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The SpaceDrive Project - First Results on EMDrive and Mach-Effect Thrusters



Propellantless propulsion is believed to be the best option for interstellar travel. However, photon rockets or solar sails have thrusts so low that maybe only nano-scaled spacecraft may reach the next star within our lifetime using very high-power laser beams. Following into the footsteps of earlier breakthrough propulsion programs, we are investigating different concepts based on non-classical/revolutionary propulsion ideas that claim to be at least an order of magnitude more efficient in producing thrust compared to photon rockets. Our intention is to develop an excellent research infrastructure to test new ideas and measure thrusts and/or artefacts with high confidence to determine if a concept works and if it does how to scale it up. At present, we are focusing on two possible revolutionary concepts: The EMDrive and the Mach-Effect Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in a truncated cone-shaped cavity that is claimed to produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which theoretical basis this can work, several experimental tests have been reported in the literature, which warrants a closer examination. The second concept is believed to generate mass fluctuations in a piezo-crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged thrusts. Here we are reporting first results of our improved thrust balance as well as EMDrive and Mach-Effect thruster models. Special attention is given to the investigation and identification of error sources that cause false thrust signals. Our results show that the magnetic interaction from not sufficiently shielded cables or thrusters are a major factor that needs to be taken into account for proper µN thrust measurements for these type of devices.
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The SpaceDrive Project First Results on EMDrive and Mach-Effect Thrusters
Martin Tajmar(1), Matthias Kößling(2), Marcel Weikert(3) and Maxime Monette(4)
(1-4) Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Marschnerstrasse 32, 01324
Dresden, Germany, Email:
KEYWORDS: Breakthrough Propulsion, Propellant-
less Propulsion, EMDrive, Mach-Effect Thruster
Propellantless propulsion is believed to be the
best option for interstellar travel. However, photon
rockets or solar sails have thrusts so low that maybe
only nano-scaled spacecraft may reach the next star
within our lifetime using very high-power laser
beams. Following into the footsteps of earlier
breakthrough propulsion programs, we are
investigating different concepts based on non-
classical/revolutionary propulsion ideas that claim to
be at least an order of magnitude more efficient in
producing thrust compared to photon rockets. Our
intention is to develop an excellent research
infrastructure to test new ideas and measure thrusts
and/or artefacts with high confidence to determine if
a concept works and if it does how to scale it up. At
present, we are focusing on two possible
revolutionary concepts: The EMDrive and the Mach-
Effect Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in
a truncated cone-shaped cavity that is claimed to
produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which
theoretical basis this can work, several experimental
tests have been reported in the literature, which
warrants a closer examination. The second concept
is believed to generate mass fluctuations in a piezo-
crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged
thrusts. Here we are reporting first results of our
improved thrust balance as well as EMDrive and
Mach-Effect thruster models. Special attention is
given to the investigation and identification of error
sources that cause false thrust signals. Our results
show that the magnetic interaction from not
sufficiently shielded cables or thrusters are a major
factor that needs to be taken into account for proper
µN thrust measurements for these type of devices.
Interstellar travel is one of mankind’s biggest
dream and challenge. Rockets routinely put
spacecraft into Earth’s orbit, however Tsiolkovsky’s
equation puts a strong limit on the achievable v if
onboard propellant is used, even using advanced
materials and futuristic engines. For example, even
nuclear propulsion with a specific impulse of 10,000
s or more (nuclear pulse, combined electric/nuclear,
fusion propulsion, etc.) requires a propellant mass on
the order of the mass of our sun to propel a
spacecraft to our nearest star within our lifetime [1].
Recent efforts therefore concentrate on using
propellantless laser propulsion. For example, the
proposed Breakthrough Starshot project plans to use
a 100 GW laser beam to accelerate a nano-
spacecraft with the mass of a few grams to reach our
closest neighbouring star Proxima Centauri in around
20 years [2]. The technical challenges (laser power,
steering, communication, etc.) are enormous but
maybe not impossible [3]. Such ideas stretch the
edge of our current technology. However, it is
obvious that we need a radically new approach if we
ever want to achieve interstellar flight with spacecraft
in size similar to the ones that we use today. In the
1990s, NASA started its Breakthrough Propulsion
Physics Program, which organized workshops,
conferences and funded multiple projects to look for
high-risk/high-payoff ideas [4]. The project
culminated in a book that summarized the ideas
studied and presented a roadmap with unexplored
areas to follow up [5].
Within the SpaceDrive project [6], we are currently
assessing the two most prominent thruster
candidates that promise propellantless propulsion
much better than photon rockets: The so-called
EMDrive and the Mach-Effect thruster. In addition, we
are performing complementary experiments that can
provide additional insights into the thrusters under
investigation or open up new concepts. In order to
properly test the thruster candidates, we are
constantly improving our thrust balance facility as
well as checking for thruster-environment
interactions that can lead to false thrust
Our goal is to falsify if these thrusters work as
claimed and to identify and understand the working
mechanisms that could enable to upscale them
towards flight applications. This paper will review the
first results so far.
2. SpaceDrive Project
2.1 Thrust Balance
Testing of propellantless propulsion concepts
requires a highly sophisticated thrust balance that
must be able to reliably detect very small thrust with
a resolution down to the nano-Newton range, block
electromagnetic interactions as much as possible
and limit any balance-vacuum chamber wall
interactions. Vibration and thermal expansion/drifts
are the two most important artefacts that must be
carefully isolated to obtain reliable measurements.
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The basis for our measurements is a torsion
balance in our large vacuum chamber (0.9 m
diameter, 1.5 m length) that has undergone various
improvements over more than 4 years. A thrust
produces an angular displacement that can be
measurement by a laser interferometer. We use two
C-flex E-20 torsion springs with a high enough
sensitivity (2x0.0033 Nm/) to achieve sub-µN
resolution while supporting enough weight on the
balance arms. The vacuum chamber uses a vibration
isolated Edwards XDS35i scroll pump and a Pfeiffer
2300 L turbo pump to reach a vacuum down to the
10-7 mbar range. For the tests on the EMDrive and
Mach-Effect thruster, only the scroll pump was used
with a vacuum level of 10-2 mbar, which was sufficient
to suppress buoyancy for quicker turnaround times.
The vacuum chamber is fixed to a separate concrete
block that is mounted with vibration isolation to
decouple it from the vibrations in the building’s
foundation (see Fig. 1). Based on our prior
experiments with Mach-Effect and EMDrive
thrusters, an upgraded balance has been built with
the following features:
- A total weight of up to 25 kg of thruster and
electronics can be installed on the balance.
There are two separately-shielded boxes on
each side: one for the thruster assembly and one
for the electronics and data acquisition.
- Thrust noise reduced to the nano-Newton range
with a sub-Nanonewton resolution. We use the
attocube IDS 3010 laser displacement sensor
with pm resolution to digitally read out the
balance position.
- Variable damping using eddy-currents and
permanent magnets. A stepper motor can
change the position of a copper disc to adapt the
strength of damping.
- Stepper motors to level the balance once it is
completely set-up inside the vacuum chamber.
- Stepper motors to change the orientation of the
thruster. This enables us to investigate e.g. shifts
in the center of gravity due to thermal expansion
by changing the thruster direction from forward to
backward and observing the change in the thrust
measurement. All this can be done inside the
vacuum chamber without breaking vacuum and
changing any cables that can influence the
- Two different calibration techniques, one using a
voice coil and one using electrostatic combs that
provide constant thrusts by applying a defined
current (coil) or voltage (comb) which was
calibrated with a dedicated setup using a
Sartorius AX224 balance.
- Complete shielding of the balance arm and
thruster/electronics boxes using high
permeability Mu-metal.
- Wireless control of experiment by on-board data
acquisition using either Weeder modules or a
LabJack T7 Pro using an infrared serial port. This
allows analog input/output, digital control of
relays as well as temperature measurements on
the balance. In addition, we added infrared
cameras that can detect overheating of the
electronics and the thruster.
- Four pairs of liquid-metal-contacts with twisted,
paired cables to supply the balance and
experiments with power and other data signals
(see Fig. 2).
- LabView program that can operate and control
the complete vacuum facility, thrust balance and
experiments. A script language is used to
automate the whole experiment, from calibration
to measurement. This procedure ensures
repeatable measurements and allows to check
the validity of the balance calibration and perform
signal averaging and filter operation to obtain
very low noise signals.
A picture of the vacuum chamber as well as the
schematic of the balance is shown in Fig. 1. All
calibration and thruster experiments are executed
using profiles with a down-time (sector 1), a ramp-up
(sector 2), a constant thrust (sector 3), a ramp-down
(sector 4) and again down-time (sector 5) interval.
Each profile can be checked individually and data
processing like drift compensation or filtering can be
applied. Drift compensation can be done with many
different options like using a linear or polynomial fit
through sector 1 and 5 and subtraction from the
profile. Since the thrusters heated up during testing,
a thermal drift compensation technique was used
where first a linear fit is performed in sector 1 and 5
and a straight line is used to connect the end of sector
1 to the beginning of sector 5 to account for any
thermal drifts (see Fig. 5). Profiles can be repeated
many times and a signal averaged plot can be
computed that can drastically reduce noise and
increase signal confidence.
An example of a one µN calibration pulse is shown
in Fig. 3 using our voice coil. The low noise (<10 nN)
as well as the damping and drift elimination is clearly
evident. We performed calibration pulses along a
wide range with small steps as shown in Fig. 4 that
shows the high linearity of our balance. This figure
also shows how the calibration constant (µN/µm)
changes for different setups with different weights. A
calibration is automatically performed before and
after each thrust measurement to check for any
changes in the balance sensitivity.
2.1 EMDrive
The EMDrive is a concept developed by Shawyer
[7] in which microwaves are directed into a truncated
resonator cavity/frustum which is claimed to produce
thrust. He believes that the radiation pressure is
different at the small and large ends which results in
a net thrust force [8]. This was highly criticized as not
being compatible with electromagnetism and
conservation laws [9]. Alternative theories have
appeared [10][12], however, the community
Page 3
remains highly sceptical on the theoretical grounds of
this concept.
On the other hand, there is a significant amount of
experimental data available with tests both on a
normal/knife-edge [13],[14] as well as on a torsion
balance [15][17]. Initial concern concentrated on
buoyancy effects due to testing in air, however, the
more recent tests in high vacuum [17], especially
NASA’s latest test results by White et al [16] revealed
that air is not an issue. Several experimental artefacts
still need to be examined and higher quality thrust
data must be obtained in order to validate the
production of thrust. Thermal drifts were especially
significant in the latest reported test by White et al.
[16] and possible magnetic interaction with feeding
cables has yet to be assessed.
We built a frustum cavity with the same inner
dimensions as in White et al [16], however, instead of
hand-cut copper sheets and copper plated PCBs, our
cavity geometry was manufactured from 1.5 mm thick
copper sheets that were pressed into the correct
geometry (see Fig. 6). Afterwards, the inner surfaces
were polished. We used standard SMA/N-Type
connectors throughout all components. A picture of
our loop antenna (1.5 mm wire, 15 mm radius) is also
shown in Fig. 6 as well as the complete EMDrive with
cavity and all related electronics on one side of the
torsion balance. Because of the size of the cavity, we
could not encapsulate it yet with Mu-metal sheets to
reduce possible magnetic interactions. This will be
crucial in the next step as we will explain below.
The resonance frequencies and Q-factors of the
cavity were analysed using an Anritsu MS46121B
vector network analyser. Using a Maury 1878B 3-
stub tuner, we matched a frequency of 1865 MHz and
obtained Q-factors from 20,000 300,000+
(unloaded) depending on the peak (see Fig. 7). This
is similar and even higher than the values reported
by White et al [16] and should lead to at least similar
thrust values if not more as the Q-factor is believed
to be directly related to the generated thrust [7].
COMSOL simulations were carried out to simulate
the generated modes within the cavity and to find the
optimum position for the antenna (see Fig. 8).
The EMDrive setup is shown in Fig. 9 which
consists of a frequency generator/oscillator (Mini-
Circuits ZX95-2041-S+), a voltage-controlled
attenuator (Mini-Circuits ZX73-2500-S+), a 50 W
amplifier (RF Systems EMPower 1164), a bi-
directional coupler (Mini-Circuits ZGBDC35-93HP+)
with power-meters for input and reflected output
(Mini-Circuits ZX47-40-S+), an optional fixed 40 dB
attenuator (Mini-Circuits BW-40N100W+), the Maury
3-stub tuner and the cavity. All these components
could be operated in vacuum without modification (a
small venting hole was present in the cavity and one
screw was removed from the Mini-Circuits
components), however, we were cautiously operating
them only up to a power of 2 Watts to prohibit
overheating (several thermocouples are used to
monitor the temperature). The optional 40 dB
attenuator allows to reduce the power by a factor of
10,000 that goes into the cavity without changing
cables or setup. This provides a powerful “zero-
thrust” measurement capability. Our software
features resonance frequency tracking to
compensate for frequency shifts during operation.
Using the stepper motor, we could rotate the
thruster on our balance such that it points in different
directions. In our setup, 0° direction means a positive
thrust direction (going from the large back area on the
cavity to the smaller front area), 180° direction means
a reversed or negative thrust direction and 90° means
that the thruster points parallel to the balance arm,
which should result in zero thrust.
Fig. 10 shows thrust measurements for our
EMDrive in all directions with around 4 µN at an
amplifier power level of 2 Watts, which corresponds
to an amplifier current of around 2.5 A. The maximum
temperature on the amplifier was going up to 75
degrees. The Q factor in this case was 50,000
(unloaded). This leads to a thrust-to-power ratio of
around 2 mN/kW, which is nearly double compared
to White et al [16] who measured 1.3 mN/kW for a Q
factor of 40,900 (their absolute thrust value was 80
µN for 60 W of power). The thrust direction also
seems to reverse for the 180° direction. However, at
90° we see a similar thrust as in the 180° direction,
where we should expect zero thrust. Even more
importantly, if we keep the 0° direction but use the 40
dB attenuator to reduce the power that goes into the
cavity by 5 orders of magnitude, the thrust signal
nearly remains the same as without the 40 dB
This clearly indicates that the “thrust” is not
coming from the EMDrive but from some
electromagnetic interaction. Although we used
twisted or coaxial cables as much as possible, some
magnetic fields will eventually leak through our
cables and connectors. Considering the magnetic
field strength of the Earth’s magnetic field of 48 µT
with an inclination of 70° in middle Europe, a few
centimeters of cables and a current of 2 A (similar to
what is needed to power the amplifier), we obtain
Lorentz forces of a few µN, which is similar to our
observed “thrust” values. We therefore suspect, that
the interaction of the power feeding for the amplifier
with the Earth’s magnetic field masked any real
thrusts that could be below our observed value. In a
next setup, we are enlarging our experiment box such
that the cavity and amplifier configuration can be
completely shielded with Mu-metal sheets to greatly
reduce this artefact. However, such shielding was not
present in any of the previous tests (e.g. in White et
al [16]) which should be carefully re-analysed [18].
Note that we did not implement a dielectric disc
in our cavity so far which was used in the
configuration from White et al [16], although positive
tests were claimed to have been carried without such
discs too. After our setup improvement, we will try a
dielectric disc configuration, different geometries as
well as higher power levels.
Page 4
2.2 Mach-Effect Thruster
The second concept to be studied in detail is the
so-called Mach-Effect thruster which is being
developed by J.F. Woodward since the 1990s and
more recently by H. Fearn [19][22]. It is based on
one interpretation of Mach’s principle (inertia here is
due to mass out there), that inertial mass is due to the
gravitational interaction with the whole universe [23].
Woodward and others showed that linearized general
relativity theory with time-varying solutions and
Sciama’s analysis altogether leads to mass
fluctuations that can be up to 11 orders of magnitude
higher for typical devices than classically expected
from E=m.c² [24].
In the Mach-Effect thruster, a stack of clamped
piezo crystals is excited using a frequency in the tens
of kHz range. According to Woodward, this energy
oscillations leads to transient Machian-mass
variations that can lead to time-averaged stationary
thrusts if they are properly pushed and pulled with the
correct frequency and phase. This is believed to
happen thanks to the piezoelectric and
electrostrictive material properties of piezo crystals.
Although at much smaller amplitudes, electrostriction
happens at twice the applied frequency and at a 90°
phase shift, which is required for stationary thrust
[22],[24]. A large brass reaction mass can amplify this
effect. A schematic sketch of the thruster as well as
an actual thruster and a corresponding ANSYS
model is shown in Fig. 11. We are working on
analytical as well as finite element models to
accurately predict the oscillation movements on the
thruster (verified using laser vibrometry) in order to
predict and enhance the thrust produced.
In order to operate the thruster, we built an
amplifier based on the Apex PA04 amplifier that has
a frequency range of up to 180 kHz (measured in our
setup), 150 W and a voltage capability of 150 Vpp
(voltage and power may be doubled using two
amplifiers in bridge mode). This is significantly better
compared to the audio amplifiers used so far that cut
the power close to the thruster operating frequencies
(35 kHz) [22],[25].
Fig. 12 shows the frequency response spectrum
for a recent thruster supplied to us by Woodard and
Fearn. The first resonance frequency is at 31 kHz.
Our software can control the amplifier with various
options such as using arbitrary waveforms (sine wave
or e.g. mixed signals with single- and double-
frequency signals at a proper phase shift) using a
Picoscope 2405A oscilloscope that has an arbitrary
waveform output. The current, voltage and phase
signals are read back into the computer. Most
importantly, we implemented a tracker that adapts
the frequency e.g. to track for maximum current
(=power). We can therefore operate always at
resonance even if the thruster warms up during
operation, which causes resonance frequency shifts.
The thruster was mounted inside the
measurement box with Mu-metal shielding. The
amplifier electronics were outside, and a liquid-metal
feedthrough was used to power the thruster on the
balance. Fig. 13 shows thrust results in all three
directions (0°, 90° and 180°) for 150 Vpp and an
applied sine wave at 31 kHz in vacuum. The apparent
thrust has a value of 0.6 µN and indeed reverses for
180° and moreover also vanishes at 90° as expected.
However, when we moved the thruster box back to
the 0° direction and manually flipped only the thruster
to 180°, while leaving all power cables the same, the
thruster signal remained the same as in the
direction. This again indicates that there must be
some electromagnetic interaction or thermally
induced center of mass shift that is masking any real
thrust value.
Woodward measured a steady thrust with this
thruster of around -1.2 µN for 400 Vpp as well as
large switching thrust transients during on-off.
Previous data suggests a V4 scaling of thrust with
applied voltage [21]. We therefore expect only 0.02
µN which may be present in our thrust data but
masked by electromagnetic/thermal issues. In a next
step, we need to increase our voltage and reduce our
thermal and electromagnetic interactions to safely
assess this thrust range.
3. Conclusions
The SpaceDrive project aims at developing
cutting-edge measurement equipment to thoroughly
test the latest EMDrive and Mach-Effect thruster
models, the two most promising revolutionary
thruster concepts that are presently under
investigation at various labs. Our thrust balances
shall provide the necessary resolution and
investigate electromagnetic and thermal artefacts to
obtain reliable measurements in order to confirm or
refute the claimed thrusts.
First measurement campaigns were carried out
with both thruster models reaching thrust/thrust-to-
power levels comparable to claimed values.
However, we found that e.g. magnetic interaction
from twisted-pair cables and amplifiers with the
Earth’s magnetic field can be a significant error
source for EMDrives. We continue to improve our
measurement setup and thruster developments in
order to finally assess if any of these concepts is
viable and if it can be scaled up.
In addition, a number of complementary
experiments are carried out to investigate e.g.
Machian-mass variations with an alternative rotary
setup [6].
At least, SpaceDrive is an excellent educational
project by developing highly demanding test setups,
evaluating theoretical models and possible
experimental errors. It’s a great learning experience
with the possibility to find something that can drive
space exploration into its next generation.
We gratefully acknowledge the support for
SpaceDrive by the German National Space Agency
DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und
Page 5
Raumfahrttechnik) by funding from the Federal
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) by
approval from German Parliament (50RS1704). We
would also like to acknowledge the support from J.
Heisig, W. Stark, C. Holzapfel, J. Woodward and H.
Fearn for their contributions to the ongoing
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Page 6
Fig. 1 Vacuum Chamber on Concrete Block (Left) and Schematic Sketch of Thrust Balance (Right)
Fig. 2 Liquid Metal Contacts
Fig. 3 Voice Coil 1 µN Step Response (200 Profiles Averaged)
030 60 90 120 150 180
2.0 Measured
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Page 7
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
K=19.7 µN/µm
Force [µN]
Displacement [µm]
Fig. 4 Calibration Linearity: 0.25 µN Steps (Left) and Different Slopes for Different Setups/Weights (Right)
Fig. 5 Thermal Drift Compensation: Original Thrust Profile (White) and Drift Compensation Fitting Line
(Blue) Left, Compensated Thrust Profile without Thermal Drift Right
Fig. 6 EMDrive Thruster: Cavity (Left), Antenna (Middle) and On Balance (Right)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
K1=9.9 µN/µm
K2=23.3 µN/µm
Force [µN]
Displacement [µm]
Page 8
Fig. 7 Cavity S11 Reflection Plot from Vector Network Analyzer (Matched 1865 MHz via 3-Stub Tuner)
Fig. 8 EMDrive COMSOL Simulation (TM212@1971 MHz Left, TE012@2179 MHz Right)
Fig. 9 EMDrive Setup
Page 9
(a) Direction 0°
(b) Direction 180°
(c) Direction 0° with 40db Attenuator
(d) Direction 9
Fig. 10 EMDrive Thrust Measurements with 2 W in Vacuum (10-2 mbar), 40 Runs Averaged
... Aluminum
End-Cap PZT
Epoxy Electrode (Ground)
Electrode (~)
Support / Thrust Balance
Rubber Pad
Fig. 11 Mach-Effect Thruster (MET): Schematic Sketch (Left) [24], Thruster under Testing (Middle) and
ANSYS Model (Right)
050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
10 Force
Amplifier Current
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Amplifier Current [A]
050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
10 Force
Amplifier Current
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Amplifier Current [A]
050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
10 Force
Amplifier Current
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Amplifier Current [A]
050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
10 Force
Amplifier Current
Force [µN]
Time [s]
Amplifier Current [A]
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Fig. 12 Mach-Effect Thruster Spectrum
(a) Direction 0°
(b) Direction 180°
(c) Direction 90°
(d) Direction 180° - Only Thruster Rotated
Fig. 13 MET Thrust Measurements in Vacuum (10-2 mbar) at 150 Vpp, 200 Runs Averaged
30 45 60 75 90 105
30 45 60 75 90 105
RMS Current [A]
Frequency [kHz]
Phase [°]
Q = 27
f = 62.7 kHz
Q = 21
f = 31.4 kHz
Q = 38
f = 89.7 kHz
030 60 90 120 150 180
0.8 Force
RMS Voltage
Thrust [µN]
Time [s]
Voltage RMS [V]
030 60 90 120 150 180
0.8 Force
RMS Voltage
Thrust [µN]
Time [s]
Voltage RMS [V]
030 60 90 120 150 180
Thrust [µN]
Time [s]
RMS Voltage
Voltage RMS [V]
030 60 90 120 150 180
0.8 Force
RMS Voltage
Thrust [µN]
Time [s]
Voltage RMS [V]
... The motor and the propeller should be replaced with piezoelectric materials (the most popular being Lead Zirconate Titanate) or any other material that produces vibration through deformation. The submersible's movement concept is based on propellant-less thrusting of the object using vibration [30,31]. Apart from complete redesign of the propeller, the battery is also replaced by an energy harvesting circuit of reduced size. ...
... + 0.0305s 0.6524 ). (30) Note the obtained fractional order of 0.6524 for the differentiating controller effect. The Bode diagram from Figure 6 shows that the obtained phase margin and gain crossover frequency are similar to those imposed in the tuning procedure. ...
... The Bode diagram from Figure 6 shows that the obtained phase margin and gain crossover frequency are similar to those imposed in the tuning procedure. For physical implementation, the controller from (30) has been mapped to the discretetime domain using the method provided by [59]. The discretization method represents a direct mapper between the fractional order transfer function and its discrete time representation. ...
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The present work tackles the modeling of the motion dynamics of an object submerged in a non-Newtonian environment. The mathematical model is developed starting from already known Newtonian interactions between the submersible and the fluid. The obtained model is therefore altered through optimization techniques to describe non-Newtonian interactions on the motion of the vehicle by using real-life data regarding non-Newtonian influences on submerged thrusting. For the obtained non-Newtonian fractional order process model, a fractional order control approach is employed to sway the submerged object’s position inside the viscoelastic environment. The presented modeling and control methodologies are solidified by real-life experimental data used to validate the veracity of the presented concepts. The robustness of the control strategy is experimentally validated on both Newtonian and non-Newtonian environments.
... In our SpaceDrive project, we are designing high-performance thrust balances with the aim to assess advanced propulsion concepts and anomalous thrust claims or theories like the EMDrive and many others [4,5]. Previous measurements already revealed one major error source due to partially shielded cables and their interaction with the Earth's magnetic field [6]. After many iterations and improvements, we developed a setup that allows to reliably measure forces from an EMDrive similar in design to the one used by White et al. [3] with a noise level below the photon thrust threshold of 3.3 nN/W, which we are using as a benchmark to compare against state-of-the-art propellantless propulsion. ...
... Next, we replicated the geometry used by White et al. [3] including the dielectric end plate and significantly upgraded our balance and electronics [6]. Using a much larger vacuum chamber, a higher sensitivity torsion balance, and a solidstate amplifier, we obtained similar values as others such as a Q factor of 2000 (loaded value based on our definition used in this paper) and a thrust that changed sign depending on its orientation in the range of 3-6 µN for an input power of 2 W. ...
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The EMDrive is a proposed propellantless propulsion concept claiming to be many orders of magnitude more efficient than classical radiation pressure forces. It is based on microwaves, which are injected into a closed tapered cavity, producing a unidirectional thrust with values of at least 1 mN/kW. This was met with high scepticism going against basic conservation laws and classical mechanics. However, several tests and theories appeared in the literature supporting this concept. Measuring a thruster with a significant thermal and mechanical load as well as high electric currents, such as those required to operate a microwave amplifier, can create numerous artefacts that produce false-positive thrust values. After many iterations, we developed an inverted counterbalanced double pendulum thrust balance, where the thruster can be mounted on a bearing below its suspension point to eliminate most thermal drift effects. In addition, the EMDrive was self-powered by a battery-pack to remove undesired interactions due to feedthroughs. We found no thrust values within a wide frequency band including several resonance frequencies and different modes. Our data limit any anomalous thrust to below the force equivalent from classical radiation for a given amount of power. This provides strong limits to all proposed theories and rules out previous test results by at least two orders of magnitude.
... In our SpaceDrive project, we are designing highperformance thrust balances with the aim to assess advanced propulsion concepts and anomalous thrust claims or theories like the EMDrive and many others [4], [5]. Previous measurements already revealed one major error source due to partially shielded cables and their interaction with the Earth's magnetic field [6]. After many iterations and improvements, we developed a setup that allows to reliably measure forces from an EMDrive similar in design to the one used by White et al [3] with a noise level below the photon thrust threshold of 3.3 nN/W, which we are using as a benchmark to compare against state-of-the-art propellantless propulsion. ...
... Next, we replicated the geometry used by White et al [3] including the dielectric end plate and significantly upgraded our balance and electronics [6]. Using a much larger vacuum chamber, a higher sensitivity torsion balance and a solid-state amplifier, we obtained similar values as others such as a Qu factor of 20,000 and a thrust that changed sign depending on its orientation in the range of 3-6 µN for an input power of 2 W. ...
Conference Paper
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The EMDrive is a proposed propellantless propulsion concept claiming to be many orders of magnitude more efficient than classical radiation pressure forces. It is based on microwaves, which are injected into a closed tapered cavity, producing a unidirectional thrust with values of at least one mN/kW. This was met with high scepticism going against basic conservation laws and classical mechanics. However, several tests and theories appeared in the literature supporting this concept. Measuring a thruster with a significant thermal and mechanical load as well as high electric currents, such as those required to operate a microwave amplifier, can create numerous artefacts that produce false-positive thrust values. After many iterations, we developed an inverted counterbalanced double pendulum thrust balance, where the thruster can be mounted on a bearing below its suspension point to eliminate most thermal drift effects. In addition, the EMDrive was self-powered by a battery pack to remove undesired interactions due to feedthroughs. Using a geometry and operating conditions close to the model by White et al that reported positive results published in the peer-reviewed literature, we found no thrust values within a wide frequency band including several resonance frequencies. Our data limits any anomalous thrust to below the force equivalent from classical radiation for a given amount of power. This provides strong limits to all proposed theories and rules out previous test results by more than three orders of magnitude.
... For space projects, NASA is planning the use of nuclear reactors [54,103,104] to generate energy to various types of propulsion either ionic [105] and electromagnetic drive (EmDrive) [106,107]. These drives are not applicable for accelerating vehicles within Earth's atmosphere. ...
Technical Report
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This Scientific Report documents an unclassified analysis and literature review of key aspects and challenges related to hypersonic missiles and hypervelocity projectiles. Specifically, it introduces the nature and evolution of hypersonic weapons, discusses current and future sensor systems capabilities for detecting and tracking these missiles and projectiles, advance information fusion systems for developing timely course-of-actions, interception methods, and effector technologies to defeat hypersonic and hypervelocity threats. Other strategic aspects of hypersonic missiles and hypervelocity projectiles, such as cost and sustainment considerations, are examined and presented. Examples of concerning hypersonic missile scenarios, assuming paths initiated along Canada’s coastline, are provided for illustration purposes. The study aims to inform decision-making about the new threats of hypersonic missiles and to suggest potential research and development activities/initiatives to advance the Canadian Armed Forces' knowledge and expertise of hypersonic weapon capabilities.
... [183], Froning H. [185], McCulloch M. [217], Shawyer R. [228][229], Tajmar M. [230][231] и др. ...
Рассмотрены достижения физики в области извлечения энергии физического вакуума квантовыми двигателями (КвД), перспективы внедрения КвД в объекты транспорта – квантомобили. Актуализировано формирование Теории квантомобиля. Проведены общие структурные построения Теории квантомобиля. Далее поочередно рассмотрены отдельные аспекты Теории. • Освещены понятия физического вакуума, концепции КвД, вопросы формирования и использования квантовой тяги (траста) КвД (трастера). • Рассмотрены вопросы продольного движения наземного квантомобиля. • Подключено рассмотрение движения квантомобиля в плоскости тангажа. • Сформированы 3D-модели пространственного использования траста. • Сформировано понятие Всесредного мультимодального квантомобиля (ВМК), рассмотрено наследование им свойств традиционных транспортных средств, затронуты аспекты математического моделирования ВМК. • Осуществлено расширение использования квантовой тяги КвД на класс подъемно-транспортных машин (портовых, карьерных), а также на железнодорожный транспорт. • Рассмотрено размещение трастеров на опытных концептах квантомобилей. Обобщены результаты, дан прогноз дальнейших исследований.
... Precise torsion balance test results from Woodward have shown the presence of a particular force trace amounting up to 100 µN when the device is driven at a system resonance of 36 kHz and a power of about 30 W [8]. Allegedly, this effect was consistently observed for the forward and reverse thrust-producing orientations, and was not observed when placing the thrust axis parallel to the torsion balance beam [1]. Other research teams, notably Buldrini et al. [9] and ourselves [10][11][12][13], have observed a similar effect in the forward runs at a much lower force level. The force trace is characterized by larger switching transients when turning the device on or off and by a smaller force, if any, during the pulse. ...
Conference Paper
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Concepts for propellantless space propulsion are carefully investigated using high-precision balances in the framework of the SpaceDrive Project. The Mach-Effect-Thruster, an original design from Woodward that relies on the particular vibration of an asymmetric, piezoelectric stack actuator to produce thrust, is one concept that was extensively tested. In an attempt to validate the results published in peer-reviewed literature, several MET devices were tested on two different types of balances in vacuum conditions: a torsion balance and an inverted counterbalanced double pendulum, as well as on a rotating apparatus. The instruments are characterized by background noise lower than 5 nN after averaging and are calibrated using laser interferometry and a voice coil with a high-resolution current source. Encased in grounded mu-metal shielding on the balance, and powered by dedicated amplifiers, the device was swept with a frequency between 20 and 50 kHz in order to identify the operating range with the largest beam deflections. Measurements with the torsion balance from a previous campaign seem to indicate vibration artefacts, thermal noise and changes in the experiment’s centre of mass at specific resonance frequencies. These measurements were repeated with different device orientations on the double-pendulum balance, and deflections of similar magnitude that can be explained by thermal expansion and device resonance were also observed. Recording both balance beam displacements with a sampling rate of up to 25 MHz revealed a significant vibration when exciting the actuator around its longitudinal resonance, regardless of the mounting and isolation. Calculations and simple modelling of the resulting pulsed force from the vibrations confirms the hypotheses made from balance measurements. Additional tests were performed on a rotating apparatus to investigate the presence of mass fluctuations in a centrifugal force field without having to synchronize with a push-pull force. Our tests reveal the presence of mechanical artefacts but no thrust.
... Unlike ICEs and electric motors, QEs directly generate thrust, which can be applied to the vehicle/machine/ wagon body (Brandenburg, 2017, Fetta, 2014, Frolov, 2017, Tajmar et al., 2007. This creates prerequisites for the appearance of quantum lift-and-transport machinery (QLTM) able to lift off the bearing surface (overcoming gravity) and transport cargo hovered over such surface horizontally or at an angle (Kotikov, 2019e). ...
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Introduction: Mastering of the methods of energy extraction from the physical vacuum and their implementation in engineering will change the motion mechanics and the pattern of using lift-and-transport machinery if those are equipped with quantum engines (QEs). Purpose of the study: The study is aimed to develop a conceptual foundation and a working hypothesis for the operation of quantum quarrying lift-and-transport machinery (QQLTM). Problem statement: The paper addresses challenges of rock transportation from the pit bottom to the upper levels. Methods: The thrust vector is decomposed into orthogonal components. A QQLTM force balance and motion equation is derived. Typical modes of QQLTM operation are determined. Calculations as well as graphical-and-analytical studies are performed. Results: The paper presents the results of calculations regarding time and energy consumption required for rock transportation, describing the motion of loaded QQLTM during rock transportation from the pit bottom to the transfer station and the upper level of a quarry. Discussion: The existing groups of motor and railway vehicles as well as lift-and-transport machinery can be substituted by groups of transport machines with QEs — QQLTM. This will allow for the significant improvement of quarrying technology, implementation of continuous cargo transportation without transshipment, reduction of energy consumption as well as material expenditures and labor efforts.
... Unlike ICEs and electric motors, QEs directly generate thrust, which can be applied to the vehicle/machine body (Brandenburg, 2017, Fetta, 2014, Frolov, 2017, Tajmar, 2007. This creates prerequisites for the appearance of quantum lift-and-transport machinery (QLTM) able to break off the bearing surface and transport cargo hovered over such surface horizontally. ...
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Introduction: The possibility of energy extraction from the physical vacuum, uncovered in case of potential mastering of the foundations of the theory of Superunification suggested by Leonov, will change the motion mechanics and the pattern of using lift-and-transport machinery if that is equipped with quantum engines (QEs). Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual foundation and a working hypothesis for the operation of unified lift-and-transport machinery with quantum thrust – UQLTM. Methods: The thrust vector is decomposed into orthogonal components. A generalized force balance equation and its modifications are used. Typical modes of QLTM motion are identified. 3D modeling of force balance with velocity sweeping is carried out. 3D models of force balance are developed using Maple software. Images of surfaces with regard to wind resistance and thrust vector dynamics are built. Calculations as well as graphical-and-analytical studies are performed. Results: The paper presents results of calculations with visualization using an example of container transportation from a consolidated terminal to the hold of a container ship with the use of QLTM. Discussion: Existing lift-and-transport machines can be replaced by transport machines equipped with QEs (QLTM), and thus it will be possible to make the area of traditional lift-and-transport machinery movement available. Lifting machines can also be replaced by QLTM. Moreover, several types of lift-andtransport machines as well as transport machines used at warehouses to handle cargo can be replaced by unified QLTM (UQLTM) providing continuous transportation of cargo (without any transshipment using different types of vehicles).
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In this article an analysis is carried out on the basic mechanisms inherent in the functioning of the living and conscious Universe, that seems permeated by an intrinsic intelligence. In this scenario, a primordial acoustic quantum code in the form of BSE-condensed polaron field is assumed to provide the conditions for the guided formation of the cosmos in which also Gravity and Dark energy forces were created. As to the latter, we submit that primordial proton/ electron composite units, covered with multiple phonons (forming quasi-particles), exhibit internal attractive and external repulsive features, thereby generating the forces of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy). Our earlier results indicate that the frequency pattern of the "Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence" is fully in line with recently reported frequency values for cosmic gravitational waves, as well as for oscillations of ZPE field, at the macro-scale. With regard to brain function, at the micro-scale, interestingly, an almost perfect frequency fit of our algorithm was revealed for brain microtubular oscillations. These results on neuronal signaling, numerically support the Orch-OR consciousness theory. The present results also confirm the recent Creation Field model for Life of Wong et al., who adopted our concept in their studies as a General Music Code. Consequently, the primordial acoustic quantum code with its coherence equation (earlier called the "Generalized Music Biophysical Principle), shows a high correlation with regard to EMF wave frequencies with various of the current concepts for consciousness: the Orch OR theory of Hameroff and Penrose, the Microtubule concept of Bandyopadhyay et al., The Life Creation model of Wong et al, the Event Horizon brain concept of Meijer et al., as well that of ZPE-mediated consciousness concept of Keppler et al. The collective evidence, therefore reveals a scale invariant, all pervading guiding principle in the Universe. In this, a 4 th spatial dimension is required, as proposed in current physics, implying, together with the time dimension, a 5-D universe. These features make the Universe, in principle, non-calculable by human technology and may, at first sight, imply an inherent limitations in the role of artificial intelligence in the future becoming of the Universe. Yet, It is possible that in the far future advanced types of AI will be created that may allow a cosmic back-reaction in information processing. This can lead to a reconstructive universe, either by retro-causal information flux from the future to present and past states, and/or enabling an integral simulation at the expected cosmic end of our Universe. The latter, on the basis of the ultimately collected information, may afford a new version of our universe, in a time-reversed mode. We hold that such a sound mediated process also played a role in biological evolution and the creation of first life. Our proposal points at an information field of harmonic sounds that actualizes the successive steps in the ongoing fabric of reality. This is envisioned through toroidal geometry, in which information, also of human experience, is retro-injected into a growing field of a collective cosmic memory (back reaction).. This concept may be instrumental in the further study of macro-and micro-structures of our universe and can lead to a better insight in the evolution of life as well as the crucial role of universal consciousness as a crucial elemental intelligence of the cosmos. 2 Index:
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Interstellar propulsion within a human lifetime is the ultimate challenge for space travel to which no technological solution exists as of today. Traditional concepts such as solar sails or photon rockets require gigantic energy sources and may only enable nano-scaled spacecraft to go on a one-way trip. At TU Dresden, we are looking into non-traditional approaches for revolutionary propulsion by building a unique infrastructure to test and investigate claims on new propellantless thrusters as well as to explore new ideas in that area. At present, we are focusing on two possible revolutionary concepts: the EmDrive and the Mach-Effect-Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in a truncated-cone shaped cavity that is claimed to produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which theoretical basis this can work, several experimental tests have been reported in the literature that warrants a closer examination. The second concept is believed to generate transient mass fluctuations in a piezo-crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged thrust. Within the SpaceDrive project, a number of unique thrust balances and sensors are under development that can reliably detect tiny forces for such devices, which are powered by high voltages and high frequencies including two different classical torsion balances, a double-pendulum balance as well as a new superconducting levitating friction-free balance. In addition, a number of complementary experiments are carried out, such as direct measurements of mass-fluctuations in a dedicated rotating dynamic test stand. This paper will give an overview on our program and a summary of the latest results.
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The Mach-Effect thruster is a propellantless propulsion concept that has been in development by J.F. Woodward for more than two decades. It consists of a piezo stack that produces mass fluctuations, which in turn can lead to net time-averaged thrusts. So far, thrust predictions had to use an efficiency factor to explain some two orders of magnitude discrepancy between model and observations. Here, a detailed 1D analytical model is presented that takes piezo material parameters and geometry dimensions into account leading to correct thrust predictions in line with experimental measurements. Scaling laws can now be derived to improve thrust range and efficiency. An important difference in this study is that only the mechanical power developed by the piezo stack is considered to be responsible for the mass fluctuations, whereas prior works focused on the electrical energy into the system. This may explain why some previous designs did not work as expected. The good match between this new mathematical formulation and experiments should boost confidence in the Mach effect thruster concept to stimulate further developments.
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Truncated cone-shaped cavities with microwaves resonating within them (emdrives) move slightly towards their narrow ends, in contradiction to standard physics. This eect can be predicted by a model called quantised inertia (MiHsC) which assumes that the inertia of the microwaves is caused by Unruh radiation, more of which is allowed at the wide end. Therefore, photons going towards the wide end gain inertia, and to conserve momentum the cavity must move towards its narrow end, as observed. A previous analysis with quantised inertia predicted a controversial photon acceleration, which is shown here to be unnecessary. The previous analysis also mis-predicted the thrust in those emdrives with dielectrics. It is shown here that having a dielectric at one end of the cavity is equivalent to widening the cavity at that end, and when dielectrics are considered then quantised inertia predicts these results as well as the others. As a test, quantised inertia predicts that an emdrive's thrust can be enhanced by using a dielectric at the wide end.
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Recent reports about propulsion without reaction mass have been met on one hand with enthusiasm and on the other hand with some doubts. Namely, closed metal cavities, when fueled with microwaves, have delivered thrust that could eventually maintain satellites on orbits using solar power. However, the measured thrust appears to be without any apparent exhaust. Thus the Law of Action-Reaction seems to have been violated. We consider the possibility that the exhaust is in a form that has so far escaped both experimental detection and theoretical attention. In the thruster’s cavity microwaves interfere with each other and invariably some photons will also end up co-propagating with opposite phases. At the destructive interference electromagnetic fields cancel. However, the photons themselves do not vanish for nothing but continue in propagation. These photon pairs without net electromagnetic field do not reflect back from the metal walls but escape from the resonator. By this action momentum is lost from the cavity which, according to the conservation of momentum, gives rise to an equal and opposite reaction. We examine theoretical corollaries and practical concerns that follow from the paired-photon conclusion.
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In the nearly 60 years of spaceflight we have accomplished wonderful feats of exploration that have shown the incredible spirit of the human drive to explore and understand our universe. Yet in those 60 years we have barely left our solar system with the Voyager 1 spacecraft launched in 1977 finally leaving the solar system after 37 years of flight at a speed of 17 km/s or less than 0.006% the speed of light. As remarkable as this is we will never reach even the nearest stars with our current propulsion technology in even 10 millennium. We have to radically rethink our strategy or give up our dreams of reaching the stars, or wait for technology that does not currently exist. While we all dream of human spaceflight to the stars in a way romanticized in books and movies, it is not within our power to do so, nor it is clear that this is the path we should choose. We posit a technological path forward, that while not simple, it is within our technological reach. We propose a roadmap to a program that will lead to sending relativistic probes to the nearest stars and will open up a vast array of possibilities of flight both within our solar system and far beyond. Spacecraft from gram level complete spacecraft on a wafer ("wafersats") that reach more than 1/4 c and reach the nearest star in 20 years to spacecraft with masses more than 10^5 kg (100 tons) that can reach speeds of greater than 1000 km/s. These systems can be propelled to speeds currently unimaginable with existing propulsion technologies. To do so requires a fundamental change in our thinking of both propulsion and in many cases what a spacecraft is. In addition to larger spacecraft, some capable of transporting humans, we consider functional spacecraft on a wafer, including integrated optical communications, imaging systems, photon thrusters, power and sensors combined with directed energy propulsion.
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Parallel circuit and the Lorentz forces on current carrying wires are important concepts in introductory physics courses. Here we describe an experiment that illustrates these two concepts. We mount a circuit with multiple grounding points onto a torsion balance. We show that the grounding points create parallel return paths for the supply current. When the topology or the shapes of the return paths are altered, the Lorentz forces exerted by the currents in the return paths within a magnetic field change accordingly, which in turn cause changes in the rotary displacement of the torsion balance. This experiment is simple and can be easily reproduced in a teaching laboratory. What makes it interesting to students is that recently two research teams have attempted to detect thrusts from microwave driven asymmetrical resonance cavities (EmDrive or Cannae Drive), and the phenomenon observable in this experiment provides an alternative explanation to the thrusts they detected.
Propellantless propulsion is believed to be the best option for interstellar travel. However, photon rockets or solar sails have thrusts so low that maybe only nano-scaled spacecraft may reach the next star within our lifetime using very high-power laser beams. Since 2012, a dedicated breakthrough propulsion physics group was founded at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at TU Dresden to investigate different concepts based on non-classical/revolutionary propulsion ideas that claim to be at least an order of magnitude more efficient in producing thrust compared to photon rockets. Most of these schemes rely on modifying the inertial mass, which in turn could lead to a new propellantless propulsion method. Our intention is to develop an excellent research infrastructure to test new ideas and measure thrusts and/or artefacts with high confidence to determine if a concept works and if it does how to scale it up. At present, we are focusing on two possible revolutionary concepts: The EMDrive and the Mach-Effect Thruster. The first concept uses microwaves in a truncated cone-shaped cavity that is claimed to produce thrust. Although it is not clear on which theoretical basis this can work, several experimental tests have been reported in the literature, which warrants a closer examination. We are building several models of different sizes to understand scaling laws and the interaction with the test environment. The second concept is theoretically much better understood and is believed to generate mass fluctuations in a piezo-crystal stack that creates non-zero time-averaged thrusts. Apart from theoretical models, we are testing and building several such thrusters in novel setups to further investigate their thrust capability. In addition, we are performing side-experiments to investigate other experimental areas that may be promising for revolutionary propulsion. To improve our testing capabilities, several cutting-edge thrust balances are under development to compare thrust measurements in different measurement setups to gain confidence and to identify experimental artefacts.
Frontiers of Propulsion Science is the first-ever compilation of emerging science relevant to such notions as space drives, warp drives, gravity control, and faster-than-light travel--the kind of breakthroughs that would revolutionize spaceflight and enable human voyages to other star systems. Although these concepts might sound like science fiction, they are appearing in growing numbers in reputable scientific journals. This is a nascent field where a variety of concepts and issues are being explored in the scientific literature, beginning in about the early 1990s. The collective status is still in step 1 and 2 of the scientific method, with initial observations being made and initial hypotheses being formulated, but a small number of approaches are already at step 4, with experiments underway. This emerging science, combined with the realization that rockets are fundamentally inadequate for interstellar exploration, led NASA to support the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project from 1996 through 2002. Frontiers of Propulsion Science covers that project as well as other related work, so as to provide managers, scientists, engineers, and graduate students with enough starting material that they can comprehend the status of this research and decide if and how to pursue it in more depth themselves. Five major sections are included in the book: Understanding the Problem lays the groundwork for the technical details to follow; Propulsion Without Rockets discusses space drives and gravity control, both in general terms and with specific examples; Faster-Than-Light Travel starts with a review of the known relativistic limits, followed by the faster-than-light implications from both general relativity and quantum physics; Energy Considerations deals with spacecraft power systems and summarizes the limits of technology based on accrued science; and From This Point Forward offers suggestions for how to manage and conduct research on such visionary topics.
Some researchers say that phased arrays of laser amplifiers could propel gram-sized spacecraft to the stars in 20 years. But are human technologies ready for the challenging journey?
To create the exotic materials and technologies needed to make stargates and warp drives is the holy grail of advanced propulsion. A less ambitious, but nonetheless revolutionary, goal is finding a way to accelerate a spaceship without having to lug along a gargantuan reservoir of fuel that you blow out a tailpipe. Tethers and solar sails are conventional realizations of the basic idea. There may now be a way to achieve these lofty objectives. "Making Starships and Stargates" will have three parts. The first will deal with information about the theories of relativity needed to understand the predictions of the effects that make possible the "propulsion" techniques, and an explanation of those techniques. The second will deal with experimental investigations into the feasibility of the predicted effects; that is, do the effects exist and can they be applied to propulsion? The third part of the book - the most speculative - will examine the question: what physics is needed if we are to make wormholes and warp drives? Is such physics plausible? And how might we go about actually building such devices? This book pulls all of that material together from various sources, updates and revises it, and presents it in a coherent form so that those interested will be able to find everything of relevance all in one place.
A vacuum test campaign evaluating the impulsive thrust performance of a tapered radio-frequency test article excited in the transverse magnitude 212 mode at 1937 MHz has been completed. The test campaign consisted of a forward thrust phase and reverse thrust phase at less than 8×10−6 torr vacuum with power scans at 40, 60, and 80 W. The test campaign included a null thrust test effort to identify any mundane sources of impulsive thrust; however, none were identified. Thrust data from forward, reverse, and null suggested that the system was consistently performing with a thrust-to-power ratio of 1.2±0.1 mN/kW.