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Hybrid OLTP and OLAP
Jana Giceva1and Mohammad Sadoghi2
1Department of Computing, Imperial College
London, London, UK
2University of California, Davis, CA, USA
HTAP;Hybrid transactional and analytical pro-
cessing;Operational analytics;Transactional an-
Hybrid transactional and analytical processing
(HTAP) refers to system architectures and tech-
niques that enable modern database management
systems (DBMS) to perform real-time analytics
on data that is ingested and modified in the
transactional database engine. It is a term that was
originally coined by Gartner where Pezzini et al.
(2014) highlight the need of enterprises to close
the gap between analytics and action for better
business agility and trend awareness.
The goal of running transactions and analytics on
the same data has been around for decades, but
has not fully been realized due to technology lim-
itations. Today, businesses can no longer afford
to miss the real-time insights from data that is in
their transactional system as they may lose com-
petitive edge unless business decisions are made
on latest data (Analytics on latest data implies
allowing the query to run on any desired level of
isolations including dirty read, committed read,
snapshot read, repeatable read, or serializable.)
or fresh data (Analytics on fresh data implies
running queries on a recent snapshot of data
that may not necessarily be the latest possible
snapshot when the query execution began or a
consistent snapshot.). As a result, in recent years
in both academia and industry, there has been
an effort to address this problem by designing
techniques that combine the transactional and
analytical capabilities and integrate them in a sin-
gle hybrid transactional and analytical processing
(HTAP) system.
Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems
are optimized for write-intensive workloads.
OLTP systems employ data structures that are
designed for high volume of point access queries
with a goal to maximize throughput and minimize
latency. Transactional DBMSs typically store
data in a row format, relying on indexes and
efficient mechanisms for concurrency control.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) systems
are optimized for heavy read-only queries that
touch large amounts of data. The data structures
used are optimized for storing and accessing large
volumes of data to be transferred between the
storage layer (disk or memory) and the process-
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
S. Sakr, A. Zomaya (eds.), Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies,
2Hybrid OLTP and OLAP
ing layer (e.g., CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs). Analytical
DBMSs store data in column stores with fast
scanning capability that is gradually eliminating
the need for maintaining indexes. Furthermore to
keep high performance and to avoid the overhead
of concurrency, these systems only batch updates
at predetermined intervals. This, however, limits
the data freshness visible to analytical queries.
Therefore, given the distinct properties of
transactional data and (stale) analytical data,
most enterprises have opted for a solution that
separates the management of transactional and
analytical data. In such a setup, analytics is
performed as part of a specialized decision
support system (DSS) in isolated data ware-
houses. The DSS executes complex long running
queries on data at rest and the updates from
the transactional database are propagated via
an expensive and slow extract-transform-load
(ETL) process. The ETL process transforms data
from transactional-friendly to analytics-friendly
layout, indexes the data, and materializes selected
pre-aggregations. Today’s industry requirements
are in conflict with such a design. Applications
want to interface with fewer systems and try to
avoid the burden of moving the transactional data
with the expensive ETL process to the analytical
warehouse. Furthermore, systems try to reduce
the amount of data replication and the cost that
it brings. More importantly, enterprises want to
improve data freshness and perform analytics
on operational data. Ideally, systems should
enable applications to immediately react on
facts and trends learned by posing an analytical
query within the same transactional request. In
short, the choice of separating OLTP and OLAP
is becoming obsolete in light of exponential
increase in data volume and velocity and the
necessity to enrich the enterprise to operate based
on real-time insights.
In the rest of this entry, we discuss design de-
cisions, key research findings, and open questions
in the database community revolving around ex-
citing and imminent HTAP challenges.
Key Research Findings
Among existing HTAP solutions, we differen-
tiate between two main design paradigms: (1)
operating on a single data representation (e.g.,
row or column store format) vs. multiple rep-
resentations of data (e.g., both row and column
store formats) and (2) operating on a single copy
of data (i.e., single data replica) vs. maintaining
multiple copies of data (through a variety of data
replication techniques).
Examples of systems that operate on a single
data representation are SAP HANA by Sikka
et al. (2012), HyPer by Neumann et al. (2015),
and L-Store by Sadoghi et al. (2016a,b,2013,
2014). They provide a unified data representation
and enable users to analyze the latest (not just
fresh data) or any version of data. Here we must
note that operating on a single data representation
does not necessarily mean avoiding the need for
data replication. For instance, the initial version
of HyPer relied on a copy-on-write mechanism
from the underlying operating system, while SAP
HANA keeps the data in a main and a delta,
which contains the most recent updates still not
merged with the main. L-Store maintains the his-
tory of changes to the data (the delta) alongside
the lazily maintained latest copy of data in a
unified representation form.
Other systems follow the more classical ap-
proach of data warehousing, where multiple data
representations are exploited, either within a sin-
gle instance of the data or by dedicating a sep-
arate replica for different workloads. Example
systems are SQL Server’s column-store index
proposed by Larson et al. (2015), Oracle’s in-
memory dual-format by Lahiri et al. (2015), SAP
HANA SOE’s architecture described by Goel
et al. (2015), and the work on fractured mirrors
by Ramamurthy et al. (2002), to name a few.
Unified Data Representation
The first main challenge for single data rep-
resentation HTAP systems is choosing (or de-
signing) a suitable data storage format for hy-
brid workloads. As noted earlier, there are many
systems whose storage format was optimized to
support efficient execution of a particular class
Hybrid OLTP and OLAP 3
of workloads. Two prominent example formats
are row store (NSM) and column store (DSM),
but researchers have also shown the benefit of
alternative stores like partition attribute across
(PAX) proposed by Ailamaki et al. (2001) that
strike a balance between the two extremes. OLTP
engines typically use a row-store format with
highly tuned data structures (e.g., lock-free skip
lists, latch-free BW trees), which provide low
latencies and high throughput for operational
workloads. OLAP engines have been repeatedly
shown to perform better if data is stored in col-
umn stores. Column stores provide better support
for data compression and are more optimized for
in-memory processing of large volumes of data.
Thus, the primary focus was on developing new
storage layouts that can efficiently support both
OLTP and OLAP workloads.
The main challenge is the conflict in the prop-
erties of data structures suitable to handle large
volume of update-heavy requests on the one hand
and fast data scans on the other hand. Researchers
have explored where to put the updates (whether
to apply them in-place, append them in a log-
structured format, or store them in a delta and
periodically merge them with the main), how
to best arrange the records (row-store, column-
store, or a PAX format), and how to handle mul-
tiple versions and when to do garbage collection.
Sadoghi et al. (2016a,b,2013,2014) proposed
L-Store (lineage-based data store) that combines
the real-time processing of transactional and an-
alytical workloads within a single unified engine.
L-Store bridges the gap between managing the
data that is being updated at a high velocity and
analyzing a large volume of data by introducing
a novel update-friendly lineage-based storage ar-
chitecture (LSA). This is achieved by develop-
ing a contention-free and lazy staging of data
from write-optimized into read-optimized form
in a transactionally consistent manner without
the need to replicate data, to maintain multiple
representation of data, or to develop multiple
loosely integrated engines that limit real-time
The basic design of LSA consists of two
core ideas, as captured in Fig. 1. First, the base
data is kept in read-only blocks, where a block
is an ordered set of objects of any type. The
modification to the data blocks (also referred
to as base pages) is accumulated in the cor-
responding lineage blocks (also referred to as
tail pages). Second, a lineage mapping links an
object in the data blocks to its recent updates in
a lineage block. This essentially decouples the
updates from the physical location of objects.
Therefore, via the lineage mapping, both the
base and updated data are retrievable. A lazy,
contention-free background process merges the
recent updates with their corresponding read-
only base data in order to construct new con-
solidated data blocks while data is continuously
being updated in the foreground without any
interruption. The merge is necessary to ensure
optimal performance for the analytical queries.
Furthermore, each data block internally main-
tains the lineage of the updates consolidated thus
far. By exploiting the decoupling and lineage
tracking, the merge process, which only creates
a new set of read-only consolidated data blocks,
is carried out completely independently from
update queries, which only append changes to
lineage blocks and update the lineage mapping.
Hence, there is no contention in the write paths
of update queries and the merge process. That
is a fundamental property necessary to build a
highly scalable distributed storage layer that is
Neumann et al. (2015) proposed a novel
MVCC implementation, which does update
in place and store prior versions as before-
image deltas, which enable both an efficient
scan execution and fine-grained serializability
validation needed for fast processing of
point access transactions. From the NoSQL
side, Pilman et al. (2017) demonstrated how
scans can be efficiently implemented on a key-
value store (KV store) enabling more complex
analytics to be done on large and distributed
KV stores. Wildfire from IBM by Barber et al.
(2016,2017) uses Apache Parquet to support
both analytical and transactional requests. IBM
Wildfire is a variant of IBM DB2 BLU that is
integrated into Apache Spark to support fast
ingest of updates. The authors adopt the relaxed
last-writer-wins semantics and offer an efficient
4Hybrid OLTP and OLAP
Data Block
Lineage Block
Index Secondary
Lineage Mapping
Appending Updates
Lazily Consolidating
Data Block
Lineage Block
Lineage Tacking
Lineage Tacking
Consolidated Data
Lineage Tacking
Hybrid OLTP and OLAP, Fig. 1 Lineage-based storage architecture (LSA)
snapshot isolation on recent view of data (but
stale) by relying on periodic shipment and writing
of the logs onto a distributed file system.
Manifold of Data Representations
An alternative approach comes from systems that
propose using hybrid stores to keep the data in
two or more layouts, either by partitioning the
data based on the workload properties or by doing
partial replication. They exploit manifold special-
ization techniques that are aligned with the tenet
“one size does not fit all” as explained by Stone-
braker and Cetintemel (2005). Typically the hy-
brid mode consists of storing data in row and
column formats by collocating attributes that are
accessed together within a query. The main differ-
entiators among the proposed solutions come by
addressing the following challenges: How does a
system determine which data to store in which
layout – is it specified manually by the DB
administrator, or is it derived by the system itself?
Is the data layout format static or can it change
over time? If the latter, which data is affected by
the transformations – is it the hot or cold data?
Does the system support update propagation or
is the data transformation only recommended for
read-only data? If the former, when does the
data transformation take place – is it incremental
or immediate? Does it happen as part of query
execution or is it done as part of a background
Grund et al. (2010) with their HYRISE system
propose the use of the partially decomposed
storage model and automatically partition
tables into vertical partitions of varying depth,
depending on how the columns are accessed.
Unfortunately, the bandwidth savings achieved
with this storage model come with an increased
CPU cost. A follow-up work by Pirk et al. (2013)
improves the performance by combining the
partially decomposed storage model with just-
in-time (JiT) compilation of queries, which
eliminates the CPU-inefficient function calls.
Based on the work in HYRISE, Plattner (2009)in
SAP developed HANA, where tuples startout in a
row-store and are then migrated to a compressed
Hybrid OLTP and OLAP 5
column-store storage manager. Similarly, also
MemSQL, Microsoft’s SQL Server, and Oracle
support the two storage formats. One of the
main differentiators among these systems is who
decides on the partitioned layout: i.e., whether the
administrator manually specifies which relations
and attributes should be stored as a column store
or the system derives it automatically. The latter
can be achieved by monitoring and identifying
hot vs. cold data or which attributes are accessed
together in OLAP queries. There are a few
research systems that have demonstrated the
benefits of using adaptive data stores that can
transform the data from one format to another
with an evolving HTAP workload. Dittrich and
Jindal (2011) show how to maintain multiple
copies of the data in different layouts and use a
logical log as a primary storage structure before
creating a secondary physical representation
from the log entries. In H2O, Alagiannis et al.
(2014) maintain the same data in different storage
formats and improve performance of the read-
only workload by leveraging multiple processing
engines. The work by Arulraj et al. (2016)
performs data reorganization on cold data. The
reorganization is done as part of an incremental
background process that does not impact the
latency-sensitive transactions but improves the
performance of the analytical queries.
Data Replication
Operating on a single data replica may come at
a cost due to an identified trade-off between de-
gree of data freshness, system performance, and
predictability of throughput and response time for
a hybrid workload mix. Thus, the challenges for
handling HTAP go beyond the layout in which
the data is stored. A recent study by Psaroudakis
et al. (2014) shows that systems like SAP HANA
and HyPer, which rely on partial replication,
experience interference problems between the
transactional and analytical workloads. The ob-
served performance degradation is attributed to
both resource sharing (physical cores and shared
CPU caches) and synchronization overhead when
querying and/or updating the latest data.
This observation motivated researchers to re-
visit the benefits of data replication and address
the open challenge of efficient update propaga-
tion. One of the first approaches for address-
ing hybrid workloads was introduced by Rama-
murthy et al. (2002), where the authors proposed
replicating the data and storing it in two data
formats (row and columnar). The key advantage
is that the data layouts and the associated data
structures as well as the data processing tech-
niques can be tailored to the requirements of
the particular workload. Additionally, the system
can make efficient use of the available hardware
resources and their specialization. This is often
viewed as a loose-form of an HTAP system. The
main challenge for this approach is maintaining
the OLAP replica up to date and avoiding the ex-
pensive ETL process. BatchDB by Makreshanski
et al. (2017) relies on primary-secondary form
of replication with the primary replica handling
the OLTP workload and the updates being prop-
agated to a secondary replica that handles the
OLAP workload (Fig. 2). BatchDB successfully
addresses the problem of performance interfer-
ence by spatially partitioning resources to the
two data replicas and their execution engines
(e.g., either by allocating a dedicated machine
and connecting the replicas with RDMA over In-
finiBand or by allocating separate NUMA nodes
within a multi-socket server machine). The sys-
tem supports high-performance analytical query
processing on fresh data with snapshot isolation
guarantees. It achieves that by queuing queries
and updates on the OLAP side and schedul-
ing them in batches, executing one batch at a
time. BatchDB ensures that the OLAP queries
see the latest snapshot of the data by using a
lightweight propagation algorithm, which incurs
a small overhead on the transactional engine to
extract the updates and efficiently applies them
on the analytical side at a faster rate than what
has been recorded as a transactional throughput
in literature so far. Such a system design solves
the problem of high performance and isolation for
hybrid workloads, and most importantly enables
data analytics on fresh data. The main problem is
that it limits the functionality of what an HTAP
application may do with the data. For instance, it
6Hybrid OLTP and OLAP
OLAP dispatcher
OLTP Replica OLAP Replica
OLTP requests OLAP queries
OLTP Updates
Get latest
snapshot version
OLTP dispatcher
single snapshot
Hybrid OLTP and OLAP, Fig. 2 Replication-based HTAP architecture
does not support interleaving of analytical queries
within a transaction and does not allow analysts
to go back in time and explore prior versions of
the data to explain certain trends.
Oracle GoldenGate and SAP HANA SOE also
leverage data replication and rely on specialized
data processing engines for the different replicas.
In GoldenGate, Oracle uses a publish/subscribe
mechanism and propagates the updates from the
operational database to the other replicas if they
have subscribed to receive the updates log.
Examples of Applications
There are many possible applications of HTAP
for modern businesses. With today’s dynamic
data-driven world, real-time advanced analytics
(e.g., planning, forecasting, and what-if analy-
sis) becomes an integral part of many business
processes rather than a separate activity after the
events have happened. One example is online
retail. The transactional engine keeps track of
data including the inventory list and products
and the registered customers and manages all the
purchases. An analyst can use this online data to
understand customer behavior and come up with
better strategies for product placement, optimized
pricing, discounts, and personalized recommen-
dations as well as to identify products which are
in high demand and do proactive inventory refill.
Another business use for HTAP comes from the
financial industry sector. The transactional engine
already supports millions of banking transactions
per second and real-time fraud detection and
action which can save billions of dollars. Yet
another example of real-time detection and action
is inspired by content delivery networks (CDNs),
where businesses need to monitor the network of
web servers that deliver and distribute the content
at real time. An HTAP system can help identify
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, find
locations with spikes to redistribute the traffic
bandwidth, get the top-kcustomers in terms of
traffic usage, and be able to act on it immediately.
Future Directions of Research
At the time of writing this manuscript, we argue
that there is yet any system or technique that ful-
fill all HTAP promises to successfully interleave
analytical processing within transactions. This is
sometimes referred to as true or in-process HTAP,
i.e., real-time analytics that is not limited to latest
committed data and posed as a read-only request
Hybrid OLTP and OLAP 7
but incorporates the analytics as part of the same
write-enabled transaction request. Supporting in-
process HTAP is an ongoing effort in the research
community and much sought-after feature for
many enterprise systems.
Another open question is to investigate
whether HTAP systems could and should support
different types of analytical processing in
addition to traditional OLAP analytics, e.g., the
emergence of polystore by Duggan et al. (2015).
Training and inferring from machine learning
models that describe fraudulent user behavior
could supplement the existing knowledge of
OLAP analytics. Furthermore, with the support
of graph processing, one can finally uncover
fraudulent rings and other sophisticated scams
that can be best identified using graph analytics
queries. Therefore, it would be of great use if the
graph analytical engine can process online data
and be integrated in a richer and more expressive
HTAP system (e.g., Hassan et al. 2017).
Finally, there is the question on how hard-
ware heterogeneity could impact the design of
HTAP systems. With the end of Moore’s Law,
the hardware landscape has been shifting to-
wards specialization of computational units (e.g.,
GPUs, Xeon Phi, FPGAs, near-memory comput-
ing, TPUs) (Najafi et al. 2017,2015; Teubner
and Woods 2013). Hardware has always been an
important game changer for databases, and as in-
memory processing enabled much of the tech-
nology for approaching true HTAP, there is dis-
cussion that the coming computing heterogeneity
is going to significantly influence the design of
future systems as highlighted by Appuswamy
et al. (2017).
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