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Multi-Scale Face Restoration with Sequential Gating Ensemble Network
Jianxin Lin, Tiankuang Zhou, Zhibo Chen
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
{linjx, zhoutk},
Restoring face images from distortions is important in face
recognition applications and is challenged by multiple scale
issues, which is still not well-solved in research area. In this
paper, we present a Sequential Gating Ensemble Network
(SGEN) for multi-scale face restoration issue. We first em-
ploy the principle of ensemble learning into SGEN architec-
ture design to reinforce predictive performance of the net-
work. The SGEN aggregates multi-level base-encoders and
base-decoders into the network, which enables the network to
contain multiple scales of receptive field. Instead of combin-
ing these base-en/decoders directly with non-sequential oper-
ations, the SGEN takes base-en/decoders from different lev-
els as sequential data. Specifically, the SGEN learns to se-
quentially extract high level information from base-encoders
in bottom-up manner and restore low level information from
base-decoders in top-down manner. Besides, we propose to
realize bottom-up and top-down information combination
and selection with Sequential Gating Unit (SGU). The SGU
sequentially takes two inputs from different levels and de-
cides the output based on one active input. Experiment re-
sults demonstrate that our SGEN is more effective at multi-
scale human face restoration with more image details and less
noise than state-of-the-art image restoration models. By us-
ing adversarial training, SGEN also produces more visually
preferred results than other models through subjective evalu-
1 Introduction
In the past decades, facial analysis techniques, such as face
recognition and face detection, have achieved great progress.
Meanwhile, thanks to the rapid development of surveillance
system, facial analysis techniques have been employed to
various applications, such as criminal investigation. How-
ever, the performance of most facial analysis techniques may
degrade rapidly when given low quality face images. In real
surveillance systems, the quality of the surveillance face im-
ages are affected by many factors including low resolution,
blur and noise. Therefore, how to restore a high quality face
from a low quality face is a challenge. Face restoration tech-
nique provides a viable way to improve performance of fa-
cial analysis techniques on low quality face images.
Copyright c
2018, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
Figure 1: Illustration of our SGEN on multi-scale face
restoration. The multi-scale noise corrupted LR face images
are up-sampled to the size of ground truth before being fed
into network.
Since face restoration has great potential in real applica-
tions, numerous face restoration algorithms have been pro-
posed in recent years. Some algorithms focus on solving
face restoration from low-resolution (LR) problem, such as
works in (Wang and Tang 2005; Ma, Zhang, and Qi 2010;
Wang et al. 2014; Yu and Porikli 2016). Other algorithms
also take the noise corruption into consideration during
face super resolution, such as works in (Jiang et al. 2014;
Jiang et al. 2016). We observe that most existing face
restoration methods omit one vital characteristic of real-
world images, namely images in real applications always
contain faces of different scales. Also, when the images are
corrupted with serious distortions, it’s hard to extract the
faces in the distorted images for face restoration since face
detection methods may not work well under this situation.
Therefore, in this paper, we focus on solving face restora-
tion close to real-world situation as illustrated in Figure 1.
Our proposed model can effectively restore face images with
details from noise corrupted LR face images without scale
Face restoration can be considered as an image-to-image
arXiv:1805.02164v1 [cs.CV] 6 May 2018
translation problem that transfers one image domain to an-
other image domain. Solutions on image-to-image transla-
tion problem (Taigman, Polyak, and Wolf 2016; Yoo et al.
2016; Johnson, Alahi, and Fei-Fei 2016) usually use autoen-
coder network (Hinton and Salakhutdinov 2006) as a gener-
ator. However, single autoencoder network is too simple to
represent multi-scale image-to-image translation due to lack
of multi-scale representation. Meanwhile, ensemble learn-
ing, a machine learning paradigm where multiple learners
are trained to solve the same problem, have shown its abil-
ity to make accurate prediction from multiple “weak learn-
ers” in classification problem (Dietterich 2000; Kuncheva
2004; Polikar 2006). Therefore, an effective way to rein-
force predictive performance of autoencoder network can
be aggregating multiple base-generators into an enhanced-
generator. In our model, we introduce base-encoders and
base-decoders from low level to high level. These multi-
level base-en/decoders ensure the generator have more di-
verse representation capacity to deal with multi-scale face
image restoration.
The typical way of ensemble is to take a vote for the out-
puts of base-en/decoders. However, multi-scale face restora-
tion is a problem that concerns multiple processes of feature
extracting and restoring, merely taking a vote (or with other
ensemble method) fails to incorporate high level information
and restore detail information. Based on this observation,
we devise a sequential ensemble structure that takes base-
en/decoders from different levels as sequential data. The dif-
ferent combination directions of base-en/decoders are de-
termined by the different goals of encoder and decoder.
This sequential ensemble method is inspired by long short-
term memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997).
LSTM has been proved successfully in modeling sequential
data, such as text and speech (Sundermeyer, Schl¨
uter, and
Ney 2012; Sutskever, Vinyals, and Le 2014). The LSTM
has the ability to optionally choose information passing
through because of the gate mechanism. Specially, we de-
sign a Sequential Gating Unit (SGU) to realize information
combination and selection, which sequentially takes base-
en/decoders’ information from two different levels as inputs
and decides the output based on one active input.
Traditional optimization target of image restoration prob-
lem is to minimize the mean square error (MSE) between
the restored image and the ground truth. However, minimiz-
ing MSE will often encourage smoothness in the restored
image. Recently, generative adversarial networks (GANs)
(Goodfellow et al. 2014; Denton et al. 2015; Radford, Metz,
and Chintala 2015; Salimans et al. 2016) show state-of-the-
art performance on generating pictures of both high resolu-
tion and good semantic meaning. The high level real/fake
decision made by discriminator causes the generated im-
ages looking real to the class of target domain. Therefore,
we utilize the adversarial learning process proposed in GAN
(Goodfellow et al. 2014) for restoration model training.
In general, we propose to solve multi-scale face restora-
tion problem with a Sequential Gating Ensemble Network
(SGEN). The contribution of our approach includes three as-
•We employ the principle of ensemble learning into net-
work architecture design. The SGEN is composed of
multi-level base-en/decoders, which has better represen-
tation ability than ordinary autoencoder.
•The SGEN takes base-en/decoders from different levels as
sequential data with two different directions correspond-
ing to the different goals of encoder and decoder, which
enables network to learn more compact high level infor-
mation and restore more low level details.
•Furthermore, we propose a SGU unit to sequentially guide
the combination of information from different levels.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We introduce
related work in Section 2 and present the details of proposed
SGEN in Section 3, including network architecture, SGU
unit and adversarial learning for SGEN. We present experi-
ment results in Section 4 and conclude in Section 5.
2 Related Work
Face restoration has been studied for many years. In the
early time, (Wang and Tang 2005) utilized global face-based
method, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA), for face
super-resolution. The work in (Ma, Zhang, and Qi 2010)
proposed a least squares representation (LSR) framework
that restores images using all the training patches, which in-
corporates more face priors. Due to the instability of LSR,
(Wang et al. 2014) introduced a weighted sparse representa-
tion (SR) with sparsity constraint for face super-resolution.
However, one main drawback of SR based methods is its
sensitivity to noise. Accordingly, (Jiang et al. 2014; Jiang et
al. 2016) introduced to reconstruct noise corrupted LR im-
ages with weighted local patch, namely locality-constrained
representation (LcR).
Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based
approaches have shown their superior performance in im-
age restoration tasks. SRCNN (Dong et al. 2014) is a three
layer fully convolutional network and trained end-to-end for
image super resolution. (Yu and Porikli 2016) presented
a ultra-resolution discriminative generative network (UR-
DGN) that can ultra-resolve a very low resolution face.
Instead of building network as simple hierarchy structure,
other works also applied the skip connections, which can
be viewed as one kind of ensemble structure (Veit, Wilber,
and Belongie 2016), to image restoration tasks. (Ledig et
al. 2016) proposed a SRResNet that uses ResNet blocks
in the generative model and achieves state-of-the-art peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) performance for image super-
resolution. In addition, they presented a SRGAN that utilizes
adversarial training to achieve better visual quality than SR-
ResNet. (Mao, Shen, and Yang 2016) proposed a residual
encoder-decoder network (RED-Net) which symmetrically
links convolutional and deconvolutional layers with skip-
layer connections.
However, these skip-connections in (Ledig et al. 2016;
Mao, Shen, and Yang 2016) fail to explore the underlying
sequential relationship among multi-level feature maps in
image restoration problem. Therefore, we design our SGEN
followed by the goal of autoencoder, which sequentially ex-
tracts high level information from base-encoders in bottom-
Figure 2: Sequential ensemble network architecture of SGEN. Convolution and pooling operations are shown in green, activa-
tion functions are shown in yellow and the SGU is shown in pink.
up manner and restores low level information from base-
decoders in top-down manner.
3 Sequential Gating Ensemble Network
Architecture of our Sequential Gating Ensemble Network
(SGEN) is shown in Figure 2. Details are discussed in the
following subsections. We first introduce the sequential en-
semble network architecture of SGEN. Then we present the
Sequential Gating Unit (SGU) combining the multi-level in-
formation. Finally, we elaborate the adversarial training for
SGEN and the loss function for adversarial training process.
3.1 Sequential ensemble network architecture
First, our generator is a fully convolutional computation net-
work (Long, Shelhamer, and Darrell 2015) that can take
arbitrary-size inputs and predict dense outputs. Then, let us
denote k-th encoder feature, k-th base-encoder feature, k-
th combined base-encoder feature, k-th base-decoder fea-
ture, k-th combined base-decoder feature by xk,Xk,ˆ
Ykrespectively, and suppose there are Nbase-encoders
and base-decoders in total. Given a low quality face image
sample s, the SGEN Gin Figure 2 can be illustrated in the
formulas below:
xk=lrelu(conv2(xk−1)), k = 2,3, ..., N (2)
Xk=lrelu(conv2N−k+1 (xk)), k = 1,2, ..., N (3)
Xk=SGU (Xk,ˆ
Xk−1), k = 2,3, ..., N (5)
XN−k+1)), k = 1,2,3, ..., N (6)
Yk=relu(deconv2(SGU (Yk,ˆ
Yk−1)), k = 2,3, ..., N
G(s) = tanh(conv1(ˆ
where G(s)is the generated face image, conv2kand
deconv2kare convolution and de-convolution operations
with factor 2kpooling and upsampling respectively. SGU
is sequential gating unit. Each de-convolution layer is fol-
lowed by relu (rectified linear unit) (Nair and Hinton 2010),
and each convolution layer is followed by lrelu (leaky relu)
(Maas, Hannun, and Ng 2013), except for the last layer of
generator (using tanh activation function). Note, there is no
parameters sharing among different convolution operations,
de-convolution operations and SGUs.
The bottom-up base-encoders combination and top-down
base-decoders combination are determined by the different
goals of encoder and decoder. Given a low quality face im-
age input, the encoder of a autoencoder would like to trans-
fer the input into highly compact representation with seman-
tic meaning (i.e., bottom-up information extraction), and the
decoder would like to restore the face image with abundant
details (i.e., top-down information restoration). Therefore,
without breaking the rules of autoencoder, we combine the
multi-level base-en/decoders in two directions. Accordingly,
we design a SGU to realize the multi-level information com-
bination and selection in en/decoder stage.
Combination of these multi-level base-en/decoders pro-
vides another benefit that network layer of SGEN contains
multiple scales of receptive field, which helps the encoder
learn features with multi-scale information and helps de-
coder generate more accurate images from multi-scale fea-
tures. Experiment results also demonstrate that our network
is more capable of restoring multi-scale low quality face im-
age than other networks.
3.2 Sequential gating unit
Figure 3: Sequential Gating Unit. Element-wise multiplica-
tions and additions are shown in pink.
To further utilize the sequential relationship among multi-
level base-en/decoders, we propose a Sequential Gating Unit
(SGU) to sequentially combine and select the multi-level in-
formation, which takes base-en/decoders’ information from
two different levels as inputs and deciding the output based
on one active input. The SGU is shown in the Figure 3, equa-
tion depicting the unit is given as below:
f=σ(conv(xa)) ∗xa+σ(conv(xa)) ∗xp,(10)
where fis the SGU output, σ(x)is sigmoid activation func-
tion representing “gate” in SGU, xaand xpare active input
and passive input respectively. The active input xamakes the
decision what information we are going to throw away from
the passive input xpand what new information we are going
to add from the active input itself. In the encoder stage, high
level base-encoder acts as xaand takes control over the low
level information, which sequentially updates the high level
semantic information and removes noise. For the decoder
stage, the low level base-decoder becomes xaand takes con-
trol over the high level information in an opposite direction,
which sequentially restores low level information and gen-
erates images with more details.
3.3 Adversarial training and loss function
We apply the adversarial training of GAN in our proposed
model. The adversarial training needs to learn a discrimina-
tor Dto guide the generator G, i.e. SGEN in this paper, to
produce realistic target under the supervision of real/fake. In
face restoration case, the objective function of GAN can be
represented as minimax function:
DL(D, G) = Et∼pT(t)[log(D(t))]
+Es∼pS(s)[log(1 −D(G(s))],(11)
where sis a sample from the low quality source domain S
and tis the corresponding sample in high quality target do-
main T. In addition to using adversarial loss in the generator
training process, we add the mean square error (MSE) loss
for generator to require the generated image G(s)as close as
to the ground truth value of pixels. The modified loss func-
tion for adversarial SGEN training is as below:
DL(D, G) = Et∼pT(t)[log(D(t))]
+Es∼pS(s)[log(1 −D(G(s))]
+λLMS E (G),
LMS E (G) = Es∼pS(s),t∼pT(t)[||t−G(s)||2
where λis weight to achieve balance between adversarial
term and MSE term.
To make the discriminator be able to take input of arbi-
trary size as well, we design a fully convolutional discrim-
inator with global average pooling proposed in (Lin, Chen,
and Yan 2013). We replace the traditional fully connected
layer with global average pooling. The idea of global aver-
age pooling is to take the average of each feature map as
the resulting vector fed into classification layer. Therefore,
the discriminator has much fewer network parameters than
fully connected network and overfitting is more likely to be
4 Experiments
4.1 Parameters setting
In the experiments, we set N= 3 levels for the SGEN to
achieve a trade-off between performance and computation
cost and the weight λis set to 0.1. We use the adaptive learn-
ing method Adam (Kingma and Ba 2014) as the optimiza-
tion algorithm with learning rate of 0.0002. Minibatch size
is set to 64 for every experiments.
4.2 Dataset and evaluation metrics
We carry out experiments below on the widely used face
dataset CelebA (Liu et al. 2015) containing 202599 cropped
celebrity faces. We set aside 30000 images as test set, 20000
images as validation set, and the rest as training set. We re-
size the face images from 128 ×96 to 208 ×176 which are
commonly used resolutions in practice. Specially, we sample
6different scales between two resolutions. Then we down-
sample the images to low-resolution (LR) by a factor of 4
and corrupt the images by AWGN noise (standard deviation
σ= 30). To enable the noise corrupted LR images as the
network input, we up-sample the LR images by a factor 4
using nearest interpolation.
Restoration results are evaluated with peak signal-to-
noise ratio (PSNR) and structure similarity index (SSIM)
(Wang et al. 2004). However, PSNR and SSIM are objective
metrics that can not always be consistent with human per-
ceptual quality. Therefore, we conduct subjective evaluation
Figure 4: Restoration samples from the same scale. From left
to right: ground truth, noise corrupted LR images, results
from SGEN, results from SGEN-MSE, results from MEN,
results from AEN, results from CEN.
for restoration results to further investigate the effectiveness
of our model. We recruited 18 subjects for subjective eval-
uation. We show each subject the corresponding source im-
ages prior to their evaluation for the generated images. Thus,
they can form a general quality standard of generated im-
ages. After viewing one test image, subject gives a quality
score from 1(bad quality) to 5(excellent quality). For each
model, 288 restoration images from six different scales are
evaluated, and mean opinion scores (MOS) are computed at
each scale.
4.3 Comparison of different losses and ensemble
To investigate influence of different loss choices and verify
the effectiveness of sequential ensemble structure of SGEN,
we compare performance of following models:
•SGEN. SGEN is trained with MSE and adversarial loss.
•SGEN-MSE. SGEN-MSE is trained with only MSE loss.
•MEN. MEN (Max Ensemble Network) is just like SGEN
but without any SGU during the combination of base-
en/decoders, it uses max ensemble instead.
•AEN. AEN (Average Ensemble Network) uses average
ensemble instead of SGU.
•CEN. AEN (Concatenate Ensemble Network) uses con-
catenate ensemble instead of SGU.
The objective and subjective results are shown in Table 1
and Table 2. Visual restoration samples from one scale and
six scales are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Only MSE
loss for SGEN training provides higher PSNR and SSIM
than combining MSE and adversarial loss, this result is not
surprising because only minimizing MSE is equal to maxi-
mize PSNR. Smoother restoration results are also obtained
by SGEN-MSE and are less visually preferred than SGEN
through MOS evaluation. Comparing SGEN with other non-
sequential ensemble networks, SGEN achieves better sub-
Figure 5: Restoration samples from the six different scales.
From left to right: ground truth, noise corrupted LR images,
results from SGEN, results from SGEN-MSE, results from
MEN, results from AEN, results from CEN.
jective scores and produces visually preferred images with
more face details. Actually, because of the gate mechanism
in SGU, sequential ensemble method can be viewed as a
generalized ensemble method including max ensemble and
average ensemble. The CEN shows more competitive re-
sults than MEN and AEN because CEN combines base-
en/decoders’ information all together without any informa-
tion selection. The better performance of SGEN than CEN
also demonstrates the effectiveness of automatically infor-
mation selection in sequential ensemble method.
4.4 Comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms
We compare the performance of SGEN with five state-of-
the-art image restoration networks: SRCNN (Dong et al.
2014), SRResNet(Ledig et al. 2016), SRGAN(Ledig et al.
2016), RED-Net (Mao, Shen, and Yang 2016) and URDGN
(Yu and Porikli 2016). All the networks are retrained on
the same multi-scale and noisy face dataset. The quantita-
tive results are shown in Table 3 and Table 4. The visual
restoration samples from one single scale and six scales are
shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. The quantitative results
confirm that our SGEN with only MSE loss achieves state-
of-the-art performance in terms of PSNR and SSIM. MOS
results from subjective evaluation also suggest that SGEN
with adversarial training produces better perceptual quality
than other algorithms. From Figure 6 and Figure 7, we can
see that results from SGEN are more visually clear and con-
tain more face details. Compared with non-ensemble struc-
ture SRCNN and URGAN, our SGEN shows better ability
to handle multi-scale face restoration. Although the RED-
Net, SRResNet and SRGAN try to restore image details with
skip-connections that can be viewed as one kind of ensem-
ble structure (Veit, Wilber, and Belongie 2016), the networks
can not restore faces as good as SGEN due to lack of se-
Table 1: Average PSNR, SSIM and MOS results of networks with different loss and ensemble methods from scale 128 ×96 to
scale 160 ×128. Highest scores are in bold.
Scale 128 ×96 Scale 144 ×112 Scale 160 ×128
SGEN 22.37 0.6555 4.4833 23.08 0.6863 4.7833 23.61 0.7006 4.6333
SGEN-MSE 23.00 0.6989 4.3667 23.60 0.7161 4.5000 24.12 0.7327 4.6000
MEN 22.10 0.6485 2.0833 22.68 0.6652 2.1333 23.04 0.6807 2.0833
AEN 22.61 0.6800 3.2000 23.17 0.7015 3.4000 23.64 0.7134 3.2000
CEN 22.75 0.6945 4.0333 23.36 0.7129 4.1000 23.88 0.7261 4.2000
Table 2: Average PSNR, SSIM and MOS results of networks with different loss and ensemble methods from scale 176 ×144
to scale 208 ×176. Highest scores are in bold.
Scale 176 ×144 Scale 192 ×160 Scale 208 ×176
SGEN 24.12 0.7202 4.6333 24.55 0.733 4.6000 24.92 0.7429 4.6833
SGEN-MSE 24.61 0.7501 4.3667 24.98 0.7576 4.6333 25.39 0.7686 4.5833
MEN 23.50 0.6942 1.9833 23.97 0.7052 2.1167 24.46 0.7197 2.2667
AEN 24.14 0.7274 3.2333 24.62 0.7411 3.3000 24.97 0.7533 3.2667
CEN 24.42 0.7397 4.1000 24.82 0.7545 4.0500 25.20 0.7646 4.0833
Table 3: Average PSNR, SSIM and MOS comparison results with state-of-the-art algorithms from scale 128 ×96 to scale
160 ×128. Highest scores are in bold.
Scale 128 ×96 Scale 144 ×112 Scale 160 ×128
SGEN 22.37 0.6555 4.4833 23.08 0.6863 4.7833 23.61 0.7006 4.6333
SGEN-MSE 23.00 0.6989 4.3667 23.60 0.7161 4.5000 24.12 0.7327 4.6000
SRCNN 21.72 0.5923 1.0000 22.22 0.6094 1.0667 22.69 0.6236 1.1000
SRResNet 22.73 0.6827 3.0333 23.29 0.7016 3.0667 23.81 0.7166 3.2667
SRGAN 22.29 0.6486 2.9444 22.78 0.6796 3.0000 23.43 0.6927 3.3889
RED-Net 22.77 0.6809 3.6667 23.32 0.7001 3.6333 23.83 0.7147 3.8167
URDGN 22.54 0.6688 2.8667 23.10 0.6885 3.0667 23.56 0.7044 3.0500
Table 4: Average PSNR, SSIM and MOS comparison results with state-of-the-art algorithms from scale 176 ×144 to scale
208 ×176. Highest scores are in bold.
Scale 176 ×144 Scale 192 ×160 Scale 208 ×176
SGEN 24.12 0.7202 4.6333 24.55 0.7330 4.6000 24.92 0.7429 4.6833
SGEN-MSE 24.61 0.7501 4.3667 24.98 0.7576 4.6333 25.39 0.7686 4.5833
SRCNN 23.17 0.6419 1.1500 23.58 0.6548 1.2333 23.92 0.6643 1.4833
SRResNet 24.31 0.7328 3.3500 24.77 0.7458 3.0833 25.04 0.7543 3.1500
SRGAN 24.03 0.7198 3.8333 24.37 0.7297 3.9444 24.71 0.7413 3.8889
RED-Net 24.30 0.7318 3.6667 24.73 0.7461 3.6500 25.11 0.7560 3.7167
URDGN 23.98 0.7181 2.9333 24.42 0.7306 2.9500 24.67 0.7396 2.8500
Figure 6: Restoration samples from the same scale. From
left to right: ground truth, noise corrupted LR images, re-
sults from SGEN, results from SGEN-MSE, results from
SRCNN, results from SRResNet, results from SRGAN, re-
sults from RED-Net, results from URDGN.
Table 5: Average PSNR and SSIM performance and compu-
tational cost time of SGEN with different N.
N=2 N=3 N=4
PSNR 24.13 24.28 24.49
SSIM 0.7289 0.7373 0.7463
Time 20h 26h 35h
quential ensemble method that can sequentially choose to
extract high level information from corrupted input and re-
store more low level details.
4.5 Computational Time
We train all the networks on one NVIDIA K80 GPU. The
training time of the SGEN (average training time = 26
GPU-hours) is little slower than the structure with the same
loss terms but without ensemble, such as URDGN (aver-
age training time = 20 GPU-hours). The sequential ensemble
structure converges little slower than the single autoencoder
structure is not surprising, as the SGEN learns multi-scale
features and possesses a larger feature capacity. Considering
the fact that our network can converge slightly more than
one GPU-day, which means that our network structure is a
relatively light structure and the convergence is not a prob-
lem for our network. In addition, our model only takes about
0.016son average for each test image, which is well suited
for real-time image processing.
4.6 Influence of N
In addition to SGEN with N= 3, we train other two SGENs
to explore the influence of main parameter Nof SGEN. The
average PSNR and SSIM performance on test set, and com-
putational cost time of SGEN with different Nare shown
in Table 5. Without losing the universality, only MSE loss
for SGEN is used for this comparison. It is obvious that
the performance of SGEN improves with the increase of N.
SGEN with N= 4 achieves performance gain about 0.86%
in terms of PSNR against SGEN with N= 3. However, 35%
extra computational cost will also be added by SGEN with
Figure 7: Restoration samples from the six different scales.
From left to right: ground truth, noise corrupted LR images,
results from SGEN, results from SGEN-MSE, results from
SRCNN, results from SRResNet, results from SRGAN, re-
sults from RED-Net, results from URDGN.
N= 4 compared with N= 3. Therefore, we choose N= 3
in our paper to achieve a trade-off between computational
cost and performance.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we present a SGEN model for multi-scale
face restoration from low-resolution and strong noise. We
propose to aggregate multi-level base-en/decoders into the
SGEN. The SGEN takes en/decoders from different lev-
els as the sequential data. Specifically, the SGEN learns to
sequentially extract high level information from low level
base-encoders in bottom-up manner and sequentially re-
store low level details from high level base-decoders in top-
down manner. Specially, we propose an elaborate SGU unit
that could sequentially combine and select the multi-level
information from base-en/decoders. Owing to the sequen-
tial ensemble structure, SGEN with MSE loss achieves the
state-of-the-art performance of multi-scale face restoration
in terms of PSNR and SSIM. Further applying adversarial
loss to SGEN training, SGEN achieves the best perceptual
quality according to subjective evaluation.
There are multiple aspects to explore for SGEN. First,
we will apply the proposed model to other image-to-image
translation tasks. Second, it is worth exploring SGEN on
face video restoration in the future, which can be utilized for
real-time surveillance video analysis. Third, it is also inter-
esting to combine SGEN with face analysis techniques for
end-to-end face restoration and face analysis.
6 Acknowledgement
This work was supported in part by the National Key Re-
search and Development Program of China under Grant
No. 2016YFC0801001, NSFC under Grant 61571413,
61632001,61390514, and Intel ICRI MNC.
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