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Transformative Experiences Become More Accessible Through Virtual Reality


Abstract and Figures

Virtual Reality (VR) has immersive powers that can teleport an im-mersant into a virtual world and provide them with an experience of being somewhere that they may not have been able to go to. These powers of VR are most often used for games and entertainment, creating a space for escapism and isolation that may have negative psychological and societal outcomes. In this paper, we argue for an opposing application of VR technology-for promoting wellness and feeling of connectedness with people and the world around us. Such feelings can be elicited as a result of a profound awe-inspiring experience, that expands one's mental model and consequently leads to a positive behavioral change. Such experiences are described as transformative, or in strong cases 'pivotal'. Unfortunately, these experiences are rare, only accessible by some people, and nearly unavailable for researchers interested in studying this phenomenon. The immersive powers of VR present a unique opportunity to reproduce such experiences in the lab or at home, thus making them accessible both to the public and to the researchers. Having real-time access to an experience of the immersant will allow the researchers to study the progression of the tranformative experiences and understand its effects and precursors. In this paper, we are proposing a framework through which transformative experiences can be studied in VR. Understanding this phenomenon will inform how VR experiences should be designed in order to create a positive impact on our society.
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Transformative Experiences Become More Accessible Through Virtual
Ekaterina R. Stepanova*Denise QuesnelBernhard Riecke
Simon Fraser University
Virtual Reality (VR) has immersive powers that can teleport an im-
mersant into a virtual world and provide them with an experience of
being somewhere that they may not have been able to go to. These
powers of VR are most often used for games and entertainment,
creating a space for escapism and isolation that may have negative
psychological and societal outcomes. In this paper, we argue for an
opposing application of VR technology - for promoting wellness
and feeling of connectedness with people and the world around us.
Such feelings can be elicited as a result of a profound awe-inspiring
experience, that expands one’s mental model and consequently leads
to a positive behavioral change. Such experiences are described as
transformative, or in strong cases ’pivotal’. Unfortunately, these
experiences are rare, only accessible by some people, and nearly
unavailable for researchers interested in studying this phenomenon.
The immersive powers of VR present a unique opportunity to re-
produce such experiences in the lab or at home, thus making them
accessible both to the public and to the researchers. Having real-time
access to an experience of the immersant will allow the researchers
to study the progression of the tranformative experiences and under-
stand its effects and precursors. In this paper, we are proposing a
framework through which transformative experiences can be studied
in VR. Understanding this phenomenon will inform how VR experi-
ences should be designed in order to create a positive impact on our
Index Terms:
Human-centered computing—Human Com-
puter Interaction—Interaction Paradigms—Virtual Reality; Applied
Computing—Life and Medical Sciences—Consumer Health Ap-
plied Computing—Education—Interactive Learning Environments
A few fortunate individuals have an opportunity to have a profound
experience in their lives that evolve them as a changed person.
Such experiences are often described as transformative or, in strong
cases, ’pivotal’ or, when interpreted through spirituality, transcen-
dent. While these experiences have a positive psychological effect,
they tend to be very rare, and difficult to study [16]. These ex-
periences most often occur when an individual observes the vast
beauty of nature, for example when one climbs a mountain [25],
reaches Antarctica [17] or looks at Earth from space [26]. As such,
for most cases these experience are only accessible to the privi-
leged group of people, who have the physical and financial means
to travel to the places where a transformative experience can oc-
cur. We posit that Virtual Reality (VR) technology can increase the
accessibility of such experiences for both researchers interested in
understanding them and the larger population interested in experi-
encing them [7, 20, 21]
Currently transformative experiences are very difficult to study be-
cause they are rare, private and complex. As such, for the researchers
interested in better understanding and researching these experiences,
it is fairly difficult to find individuals who have gone through a
transformative experience. Transformative experiences are very
private, thus, even if a researcher happens to be next to the per-
son who is having a transformative experience at that moment, any
intrusion from the researcher will prevent the experience from hap-
pening. Therefore the only information available for the researchers
is retrospective, with a long delay between the experience and the
interview or survey, which makes this measure prone to recall and
interpretation errors [12].
An individual experience of a person having a transformative
experience will be different from an experience of another individ-
ual [25]. Not only will the individual variables have an effect on
each personal experience, but the environment in which these expe-
riences occur also differ, thus making it even more difficult to make
generalizations from the collected interviews.
Figure 1: Tranformative Framework
We are proposing a framework (see Fig. 1) that discusses transfor-
mative experiences as transitions between three stages: perceptual
experience, cognitive shift and behavioral change. We are proposing
how VR can be used in order to create a controlled environment to
apply this framework to study transformative experiences.
3.1 Perceptual Experience (Stage 1)
We posit that a transformative experience starts from a novel per-
ceptual experience that is able to elicit an emotional response. In
many cases, this experience has the property of perceptual vastness
which elicits emotions such as awe [14, 15]. VR technology can be
used to create vast stimuli, and in combination with an affordance
of inducing the sense of ”presence” it has the potential to elicit awe-
inspiring experiences [5]. As the environment is created in the VR
it will remain more or less constant between each participant of the
study, thus having this environmental variable controlled.
This stage can be studied in detail through physiological mea-
sures. Biosensors such as heart rate variability, galvanic response,
and goosebumps [2, 11, 19] can help identify specific moments in
the experience that resulted in an emotional response in the par-
ticipant. Another evaluation method that should be paired with
physiological measures is cued-recall debrief [3], where the partici-
pant re-immerses inside their experience while watching a recording
of it. This measure is less prone to memory errors than interviews,
and will allow the researcher to disambiguate events observed in
the recordings of the physiological measures. Correlating all of
these measures with the recording of participant’s view will give
the researchers access to the specific moment of change for the par-
ticipant, and the relation to the components of the virtual system.
This would provide the valuable information about the effectiveness
of the specific elements of the design of the virtual environment in
ability to trigger affective response.
3.2 Transformative Design Framework (Transition 1)
Andrea Gaggioli [7] proposed a framework that explains how the
transition from the perceptual experience to the cognitive shift hap-
pens. When presented with a powerful and novel perceptual experi-
ence, an individual has three options of dealing with it: assimilation,
accommodation or rejection. If an individual is able to fit the ex-
perience into their current worldview, then the experience will get
assimilated and no further change will occur. However, if the ex-
perience does not fit with the worldview, thus there is a perceptual
dissonance, then the worldview ought to change to accommodate for
the new perspective, which would lead to a cognitive shift. However,
if the individual is not able to accommodate the new perspective
it will get rejected, by finding an alternative explanation for the
experience, e.g. an illusion or a hallucination. While in the real
world, this third option of rejection is less likely to occur; in the case
of a VR experience, it is easy to disregard it as not real. Thus it is
important for the researchers to pay attention to how they prepare
the participant to the experience by carefully building trust in the
3.3 Cognitive shift (Stage 2)
After a successful accommodation, an individual will experience a
cognitive shift in their worldview, or an expansion of their mental
model. This stage is the most challenging to assess, as it requires the
use of implicit measures that can tap into the structure of the cogni-
tive system of the participant. Such measures can use physiological
measures such as eye-tracking, or tests that rely on reaction time or
disambiguation [28].
An example of such implicit measure is an Implicit Association
Test (IAT) [10], that can, e.g., be used for assessing one’s connect-
edness to nature [4, 23], which is one of the observed outcomes of
transformative experiences [27]. This is a computerized test that
uses reaction time to assess how closely one associates ”self” with
”nature”. A disambiguation test can use ambiguous images or stories
to infer participant’s attitudes from his interpretation of the stimuli.
Tests that rely on reaction time have more noise than disambigua-
tion tests, but they provide a continuous measure and they are more
resilient to social desirability bias.
3.4 Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Transition 2)
Similarly to the transformative design framework, cognitive dis-
sonance theory [6] explains the transition from the cognitive to
behavioral change through emergence of a disequilibrium and the
desire of the cognitive system to return to equilibrium. Thus if the
new worldview is inconsistent with current behavior of the partici-
pant, then to resolve the conflict either the worldview or the behavior
will need to change. Since the worldview has just been adjusted in
order to accommodate for the perceptual experience, at this stage
adjusting the worldview will create a new conflict, so the only way
to achieve the equilibrium would be to modify one’s behavior to
reflect new values of the expanded mental model.
3.5 Behavioral Change (Stage 3)
The ultimate goal of understanding how to design the transformative
experiences is to create a caring society where an individual will
find it unnatural to behave in a way that is destructive or ignorant.
This stage can be evaluated through behavioral measures such as
observing participants’ pro-social [22] or pro-environmental [1] be-
haviors. These observations are performed with deception by staging
a situation to which a participant has to react, e.g. experimenter can
drop pens [22] or spill water [1], and then participants behavior is
observed. This measure can also use reaction times.
However, it is important to consider the timeline at which this
change occurs. While taking this measure right after the VR expe-
rience is convenient, it will be prompt to two possible issues: 1)
it may not capture the change that requires longer processing time
before the cognitive system achieves equilibrium, thus producing a
false negative result in the measure; or on the other hand, 2) it may
also produce a false positive result, by failing to assess longitudinal
effects of the experience.
For the specific example of how this framework can be applied, we
want to discuss the Overview Effect. The Overview Effect is the pro-
found experience that astronauts have when they see the Earth from
space, and realize how beautiful and fragile the planet is, and how
we all as living species need to unite together to protect our home
planet [26]. This is a strong, profound experience with long-lasting
positive psychological effects [13,24]. A lot of astronauts after re-
turning to Earth start engaging in pro-social and pro-environmental
activities [9]. However, as space flight is inaccessible to the majority
of the world population, this presents a perfect case for VR technol-
ogy to step in and deliver an experience to the general public that
could induce the Overview effect (or an extent of it) without shooting
rockets into space. In order to evaluate whether the VR experience
was able to achieve an extent of the Overview Effect, the researchers
can look for the emotion of awe and wonder felt [8,19], the cogni-
tive shift leading to increased connectedness with nature [4,23], and
observe pro-social [22] and pro-environmental [1] behaviors.
We are iteratively working on a prototype of a VR experience
inspired by the Overview Effect; the user tests are indicating that the
VR experience is effective in eliciting desired emotional responses
and has potential for inducing a cognitive shift [18]. However, the
description of our prototype and the results of the tests are out of the
scope of this position paper.
VR can provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study a very
complex and personal phenomenon of transformative experiences
in a controlled lab environment, making these profound positive
experiences accessible for both the researchers and general public
willing to improve their well-being. Such transformative VR in-
stallations can be made available to the public in culture spaces,
such as museums and art galleries, thus not only providing access
to these positive experiences to general public, but also giving re-
searchers a potential access to a wide range of participants. In the
future, when VR technology becomes even more widespread and
the transformative experiences design is well understood, these VR
experiences can be made available for the public to use at the com-
fort of their own home for improvement of their well-being akin to
mobile meditation apps. However, the design of the experience and
the research of it are interdependent, and thus we will need to design
and evaluate the experience and the evaluation methods, proposed
for assessing the progression through stages of the transformative
experience, through an iterative process, at the end of which we will
build the knowledge of how to design VR experiences for well-being
and a positive change in society.
The authors wish to thank NSERC and NGX Interactive. This work
was supported in part by NSERC Engage grant.
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... New developments in VR technology have enabled the development of simulated versions of the Overview Effect that capture some of its aesthetic and emotive elements, allowing researchers opportunities to investigate its potential benefits without requiring space-travel (Yaden et al., 2016;Nezami, 2017;Stepanova, 2018;Stepanova et al., 2018;Nezami et al., 2021). ...
... Meta-analyses have found VR interventions to be effective for creating psychological change, particularly when coupled with existing treatments (Turner and Casey, 2014;Riva et al., 2016;Dellazizzo et al., 2020). Moreover, recent research indicates that VR could be an effective tool for facilitating selftranscendent experiences and awe states (Yaden et al., 2016;Chirico et al., 2017;Stepanova, 2018;Stepanova et al., 2018;White et al., 2018). ...
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Climate scientists increasingly agree that human behavior significantly contributes to global warming and biodiversity decline. Recent research emphasizes the importance of human-nature connectedness as a reliable predictor of psychological wellbeing and increased engagement in pro-environmental behavior. While evidence supports a positive correlation between human-nature connectedness and pro-environmental behavior, establishing causation remains elusive. Nevertheless, exploring this link is crucial, given its potential to enhance pro-environmental behavior. Armed with this understanding, stakeholders can design and implement successful sustainability interventions that promote wellbeing on individual and collective levels. One psychological phenomenon believed to have a strong effect on human-nature connectedness and pro-environmental behavior is “The Overview Effect,” a term used to describe the shift in awareness some astronauts experience when viewing Earth from outside its atmosphere. This pilot study explored whether a 180-degree virtual reality Overview Effect experience created by EarthscapeVR ® influences human-nature connectedness and whether a correlation exists between participants’ average human-nature connectedness scores and openness to experience scores. 60 student participants took part in the study. The results showed significant increases on human-nature connectedness ( p < 0.0021) in the experimental condition compared to the control group ( p = 0.97), with no correlation ( r = 0.137) between participants’ average human-nature connectedness scores and openness to experience scores. While these results are not conclusive and further research is necessary, the initial findings support translating the Overview Effect into virtual reality to promote human-nature connectedness in people.
... These experiences, spirit possession and virtual reality, demonstrate how the body can extend outwards into the world as part of a larger assemblage of self through a perceived out-of-body experience and how this opens up new perspectives through a more distributed agency. Both experiences have been shown to be transformative (Maraldi 2014;Stepanova, Quesnel, and Riecke 2018), allowing for longer-term identity exploration. Our aim is not to paint a complete picture of all dissociative experiences in consumer research but rather to integrate key insights from existing studies on both mundane and extraordinary experiences which allow for mental escapes or disruptions of consciousness. ...
... In the contemporary epoch of digital convergence, Virtual Reality (VR) stands as a transformative force, reshaping the contours of human interaction, immersion, and experience (Stepanova et al. 2018). This technological revolution has blurred the lines between the digital realm and tangible reality, positing a future where digital experiences may not only rival but potentially eclipse the tangibility of the physical world (Roo and Hachet, 2017). ...
This study investigates the impact of Virtual Reality (VR) on Tourist Destination Decision (TDD), surveying 425 participants in Saudi Arabia. We explored the influence of self-efficacy, hedonic motivation, and social influence within the VR context in tourism. Our findings reveal the significant, yet non-dominant role of hedonic motivations and the unexpected prominence of habitual behaviors in TDD. Notably, the study challenges traditional assumptions by highlighting VR’s transformative impact on tourist decisions, diverging from previous research that underplayed technology’s role. This research contributes new insights into the interplay of technology and human behavior in tourism, offering valuable implications for industry practices. It emphasizes the importance of integrating VR into tourism strategies in today’s digital age, signaling a shift in the landscape of tourist decision-making processes. This study investigates the influence of Virtual Reality (VR) on Tourist Destination Decision (TDD) against the backdrop of the digital age, surveying 425 participants from major cities in Saudi Arabia. It uniquely contributes to the existing literature by examining the interplay of factors like self-efficacy, hedonic motivation, social influence, and habitual behaviors within the context of VR and tourism. Contrary to traditional assumptions, our findings reveal that while hedonic motivations are significant, they do not dominate VR-influenced TDD. Instead, habitual behaviors and social influence emerge as more influential. These challenges prevailing perspectives in tourism research and underscore the importance of VR in reshaping tourist decision-making processes. The study’s novelty lies in integrating contemporary technological trends with established tourism theories, thereby offering fresh insights into how technology, particularly VR, interacts with human behaviors in tourism. It also highlights the need for industry adaptation to these technological advancements. In essence, this research provides a foundational understanding of the evolving tourism landscape, marked by the synergy of VR technology and human predispositions, and sets the stage for further exploration into how these factors interplay with various demographic, cultural, and economic contexts.
... For instance, Chirico et al. (2017) found that immersive and realistic VR scenarios effectively increased the intensity of awe experiences compared to normal non-immersive videos. Moreover, VR increased the sense of engagement, the sense of physical space -as key components of the sense of presence, as well as the perception of vastness (Riva et al., 2016;Stepanova et al., 2018). ...
... The role of other species and natural systems and their importance for the ecosystem have to be understood in order for people to be able to reflect on their relatedness towards nature 1,3 . Thus, it requires methods that address the affective dimension, break through previous habits, and train the ability to act 4,5 . In the concept of Education for Sustainable Development perspective taking is argued as an approach to foster understanding and reflecting one's relationship towards others (cognitive dimension), and by that, relating to it (affective dimension) 6 . ...
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Abstract The potential of using immersive virtual reality (iVR) technologies to enhance nature relatedness by embodying non-human beings, such as plants or animals, is only sparsely researched. To contribute to this emerging research field we conducted an experimental study (N = 28) that compared the effects of the viewing condition (iVR or desktop) while embodying a tree on nature relatedness, perspective-taking and, as a control, on perceived immersion. A mixed-method approach employing quantitative and qualitative questions was used. Our results showed that irrespective of condition allocation, the more immersed participants felt in their experience, the greater they reported increased levels of nature relatedness (r = 0.42, p
... Two fnal types of transfer happen on a subconscious level and have not received much attention yet in game studies: the aesthetic experience [8,20] and transformative experience [9,32,33]. An aesthetic experience occurs when a game is not simply observed, but actively experienced, which can result in an "exceptional state of mind" [20, p. 1] and is "[...] an immersion so complete that the qualities of the object and the emotions it arouses have no separate existence" [8, p. 288]. ...
Mental health problems are very common among university students, and the situation worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The closure of universities, the restrictions imposed, and the reduction of social activities led to considerable changes in students' lives, thus posing new mental health and emotional challenges. Within this context, promoting university students' general well-being, in particular emotional and psychological well-being, becomes essential. In addition to the possibility of online interventions aimed at overcoming distance limitations and reaching people at their home, other advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR) have demonstrated the potential to improve people's well-being, quality of life, and positive experiences. The study reported in this article is aimed at exploring the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a self-help VR intervention lasting 3 weeks in promoting emotional well-being in university students. Forty-two university students voluntarily participated in a six-session intervention. In each session, a different virtual scenario was presented: two relaxing experiences and four transformative experiences based on metaphors or metaphoric ones aimed at encouraging students to be aware of their emotions and positive resources. Students were randomly allocated to an experimental group and to a waiting list group that started the intervention after 3 weeks. Before and after the six sessions, participants completed an assessment by completing online questionnaires. Results showed a significant increase in both emotional well-being and psychological well-being in the experimental group compared to the waiting list group. The majority of participants said that they would recommend the experience to other students.
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become the presence of daily life. We draw on outstanding research to substantiate that VR/AR are scientific tools that can be integrated in many fields of research, in learning, in marketing campaigns and product design, in psychology, medicine, economy, etc., meeting the principles of circular economy at the same time. Due to the fulminant evolution of communication and interconnected modern devices, VR/AR are more and more present in every business, in every research field. VR/AR facilitate the implementation of simulations and experiments under a safe environment, avoiding possible damages and spending money on expensive technologies. Our study, using references on VR and AR applied in current activities and different fields of business, shows what the current state of knowledge in the field is and opens interesting perspectives regarding the impact of VR and AR on the future market and research, building an interdisciplinary bridge between technology and learning, psychology, medicine, economy (marketing, tourism, and industry). The context in which these technologies will be developed must be seen not only from the perspective of a particular field, but especially as a concrete impact on humans.
Conference Paper
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In the study of transformative experiences, the feeling of awe is found to alter an individual's perception in positive, lasting manners. Our research aims to understand the potential for interactive virtual reality (VR) in eliciting awe, through a framework based on collection of physiological data alongside self-report and phenomenological observations that demonstrate awe. We conducted a mixed-methods experiment to test whether VR is effective in eliciting awe, and if this effect might be modulated by the type of natural interaction in the form of a “flight” lounger vs. “standing”. Results demonstrate both interaction paradigms were equally awe-inspiring, with overall physiological (in the form of goose bumps with a 43.8% incidence rate) and self-report data (overall awe rating of 79.7%), and females showing more physiological signs of awe than males. Observations revealed 360-degree interaction and operability of hand-held controllers could be improved, with the consequence of designing even more effective transformative experiences.
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“Vast” is a word often applied to environmental terrain that is perceived to have large spatial extent. This judgment is made even at viewing distances where traditional metric depth cues are not useful. This paper explores the perceptual basis of vast experience, including reliability and visual precursors. Experiment 1 demonstrated strong agreement in ratings of the spatial extent of two-dimensional (2D) scene images by participants in two countries under very different viewing conditions. Image categories labeled “vast” often exemplified scene attributes of ruggedness and openness (Oliva & Torralba, 2001). Experiment 2 quantitatively assessed whether these properties predict vastness. High vastness ratings were associated with highly open, or moderately open but rugged, scenes. Experiment 3 provided evidence, consistent with theory, that metric distance perception does not directly mediate the observed vastness ratings. The question remains as to how people perceive vast space when information about environmental scale is unavailable from metric depth cues or associated scene properties. We consider possible answers, including contribution from strong cues to relative depth.
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The emotion of awe is characterized by the perception of vastness and a need for accommodation, which can include a positive and/or negative valence. While a number of studies have successfully manipulated this emotion, the issue of how to elicit particularly intense awe experiences in laboratory settings remains. We suggest that virtual reality (VR) is a particularly effective mood induction tool for eliciting awe. VR provides three key assets for improving awe. First, VR provides users with immersive and ecological yet controlled environments that can elicit a sense of “presence,” the subjective experience of “being there” in a simulated reality. Further, VR can be used to generate complex, vast stimuli, which can target specific theoretical facets of awe. Finally, VR allows for convenient tracking of participants’ behavior and physiological responses, allowing for more integrated assessment of emotional experience. We discussed the potential and challenges of the proposed approach with an emphasis on VR’s capacity to raise the signal of reactions to emotions such as awe in laboratory settings.
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During life, many personal changes occur. These include changing house, school, work, and even friends and partners. However, the daily experience shows clearly that, in some situations, subjects are unable to change even if they want to. The recent advances in psychology and neuroscience are now providing a better view of personal change, the change affecting our assumptive world: (a) the focus of personal change is reducing the distance between self and reality (conflict); (b) this reduction is achieved through (1) an intense focus on the particular experience creating the conflict or (2) an internal or external reorganization of this experience; (c) personal change requires a progression through a series of different stages that however happen in discontinuous and non-linear ways; and (d) clinical psychology is often used to facilitate personal change when subjects are unable to move forward. Starting from these premises, the aim of this paper is to review the potential of virtuality for enhancing the processes of personal and clinical change. First, the paper focuses on the two leading virtual technologies – augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) – exploring their current uses in behavioral health and the outcomes of the 28 available systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Then the paper discusses the added value provided by VR and AR in transforming our external experience by focusing on the high level of personal efficacy and self-reflectiveness generated by their sense of presence and emotional engagement. Finally, it outlines the potential future use of virtuality for transforming our inner experience by structuring, altering, and/or replacing our bodily self-consciousness. The final outcome may be a new generation of transformative experiences that provide knowledge that is epistemically inaccessible to the individual until he or she has that experience, while at the same time transforming the individual’s worldview.
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Human-computer confluence refers to an invisible, implicit, embodied or even implanted interaction between humans and system components. New classes of user interfaces are emerging that make use of several sensors and are able to adapt their physical properties to the current situational context of users. A key aspect of human-computer confluence is its potential for transforming human experience in the sense of bending, breaking and blending the barriers between the real, the virtual and the augmented, to allow users to experience their body and their world in new ways. Research on Presence, Embodiment and Brain-Computer Interface is already exploring these boundaries and asking questions such as: Can we seamlessly move between the virtual and the real? Can we assimilate fundamentally new senses through confluence? The aim of this book is to explore the boundaries and intersections of the multidisciplinary field of HCC and discuss its potential applications in different domains, including healthcare, education, training and even arts.
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Until now, information and communication technologies have been mostly conceived as a mean to support human activities – communication, productivity, leisure. However, as the sophistication of digital tools increases, researchers are starting to consider their potential role in supporting the fullfilment of higher human needs, such as self-actualization and self-transcendence. In this chapter, I introduce Transformative Experience Design (TED), a conceptual framework for exploring how next-generation interactive technologies might be used to support long-lasting changes in the self-world. At the center of this framework is the elicitation of transformative experiences, which are experiences designed to facilitate an epistemic expansion through the (controlled) alteration of sensorial, perceptual, cognitive and affective processes.
Mountaineering has become a popular form of adventure tourism. However, previous research has never explored the construct of transcendent experience and its effects on mountaineering. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among transcendent experience, flow and happiness. Survey data from 339 mountain climbers in Taiwan indicate that transcendent experience positively affects flow and happiness. In addition, flow mediates the effect of transcendent experience on happiness. However, the relationship between flow and hedonic enjoyment is insignificant for novices. Implications of these findings as well as future research are subsequently discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.