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Benchmarking Virtuoso 8 at the Mighty Storage
Challenge 2018: Training Results
Milos Jovanovik1,2and Mirko Spasi´c1,3
1OpenLink Software, United Kingdom
2Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering,
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
3Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract. Following the success of Virtuoso at last year’s Mighty Stor-
age Challenge - MOCHA 2017, we decided to participate once again and
test the latest Virtuoso version against the new tasks which comprise
the MOCHA 2018 challenge. The aim of the challenge is to test the
performance of solutions for SPARQL processing in aspects relevant for
modern applications: ingesting data, answering queries on large datasets
and serving as backend for applications driven by Linked Data. The chal-
lenge tests the systems against data derived from real applications and
with realistic loads, with an emphasis on dealing with changing data
in the form of streams or updates. Virtuoso, by OpenLink Software,
is a modern enterprise-grade solution for data access, integration, and
relational database management, which provides a scalable RDF Quad
Store. In this paper, we present the training phase results for Virtuoso,
for the MOCHA 2018 challenge. These results will serve as a guideline
for improvements in Virtuoso which will then be tested as part of the
main MOCHA 2018 challenge.
Keywords: Virtuoso, Mighty Storage Challenge, MOCHA, Benchmarks,
Data Storage, Linked Data, RDF, SPARQL
1 Introduction
Last year’s Mighty Storage Challenge, MOCHA 2017, was quite successful for
our team and Virtuoso – we won the overall challenge [5,9]. Building on that, we
intend to participate in this year’s challenge as well, in all four challenge tasks:
(i) RDF data ingestion, (ii) data storage, (iii) versioning and (iv) browsing. The
Mighty Storage Challenge 20184aims to provide objective measures for how well
current systems perform on real tasks of industrial relevance, and also help detect
bottlenecks of existing systems to further their development towards practical
usage. This arises from the need for devising systems that achieve acceptable
performance on real datasets and real loads, as a subject of central importance
for the practical applicability of Semantic Web technologies.
2 Jovanovik and Spasi´c
2 Virtuoso Universal Server
Virtuoso Universal Server5is a modern enterprise-grade solution for data ac-
cess, integration, and relational database management. It is a database en-
gine hybrid that combines the functionality of a traditional relational database
management system (RDBMS), object-relational database (ORDBMS), virtual
database, RDF, XML, free-text, web application server and file server function-
ality in a single system. It operates with SQL tables and/or RDF based prop-
erty/predicate graphs. Virtuoso was initially developed as a row-wise transaction
oriented RDBMS with SQL federation, i.e. as a multi-protocol server providing
ODBC and JDBC access to relational data stored either within Virtuoso itself
or any combination of external relational databases. Besides catering to SQL
clients, Virtuoso has a built-in HTTP server providing a DAV repository, SOAP
and WS* protocol end-points and dynamic web pages in a variety of scripting
languages. It was subsequently re-targeted as an RDF graph store with built-in
SPARQL and inference [2, 3]. Recently, the product has been revised to take
advantage of column-wise compressed storage and vectored execution [1].
The largest Virtuoso applications are in the RDF and Linked Data domains,
where terabytes of RDF triples are in use – a size which does not fit into main
memory. The space efficiency of column-wise compression was the biggest incen-
tive for the column store transition of Virtuoso [1]. This transition also made
Virtuoso a competitive option for relational analytics. Combining a schemaless
data model with analytics performance is an attractive feature for data inte-
gration in scenarios with high schema volatility. Virtuoso has a shared cluster
capability for scaling-out, an approach mostly used for large RDF deployments.
A more detailed description of Virtuoso’s triple storage, the compression
implementation and the translation of SPARQL queries into SQL queries, is
available in our paper from MOCHA 2017 [9].
3 Evaluation
In this section, we present our preliminary results for all the tasks in the chal-
lenge, based on the training data available on the project website and the bench-
mark parameters for the training phase specified by the tasks’ organizers. For
this purpose, we used a local deployment of the HOBBIT platform6.
Task 1 - RDF Data Ingestion: The aim of this task is to measure the
performance of SPARQL query processing systems when faced with streams of
data from industrial machinery in terms of efficiency and completeness. This
benchmark, called ODIN (StOrage and Data Insertion beNchmark), increases
the size and velocity of RDF data used, in order to evaluate how well can a system
store streaming RDF data obtained from the industry. The data is generated
from one or multiple resources in parallel and is inserted using SPARQL INSERT
queries. At some points in time, SPARQL SELECT queries check the triples that
Benchmarking Virtuoso 8 at MOCHA 2018: Training Results 3
are actually inserted and test the systems ingestion performance and storage
abilities [4].
Results: We tested our system, Virtuoso 8.0 Commercial Edition, against
ODIN as part of the training phase. The Virtuoso configuration parameters are
available at Github7. The task organizers specified the benchmark parameters
for this phase and the values of these parameters are shown in Table 1, while
the achieved KPIs for our system are presented in the Table 2.
Table 1: ODIN Configuration.
Parameter Value
Duration 600000
Mimicking algorithm TRANSPORT DATA
Output folder output data/
Number of DG - agents 1
Insert queries per stream 5
Number of TG - agents 1
Population of gen. data 50
Seed 123
Table 2: ODIN KPIs for Virtuoso
KPI Value
Avg. Delay of Tasks (in s) 0.2246
Macro-Average-F-Measure 0.9494
Macro-Average-Precision 0.9219
Macro-Average-Recall 0.9786
Micro-Average-F-Measure 0.9546
Micro-Average-Precision 0.9292
Micro-Average-Recall 0.9813
Maximum Triples/s 6473.7
Task 2 - Data Storage: This task uses the Data Storage Benchmark (DSB)
and its goal is to measure how data storage solutions perform with interactive,
simple, read, SPARQL queries as well as complex ones, accompanied with a high
insert data rate via SPARQL UPDATE queries, in order to mimic real use-cases
where READ and WRITE operations are bundled together. It also tests systems
for their bulk load capabilities [6].
Results: The benchmark parameters for the test phase are shown in Table 3,
and the achieved KPIs for our system are presented in Table 4.
Task 3 - Versioning RDF Data: The aim of this task is to test the ability
of versioning systems to efficiently manage evolving datasets, where triples are
added or deleted, and queries evaluated across the multiple versions of said
datasets. It uses the Versioning Benchmark (VB) [7].
Results: Table 5 shows the benchmark configuration and Table 6 shows the
Virtuoso 8.0 results for the versioning task.
Task 4 - Browsing: The task on faceted browsing checks existing solu-
tions for their capabilities of enabling faceted browsing through large-scale RDF
datasets, that is, it analyses their efficiency in navigating through large datasets,
4 Jovanovik and Spasi´c
Table 3: DSB Configuration.
Parameter Value
Scale factor 1
Number of Operations 15000
Enable Sequential Tasks true
Seed 100
Table 4: DSB KPIs for Virtuoso 8.0.
KPI Value
Average Query Execution Time 22.2736
Loading Time (in ms) 372332
Query Failures 0
Throughput (queries/s) 40.0752
Table 5: VB Configuration.
Parameter Value
Generated Data Form IC
Initial Version Size 50000
Number of Versions 5
Version Deletion Ratio (%) 3
Version Insertion Ratio (%) 5
Table 6: VB KPIs for Virtuoso 8.0.
KPI Value
Applied changes speed (changes/s) 9819.67
Initial Ingestion speed (triples/s) 12583.44
Queries Failed 2
Throughput (queries/s) 2.7946
where the navigation is driven by intelligent iterative restrictions. The goal of
the task is to measure the performance relative to dataset characteristics, such
as overall size and graph characteristics [8].
Results: Unlike the previous tasks where we executed our experiments in the
training phase on the HOBBIT platform, the new version of this benchmark
has not been ported to it yet. Therefore, we executed the Versioning task on
a local Virtuoso instance, using the training data and queries made available
by MOCHA 2018. The Virtuoso 8.0 query execution times for the benchmark
queries are presented in the Table 7 and Table 8.
Table 7: Query Execution Times (in
ms) for Scenario 1.
Q Id Time Q Id Time Q Id Time
1 119 7 40 13 16
2 27 8 94 14 26
3 21 9 25 15 16
4 11 10 81 16 26
5 95 11 24
6 40 12 14
Table 8: Query Execution Times (in
ms) for Scenario 2.
Q Id Time Q Id Time Q Id Time
1 12 7 13 13 13
2 8 8 7 14 10
3 7 9 13 15 9
4 8 10 8 16 9
5 8 11 13 17 9
6 13 12 11
Benchmarking Virtuoso 8 at MOCHA 2018: Training Results 5
4 Conclusion and Future Work
This paper is to be considered as a part of the registration process of MOCHA
2018, a challenge included in the Challenges Track of ESWC 2018. We express
interest to participate in the following tasks: (i) RDF data ingestion, (ii) data
storage, (iii) versioning and (iv) faceted browsing. A short overview of the Vir-
tuoso Universal Server has been presented. The evaluation part of the paper
contains the measurements from the training phase of all the tasks of MOCHA
2018, performed on the HOBBIT platform. The results represent an excellent
guideline as to where the Virtuoso optimizer should be improved.
As future work, a further Virtuoso evaluation has been planned, using other
dataset sizes and especially larger datasets, stressing its scalability. We can al-
ready foresee improvements of the query optimizer, driven by the current eval-
uation. A comparison of our performance with other systems registered for the
challenge will be based on these four tasks, but with different benchmark pa-
rameters specified by the challenge organizers. We expect more demanding pa-
rameters, which will provide a fair comparison in the official results after the
Acknowledgments. This work has been supported by the H2020 project HOB-
BIT (GA no. 688227).
1. Orri Erling. Virtuoso, a Hybrid RDBMS/Graph Column Store. IEEE Data Eng.
Bull., 35(1):3–8, 2012.
2. Orri Erling and Ivan Mikhailov. RDF Support in the Virtuoso DBMS. In Networked
Knowledge-Networked Media, pages 7–24. Springer, 2009.
3. Orri Erling and Ivan Mikhailov. Virtuoso: RDF support in a native RDBMS. In
Semantic Web Information Management, pages 501–519. Springer, 2010.
4. Kleanthi Georgala. Data Extraction Benchmark for Sensor Data, 2017.
5. Kleanthi Georgala, Mirko Spasic, Milos Jovanovik, Henning Petzka, Michael Roder,
and Axel Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. MOCHA2017: The Mighty Storage Challenge at
ESWC 2017. In Semantic Web Challenges, pages 3–15. Springer, 2017.
6. Milos Jovanovik and Mirko Spasic. First Version of the Data Storage Bench-
mark, 2017. https://project-
7. Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Irini Fundulaki, Giannis Roussakis, Giorgos Flouris,
and Kostas Stefanidis. First Version of the Versioning Benchmark, 2017.
8. Henning Petzka. First Version of the Faceted Browsing Benchmark, 2017.
9. Mirko Spasic and Milos Jovanovik. MOCHA 2017 as a Challenge for Virtuoso. In
Semantic Web Challenges, pages 21–32. Springer, 2017.