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Scripting Relational Database Engine Using Transducer
Feng Tian
VitesseData Inc.
We allow database user to script a parallel relational database
engine with a procedural language. Procedural language code is
executed as a user defined relational query operator called
transducer. Transducer is tightly integrated with relation engine,
including query optimizer, query executor and can be executed in
parallel like other query operators. With transducer, we can
efficiently execute queries that are very difficult to express in SQL.
As example, we show how to run time series and graph queries, etc,
within a parallel relational database.
Analytic workload in the “Big Data” era is getting more and more
complex. Many new applications demand deep analytics driven by
breakthrough in AI or new data models such as graph. Many
people believe that these new workloads are not good fit for a
relational database because,
1. The data is not relational (tabular).
2. The query is not easy to express in SQL and/or the result
SQL cannot be efficiently executed.
The first point itself is an interesting research topic that is out of the
scope of this paper. Here we just want to point out that firstly, there
is large amount of data stored in relational database and these data
is often of high value. Secondly, some people’s “unstructured data”
can be highly structured, tabular data in other’s view. For example,
web log data is about who clicked which link and large amount of
IoT data is about which sensor recorded some event, when, where.
Sometimes, “semi-structured” data format like JSON can be
treated as a user defined data type, often used to encode sparse
This paper focuses on the second point. SQL, and its theoretic
foundation relational algebra/calculus, can express queries of first
order logic. With extensions like OLAP Window functions and
recursive query processing, SQL has achieved Turing
Completeness, but this has little value in practice because it is
extremely hard to write such SQL queries, for example, to express
an algorithm querying graph data.
Imagine we need to run a shortest path query on the graph of a user
profile database of a social network. Currently there are a few
1. Use a special purpose graph database. Such a special
purpose database usually is confined in a relatively small
market segment. Because first order logic is so
fundamental, eventually such databases will ship an
embedded (often immature) relational query engine.
2. Build a graph processor on top of relational database.
Graph algorithms are mapped to relational operators and
executed by relational engine (maybe using temporary
tables for staging results). This approach is often
inflexible, and inefficient.
3. Process data in database, dump data out, run graph
algorithm with another tool, then load data back into
database for further processing. Besides obvious
performance issues, user often need to handle data
refresh and version mismatch.
4. Use cursors and stored procedure. Unfortunately, cursor
kills performance – it is a slow row by row interface and
often forcing a parallel database to bring large amount of
data onto one node.
We implemented a new way to extend relational database engine
capability called Transducer. Transducer is a query operator just
like other relational operators such as join, except it is implemented
by user using a procedural language. As part of execution plan,
transducer cooperates with query optimizer and can be scheduled
parallelly at run time.
Figure 1: Transducer (TR node) in a query plan.
It is worth point out that Transducer is different from a user defined
function (UDF) in that while user can implement UDF in
procedural language, UDF is usually invoked on a per tuple base
(or per group base if it is a user defined aggregate function).
Transducer is a query operator and sees all input tuples. It can carry
an execution context with full knowledge of the history of data it
has seen. This execution context can be cleanly implemented using
local variables on the stack of procedural language. The ability to
maintain such a context across tuple or group boundary is crucial
and will be clear in the later use case section.
In the rest of the paper, Section 2 will describe the syntax and
semantics of transducer. We will also describe the implementation
of transducer in Deepgreen, a parallel relational database. Section
3 describes several real-world use cases. Section 4 reviews related
work. We summarize in Section 5.
First, we briefly introduce the Deepgreen database and some
terminologies related to the parallel execution architecture.
Deepgreen is a massively parallel processing (MPP) rational
database system based on the open source Greenplum database
[14]. Inspired by [6] and [8], Deepgreen implemented a JIT query
engine using LLVM and achieved 2-10 times speedup across all the
queries in TPC-H benchmark. The overall architecture of
Deepgreen is a classical shared-nothing parallel database that is
very similar to GAMMA [5]. Each Deepgreen database has a
master, which accepts user connections, parses and optimizes SQL
queries. Data is stored in segments and query is executed in parallel
on all segments. During query processing, when necessary, data is
exchanged between segments (or gathered to one segment if the
semantics of the query requires) via network. Deepgreen tries to
spread data of a table and the intermediate results of a query evenly
across all segments using a distribution policy, usually by hashing
some columns.
2.1 Syntax
User can write transducer as a user defined function (UDF) in the
select clause of a SQL query, but the similarity between transducer
and ordinary UDF stops at SQL parser. When SQL parser detects
the transducer function, instead of adding an expression that
compute values of the UDF, a transducer operator is inserted into
the query plan as illustrated in Figure 1.
As an example, Program Listing 1 shows a convoluted way of
writing a query that is equivalent to “select id, txt from t where id
% 3 = 1”. We will walk through this example in details to let reader
get familiar with the syntax. We will only show sketches of
program listing in later examples.
1 declares the output columns of the transducer. The argument to
transducer_col_type function specifies the ordinal number of the
transducer output field that user wants to project. We use different
functions for different return types because SQL is a static, strong
typed language. Projected result can be wrapped in a subquery for
further processing.
2 defines the transducer. $$ starts a SQL multiline raw string.
Deepgreen supports user defined transducer as covered in this
paper as well as some system built-in transducers. Built-in
transducers are implemented using C and user defined transducer
can be implemented using python (a dynamic typed interpreted
language) or go (a static typed compiled language). PHIExec (PHI
stands for Pretty High Integration) will invoke a user defined
transducer, in this example, is implemented using Go.
3 till the end of the raw string is a valid Go program. At the
beginning of the go program is a comment section for input output
types. Deepgreen will generate code at run time using these type
directives. Both input and output struct types are generated for Go
Select transducer_col_int4(1) as id, ①
transducer_col_text(2) as txt,
transducer($$PHIExec go ②
// The following is a valid go program ③
// id int32
// t text
// id int32
// t text
package main
func main() {
for rec := NextInput(); rec != nil; rec =
NextInput() { ④
id, _ := rec.Get_id() ⑤
t, _ := rec.Get_t()
if id % 3 == 1 { ⑥
var outrec OutRecord
WriteOutput(&outrec) ⑦
WriteOutput(nil) ⑧
} $$),
t.id, t.txt ⑨
From t ⑩
Program Listing 1: Simple Transducer.
4 is a for loop to read all input. NextInput function is generated
at run time with proper input record type.
5 reads the fields of input record. _ sign is Go syntax for a place
holder for unused variable, in this case, whether the field is null.
6 is the filter, id % 3 = 1.
7 writes the output record. WriteOutput is also generated to use
correct struct type.
8 writes nil to indicate end of output.
9 expressions in the select clause after the transducer function are
treated as input columns to the transducer function.
10 The from clause is the input table to transducer. It can be a table
or a subquery.
There are quite some lines of boilerplate code on input output
typing but they are straightforward and could be automatically
filled by an editor tools like intellisense of an IDE. In this simple
example, we call NextInput and WriteOutput in a loop, but they can
be called in arbitrary order. For example, transducer can output
data before getting first input record and can output many records
after exhausting all input records.
The UDF syntax is chosen so that syntactically a transducer query
is valid SQL. User can wrap the transducer in subquery or view
just like any other SQL queries. All database clients like JDBC,
ODBC can still work without any compatibility issue.
2.2 Optimizer and Execution Semantics
When SQL parser detects the transducer function, it inserts a
transducer operator into plan tree. Transducer serves as an
optimizer barrier, that is, the input subquery to transducer and the
further processing of transducer output are optimized
independently. Transducer receives stats and sorting order from its
input subquery and can use this information to optimize its own
code. Transducer in turn will supply stats and sorting order back to
optimizer for later query optimization.
After query optimization, transducer is an operator of a physical
query plan and is dispatched to proper segments for execution.
Deepgreen may run a slice of a query plan parallelly on all
segments, or gather all data to one segment, or run on master.
Transducer operators are scheduled in the same way as other
relational operators.
For user defined transducers, Deepgreen first run a code generation
step to generate proper input and output data structure, then an
optional compilation step if the procedural language is a compiled
language. User defined transducers are executed in a forked
process and communicate with query execution engine via pipes.
Input and output records are batched as row groups. Built-in
transducers are implemented in C and executed within the database
In general, a transducer has many instances running in parallel on
all segments. Just as other relational operator, transducer will see
all the input data but there is no guarantee on which segment an
input record will be processed and there is no guarantee of the tuple
arriving order. However, user can enforce a data distribution
policy between segments and a sorting order using SQL partition
by and order by clause. Enforcing such constraints let transducer
leverage highly optimized sorting algorithm of a database system
and we will illustrate with an example in next Section.
Because the transducer is just an operator, diagnostic tools like
explain (display query plan) and explain analyze (displays query
plan with execution statistics) all work as expected. This is very
important in practice for user to analyzing and fixing query
performance problems.
Program listing 2 shows an explain output of the simple query in
Program listing 1. Transducer is run in parallel on all segments
and gather motion will gather transducer output to master then
return to user. The statistics such as cost, estimated number of rows
are correctly displayed.
In this section, we will demonstrate how transducer can be used in
real world. All example code in this section can be downloaded
from https://github.com/vitesse-ftian/dgnb. Deepgreen database
software can be downloaded from our website
http://www.vitessedata.com/ and also available on AWS Market
3.1 Access External Data Source and Data
Transducer in Deepgreen can be implemented in python or Go,
therefore, it can read any external data source as long as the data
source has a python or Go driver. For example, transducer can
access other databases like Oracle, or NoSQL databases like
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments:
2) (cost=0.00..2.05 rows=2 width=4)
-> Transducer (cost=0.00..2.05 rows=1 width=4)
-> Seq Scan on eachseg (cost=0.00..2.05 rows=1
Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer
(4 rows)
Program Listing 2: Explain output of a query
with transducer.
MangoDB, Redis, elastic search or CSV files, or streaming data
using Kafka. Depending on the capability of the external data
source provider, Deepgreen can run the transducer parallelly on
each segment, or, just using one on master.
Deepgreen provides another technology (XDrive) to access
external data source. To use XDrive, user can mount the external
data source as a “drive”, then create an external table in database to
read or write the “drive”. XDrive has a plugin system that also
allows user to code external data accessor using any programming
language. External table requires user to write DDL for external
data source and install precompiled plugin binaries. Compared to
XDrive or other similar external table based methods, transducer is
quite verbose due to boilerplate code. However, transducer offer
extradentary flexibility. In customer sites, with a few lines of code,
we can gain access to data sources that we never encountered
As a special example, we implemented the data transfer and
migration tool between two Deepgreen clusters using a built-in
transducer. The tool is extremely simple, basically for each data
transfer task we execute two queries; one transducer on source
database that “send” data and one on target database that “recv”
data. The tool is very flexible in that the data source can be a table
or a query and the target can do some translation before insert into
a table. In our performance test, we transferred 1TB TPC-H data
in 10 minutes (roughly 10 million tuples per second) using 4
machines each with 2 10GigE network cards. Transducer saturated
network bandwidth with only moderate CPU load.
3.2 Generate Runs
Suppose you have a database of stock prices Stock(symbol, date,
price) and you want to find all stocks with a gaining streak of 10
days or more, or the longest gaining or losing streak of each stock.
This query is very hard to express in SQL but straightforward if
using transducer, as in Program Listing 3. This example introduced
several interesting concepts and worth a closer look at the code.
1 uses a WITH clause to put the transducer in a subquery so later
processing is easier to write. Below that, are input output type
boilerplate code.
2 declares a local variable on stack to keep track of current run.
This is the context of the transducer. The context keeps a history
of the input we have seen so far.
3 assumes inputs to transducer are partitioned by symbol and
within each symbol the inputs are ordered by trading date.
4 starts a run, by creating a new outrec and saving state.
5 determines if it is still in the same run by comparing price with
the information recorded in outrec, the context.
6 if the run continues, only need to update context. Otherwise
output record and start a new run.
7 is the most important concept illustrated in this query. We used
an OLAP window specification to enforce data is partitioned by
symbol, therefore all data for each individual stock will be
processed at the same segments. Within each partition the data is
ordered by date. Partition and order by are executed by well-tuned
database hash/sort operators.
8further processing from subquery declared by WITH clause. It
can be any SQL, for example, aggregate like MAX/AVG of
(endprice – beginprice).
This example demonstrated two key difference between transducer
and an ordinary user defined function.
1. Transducer can keep and maintaining the context of
history of inputs,
2. Transducer can choose when to generate an output (or
many outputs), depending on the state of its context.
Another important technique illustrated in this example is to
specify data partition and ordering in the SQL query. Such partition
and ordering are enforced by database query optimizer and the
partition and order information is carried into transducer, or, from
another point of view, transducer can leverage the partition and
sorting functionality of a relational database.
3.3 Graph Query with BSP
Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) [9] is a model for designing
parallel algorithms. A BSP algorithm has a set of computing
processes run concurrently. These processes can exchange data via
network. The parallel algorithm is broken into super steps and at
the end of a super step all processes participate in a barrier
synchronization. Google Pregel [7] is a graph analytic engine using
BSP. BSP is also used by open source graph analytic engines like
Apache Giraph [11].
Deepgreen transducer supports BSP using the following set of
• BspInit initializes the BSP system.
• BspSend sends data to peers. A process can send data to
• BspNext reads data sent by peers
• BspSync is the barriers synchronization. At the end of
each super step all processes must call this method. This
method will vote if the algorithm is complete. BSP
algorithm stops when all processes voted complete in this
super step.
Just like the NextInput and WriteOutput function, transducer does
proper code generation for data structures and manages batching
row to row groups in BspSend and BspNext.
WITH run AS ( select ○
Transducer_col_text(1) as symbol,
Transducer_col_int4(2) as begin,
Transducer_col_float8(3) as beginprice,
Transducer_col_int4(3) as end,
Transducer_col_float8(4) as endprice,
Transducer($$PHIExec go
// … input and output types …
var outrec *OutRecord ○
for r:=NextInput(); r!=nil; r=NextInput() {
symbol, _ := r.Get_symbol()
day, _ := r.Get_day()
price, _ := r.Get_price()
if day == 0 { ○
// new symbol, output prev run and start
// a new run
if outrec != nil {
outrec = new(OutRecord) ○
} else {
// is still a run? ○
Isuprun := …
Isdownrun := …
If isuprun || isdownrun {
Outrec.Set_end(day) ○
} else {
… // start a new run
if outrec != nil {
$$), t.symbol, t.day, t.price FROM
( select row_number() over
(partition by symbol order by day), ○
Symbol, day, price
FROM stock
) t)
SELECT stock from run where end – day > 10 ○
Program Listing 3: Compute Stock Runs
… boilerplate type code …
… suppose graph edge is (i, j)
func main() {
BspInit(2) ○
// SuperStep 1, redistribute ○
For r:=NextInput(); r!=nil; r=NextInput() {
BspSend(i%2, r)
BspSend(j%2, r)
// SuperStep 2, build graph. Graph is ○
// a map from node id to out edges.
// Each node has a depth, initialized to -1
// except start node of the search (depth 0)
BspSend(start%2, start)
For Sstep := 2; ; sstep++ { ○
For rr:=BspNext(); rr!=nil; rr=BspNext() {
// BSF, if depth is -1, mark it
// BspSend to next SuperStep
// If no node is marked in this step, vote
// true, otherwise vote false
Done := BspSync(ifNoMarkThisStep)
If Done {
For node in graph { ○
WriteOutput(id, depth)
… boilerplate code
FROM Graph;
Program Listing 4. BFS Using BSP
Program List 4 contains a BSP example of breadth first search
(BFS) on a graph. BFS is a simple graph algorithm that can be
found in any algorithm book. The pseudo code listing mainly
shows how BSP code is used to parallelize the execution.
1 init BSP system with 2 processes.
2 the first super step just read input edges and redistribute to a BSP
process according to a hash function (mod). In this step, BspSync
voted that it has more work to do.
3 builds the graph in memory as hash table. Do proper
initialization on depth (-1 to indicate a node that has not been
visisted by the search).
4 is the BSP algorithm which follows edges and marks unvisited
nodes with correct depth. We loop over super steps. Each iteration
deepens search depth. If a super step does not mark any node,
BspSync votes no more works, otherwise it votes to have more
work. Note that in a super step if a process voted no more work,
but some of its peers voted to have more work, BspSync will return
as not finished. The process needs to loop back to next step.
5 outputs node with its depth visited during BSF. If a node is not
connected with start node, its depth will be -1.
We can further process the BSF result, for example, count nodes in
each depth level. We use the DBLP co-authorship graph [13] as an
example. The graph is an undirected graph. Nodes are authors and
two nodes are connected when the they co-author a paper. The
graph has more than 300 thousand nodes and more than 1 million
edges. The BFS on this graph can be executed on a mid-range
laptop in just 2 or 3 seconds. After counting nodes at each depth,
we get a chart in Figure 2.
We noticed that the node id of authors has some gaps. We assume
that is because some authors just wrote a paper without
collaborating with a peer. However, it is interesting to observe that
the result of BSF does not have any node at depth -1, that means,
once a research collaborates with another people, he is connected
to the whole community!
Single source shortest path (SSSP) is another important query on
graph data. Dijkstra’s algorithm is hard to parallelize, but the
Bellman-Ford algorithm is well suited for execution using BSP.
The implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm is almost the same
as BFS – differences are only a few lines. When looping over super
steps, instead of marking the depth of breadth first search, Bellman-
Ford algorithm simply relaxes distance on all the edges. We skip
the code listing for this example and reader can find the code on
our website.
SQL supports recursive query processing using WITH clause and
Bill of Materials (BOM) is the most used example. BOM can be
considered as a special case of the traversal algorithm on graph –
traversal starts from root of a tree structure. Recursive query like
BOM is relatively hard to implement efficiently in a parallel
database, but straightforward with transducer. Another difficult
problem for recursive query is to detect the stop condition of the
recursion. Many database manuals have a “user beware” footnote
on recursive query. Detecting stop condition is much more natural
with a procedural language. For example, BSF handles cycle in
graph with marking a flag. It is easy to add a check for negative
weighted cycles to the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
3.4 Deep Learning with TensorFlow
We have seen recent breakthrough in AI and Deep learning and our
users want to bring these technology into database. TensorFlow [1]
from Google is one of the leading deep learning tools. [16] contains
an extremely well written tutorial on Tensorflow. The tutorial
illustrates how to train a regression model or neural network to
predicate a point is blue or green. We ported the example in the
tutorial to Deepgreen using transducer. One query trains a neural
network with three hidden layers and the other one uses the trained
model to do inference on data.
We made only a few changes to the example in the tutorial,
1. Instead of having three sets of data (‘linear’, ‘moon’,
‘saturn’), we mixed all the data in one table.
2. We parallelized the code.
3. The old code read/parse a CSV file to read input, we
replaced that code with transducer NextInput() call.
We did not change the “interesting” part of neural network model
itself. Python code is simply copy/pasted into transducer. The
interesting idea related to transducer is quite similar in training and
inference, therefore, Program listing 5 only shows the SQL to do
1 puts the TensorFlow predication result in a subquery. The
predication column is the predicated color by TensorFlow, tag is
the real color of the point.
Figure 2. DBLP Co-Authorship Graph Depth
2 uses python, which is the most widely used language binding for
TensorFlow. Go binding for TensorFlow is available but not as
3 reads input data into batches.
4 the original tutorial has three data sets and each data sets is
trained, evaluated separately. We combine the three data sets in
one table and turn them into categorical attributes. This part uses
SQL case expression to turn a categorical attribute to a floating-
point value to be used by the neural network.
5 further processes predication result with SQL, for example, here
we want to examine the points that is predicated incorrectly.
We want to put emphasis on step ○
3 , that is, turning inputs into
batches. Batching is critical for performance when using
TensorFlow and other deep learning tools. Batching is relatively
simple in transducer (our code is actually easier and shorter than
the code parsing CSV file in original example) but surprisingly hard
to do in SQL without transducer. Without transducer, the
“obvious” way of using TensorFlow is either call a python UDF
row by row, or, aggregate all data in an aggregate UDF. They are
either slow, or can cause pressure on resource like memory.
3.5 Quick Prototype Tool
Finally, transducer is a very handy tool for R&D prototype. When
a developer has a new join algorithm, or storage format, or index,
he can quickly implement a transducer and test it inside a MPP
database. For example, Deepgreen has a very efficient, scalable
sampling algorithm. Transducer allows us to quickly implement a
proof of concept and validate the design. Later we transferred the
implementation into database engine and added SQL language
Most relational databases support user defined functions, aggregate
functions and table functions. For example, Greenplum or
PostgreSQL PL/Language supports many popular programming
languages. UDF in general is not as flexible, or as powerful, as
user defined query operator.
Relational databases have some mechanisms to access external data
source, such as external tables, dblink, OLEDB. These
mechanisms usually implement a table scan operator at the leaf of
plan tree and cannot be put in the middle of a query plan.
Generally, these are mechanism for accessing data and not designed
for processing complex analytics workload.
Graph algorithm itself is a rich research area with many interesting
problems and interesting algorithms. Graph database is getting
more attentions and whether we need a special graph database is
still an open problem. Google Pregel [7] popularized BSP
processing [9] on graph data and many open source
implementations [11] followed suit. Several researchers point out
that scale up might be a better fit for graph algorithms than scale
out. Here we make a note that transducer can easily gather data to
one node. For example, to run SSSP we can gather data to one
node and run Dijkstra algorithm instead of Bellman-Ford
algorithm. There are other special purpose databases designed to
handle a workload, for example, time series data [15].
Hadoop based system can implement map reduce paradigm using a
procedural language like Java. In this ecosystem, Spark, which is
probably ahead of others, can use DataFrame to combine SQL and
other languages like Scala. DataFrame API [2] is still designed to
process relational query, especially, allow user to implement
specialized, more efficient relational operators. Spark also added
GraphFrame [4] to process graph data. The underlying paradigm
Select transducer_col_int4(1) as prediction,
Transducer_col_int4(2) as tag,
Transducer_col_float4(3) as x,
Transducer_col_flaot4(4) as y,
Transducer($$PHIExec python ○
… boilerplate code …
Def nextbatch(batch): ○
While true:
If cnt == BATCH_SIZE:
Rec = NextInput()
If not rec:
Cnt += 1
… same tensorflow code …
… use nextbatch() to get input data …
… use WriteOutput() …
… to feed data backed to database …
$$), data.*
Select tag,
Case when cat = ‘linear’ then 1.0 ○
When cat = ‘moon’ then 2.0
When cat = ‘saturn’ then 3.0
X, y from points
) data
Select * from EVAL where predication <> tag ○
Program Listing 5. Use TensorFlow to do
of GraphFrame is also BSP. Unlike Pregel or GraphFrame that
focus on graph API of nodes and edges, we decided to give user
access to lower level BSP API. Our treatment of the problem is a
general framework and give user full control because the flexibility
of tailoring an algorithm to one’s own need is important. For
example, we know that Bill of Material query is really a traversal
of a tree structure from root and we can simplify BSF algorithm
and get better performance. We are also considering releasing a
core graph algorithm library of important algorithms like SSSP and
triangle counting.
Many popular AI/Deep learning tools and libraries so far live in a
parallel universe different from database. Most of those libraries
do no more than using a database connector to retrieve data. Many
commercial database systems are starting to integrate these tools.
We believe this is a very promising direction – ETL and data
cleaning will be invaluable preprocessing tool for AI and in return,
AI is an important tool in data integration. Close interaction
between database and AI requires deep integration – user generally
prefer a unified programming interface/language to constantly
switching between several systems. An integrated system also
saves operational and administrational cost.
Most commercial databases have extensions, or packages for
machine learning. In terms of brining deep analytics/algorithms
into relation database, MADLib [12] is closest to our goal. The
approaches taken however are drastically different. MADLib is
probably the most impressive demonstration of currently available
mechanisms, attacking problems with all kinds of weapons like
UDF, UDT, cursor, temporary table, constructing and invoking
SQL, etc. We encourage user to examine the SSSP implementation
of MADLib versus our implementation. The complexity of the
implementation has huge impact in practice, both on performance
and day to day operation. Debugging the correctness or analyzing
the performance of a very complex implementation is a major task
even for experts.
We have implemented transducer in a parallel relational database
system. Transducer extends a relational database query engine with
capability to run queries that many people consider not fit for
relational query processing. As example, we have shown that time
series query, graph query, and deep learning tools can be efficiently
integrated within database. We plan to build a library of
transducers, including but not limited to the most commonly used
machine learning algorithm, graph algorithms, etc.
We want to explore more computing paradigms like BSP. We will
investigate more efficient communication and synchronization
mechanisms between transducers and other relational operators.
We will examine sharing transducer state between queries, or even
between two Deepgreen clusters.
Another interesting direction is to exploit the hybrid computing
environment. Some algorithms can take advantage of hardware
acceleration like GPU. Others like some graph algorithm are
memory intensive. A hybrid environment, for example, adding a
few machines with vast amount of memory into a big parallel
database cluster, may have superior price performance ratio for
many graph algorithms.
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Simple end-to-end TensorFlow examples.