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Bases para uma educação ambiental orientada para a diminuição do risco e aumento da resiliência das comunidades aos incêndios florestais em Portugal


Abstract and Figures

This thesis addresses the role of environmental education on wildfire risk reduction, focusing on two main intervenient on the rural world: Forest technicians and the rural population. A first step was to assess what was done in Portugal regarding environmental education for forest and education for risk reduction. Next, the risk perception and the constraints for preventive action by the population were evaluated in three Portuguese communities showing that all have a high risk perception. Furthermore, their motivation to carry out actions on the ground is influenced by factors, both individual (negative expectation of results) and collective ("my neighbours do not clean, so, I should I?"). These results allowed to identify guidelines assisting the population on reduction of risk behaviours, which are in the origin of many forest fires in Portugal, as well as to carry out actions in the field which, besides facilitating their preparedness towards fire, promote active and preventive forest management. Forest technicians intervene in the territory and their work assignments include the area of education and awareness. These factors led to a survey of their training needs, comparing them with the different professional activities and their university education at the level of bachelor's and master's degree. It was concluded that greatest discrepancies between what is important for the professional performance and the preparation of the technicians are in the human dimension of the forest management, namely on the potential for integrating the social component of the risk perception in to a global risk management. In conclusion, environmental education should also focus on getting the rural population to interact with local actors and finding joint solutions to promote preventive action against forest fires. KEYWORDS: Forest fires, environmental education, risk perception, rural population, forest technicians.
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... Wildlife mitigation measures with intervention in hazard, exposure, vulnerability and accumulated damage (Colaço, 2017;Plana and others, 2021). Data about the causes of wildfires are also incomplete, primarily due to the difficulties of assigning ignition to a specific event after the fact. ...
... While some people simply decide not to prepare, Paton and Wright (2008) found that a positive intention was insufficient to ensure action if people lacked help and support. Table 4 summarizes factors that inform personal decision-making about whether to prepare or to not prepare for wildfires as identified by Colaço (2017). ...
... Trust is another key factor that shapes public and personal willingness to support fire prevention agencies and others involved in fire management (Moritz and others, 2014). Trust is increased by information-sharing between DRR platforms, fire agencies and local networks, and within communities, when the information is focused on the effective steps individuals and communities can take to mitigate their risk (Paton, Frandsen and Tedim, 2012;Moritz and others, 2014;McCaffrey, 2015;Colaço, 2017). Open and easy access to reliable sources is essential if such interventions are to succeed. ...
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This report examines significant and specific gaps in long-running disaster impact data sets which skew our knowledge about global patterns and trends. The report identifies substantial variability in the same impact measurements – including the key metric of mortality – across global databases. Additional gaps include longstanding disagreements about disaster data-reporting standards around the world, and only a partial global consensus on disaster definitions and parameters. This report summarizes the main data issues involving human impacts of disasters, and does not review all existing databases.1
... Wildfire education efforts encompass various methods, including public service announcements, distributing brochures, and making presentations, which are intended to prevent and/or mitigate negative fire consequences (Prestemon et al., 2010). Simultaneously, several pedagogical campaigns focusing on students and teachers or inhabitants in risk areas occur in different countries (Colaço, 2017). However, in the face of this new reality, where extreme fire events surprised communities and different authorities like Forest Services or Civil Protection Agencies (Portugal 2017, Greece 2018, Chile 2018, USA 2017, Australia 2018, the need for more information and education became very clear. ...
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Recent projections suggest that wildfires will occur more often and with higher intensity due to the changing climate. In this context, it is vital to educate the population to be ready and prepared to deal with these events. This book chapter reviews the state of the art of educational materials on wildfires worldwide that are available online. A total of 225 references on the matter were retrieved. The materials are from all five continents, involving 36 countries and written in 23 languages. Most of them are from regions with a Mediterranean climate with fire-prone ecosystems in which, for the last decades, wildfires have negatively affected the population. Regarding the target audience, most materials retrieved focused on the general public (about 48%), followed by students from various age groups (around 40%). Written documents, websites, and videos are the most frequent materials for the general public. As for students, a greater variability of pedagogical materials is available, ranging from mobile phone applications and digital and experimental activities to slides for classes and reading materials. The remaining materials focus on the rural population and firefighters' training. Most references present the main concepts and ecological aspects of fire, along with safety and prevention measures. However, few discuss climate change, recovery, and socioeconomic or health concerns. This gap should be addressed in the future wildfire educational materials to better prepare and inform society.
... A report on the underlying reasons for the sizes of the 2017 fires (Guerreiro et al. 2017), indicated the lack of investment in fire prevention in all types of forest ownership over the past decades as one of the main reasons behind the tragedy. According to Colaço (2017), in the recent decades, the Portuguese Government has invested, on average, 2.7 times more for combatting wildfires as compared to prevention. Overall, fuel accumulation occurred (in quantity and continuity), suggesting that fuel management should become an integral part of forestry policy in the twentyfirst century (Marques et al. 2011;Fernandes et al. 2014), including the role that forests are expected to play in the future bio-economy (Verkerk et al. 2018). ...
Investigations of factors influencing wildfire risks in Mediterranean forest areas have rarely considered the possible influence of the ownership type and management modalities in forest areas owned and/or managed by rural communities, referred to as baldios in Portugal. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between forest ownership types and the management modalities of community forests in the distribution of wildfires in Pinus pinaster areas of Portugal over the past 40 years. We carried out a comparative analysis of P. pinaster forests and wildfires considering three ownership types (community, private, and state forests) and four different management modalities of the community lands (by local communities or local authorities through independent management or in co-management with national Forest Services). The protection status of the pine forests was also considered. We also evaluated the possible influence of topographic variables-elevation, slope, and aspect-and their relationships with ownership types, management modalities, and protection status. To evaluate the trends and making use of the existing cartogra-phy, the study period (1975 to 2017) was subdivided into three time periods (1975
... The practice of utilizing fire for managing huddled agriculture and forestry leftovers with small burns (slash-burns) and for the renewal of pastures has been widely employed in rural areas and is still used today. However, these areas are becoming depopulated, remaining aged and often isolated populations [3][4][5]. In the 1950s, the rural areas in Portugal were characterized by a network of agricultural and woodland patches maintained by local farmers. ...
... (Mello & Trajber, 2007). No entanto, é preciso também apostar-se em estratégias de valorização intrínseca da biodiversidade e não apenas numa perspectiva antropocêntrica (Colaço, 2017 Com esta metodologia é possível alcançar um dos objectivos desta disciplina que consiste em compreender a importância da protecção e conservação da natureza para o desenvolvimento sustentável e para a contextualização do ensino de acordo com o currículo do I ciclo e do programa de Biologia. ...
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Resumo No presente artigo, apresentam-se alguns dos resultados de um projecto investigativo de mestrado intitulado "Concepção e implementação de uma actividade prática focada na diversidade botânica local envolvendo alunos da 7.ª classe do Colégio n.º 457 Comandante Gika-Chibia: que efeitos na qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem em Biologia?" Este estudo envolveu 136 alunos de quatro (4) turmas da 7.ª classe, durante o ano lectivo de 2019. O objectivo foi analisar os efeitos da actividade prática de campo na melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos da 7.ª classe envolvidos. Durante a actividade de campo, que teve uma duração de aproximadamente 2 horas, os alunos tiveram contacto com plantas, observando e investigando o local com base numa planificação específica elaborada para o efeito, que possibilitou os registos ilustrativos de alguns dos espécimes vegetais observados. Em contexto de aula, num momento pós-campo, os alunos elaboraram ainda um relatório sobre a actividade prática em causa. A análise dos dados recolhidos, nomeadamente através de inquéritos por questionário aos alunos e observação participante das actividades desenvolvidas, apontam para um efeito positivo no gosto pela disciplina de Biologia e na motivação para o estudo da botânica e noção de diversidade de plantas. Palavras-chave: Aulas de campo, Ensino da Biologia, Actividade Prática 1 Mestre, Professor Assistente Colaborador. Departamento de Ciências Exatas e Naturais
... Ainda a jusante do problema, urge fornecer de forma eficaz informação a uma população pouco sensibilizada e informada para os riscos e comportamentos a ter em caso de incêndio. A educação ambiental sobre estes temas nas escolas e para adultos é essencial (Colaço 2017 A gestão florestal sustentável e a certificação da gestão florestal, isto é, o compromisso de produtores e gestores florestais com práticas de gestão sustentável quer ao nível ambiental, quer socio-económico, poderão também desempenhar papel importante no ordenamento, sustentabilidade e conservação dos espaços agro-florestais (Dias et al. 2015(Dias et al. , 2016. Actualmente existem em Portugal aproximadamente 300 mil ha de floresta certificada. ...
... A report on the underlying reasons for the sizes of the 2017 fires (Guerreiro et al. 2017), indicated the lack of investment in fire prevention in all types of forest ownership over the past decades as one of the main reasons behind the tragedy. According to Colaço (2017), in the recent decades, the Portuguese Government has invested, on average, 2.7 times more for combatting wildfires as compared to prevention. Overall, fuel accumulation occurred (in quantity and continuity), suggesting that fuel management should become an integral part of forestry policy in the twentyfirst century (Marques et al. 2011;Fernandes et al. 2014), including the role that forests are expected to play in the future bio-economy (Verkerk et al. 2018). ...
Investigations of factors influencing wildfire risks in Mediterranean forest areas have rarely considered the possible influence of the ownership type and management modalities in forest areas owned and/or managed by rural communities, referred to as baldios in Portugal. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between forest ownership types and the management modalities of community forests in the distribution of wildfires in Pinus pinaster areas of Portugal over the past 40 years. We carried out a comparative analysis of P. pinaster forests and wildfires considering three ownership types (community, private, and state forests) and four different management modalities of the community lands (by local communities or local authorities through independent management or in co-management with national Forest Services). The protection status of the pine forests was also considered. We also evaluated the possible influence of topographic variables—elevation, slope, and aspect—and their relationships with ownership types, management modalities, and protection status. To evaluate the trends and making use of the existing cartography, the study period (1975 to 2017) was subdivided into three time periods (1975–1989, 1990–2009, and 2010–2017). The results revealed significant differences in the annual percentage of burned areas in different among ownership types but no differences among protected and unprotected areas. Baldios showed the highest percentage of burned area relative to their total area, but some differences between the management modalities are apparent. Furthermore, the proportion of burned area increased over the study period, particularly with a very large area burned in 2017, possibly reflecting climatic changes and a decrease in management activities. This indicates that forest management should be strengthened, with special attention to fuel management. Fuel reduction could be improved through the development of new bioeconomic activities in community forests.
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O eucalipto tornou-se uma das espécies incontornáveis da floresta portuguesa. Nos últimos anos, a ocorrência de grandes incêndios tem vindo a aumentar (onde os ocorridos em junho e outubro de 2017 foram particularmente significativos), acentuando a polémica em torno do efeito das plantações de eucalipto na propagação do fogo. Do protagonismo socioeconómico, aumento de área plantada e relação com o fogo resultam discussões apaixonadas, mas nem sempre fundamentadas no conhecimento existente. A informação disponível permite esclarecer dúvidas e recentrar o problema nos fatores que têm realmente influência nos regimes de fogo: as dinâmicas demográficas e de uso do solo que ocorreram no último século e a necessidade de encarar a floresta para além da árvore, como um sistema complexo. É a estrutura dos povoamentos, mais do que as espécies, que condiciona a propagação dos incêndios. Embora o problema dos incêndios, grandes e pequenos, seja territorial e não apenas do sector florestal, a solução passa pela gestão do uso do solo e do espaço rural, incluindo a floresta. Ao nível do ordenamento do território, a diversificação da paisagem e a redução da área florestal nalgumas zonas, quebrando a continuidade da vegetação, são algumas das soluções possíveis. À escala da árvore e da propriedade, a gestão florestal é a única ferramenta que permite conviver com o fogo e minimizar os danos causados pelos incêndios. É possível fazer melhor com os recursos disponíveis, adequando as opções de gestão às condições locais, numa perspectiva integrada à escala da paisagem, que considera as suas múltiplas dimensões: social, ambiental e económica. Este artigo faz parte do Caderno Técnico da Silva Lusitana sobre Eucalipto em Portugal. Tem como ponto de partida a obra "O Eucaliptal em Portugal. Impactes Ambientais e Investigação Científica" publicada em 2007 e procura dar visibilidade a algum do conhecimento científico desenvolvido nos últimos 10-15 anos sobre plantações de eucalipto e o fogo.
Conference Paper
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Resumo Mais de três décadas passadas sobre os primeiros passos da Educação Ambiental em Portugal, os seus resultados (apesar do esforço e empenho de muitos profissionais) não são ainda evidentes e, sobretudo, não são conhecidos, nem estão sistematizados. O projecto de investigação, de que se apresentam aqui alguns resultados, pretende responder a esta lacuna, tendo em conta o movimento de mudança que se vai delineando, quer no sentido de uma maior intensificação do papel do sistema escolar na formação ambiental dos cidadãos, quer no sentido de uma maior articulação, senão mesmo fusão, da educação ambiental com outras áreas da educação para a cidadania. Pretende-se, a partir de um inquérito aplicado aos cerca de 15.000 estabelecimentos de ensino portugueses, avaliar a situação actual dos projectos de Educação Ambiental e de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável numa perspectiva de diagnóstico, identificando-se dinâmicas, constrangimentos e potencialidades dos projectos recenseados, desenvolvidos nos estabelecimentos de ensino quer por iniciativa das escolas, quer por iniciativa das ONG de Ambiente ou de Desenvolvimento, quer, ainda, por iniciativa das autarquias ou de empresas ligadas ao sector ambiental. Realçaram-se também algumas das principais características destes projectos (e.g., áreas temáticas...) e das instituições escolares que os enquadram.
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The perception of risk within different cultures is a rather complex phenomenon that cannot be described on the basis of a single theory or model. The major accomplishment gained through psychological research was the discovery of qualitative risk characteristics and cognitive as well as affective factors that serve as heuristic tools for classifying and evaluating risk sources or activities. Sociological and cultural research has been essential in pointing out the social, political, and cultural factors that influence risk perception directly, as well as indirectly through the assignment of significance to the individual risk characteristics. The relative weights of the individual risk characteristics depend on social and cultural factors that form the main research agenda for cross-cultural research. The studies compiled in this volume include trust and credibility, social values, and group affiliations as predictors for risk responses. This last chapter provides a review of the findings of these studies and outlines the main lessons for understanding risk perception and designing effective programs for risk management and communication, as well as for improving future cross-cultural risk research.
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En esta obra, los autores abordan el tema de la educación ambiental no entendida sólo como el educar para conservar la naturaleza o cambiar actitudes individuales, sino que va más allá. Es educar para cambiar la sociedad, procurando más y mejores condiciones de perdurabilidad, equidad y responsabilidad global. Así, sugieren que esta nueva actitud sea una práctica social crítica, estratégica y coherente con alternativas que refresquen el pensamiento y la acción humana.
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Exploring the role of fire in each of the five Mediterranean-type climate ecosystems, this book offers a unique view of the evolution of fire-adapted traits and the role of fire in shaping Earth's ecosystems. Analyzing these geographically separate but ecologically convergent ecosystems provides key tools for understanding fire regime diversity and its role in the assembly and evolutionary convergence of ecosystems. Topics covered include regional patterns, the ecological role of wildfires, the evolution of species within those systems, and the ways in which societies have adapted to living in fire-prone environments. Outlining complex processes clearly and methodically, the discussion challenges the belief that climate and soils alone can explain the global distribution and assembly of plant communities. An ideal research tool for graduates and researchers, this study provides valuable insights into fire management and the requirements for regionally tailored approaches to fire management across the globe. © J. E. Keeley, W. J. Bond, R. A. Bradstock, J. G. Pausas and P. W. Rundel 2012.
Higher Education in America is a landmark work--a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of the current condition of our colleges and universities from former Harvard president Derek Bok, one of the nation's most respected education experts. Sweepingly ambitious in scope, this is a deeply informed and balanced assessment of the many strengths as well as the weaknesses of American higher education today. At a time when colleges and universities have never been more important to the lives and opportunities of students or to the progress and prosperity of the nation, Bok provides a thorough examination of the entire system, public and private, from community colleges and small liberal arts colleges to great universities with their research programs and their medical, law, and business schools. Drawing on the most reliable studies and data, he determines which criticisms of higher education are unfounded or exaggerated, which are issues of genuine concern, and what can be done to improve matters. Some of the subjects considered are long-standing, such as debates over the undergraduate curriculum and concerns over rising college costs. Others are more recent, such as the rise of for-profit institutions and massive open online courses (MOOCs). Additional topics include the quality of undergraduate education, the stagnating levels of college graduation, the problems of university governance, the strengths and weaknesses of graduate and professional education, the environment for research, and the benefits and drawbacks of the pervasive competition among American colleges and universities. Offering a rare survey and evaluation of American higher education as a whole, this book provides a solid basis for a fresh public discussion about what the system is doing right, what it needs to do better, and how the next quarter century could be made a period of progress rather than decline.
A number of studies in recent years have drawn attention to the declining state of professional forestry education, both in developing and developed countries. Symptoms of this decline include a significant reduction in funding to educational institutions, low student enrolment rates, inability to attract the most talented students and most important, the declining demand for forestry graduates. Confronted with rapidly changing circumstances, many institutions are adopting survival strategies, primarily attempting to outcompete other similar institutions. This article points out that many of the problems confronting professional forestry educational are deeply rooted and are common to other disciplines and indeed to educational in general. The article describes how fundamental changes in society, the economy and the forest sector affect forestry education directly and indirectly. It also examines some of the basic issues relating to society's perception of what constitutes education, and the implications for forestry education as it is perceived now.