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... Self-esteem is a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the outcomes of another person's evaluation of self (Idrus et al., 2015;Telef, 2011). Self-esteem is a positive or negative attitude toward oneself (Brockner et al., 1993;Pierce et al., 1993). Pronto states that low selfesteem is a negative attitude toward self-concept. ...
... Pronto states that low selfesteem is a negative attitude toward self-concept. Self-concept is understood as the comprehension of the self from all aspects (Ackerman et al., 2002;Faw & Nunnally, 1968;Pierce et al., 1993). ...
... Self-esteem is defined as a favorable or unfavorable attitude towards oneself, often influenced by others' evaluations (Idrus et al., 2015;Telef, 2011).. It represents a positive or negative self-perception (Brockner et al., 1993;Pierce et al., 1993). According to Pronto, low self-esteem is characterized by a negative attitude toward one's self-concept. ...
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This paper aims to identify the factors affecting self-esteem and confidence among educators and how these factors influence their teaching effectiveness. The study employs a qualitative approach to explore self-esteem and lecturer performance. Data were collected through interviews and analyzed both concurrently and post-collection to ensure comprehensive understanding and immediate adjustment of interview questions as needed. The findings revealed that lecturers with low self-esteem and confidence often struggle with managing emotions and maintaining a balanced psychological state. The most significant contributor to low confidence was found to be an individual's personality, specifically their ability to control emotions. The study demonstrated that the primary driver of self-esteem is not stress, but an imbalance in mental processes. Additionally, this research developed a scale to measure self-esteem using two dimensions: acute fatigue and cognitive distortion. For confidence, the scale includes the dimensions of certainty and the reduction of certainty. These scales provide valuable tools for assessing and addressing issues of self-esteem and confidence among educators, ultimately contributing to improved teaching effectiveness and educational quality. The study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the role of personality traits and emotional regulation in lecturer burnout and self-esteem, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach in addressing these issues in higher education.
... Carmeli & Freund, 2002;Hoigaard, et al., 2012;Swe & Lu, 2019) ‫،ٝروِ٤َاالؽزشاماُٞظ٤ل٢‬ (Hoigaard, et al., 2012) . (Korman, 1970;1971;1976;Pierce, et al., 1989;1993) . ‫ٝ٣ش٤ش‬ (Korman, 1970;1971;1976 (Ashforth & Mael, 1989;Mael & Ashforth, 1992;Tajfel & Turner,1986) ...
... ‫ٝ٣ش٤ش‬ (Pierce, et al., 1989;1993 (Korman, 1970;1971;1976 (Bhattacharya, et al., 1995;Fisher & Wakefield, 1998;fuller, et al., 2006 (Bhattacharya, et al., 1995;Fisher & Wakefield, 1998;fuller, et al., 2006) Bandura, 1977;Korman, 1970;Pierce, et al., 1989 (Hair, et al., 2010) ...
... In Table 2, one can see that none of the control The results reported thus far might fit not only or primarily with the social identity model proposed in the introduction but also with behavioral plasticity theory (Brockner, 1988;Pierce, Gardner, Dunham, & Cummings, 1993) of the effects of self-(and, presumably, possibly collective) esteem on reactions to situational conditions. Behavioral plasticity theory posits greater reactivity to environmental events, including organizational and job conditions, among individuals low in self-esteem than among those high in it. ...
... In addition, Pierce et al. (1993) argued (in fashion similar to the discussion of global versus specific social support scores above) that global and organization-specific self-esteem may yield different patterns of results. Jex and Elacqua (1995) found, though, more moderation of the work-strain and felt-stress relationship by global self-esteem than by organization-specific self-esteem. ...
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Health implications of value conflicts at work and 3 coping resources (self-esteem, collective esteem, and social support at work) were examined for 38 African American and 64 European American workers. Comparisons indicated that the African American participants reported higher levels of value conflicts and collective esteem, but lower levels of social support. They also reported more health actions (i.e., absenteeism and doctor visits) likely to create organizational costs. Value conflicts and the 3 coping resources predicted health-related behavior. Collective esteem predicted health only for African American workers, though social support was a significant predictor only for European American workers. The study findings are integrated with existing literature on social identity at work, social support, and work influences on health.
... This result agrees with the conclusion provided by García-Cabrera, & García-Barba Hernández (2014) stating that the employees' perceived value in the organization has greater worth than carrying out beneficial change, thus staying submissive and accepting of the status quo. Additionally, research by Pierce, Gardner, Dunham, & Cummings (1993) supports this finding by proving that low-self-esteem employees may well cope passively with organizational problems, without voicing their thoughts to solve them. ...
... Finally, moderated regression is not significantly affected by common method bias (i.e. we tested a three-way-interaction model; Pierce et al., 1993;Siemsen et al., 2010). ...
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When an abusive supervisor exhibits goal-focused leadership, does goal-focused leadership buffer or deteriorate the impact of abusive supervision on subordinates? Although leaders normally exhibit different leadership styles at the same time, little effort has been made to examine how different leadership styles affect subordinates. We also investigate the three-way interaction among abusive supervision, goal-focused leadership, and conscientiousness on counterproductive work behavior (CWB). With two multinational samples, our findings consistently indicate that subordinates exposed to more goal-focused leadership along with abusive supervision are significantly more likely to engage in CWB. In addition, we find a three-way interaction such that the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates’ CWB is the strongest among subordinates who have low conscientiousness when leaders exhibit a high level of goal-focused leadership.
... In relation to job crafting, individuals with high organizational-based selfesteem are more likely to positively contribute to the organization and invest in their work. On the other hand, individuals with low self-esteem tend to display more reactive attitudes and behaviors (Gardner & Pierce, 1998;Pierce, Gardner, Dunham & Cummings, 2017). As a result, self-esteem plays a crucial role in crafting emotional and behavioral responses (Zhang, Kang, Jiang & Niu, 2022). ...
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The objective of this research is to examine the influence of organization-based self-esteem on the relationship between proactive personality and job crafting, considering the predictive and creative aspects of personality. A quantitative research approach was employed, collecting data from 1067 participants in two separate time periods through a survey. The findings, gathered at different time points, indicate that a proactive personality significantly and positively affects job crafting. Moreover, organization-based self-esteem emerges as both a partial mediator and a moderator in this relationship. The study highlights the significance of proactive thinking and having a sense of self-esteem within the organizational context for employees to engage in job crafting. Practical and academic recommendations are provided based on these results.
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Günümüzde iletişim araçlarının gelişmesiyle birlikte örgütler arasındaki rekabetin şiddetinin giderek arttığı ve örgütlerin sahip oldukları insan sermayesinin rekabet avantajı elde etmede kritik bir rol üstlendiği bilinmektedir. Örgütlerin sahip olduğu bu sermaye çeşitli faktörler tarafından olumlu veya olumsuz olarak etkilenebilmektedir. Bu faktörlerin en başında yöneticilerin sahip olduğu yönetim anlayışı gelmektedir. Yöneticilerin yönetim tarzları çalışanları olumlu veya olumsuz olarak etkileyebilmektedir. Yöneticilerin çalışanlara sosyal veya sosyal olmayan desteklerde bulunmaları olumlu algılara yol açabilmektedir. Nitekim yöneticilerin çalışanlara ilgi göstermesi, karşılaştıkları zorluklarda yardımcı olması, bilgi, beceri veya kariyer gelişimlerine destek olması; çalışanların örgüt için değerli, önemli, yetenekli olduğunu hissetmesine yol açabilmektedir. Çalışanların yapmış olduğu mesleği, mesleğin normlarını, bulunduğu örgütü daha fazla benimsemesine neden olabilmektedir. Bu durum örgütlerin rekabet avantajı elde etmesine, örgütün refahının artmasına, personel devir oranının azalmasına yol açabilmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma algılanan yönetici desteğinin örgüt temelli özsaygı aracılığıyla mesleki bağlılığa etkisini konu almıştır. Araştırmanın ana kütlesi olarak yedi lokasyonda hizmet veren (İstanbul, İzmir, Malatya, Şanlıurfa, Rize, Bayburt, Van) bir çağrı merkezi şirketi seçilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları algılanan yönetici desteğinin örgüt temelli özsaygıyı ve mesleki bağlılığı pozitif etkilediğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca örgüt temelli özsaygının algılanan yönetici desteği ile mesleki bağlılık arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiği bulunmuştur.
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Literatürde yapılan çalışmalar ve iş talepleri-iş kaynakları teorisi ışığında bu araştırmanın amacı lider-üye etkileşiminin, örgüt temelli özsaygı aracılığı ile iş becerikliliği üzerindeki etkisini tespit etmektir. Bu kapsamda bir kamu bankasının beş ilin bağlı olduğu bir koordinatörlüğünde çalışan 297 kişi çalışmanın ana kütlesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan 240 katılımcıdan online anket yöntemi ile veriler toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler paket programlar aracılığı ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, lider-üye etkileşimi hem örgüt temelli özsaygıyı hem de iş becerikliliğini pozitif etkilemektedir. Ayrıca örgüt temelli özsaygı, lider-üye etkileşimi ile iş becerikliliği arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık etmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen bu bulgular doğrultusunda; liderlerin, yüksek kaliteli ilişkiye sahip olduğu çalışanlara daha fazla kaynak sağlamaları, çalışanların iş taleplerinin üstesinden gelmelerine, örgüt içerisinde değerli, önemli ve yeterli hissetmelerine; böylece somut iş rolü sınırlarını ve soyut iş rolü algılarını değiştirmek için motive olmalarına neden olabilmektedir.
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Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Tranformasional dan Transaksional Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pegawai Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kepuasan kerja, untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transaksional terhadap kepuasan kerja, untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kepuasaan Kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kinerja, untuk mengetahui apakah kepuasan kerja dapat menjadi mediator hubungan antara kepemimpinan transaksioanal dan kinerja, serta untuk mengetahui apakah kepuasan kerja dapat menjadi mediasi hubungan antara kepemimpinan transformasional dan kinerja pegawai di lingkungan IAIN Kediri. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang pegawai IAIN Kediri. Penelitian dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan untuk metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (Path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. Gaya kepemimpinan transaksional memiliki pengaruh terhadap variabel kepuasan kerja. Hal ini berarti bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan gaya kepemimpinan transaksional, diprediksi dapat meningkatkan kepuasaan kerja karyawan di IAIN Kediri. Kepuasan kerja juga memiliki pengaruh terhadap variabel kinerja. Artinya dengan adanya kepuasaan kerja yang dialami pegawai di IAIN Kediri, diprediksi akan meningkatkan kinerja para pegawai yang berkerja di IAIN Kediri. Sebagai variabel intervening, kepuasan kerja mampu menjadi mediator antar gaya kepemimpinan transaksional dan kinerja karyawan. Pada hasil penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Kepempimpinan Transformasional terhadap Kepuasaan Kerja. Hal ini berarti bahwa Kepuasan Kerja mampu memediasi penuh hubungan antara Transformasional dan Kinerja. Dengan kata lain, gaya kepemimpinan transaksional dan transformasional yang diterapkan dengan baik oleh pemimpin akan memberikan kepuasan kerja yang tinggi sehingga akan dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Namun, jika gaya kepemimpinan transaksional dan transformasional belum maksimal yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin akan memberikan kepuasan kerja yang kurang dan tentu juga akan menurunkan kinerja karyawan.
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The article introduces the construct "organization-based self-esteem" and its measurement. We developed a partial nomological network resulting in a set of hypotheses that guided efforts lo validate the construct and its measurement. Homogeneity of scale items, test-retest and internal consistency reliability, and convergent, discriminant, incremental, concurrent, and predictive validity estimates were all in­ inspected through conducting field studies and a laboratory experiment. We present results from a validation effort involving seven studies that draw on data from over 2,000 individuals, representing diverse organizations and occupations. Results support the construct validity of the measurement and most of the hypotheses. The organization-based self-esteem scale has been used in 100s of published studies since its validation, and a well-developed organization-based self-esteem theory now exists.
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Although research on role conflict and ambiguity has been extensive, there has been only moderate consistency in the focus and results of the research, while several areas of role conflict and ambiguity research are still relatively unexamined. This paper suggests that a framework for organizing the recent research may assist in consolidating the field and providing an understanding of where we are, what is left to be done and, therefore, direction for future role conflict and ambiguity research.
This paper develops the hypothesis that hierarchical structure and external control in organizations are antecedent variables leading to low achievement, low creativity, and high aggression. An intervening variable of belief systems is postulated and a consistency motivational hypothesis is suggested. Data supportive of the hypothesis is reviewed and implications are suggested.
We review and summarize the literature on work stress with particular emphasis on those studies that examined the effects of work characteristics on employee health. Although there is not convincing evidence that job stressors cause health effects, the indirect evidence is strongly suggestive of a work stress effect. This evidence comes from occupational studies that show differences in health and mortality that are not easily explained by other factors and within-subject studies that demonstrate a causal effect of work experiences on physiological and emotional responses. We argue that studies relying on self-reports of working conditions and outcomes, whether cross-sectional or longitudinal, are unlikely to add significantly to the accumulated evidence. Finally, we make recommendations for how organizational researchers are most likely to contribute to this knowledge.