements. A quality control of homeopathic remedies is possible by comparing the different B 2-values of the remedies and their carrier substances.
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Homeopathic remedies are produced by potentising, that is, the serial logarithmic dilution and succussion of a mother tincture. Techniques like ultraviolet spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, calorimetry, or thermoluminescence have been used to investigate their physical properties. In this study, homeopathic centesimal (c) potencies (6c to 30c) of copper sulfate, Hypericum perforatum, and sulfur as well as succussed water controls were prepared. Samples of these preparations were exposed to external physical factors like heat, pressure, ultraviolet radiation, or electromagnetic fields to mimic possible everyday storage conditions. The median transmissions from 190 nm to 340 nm and 220 nm to 340 nm were determined by ultraviolet light spectroscopy on five measurement days distributed over several months. Transmissions of controls and potencies of sulfur differed significantly on two of five measurement days and after exposure to physical factors. Transmissions of potencies exposed to ultraviolet light and unexposed potencies of copper sulfate and Hypericum perforatum differed significantly. Potency levels 6c to 30c were also compared, and wavelike patterns of higher and lower transmissions were found. The Kruskal-Wallis test yielded significant differences for the potency levels of all three substances. Aiming at understanding the physical properties of homeopathic preparations, this study confirmed and expanded the findings of previous studies.
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Only recently has the critical importance of electromagnetic (EM) field interactions in biology and medicine been recognized. We review the phenomenon of resonance signaling, discussing how specific frequencies modulate cellular function to restore or maintain health. The application of EM-tuned signals represents more than merely a new tool in information medicine. It can also be viewed in the larger context of EM medicine, the all-encompassing view that elevates the EM over the biochemical. The discovery by Zhadin that ultrasmall magnetic intensities are biologically significant suggests that EM signaling is endogenous to cell regulation, and consequently that the remarkable effectiveness of EM resonance treatments reflects a fundamental aspect of biological systems. The concept that organisms contain mechanisms for generating biologically useful electric signals is not new, dating back to the nineteenth century discovery of currents of injury by Matteucci. The corresponding modern-day version is that ion cyclotron resonance magnetic field combinations help regulate biological information. The next advance in medicine will be to discern and apply those EM signaling parameters acting to promote wellness, with decreasing reliance on marginal biochemical remediation and pharmaceuticals.
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This paper presents an evidence-based model for the nature and mode of action of homeopathic remedies. Recent studies reveal that homeopathic remedies contain nanoparticles (NPs) of source materials formed by "top-down" mechanical grinding in lactose and/or succussion (forceful agitation) in ethanolic solutions. Silica nanostructures formed during succussions in glass and/or biosynthesized by specific plant extract tinctures also may acquire and convey epitaxial information from remedy source materials into higher potencies. NPs have enhanced bioavailability, adsorptive capabilities, adjuvant reactivity, electromagnetic and quantum properties compared with their bulk forms. NPs induce adaptive changes in the organism at nontoxic doses (hormesis), serving as salient, low level danger signals to the biological stress response network. Activation of stress response effectors, including heat shock proteins, inflammasomes, cytokines and neuroendocrine pathways, initiate beneficial compensatory reactions across the interconnected networks of the organism as a complex adaptive system. Homeopathic remedies act by stimulating hormetic adaptive rather than conventional pharmacological effects. Updating terminology from "homeopathy" to "adaptive network nanomedicine" reflects the integration of this historical but controversial medical system with modern scientific findings.
Background High-potency homeopathic remedies, 30c and 200c have enormous dilution factors of 10⁶⁰ and 10⁴⁰⁰ respectively. Therefore, the presence of physical entities in them is inconceivable. As a result, their efficacy is highly debated and often dismissed as a placebo. Despite several hypotheses postulated to explain the claimed homeopathic efficacy, none have satisfactorily answered the qualms of the sceptics. Against all beliefs and principles of conventional dilution, we have shown that nanoparticles (NPs) of the starting metals are unequivocally found in the 30c and 200c remedies at concentrations of a few pg/ml. In this paper, our aim was to answer the important question of whether such negligible metal concentrations elicit a biological response. Methods Metal-based homeopathic medicines (30c and 200c) were analysed at doses between 0.003%v/v and 10%v/v in in-vitro HepG2 cell-line. Upon treatment, cell response was estimated by MTT assay, FACS and total intracellular protein. Experiments were performed to discern whether the hormesis was a cell-activation or a proliferation effect. Results Remedies at doses containing a few femtograms/ml levels of the starting metals induced a proliferation-independent hormetic activation by increasing the intracellular protein synthesis. The metal concentrations (at fg/ml) were a billion-fold lower than the studies with synthetic NPs (at μg/ml). Further, we also highlight a few plausible mechanisms initiating a hormetic response at a billion-fold lower dose. Conclusions Hormetic activation has been shown for the first time with standard homeopathic high-potency remedies. These findings should have a profound effect in understanding these extreme dilutions from a biological perspective.
Background: In previous results mice treated with high dilutions of antimony presented reduction of monocyte migration to the site of infection with increase in B lymphocytes population in the local lymph node. Aims: To know the mechanisms involved, a series of in vitro studies was done, using co-cultures of macrophages (RAW 264.7) and Leishmania (L.) amazonensis treated with different dilutions of antimony (Antimonium crudum or AC), in different times. Methodology: Spreading, phagocytosis, the oxidative activity of macrophages, the viability of free promastigotes and the cytokines/chemokines concentration in the supernatant were evaluated. The assays were performed in quadruplicate. Results: Cells treated with AC 30cH (10-58M) and AC 200cH (10-398M) presented a temporary reduction of the spreading after 02h of incubation, followed by increase after 48h, being the most significant increase observed after the AC 200cH treatment. However, the percentage of internalized parasites at 48, 96 and 120h of incubation was also higher in cells treated with AC 200cH. It is suggested that the AC 200cH improves the ability of phagocytes to internalize the parasites, but not to digest them. The cytokines-chemokines panel corroborated these results. Both dilutions potentiated the parasite-induced reduction of cytokines production, especially IL-6, IL 12 p40 and γ-IFN, after 48h of incubation. In addition, the production of MIP-1 beta (CCL4), a chemokine involved in chronic inflammation, was also reduced after 120h. A specific effect of AC 30cH was seen by the inhibition of two peaks of CCL2 (MCP-1) observed in infected macrophages, at 24 and 120h. Since this cytokine is an important chemokine for monocytes, it explains the results obtained formerly in vivo. The morphology of macrophages after acridine orange staining revealed that the treatment with AC 30cH reduced substantially the acid vacuoles in the cytoplasm, indicating a certain inability of these cells to digest the parasites. On the other hand, a large peak of VEGF-A, associated with increase of internalized parasites was observed after 120h of treatment with AC 200cH, which could be associated to the regulation of the chronic inflammation events by M1-M2 polarization. There was no statistical difference among groups regarding the production of TNF, NO and H2O2, showing that the drugs do not alter macrophage cytotoxic activity. A clear quantitative and qualitative variation of the modulatory effects of AC 30cH and 200cH was seen, in function of time. Conclusions: Both dilutions were able to potentiate the decrease of most of cytokines and chemokines induced by the parasite infection in vitro, which explains the clinical improvement seen previously in vivo, however, the mechanisms involved and the epidemiological significance of these findings are still under discussion.
Introduction: Beauvais presented the application of a so-called 'quantum-like model of homeopathy' by introducing the idea of a type of randomization/unblinding which he called 'in situ'. He predicted that randomized studies based on this type of randomization/unblinding lead to more pronounced effects in placebo controlled randomized homeopathic trials. We designed an experiment regarding wheat germination and stalk length to investigate Beauvais' idea of 'in situ randomization/unblinding' using a homeopathic dilution of sulphur (LM VI) as compared to placebo as well as to water. Aim and method: The primary aim of this double-blind randomized controlled experiment was to investigate whether there are differences of 'in situ randomization/unblinding' vs 'central randomization/unblinding' with respect to the effect of a homeopathic substance compared to placebo. The secondary aim of our study was to examine possible differences between the sulphur and the placebo group in the 'in situ' arm regarding germination and/or stalk growth of wheat seedlings measured after a seven days exposure. Wheat was treated either with sulphur LM VI, placebo, or water. The wheat grains were placed on glass lids and treatment was performed following the 'in situ randomization/unblinding' as well as 'central randomization/unblinding' method. Germination was measured and classified into three categories. Results: Under 'in situ' randomization/unblinding the odds of a seed not to germinate is 40% lower if treated with sulphur compared to placebo (p=0.004). In contrast, these odds are practically equal in the 'central' meta-group (OR=1.01, p=0.954). Under 'in situ' randomization/unblinding the odds of a seed to germinate with a length ≥1mm is practically equal if treated with sulphur or with placebo (OR=0.96, p=0.717). In contrast, these odds are 21% higher under sulphur compared to placebo in the 'central' meta-group (OR=1.21, p=0.062). In summary, we found a sulphur effect that is significantly different between 'in situ' and 'central' randomization/unblinding relating to all three stages of germination.
Background: As a therapeutic system, homeopathy is supported by: i) similitude and experimentation in healthy individuals, ii) potentization. A challenge for researchers consists in looking for signals in water (or vehicle) to explain the storage of information in extremely high dilutions and the transfer of such information to the living systems. Anuran amphibian metamorphosis is controlled by thyroid hormones (TH), including the resorption of the tadpole tail. Apoptosis is a genetically regulated form of cell death that can be triggered by various extracellular and intracellular stimuli resulting in coordinated activation of a family of cysteine proteases called caspases. Methods: This study was blind and randomized. It performed in three stages: I) the identification of the most effective T3 homeopathic dilution to induce apoptotic reactions in Rana (Lithobates) catesbeianus tadpole tail explants stimulated by T3 in substantial, II) study of different controls and III) detection in explants under the action of the most effective dilution of T3, as established in Stage I. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between tail macroscopic dimensions between the groups. T3 10cH decreased the expression of caspase 3/7 mRNA, in explants treated with T3 20 nM. Conclusion: The present experiment is in agreement with the hypothesis that T3, at a 10cH homeopathic dilution, changes the metamorphosis molecular network.
More than 50 years ago, John Bell proved that no theory of nature that obeys locality and realism can reproduce all the predictions of quantum theory: in any local-realist theory, the correlations between outcomes of measurements on distant particles satisfy an inequality that can be violated if the particles are entangled. Numerous Bell inequality tests have been reported; however, all experiments reported so far required additional assumptions to obtain a contradiction with local realism, resulting in 'loopholes'. Here we report a Bell experiment that is free of any such additional assumption and thus directly tests the principles underlying Bell's inequality. We use an event-ready scheme that enables the generation of robust entanglement between distant electron spins (estimated state fidelity of 0.92 ± 0.03). Efficient spin read-out avoids the fair-sampling assumption (detection loophole), while the use of fast random-basis selection and spin read-out combined with a spatial separation of 1.3 kilometres ensure the required locality conditions. We performed 245 trials that tested the CHSH-Bell inequality S ≤ 2 and found S = 2.42 ± 0.20 (where S quantifies the correlation between measurement outcomes). A null-hypothesis test yields a probability of at most P = 0.039 that a local-realist model for space-like separated sites could produce data with a violation at least as large as we observe, even when allowing for memory in the devices. Our data hence imply statistically significant rejection of the local-realist null hypothesis. This conclusion may be further consolidated in future experiments; for instance, reaching a value of P = 0.001 would require approximately 700 trials for an observed S = 2.4. With improvements, our experiment could be used for testing less-conventional theories, and for implementing device-independent quantum-secure communication and randomness certification.
This article discusses several clues pointing to the spontaneous quantum origin of the recently discovered dissipative structures induced in liquid water by low-energy physical perturbations. These structures show an astonishing permanence, so much that large ponderal quantities of supramolecular aggregates of water - at ambient pressure and temperature - subsist even in the solid phase, strongly suggesting the possibility that these structures are the matrix itself of life.
Several years ago just before Christmas, in a small meeting room at the Institute of Pharmacology at the University of Rome, we had the opportunity to attend a meeting on "The role of QED in medicine" by Emilio Del Giudice and Giuliano Preparata. Before that meeting, we were more oriented towards a mechanistic view of Biochemistry and Medicine, believing that chemical reactions could only take place when a random collision between molecules with a gain in energy takes place. We envisioned water as just a solvent in which was possible to dissolve a solute. After we listened to Giuliano's and Emilio's speech on the "New physics of water", and on "The possible origin of coherence in cell, tissues and the interaction of very weak and low frequency magnetic fields with the ions, systems of the cell", we realized that living organisms are complex electrochemical systems which evolved in a relatively narrow range of well-defined environmental parameters. Environmental natural electro-magnetic fields are an ubiquitous factor in nature. If nature gave certain organisms the ability to receive information about the environment via invisible electromagnetic signals, then there must also the capability to discriminate between significant and meaningless ones. Bearing in mind that electromagnetic fields can be perceived by living organisms by means a resonance effect, we should not be amazed if they can be able to induce different biological effects. The work that we will present in memory of Emilio is based on the hypotheses that an aqueous system a chemical differentiation agent such as retinoic acid (RA) were electronically captured and transferred to the culture medium of Neuroblastoma Cell Line (LAN-5) and the proliferation rate was assessed to assess cell responses to the electromagnetic information transfer through the aqueous system. Like those enfolded in living organisms could play a synergic role in modulating biological functions, generating dissipative structures under appropriate patterns of electromagnetic signals providing basis for storing and retrieving biological activities. An external electro-magnetic stimulus from a source molecule can be stored, translated, and transferred by the aqueous systems to the biological target, selectively driving their endogenous activity and mimicking the effect of a source molecule.
Nanobubbles (NBs) have been a subject of intensive research over the past decade. Their peculiar characteristics, including extremely low buoyancy, longevity, enhanced solubility of oxygen in water, zeta potentials and burst during collapse, have led to many applications in the industrial, biological and medical fields. NBs may form spontaneously from dissolved gas but the process is greatly enhanced by gas supersaturation and mechanical actions such as dynamization. Therefore, the formation of NBs during the preparation of homeopathic dilutions under atmospheric pressure cannot be ignored. I suggested in 2009 the involvement of NBs in nanometric superstructures revealed in high dilutions using NMR relaxation. These superstructures seemed to increase in size with dilution, well into the ultramolecular range (>12c). I report here new experiments that confirm the involvement of NBs and prove the crucial role of dynamization to create superstructures specific to the solute. A second dynamization was shown to enhance or regenerate these superstructures. I postulate that superstructures result from a nucleation process of NBs around the solute, with shells of highly organized water (with ions and silicates if any) which protect the solute against out-diffusion and behave as nucleation centres for further dilution steps. The sampling tip may play an active role by catching the superstructures and thus carry the encaged solute across the dilution range, possibly up to the ultramolecular range. The superstructures were not observed at low dilution, probably because of a destructuring of the solvent by the solute and/or of an inadequate gas/solute ratio. Copyright © 2015 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multiple studies have demonstrated that traditional homeopathic manufacturing reagents and processes can generate remedy source and silica nanoparticles (NPs). Homeopathically-made NPs would initiate adaptive changes in an organism as a complex adaptive system (CAS) or network. Adaptive changes would emerge from several different endogenous amplification processes that respond to exogenous danger or threat signals that manufactured nanomaterials convey, including (1) stochastic resonance (SR) in sensory neural systems and (2) time-dependent sensitization (TDS)/oscillation. SR is nonlinear coherent amplification of a weak signal by the superposition of a larger magnitude white noise containing within it the same frequencies of the weak signal. TDS is progressive response magnitude amplification and oscillatory reversal in response direction to a given low dose at physiological limits with the passage of time.
Background Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease caused by protozoan parasites of the mononuclear phagocytic system. The modulation activity of these cells can interfere in the host/parasite relationship and influences the prognosis. Methods We evaluated the effects of the homeopathic preparation Antimonium crudum 30cH on experimental infection induced by Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. Male Balb/c mice were inoculated with 2 × 106Leishmania (L.) amazonensis promastigotes into the footpad and, after 48 h (acute phase) or 60 days (chronic phase), cell population of lymphocytes and phagocytes present in the peritoneal washing fluid and spleen were analyzed by flow cytometry and histopathology, with histometry of the subcutaneous primary lesion, local lymph node and spleen. Immunohistochemistry was performed to quantify CD3 (T lymphocyte), CD45RA (B lymphocyte) and CD11b (phagocytes) positive cells. Results In treated mice, during the acute phase, there was significant increase of the macroscopic lesion, associated to inflammatory edema, as well increase in the number of free amastigotes and B lymphocytes inside the lesion. Increase of B lymphocytes (predominantly B-2 cells) was also seen in the local lymph node, spleen and peritoneum. In the chronic phase, the inflammatory process in the infection focus was reduced, with reduced phagocyte migration and peritoneal increase of B-1a cells (precursors of B-2 immunoglobulin producers cells) and T CD8+ cells. Conclusion The treatment of mice with Antimonium crudum 30cH induced a predominantly B cell pattern of immune response in Leishmania (L.) amazonensis experimental infection, alongside the increase of free amastigote forms number in the infection site. The clinical significance of this study is discussed, further studies are suggested.
This article reports the experimental results of a conductometric study on the time evolution, over a 541-day period, of 450 samples of Extremely Diluted Solutions (EDS) of fullerene and carbon nanotube and 450 samples of twice-distilled water, stored in alternate rows of EDS and water spaced 0.5 cm apart. The purpose was to establish whether these two aqueous systems are able to transmit, via electromagnetic fields, their variations in the supramolecular structure of the solvent water which has not undergone any previous perturbation. The chemical-physical method employed was conductometry, which proved to be the simplest and most efficient means for quickly and accurately monitoring the structural variations. In addition, since it has been demonstrated that there is a clear linear correlation between specific conductivity and heat of mixing with alkaline solutions, the conductometric result can also be extended to the calorimetric result. These findings, though doubtless unexpected and intriguing, are highly significant. The alterations over time of the pure water samples follow those of the EDS surprisingly closely.
Background Reproducibility of basic research investigations in homeopathy is challenging. This study investigated if formerly observed effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) were reproducible. Methods Duckweed was grown in potencies (14x–30x) of GA3 and one time succussed and unsuccussed water controls. Outcome parameter area-related growth rate was determined by a computerised image analysis system. Three series including five independent blinded and randomised potency experiments (PE) each were carried out. System stability was controlled by three series of five systematic negative control (SNC) experiments. Gibbosity (a specific growth state of L. gibba) was investigated as possibly essential factor for reactivity of L. gibba towards potentised GA3 in one series of potency and SNC experiments, respectively. Results Only in the third series with gibbous L. gibba L. we observed a significant effect (p = 0.009, F-test) of the homeopathic treatment. However, growth rate increased in contrast to the former study, and most biologically active potency levels differed. Variability in PE was lower than in SNC experiments. The stability of the experimental system was verified by the SNC experiments. Conclusions Gibbosity seems to be a necessary condition for reactivity of L. gibba to potentised GA3. Further still unknown conditions seem to govern effect direction and the pattern of active and inactive potency levels. When designing new reproducibility studies, the physiological state of the test organism must be considered. Variability might be an interesting parameter to investigate effects of homeopathic remedies in basic research.
Introduction: Quantum theoretical discourse has previously illustrated (1) the therapeutic process as three-way macro-entanglement (between patient, practitioner, and remedy, called PPR entanglement), and (2) depicted the Vital Force (Vf) as a quantized spinning gyroscope. Combining the two via semiotic geometry leads to a topological description of the patient's journey to cure. In this present article, two new metaphors for the homeopathic therapeutic encounter are described, based on (1) a quantum mechanical model of adaptive mutation (QMAM), and (2) the illuminated geometric patterns generated by a light source attached to a spinning gyroscope. Methods: (1) QMAM demonstrates how quantum superposition between DNA and mutant adaptations could arise and how environmental pressure "collapses" the DNA wave function to a particular state. In QMAM for the therapeutic process, isolation helps induce coherence between patient, practitioner, and remedy, generating a quantum-like superposition of patient "unwell" and "well" states. (2) The light beam from a precessing gyroscope sweeps out an ellipse, which becomes circular, the faster the gyroscope spins on its axis and the less it precesses. Ellipses have two foci that, as a metaphor for the state of a patient's Vf, are seen to represent the patient's "unwell" and "well" states. Results: Superposition of the patient's "unwell" and "well" states generated by the QMAM metaphor can "collapse" to the cured state, following decoherence at the end of therapeutic process. Similarly, the curative therapeutic process may be thought to "spin up" the patient's Vf, so the precessing ellipse's foci (i.e., the patient's "unwell" and "well" states) merge into a "circular" curative state. Conclusions: The two new metaphors may be seen as equivalent and semiotic simplifications of the previous more complex topological description of the patient's "journey to cure."
This paper presents the results of several experimental methods (FT-IR spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy (FM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)) evidencing structural changes induced in extremely diluted solutions (EDS), which are prepared by an iterated process of centesimal (1:100) dilution and succussion (shaking). The iteration is repeated until an extremely high dilution is reached, so that the composition of the solution becomes identical to that of the solvent-in this case water-used to prepare it. The experimental observations reveal the presence of supramolecular aggregates hundreds of nanometres in size in EDS at ambient pressure and temperature, and in the solid state. These findings confirm the hypothesis-developed thanks to previous physico-chemical investigations-that formation of water aggregates occurs in EDS. The experimental data can be analyzed and interpreted with reference to the thermodynamics of far-from-equilibrium systems and irreversible processes.
Several lines of evidence suggest that homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) can effectively have a pharmacological action, and so cannot be considered merely placebos. However, until now there has been no unified explanation for these observations within the dominant paradigm of the dose-response effect. Here the possible scenarios for the physicochemical nature of HDs are reviewed. A number of theoretical and experimental approaches, including quantum physics, conductometric and spectroscopic measurements, thermoluminescence, and model simulations investigated the peculiar features of diluted/succussed solutions. The heterogeneous composition of water could be affected by interactive phenomena such as coherence, epitaxy and formation of colloidal nanobubbles containing gaseous inclusions of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, silica and, possibly, the original material of the remedy. It is likely that the molecules of active substance act as nucleation centres, amplifying the formation of supramolecular structures and imparting order to the solvent. Three major models for how this happens are currently being investigated: the water clusters or clathrates, the coherent domains postulated by quantum electrodynamics, and the formation of nanoparticles from the original solute plus solvent components. Other theoretical approaches based on quantum entanglement and on fractal-type self-organization of water clusters are more speculative and hypothetical. The problem of the physicochemical nature of HDs is still far from to be clarified but current evidence strongly supports the notion that the structuring of water and its solutes at the nanoscale can play a key role.
Conductometric and pHmetric titrations of Extremely Diluted Solutions (EDS) were performed by adding NaOH solutions at concentrations between 1 × 10- 4 and 1 × 10- 3 M. The aim of this work is to obtain further confirmation of the hypothesized presence, in the EDS, of molecular aggregates of water molecules. The measurements on the EDS evidenced some relevant differences compared to those on solutions with just water as solvent. The conductivity and the pH increase caused by the lower concentration of the NaOH base were markedly different to those of the control solutions. We suppose that the preparation procedure of the EDS could produce non-equilibrium changes in the supramolecular structure of water. The experimental results were interpreted by considering the interactions that can take place between the OH- ions and the hypothesized molecular aggregates of water molecules i.e. dissipative structures. A qualitative comparison was made about the nature of the driving force that leads to the formation of the complexes between the two ions H+ or OH- and the molecular aggregates of water molecules (dissipative structures).
Avogadro's Number gives 12c as the limit beyond which no original substance can be present in a highly diluted and succcussed (potentised) homeopathic medicine, implying that chemically such dilutions consist of nothing but the vehicle. But there is evidence that living systems react to homeopathic medicines diluted even above 12c. To explain how such medicines differ from another I hypothesise that altered structure may cause the difference, such as that between diamond and amorphous carbon. Some scientists have argued that dilution followed by succussion may lead to altered structural arrangement of water molecules. This concept may be termed 'Induced Molecular Structure'. Dielectric dispersion studies were conducted in a broad range with potencies below and above the Avogadro limit by taking 6c and 30c potencies of Graphites and Cuprum Metallicum in liquid form. Measurements were made with an Anomalous Dielectric Dispersion Detector (A3D), an instrument developed by the author. Experiments were carried out in a frequency range of 100 kHz to 50 MHz. Shifting of resonance frequencies as a function of medicine and potency, with potencies below and above the Avogadro limit, was observed. The range of resonance frequencies suggest that the phenomenon might originate from oscillation of dipoles caused by electric field in variously structured and polarised water. Also, there is reasonable evidence that frequencies change with materials and potency.
Anomalous state of ice, which is a novel stable structures made from water molecules, can be induced to form under the action of ions in very dilute solutions, perhaps from a similar physical mechanism that forms ice VI. These stable structures change the UV transmission characteristic of water. Different structures formed from different ions are shown to have similar UV transmission characteristics. These structures can be filtered, concentrated and photographed using a transmission electron-microscope. A dipole-dipole interaction model is constructed to suggest an explanation of the elongated shape of these structures.
It is shown that when the density becomes larger than a critical density an ensemble of water molecules evolves towards a coherent ground state, where molecules oscillate in phase with the e.m. field. At each temperature, liquid water is found to consist of a coherent phase of molecules in such a ground state and of a normal phase, whose population is determined by thermal excitations. The observed thermodynamical quantities as well as their wellknown anomalous behaviors are satisfactorily described by our theory.
The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the 'gold standard' of modern clinical pharmacology. However, for many practitioners of homeopathy, blind RCTs are an inadequate research tool for testing complex therapies such as homeopathy. Classical probabilities used in biological sciences and in medicine are only a special case of the generalized theory of probability used in quantum physics. I describe homeopathy trials using a quantum-like statistical model, a model inspired by quantum physics and taking into consideration superposition of states, non-commuting observables, probability interferences, contextuality, etc. The negative effect of blinding on success of homeopathy trials and the 'smearing effect' ('specific' effects of homeopathy medicine occurring in the placebo group) are described by quantum-like probabilities without supplementary ad hoc hypotheses. The difference of positive outcome rates between placebo and homeopathy groups frequently vanish in centralized blind trials. The model proposed here suggests a way to circumvent such problems in masked homeopathy trials by incorporating in situ randomization/unblinding. In this quantum-like model of homeopathy clinical trials, success in open-label setting and failure with centralized blind RCTs emerge logically from the formalism. This model suggests that significant differences between placebo and homeopathy in blind RCTs would be found more frequently if in situ randomization/unblinding was used.
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxation times T1, T2, T1/T2 are sensitive to motion and organization of water molecules. Especially, increase in T1/T2 reflects a higher degree of structuring. My purpose was to look at physical changes in water in ultrahigh aqueous dilutions. Samples were prepared by iterative centesimal (c) dilution with vigorous agitation, ranging between 3c and 24c (Avogadro limit 12c). Solutes were silica-lactose, histamine, manganese-lactose. Solvents were water, NaCl 0.15 M or LiCl 0.15 M. Solvents underwent strictly similar, simultaneous dilution/agitation, for each level of dilution, as controls. NMR relaxation was studied within 0.02-20 MHz. No changes were observed in controls. Increasing T1 and T1/T2 were found in dilutions, which persisted beyond 9c (manganese-lactose), 10c (histamine) and 12c (silica-lactose). For silica-lactose in LiCl, continuous decrease in T2 with increase in T1/T2 within the 12c-24c range indicated growing structuring of water despite absence of the initial solute. All changes vanished after heating/cooling. These findings were interpreted in terms of nanosized (>4-nm) supramolecular structures involving water, nanobubbles and ions, if any. Additional study of low dilutions of silica-lactose revealed increased T2 and decreased T1/T2 compared to solvent, within the 10(-3)-10(-6) range, reflecting transient solvent destructuring. This could explain findings at high dilution. Proton NMR relaxation demonstrated modifications of the solvent throughout the low to ultramolecular range of dilution. The findings suggested the existence of superstructures that originate stereospecifically around the solute after an initial destructuring of the solvent, developing more upon dilution and persisting beyond 12c.
Conductometric and calorimetric titrations of Extremely Diluted Solutions (EDS) were performed by adding HCl or NaOH solutions. The aim of this study is to obtain further confirmation of the hypothesized presence, in the EDS, of molecular aggregates of water molecules. The measurements on the EDS evidenced some relevant differences compared to those on solutions with just water as solvent. The conductivity and the pH caused by adding the titrant, namely NaOH or HCl, were markedly different to those of the control solutions. We suppose that the preparation procedure of the EDS could produce non-equilibrium changes in the supramolecular structure of water. The experimental results were interpreted by considering the interactions that can take place between the OH− or H3O+ and the hypothesized molecular aggregates of water molecules i.e. dissipative structures. A comparison was made about the nature of the driving force that leads to the formation of the complexes between the two ions deriving from probes and the molecular aggregates of water molecules (dissipative structures). In this study, we have determined the thermodynamic parameters of association between molecular aggregates of water molecules (dissipative structures) in the EDS and OH− or H3O+ probe ions. The experimental results were interpreted by considering a favorable interaction between the H3O+ and OH− ions and the dissipative structures, due, probably, to steric hindrance and chemical affinity with the aggregates.
Various physical properties of water with IE structures are measured. Compared with oridinary water, there is an approximate 20% decrease in dielectric constant for IE water at MHz as an increase of emf generated by IE water between two identical stainless steel electrodes, and an increase in resistivity to AC current. Fluorescence at 298 nm peak is seen in IE water but not in ordinary water. From the thermal variation of UV absorption spectrum, one can estimate the amount of IE structure to be up to 3%. The elevation of boiling point due to IE structure can then be used to calculate the molecular weight of IE structure to be the same as water molecule.
The forty-nine papers collected here illuminate the meaning of quantum theory as it is disclosed in the measurement process. Together with an introduction and a supplemental annotated bibliography, they discuss issues that make quantum theory, overarching principle of twentieth-century physics, appear to many to prefigure a new revolution in science.Originally published in 1983.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These paperback editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Key concepts of the Nanoparticle-Allostatic Cross-Adaptation-Sensitization (NPCAS) Model for the action of homeopathic remedies in living systems include source nanoparticles as low level environmental stressors, heterotypic hormesis, cross-adaptation, allostasis (stress response network), time-dependent sensitization with endogenous amplification and bidirectional change, and self-organizing complex adaptive systems. The model accommodates the requirement for measurable physical agents in the remedy (source nanoparticles and/or source adsorbed to silica nanoparticles). Hormetic adaptive responses in the organism, triggered by nanoparticles; bipolar, metaplastic change, dependent on the history of the organism. Clinical matching of the patient's symptom picture, including modalities, to the symptom pattern that the source material can cause (cross-adaptation and cross-sensitization). Evidence for nanoparticle-related quantum macro-entanglement in homeopathic pathogenetic trials. This paper examines research implications of the model, discussing the following hypotheses: Variability in nanoparticle size, morphology, and aggregation affects remedy properties and reproducibility of findings. Homeopathic remedies modulate adaptive allostatic responses, with multiple dynamic short- and long-term effects. Simillimum remedy nanoparticles, as novel mild stressors corresponding to the organism's dysfunction initiate time-dependent cross-sensitization, reversing the direction of dysfunctional reactivity to environmental stressors. The NPCAS model suggests a way forward for systematic research on homeopathy. The central proposition is that homeopathic treatment is a form of nanomedicine acting by modulation of endogenous adaptation and metaplastic amplification processes in the organism to enhance long-term systemic resilience and health.