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Feather mites play a role in cleaning host feathers: New insights from DNA metabarcoding and microscopy



Parasites and other symbionts are crucial components of ecosystems, regulating host populations and supporting food webs. However, most symbiont systems, especially those involving commensals and mutualists, are relatively poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the nature of the symbiotic relationship between birds and their most abundant and diverse ectosymbionts: the vane‐dwelling feather mites. For this purpose, we studied the diet of feather mites using two complementary methods. First, we used light microscopy to examine the gut contents of 1,300 individual feather mites representing 100 mite genera (18 families) from 190 bird species belonging to 72 families and 19 orders. Second, we used high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) and DNA metabarcoding to determine gut contents from 1,833 individual mites of 18 species inhabiting 18 bird species. Results showed fungi and potentially bacteria as the main food resources for feather mites (apart from potential bird uropygial gland oil). Diatoms and plant matter appeared as rare food resources for feather mites. Importantly, we did not find any evidence of feather mites feeding upon bird resources (e.g., blood, skin) other than potentially uropygial gland oil. In addition, we found a high prevalence of both keratinophilic and pathogenic fungal taxa in the feather mite species examined. Altogether, our results shed light on the long‐standing question of the nature of the relationship between birds and their vane‐dwelling feather mites, supporting previous evidence for a commensalistic–mutualistic role of feather mites, which are revealed as likely fungivore–microbivore–detritivore symbionts of bird feathers.
Feather mites play a role in cleaning host feathers: New
insights from DNA metabarcoding and microscopy
Jorge Do~
Heather Proctor
David Serrano
Kevin P. Johnson
Arnika Oddy-van Oploo
Jose C. Huguet-Tapia
Marina S. Ascunce
Roger Jovani
Department of Evolutionary Ecology,
on Biol
ogica de Do~
nana (EBD-CSIC),
Sevilla, Spain
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
Department of Conservation Biology,
on Biol
ogica de Do~
nana (EBD-CSIC),
Sevilla, Spain
Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie
Research Institute, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois
Department of Plant Pathology, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Jorge Do~
na and Roger Jovani, Department
of Evolutionary Ecology, Estaci
on Biol
de Do~
nana (EBD-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain.
Emails: and
Heather Proctor, Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
AB, Canada.
Funding information
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness,
Grant/Award Number: RYC-2009-03967,
CGL2011-24466, CGL2015-69650-P, SVP-
2013-067939; Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC); Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness, through the Severo Ochoa
Program for Centres of Excellence in R+D+I,
Grant/Award Number: SEV-2012-0262
Parasites and other symbionts are crucial components of ecosystems, regulating
host populations and supporting food webs. However, most symbiont systems,
especially those involving commensals and mutualists, are relatively poorly under-
stood. In this study, we have investigated the nature of the symbiotic relationship
between birds and their most abundant and diverse ectosymbionts: the vane-dwell-
ing feather mites. For this purpose, we studied the diet of feather mites using two
complementary methods. First, we used light microscopy to examine the gut con-
tents of 1,300 individual feather mites representing 100 mite genera (18 families)
from 190 bird species belonging to 72 families and 19 orders. Second, we used
high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and DNA metabarcoding to determine gut con-
tents from 1,833 individual mites of 18 species inhabiting 18 bird species. Results
showed fungi and potentially bacteria as the main food resources for feather mites
(apart from potential bird uropygial gland oil). Diatoms and plant matter appeared as
rare food resources for feather mites. Importantly, we did not find any evidence of
feather mites feeding upon bird resources (e.g., blood, skin) other than potentially
uropygial gland oil. In addition, we found a high prevalence of both keratinophilic
and pathogenic fungal taxa in the feather mite species examined. Altogether, our
results shed light on the long-standing question of the nature of the relationship
between birds and their vane-dwelling feather mites, supporting previous evidence
for a commensalisticmutualistic role of feather mites, which are revealed as likely
fungivoremicrobivoredetritivore symbionts of bird feathers.
bacteria, birds, diet, DNA metabarcoding, ecological interactions, feather mites, fungi,
high-throughput sequencing, interactions, symbionts
Symbionts (i.e., parasites, mutualists and commensalists that inti-
mately interact with their hosts; Leung & Poulin, 2008) comprise the
most diverse group of organisms on Earth (Dobson, Lafferty, Kuris,
Hechinger, & Jetz, 2008; Larsen, Miller, Rhodes, & Wiens, 2017;
Poulin & Morand, 2000, 2004). Symbionts are crucial for ecosystem
stability: they regulate host populations and support food webs,
where parasites alone are responsible for 75% of the network links
(Lafferty, Dobson, & Kuris, 2006). Thus, the study of hostsymbiont
Received: 26 December 2017
Revised: 15 February 2018
Accepted: 21 March 2018
DOI: 10.1111/mec.14581
Molecular Ecology. 2018;116. ©2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
ecology is vital to understand many important processes, such as
emerging infectious diseases (Hoberg & Brooks, 2015), biological
invasions (Traveset & Richardson, 2014), crop pests (Hosokawa,
Kikuchi, Shimada, & Fukatsu, 2007) or the effect of climate change
upon biodiversity (Carlson et al., 2017). Historically, most efforts
have been directed to the study of parasites with direct harmful
effects on humans or livestock. Symbiont systems involving com-
mensals and mutualists are relatively poorly studied compared to
free-living organisms and hostparasite systems (Jovani, Do~
na, Labra-
dor, & Serrano, 2017).
Hostsymbiont interactions rarely involve a simple one-symbiont:
one-host interaction. Rather, even without considering the interaction
of the host species with other free-living species, any hostsymbiont
interaction typically involves several other species (Hopkins, Wojdak,
& Belden, 2017; Poulin, 2010). In addition, whether a particular sym-
biont species acts as a parasite, commensal or mutualist can be highly
context-dependent (i.e., the mutualismparasitism continuum frame-
work; for example, Brown, Creed, Skelton, Rollins, & Farrell, 2012;
Cheney & C^
e 2005; Newton, Fitt, Atkins, Walters, & Daniell, 2010;
Jovani et al., 2017). Thus, the study of symbionts as a whole, and not
separately according to the presumed nature of their relationships
with their hosts, is needed (Jovani, 2003; Jovani et al., 2017).
Defensive mutualisms (i.e., those in which symbionts protect
their hosts from natural enemies, which have been often perceived
as biological curiosities) have been reviewed recently following this
approach and placed into this framework (Hopkins et al., 2017).
Accordingly, defensive mutualisms, instead of being anecdotal host
symbiont associations, have been revealed as diverse and common
associations in a wide range of plants and animal hosts from nearly
all habitats on the planet. Nonetheless, with a few exceptions, most
of the diversity of hostsymbiont associations remains unexplored or
largely unstudied.
A good example of our lack of knowledge of these interactions
involves symbiotic relationships between birds and their feather
mites (Acariformes: Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea). These
mites are the most abundant and diverse ectosymbionts of birds.
Almost all bird species harbour species- or genus-specific feather
mites (Do~
na, Proctor, Mironov, Serrano, & Jovani, 2016; Gaud &
Atyeo, 1996; Proctor, 2003). Feather mites are highly specialized
symbionts due to their (i) life cycle (i.e., they are permanent
ectosymbionts, Dabert & Mironov, 1999; Proctor, 2003); (ii) high
host specificity (Do~
na, Proctor, Mironov, Serrano, & Jovani, 2017);
(iii) specific distribution on particular feathers and microsites on
feathers (Fern
alez, P
ıguez, de la Hera, Proctor,
erez-Tris, 2015; Jovani & Serrano, 2001, 2004; Stefan et al.,
2015); and (iv) mainly vertical mode of transmission (Do~
na, Potti,
et al., 2017; Jovani, Tella, Sol, & Ventura, 2001; Mironov & Maly-
shev, 2002). However, as with many other symbionts, they are chal-
lenging to study, and this has strongly hampered our comprehension
of this system (Do~
na, Diaz-Real, et al., 2015; Proctor, 2003; Proctor
& Owens, 2000).
A long-standing question in understanding the interaction
between feather mites and birds is whether these mites feed on bird
tissues (e.g., feathers, skin, blood) or upon resources found on the
birds surface (e.g., algae, fungi). If they feed on bird tissues, they are
more likely to be classified as parasites (Harper, 1999; Poulin, 1991;
Thompson, Hillgarth, Leu, & McClure, 1997), while if they do not,
feather mites would more likely be commensals or even mutualists
(Blanco, Tella, & Potti, 1997; Blanco, Tella, Potti, & Baz, 2001;
an et al., 2012). Previous evidence has suggested that feather
mites could feed mainly on the uropygial gland oil of birds (Dubinin,
1951; Proctor, 2003; Walter & Proctor, 2013c). However, this oil is
a nitrogen-deficient source (Jacob & Ziswiler 1982; Proctor, 2003),
and previous evidence has shown that feather mites complement
their diet with fungi, pollen and algal particles (Blanco et al., 2001;
Dubinin, 1951; Proctor, 2003; Walter & Proctor, 2013c). Examining
thousands of slide-mounted feather mites from 26 mite species,
Dubinin (1951) found that almost all mite species had fungal spores
in their guts, most from Cladosporium,Alternaria and rust fungi.
Moreover, Blanco et al. (2001) found fungal mycelia and spores in
the guts of 53% of Pterodectes rutilus (Robin) (Proctophyllodidae) and
38% of Scutulanyssus nuntiaventris (Berlese) (Pteronyssidae) mites
from two species of swallows (Hirundinidae). Likely because of this
potential mixture of feather mite diet, a recent isotopic study (Stefan
et al., 2015) of the diet of two feather mite species produced incon-
clusive results. Interestingly, however, this study showed a strong
correlation between the isotopic carbon signatures among mites
inhabiting the same individual host, and between the carbon signa-
ture (but not the nitrogen signature) of feather mites and the blood
of their individual bird host, thus suggesting that diet could be
mainly based on shared host-associated resources, arguably preen
gland oil (Stefan et al., 2015). Thus, it remains an open question to
what extent feather mites feed on uropygial oil or also upon other
bird tissues, whether exogenous resources, such as fungi and bacte-
ria, constitute an important food resource for these mites, and which
specific taxa are eaten by feather mites.
In this study, we investigated the diet of feather mites using two
complementary methods. First, we used light microscopy to examine
feather mite gut contents under the microscope from a large sample
of feather mites from ~200 bird species. Light microscopy allows
detection of feather fragments, fungi, plant material and algae that are
refractory to the clearing and mounting media (see Materials and
methods). In a second approach, for a smaller number of vane-dwelling
mite species, we studied gut contents using high-throughput sequenc-
ing (HTS) and DNA metabarcoding. This molecular approach comple-
mented the light microscope analysis for certain potential food
resources that would not be easily recognized in the slide-mounted
specimens (e.g., bacteria, soft bird tissues) and also allowed for a
detailed analysis of fungi, bacteria and plant taxa in the mitesdiet.
Gut content assessment via light microscopy
For the microscopy analysis, we used previously slide-mounted mites
from the Proctor Lab collection of feather mites from around the
DO ~
world. Mites had been cleared in lactic acid and mounted in polyvi-
nyl alcohol medium (#6371A; BioQuip, Rancho Dominguez, CA,
USA). This process clears soft tissues but retains refractory material
(e.g., chitin, cellulose). Selection of mites to examine was based on
taxonomic diversity of mites and host birds, and ecological breadth
of hosts (e.g., birds from terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats,
including predators, granivores, nectarivores, etc.). We initially exam-
ined several thousand mites using a Leica DMLB compound micro-
scope with DIC lighting. Mites with visible gut contents were
photographed at various magnifications (200, 400 and 8009)
depending on size of material in the gut. For each host bird species
included in the study, our goal was to photograph a minimum of five
individual mites from each mite genus present on the bird species. In
some cases, if there were fewer than five mites with gut contents
available for a mite genus and/or bird species, then all the available
mites that contained gut contents were photographed. Under ideal
circumstances, we would have focused on mite species rather than
genera, but particularly for tropical areas, feather mite alpha-taxon-
omy is in an early state and many species have yet to be described.
Also, for many taxa, only adult males can be readily ascribed to spe-
cies, and we wished to include nymphal and female mites in our
assessment. Mites were identified to genus using Gaud and Atyeo
(1996) with additional literature for more recently described genera
(e.g., Valim & Hernandes, 2010). In total, 1,300 individual mites rep-
resenting 100 genera (18 families) from 190 host bird species (72
families; 19 orders) were photographed.
Each morphologically unique type of gut content was given a
code, and for every individual mite, all the types of gut content pre-
sent were recorded, as well as the approximate amount of each type
of gut content. Aided by illustrations in Lacey and West (2006) and
consultation with a mycologist (T. Spribille, University of Alberta), we
then classified all unique types of gut contents as fungi, diatoms,
plant spores, unidentifiableand oily globules (possibly uropygial
gland oil or digestive by-products in peritrophic membranes).
Unidentifiable objects were mainly extremely small fragments or
flecks of material <5lm long (some of which could have potentially
been tiny remnants of feather barbules) (e.g., Figure S10). Oil glob-
ules were not included in the analyses, as we consider that our abil-
ity to consistently identify this material was much lower than for
other types of gut content (see an example of potential oil globs in
Figure S11).
Sample collection and sterilization for DNA
For the DNA metabarcoding study, 1,833 individual mites of 18 mite
species from 18 passerine bird host species (34 individual birds or
infrapopulations) were sampled from birds captured with mist nets in
Andalusia (Spain) during the spring of 2015 (see Table S1, for sam-
pling details). An effort was made to collect all mites found on the
wing flight feathers from each sampled bird, using a sterile swab
impregnated with ethanol. Mites were preserved at 20°C in tubes
with 96% ethanol. In those cases in which more than one mite
species was found on an individual bird, one different sterile swab
was used for collecting each tentative mite species (according to
na et al., 2016 based on genus-specific location on bird feathers)
into different tubes.
Mites were sterilized in AllGenetics & Biology, SL (A Coru~
Spain) with three ethanol washes following Andrews (2013). Each
time, tubes containing mites were agitated manually. Then, all etha-
nol was collected with the pipette using a thin pipette tip, with care-
ful visual checks to avoid removing any mites. Tubes were then
refilled with ethanol. Washed mites were then used for further anal-
yses (hereafter mite samples) and the ethanol extracted from the
first wash was used as the environmental control sample (hereafter,
external sample).
DNA extraction, amplification, library
construction and sequencing
DNA isolation, amplification and library preparation were carried out
at AllGenetics & Biology, SL (A Coru~
na, Spain). Genomic DNA was
extracted from each mite sample using the HotSHOT method (Truett
et al., 2000). Briefly, the ethanol from the last mite wash was evapo-
rated and a 1-M NaOH solution was added to the dried wells, incu-
bated at 95°C and neutralized with equivalent amounts of TrisCl.
The final extraction volume was 30 ll. A negative control that con-
tained no sample was included in every extraction round to check
for contamination during the experiments. This procedure preserves
exoskeletons for morphological identifications (see Do~
na, Diaz-Real,
et al., 2015). However, in contrast to more aggressive isolation
methods, DNA from Gram-positive bacteria, undigested diatoms and
intact fungal spores may not have been amplified. After DNA extrac-
tion, the remaining exoskeletons were separated from the buffer and
stored in 80% ethanol. External samples were extracted as follows.
The ethanol phase from the first mite wash was pipetted onto a
nitrocellulose filter (ca. 9 cm²with a pore size of 22 lm), and then,
DNA was isolated using the PowerSoil DNA isolation kit (Mobio) fol-
lowing manufacturers instructions. The final elution volume was
50 ll.
From each sample, a total of seven libraries were built: five from
DNA extracted from mite samples and two from the DNA extracted
from the external samples (i.e., see above for sample name defini-
tions). HTS libraries were prepared by amplifying a different molecu-
lar marker and by adding the Illumina-specific sequencing primers,
indices and adaptors. The regions amplified from mite samples were
as follows: the bacterial/archaeal 16S rRNA gene variable region 4
(515F/806R, Caporaso et al., 2012), the ITS 2 region of the fungal
rRNA operon (ITS86F/ITS4, De Beeck et al., 2014), the ITS 2 region
of plants and algae (S2F/S3R, Chen et al. 2010) and the region of
the mitochondrial COI gene of birds. To maximize the potential for
retrieving bird DNA, we used internal primers of the mitochondrial
COI gene suitable for amplifying degraded DNA (BirdF1/AvMiR1,
Kerr, Lijtmaer, Barreira, Hebert, & Tubaro, 2009). In addition, we
amplified the COI gene of feather mites (bcdF05/bcdR04, Dabert,
Ehrnsberger, & Dabert, 2008) to molecularly confirm the mite
DO ~
species identity (Do~
na, Diaz-Real, et al., 2015). Only bacterial and
fungal regions were amplified from the external samples.
Libraries were built following the recommended protocol by Illu-
mina for bacterial 16S metabarcoding, with some modifications. Simi-
lar protocols have been used by other authors (e.g., Lange et al.,
2014; Vierna, Do~
na, Vizca
ıno, Serrano, & Jovani, 2017). Briefly, the
libraries were constructed in a two-step PCR (hereafter, PCR1 and
PCR2): PCR1s were carried out in a final volume of 25 ll, containing
6.50 ll of Supreme NZYTaq Green PCR Master Mix (NZYTech),
0.5 lM of each primer and PCR-grade water up to 25 ll. Thermal
cycling conditions included an initial denaturation step at 95°C for
5 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 30 s,
annealing at various temperatures (bacteria: 50°C; fungi: 52°C; plant:
51°C; bird: 59°C; mite: 55°C), extension at 72°C for 45 s and a final
extension step at 72°C for 10 min. PCR1 products were purified by
solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) (Hawkins, O'Connor-
Morin, Roy, & Santillan, 1994), using Mag-Bind RXNPure Plus mag-
netic beads (Omega Biotek). To eliminate the primer dimers gener-
ated during PCR, we used a final bead concentration of 0.5X, thus
size selecting the high molecular weight amplicons over primer
dimers. The purified products were loaded in a 1% agarose gel
stained with GreenSafe (NZYTech) and visualized under UV light.
PCR2 was carried out using 2.5 ll of the amplified DNA from
PCR1 as a template and was performed under the same conditions
as PCR1, but only running five cycles at 60°C as the optimal anneal-
ing temperature.
A total of 31 different index combinations were used, and 40
PCR cycles were performed (Vierna et al., 2017). The resulting prod-
ucts were purified following the SPRI method as indicated above.
Likewise, the purified products were loaded in a 1% agarose gel
stained with GreenSafe (NZYTech) and visualized under UV light.
All products (a total of 238 libraries) were pooled together in 21
sets of differentially indexed samples. All pools were quantified with
fluorometer (Invitrogen). We did not obtain bird DNA in any
sample and plant DNA only from two samples (see Results below).
Accordingly, all except one plant pool (i.e., the one containing the
only two samples successfully amplified, see Results below) were not
sequenced as they did not reach the minimum amount of DNA for
All pools were sequenced by Novogene (Beijing, China) on Illu-
mina HiSeq 4000 using the PE 250 strategy (see Supporting Infor-
mation for coverage information; Table S2). Quality controls were
carried out using company in-house Perl scripts to remove contami-
nated adaptors and low-quality sequences.
Bioinformatic analysis
Bacterial sequences were postprocessed and classified with MOTHUR
v1.38.1 (Schloss et al., 2009) according to the MiSeq SOP (accession
date: 30 August 2016, Kozich, Westcott, Baxter, Highlander, &
Schloss, 2013). In brief, sequences were aligned and classified
against the SILVA (v123) database (Pruesse et al., 2007). Potential
mitochondrial, chloroplastidial and other nontarget sequences were
removed, and the UCHIME algorithm was used to identify and
remove chimeras (Edgar, Haas, Clemente, Quince, & Knight, 2011).
Lastly, sequences were clustered into OTUs using the cluster.split
command. Fungal sequences were processed using the PIPITS pipe-
line (Gweon et al., 2015). Briefly, this procedure extracts the ITS
subregion from reads and then assigns them taxonomically with a
trained RDP Classifier (Bengtsson-Palme et al., 2013). One mite sam-
ple containing <100 reads after preprocessing was not used for fur-
ther analyses on fungal sequences (see Table S2). Plant raw reads
were quality trimmed (sliding window of 30 bp with a minimal aver-
age Phred score of 33) using TRIMMOMATIC 0.36 (Bolger, Lohse, &
Usadel, 2014) and then clustered to OTUs at 97% using CD-HIT ver-
sion 4.5 (Fu, Niu, Zhu, Wu, & Li, 2012). Representative (centroid)
sequences were blasted using MEGABLAST against the NCBI nr
nonredundant nucleotide sequence collection (National Center for
Biotechnology Information:
Mite identity was molecularly confirmed in all cases using a simi-
lar pipeline to that used in Do~
na, Moreno-Garc
ıa, Criscione, Serrano,
and Jovani (2015). In brief, we used Geneious R10 (, Kearse et al., 2012) plugin Sequence classifier, over a
concatenated file containing the forward and reverse reads (quality
trimmed as described above for plant libraries and with a minimum
length of 200 bp). Then, we used the recommended threshold and a
reference DNA barcode library (Do~
na, Diaz-Real, et al., 2015).
Statistical analysis
Differences in prevalence and morphological diversity of diet
resources (the maximum diversity retrieved for each mite sample,
that is, each mite infrapopulation; see above) from microscopy
assessments were analysed using generalized linear mixed models
(GLMM) (GLMER function from package LME4 1.1-12, Jovani & Tella,
2006; Bates, M
achler, Bolker, & Walker, 2015). For assessing differ-
ences in prevalence, we ran a binomial GLMM considering preva-
lence (1: presence, 0: absence) as the response variable, the type of
food resource as the predictor variable and the bird infrapopulation
nested into bird species plus mite genera as random factors. For
assessing differences in morphotype diversity of fungi and diatoms,
we ran a Poisson GLMM considering morphotype diversity as the
response variable, and the same structure of predictor and random
factors. We confirmed assumptions underlying GLMMs by exploring
regression residuals for normality against Q-Q plots.
Fungal and bacterial OTUs were imported to Rand manipulated
using PHYLOSEQ R package (McMurdie & Holmes, 2013). In particular,
we studied the variance in bacterial and fungal assemblage composi-
tion among infrapopulations using a permutational multivariate anal-
ysis of variance on BrayCurtis and Jaccard distance matrices
(PERMANOVA; adonis function from the VEGAN v2.4.1 Rpackage,
Oksanen et al., 2017). The null hypothesis was that the centroid
does not differ between host species and/or mite species (Anderson
& Walsh, 2013). This test is highly sensitive to data dispersion
(Anderson, 2001), and thus, we tested it with the multivariate homo-
geneity PERMDISP2 procedure (Anderson, 2006; betadisper function
DO ~
from VEGAN, Anderson & Walsh, 2013) with 999 permutations. Addi-
tionally, following previous approaches to overcome this statistical
issue (e.g., Brice, Pellerin, & Poulin, 2017), we explored the commu-
nity clustering with ordination analyses (principal coordinates analy-
ses, PCoA) and stacked bar plots at the infrapopulation level.
Composition and morphological diversity of
feather mitesdiets assessed by microscopy
From a total of 481 infrapopulations (1,300 individual mites) belong-
ing to 190 bird species and 100 mite genera, fungal material (spores
and hyphae) was the most prevalent type of gut content (GLMM:
v²=168.73, df =2, p<.001; Figure 1) and the most morphologi-
cally diverse (GLMM: v²=442.5, df =2, p<.001; Figure 1). In addi-
tion, diatoms and plant material were also found, but in a much
lower frequency and morphotype diversity than fungi (Figure 1).
Highly similar results were found when only analysing passerines
(Figure S1 and S2), the avian order in which bird species were also
studied using DNA metabarcoding (see below). The overall predomi-
nance of fungi was widespread across the avian phylogeny (Figure 2)
and feather mite taxonomy (Table 1).
DNA metabarcoding of feather mitesdiets
Metabarcoding results of the mite species from the genera Procto-
phyllodes Robin, 1877, Trouessartia Canestrini, 1899, Dolichodectes
Park & Atyeo, 1971, and Scutulanysuss Mironov, 1985 showed
highly congruent results with the microscopic analyses in terms of
the prevalence and diversity of food resources, while complementing
them with bacterial detection and providing taxonomic detail of the
organisms involved. We found bacterial DNA in all samples
(Table S2). The bacterial genera identified primarily belonged to the
phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes, with Pro-
teobacteria being the most frequently represented (Figure S5).
Within these phyla, we retrieved a high diversity of bacterial genera
(Figures 3, S7 and S8). Genera commonly found in soil and as envi-
ronmental background noisesuch as Sphingomonas, Acinetobacter
and Pseudomonas were the most prevalent genera (Table 2, Fig-
ures 3, S7 and S8) while typically endosymbiotic genera such as Bar-
tonella, Enterococcus and Buchnera were the most abundant when
they were present (Table 2, Figures 3, S7 and S8). PERMANOVAs
showed statistically significant differences in bacterial composition
between mite (53% variance, F=1.25, p=.006) and bird species
(52% variance, F=1.31, p=.001). Nonetheless, we found different
levels of dispersion between mite (F=7.19, p=.001) and bird
Fungi Diatoms Plants
Fungi Diatoms Plants
(a) (b)
FIGURE 1 Barplot and boxplot depicting the (a) prevalence (N=481) and (b) morphological diversity (using the maximum diversity
retrieved per infrapopulation) of diet items found in the microscopy assessment of feather mite gut contents. Error lines in (a) represent
confidence intervals (95%). Blue dots in (b) represent real data points (jittered). Representative pictures of each food resource are placed
beneath the plots
DO ~
species (F=9.95, p=.001). In addition, ordinations as well as indi-
vidual stacked bar plots of bacterial profiles did not show clustering
by mite or by bird species in bacterial OTUs or genera (Figures 4
and S7). Additionally, a re-analysis excluding all bacterial OTUs found
in the external samples, that is, to exclude potential environmental
contamination coming from bacterial OTUs still remaining after mite
washes, showed almost identical results: significant differences in
bacterial composition between mite species (PERMANOVA, 51%
variance, F=1.15, p=.023) and bird species (PERMANOVA, 49%
variance, F=1.20, p=.01). Nonetheless, again, we found different
levels of dispersion between mite species (F=8.46, p=.002) and
between bird species (F=11.84, p=.001). In addition, ordination
and profile plots did not show clustering by either mite or bird spe-
cies in bacterial OTUs and genera (Figures S8 and S9).
We found fungal DNA in all infrapopulations except one
(Table S2). Overall, we retrieved a high diversity of fungal species,
Picus canus
Dryocopus javensis
Colaptes auratus
Chrysocolaptes lucidus
Sphyrapicus varius
Picoides pubescens
Picoides villosus
Asio otus
Asio flammeus
Bubo virginianus
Aegolius funereus
Surnia ulula
Pandion haliaetus
Accipiter cooperii
Accipiter gentilis
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Elanoides forficatus
Collocalia troglodytes
Collocalia esculenta
Apus pacificus
Falco sparverius
Passer domesticus
Passer montanus
Plectrophenax nivalis
Seiurus aurocapilla
Dendroica tigrina
Dendroica petechia
Geothlypis trichas
Oporornis philadelphia
Ver mi vora peregrina
Seiurus noveboracensis
Sturnella neglecta
Icterus galbula
Euphagus cyanocephalus
Agelaius phoeniceus
Molothrus ater
Melospiza melodia
Ammodramus leconteii
Pooecetes gramineus
Junco hyemalis
Zonotrichia leucophrys
Zonotrichia albicollis
Spizella arborea
Spizella pallida
Spizella passerina
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Carpodacus purpureus
Pinicola enucleator
Carduelis pinus
Loxia curvirostra
Loxia leucoptera
Carduelis flammea
Carduelis hornemanni
Carduelis tristis
Coccothraustes vespertinus
Anthus hodgsoni
Lonchura malacca
Irena cyanogastra
Chloropsis hardwickii
Dicaeum hypoleucum
Dicaeum ignipectus
Arachnothera magna
Aethopyga christinae
Regulus calendula
Bombycilla cedrorum
Bombycilla garrulus
Cyornis herioti
Myophonus caeruleus
Copsychus luzoniensis
Cyornis rufigastra
Zoothera sibirica
Zoothera citrina
Zoothera naevia
Catharus ustulatus
Catharus guttatus
Turdus migratorius
Sialia currucoides
Myadestes townsendi
Dumetella carolinensis
Sturnus vulgaris
Sitta canadensis
Sitta frontalis
Sitta carolinensis
Certhia americana
Spizixos semitorques
Hemixos castanonotus
Parad oxornis webbianus
Alcippe morrisonia
Zosterops japonicus
Leiothrix lutea
Garrulax sannio
Stachyris capitalis
Progne subis
achycineta bicolor
Riparia riparia
Hirundo daurica
Hirundo rustica
Aegithalos concinnus
Phylloscopus cebuensis
Orthotomus cuculatus
Eremophila alpestris
Alauda arvensis
Parus atricapillus
Vireo olivaceus
Dicrurus leucophaeus
Dicrurus balicassius
Corvus corax
Pica hudsonia
Cyanocitta cristata
Urocissa erythrorhyncha
Hypothymis helenae
Te r p siphone cinnamomea
Oriolus sagittatus
Pericrocotus ethologus
Hemipus picatus
Manorina melanocephala
Sclerurus caudacutus
Sclerurus mexicanus
Campylorhamphus trochilirostris
Conopophaga ardesiaca
Contopus cooperi
Empidonax alnorum
Empidonax minimus
Ty ra nn us ty rannus
Lepidothrix coeruleocapilla
Alisterus scapularis
Tr ichoglossus haematodus
Pezoporus wallicus
Platycercus caledonicus
Platycercus adscitus
Lathamus discolor
Neophema chrysogaster
Cacatua roseicapilla
Cuculus fugax
Cepphus grylle
Fratercula arctica
Larus delawarensis
Sterna hirundo
Chlidonias niger
Bartramia longicauda
Calidris minutilla
Limnodromus griseus
Gallinago gallinago
ringa solitaria
Tringa flavipes
Tringa melanoleuca
Haematopus bachmani
Charadrius vociferus
Grus canadensis
Porzana carolina
Fulica americana
Podiceps grisegena
Podi ceps auritus
Phaethon aethereus
Phaethon rubricauda
Nycticorax caledonicus
Gorsachius melanolophus
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Hydrobates pelagicus
Bulweria bulwerii
Calonectris diomedea
Puffinus puffinus
Phalacrocorax auritus
Gavia pacifica
Gavia immer
Phapitreron leucotis
Ptilinopus superbus
Perdix perdix
Phasianus colchicus
Bonasa umbellus
Lagopus lagopus
Dendragapus canadensis
Alectura lathami
Anas discors
Anas clypeata
Anas americana
Anas platyrhynchos
Oxyura jamaicensis
Anser albifrons
Cygnus columbianus
Nothura maculosa
Rhynchotus rufescens
FIGURE 2 50% majority-rule consensus phylogenetic tree depicting the distribution of food resources retrieved by microscopic analysis of
feather mite gut contents across the phylogeny of birds. In brief, 1,000 trees were obtained from BirdTree (Jetz, Thomas, Joy, Hartmann, &
Mooers, 2012, and summarized using SUMTREE v 4.1.0 in DENDROPYV4.1.0 (Sukumaran & Holder, 2010, 2015), following
Rubolini, Liker, Garamszegi, Møller, and Saino (2015). Rings from the centre out, brown: fungi. Mustard: diatoms. Green: plants. Most external
ring colours depict bird orders
DO ~
which was much higher in the mite samples compared to the external
samples (See Material and Methods above, Figure S5). Fungal species
retrieved from mite samples mostly belonged to the phyla Ascomycota
and Basidiomycota, with Ascomycota being the most represented (Fig-
ure S4). At the genus level, the most prevalent were Cladosporium,
Toxicocladosporium and Aureobasidium (Table 2, Figures 5 and S6).
On the other hand, Meira, Malassezia and Talaromyces were the most
abundant fungal genera when present (Table 2, Figures 5 and S6).
Interestingly, we retrieved genera for which keratinolytic activity is
known, such as Cladosporium, Acremonium, Malassezia, Penicillium
and Phoma. PERMANOVAs showed significant differences in fungal
composition between mite species (51% variance, F=1.18, p=.027)
and bird species (49% variance, F=1.21, p=.016). Nonetheless, dis-
persion analyses (see Methods) revealed different levels of dispersion
between mite species (F=9.22, p=.004) and between bird species
(F=9.36, p=.002), suggesting the need for a detailed inspection of
the within-species variance. By doing so, principal coordinates analy-
ses as well as stacked bar plots at the individual level within species
showed no apparent consistency of fungal profiles either within mite
or bird species (Figures 6 and S6).
Plant DNA was only sequenced from two infrapopulations (of 34)
from two mite species inhabiting two different bird individuals. The
first infrapopulation from which plant DNA was recovered belonged to
Proctophyllodes sylviae Gaud, 1957 from the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla
(Linnaeus, 1758). Plant OTUs retrieved matched to Polygala teretifolia
Thunb. (99.7% pairwise similarity; grade 88.6%), Citrus clementine hort.
(two OTUs: 92.8, 98.4% pairwise similarity; grade 96.4, 99.2%), Daphne
laureola L. (94.9% pairwise similarity; grade 93.2%) and Digitalia ciliaris
(Retz.) Koeler. (96.5% pairwise similarity; grade 96%). The second
infrapopulation belonged to Trouessartia bifurcata (Trouessart, 1885)
also from a Sylvia atricapilla host, in which the single OTU retrieved
matched to Quercus sp. (95.5% pairwise similarity; grade 97.7%).
In this study, by analysing the diet of feather mites using both DNA
metabarcoding and microscopy-based methods, we investigated the
long-standing question of the nature of the interaction between birds
and feather mites. Fungi and potentially bacteria (see below) were
revealed as the main recognizable food resources for feather mites,
while diatoms and plant matter appeared as rare food resources. Simi-
larly, Dubinin (1951) examined the guts of 18,735 specimens of
Freyana spp. (Freyanidae) from waterfowl and found diatoms in only
135 of them (0.72%). Importantly, we did not find visual or DNA evi-
dence of feather mites feeding upon bird resources (e.g., blood, skin)
other than likely uropygial gland oil (see Materials and Methods), in
spite of using primers suitable for amplifying degraded bird DNA. We
observed no obvious feather filaments in our microscopy analysis, but
this and our molecular study would not have been able to identify tiny
(non-DNA-bearing) fragments of feathers, which have been occasion-
ally reported in microscopy studies. The chelicerae of vane-dwelling
feather mites do not seem capable of cutting or tearing intact feathers,
so if the tiny fragments we observed in the guts are indeed feather
fragments, they would likely be ingested along with other loose mate-
rial. In addition, we found a high prevalence of both keratinophilic and
pathogenic fungal taxa (e.g., Cladosporium,Penicillium, Al Rubaiee, Al
Murayati, Nielsen, & Møller, 2017; Friedrich, Gradi
sar, Mandin, &
Chaumont, 1999; Gunderson, 2008; Marchisio, Curetti, Cassinelli, &
Bordese, 1991; Nwadiaro, Ogbonna, Wuyep, & Adekojo, 2015) in
feather mite guts. Whether the quantities of bacteria and fungi eaten
by feather mites are enough to increase host fitness requires further
study. Altogether, our results support previous evidence on the com-
mensalisticmutualistic role of vane-dwelling feather mites (Blanco
et al., 1997, 2001; Galv
an et al., 2012; Proctor, 2003; Walter & Proc-
tor, 2013a,b,c). Thus, vane-dwelling feather mites probably should no
longer be considered to be parasites of birds (e.g., Harper, 1999) but
rather commensalistsmutualists. This does not apply to the few taxa
of quill-dwelling feather mites that clearly feed on feather pith (e.g.,
Ascouracaridae) or those that live on or in the epidermis of the host
(e.g., Dermationidae, Epidermoptidae) (Gaud & Atyeo, 1996; Proctor,
1999). Additionally, whether uropygial gland oil constitutes an impor-
tant food resource for feather mites remains unanswered from our
data (Pap, V
asi, Osv
ath, Muresßan, & Barta, 2010) and should be
studied using more sensitive methods (e.g., HPLC, histological staining
analysis). Indeed, should uropygial gland oil be beneficial for birds, a
TABLE 1 Prevalence (% of feather mite
infrapopulations) of identified food items
found in the best-sampled mite families.
Phylogenetic information was retrieved
from Klimov and OConnor (2013)
DO ~
large number of mites feeding upon this resource might have a detri-
mental effect on host fitness (Blanco et al., 2001). However, a recent
review concluded that is not even clear how or if uropygial gland oil
affects bird fitness (Moreno-Rueda, 2017). In the light of our findings,
previous occasional documentation of unhealthy birds with high num-
bers of vane-dwelling feather mites (e.g., Atyeo & Gaud, 1979) could
be reinterpreted as birds in poor condition providing more food
resources to feather mites (e.g., fungi and bacteria, which may be
directly or indirectly related with hosthealth status, Blanco et al.,
2001; Soler et al., 2012). It may also be that birds in poor condition
preen less, which could in turn impact the abundance of feather mites
if they are susceptible to removal by preening activities. However, it
remains the possibility that feather mites have an effect on host fit-
ness by removing preen gland oil, by potential aerodynamic costs of
harbouring large amounts of mites and by indirect effects on host fit-
ness mediated by other ectoparasites (e.g., the occasional ingestion of
feather mites by feather lice which may indirectly increase the cost of
parasitism of feather lice).
The possibility that symbiont species might be at risk of extinc-
tion (e.g., Carlson et al., 2017; R
ozsa & Vas, 2014) suggests the need
Dolichodectes edwarsii
Dolichodectes hispanicus
Proctophyllodes cetti
Proctophyllodes clavatus
Proctophyllodes doleophyes
Proctophyllodes lusciniae
Proctophyllodes motacillae
Proctophyllodes reguli
Proctophyllodes rubeculinus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff caeruleus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff cristatus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff major
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff troglodytes
Proctophyllodes sylviae
Proctophyllodes vassilevi
Scutulanyssus hirundicola
Trouessartia bifurcata
Trouessartia reguli
Trouessartia rubecula
Relative abundance of bacterial genera
FIGURE 3 Stacked bar plots of the bacterial genera retrieved in the molecular analyses of mite species. Low abundance taxa (<2%) were
not shown for illustrative purposes
DO ~
for a rapid integration of this knowledge into bird-related practices,
such as those in wild bird conservation programmes. Also, our results
suggest that further studies of birds in farms, zoos and the pet trade
are needed, where traditionally feather mites were viewed as para-
sites, with birds provided with treatment using acaricides (e.g., Alek-
seev, 1998; Salisch, 1989). This practice not only has the downside
of monetary expense because of the use of acaricides, but could also
result in the loss of the potential services provided by feather-clean-
ing mites, as our results suggest.
Analyses of the bacterial and fungal DNA found in the guts of
feather mites revealed a high diversity of taxa that were not struc-
tured by host or by mite species (Figures 4, 6 and S6-S9). This sug-
gests trophic opportunism of mites (da Silva, Dorrestein, & Quinn,
2015; Kent & Burtt, 2016), which may graze upon whatever food
resources might be available at the time. This opportunistic feather-
cleaningfeeding behaviour is also supported by the large amount of
unidentifiable items we found in the guts and by the higher abun-
dance and diversity of fungi found in the mite samples in comparison
with the external samples (e.g., Figures S3 and S10). Overall, many
other species of sarcoptiform mites, including many free-living Astig-
mata, are functionally defined as fungivoremicrobivoredetritivores
(e.g., Pyroglyphidae and most oribatid mites, Walter & Proctor
2013a,b), and our results also support this classification for feather
mites. In fact, our results are in large agreement with previous stud-
ies on microbes found in other mite species (Chaisiri, McGarry, Mor-
and, & Makepeace, 2015; Hubert et al., 2012), where strong
TABLE 2 Prevalence and abundance (mean; minimummaximum) statistics from the 30 most prevalent fungal and bacterial genera retrieved
by DNA metabarcording. The three genera which were, on average, most abundant for each taxon, are asterisked and highlighted in bold.
Relative abundance was calculated as the % of sequences of the given genus in those samples where the genus was found
(% of samples)
Relative abundance
(% sequences within samples) Bacteria
(% of samples)
Relative abundance
(% sequences within samples)
Cladosporium 63 17; 262 Sphingomonas 88 12; 533
Toxicocladosporium 63 26; 289 Acinetobacter 71 18; 566
Aureobasidium 53 26; 270 Pseudomonas 71 14; 550
Cryptococcus 42 6; 211 Sediminibacterium 53 10; 619
*Malassezia 42 31; 394 Brevundimonas 47 11; 618
Penicillium 42 11; 243 EscherichiaShigella 41 7; 512
Rhodotorula 32 7; 221 Staphylococcus 41 14; 535
Acremonium 26 9; 218 Methylobacterium 35 8; 612
Catenulostroma 26 13; 337 Massilia 29 10; 621
Devriesia 26 7; 214 *Bartonella 24 42; 690
Erysiphe 26 23; 776 Blastomonas 24 9; 514
Pleurotus 26 8; 213 Streptococcus 24 10; 613
Alternaria 21 13; 618 Bradyrhizobium 18 6; 57
Aspergillus 21 10; 229 Corynebacterium_1 18 7; 77
Beauveria 21 8; 411 Lactobacillus 18 8; 610
Erythrobasidium 21 10; 222 Moraxella 18 8; 511
Sporobolomyces 21 5; 2712up 12 11; 813
*Talaromyces 21 30; 398 Actinomycetospora 12 5; 56
Dioszegia 16 3; 34Bosea 12 7; 69
Golovinomyces 16 13; 226 Chryseobacterium 12 6; 66
*Meira 16 47; 573 *Enterococcus 12 40; 1457
Phaeotheca 16 21; 1827 Alicyclobacillus 6 12; 1212
Pseudocercospora 16 15; 1221 Anaerococcus 67;77
Stagonospora 16 11; 227 Aquabacterium 66;66
Tilletiopsis 16 6; 38Arcicella 66;66
Arthrocatena 11 3; 33Bacteroides 6 20; 2020
Claviceps 11 4; 36*Buchnera 6 41; 4141
Debaryomyces 11 17; 429 Cloacibacterium 69;99
Exobasidium 11 11; 914 Duganella 68;88
Farysizyma 11 8; 512 Dyadobacter 6 10; 1010
DO ~
evidence has been found for the utilization of bacteria as a food
source in free-living astigmatan species (Erban & Hubert, 2008,
2010; Hubert, Nesvorna, Kopeck
y, S
a, & Poltronieri,
2014; Hubert et al., 2016). In these studies, microbiomes composed
of highly diverse taxa in low abundance have been interpreted as
evidence for microbivory. In contrast, microbiome profiles showing
a low diversity of highly abundant taxa are interpreted as evidence
of symbiotic or pathogenic bacterial species (Hammer, Janzen, Hall-
wachs, Jaffe, & Fierer, 2017; Hubert et al., 2016). In this way, the
prevalenceabundance patterns of the bacteria found here (Table 2)
suggest a combination of bacteria used as food resource (mostly
environmental-associated genera, which were more prevalent but
less abundant, for example,Sphingomonas and Acinetobacter;
Table 2) and of potentially symbiotic, commensalistic or pathogenic
bacteria (less prevalent but much more abundant when present, for
example,Bartonella,Enteroccocus; and the primary endosymbiont,
Buchnera; Table 2).
Lack of a stable microbiomeacross different individuals of a
given species has been found in other organisms with a nutritionally
broad diet (Shapira, 2016). In contrast, species with highly biased
diets, such as lice feeding on bird feathers (mainly keratin) or ter-
mites feeding on dead wood (mainly cellulose), typically have perma-
nent and relatively stable endosymbiotic bacteria which provide
them essential vitamins or other nutritional supplements (Puchta,
1955; Ohkuma, 2008; Perotti, Kirkness, Reed, & Braig, 2009; Boyd
et al., 2016; but see Hammer et al., 2017). Thus, our results suggest-
ing the lack of a stable microbiome at the mite species level add
support to the hypothesis of a generalist fungivoremicrobivore
Axis.2 (8.5%)
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Axis.1 (9.5%)
Axis.2 (8.5%)
Axis.2 (6.3%)
Dolichodectes edwarsii
Dolichodectes hispanicus
Proctophyllodes cetti
Proctophyllodes clavatus
Proctophyllodes doleophyes
Proctophyllodes lusciniae
Proctophyllodes motacillae
Proctophyllodes reguli
Proctophyllodes rubeculinus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff caeruleus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff cristatus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff major
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff troglodytes
Proctophyllodes sylviae
Proctophyllodes vassilevi
Scutulanyssus hirundicola
Trouessartia bifurcata
Trouessartia reguli
Trouessartia rubecula
Mite species
Axis.1 (6.6%)
Axis.2 (6.3%)
−0.2 0.0 0.2
Axis.1 (6.6%)
−0.2 0.0 0.2
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Axis.1 (9.5%)
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Certhia brachydactyla
Cettia cetti
Cyanistes caeruleus
Erithacus rubecula
Ficedula hypoleuca
Hippolais polyglotta
Hirundo rustica
Luscinia megarhynchos
Motacilla cinerea
Parus cristatus
Parus major
Regulus ignicapillus
Sylvia atricapilla
Sylvia borin
Sylvia melanocephala
Troglodytes troglodytes
Bird species
FIGURE 4 Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of bacterial communities of feather mite infrapopulations: First row, samples coloured by
mite species and (a) based on BrayCurtis and (b) Jaccard distances, respectively; Second row, samples coloured by bird species and c) based
on BrayCurtis and (d) Jaccard distances, respectively. OTUs counts were scaled to the smallest library following McMurdie and Holmes (2014)
and Denef, Fujimoto, Berry, and Schmidt (2016)
DO ~
detritivore diet for the feather mites reported here, instead of these
resources being taken as a by-product of a diet based mostly on
uropygial oil (Engel & Moran, 2013; Sanders et al., 2017; Shapira,
2016). In fact, in 42% of the mites in which we detected any food
resource, we did not see any oil globules (but see Materials and
Methods) also suggesting that resource intake does not depend on
oil ingestion.
A further understanding of the multilayered hologenome (i.e., to
distinguish between stableunstable, adaptedunadapted bacterial
taxa, Shapira, 2016) through large-scale microbiome-oriented studies
will help in disentangling the role of these potentially symbiotic or
pathogenic bacteria of feather mites. Furthermore, whether feather
mites select among available food resources (fungal preferences have
been found in free-living fungivorous Astigmata, Hubert et al., 2003;
Hubert, Jarosık, Mourek, Kubatova, & Zdarkova, 2004) or do not
need to rely on bacterial symbionts requires further experimental
study. Lastly, a hypothesis of an external-rumenmode of feeding,
in which mites ingest predigested food (by bacteria), has been also
supported in free-living astigmatan mites (Hubert et al., 2014, 2016)
and would be also compatible with our results.
Feather mite species are relatively host-specific and (presumably)
host-specialized symbionts that appear to have relatively low levels
Dolichodectes edwarsii
Dolichodectes hispanicus
Proctophyllodes cetti
Proctophyllodes clavatus
Proctophyllodes doleophyes
Proctophyllodes lusciniae
Proctophyllodes motacillae
Proctophyllodes reguli
Proctophyllodes rubeculinus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff caeruleus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff cristatus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff major
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff troglodytes
Proctophyllodes sylviae
Proctophyllodes vassilevi
Scutulanyssus hirundicola
Trouessartia bifurcata
Trouessartia reguli
Trouessartia rubecula
Relative abundance of fungal genera
Var ari a
FIGURE 5 Stacked bar plots of the fungal genera retrieved in the molecular analyses of mite species. Low abundance taxa (<2%) were not
shown for illustrative purposes
DO ~
of switching to new host species (Do~
na, Proctor, et al., 2017; Do~
Sweet, et al., 2017; Gaud 1992; Klimov, Mironov, & OConnor,
2017; Matthews et al., 2018). These switches mostly involve closely
related hosts, but major-host switches (e.g., between bird orders)
have been revealed as a major driver of their diversification (Do~
Proctor, et al., 2017). As for many other hostsymbiont systems
(Clayton, Bush, & Johnson, 2016; Nylin et al., 2017), understanding
the (co)eco-evolutionary scenario of host-switching in this hostsym-
biont system is still in its infancy. However, the likely opportunistic
diet of feather mites reported here suggests that host-switching of
feather mites would not be constrained by the extrinsic nutritional
resources available on the new host (but it may be, for example,by
feather morphology or by the bird preening efficiency; Clayton et al.,
2005). Uropygial gland oil composition, however, differs between
birds (Soini, Whittaker, Wiesler, Ketterson, & Novotny, 2013); and
whether mites are specialized to host oil is unknown, and requires
further study. Nevertheless, the fact that different bird species can
harbour contrasting (and consistent) abundances of feather mites
(Diaz-Real et al., 2014; Do~
na, Moreno-Garc
ıa, et al., 2015) suggests
that, among others factors, the abundance of food resources for
feather mites could strongly differ between bird species, but this
also needs additional research.
Overall, this study supports the hypothesis that the interaction
between birds and vane-dwelling feather mites involves commensal-
ism or mutualism, with feather mites acting as feather-cleaners of
birds. This opens the possibility of studying bird-feather mites as an
interesting case study of defensive symbiosis (Hopkins et al., 2017).
Further experimental research is needed to unravel the likely
−0.20 0.0 0.2 −0.20 0.0 0.2
−0.20 0.0 0.2
Axis.2 (8.5%)
−0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
Axis.1 (9.5%)
Axis.2 (8.5%)
Axis.2 (6.3%)
Dolichodectes edwarsii
Dolichodectes hispanicus
Proctophyllodes cetti
Proctophyllodes clavatus
Proctophyllodes doleophyes
Proctophyllodes lusciniae
Proctophyllodes motacillae
Proctophyllodes reguli
Proctophyllodes rubeculinus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff caeruleus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff cristatus
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff major
Proctophyllodes stylifer aff troglodytes
Proctophyllodes sylviae
Proctophyllodes vassilevi
Scutulanyssus hirundicola
Trouessartia bifurcata
Trouessartia reguli
Trouessartia rubecula
Mite species
Axis.1 (6.6%)
Axis.2 (6.3%)
Axis.1 (9.5%) Axis.1 (6.6%)
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Acrocephalus scirpaceus
Certhia brachydactyla
Cettia cetti
Cyanistes caeruleus
Erithacus rubecula
Ficedula hypoleuca
Hippolais polyglotta
Hirundo rustica
Luscinia megarhynchos
Motacilla cinerea
Parus cristatus
Parus major
Regulus ignicapillus
Sylvia atricapilla
Sylvia borin
Sylvia melanocephala
Troglodytes troglodytes
Bird species
(a) (b)
FIGURE 6 Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of fungal communities of feather mite infrapopulations: First row, samples coloured by
mite species and (a) based on BrayCurtis and (b) Jaccard distances, respectively; second row, samples coloured by bird species and (c) based
on BrayCurtis and (d) Jaccard distances, respectively. OTUs counts were scaled to that of the smallest library following McMurdie and
Holmes (2014) and Denef et al. (2016)
DO ~
context-dependent (possibly even occasionally parasitic) relationship
between vane-dwelling feather mites and birds (Blanco et al., 2001).
In particular, future studies should investigate the following. (i) Using
appropriate and sensitive methods such as HPLC, test whether
uropygial gland oil is part of the diet of feather mites. A comparative
exploration of the diet of feather mites inhabiting birds with vestigial
uropygial gland that produce powder down would be also useful. If
uropygial oil is a large component of vane-dwelling feather mites, it
would be then important to test whether removal of the oil affects
bird fitness. (ii) Investigate whether the diet of feather mites differs
along the annual cycle of birds (e.g., migration, moult). (iii) Examine
the potential aerodynamic costs of harbouring different quantities of
feather mites. (iv) Determine effects of feather mites on host fitness
as mediated by other ectosymbionts (e.g., feather lice). (v) Test
whether an experimental increase in feather mitesabundance
increases, decreases or has no overall effect on host fitness. Lastly,
(vi) examine whether experimental variation in feather mites abun-
dance has a context-dependent (e.g., under different environmental
conditions) effect on host fitness over time.
Funding was provided by the Ministry of Economy and Competitive-
ness (Ram
on y Cajal research contract RYC-2009-03967 to RJ,
research project CGL2011-24466 to RJ, and CGL2015-69650-P to
RJ and DS) and by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Award
to AO and HP. Also, by A first look into feather mites diet selection
and endosymbiotic community: a metabarcoding approachproject
funded by the internal EBD proposal call Microproyectosfinanced
by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through
the Severo Ochoa Program for Centres of Excellence in R+D+I (SEV-
2012-0262). JD was supported by the Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness (Severo Ochoa predoctoral contract SVP-2013-
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na J, Proctor H, Serrano D, et al.
Feather mites play a role in cleaning host feathers: New
insights from DNA metabarcoding and microscopy. Mol Ecol.
DO ~
... This feeding behaviour thereby increases the probability of detecting DNA from prey items in the guts of astigmatan mites. DNA evidence has shown that vane-dwelling feather mites do not consume host tissues like feathers, blood, or skin (Doña et al., 2019), suggesting that they are not objectively harmful. Instead, they primarily consume bacteria and fungi (and possibly uropygial oil) that also reside on feathers (Doña et al., 2019); whether mites functionally operate as microbial predators or grazers within the feather ecosystem is not yet understood, but this concept is an emerging theme in microbial ecology (de la Cruz Barron et al., 2023;Guo et al., 2023;Potapov et al., 2022). ...
... DNA evidence has shown that vane-dwelling feather mites do not consume host tissues like feathers, blood, or skin (Doña et al., 2019), suggesting that they are not objectively harmful. Instead, they primarily consume bacteria and fungi (and possibly uropygial oil) that also reside on feathers (Doña et al., 2019); whether mites functionally operate as microbial predators or grazers within the feather ecosystem is not yet understood, but this concept is an emerging theme in microbial ecology (de la Cruz Barron et al., 2023;Guo et al., 2023;Potapov et al., 2022). Feather mites and other members of the Astigmata exhibit a nutritionally broad diet and are classified as predators, fungivores, microbivores, and/or detritivores (Doña et al., 2019;Walter & Proctor, 2013). ...
... Instead, they primarily consume bacteria and fungi (and possibly uropygial oil) that also reside on feathers (Doña et al., 2019); whether mites functionally operate as microbial predators or grazers within the feather ecosystem is not yet understood, but this concept is an emerging theme in microbial ecology (de la Cruz Barron et al., 2023;Guo et al., 2023;Potapov et al., 2022). Feather mites and other members of the Astigmata exhibit a nutritionally broad diet and are classified as predators, fungivores, microbivores, and/or detritivores (Doña et al., 2019;Walter & Proctor, 2013). Although some acariform mites (e.g. ...
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Individual organisms can function as ecosystems inhabited by symbionts. Symbionts may interact with each other in ways that subsequently influence their hosts positively or negatively, although the details of how these interactions operate collectively are usually not well understood. Vane‐dwelling feather mites are common ectosymbionts of birds and are proposed to confer benefits to hosts by consuming feather‐degrading microbes. However, it is unknown whether these mites exhibit generalist or selective diets, or how their dietary selection could potentially impact their symbiotic functional nature. In this study, we conducted 16S rDNA and ITS1 amplicon sequencing to examine the microbial diet of feather mites. We characterized and compared the diversity and composition of bacteria and fungi in the bodies of mites living on feathers of the Prothonotary Warbler, Protonotaria citrea, to microbial assemblages present on the same feathers. We found less diverse, more compositionally similar microbial assemblages within mites than on feathers. We also found that mites were resource‐selective. Based on the identity and known functions of microbes found within and presumably preferred by mites, our results suggest that these mites selectively consume feather‐degrading microbes. Therefore, our results support the proposition that mites confer benefits to their hosts. This study provides insight into symbioses operating at multiple biological levels, highlights the ecological and evolutionary importance of the synergistic interactions between species, and greatly expands our understanding of feather mite biology.
... However, Doña, Proctor, et al. (2019) studied the gut contents of a large sample of mites using microscopy and DNA metabarcoding, and found that bacteria and fungi were the main food resources for feather mites, while algae and plant materials were rather anecdotic, and bird tissues such as blood or skin were not found. ...
... 1. Organic matter (mainly fungi and bacteria) available on feathers' surface (Doña, Proctor, et al., 2019;Dubinin, 1951;Labrador et al., 2022). There is very little information on the amount of this resource present for mites in different bird species, and we only have a rough measure of its abundance in a snapshot (using qPCR; Labrador et al., 2022), but not the rate at which it appears on feathers, which is the parameter that the model needs. ...
... 2. Waxes produced by the uropygial gland that birds spread on feathers (Doña, Proctor, et al., 2019;Galván et al., 2008). Uropygial gland size is positively correlated, at least within species, with the amount of waxes it produces (Møller et al., 2009;Pap et al., 2010). ...
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Comprehending symbiont abundance among host species is a major ecological endeavour, and the metabolic theory of ecology has been proposed to understand what constrains symbiont populations. We parameterized metabolic theory equations to investigate how bird species' body size and the body size of their feather mites relate to mite abundance according to four potential energy (uropygial gland size) and space constraints (wing area, total length of barbs and number of feather barbs). Predictions were compared with the empirical scaling of feather mite abundance across 106 passerine bird species (26,604 individual birds sampled), using phylogenetic modelling and quantile regression. Feather mite abundance was strongly constrained by host space (number of feather barbs) but not by energy. Moreover, feather mite species' body size was unrelated to the body size of their host species. We discuss the implications of our results for our understanding of the bird–feather mite system and for symbiont abundance in general.
... Their ambiguous relationships with avian hosts have been debated extensively. Though traditionally seen as parasitic (Atyeo and Gaud, 1979;Thompson et al., 1997;Harper, 1999; see also Galván and Sanz, 2006), recent studies suggest that, feeding on uropygial gland secretions, they are not measurably pathogenic, or they are even possibly beneficial to their hosts (Galván et al., 2012;Doña et al., 2019). An exception could be unnatural conditions, such as mass poultry farming, or when the host condition is reduced (Philips, 1993;Proctor, 2003). ...
... This aligns with the recent view that feather mites are commensals or even mutualists, not feeding on vital bird resources (e.g. Pap et al., 2005;Matthews et al., 2018;Doña et al., 2019). However, other ectosymbionts might mask the effects of feather mites (cf. ...
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The effects of ectosymbiotic feather mites on avian host fitness and factors driving the variation in mite infestation levels, such as host mating and brood care system, are poorly understood. We investigated patterns of feather mite prevalence and abundance, and relationships between infestation and body condition in breeding Aquatic Warblers Acrocephalus paludicola, a promiscuous songbird with female-only parental care. In plumage, the dominant mite species was Trouessartia bifurcata, whose prevalence more than doubled during the breeding season, to reach 95% (95% confidence limits 71–99) during the second-brood period. Approximately 5% of birds were co-infested with Proctophyllodes cf. clavatus. While mite prevalence did not differ between sexes, mite abundance was significantly greater in Aquatic Warbler females than in males, and it increased between the first- and the second-brood period irrespective of sex. No significant relationship was found between mite prevalence or abundance and host condition expressed as mass scaled to size. However, in breeding females, this relationship could be confounded by the effects of nest-dwelling ectoparasites present in some nests but only sporadically if at all detected on adult birds; 2% of adult birds were heavily infested with the hematophagous mite Dermanyssus hirundinis (Mesostigmata). Our findings indicate that the mating system may affect symbiont variability between and within host species. The high prevalence of feather mites on adult birds at the late stage of the breeding season supports the hypothesis that promiscuous species have high infestation levels. Greater mite loads on Aquatic Warbler females than males reveal a different pattern from previously studied birds. However, we did not identify any consequences of mite infestation for the female body condition or current breeding success; hence, the apparently commensal relationship does not imply costs of female promiscuity.
... Moreover, the same study also noted that feather mites were mostly found on the outer primary feather as they are more exposed to preening oil, which is the source of their food. This was also corroborated in the studies of Blanco et al. (2001) and Doña et al. (2018). Both studies agreed that feather mites are not direct parasites but are detrimental parasites. ...
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Ectoparasites are essential in disease transmission on several hosts, including avian species. Studies on ectoparasites of birds in various habitats are substantial. However, this study was conducted to add to the minimal information about bird ectoparasites in fruit orchards. Birds were captured via mist netting in two preselected fruit orchards and dusted afterward for ectoparasite collection before release. Ectoparasites were identified based on their morphological features. Twenty-eight avian species (N=468 individuals of birds), 25% of which were Philippine endemic, were recorded in the surveyed fruit orchards. Nine species (N=24 individuals) were captured, all of which are known to occur in areas near human settlements. Ectoparasites were collected from feather dustings of 12 captured non-breeding individuals representing five of the nine bird species. The abundance, as well as the type of ectoparasites among captured birds, varied among bird species. An individual of Todiramphus chloris (white-collared kingfisher) had a heavy infestation. A total of 1618 adult ectoparasites were collected: 11 mites (9 identified to species level, two identified to genus level only), one species of flea, and eight louse (seven identified to species level, one identified to genus level only). Most ectoparasites collected were feather mites (order Acari, suborder Astigmata, family Analgoidea) and chewing lice (order Phthiraptera). Data revealed that despite a high degree of disturbance, fruit orchards do harbor and allow the existence of several birds, including endemic species. Despite the low capture rate, most bird individuals were infested with ectoparasites. This data reiterates previous reports that wild birds are important hosts of several ectoparasites including those found in fruit orchards. ABSTRAK Ektoparasit adalah penting dalam proses transmisi penyakit kepada perumah, termasuk spesies burung. Kajian tentang ektoparasit burung dalam pelbagai habitat adalah ada dijalankan. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini dijalankan untuk menambah maklumat tentang ektoparasit burung khususnya di dusun buah-buahan. Burung telah ditangkap menggunakan jaring kabus di dua kebun buah-buahan yang telah dipilih dan disikat bulu pelepahnya untuk pengumpulan ektoparasit sebelum dilepaskan. Ektoparasit dicamkan berdasarkan ciri morfologinya. Sejumlah 28 spesies burung (N=468 individu burung), 25% daripadanya adalah endemik Filipina, telah direkodkan dalam kebun buah-buahan yang dikaji. Sembilan spesies (N=24 individu) telah ditangkap, kesemuanya diketahui berlaku di kawasan berhampiran penempatan manusia. Ektoparasit dikumpul daripada debu bulu 12 individu bukan pembiakan yang ditangkap mewakili lima daripada sembilan spesies burung. Kelimpahan, serta jenis ektoparasit di kalangan burung yang ditangkap, berbeza-beza di kalangan spesies burung. Satu individu Todiramphus chloris (Raja Udang Kolar Putih) didapati mengalami imnfestasi yang tinggi Sebanyak 1618 ektoparasit dewasa telah dikumpul: 11 hama (9 dikenal pasti kepada peringkat spesies, dua dikenal pasti kepada peringkat genus sahaja), satu spesies pinjal dan lapan kutu (tujuh dikenal pasti kepada peringkat spesies, satu dikenal pasti kepada peringkat genus sahaja). Kebanyakan ektoparasit yang dikumpul adalah hama bulu (order Acari, suborder Astigmata, family Analgoidea) dan kutu kunyah (order Phthiraptera). Data mendedahkan bahawa walaupun terdapat gangguan yang tinggi, kebun buah-buahan tetap berlindung dan membenarkan kewujudan beberapa burung, termasuk spesies endemik. Walaupun kadar tangkapan rendah, kebanyakan individu burung telah dijangkiti ektoparasit. Data ini mengulangi laporan sebelumnya bahawa burung liar adalah tuan rumah penting beberapa ektoparasit termasuk yang terdapat di kebun buah-buahan.
... Arthrocatena has been reported, in different and mostly metabarcoding studies, from gut of feather mites in Spain (Doña et al. 2019), plants in China, Estonia and Italy (Wu et al. 2019;Giampetruzzi et al. 2020;Küngas et al 2020), indoor dust in the USA (Cox et al. 2022), tsetse fly in Tanzania (Kim et al. 2022) or rocks in Antarctica (Laichmanová 2023). This suggests that the ecological spectrum and distribution of Arthrocatenales may be wider than currently known. ...
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The widely treated order Capnodiales is one of the most important orders in the class Dothideomycetes. Recently, the order Capnodiales s. lat. was reassessed and split into seven orders (Capnodiales s. str., Cladosporiales, Comminutisporales, Mycosphaerellales, Neophaeothecales, Phaeothecales and Racodiales) based on multi-locus phylogeny, morphology and life strategies. In this study, two Arthrocatena strains isolated from sooty mould communities on the leaves of Tilia cordata and needles of Pinus nigra in southern Poland were analyzed. Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses (ITS-LSU-SSU-rpb2-tef1) along with morphological examination showed that they belong to Capnobotryella antalyensis, which represents a sister taxon to Arthrocatena tenebrosa. Capnobotryella antalyensis is a rock-inhabiting fungus described from Turkey. The following new combination is proposed: Arthrocatena antalyensis. Phylogenetic analyses also showed that Arthrocatena and related genus Hyphoconis, both known previously only from rocks, form a sister lineage to orders Cladosporiales and Comminutisporales. The new order Arthrocatenales and new family Arthrocatenaceae are proposed to this clade. Representatives of this order are extremophilic fungi that live on rocks and in sooty mould communities.
... One group of parasites, avian haemosporidians (Apicomplexa, Haemosporida), unicellular parasites transmitted by dipteran vectors, which include parasites from the genus Plasmodium (known as causative agents of malaria), have gained a lot of interest in recent years [4][5][6]. Feather mites (Acariformes, Astigmata, Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea) are another group of commensal or parasitic organisms associated with birds [7,8]. Despite the long history of research on these two groups of organisms, a lot of avian hosts are insufficiently studied. ...
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Host range expansions are an important factor for shaping the community of associated symbiotic organisms. Birds, as a highly mobile group of animals, are of particular interest to study with respect to the diversity and the distribution of the organisms using them as hosts during such large-scale movements. The Isabelline wheatear (Oenanthe isabellina) is a species with a main breeding area in Asia, which has expanded west, towards the Balkans, since the middle of the last century. We collected feather mites and blood samples for haemosporidian parasites screening from adult and juvenile Isabelline wheatears from the westernmost edge of the species breeding area in western Bulgaria. The feather mite species Alaudicola rosickyi (Černy, 1963), previously found on other wheatear species, was found for the first time on Isabelline wheatears. One species of avian malaria parasites—Plasmodium relictum (Grassi and Feletti, 1891) (lineage SGS1)—represented the first record of a malaria parasite in this host species in Europe. Increasing the sampling in the South European populations of the species will shed light on blood parasite species diversity and will reveal if other feather mite species have followed their host during its breeding range expansion.
... Feather mites, permanent ectosymbionts of birds, according to the current taxonomic point of view constitute two superfamilies of astigmatan mites, Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea (Acariformes: Astigmata). Most of these mites inhabit various microhabitats in the plumage of their hosts, and feed on preen gland oil and, by accident, on various materials staked to the feathers (algae, bacteria, fungi) (OConnor 1982;Gaud and Atyeo 1996;Doña et al. 2019). Feather mites are highly host specific and most species are monoxenous or stenoxenous (OConnor 1982;Doña et al. 2018). ...
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The Okinawa Rail, Hypotaenidia okinawae (Yamashina and Mano, 1981), is a flightless bird restricted to the northern part of Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. A new feather mite species, Metanalges (M.) agachi sp. n. (Analgidae: Megniniinae), is described from the Okinawa Rail. The new species is distinguished from the closest species, M. (M.) curtus Gaud and Mouchet, 1959, in having, in males, legs III extending slightly beyond the bases of setae h2, and setae ps1 approximately equidistant from setae h2 and h3, and in females, ventral setae 4a almost extending to the posterior margin of opisthosoma. This is the first report of feather mites associated with this avian host and the first record of the genus Metanalges Trouessart, 1919 in Japan. As the Okinawa Rail is considered to be at high risk of population decline, the new feather mite is thought to be under the risk of extinction.
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Bonelli's Eagle is an endangered species with little information on its ectoparasites. We studied their chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) infestations by visually searching the plumage of 64 wild and captive specimens. Three different species were identified: Degeeriella sp., Colpocephalum impressum and Laemobothrion maximum . This is the first case of Laemobothrion maximum on Bonelli's Eagle described. We also observe its haematophagous behavior. Due to the low prevalence of infestations, no alterations in the host health are described.
Birds have a diverse community of "permanent" arthropods that complete their entire life cycle on the body of the host. Because some of these arthropods are parasites that reduce host fitness, birds control them by grooming, which consists of preening with the beak and scratching with the feet. Although preening is the primary component of grooming, scratching is essential for controlling arthropods on the head and neck, which cannot be preened. Several unrelated groups of birds have evolved comb-like pectinate claws on the middle toenail of each foot. We tested the role of these claws in the control of arthropods by experimentally removing teeth from the claws of captive western cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) infested with chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera), feather mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes), and nasal mites (Acari: Mesostigmata). After a period of 4 mo, we compared the abundance of arthropods on experimental birds to that of control birds with intact teeth. We used video to quantify the grooming rates of the captive birds, which groomed twice as much as wild birds. Experimental and control birds did not differ significantly in grooming time. Both groups virtually eradicated the chewing lice, but not feather mites or nasal mites. We found no support for the hypothesis that pectinate claws increase the efficiency of arthropod control by grooming. Experiments with wild birds are needed to test the hypothesis further under conditions in which birds devote less time to grooming.
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A new feather mite species, Mycterialges boycianae sp. nov. (Xolalgidae), was identified from the Oriental Stork, Ciconia boyciana Swinhoe, 1873, in Korea. Males of M. boycianae sp. nov. are distinguished from Mycterialges mesomorphus Gaud & Atyeo, 1981, in having a single triangular prodorsal shield, sinuous margins of the opisthosoma located between setae e 2 and h 2 on the hysteronotal shield, an oval-shaped epiandrum without posterior extensions, a shorter tibia + tarsus IV than femoragenu IV, and an absent ambulacral disc of leg IV. Females differ in having a prodorsal shield with a posterior margin that is blunt-angular, and a concave posterior margin of the hysteronotal shield with posterior extensions. This study presents the first record of the feather mite genus Mycterialges in birds of the genus Ciconia (Ciconiidae). Additionally, we determined the phylogenetic relationship among Ingrassiinae using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit (COI).
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Host-symbiont relationships are ubiquitous in nature, yet evolutionary and ecological processes that shape these intricate associations are often poorly understood. All orders of birds engage in symbioses with feather mites, which are ectosymbiotic arthropods that spend their entire life on hosts. Due to their permanent obligatory association with hosts, limited dispersal, and primarily vertical transmission, we hypothesized that the cospeciation between feather mites and hosts within one avian family (Parulidae) would be perfect (strict cospeciation). We assessed cophylogenetic patterns and tested for congruence between species in two confamiliar feather mite genera (Proctophyllodidae: Proctophyllodes, Amerodectes) found on 13 species of migratory warblers (and one other closely related migratory species) in the eastern United States. Based on COI sequence data, we found three Proctophyllodes lineages and six Amerodectes lineages. Distance- and event-based cophylogenetic analyses suggested different cophylogenetic trajectories of the two mite genera, and although some associations were significant, there was little overall evidence supporting strict cospeciation. Host switching is likely responsible for incongruent phylogenies. In one case, we documented Prairie Warblers (Setophaga discolor) harboring two mite species of the same genus. Most interestingly, we found strong evidence that host ecology may influence the likelihood of host switching occurring. For example, we documented relatively distantly related ground-nesting hosts (Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapilla, and Kentucky Warbler, Geothlypis formosa) sharing a single mite species, while other birds are shrub/canopy or cavity nesters. Overall, our results suggest that cospeciation is not the case for feather mites and parulid hosts at this fine phylogenetic scale, and raise the question if cospeciation applies for other symbiotic systems involving hosts that have complex life histories. We also provide preliminary evidence that incorporating host ecological traits into cophylogenetic analyses may be useful for understanding how symbiotic systems have evolved.
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Predation is a powerful selective force with important effects on behavior, morphology, life history, and evolution of prey. Parasites may change body condition, health status, and ability to escape from or defend prey against predators. Once a prey individual has been detected, it can rely on a diversity of means of escape from the pursuit by the predator. Here we tested whether prey of a common raptor differed in terms of fungi from nonprey recorded at the same sites using the goshawk Accipiter gentilis and its avian prey as a model system. We found a positive association between the probability of falling prey to the raptor and the presence and the abundance of fungi. Birds with a specific composition of the community of fungi had higher probability of falling prey to a goshawk than individual hosts with fewer fungi. These findings imply that fungi may play a significant role in predator–prey interactions. The probability of having damaged feathers increased with the number of fungal colonies, and in particular the abundance of Myceliophthora verrucos and Schizophyllum sp. was positively related to the probability of having damaged feathers. In addition, we found a significant correlation between the rate of feather growth of goshawk prey with birds with more fungi being more likely to be depredated. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that survival and feather quality of birds are related to abundance and diversity of fungi.
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Climate change is a well-documented driver of both wildlife extinction and disease emergence, but the negative impacts of climate change on parasite diversity are undocumented. We compiled the most comprehensive spatially explicit data set available for parasites, projected range shifts in a changing climate, and estimated extinction rates for eight major parasite clades. On the basis of 53,133 occurrences capturing the geographic ranges of 457 parasite species, conservative model projections suggest that 5 to 10% of these species are committed to extinction by 2070 from climate-driven habitat loss alone. We find no evidence that parasites with zoonotic potential have a significantly higher potential to gain range in a changing climate, but we do find that ectoparasites (especially ticks) fare disproportionately worse than endoparasites. Accounting for host-driven coextinctions, models predict that up to 30% of parasitic worms are committed to extinction, driven by a combination of direct and indirect pressures. Despite high local extinction rates, parasite richness could still increase by an order of magnitude in some places, because species successfully tracking climate change invade temperate ecosystems and replace native species with unpredictable ecological consequences.
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The number of species on Earth is one of the most fundamental numbers in science, but one that remains highly uncertain. Clearly, more species exist than the present number of formally described species (approximately 1.5 million), but projected species numbers differ dramatically among studies. Recent estimates range from about 2 million species to approximately 1 trillion, but most project around 11 million species or fewer. Numerous studies have focused on insects as a major component of overall richness, and many have excluded other groups, especially non-eukaryotes. Here, we re-estimate global biodiversity. We also estimate the relative richness of the major clades of living organisms, summarized as a " Pie of Life. " Unlike many previous estimates, we incorporate morphologically cryptic arthropod species from molecular-based species delimitation. We also include numerous groups of organisms that have not been simultaneously included in previous estimates, especially those often associated with particular insect host species (including mites, nematodes, apicomplexan protists, microsporidian fungi, and bacteria). Our estimates suggest that there are likely to be at least 1 to 6 billion species on Earth. Furthermore, in contrast to previous estimates, the new Pie of Life is dominated by bacteria (approxi-mately 70–90% of species) and insects are only one of many hyperdiverse groups.
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Abundance is a key parameter in microbial ecology, and important to estimates of potential metabolite flux, impacts of dispersal, and sensitivity of samples to technical biases such as laboratory contamination. However, modern amplicon-based sequencing techniques by themselves typically provide no information about the absolute abundance of microbes. Here, we use fluorescence microscopy and quantitative polymerase chain reaction as independent estimates of microbial abundance to test the hypothesis that microbial symbionts have enabled ants to dominate tropical rainforest canopies by facilitating herbivorous diets, and compare these methods to microbial diversity profiles from 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Through a systematic survey of ants from a lowland tropical forest, we show that the density of gut microbiota varies across several orders of magnitude among ant lineages, with median individuals from many genera only marginally above detection limits. Supporting the hypothesis that microbial symbiosis is important to dominance in the canopy, we find that the abundance of gut bacteria is positively correlated with stable isotope proxies of herbivory among canopy-dwelling ants, but not among ground-dwelling ants. Notably, these broad findings are much more evident in the quantitative data than in the 16S rRNA sequencing data. Our results provide quantitative context to the potential role of bacteria in facilitating the ants’ dominance of the tropical rainforest canopy, and have broad implications for the interpretation of sequence-based surveys of microbial diversity.
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Significance Microorganisms residing within animal tissues as symbionts can be critically important to many aspects of animal biology. For example, the microbiomes of many insects, such as aphids, honeybees, and termites, can provide nutrients, deter pathogens, and help digest food. We examined whether caterpillars also engage in intimate microbial partnerships. Across a broad diversity of caterpillar species, we found that microbes in the gut are extremely low-abundance and predominantly leaf-derived, suggesting their transient nature. Furthermore, suppressing bacteria in tobacco hornworms ( Manduca sexta ) had no detectable effect on caterpillar growth or survival. With caterpillars as a prominent—but possibly not unique—example of relative autonomy, the degree of reliance on microbes is an underappreciated yet likely important dimension of animal biodiversity.
Typical (re)descriptions of feather mite species are based on characteristics of external morphology and of internal sclerotized structures visible in cleared specimens. We propose extending this standard by including sequence data of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene fragment (DNA barcode region chosen by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life). We describe a method of nondestructive DNA isolation, which leaves the feather mite exoskeleton intact for subsequent morphological analysis. Description of a new feather mite species Glaucalges tytonis (Analgoidea, Xolalgidae) from the plumage of the barn owl Tyto alba (Scopoli, 1769) (Strigiformes, Tytonidae) is presented as an example of the new procedure that may be implemented both for feather mites as well as for other groups of Acari.
Aim Highly host‐specific symbionts are very rarely found except with their typical host species. Although switches to new hosts are rare and difficult to detect, a switch to a host phylogenetically distant from the original one (a ‘major host switch’) could allow diversification of the symbionts onto the new host lineage. The consequences of such major host switches on the diversification of highly host‐specific symbionts of animals have rarely been explored. Here, we examine the host specificity of vane‐dwelling feather mites, a group that shows strong specificity, together with their host‐switching dynamics and the consequences of major host switches for their diversification. Location Global. Time period From 1882 to 2015. Major taxa studied Feather mites and birds. Methods Using the largest published dataset of feather mite–bird associations, we analysed raw, phylogenetic and geographical host specificity of feather mites. We studied host‐switching dynamics by describing the sharing by feather mites of bird species with different phylogenetic distances. For three of the most species‐rich feather mite families, we quantified the consequences of major host switches for feather mite diversification. Results Most feather mite species (84%) inhabit one to three very closely related host species. Assemblages of feather mites on birds do not show a geographical signature, but rather show strong host‐driven structuring. The probability that a mite species occurs on two host species decays sharply with host phylogenetic distance, with only one instance of a feather mite species occupying distantly related hosts from different orders. However, results suggest that despite the strong host specificity, a few major host switches triggered the origin of 21% of the species and 38% of the genera of the mite families studied. Main conclusions We show that feather mites are highly host‐specific symbionts, whose assemblages do not show geographical structure, even at a continental scale. We conclude that major host switches are very rare events with strong macroevolutionary consequences for feather mite diversity.
Parasite-host and insect-plant research have divergent traditions despite the fact that most phytophagous insects live parasitically on their host plants. In parasitology it is a traditional assumption that parasites are typically highly specialized; cospeciation between parasites and hosts is a frequently expressed default expectation. Insect-plant theory has been more concerned with host shifts than with cospeciation, and more with hierarchies among hosts than with extreme specialization. We suggest that the divergent assumptions in the respective fields have hidden a fundamental similarity with an important role for potential as well as actual hosts, and hence for host colonizations via ecological fitting. A common research program is proposed which better prepares us for the challenges from introduced species and global change.