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Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern for noisy
texture classification and retrieval
Mohammad Alkhatib and Adel Hafiane
INSA Centre Val de Loire, Universit´
e d’Orl´
eans, Laboratoire PRISME EA 4229, Bourges F-18000, France
Abstract—Texture is an important cue for different computer
vision tasks and applications. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is
considered one of the best yet efficient texture descriptors.
However, LBP has some notable limitations, mostly the sensitivity
to noise. In this paper, we address these criteria by introducing a
novel texture descriptor, Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern
(RAMBP). RAMBP based on classification process of noisy
pixels, adaptive analysis window, scale analysis and image regions
median comparison. The proposed method handles images with
high noisy textures, and increases the discriminative properties by
capturing microstructure and macrostructure texture informa-
tion. The proposed method has been evaluated on popular texture
datasets for classification and retrieval tasks, and under different
high noise conditions. Without any train or prior knowledge of
noise type, RAMBP achieved the best classification compared
to state-of-the-art techniques. It scored more than 90% under
50% impulse noise densities, more than 95% under Gaussian
noised textures with standard deviation σ= 5, and more than
99% under Gaussian blurred textures with standard deviation
σ= 1.25. The proposed method yielded competitive results and
high performance as one of the best descriptors in noise-free
texture classification. Furthermore, RAMBP showed also high
performance for the problem of noisy texture retrieval providing
high scores of recall and precision measures for textures with
high levels of noise.
Texture is a fundamental characteristic of various types of
images. Texture analysis is considered as a complex problem
due to the large number of texture classes, the associated
intraclass variations such as randomness and periodicity, and
external class variation such as illumination and noise [1].
Texture classification is one of the major problems in texture
analysis, it has a crucial value in the fields of computer vision
and pattern recognition, including medical imaging, document
analysis, environment modeling, and object recognition [2].
One of texture classification methods that gained huge
attention is Local Binary Pattern (LBP). LBP is a powerful
operator that shows robustness to illumination, rotation and
scale [3]. And due to its low computational complexity, LBP
has been used widely as a solution for many problems, such as
texture classification [4], object detection [5], image match-
ing [6], image retrieval [7], biomedical image analysis [8], face
recognition [9], etc. For general texture classification purposes,
LBP derivatives have been introduced such as ILBP [10],
CLBP [11], RLBP [12], DLBP [4], etc.
However, LBP and its derivatives have their weaknesses in
term of robustness to noise. For that, several studies aimed to
present a noise robust operator. In [13], the authors proposed
Median Binary Pattern (MBP) to add more sensitivity to
microstructure and impulse noise robustness. Nevertheless,
MBP does not handle other types of noise and showed low
performance for the high levels of impulse noise. In [14],
the authors introduced Binary Rotation Invariant and Noise
Tolerant (BRINT). Although BRINT samples the points in a
scaled circular neighborhood which made it more distinctive
and robust to noise, it suffers from limitations in term of
robustness under high noisy textures.
In [15], Schaefer et al. proposed Multi-Dimensional Local
Binary Pattern (MDLBP), which added more information from
different radii and concatenated it in one histogram. This
makes the histogram more effective. But this approach suffers
in robustness under high noise corruption and from compu-
tational complicity due to feature dimensionality. In [16], the
authors introduced Adaptive Median Binary Pattern (AMBP).
AMBP used self-adaptive analysis window size depending
on the local microstructure of the texture which made the
descriptor more robust to impulse noise. Despite the noise
robustness of this approach, it has limitations for textures with
a very high level of noise.
In [17], Cimpoi et al. used filter banks and convolutional
neural networks (CNN) for texture recognition and segmenta-
tion. The descriptor built on pre-trained VGG-VD (very deep)
model which improves the performance. This approach is an
effective texture descriptor and produces more robustness for
variable images recognitions, but it has weaknesses to the
median and high noisy textures, and some shortcomings in
term of time complexity.
Guo et al. [18] proposed Scale Selective Local Binary
Patterns (SSLBP). SSLBP uses a Gaussian filter to produce
a scale space of a texture image. For each image in the scale
space, the pre-learned dominant binary patterns histogram is
built. Then the scale invariant feature for each pattern is
found by taking the maximal frequency among different scales.
SSLBP considered an effective descriptor for textures under
Gaussian noise. Nevertheless, SSLBP filtering procedure failed
under impulse noise.
Liu et al. [19] performed median filtering and compared it
with a sampling scheme to introduce Median Robust Extended
Local Binary Pattern (MRELBP). MRELBP adds more mi-
crostructure and macrostructure information, but it used simple
median filter procedure which leads to failure under Gaussian
noise and extremely high level of impulse noise.
Although binary patterns family has huge success in the
arXiv:1805.05732v1 [cs.CV] 15 May 2018
Fig. 1: Illustration for the proposed descriptor.
computer vision field, there are several weaknesses with these
methods. In [20], the authors performed extensive comparisons
for the existing local binary features for texture classification,
where many of the existing local binary approaches suffer from
a serious limitation. These limitations can be concluded in the
descriptor ability to handle textures with a high level of noise,
and to handle different types of noise.
Based on previous descriptors limitations, the obvious ques-
tion being raised here is how to reach high noise robustness
without any prior knowledge of the noise type, without any
prior learning process, and for different kind of noises such
as Gaussian noise, Gaussian blur, and impulse noise. In other
words, performing the descriptor in noise-free data then try to
classify and retrieve the noisy and noise-free textures under
different geometric and illumination condition.
Gaussian noise, Gaussian blur and impulse noise are con-
sidered as the most frequent and challenging noises in image
processing, computer vision and pattern recognition fields. For
that, to improve and ensure the best performance of the image
processes such as classification, these noises should be de-
tected, reduced or removed. Some descriptors incorporate fil-
tering procedure to improve the performance, such as Gaussian
filtering for SSLBP, and median filtering for MBP, AMBP and
MRELBP. Many techniques have been developed to suppress
Gaussian noise, such as mean filter, wavelet denoising [21],
and kernel regression [22]. Nevertheless, these filters are
suitable for Gaussian noise but not for other noises such as
impulse noise. On the other hand, various filters have been
proposed to remove impulse noise, such as median filter [23]
and adapted median filter [24]. Hence median and adaptive
median filters consider all pixels as noisy corrupted pixels, the
filter will fail under images with a high level of noise. To avoid
this drawback, the switching techniques were introduced such
as Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection (BDND), which
takes the advantages of detecting which pixel is corrupted
and which one is not [25]–[27]. In this context, using pixel
classification from switching techniques with binary pattern
methods can lead to better texture analysis for different types
of noise.
In this paper, we propose an efficient and simple local
binary descriptor, Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern
(RAMBP). It takes the advantages of switching techniques and
median adaptive scheme to include more robustness in features
for texture with a high level of noise. RAMBP captures
both microstructure and macrostructure texture information,
and provides a better representation of the local structures.
RAMBP effectiveness and robustness will be examined for
high noisy textures classification and retrieval.
The major contributions of this paper can be summarized
as follows:
•Robust descriptor for different high noises.
•High noisy texture classification.
•Noise-free texture classification.
•Noisy texture retrieval.
The structure of our paper is as follow. Section II details the
proposed RAMBP method. Followed by experimental results
and discussion in Section III. The paper is ended with final
conclusions in Section IV.
To provide an efficient texture classification process, the
descriptor should be discriminative and robust to noise. All
state-of-the-art descriptors share one or more weaknesses
of sensitivity for high noisy textures. RAMBP uses noisy
pixel classification, an adaptive window for the threshold and
binary modules, and regional values instead of using pixels
intensities. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of the proposed descriptor,
where it can be seen it’s divided into three stages, classifica-
tion process of noisy pixels detection, threshold process, and
generating the binary pattern.
A. Classification process for noisy pixels detection
As this paper aims to perform texture classification without
any prior noise knowledge, the first step consists of classifying
each pixel in the image as corrupted or uncorrupted pixels.
for that, the detection step of BDND algorithm [25] has been
adopted in this paper.
Pixel classification starts by taking a 21×21 window around
the central pixel, then examine the pixel whether it meets the
condition as an uncorrupted pixel. If the pixel considered as a
corrupted pixel in the first stage, another examination will be
invoked by imposing a 3×3window around the central pixel
to ensure the examination for more confined local statistics.
A pixel classified as a corrupted pixel, if it fails in both
Fig. 2: Pixel classification example of 5×5window using
the procedure of Alg. 1. In the image C, corrupted pixels are
represented as 0and uncorrupted pixels as 1.
examinations. Alg. 1 provides a full explanation about pixel
classification step.
Fig. 2 provides an example of 5×5window instead of
21×21 to facilitate understanding pixel classification algorithm
(Alg. 1) using the following procedure,
•The first step after choosing the window is to sort all the
pixels in the window to obtain V0, in the given example
(Fig. 2) V0= [0 0 0 0 0 0 39 47 50 62 72 81 165
179 202 205 224 245 255 255 255 255 255 255 255],
and the median value (med) of V0is 165.
•Then the difference vector is obtained DV= [0 0 0 0 0
39831210984 14 23 3192110000000].
•Find vL, the correspondence pixel in V0that gives the
maximum intensity differences in DVleft interval. (left
interval of DVis located between the 0and med in V0).
In this example vL=81.
•In the same manner, find vR, the correspondence pixel in
V0that gives the maximum intensity differences in DV
right interval. (right interval of DVis located between
the med and 255 in V0). And in this example vR=179.
•Then the three clusters are 0,0,0,0,0,0,39,47,50
,62,72,81,165,179, and 202,205,224,245,255,
255,255,255,255,255,255,255. The central pixel
I(x0) = 202 belongs to the third cluster which consid-
ered as corrupted pixel and the pixel needs to re-examine
on 3×3window .
•As can be seen in Fig. 1, sorting the pixels in the 3×3
window gives V0= [0 0 0 165 202 224 245 255 255]
with med =202.DV= [0 0 165 37 22 10 0].vL=0
and vR=165, which provide three clusters 0,0,0,
165, and 202,224,245,255,255. The central pixel
I(x0) = 202 still belongs to the corrupted pixels clusters,
which concludes that is a corrupted pixel and C(x0) = 0.
Algorithm 1: Noisy pixels detection
Input: The original image I.
Output: The image of labeled pixels C.
1for each pixel position x0do
2For the current pixel I(x0), impose a 21 ×21
3Compute V0by sorting the pixels in the window.
4Find the median value(med) of V0.
5From V0, obtain the difference vector DV.
DV[i] = V0[i+ 1] −V0[i], where the index
6Compute the left cluster range vL, where vL=V0[il]
(ilis the index of max(DV0, imed)).
7Compute the right cluster range vR, where
vR=V0[ir](iris the index of
max(DVimed, end)).
8Initialize three clusters of V0,0, vL,vL, vR, and
9if I(x0)∈vL, vRthen
10 x0labeled as uncorrupted pixel.
11 else
12 Repeat 2−8steps with 3×3window around x0.
If I(x0)/∈vL, vR, label x0as corrupted
pixel. Otherwise, x0labeled as uncorrupted
13 end
14 end
B. Threshold Process
Finding the threshold value for each pixel is a crucial point
for generating the binary pattern. Using a corrupted central
pixel as a threshold value, as LBP, will affect the noise
robustness of the descriptor. As well as, using a small or large
region to obtain the median as a threshold value will affect the
descriptor. This leads to biased median value, due to missing
information for the small region or including a large number of
pixels for the large region. For obtaining the threshold value,
adaptive window and pixel classification are used to reach the
maximum robustness.
Alg. 2 represents the threshold process of the proposed
descriptor, which starts by checking if the current pixel is
classified as a corrupted or an uncorrupted pixel. If the current
pixel classified as an uncorrupted pixel, the pixel threshold
value is equal to the current pixel value (same as LBP).
Otherwise, a 3×3window is imposed around the current
pixel and the number of the uncorrupted pixels is counted.
If the number of the uncorrupted pixel is more than the
corrupted ones, the threshold value is equal to the median
of the uncorrupted pixels inside this window. Otherwise, the
window will be enlarged by 1pixel in all directions (5×5).
This process will be repeated until the maximum window size
Fig. 3: Threshold process example to facilitate understanding
Alg. 2.
is reached, where the threshold value is equal to the median
value of all uncorrupted pixel inside that window.
Fig. 3 illustrates an example of obtaining the threshold value
after classifying the pixels using the following procedure,
•The current central pixel is classified as a corrupted pixel,
which leads to impose a 3×3window around it.
•The next step consists of checking whether the number of
uncorrupted pixels is greater than the number of corrupted
one. In the given example, #uncorrupted pixel = 3
while #corrupted pixel = 4, which followed by
ignoring this window and enlarge it to be 5×5window.
•In 5×5window, #uncorrupted pixel = 14 while #
corrupted pixel = 11. This window considered accepted
window, and the threshold value will be obtained by
taking the median value of the uncorrupted pixels, T=
and equal to 67.
C. Generate the binary pattern
To reach the highest performance in texture classification,
the descriptor should balance the classification goals such as
Algorithm 2: Generation of local thresholds
Input: The original image I, the image of labeled pixels
C, maximum window size Wm.
Output: Pixels threshold values T, and pixels
corresponding window size W S.
1for each pixel position x0do
2if I(x0)is classified as uncorrupted pixel in Cthen
3T(x0) = I(x0)
4W S(x0) = 1
6Initialize w= 3
7Impose a window W(w×w) around x0(W∈I)
8Intialize W S(x0) = Wm
9while W < Wmdo
10 Find Nun = # uncorrupted pixels in W
11 if Nun ≥W2
12 W S(x0) = W
13 Break
14 else
15 Update W(w×w), where w=w+ 2
16 end
17 end
18 Find Iun (uncorrupted pixels in W S(x0))
19 T(x0) = med(Iun)
20 end
21 end
robustness to noise, discriminativeness, and low computational
cost. LBP descriptor conveys local structures, but to achieve
better performance, discriminative properties should be used
by considering the effect of image patches instead of taking a
single pixel. To provide more information to the descriptor,
these patches do not intersect with central pixel threshold
window (Sec II-B). As well as, and each patch size will be
found using an adaptive way that depends on each patch pixels.
Fig. 4 and Alg. 3 demonstrates the binary pattern module of
the proposed descriptor.
The binary pattern module (Alg. 3) represents the procedure
of forming the binary pattern. The module starts by finding
the neighborhood patches with a maximum size around its
central pixel. For each patch, a 3×3window imposed around
its central pixel. If the number of uncorrupted pixels is more
than the corrupted pixels, this window considered accepted
window and the value of the patch is the median of the
uncorrupted pixels in that window. Otherwise, the window
is enlarged to be 5×5window. The process continues until
reaching the predefined maximum window size. After finding
each neighborhood patch value, the binary pattern (8bits)
is computed with a simple procedure between the patches
values and the central pixel threshold value, where each patch
represented in the binary pattern by 0 or 1.
Fig. 4: Binary module scheme (Alg. 3). Where x0is the
current central pixel, W S(x0)is x0corresponding window
size (Alg. 2), and Pare the neighborhood patches with each
central pixel (n).
The experiments were carried out with a core 7 Duo
3.50 GHz processor with 32GB RAM under Matlab. Nine
texture datasets were conducted in these experiments, which
considered from the most commonly used texture datasets.
Tab. I summarized the used texture datasets, number of classes,
number of images, images size, and each texture challenges.
To evaluate the robustness of the proposed approach, k-
nearest neighbor (k-NN) had been used. The k-NN classifier
recognized as one of the most popular and simplest methods,
the k-NN is used with χ2distance defined as
χ2(x, y) = 1
where xand yare the features vectors of two different
textures. k-NN is adopted with kvalue equal to 1for most
experiments, but this parameter has been varied to test its
influence on the performance consistency.
In order to study the effect of the adaptive window
maximum size, RAMBP performance has been tested on
Outex T C 11 dataset with different maximum window sizes.
Fig. 6 shows the classification score in different applied
noises for different maximum window size values. As can be
seen, the larger window size gives the higher score, but the
time complexity will grow exponentially. Therefore, a good
trade-off should be taken between the accuracy and the time
complexity. In the experiments, 5×5max window size is
adopted since it gives high classification score and makes
Algorithm 3: Generation of binary patterns
Input: The original image I, the image of labeled pixels
C, maximum window size Wm, pixels threshold
values T, and pixels corresponding window size
W S.
Output: The binary pattern (RAMBP).
1for each pixel position x0do
2The distance between the central pixel and each
patch center (ni): R=Wm+W S(x0)
3for each patch Pi(i∈0:7)do
4Initialize w= 3
5Impose a window W(w×w) around Picenter
(ni) (W∈I)
6Intialize patch window size WPi=Wm
7while W < Wmdo
8Find Nun = # uncorrupted pixels in W
9if Nun ≥W2
10 WPi=W
11 Break.
12 else
13 Update W(w×w), where w=w+ 2
14 end
15 end
16 Find Iun (uncorrupted pixels in WPi)
17 β=med(Iun)
18 S(Pi) = (1, T (x0)≥β
0, T (x0)< β
19 end
20 T he binary pattern(x0) = P7
i=0 S(Pi)2i
21 end
the algorithm run faster. In comparison with traditional LBP,
the proposed method is slower but it has less computational
complexity and dimensionality than many LBP descriptors
used to address the noisy textures.
In this section, we start by evaluation of the proposed
method on high noisy textures, including Salt-and-Pepper
noise, Gaussian noise, and Gaussian blur. Followed by experi-
ment results of the proposed method on noise-free textures. Fi-
nally, the evaluation of the proposed method for noisy textures
retrieval. In this paper, some of state-of-the-art descriptors
results have been reported from [20].
A. Noisy texture classification
Noise robustness is a crucial point for evaluating descriptors.
In this experiment, in order to test the noisy textures and
evaluate the descriptor robustness in a more accurate way, the
random noise generation has been repeated 10 times over the
dataset, and the classification results had been noted by taking
the average of these 10 tests. Noise-free images have been
used for the training step while testing step performed on the
noisy images. Choosing this scheme makes the noisy texture
classification very difficult since the descriptor does not use
any noise information and any prior learning process.
TABLE I: Summary of the used Datasets.
Texture datasets #of classes #of images Image size(pxls) Challenges
Outex T C10 [28] 24 4320 128 ×128 Rotation changes
Outex T C 11 [28] 24 960 128 ×128 Inca illuminant, rotations (0◦)
Outex T C12 [28] 24 4800 128 ×128 Illumination variations, rotation changes
Outex T C23 [28] 68 2720 128 ×128 Inca illuminant, rotations (0◦)
Curet [29] 61 5612 200 ×200 Illumination variation, rotations and pose changes, specularities, shadowing
Brodatz [30] 111 999 215 ×215 Large number of classes, lack of intraclass variations
Brodatz Rot [30] 111 999 128 ×128 Rotation changes, large number of classes, lack of intraclass variations
KT H −T I P S2b[31] 11 4752 200 ×200 Pose changes, illumination changes, scale changes
ALOT [32] 250 25000 384 ×256 Strong illumination changes, rotation changes, large number of classes
Outex T C 11
(a) Noise −free (b) ρ= 5% (c) ρ= 15% (d) ρ= 30% (e) ρ= 40% (f) ρ= 50%
Outex T C 23
(g) Noise −free (h) ρ= 5% (i) ρ= 15% (j) ρ= 30% (k) ρ= 40% (l) ρ= 50%
Fig. 5: Example of Outex T C 11 and Outex T C 23 textures with different impulse noise densities.
TABLE II: Classification scores (%) comparison between the proposed descriptor (RAMBP) and state-of-the-art descriptors
for Salt-and-Pepper noise.
Dataset Outex T C11 O utex T C 23
Noise parameter Noise density ρNoise density ρ
Method 5% 15% 30% 40% 50% 5% 15% 30% 40% 50%
LBP [3] 85.4 15.5 5.4 4.2 4.2 66.0 9.9 3.8 1.8 1.5
LBP riu2[3] 31.7 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.2 11.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
LBP ri [3] 47.1 10.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 26.5 4.7 2.2 1.5 1.5
ILB P rui2[10] 27.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 10.7 2.1 1.5 1.5 1.5
CLB P [11] 17.3 8.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 7.6 2.9 1.5 1.6 1.5
M BP riu2[13] 31.0 8.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 17.0 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
MBP [13] 95.8 38.6 20.5 16.6 16.1 76.8 18.6 6.0 4.9 4.2
RLBP riu2[12] 39.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 18.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
EX LBP [33] 27.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 12.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
N T LBP [34] 74.4 22.1 4.8 5.0 6.3 40.5 4.7 3.8 2.6 2.7
M DLBP riu2[15] 71.9 13.5 8.3 4.2 4.2 38.2 3.7 2.9 2.5 1.9
DLBP [4] 29.8 5.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 16.5 4.9 1.5 1.5 1.5
BRI NT [14] 30.8 7.1 6.0 4.4 4.2 15.9 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.5
LBP D [35] 25.2 8.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 10.3 2.9 1.5 1.5 0.1
SSLBP [18] 29.0 9.6 4.2 4.2 4.2 24.5 2.8 1.5 1.5 1.5
AMBP [16] 100.0 95.4 20.7 13.8 10.7 100.0 85.0 4.8 1.8 1.5
MRELBP [19] 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.8 50.2 100.0 99.9 94.0 54.6 19.2
F V −V GGV D(S V M)[17] 21.0 12.1 6.0 6.5 4.2 10.3 5.2 2.3 1.5 1.8
RAMBP 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.1 98.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 90.2
Fig. 6: Illustration of the performance according to the maxi-
mum window size that the adaptive window could reach.
1) Salt-and-Pepper noise: Impulse noise introduces high
or low values randomly distributed over the image. Salt-
and-Pepper noise has been applied to Outex T C 11 and
Outex T C 23 datasets with different noise densities ρ. High
noisy textures are very challenging as it can be seen in Fig. 5
where textures are visually unrecognizable from 30% of noise.
The results of the proposed algorithm are listed in Tab. II.
It can be observed that the classification accuracy is improved
after using the proposed method. Compared to the different
state-of-the-art techniques, RAMBP yields the best results
and outperforms other techniques, especially on high noisy
As can be seen from the results, using rotational uniform
scheme decreases the performance of the LBP based de-
scriptors. Using LBP and M BP gave better results than
LBP r iu2and MB P riu2, respectively. It can also be no-
ticed from Tab. II that, MRELBP offers the second best
performance but its accuracy drops drastically with high noise
densities (e.g. 50%). Also, AMBP gives good results and
noise robustness under low-density impulse noise but not for
high noise.
Although RAMBP previously mentioned performance
shows a high score where KNN (k= 1) provides the best
match among all images, it is important to study the matched
percentage of the same class images. This percentage can be
computed using different kvalues in k-NN. In other words,
an image is classified by the majority votes and assigned to
the most common class. For example k= 1, KNN provides
the nearest image, then the examined image will be classified
as that image class. For k= 3, KNN provides the nearest
three images and the examined image will be classified to
class with the majority votes between the three images classes.
For that, RAMBP performance has been tested with different
kvalues in k-NN. We can notice from Fig. 7a the stability
and robustness of RAMBP in different Salt-and-Pepper noise
densities where it keeps good accuracy even with high noise
density and large value of k. Also shown in Fig. 7b, the
descriptor performance over khas a more decreasing rate
which is proportional to the noise density. This happens may
be due to the number of classes (i.e. 68) in Outex T C 23
dataset. Nevertheless, the accuracy stays good for different k
2) Gaussian noise: Gaussian noise is an additive noise
affects digital images gray values. Gaussian noise has been
added to Outex T C 11 and Outex T C 23 datasets with stan-
dard deviation σ= 5. Fig. 9 provides an example of the
used datasets after adding Gaussian noise, where visually it
is difficult to see the global effect and the difference between
noise-free and noisy textures, but it can be seen the local
information and pixels intensity are affected.
Tab. III shows the classification results of the proposed
method as well as the state-of-the-art descriptors, where
RAMBP provides the best performance among other de-
scriptors. SSLBP descriptor gives the second best results,
followed by MRELBP, AMBP, and deep learning techniques.
But SSLBP yielded poor accuracy under Salt-and-Pepper as
indicated in Tab. II. As can be observed from Tab. II and
Tab. III, the proposed method achieved the best results in both
experiments and showed nice consistency in different types of
To illustrate the stability of RAMBP for Gaussian noise,
different kvalues in k-NN have been tested as shown in Fig. 8.
We can notice, a small decrease of RAMBP accuracy with
increasing the value of k. Overall, RAMBP provides good
stability and robustness even at large values of kin k-NN.
3) Gaussian blur: Gaussian blur, known also as Gaussian
smoothing, is another kind of effects happened to images,
which results in removing image detail. This type of noise
also modify the local structure which affects the local binary
patterns. In these experiments, Gaussian blur has been applied
to Outex T C 11 and Outex T C 23 datasets with different
standard deviations σ. Fig. 10 illustrates an example of the
used datasets with Gaussian blur.
Tab. IV depicts the classification scores after applying
Gaussian blur. The proposed method shows the best score with
SSLBP method. The latest method performs nicely here be-
cause it includes the blurring process in descriptor generation.
However, it must be recalled the poor performance of SSLBP
in Salt-and-Pepper noise as evidenced in Tab. II. MRELBP and
FV-CNN have good performance under low noisy textures, but
the accuracy vastly decreases under higher noise.
The accuracy of the proposed method can also be observed
in Fig. 11 after varying kvalues in k-NN. In the same Fig. 11,
the classification accuracy is high and gets affected with a
small decrease after increasing the standard deviation and the
value of k. It can be seen that RAMBP has high stability
and robustness among different kvalues. In general, RAMBP
achieved the best results compared to the different state-of-
the-art techniques as apparent in Tab II, III and IV.
B. Noise-free texture classification
Noise-free texture classification is challenging due to
datasets properties mentioned in Tab. I. In these experi-
ments, seven texture datasets have been used. The train-
ing and testing schemes are different from one dataset to
another. For TC 10 and T C12 Outex datasets, testing and
(a) Outex T C 11 (b) Outex T C 23
Fig. 7: The performance of RAMBP for Salt-and-Pepper noise according to kvalues in k-NN. Where kstarts from 1to 21
with a step of two to avoid tie problem, and ρparameter indicates Salt-and-Pepper density.
TABLE III: Classification scores (%) comparison between the proposed descriptor (RAMBP) and state-of-the-art descriptors
for Gaussian noise with standard deviation σ.
Dataset Outex T C11 O utex T C 23
Method σ= 5 σ= 5
LBP [3] 35.0 09.8
LBP riu2[3] 17.7 8.4
LBP ri [3] 16.0 7.9
ILB P rui2[10] 17.5 10.4
CLB P [11] 11.9 5.6
M BP riu2[13] 12.1 5.2
MBP [13] 59.4 22.0
RLBP riu2[12] 22.1 11.9
EX LBP [33] 19.2 10.3
N T LBP [34] 24.0 9.0
M DLBP riu2[15] 12.5 6.1
DLBP [4] 14.8 8.2
BRI NT [14] 61.9 27.4
LBP D [35] 24.6 14.8
SSLBP [18] 97.1 91.5
AMBP [16] 96.5 74.3
MRELBP [19] 91.5 79.2
F V −V GGV D(S V M)[17] 93.1 71.5
RAMBP 99.0 95.9
(a) Outex T C 11 (b) Outex T C 23
Fig. 8: The performance of RAMBP for Gaussian noise with different kvalues in k-NN. Where kstarts from 1to 21 with a
step of two to avoid tie problem, and σparameter indicates Gaussian noise standard deviation.
TABLE IV: Classification scores (%) comparison between the proposed descriptor (RAMBP) and state-of-the-art descriptors
for Gaussian blur with standard deviation σ.
Dataset Outex T C11 O utex T C 23
Method σ= 0.5σ= 0.75 σ= 1 σ= 1.25 σ= 0.5σ= 0.75 σ= 1 σ= 1.25
LBP [3] 99.1 71.8 53.8 39.8 99.9 55.0 37.8 29.0
LBP riu2[3] 94.2 46.5 24.6 12.7 72.4 30.3 16.6 9.7
LBP ri [3] 86.9 44.6 26.0 18.1 57.7 28.3 16.0 9.4
ILB P rui2[10] 97.3 59.8 29.4 20.4 81.7 43.2 25.1 16.7
CLB P [11] 98.8 74.8 49.6 23.1 86.6 55.4 36.1 21.2
M BP riu2[13] 85.4 29.0 18.5 11.9 58.7 22.5 13.5 10.6
MBP [13] 97.5 73.0 50.9 39.5 99.0 58.2 40.7 28.3
RLBP riu2[12] 95.0 49.8 28.7 16.5 75.4 33.2 18.4 10.7
EX LBP [33] 94.0 47.7 28.3 17.1 73.3 32.0 17.8 10.5
N T LBP [34] 96.3 49.0 33.1 19.4 80.1 35.7 21.7 14.1
M DLBP riu2[15] 100.0 60.2 36.9 23.8 95.7 35.1 20.6 12.2
DLBP [4] 90.4 61.5 21.9 13.1 67.7 31.3 16.5 8.7
BRI NT [14] 100.0 97.1 80.4 44.6 100 97.5 59.1 39.1
LBP D [35] 99.4 85.8 65.2 45.4 87.7 56.0 40.2 30.6
SSLBP [18] 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.6
AMBP [16] 100.0 99.0 88.7 52.6 100.0 99.5 81.4 53.8
MRELBP [19] 100.0 100.0 93.8 75.4 99.9 97.9 85.8 61.8
F V −V GGV D(S V M)[17] 100.0 100.0 96.5 89.8 99.6 94.1 83.1 71.8
RAMBP 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.2
TABLE V: Classification scores (%) comparison between the proposed descriptor (RAMBP) and state-of-the-art descriptors
for noise-free texture classification.
Method T C10 T C 12 Curet B rodatz B rodatzRot K T H 2b ALOT
#classes (24) (24) (61) (111) (111) (11) (250)
LBP [3] 99.36 90.55 92.77 88.67 76.48 60.33 86.58
LBP riu2[3] 99.69 92.16 97.03 90.70 79.22 62.69 94.15
LBP ri [3] 86.69 83.68 95.38 89.93 71.73 61.48 93.29
ILB P rui2[10] 99.66 93.34 94.66 91.66 82.27 61.93 95.71
CLB P [11] 99.45 95.78 97.33 92.34 84.35 64.18 96.74
M BP riu2[13] 95.29 86.69 92.09 87.25 74.57 61.49 88.23
MBP [13] 98.52 97.17 91.24 89.27 76.67 60.19 91.30
RLBP riu2[12] 99.66 93.53 97.20 91.09 79.59 61.20 94.23
EX LBP [33] 99.64 93.55 96.85 90.19 80.08 62.39 95.20
N T LBP [34] 99.32 95.27 96.11 89.31 80.25 61.30 94.47
M DLBP riu2[15] 99.22 95.64 96.92 93.40 82.31 66.52 95.81
DLBP [4] 99.46 91.97 94.38 88.73 75.04 61.72 NO
BRI NT [14] 99.35 98.13 97.02 90.83 78.77 66.67 96.13
LBP D [35] 98.78 96.67 94.23 89.74 74.79 63.47 92.82
SSLBP [18] 99.82 99.36 98.79 89.94 80.03 65.57 96.68
AMBP [16] 99.68 98.12 95.64 90.67 79.86 62.73 95.82
MRELBP [19] 99.82 99.58 97.10 90.86 81.92 68.98 97.28
F V −V GGV D(S V M)[17] 80.00 82.30 99.00 98.70 92.10 88.20 99.50
RAMBP 99.90 99.70 98.50 94.05 86.98 68,86 97.59
training samples are well-defined by [3]. For T C10 the
training set has no rotation, and the testing set is rotated by
5◦,10◦,15◦,30◦,45◦,60◦,75◦,90◦rotation angles. Also,
T C23 the training set has no rotation, while the testing set is
rotated by 0◦,5◦,10◦,15◦,30◦,45◦,60◦,75◦,90◦rotation
BrodatzRot is generated to test rotation invariance by
applying a random rotation angle for each sample in Brodatz.
For Curet,Brodatz,BrodatzRot, and ALOT datasets, each
class samples was divided equally (50% train/test) using a
random selection of the samples. 100 random couple train/test
sets were generated and the classification results are averaged
over the 100 random partitionings. For KT H 2bdataset which
has four samples of 11 classes each, training is performed on
three samples and testing on the remaining one, the results are
obtained by performing the experiment four times.
The result of texture classification is depicted in Tab. V,
where RAMBP provides the best results in some datasets
and high performance for the others. Also, FV-CNN, SSLBP
and MRELBP techniques show high and competitive perfor-
mances. However, since RAMBP does not use any learning
process and provides high performance for different kind of
noises, RAMBP stands out the best descriptor in noisy and
noise-free texture classification.
C. Noisy texture retrieval
Texture retrieval is based on image illustration and repre-
sentation, and its basic idea is setting a query image, find
Outex T C 11
(a) Noise −free (b) σ= 5
Outex T C 23
(c) Noise −free (d) σ= 5
Fig. 9: Example of Outex T C 11 and Outex T C 23 textures
with Gaussian noise standard deviation σ= 5, where it shows
the changes in pixels values.
the best-matched image then retrieve it [36]. Texture retrieval
starts by building the database, and extract its features. To
retrieve a query image, the image features will be extracted
and matched with the database feature vectors. Each image in
the database will be ranked according to the similarity with the
query image. Noisy texture retrieval is more challenging than
noise-free texture retrieval, where it depends on the robustness
of image features representation. So far little attention has been
paid to noisy image retrieval. These experiments illustrate how
the proposed method can be effective for noisy image retrieval
In the literature, many types of distances have been ap-
plied. Here, χ2distance is adapted to find the distances and
similarities between the noisy query image and noise-free
dataset images. The images are ranked in term of distances and
considered as the neighbors (k-NN) in the feature space. This
followed by returning the best similar images as the results.
Fig. 12 shows the flow chart of the texture retrieval process.
Accuracy is the most common performance measure, but
the main drawback is that accuracy hides some details that
can help understanding better the classification model perfor-
mance. For that, Recall and Precision provide better perfor-
mance understanding by taking both false positives and false
negatives into account. RAMBP noisy texture retrieval perfor-
mance had been tested with regard to recall and precision by
conducting the experiment on Outex T C 11 dataset. Recall
is the number of relevant images retrieved with respect to
the number of all images in the class, while Precision is the
number relevant images retrieved with respect to all retrieved
Recall =Relevant images retrieved
T otal number of class images (2)
P recision =Relevant images retrieved
T otal number of r etrieved images (3)
In this experiment, different kinds of noise were applied
to Outex T C 11 database. The noisy images were chosen as
the query images, while noise-free images were chosen as
database images. And due to the number of images per class
in Outex T C 11 dataset (40 images per class), the number of
k-nearest neighbor is tested up to 40 (more precise from 1 to
39 with a step of 2 to avoid tie problem). Fig. 13 provides a
simple example of the noisy texture retrieval ranking procedure
and how to calculate the recall and precision values.
For evaluating both correctness and accuracy of RAMBP,
recall and precision graph was used. And with the aim of eval-
uating the descriptor robustness, only textures with medium
and high noises were tested. To find recall and precision
values for all noisy database queries, the average of these
values is taken. Fig. 14 provides the proposed method retrieval
performance results. As it can be noticed from Fig. 14,
RAMBP shows high robustness and provides high recall and
precision rate even under high level of noise.
Texture classification is a crucial process in many computer
vision fields applications. Existing descriptors achieved good
texture classification performance. However, these descriptors
have some weaknesses and limitations. One of these limita-
tions is descriptor robustness to high level of noise. Another
limitation is the robustness for different kind of noises. To
address these limitations Robust Adaptive Median Binary
Pattern (RAMBP) descriptor is introduced in this paper.
RAMBP descriptor takes the advantage of pixel classifi-
cation and the adaptive analysis to provide strong discrim-
inativeness and noise robustness properties. The proposed
descriptor has been evaluated on noisy textures including Salt-
and-Pepper, Gaussian noise, and Gaussian blur. Experimental
results indicated that RAMBP outperforms other existing
descriptors for handling high noisy textures classification, and
performs as one of the best in noise-free texture classification.
In this paper noisy texture retrieval was introduced, where it
demonstrates the consistency and stability of RAMBP, and it
shows the high performance and robustness of RAMBP.
Overall, the proposed method provides the best performance
in both texture classification and retrieval with a presence
of very challenging different types of noise. As future work,
the proposed approach will be extended to assessed on other
datasets and other types of noise.
Outex T C 11
(a) Noise −free (b) σ= 0.5(c) σ= 0.75 (d) σ= 1 (e) σ= 1.25
Outex T C 23
(f) Noise −free (g) σ= 0.5(h) σ= 0.75 (i) σ= 1 (j) σ= 1.25
Fig. 10: Example of Outex T C 11 and Outex T C 23 textures with different Gaussian blur standard deviation.
(a) Outex T C 11 (b) Outex T C 23
Fig. 11: The performance of RAMBP for Gaussian blur with different kvalues in k-NN. Where kstarts from 1to 21 with a
step of two to avoid tie problem, and σparameter indicates Gaussian blur standard deviation.
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