

  • Universitas pelita bangsa
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Vertisols is black and fertile soils, derived from various parent materials, dominated by smectite clay minerals, and charasterize by crack formation during dry season. Six soil profiles consisted of thirty two soil samples from dIfferent location were analyzed for their chemical and mineralogical composition at the laboratories of Soil Research Center for soil characteristics. Results indicate that the color matrix of Vertisols varies, hue range from 2.5Y to 10YR, color value varies from 2 to 6, and chroma range from 0 to 4. Clay mineral composition of Vertisols is dominated by smectite. Other clay minerals founded in the Vertisols are kaolinite, illite and vermiculite. The mineralogy composition of sand fraction is varies, some of them rich in weatherable minerals like andesine, amfibole, orthoclase, sanidin and the others are dominated by resistant minerals such as quartz and opaque. The mineralogical composition of Vertisols dependent on their parent material. The dominant cations in Vertisols are Ca++ and Mg++. Vertisols from volcanic materials is dominated by Ca++ and followed by Mg++ cations, Vertisols from limestone is dominated by Ca++, while Vertisols from peridotite is dominated by Mg++. All of the Vertisols studied have a high cation exchange capacity with pH’s range from 5.5 to 7.4. In using Vertisols for food plantation, should be consider the high content of Ca++, Mg++ and the water management. The soils should be atleast always in moist condition, otherwise soils become very hard and cracks when dry.

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... Tapak terletak di dataran tinggi di terbentuk dari berbagai macam bahan induk tanah, mineral liatnya didominasi oleh smektit, dan mempunyai sifat yang retak-retak bila kering (Prasetyo 2007). Secara kimiawi Vertisol tergolong tanah yang relatif kaya akan hara karena mempunyai cadangan sumber hara yang tinggi, dengan kapasitas tukar kation tinggi dan pH netral hingga alkali (Deckers et al. 2001 Kabupaten Bangli yang berada pada ketinggian 2.403 mdpl memiliki kelerengan yang relatif rata. ...
... Lapangan Kapten Mudita di Kecamatan Bangli didominasi oleh jenis tanah vertisol gembur. Vertisol adalah tanah hitam dan subur, dapat dalam Prasetyo 2007). ...
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Untuk mendukung agar Kota Bangli bisa meraih predikat Kabupaten Layak Anak, diperlukan pembenahan dan pengembangan fasilitas kota, salah satunya dengan membangun sebuah taman bermain yang ramah anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi tapak pada Lapangan Kapten Mudita Bangli, menganalisis dan melakukan sintesis dari membuat konsep desain taman bermain untuk anak dalam konteks Kabupaten Layak Anak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dengan teknik survei yang dimulai dari tahapan inventarisasi data, analisis data dan sintesis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi yaitu turun langsung ke lapangan, studi pustaka dengan meneliti berbagai macam dokumen yang bermanfaat bagi penelitian, dan terakhir wawancara yang dilakukan terhadap pihak dinas yang terkait. Hasil penelitian ini berupa konsep desain taman bermain ramah anak di lapangan Kapten Mudita Bangli.
... Organic matter content is generally low, ranging from 0.06 to 4.46%, decreasing with soil depth. Prasetyo (2007) also observed that the clay mineral smectite is probably contained in paddy soils. Smectite mineral is a 2:1 mineral type that can affect the paddy soil's physical and chemical properties. ...
... Organic matter content is low to moderate, while potential K content, bases (Ca and Mg) and CEC are generally high. Vertisols have the potential to develop, since they contain high plant nutrient content, but they are not well suited to cultivation without careful management due to their high clay content (Prasetyo, 2007). ...
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Rainfed paddy fields have a great potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially in Central Java. However, water irrigation management, drought stress, pest and disease infestation and low nutrients that affect paddy yield remain the constraints. Unpredictable climate pattern is also a limiting factor in the cultivation of rainfed paddy fields. This narrative review aims to identify and discuss solutions to problems that exist to increase the yield of rainfed paddy fields with several techniques that support sustainable agriculture. This review paper was prepared by collecting government data and interviews with several farmer group leaders as complementary data. Based on field conditions, farmers in rainfed paddy fields provide fertilization inputs that are not following the fertilizer recommendations. Moreover, field conditions with limited water availability have caused paddy cultivating in several locations only once a year with low yields. Water storage can help farmers meet the need for water, especially during dry and water-stress conditions. The farmers also need to pay attention to the appropriate fertilization doses and the use of additional organic matter derived from cultivation residues, which are expected to increase the availability of nutrients in the soil. The use of short-life and drought-resistant varieties can aid in overcoming the problem of crop failure in the middle phase caused by water scarcity. Finally, we identify and emphasize that rainfed paddy fields generally have a limiting factor for water and nutrients and several technologies are needed to contribute to increasing more sustainable paddy yields
... Organic matter content is generally low, ranging from 0.06 to 4.46%, decreasing with soil depth. Prasetyo (2007) also observed that the clay mineral smectite is probably contained in paddy soils. Smectite mineral is a 2:1 mineral type that can affect the paddy soil's physical and chemical properties. ...
... Organic matter content is low to moderate, while potential K content, bases (Ca and Mg) and CEC are generally high. Vertisols have the potential to develop, since they contain high plant nutrient content, but they are not well suited to cultivation without careful management due to their high clay content (Prasetyo, 2007). ...
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... Salah satu jenis tanah potensial di lahan kering adalah vertisol. Vertisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah endapan yang banyak digunakan untuk usaha pertanian karena memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang cukup baik, solum tanahnya dalam, warna kelam/hitam dengan pH netral hingga alkalis yang berkisar antara 6-8,5 (Prasetyo 2007). ...
... Salah satu kelemahan tanah vertisol pada usaha tani lahan kering adalah secara fisik keras sehingga relatif sulit diolah. Hal ini karena tanah vertisol memiliki kandungan liat >60% (Prasetyo 2007). Secara kimia, vertisol memiliki kelemahan, yaitu: kandungan C-445 organik (<2%), K tersedia (0,10 me/100 g tanah) dan P tersedia (12,60 ppm) yang tergolong rendah, dan unsur N total yang sedang (0,24%) (Sudadi et al. 2007). ...
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the treatment of organic material sources Mucuna and Crotolaria and the dose of vesicle arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) on the chemical quality of vertisol, nutrient uptake and maize yield in dry land. The research was carried out in the experimental field of the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic, in the village of Oesao, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The study took place from May to September 2021. The study design used a factorial randomized block design. The first factortreatment was source of organic matter (B) of ground cover plant biomass, namely: B0 = no ground cover plant biomass; BM = Mucuna and its biomass are immersed; BC = Crotolaria and its biomass immersed. The second treatment was dose of VAM biofertilizer (D), namely: M0 = 0 g plant-1 (without VAM); M1 = 10 g plant-1; M2 = 20 g plant-1. The results showed that the application of organic material sources and the dose of VAM, respectively, could significantly improve the chemical properties of vertisol. The results showed that the use of organic matter and dose of VAM independently was proven to be the most effective in improving the chemical quality of vertisol. Application of organic matter Mucuna and Crotolaria at a dose of VAM 20 g plant-1 significantly increased N uptake in maize by 53.26‒54.45%, maize P uptake by 27.83% and 28.85%, and the yield of dry shelled corn by 146.92% and 146.92% compared to other treatments. Keywords: organic matter, vesicle arbuscular mycorrhizae, soil chemical
... However, after conducting more detailed research related to soil classification in the Baraja land system (BRA), there is a process of soil development (pedogenesis) so that the type of soil in the land system has changed over time from the category of the Inceptisol order (young soils that have not been developed further) to the order Vertisols. This occurs because of accumulating minerals 2:1, and the second is the expansion and contraction process that occurs periodically to form slickenside or microrelief [12]. ...
... Vertisol soil is one of the orders in the taxonomy of soils that expands when exposed to water, contracts, and becomes hard when dry [13]. The unique property of vertisols is associated with shrinking-swelling, resulting in vertical mixing (pedoturbation), lateral shear, cracks, slickensides, and gilgai [12,14]. Soils are an important part of agriculture as a nutrient source for plants and organisms. ...
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Soil characteristics in Mangarabombang Subdistrict Takalar Regency, according to some expert opinions, are classified as Vertisols soil order, but in the RePPPRot Land System Review Map, it’s still classified as an Inceptisols soil order. Therefore more detailed research is needed regarding the soil order at that location. According to Soil Taxonomy at the sub-group category, this research aims to determine the types of soil in the karstic lowland of Baraja (BRA) land system. The method used is the toposequence transect and the analysis of physical and chemical properties, including soil color, structure, texture, bulk density, C-organic, CEC, pH, COLE, electrical conductivity, and bases saturation. These research results are the soil in the Baraja land system is undulating (34 masl), and flat (20 masl) was classified as Vertisol Order with the Lithic Haplusterts Sub-Group with limestone as a parent rock. The soil is characterized by open and closed fractures periodic, and there is lithic contact. The soil in flat areas (10 masl) was classified as Inceptisol soil with the Vertic Haplustepts Sub-Group with highly weathered limestone as parent rock. A cambic horizon characterizes the soil with thin lamellae and an alteration process, but it has fractures closed and open periodically. Soil types formed in the karstic lowland of Baraja (BRA) land system in Mangarabombang Sub-District was Vertisol with the Lithic Haplusterts Sub-Group and Inceptisols with the Vertic Haplustepts Sub-Group. The type of soil formed is affected by dominant factors, including climate (low rainfall), the parent material (limestone), and topography.
... At the pH of around 7.0, Ca and base saturations, and CEC values were >80 and approached 90%, approached 50 cmol (+) kg -1 respectively. Cations contents in Vertisols soil with pH around 7.0 in Ungaran Central Java, Madiun East Java and Lewa Sumba were dominated by Ca cation with saturation values of 84.8, 73.0, and 94.7% respectively [24]. Although the soil had a high content of exchangeable Mg and K, their saturations were only 2.2-13.2, and 0.39-1.08%. ...
... There was a mutually suppressive relationship between Ca and Mg, which both elements are having two valences. The high content of Mg and Na in the soil inhibited the uptake of K and Ca, and the quality of pomelo fruit to be better in the treatments with K/Ca, K/Mg, and Ca/Mg ratios between 0. 24 In soils with Ca and Mg saturations are <60 and around 37.76%, the addition of Ca nutrient is required in this soil. On soil with Ca and Mg saturations are >80 and around 6.13 to 13.17% where Mg is still below the ideal limit, so it is necessary to add Mg nutrients. ...
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The soil cation ratio is the result of the interaction of various factors, including soil acidity, organic C content, clay minerals, and cultivation management. This paper aims were to study the cation ratio in lowland rice in Java and its relationship with the other nutrients. Soil chemical data were collected from survey for soil maps, soil nutrient status maps, and previously published data. The results showed that the average of cation saturation ratio in lowland rice in Java was 70.8:24.5:1.5 for Ca:Mg:K. The Ca, Mg, K, and Na nutrient contents vary by provinces, and there is a high content of Ca, especially in those soils derived from the calcareous parent materials. This high Ca of >50.0 cmol (+) kg ⁻¹ has noticed in Grobogan, Bojonegoro, and Gunung Kidul regencies. The domination of Ca cations in the soil can be seen when the Ca saturation >70%, spreading in 36 districts. Ca saturation is positively correlated with pH, P-Bray, and CEC, and negatively correlated with organic C, N-total, Mg, K, and Na saturation. Based on the regression there is a significant negative relationship between Ca and Mg saturations with R ² = 0.92 and a weak negative relationship between K and Na saturations.
... Vertisol is one of the soil types with many obstacles in tillage. Vertisol belongs to Montmorillonit mineral clay (2:1) that is dominated by smectite mineral clay (Nursyamsi and Setyorini 2009), darkish grey in color, and it has clay texture (Prasetyo 2007). This type of soil expands when it is wet and shrinks when it is dry. ...
... The soil analysis showed that the soil has low fertility to be used as cultivation land (Table 1). Vertisol is a dark gray to blackish in color with clay texture (Prasetyo, 2007). Vertisol has 2: 1 clay minerals dominated by smectite. ...
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The application of biofilm biofertilizer is potential to improve soil fertility and increase plant yield. The research aimed to assess the use of organic fertilizer decomposed with biofilm biofertilizer to improve soil fertility and yield of upland kale in Vertisol. The field experiment was conducted in Vertisol at Jaten, Karanganyar, Central Java, arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design with a single factor, which was organic fertilizer dose consisting of 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21 ton.ha-1 organic with NPK fertilizer as comparison treatment. Upland kale seeds were planted in 15 x 15 cm plant spacing. The variables observed were total nitrogen, available P, exchangeable K, soil organic matter, pH, cation exchange capacity, leaf number, plant height, fresh and dry weight. The data obtained were analyzed using F test followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 95%. The result showed that the organic fertilizer dose had a significant effect on all of the observed variables. Optimal doses of organic fertilizer to improve soil fertility and upland kale yield was 15 - 18 ton.ha-1. The highest yield of upland kale was observed in the treatment of 21 ton.ha-1 organic fertilizer (76.5 ton.ha-1), which was increased by 176% compared to control (34.7 ton.ha-1) and by 108.8% (45.78 ton.ha-1) compared to NPK treatments. The application of 3 ton.ha-1 organic fertilizer gave better yield of upland kale than NPK fertilizer.
... Uji korelasi dan uji kontras digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar peubah dan mana yang paling berpengaruh. Kandungan bahan organik pada tanah vertisol pada umumnya rendah, yaitu berkisar 0,06 sampai 4,46% (Prasetyo, 2007), sedangkan C organik pada tanah vertisol ini tinggi, yaitu 3,9 % (Balittanah, 2005). Hal ini diduga karena adanya penambahan bahan organik pada saat pengolahan tanah sebelumnya, sehingga menyebabkan kandungan bahan organik pada tanah ini juga meningkat (Mohanty et al., 2013). ...
... Kandungan P dan K pada tanah vertisol ini tergolong rendah, yaitu 0,0178 ppm untuk P tersedia dan K tersedia 0,06 me/ 100 g. Rendahnya ketersediaan P mungkin disebabkan sebagian dari P diserap oleh kation Ca ++ , sedangkan K tersedia rendah diduga sedikitnya kandungan mineral feldspar (orthoklas, sanidin) dalam tanah (Prasetyo, 2007). KPK merupakan jumlah total kation yang dapat dipertukarkan pada koloid tanah yang bermuatan negatif. ...
Nitrification is conversion of NH4+ to NO2¬- and NO3- by specialized bacteria. The process is very harmful to the plant, therefore should be controlling nitrification in the soil with the application of litter. The purpose of this study is to know the effective of litter quality and dose to control potential nitrification in the soil, and optimum for sweet corn cultivation. This research used a Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with two factor, the first is quality of litter (teak, kirinyu and a combination (teak and kirinyu) and second is the dose (5 Mg / ha, 12.5 Mg / ha and 20 Mg / ha). The results showed that the interaction of quality and dose significantly affect to soil nitrification potential at 2nd and 10th week. Application of kirinyu litter with high quality and doses of 20 Mg / ha had the highest concentration of NO2-, while the application of mix litter with middle quality and dose of 12.5 Mg / ha were lowest concentration of NO2-. Nitrification potential was not significantly correlated with crop yields. Litter kirinyu with high quality and dose of 20 Mg / ha is expected optimum to be applied in the cultivation of sweet corn.
... Tanah Vertisol umumnya terbentuk dari bahan sedimen yang mengandung mineral smektit dalam jumlah tinggi, di daerah datar, cekungan hingga berombak (Driessen and Dudal, 1989). Vertisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah yang secara luas digunakan untuk lahan pertanian karena memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang cukup baik, yang ditandai dengan Kapasitas Tukar Kation tinggi, kejenuhan basa relatif besar, kapasitas mengikat air (water holding capacity) tinggi namun air tersedia bagi tanaman rendah, dengan pH tanah netral sampai alkali berkisar 6-8,5 (Deckers et al., 2001;Prasetyo, 2007). Areal PT ITP unit Brebes memiliki jenis tanah pellic vertisol berdasarkan klasifikasi sistem FAO dengan ciri umum tanahtanah yang retak pada musim kemarau hingga kedalaman 50 cm dan lebar 1 cm setiap tahunnya (Utomo, et al. 2016). ...
Soil as a very valuable natural resource has an important role in supporting various human activities, especially in the context of industry, agriculture and environmental conservation. Mapping of soil characteristics at PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Rembang, Tegal and Brebes Units was carried out to analyze soil distribution based on physical and chemical soil properties in an industrial context. This research method uses sampling, then spatial analysis is carried out based on the distribution of coordinate points and the values of physical and chemical soil parameters in the samples measured from the results of field measurements to form a distribution map. The results of the research show that the three locations have pellic pertisol soil types, the highest top soil at the Brebes Unit location is 0-26 cm, the soil pH at all Angara locations is 6 to 7, the soil texture is noble from coarse to fine, the CEC is low to medium. The results of this mapping provide valuable information for land and environmental management at PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa and the surrounding area. Practical implications of this research include the development of more specific and sustainable land management strategies to support industrial productivity and environmental conservation. Tanah sebagai sumber daya alam yang sangat berharga memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung berbagai aktivitas manusia, terutama dalam konteks industri, pertanian, dan pelestarian lingkungan. Pemetaan karakteristik tanah di PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Unit Rembang, Tegal, dan Brebes dilakukan untuk menganalisis distribusi tanah berdasarkan sifat fisik dan kimia tanah dalam konteks industri. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan sampling selanjutnya dilakukan analisis spasial berdasarkan sebaran titik koordinat dan nilai parameter fisik dan kimia tanah pada sampel yang diukur dari hasil pengukuran lapangan terbentuk peta sebarannya . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada ketiga lokasi tersebut memiliki jenis tanah pellic pertisol, Top soil tertinggi pada lokasi Unit brebes yaitu 0-26 cm, pH tanah pada semua lokasi angara 6 hingga 7, tekstur tanah mulia dari kasar hingga halus, KTK rendah sampai sedang. Hasil pemetaan ini memberikan informasi yang berharga bagi manajemen tanah dan lingkungan di PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa serta area sekitarnya. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini termasuk pengembangan strategi manajemen tanah yang lebih spesifik dan berkelanjutan untuk mendukung produktivitas industri dan pelestarian lingkungan.
... Salah satu kendala utama adalah kesulitan dalam pengolahan tanah yang berat dan keterbatasan ketersediaan unsur hara. Tanah vertisol merupakan tanah yang dominan mengandung mineral lempung montmorillonit (lempung 2:1) (Nursyamsi dan Setyorini, 2009), dengan warna abuabu gelap hingga kehitaman dan memiliki tekstur liat (clay) (Prasetyo, 2007). Salah satu ciri khasnya adalah tanah ini akan mengembang saat basah dan mengerut saat kering. ...
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Vertisols are soils that have a high cation exchange capacity but tend to have a low organic matter content. Meanwhile, nutrients availability in vertisol tends to be low because these elements are bound by clay particles, so the nutrient availability is limited for plantsThe aim of this research is to investigate the influence of rice husk biochar and corn cob biochar application on the changes in chemical properties of Vertisol soil and the vegetative growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). The study was conducted using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with an experimental approach. There were 8 treatments repeated 6 times, resulting in a total of 48 experimental units. The rice husk biochar (P) treatments included the control without rice husk biochar (BSP0), rice husk biochar at a rate of 60 g/kg soil (150 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP1), rice husk biochar at a rate of 30 g/kg soil (75 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP2), and rice husk biochar at a rate of 15 g/kg soil (37.5 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP3). The corn cob biochar (J) treatments included the control without corn cob biochar (BTJ0), corn cob biochar at a rate of 60 g/kg soil (150 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ1), corn cob biochar at a rate of 30 g/kg soil (75 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ2), and corn cob biochar at a rate of 15 g/kg soil (37.5 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ3). The research data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 5%. Significant differences between treatments were further analyzed using the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (BNJ) at a significance level of 5%. The soil analysis was carried out at the Soil Physics and Soil Chemistry Laboratories, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Mataram. The results of the research showed that biochar application influenced the chemical properties of the soil (pH, Cation Exchange Capacity, Organic-C) and the growth of mung bean plants in Lombok's Vertisol soil. Biochar did not have a significant effect on the height of mung bean plants at 7 and 14 days after planting (DAP), but it had a significant effect at 21, 28, and 35 DAP. However, the application of biochar did not significantly affect the number of leaves and dry weight of mung bean plants.
... The potential for vertisol soils in Indonesia reaches 2.1 million hectares and 9.43% (0.198 million ha) are spread over the East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) region. Vertisol soil has many weaknesses, including physically it is relatively difficult to cultivate because it has a clay content of >60% (Prasetyo, 2007), low fertility with C-organic content (<2%), available K (0.10 me/100 g soil) and low available P (12.60 ppm), and medium N-total (0.24%) (Sudadi et al., 2007). ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of application of biourin fertilizer and Mycorrhizal Vesicles Arbuscula (MVA) dosage on P dynamics, P uptake and yield of shallots in vertisols. This study was designed with a factorial design pattern on the basis of a randomized block design (RBD). The treatment tested was the concentration of biourin (B), with four levels: B10: Concentration of 10 ml.l-1 water, B20: Concentration of 20 ml.l-1 water, B30: Concentration of 30 ml.l-1 of water and B40: Concentration 40 ml.l-1 of water. The second treatment was MVA dose with four levels, namely: M0: Without MVA, M10:10 g.plant-1, M20: 20 g.plant-1 and M30: 30 g.plant-1. The results showed that the biourin concentration of 40 ml.l-1 of water and the MVA dose of 30 g.plant-1 significantly affected the dynamics of available P in Vertisol. The application of biourin at a concentration of 30 ml.l-1 water showed a P absorption of 15.07% and increased shallot yields by 41.07%. The best application of MVA biofertilizer in vertisols was achieved at a dose of 30 g.plant-1, able to increase plant nutrient P uptake by 152% and increase shallot yield by 72.38% from without MVA.Keywords: Concentration of biourin; MVA dose; P dynamics, Shallot yield
... Grumusol memiliki kandungan hara nitrogen yang rendah karena terjadi fiksasi atau penjerapan. Pembentukan tanahnya melalui dua proses utama, pertama adalah proses terakumulasinya mineral 2 : 1 (smektit) dan kedua adalah proses mengembang mengerut yang terjadi secara periodic hingga membentuk slickenside (Prasetyo, 2007). Grumusol merupakan tanah lempung dengan tipe 2:1 (montmorilonit) bersifat mengembang dan mengerut. ...
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Nitrogen is a primary macro nutrient needed by plants and has an important role in plant growth. Regosols, Latosols, and Grumusols are soils that have the potential as a medium for plant growth, with different characteristics and levels of productivity and are constrained by soil nitrogen. Application of nitrogen-rich vermicompost as an alternative to overcome the problem of the three soils. The research aimed to determine the available nitrogen content and nitrogen absorption of pakcoy by adding vermicompost on Regosols, Latosols, and Grumusols. The research used a split-plot design with the main plot in the form of soil types (T1 = Regosols, T2 = Latosols, and T3 = Grumusols) and a subplot in the form of a dose of vermicompost fertilizer (K0 = 0 t ha-1, K1 = 10 t ha-1, K2 = 20 t ha-1, and K3 = 30 t ha-1) so there are 12 treatments and repeated three times. The results showed that the application of vermicompost to Regosols, Latosols, and Grumusols increased total N, available N, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, plant N, and plant N uptake. The dose of vermicompost 20 t ha-1 was the optimum dose for the parameter of N availability.
... Dimana jenis tanah tersebut menjadi salah satu kelemahan pada usaha tani jahe merah. Secara fisik tanah vertisol lahan kering memiliki kelemahan yang sangat keras untuk diolah dikarenakan kandungan liatnya >60% (Prasetyo, 2007). Sudadi et. ...
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Mandalika merupakan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus super prioritas yang berada di Kecamatan Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sebagai kawasan wisata, tentu saja ketersediaan bahan pangan menjadi salah satu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Untuk mendukung kawasan wisata yang maju, pangan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia harus terjaga ketersediaannya baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Secara geografis, lokasi ini berada di bagian selatan Pulau Lombok dengan iklim yang kering. Jenis tanah yang berkembang pada daerah tersebut yakni tanah vertisol. Tanah vertisol merupakan tanah yang terbentuk dari batuan kapur pada daerah yang kering. Tanah vertisol memiliki karakteristik yang sangat khas yaitu sifat kembang kerut yang nyata. Jahe merah merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan rimpang yang populer untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai penghangat tubuh dan memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Dengan kondisi iklim yang kering, jahe merah dapat dikembangkan di daerah penyangga KEK Mandalika dengan beberapa penyesuaian irigasi (sistem irigasi tetes) dan pemberian bahan organik pada tanah dapat memberikan lingkungan yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan jahe merah.
... Tanah vertisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media tumbuh dari banyak jenis tanaman, baik tanaman pangan, palawija maupun tanaman hortikultura termasuk paprika karena dikategorikan sebagai tanah yang cukup subur (Prasetyo, 2007). Meskipun demikian, tanah vertisol memiliki sifat vertik yang ketika musim hujan akan mengembang dan tergenang, dan pada musim kemarau akan mengkerut, retak dan mengeras sehingga sulit untuk diolah (Somasundaram et al., 2018;Utomo, 2016). ...
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Endomikoriza dikenal sebagai pupuk hayati potensial lahan kering karena kemampuannya dalam menyediakan unsur hara bagi tanaman pada kondisi sub optimal. Beberapa penelitian telah mengemukakan bahwa mikoriza mampu meningkatkan serapan hara khususnya fosfor, kalium, dan juga mampu meningkatkan toleransi tanaman yang tumbuh pada kondisi tanah krisis hara dan air. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji seberapa besar pengaruh endomikoriza pada kondisi ketersediaan air yang berbeda pada tanah vertisol yang dibudidaya tanaman paprika. Pada penelitian ini, secara statistik belum membuktikan kemanjuran endomikoriza dalam meningkatkan hara P tersedia, serapan P dan hasil tanaman paprika pada tanah vertisol dengan tingkat ketersediaan air berbeda. Perlakuan ketersediaan air 60% belum cukup membuat tanaman paprika tercekam sehingga keberadaan endomikoriza tidak memberikan pengaruh atas hasil dari beberapa variabel yang diamati. Namun, pada perlakuan tingkat ketersediaan air tanah 80% kapasitas lapang meningkatkan P-tersedia, jumlah bakal bunga dan jumlah bunga paprika yang terbentuk. Berdasarkan pengalaman penelitian ini, dianjurkan agar sebelum aplikasi endomikoriza, perlu terlebih dahulu mensterilkan tanah yang akan digunakan sebagai media. Selain itu, penggunaan endomikoriza sebagai perlakuan, baiknya mengisolasi spora murni dan telah diidentifikasi hingga genus atau bahkan dapat berupa spesies tertentu, bukan dalam bentuk propagul tanah.
... The low water supply for plants, especially in relatively dry areas, means that plants with a lack of water cannot grow optimally. Soil research staff (2014); Prasetyo (2007); Wubetu (2017) characterizes Vertisols as a type of soil that is dark gray to blackish, >30% clay, smoothsided; and fractures that can periodically open and close, with a clay mineral composition dominated by 2:1 type clay minerals. ...
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The high level of clay and the predominance of 2:1 montmorillonite clay on the soil affect the swelling and shrinking of Vertisols soils, inhibiting plant rooting. This study aims to determine the way of giving and the amount of water in Vertisols soil from Jeneponto Regency, Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research is an experimental pot in a greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia. This study used a two-factor block random design method, namely the water provision factor consisting of 2 treatments and the water content factor consisting of 4 treatments with three repeats so that 24 treatment pots were obtained. The water is given through the surface and drops with a water content of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the field capacity. The results showed that the Vertisols Jeneponto had an available waterwater content of 24.60% (field capacity water content of 40.80% and permanent wilting point of 16.20%) with a clay content of 82%. The water provision method affects the width and depth of the fracture as the vegetative and root growth of maize. The results also showed that continuously applying water in limited quantities (drips method with a water content of 75% of field capacity) directly into the root area of plants can suppress the occurrence of shrinking and increase vegetative and root growth of maize as well as the use of a smaller amount of water compared to the surface method.
... Tipe tanah di lahan kering didominasi oleh tanah vertisol. Luas persebaran tanah vertisol di Indonesia sekitar 2,1 jutan hektar (Prasetyo, 2007) yang sebagiannya di Nusa Tenggara Timur (0,198 juta ha). Penanaman selada dilakukan pada tanah vertisol di musim kemarau. ...
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Tipe tanah di lahan kering, didominasi oleh tanah vertisol. Tanah vertisol merupakan tanah dengan kandungan klei tinggi dan mempunyai karakteristik mengembang dan mengerut secara periodik, yang mana mengembang pada saat basah dan mengerut pada saat kering. Karena sifat tanah maka diperlukan bahan pembenah tanah agar agregasi dan aerasi tanah meningkat sehingga penyerapan air pada lapisan bawah permukaan tanah vertisol menjadi maksimal. Akar selada yang dangkal dan halus membutuhukan agregasi dan aerasi tanah vertisol yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek temperatur pembakaran biochar kayu putih (Eucalyptus alba) dan frekuensi pemberian teh kompos dalam pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada (Lactuca sativa L.) pada tanah vertisol. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan lapangan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2019 di kebun percobaan Fakutltas Pertanian Uversitas Timor, Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu, Kelurahan Sasi, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 2 faktorial dengan faktor pertama suhu pembakaran bahan baku biochar yang terdiri dari 3 aras yaitu 350oC, 450oC dan 550oC. Faktor kedua adalah frekuensi penyiraman kompos teh yang terdiri dari tanpa teh kompos, satu kali peyiraman dalam seminggu, 2 kali penyiraman dalam seminggu dan 3 kali penyiraman dalam seminggu. Sehinggga dalam penelitian ini terdapat 12 unit percobaan yang diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan suhu pembakaran biochar dan frekuensi penyiraman kompos teh berpengaruh nyata pada pengamatan tinggi tanaman 35 hst, jumlah daun 35 hst, dan berat segar total tanaman. Biochar kayu putih (eucalyputus alba) yang diarangkan pada temperatur 350oC memberi efek terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada. Frekuensi penyiraman teh kompos 1 kali seminggu memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada (Lactuca sativa L.).
... Thus, the availability of K in the soil is highly dependent on the addition of external sources, fixation by the soil itself and the addition of potassium itself [12]. The main source of K in the soil is feldspar minerals (orthoclase, sanidin), so the presence of these minerals in the soil indicates a source of K [30]. Nutrient K is high, because indeed this nutrient in the earth's crust or on the surface of the soil is quite high, and the deeper it is from the soil surface, the K nutrient content is lower [31]. ...
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Soil conditions in coal mining areas are generally poor in terms of nutrient availability, necessitating the addition of nutrients as well as microbial investment to improve aeration and increase nutrient availability for plants. This study examined the ability of the fungi Metarhizium sp. and Trichoderma sp. to increase tomato plant growth and yield, as well as the ability of these fungi to increase soil fertility in post-coal mining soil. The data were compiled using a completely randomized design with four replications, and the study used post-coal mining soil. Metarhizium sp. and Trichoderma sp. were used, with doses of 0 g, 3 g, and 5 g in each treatment. Plant height, number of branches, number of flowers, and fruit production were all evaluated as growth parameters. The data were analyzed using variance with a level of 5% using the least significant difference test. Increases were found in soil pH, C-organic, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, resulting in an increase in soil fertility. Adding Metharizium sp. and Trichoderma sp. increased soil fertility, tomato plant growth, and production. Keywords: Metarhizium sp., Trichoderma sp., post-coal mining soil
... This type of soil is old soil so that the soil fertility rate is low. The mineralogy composition of sand fraction is varies, some of them rich in weatherable minerals resistant minerals such as quartz and opaque [1]. ...
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The purpose of this study is to identify the subsurface geological structure by using the seismic refraction method in the Wana area of Batu Kuda tourism using Seismic Data Interpretation Refractive Conventional Reciprocal Method (CRM) which aims to produce a GUI. Data obtained in the form of wave propagation time as time forward and time reverse, from the travel time of the wave and distance and time geophone analysis. From the results of the data interpretation, the velocity of P wave propagation in the medium and depth is obtained in 2 layers. In the first layer obtained a velocity value of 628.98 m / s with the depth of the first layer ranged from 0 m-8.73 m and the seismic wave velocity in the second layer was 1228.99 m / s with the depth of the second layer ranged from 8.73 m-20 m. Based on the 2D model the distribution pattern of velocity values, it can be indicated that the first layer is the latosol soil layer containing sand, gravel, fine sediment and clay. The second layer contains fine deposits, sandstone, gravel, sand, fine sand (silt), clay and clay. These materials as a result of the process of the eruption of an undefined young volcano.
... Pada pengamatan struktur tanah tiap petak tambak garam menggunana pipa core sample didapatkan beberapa petak memilki dua lapisan struktur tanah yang berbeda. Struktur tanah pada petak tambak garam mempengaruhi tingkat permeabilitas tanah [13]. Daya permeabilitas ini sangat baik untuk petak tambak agar air tidak mudah terserap masuk ke dalam tanah. ...
Garam salah satu komoditas strategis sebab garam merupakan bahan baku industri dan bahan pangan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas garam rakyat adalah kondisi fisik tanah tambak garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik tanah tambak garam di Pamekasan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif eksploratif yaitu dengan melakukan survei dan pengukuran kualitas serta pengambilan sampel tanah di tambak garam tersebut. Penentuan titik sampel dengan menetapkan tiga titik sampel pada tiap petak tambak garam yaitu pada petak bouzem, peminihan awal ulir, peminihan akhir, dan meja kristalisasi. Warna tanah tiap petak tambak garam menunjukkan warna tua yang mempengaruhi daya serap sinar matahari. Tekstur tanah pada peminihan berupa tanah lempung dan meja kristalisasi berpasir
... Tanah grumusol memiliki sifat fisik yang kurang baik untuk tanaman umbi-umbian. Hal ini didukung oleh penelitian Prasetyo, B. H. (2007) tingginya kandungan fraksi liat berkombinasi dengan dominasi mineral smektit merupakan salah satu penyebab sifat vertisol yang sulit diolah bila basah dan sangat keras bila kering. Pada tanah vertisol umumnya sifat fisik tanah lebih merupakan kendala dibanding sifat kimia tanah. ...
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Penelitian tentang “Uji Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Ubi Jalar (Ipomea batatas L)” telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8 November 2018 sampai tanggal 8 Maret 2019 di lahan sawah dengan jenis tanah grumusol, di Dusun Kalikijing, Kelurahan Potronayan, Kecamatan Nogosari, Kabupaten Boyolali. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu (1) mengetahui dosis pupuk hayati Sinar Bio yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas L), (2) mengetahui dosis pupuk hayati Mikoriza yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas L), (3) mengetahui dosis pupuk hayati Natura yang tepat untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas L). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktor tunggal dengan tiga kali ulangan dengan 9 kombinasi perlakuan: (P1 : Pupuk Hayati Sinar Bio dengan dosis pupuk hayati 15 kg/Ha), (P2 : Pupuk Hayati Sinar Bio dengan dosis pupuk hayati 30 kg/Ha), (P3 : Pupuk Hayati Sinar Bio dengan dosis pupuk hayati 45 kg/Ha), (P4 : Pupuk Hayati Mycogrow dengan dosis pupuk hayati 5 kg/Ha), (P5 : Pupuk Hayati Mycogrow dengan dosis pupuk hayati10 kg/Ha), (P6 : Pupuk Hayati Mycogrow dengan dosis pupuk hayati 15 kg/Ha), (P7 : Pupuk Hayati Natura dengan dosis pupuk hayati 50 kg/Ha), (P8 : Pupuk Hayati Natura dengan dosis pupuk hayati 75 kg/Ha), (P9 : Pupuk Hayati Natura dengan dosis pupuk hayati 100 kg/Ha). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, perlakuan macam pupuk hayati tidak berpengaruh pada semua parameter pengamatan, yaitu panjang batang, jumlah cabang, berat basah brangkasan, berat kering brangkasan, berat umbi, jumlah umbi, diameter umbi dan indeks panen.
... The mineralogical and chemical studies have been characterized by some researches (Anda et al, 2012;Ohta et al, 1992, Anda et al, 2016; Prasetyo et al, 2001, Prasetyo andSuriadikarta, 2006); Sanchez et al (2019);Pramuji and Bastaman, 2009;Prasetyo, 2007); Portela et al (2019), however, it's still no detailed information on the soil of Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, specially original area at PT. Khotai Makmur Insan Abadi. ...
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Soil minerals and chemical properties play an essential role in agricultural, especially to know the availability of soil nutrient reserve. The objective of the study was to investigate soil chemical properties and mineralogical composition. of sand fraction in original area. The study was conducted in two stages. The First stage was in the field and the second stage was in the laboratory. The field study was at Original area PT. Khotai Makmur Insan Abadi, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. Soils were sampled from each horizon of the profile. The second stage was in the Laboratory. The chemical analysis was conducted in the Soil Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Mulawarman University. The Mineralogical composition of fine sand fractions was conducted in Pusat penelitian tanah Bogor, with line counting method using Microscope Polaritation (MP). The results of chemical characteristics indicated that low to very low content of organic matter, soil reactions are acid throughout the horizon, very low to moderate base satration, low to moderate soil cation exchange capacity, high of Al saturation. Sand fraction composition was dominated by resistant minerals (quartz and opaque). On the other hand the easily weatherable minerals are not detected in the original area. One of the reason soil has low CEC is, because the composition of sand fraction in the soil dominated by quartz.
... Dari hasil analisis pada Tabel 2, kandungan Ca di lokasi revegetasi bervariasi dari rendah sampai sedang (3,82-6,30 me/100g) Demikian pula dengan kandungan Mg tergolong rendah sampai sedang (0,84-1,88 me/100g).Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena tidak adanya mineral sumber Mg pada areal revegetasi. Menurut Prasetyo (2007), mineral yang merupakan sumber utama Mg adalah Olivin dan Augit. ...
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The purpose of this research were to determine the composition of sand fraction and chemical properties at revegetation area. The research was conducted from April to October 2019 . The mineralogical Compositions of sand fraction were analyzed using a Polarizing Microscope (PM) at the laboratory of Mineral BB Litbang SDLP, Bogor. The results showed that the composition of sand fractionof soil at revegetation area was dominatd by quartz,with small amounts of opaque, zircon,weathered mineral, rock fragment, and tourmaline.Chemical properties indicated that the soil at revegetation area showed pH from 6,05 to 6,49, had low content of cation exchange capacity in the whole layers, very high content of base saturation, very low to low organic carbon. Exchangeable K and Na are low in the whole layers, the moderate content of potential potassium. Both exchangeable Ca and Mg were lot to moderate. Potentioal P content in soil varies from moderate to high.Soil management in revegetation area should be focused on Maintaining soil fertility through application of liming, and fertilizers
... Kandungan bahan organik sangat rendah sebesar 0,248% pada lahan SLI dan 0,175% pada lahan non SLI. Menurut Prasetyo (2007) Kandungan bahan organik pada tanah inceptisol umumnya tergolong sangat rendah, berkisar antara 0,06% hingga 4,46% dan menurun seiring kedalaman tanah. Pada kedua lahan SLI dan non SLI N total tanah tergolong sedang, yaitu sebesar 0,260% dan 0,237%. ...
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p>Indonesian Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that the implementation of CFS program can increase the production significantly up to 30% (BMKG 2016). This research was conducted to know the influence of climate field school (CFS) and fertilizer dosage on soil chemical properties and corn yield. The study was conducted with a nested experimental design with two factors. Factor A has two levels: CFS Program (S1) and nonCFS (S2) and factor B was fertilizer dose. Factor B is nested on factor A as A (B). The fertilizer dose factor consists of 6 levels; T0 (without fertilizer); T1 (100% organic fertilizer); T2 (75% organic + 25% inorganic fertilizer); T3 (50% organic + 50% inorganic fertilizer), T4 (25% organic + 75% inorganic fertilizer), T5 (100% inorganic fertilizer). The results showed that CFS program increased available P, available K and soil pH, while fertilizer dose (50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizer) on CFS program yielded the highest soil organic matter (4.12%). CFS and fertilizer dose both did not affect the yield of maize significantly. However, the average yield of maize on CFS land is greater (6.50 tonha-1) compared to nonCFS (5.38 tonha-1). The treatment with 100% inorganic fertilizers) on CFS program gives highest yield (8.75 tonha-1).</p
... Soil ameliorants that can be used in coastal sandy land include Vertisol soil and manure. According to Prasetyo (2007), the composition of clay minerals in Vertisol is not only smectite, but also kaolinite, illite and vermiculite. Manure has high CEC which is 30.99 me / 10 g and high N-available which is 290 ppm (Saparso, 2008). ...
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Cauliflower is one of vegetable commodities mostly consumed. The study aimed to determine fertigation interval and application of soil ameliorants including the types, doses, and frequency that are appropriate for the growth and productivity of cauliflower plants in coastal sandy land. The research was carried out in the sandy beach area of Jetis, Banjarsari Village, Nusawungu District, Cilacap Regency from April 2017 to September 2017. The study was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) factorial split plot. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by DMRT at 5 %. The results showed that (1) the fertigation interval did not significantly affect the growth, yield and physiology variables of cauliflower plants; (2) the frequency of soil ameliorants application had significant effect on the variable growth and yield of cauliflower plants. The application of soil ameliorants every season gave the best results compared to application every two seasons; (3) the application of soil ameliorants of Vertisol soil and manure could increase growth and yield variables compared but did not affect the physiology of cauliflower plants.
... Menurut Bahcri et al. (1993), geologi daerah Paguyaman dominan berkembang dari bahan lakustrin yang terdiri dari batu liat (claystones), batu pasir (sandstones), dan kerikil (gravel) pada epoch kuarter pleistosen dan holosen. Sementara Prasetyo (2007) melaporkan bahwa daerah Paguyaman mengandung mineral kuarsa dan dalam jumlah yang lebih sedikit masih dijumpai mineral ortoklas, sanidin dan andesin. ...
... Vertisol is one type of soil that is widely used for agricultural because it has a fairly good fertility rate, characterized by high cation exchange capacity, relatively basic saturation, high water holding capacity , with a neutral to alkaline pH ranging from 6-8.5, but water available low for plants (Deckerset al., 2001;Prasetyo, 2007). The high water-binding ability of Vertisol is due to the high clay content that may reaches more than 30% in all horizon with montmorillonite as its main mineral (FAO, 1990). ...
... Suhu rata-rata tahunan 24-30 o C, suhu tertinggi 36-42 o C. Curah hujan tahunan antara 500-600 mm pada musim kering, 600-800 (<1000) mm pada semi-arid, dan 1000-1500 mm pada sub-humid ( Murthy, et al. 1985). Vertisol mempunyai variasi warna matrik yang cukup lebar, Hue berkisar antara 2,5Y hingga 10YR, value antara 26 dan chroma berkisar antara 0-4 ( Prasetyo, 2007). Brownish-black (10YR 3/22/2), dark-reddish-brown (5YR 3/3), grayish-yellow-brown (10YR 4/2), dan dark-brown (7,5YR 3/3) ( Özsoy, 2007). ...
... Sign (+) and (-) indicated an interaction and no interaction found between the factors tested. on the clay surface and raise the soil CEC (Prasetyo, 2007). ...
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It was necessary to obtain optimum dose of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium obtained through fertilisation in order to improve productivity in the intercropping. Kayu putih tree was cultivated in Yogyakarta for oil production, and the inter-row was designed for intercropping plants, including soybean. The objective of present study was to obtain optimum dose of urea, SP-36, and KCl for soybean intercropped with kayu putih. The experiment was conducted in Menggoran Forest Resort (RPH Menggoran), Playen Forest Section (BDH Playen), Yogyakarta Forest Management District (KPH Yogyakarta) using split-split plot design. The main plot was urea, subplot was SP-36, and sub-subplot was KCl. Fertilisation consisted of three levels (0, 25, 50 kg ha-1 of urea), (0, 150, 300 kg ha-1 of SP-36) and (0, 75, 150 kg ha-1 of KCl). The results showed that application of 50 kg ha-1 urea, 300 kg. ha-1 SP-36, and 150 kg. ha-1 KCl increased N, P, K uptake per hectare as much as 16.23 kg N ha-1, 86.27 kg P ha-1, 40.02 kg K ha-1, respectively. There was positive interaction between urea and SP-36, SP-36 and KCl at leaf area, photosynthetic rate, number of seeds per plants, seed weight per plants, and seed weight per hectare. Under kayu putih intercropping, optimum dosage of urea, SP-36 and KCl were 0, 298.03 and 87.12 kg ha-1, respectively. These combination enabled to produce maximum seed weight of 2.01 tons. ha-1.
... Jenis tanah dominan menurut peta sistem lahan adalah vertisol. Vertisol adalah tanah hitam dan subur, dapat terbentuk dari berbagai macam bahan induk tanah, mineral liatnya didominasi oleh smektit, dan mempunyai sifat yang retak-retak bila kering (Prasetyo, 2007). Dari hasil pengamatan Dariah et al. (2004), jenis vertisol mempunyai permeabilitas lambat, struktur gumpal, kandungan pasir 0,6 %, pasir halus 17,4 %, Debu 18,7%, liat 63,4% dan C organic 0,81%. ...
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Information on the relationship of rainfall with discharge and sediment are required in watershed management.This relationship is known to be highly nonlinear and complex. Although discharge and sediment has been monitored continuously, but sometimes the information is not or less complete. In this condition, modeling is indispensable.The research objective is to create a model to predict the monthly direct runoff and sediment using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).The model was tested using rainfall data at t-3 and t-4 as input, and discharge and sediment at t+3 and t+4 as output. The data used is the data from 2001 to 2014. The results showed that of some models tested there are two models for the prediction of discharge and two models for sediment.The model was chosen because it has the smallest MSE, the largest R2 and satisfying K (0.5 to 0.65).Thus, these models can be used to predict discharge andsediment for a period of t+3 and t+4. Prediction of discharge of t+3 and t+4 may use Q t+3 = 0,64 Q t-3 + 0,05 and Q t+4 = 0,65 Q t-4 + 0,074 res pectively, while for predicting sediment of t+3 and t+4 may use equations QS t+3 = 0,45 QS t-3 + 0,052 and QS t+4 = 0,45 QS t-4 + 0,052. This ANN modeling can be applied to predict the flow and sediment in other locations with an architecture adapted to the conditions of available data.
... The soil textures of both study locations are different due to the different types of soil. The type of soil in Blitar Regency is Inceptisol (Layli, 2012) that makes the soil textures to be dominated by sand and dust fractions, while the type of soil in Ngawi Regency is Vertisol (Prasetyo, 2007) that is dominated by clay fraction. The results of ANOVA analysis showed that the factor of locations interpreting clay fractions of soil provides a very significant difference towards the rate of Pb content of soil. ...
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Motor vehicle gas emission contains lead (Pb) which is a hazardous and toxic substance. Agricultural land, especially rice field, which is located nearby roads passed by many motor vehicle, are susceptible to the accumulation of Pb. If Pb is permeated by plants cultivated in the rice field, it will be very hazardous for humans as they are the final consumers. Hence, it is essential to identify Pb content of rice-field soil initiated by motor vehicle gas emission. This study was aimed to identify the effects of motor vehicle density, the distance between rice-field and road, and the clay content of soil towards Pb content of soils in Blitar and Ngawi Regencies of East Java. The method used for the study was survey method managed by using three-factor nested design with three replicates. The results of this study showed that motor vehicle density and the distance of rice field to road provide significant affected the total of Pb content of soil. However, the dissemination pattern of Pb in the soil was irregular due to the factors of climate and environment. Before Pb reached soil surface, Pb was spread out in the air due to the effect of temperature, wind velocity, vehicle velocity, size of vehicle, and road density. Consequently, the location with low motor vehicle density and positioned faraway to the road had higher total rate of Pb than the location with high motor vehicle density and positioned nearby the road. Clay content affected the total rate of Pb content as much as 37%, every 1% increase of clay content increased the total rate of Pb as much as 0.08 mg/kg.
The aim of this study was to discover soil fertility indicators for coffee cultivation in Tutur District as well as the variables that influence soil fertility levels for coffee cultivation land. A survey method was employed in this investigation. The findings of the chemical characteristics test were utilized as a guide for creating maps of the land fertility potential for coffee plants in Tutur Village. These maps included information on water content, soil pH, C-Organic content, N-total content, Phosphorus content, base saturation, and CEC. According to this study, Tutur District's coffee farming may be classified into three soil fertility status categories: low, medium, and high fertility status. The slope of the land is the factor that has the biggest impact on the soil fertility in the Tutur District's coffee growing region; the steeper the slope, the less fertile the soil is.
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Climate change especially in agriculture, have a serious impact on soil fertility. Low soil fertility can affect the quality and quantity of agricultural produce. Biochar is one of the soil-fixing materials that can be used to increase soil fertility i.e. physical, chemical and biological fertility especially in vertisol soil. The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of various types of biochar and the best dose of biochar on the growth of soybean plants. The research was conducted at Screen House, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta on March to June 2021. The research was designed in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two factors. The first factor is the type of biochar consisting of three levels, which consist of coconut shell biochar, rice husk biochar, and biochar corn cob. The second factor is the biochar dose consisting of five levels, which consist of 0 ton.ha ⁻¹ , 5 tons.ha ⁻¹ , 10 tons.ha ⁻¹ , 15 tons.ha ⁻¹ , and 20 tons.ha ⁻¹ . Each experiment was repeated three times. The results showed no interaction between the type and dose of biochar in all variables. Treatment of the type of biochar rice husk with a dose of 20 tons.ha-1 can increase the plant height by 14.6%. Treatment of the type of rice husk biochar with a dose of 15 tons.ha-1 can increase the number of leaves by 11.345%, the number of branches by 36.63%, wet weight by 17.74%, dry weight by 15.9%. Biochar treatment of coconut shell with a dose of 5 tons.ha-1 can increase the leaf area by 63.45%.
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This study aims to describe the land horizon of soil texture that is influenced by soil moisture, soil pH, soil organic matter and soil color in dragon fruit gardens in the Kemuning Lor village, Arjasa Subdistrict, Jember Regency. The type of research used includes qualitative research using the survey method. The object of this research can be obtained and reviewed from the Geomorphological and Geological Map of the Arjasa Subdistrict, Kabupaten Jember, East Java Province on a scale of 1: 25,000 (Indonesian Digital topographic map), which is on the condition of the land horizon. Point samples are determined by the area of the dragon fruit orchard selected to be used as five sample points by means of tools, namely, google earth, GPS, pH and humidity measuring devices, geological maps, and geomorphological maps. The results showed that the 5 points taken at the dragon fruit garden had an average pH that was neutral, the soil moisture was high, the soil was of average dark brown and blackish brown, brown in such a way that the condition of organic matter was present in O horror or the uppermost layer itself has a fairly high level of soil fertility, the soil structure that is there contains quite a lot of sand and clay. These conditions influenced by old volcanic landform, aluvial plain, and quarter volcanic landform
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p>Food need in Indonesia always increases while its production tends to decrease. One of factors causing it is contaminants in agricultural environment including lead (Pb). This research aimed to study the effectiveness of bioremediation and microbial consortia fertilizers in increasing rice production and decreasing lead contamination in grain. The research started in August 2013 to February 2014 in village Waru and Kebak, Kebakkramat, Karanganyar, using Nested Factorial Treatment Design and Complete Randomized Block Design with two factors those are bioremediation variety and combination microbial fertilizers with chemical fertilizers. Statistical analysis used F-test, Kruskal Wallis,Tukey 5%, Mood Median, correlation test and regression. Research result showed best production was achieved at V2P1 (Pepe + Azolla 0,183 ton ha-1, microbial fertilizer 0,56 ton ha-1 and chemical fertilizers 50% of farmer standard), that is highest result is achieved at total number of tillers (35,64), number of productive tillers (25,72), Dry Grain (11 ton ha-1) and Dry Milled Grain (8,7 ton ha-1). Azolla microphylla, microbial fertilizer and chemical fertilizers 50% of farmer standard treat was effective to reduce heavy metal residues because lead residues were not found on the grain (0 ppm).</p
p>Soil fertility is a crucial factor determining the growth and yield of plants. The increase of nutrient content and availability in soil can be achieved by fertilization. A field experiment was conducted using a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with two factors and three replications in order to study the effects of Mixed Source of Fertilizer (MSF) application on the nutrient contents in Vertisol and its relationship to the growth and yield of mustard. The first factor was the three MSF formulas (F1, F2, F3) and second factor was the doses of MSF (0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10 Mg ha-1) applied to the soil. At the end of the experiment, the soil pH, CEC, organic-C, total-N, available-P and exchangeable-K contents were measured. The results show that there are no significant differences on the soil chemical characteristics, such as pH, organic-C content, available-P, exchangeable-K, -Ca and -Mg measured after application of different MSF formulas to the soil. Meanwhile, the increase of MSF doses applied to the soil significantly increases organic-C content, total-N, available-P and exchangeable-K in the soil. The significant increase of available-P (by 29.13%) and total-N (by 24.1%) occured after application of MSF at 5.0 Mg ha-1 and the increase of exchangeable-K (by 50%) is achieved after application of 7.5 Mg ha-1, in comparison to that without MSF application. The height and fresh weight of mustard increase in accordance with the increase of MSF doses applied. The application of 10.0 Mg ha-1 MSF results in the highest height and fresh weight of the mustard up to 63.9% and 620%, respectively. The height and fresh weight of mustard are positively correlated to the total-N, available-P and exchangeable-K in the soil. The MSF is an alternative fertilizer that can be used to improve Vertisol fertility and plant growth. Keywords: Coconut husk ash, feldspar, mixed source fertilizer, phosphate rock,Vertisol</p
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ABSTRAK Efek sisa pupuk kandang diperkaya fosfat alam (FA) bermanfaat untuk musim tanam berikutnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pukan diperkaya FA (pukan) dalam bentuk granular dan di inokulasi biodekomposer terhadap nutrisi jerami jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata) pada musim tanam kedua. Penelitian lapang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan pada tanah vertisol. Dosis unsur hara P (FA), N (urea), dan K (KCl) masing-masing 66 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha dan 125 kg K/ha. Dosis pukan 30 t/ha dan semua diperkaya FA. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah T0 (pukan), T1 (pukan+EM4), T2 (pukan+starTmik), T3 (pukan+stardec), T4 (pukan granular+ EM4), T5 (pukan granular+starTmik), T6 (pukan granular+stardec). Panen jagung manis pada umur 70 hari setelah tanam, dan jerami dipotong untuk mendapatkan data kadar protein kasar (PK), fosfor (P) dan kalsium (Ca). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efek residu pukan tanpa biodekomposer (T0) menghasilkan kadar PK jerami jagung manis berbeda tidak nyata dibanding perlakuan lainnya, kecuali pada T4. Efek residu pukan dalam bentuk granular maupun non-granular dengan inokulasi biodekomposer menghasilkan kadar P dan Ca jerami jagung manis nyata lebih tinggi dibanding tanpa biodekomposer. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa efek residu pukan dengan inokulasi biodekomposer mempunyai kemampuan setara dalam menghasilkan kadar PK, namun lebih tinggi kadar P dan Ca jerami jagung manis dibanding pukan tanpa biodekomposer. ABSTRACT Residual effects of applied manure enriched with rock phosphate (manure) can be used for the next growing season. The objective of the research was to investigate the residual effects of manure in granular form and biodecomposer inoculated on sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata) stover nutrient on the second growing season. A field experiment of completely randomized design with 7 treatments and four replicates was conducted on vertisol soil. Level of P (RP), N (urea) and K (KCl) fertilizers was 66 kg P/ha, 200 kg N/ha, and 125 kg K/ha, respectively. All of manure application on the first growing season at 30 t/ha, and enriched with RP. The treatments were T0 (manure), T1 (manure+ EM4), T2 (manure+starTmik), T3 (manure +stardec), T4 (manure granular+ EM4), T5 (manure granular+starTmik), and T6 (manure granular +stardec). The sweet corn was harvested at 70 days after planting, the stover was cut and measured for crude protein (CP), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) concentration. The result showed that residual effect of manure without biodecomposer (T0) was not significantly different on CP concentration of sweet corn stover compared to the other treatments, excepted T4. Residual effect of manure in granular or non-granular form and inoculated with biodecomposer resulted in significantly higher of Ca and P concentration (P<0,05) compared to manure without biodecomposer (T0). Conclusion, residual effect of manure inoculated with biodecomposer resulted in similar on CP concentration, and higher on P and Ca concentration of sweet corn stover compared to manure without biodecomposer.
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The fertilizer availability as source of N, P, and K nutrient where plant responsif was difficult found by farmer. Thefore, It was needed information about nutrient availability in soil properties to know nutrient deficiency of its by maize as plant indicator. The objective of this research was to study the respons of N, P, and K fertilizers and the best combination of it on the growth and yield of Maize. The research conducted at Udic Pellusterts in North Isimu Tibawa District of Gorontalo Regency. The experimental design was following random block design that consist of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The result of this research showing that minus N, P, and K fertilizers have a significantly effect on plant age polination, the percentage of height stem of an ear of corn to plant height and dry straw weight but did not have significantly effect on plant height and the weigh of one hundred grain of Maize. To improve the growth and yield of Maize using fertilizing without P treatment were 250 kg Urea ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 or completely dosage were 250 kg Urea ha-1, 100 kg TSP ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 as the best fertilizers combination. Keywords: Growth and yield of maize, N, P, K fertilizers, Vertisols
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The fertilizer availability as source of N, P, and K nutrient where plant responsif was difficult found by farmer. Thefore, It was needed information about nutrient availability in soil properties to know nutrient deficiency of its by maize as plant indicator. The objective of this research was to study the respons of N, P, and K fertilizers and the best combination of it on the growth and yield of Maize. The research conducted at Udic Pellusterts in North Isimu Tibawa District of Gorontalo Regency. The experimental design was following random block design that consist of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The result of this research showing that minus N, P, and K fertilizers have a significantly effect on plant age polination, the percentage of height stem of an ear of corn to plant height and dry straw weight but did not have significantly effect on plant height and the weigh of one hundred grain of Maize. To improve the growth and yield of Maize using fertilizing without P treatment were 250 kg Urea ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 or completely dosage were 250 kg Urea ha-1, 100 kg TSP ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 as the best fertilizers combination.
The nature of organic matter (OM) of five Vertisols was investigated by means of Diffuse Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (DRIFT) on whole soil samples and on stable aggregates of different size, separated by water dispersion. This method allows the IR spectra of soil OM to be obtained in its original state, unaltered by chemical treatments and with part of the functional groups bound to the mineral components.Further information on the nature of OM was obtained by electrofocusing (EF) analyses of the 0.1 M Na4P207-NaOH extracts of soils and of water stable soil aggregates. The relationship of OM with soil fabric was investigated by determining the organic carbon distribution in the different waterstable fractions.Our results show that OM is concentrated in the silt size aggregates and its nature appears rather uniform in the five Vertisols. In particular, DRIFT analyses reveal the existence of very strong hydrogen bonds between the OM and the soil mineral fraction and the presence, in the natural soils, of compounds, such as cyclic anhydrides. Moreover, aromatic substances appear concentrated in the water-stable, silt-size aggregates, while relatively simple aliphatic compounds seem to prevail in clay fractions. In the “apparent”silt fraction EF analyses show the presence of considerable amounts of organo-metal complexes, probably responsible for the aggregation of fine clay particles.
This book provides an up-to-date information on Vertisols research, and guides readers to important reference material. Four keynote papers and eight country papers and national perspectives on the management of Vertisols in Malawi, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Ethiopia are presented. International perspectives on the management of (Vertisols in India, Australia and Texas, USA) are also discussed.
Montmorillonite and other Smectite minerals. p 293-330
  • Wisconsin Madison
  • U S A Borchardt
Soil Sci Soc Of Amer., Madison, Wisconsin, U. S. A. Borchardt, G. A. 1989.Montmorillonite and other Smectite minerals. p 293-330. In J. B. Dixon and S. B. Weed (Eds.). Minerals in Soil Environments. Soil Sci. Of Amer., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Lecture notes on the geography, formation, properties, and use of the major soils of the world
  • P M Driessen
  • R Dudal
Driessen, P. M., and R. Dudal (Eds). 1989. Lecture notes on the geography, formation, properties, and use of the major soils of the world. Agricultural University, Wageningen.
Classification and management-related properties of Vertisols
  • H Eswaran
  • T Cook
Eswaran, H. and T. Cook. 1988. Classification and management-related properties of Vertisols. p. 431. In Jutzi, S., I. Haque, J. McIntire, and J. Stares. (Eds): Proceeding of a Conference held at ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31 August to 4 September 1987
Soil. Morphology, Genesis, and Classification
  • D S Fanning
  • M C B Fanning
Fanning, D. S., and M. C. B. Fanning. 1989. Soil. Morphology, Genesis, and Classification. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Vertisol dari daerah Gorontalo: Sifatsifat fisik-kimia dan komposisi mineralnya
  • B H Hikmatullah
  • Dan M Prasetyo
  • Hendrisman
Hikmatullah, B. H. Prasetyo, dan M. Hendrisman. 2002. Vertisol dari daerah Gorontalo: Sifatsifat fisik-kimia dan komposisi mineralnya. Jurnal Tanah dan Air. 3 (1) : 21-32.
Vertisols Management in Zambia
  • N Mukanda
  • A Mapiki
Mukanda, N. and A. Mapiki. 2001. Vertisols Management in Zambia. p. 129-127. In Syers, J. K, F. W. T. Penning De Vries, and P. Nyamudeza (Eds): The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. IBSRAM Proceedings No. 20.
Minertalogi Vertisol dari bahan induk tuf, napal dan batupasir
  • D Mulyanto
  • M Nurcholis
  • Dan Triyanto
Mulyanto, D., M. Nurcholis, dan Triyanto. 2001. Minertalogi Vertisol dari bahan induk tuf, napal dan batupasir. Jurnal Tanah dan Air. 2 (1) : 38-46.
Soil of Pametikarata, East Sumba: Its suitability and constraints for food crop development
  • B H Prasetyo
  • H Sosiawan
  • S Ritung
Prasetyo, B. H., H. Sosiawan, and S. Ritung. 2000. Soil of Pametikarata, East Sumba: Its suitability and constraints for food crop development. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science. 1 (1) : 1-9.
Tanah-tanah sawah intensifikasi di Jawa: Susunan mineral, sifat-sifat kimia dan klasifikasinya
  • B H Prasetyo
  • M Soekardi
  • H Subagjo
Prasetyo, B. H., M. Soekardi, dan Subagjo.H. 1996. Tanah-tanah sawah intensifikasi di Jawa: Susunan mineral, sifat-sifat kimia dan klasifikasinya. Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk, 14 : 12 -24.
Pedogenesis dua pedon Grumosol (Vertisols) dari bahan volkanik gunung Lawu dekat Ngawi dan Karanganyar
  • H Subagjo
Subagjo, H. 1983. Pedogenesis dua pedon Grumosol (Vertisols) dari bahan volkanik gunung Lawu dekat Ngawi dan Karanganyar. Pemberitaan Pen. Tanah dan Pupuk, No.2:8-18.
Tanah-tanah pertanian di Indonesia. Hlm 21-66
  • H Subagyo
  • N Suharta Dan
  • A B Siswanto
Subagyo, H., N. Suharta dan A. B. Siswanto. 2004. Tanah-tanah pertanian di Indonesia. Hlm 21-66. Dalam A.Adimihardja et al (Eds).
  • M Sudjadi
  • I M Widjik
  • Dan M Soleh
Sudjadi, M., I. M. Widjik, dan M. Soleh. 1971. Penuntun analisa tanah. Publ. LPT No. 10, Bogor
Sustainable nutrient management of Vertisols
  • J K Syers
  • P Nyamudeza
  • Y Ahenkorah
Syers, J. K., P. Nyamudeza, and Y. Ahenkorah. 2001. Sustainable nutrient management of Vertisols. p. 43 -55. In Syers, J. K, F. W. T. Penning De Vries, and P. Nyamudeza (Eds): The Sustainable Management of Vertisols. IBSRAM Proceedings No. 20.